VietnamUpdate on Thuy
Hang in there and praying for speedy recovery.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-10-28 11:32:00
VietnamActive tb case with 18 to 24 month treatment period
Some years ago I had a young Lieutenant Platoon Leader who spent time in the Alaska National Guard. Most of his unit was in "bush" Alaska. He was always tired and constantly dragging #### and just generally not doing the job, so like a good Platoon Sergeant I fired him then got knee deep in his behind. He told me TB is fairly common in the bush and he had it. His medicines were doing a number on him. I felt bad for him after that. He pulled through OK and the last I heard he moved to the Little 48 and is doing well. Due diligence is the key to managing any sickness.

Having gone to the pregnancy hospital a couple of times with Linh, I can totally believe the snot rocket doctor. Those hospitals are like farms.

I got some sort of creepin crud (put me out of commission but good and I don't mean maybe) on a visit in May 08 and Linh took me to Columbia in District 1. They seemed to be spot on there and the doctors actually talk to the patient unlike the farms. Maybe that can be a option.

We are all pulling for you.

PS. I let the kid have the Platoon back but had to fire him several more times over the course of his time here. Young Lieutenants. What are you gonna do?
deckerMaleVietnam2010-01-07 11:48:00
VietnamIntroducing New Expieriences to Fiancee
AHHHHHHHH Cold weather..... Linh and her daugther My have adjusted very well to the cold here in AK. We have had a lot of -20F (-22F right now) and a few in the -40F realm. It has surprised me how well thay are doing. We had a long streak where it would not go below 0. The first good cold snap took it to -20'ish overnight. She walked outside to give smoke and said OH MY GOD!!!!! as soon as the door opened. It took a while for her to go back out but now it doesn't even faze her too much. Funny.

We went to a hockey game last month. Linh found the fighting funny.

Ditto the LUNEX. Linh learned of them a while ago and they seem to be providing a good service, we have not had any problems at all.

Congratulations to you and JimVaPhoung.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-01-19 12:08:00
VietnamBig Problem
When I came in the Army in 1985, most of the folks that raised me as a young private fought in VN. They taught me that VN people were devils and prostitutes and beggars and just plain evil. They regaled my young ears with tales of combat against underhanded foes where we always came out on top because we were better somehow. I listened to angry people talking about "What they did to us". I soaked it all up and harbored the same resentment for years and when Clinton normalized relations, I felt like we had been betrayed.

Fast forward to 2005 when I made my first trip to VN working for the Joint POW/MIA Accounting command in Vinh Phuc, Ninh Binh and Son La provinces recovering remains of Americans from the war. In the 2 months I was there I saw a totally different people than what I was taught to see. No where was there any animosity, hate or intolerance toward me or anybody on my team. I learned that contrary to what Western people will have us believe there is more to SEA than prostitution, partying and cheap shopping. I learned about a people that are very family oriented, more so than Americans. I learned about people who want the same stuff I or anybody in America wants. I learned from veterans of the American and French war how VN soldiers believed in what they were doing just as much as we did, perhaps even more being they had the strength and discipline to see it through and win. I learned that the American war was a tiny blip on the history of VN; the French war is a much bigger deal and source of pride. I also learned about what WE did to them, which is far worse than anything they did.

I met my wife in 2007 and made 4 trips to see her and 1 more JPAC mission. I have been eeeeeeverywhere in the north and south of that country and never in 6 trips to VN, 1 to Cambodia and 3 to Thailand did I run into the devils I was taught to despise on sight. Never in any of the places I went, with or without Linh or a linguist, metropolitan or remote jungle mountainside did I feel like I was in any danger from the people around me.

You really need to go to VN. There are aspects of the culture that you will never get unless you go. You also MUST meet her family. You will have ZERO credibility with them if you don't. Bottom line is your family needs to let you get on with your life.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-01-11 20:17:00
VietnamBest Way to Ship Document to VN
VN post has lightened a couple boxes I sent. They also emptied one totally, but were nice enough to deliver it anyway. FEDEX has never been a problem, although $$$$$.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-01-29 14:59:00
VietnamHave you learned your SO's language?
I used RS and like Josephs said it is using the Northern dialect so Linh looked at me all stupid-like. My complaint with RS is that you don't get the translation with it. You are basically parroting sentences associated to a picture.

She also refused to teach me while I came to visit her because "Then all pretty ladies be talking to you!" She is pretty territorial. Her daughter My is teaching me some.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-09-15 10:17:00
VietnamIRS' W7: Should I file ?
Jim, you are like an encyclopedia. :thumbs: Thank you for the reassurance!
deckerMaleVietnam2010-03-04 11:17:00
VietnamIRS' W7: Should I file ?
CR1? IR1?

How about a K2 child?

When I applied for Linh's SSN the office lady said her daughter (10YO) is not eligible for SSN and I have to file W7.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-03-03 19:15:00
VietnamWedding Anniversary
That is awesome! Congratulations!
deckerMaleVietnam2010-04-21 10:12:00
VietnamMy first trip
We would stay together everywhere and nothing was said, probably because Linh paid off whoever. I watched money sliding across the table on more than one occasion. Cash is king.

Stay with her parents so they can know you too. You will learn a lot just being there. Try to engage them to the best of your ability. You will gan a lot. Enjoy!
deckerMaleVietnam2010-01-25 15:57:00
Rooftop of her family's house in district 12. Small, simple and easy. :thumbs:
deckerMaleVietnam2010-07-26 10:54:00
VietnamWhat would you get your in-law?
smoked salmon.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-07-26 15:00:00
VietnamLinh wants me to bring her sister here.
Linh wants help with our son and her sister Lien just happens to fit the bill perfectly. So I now have the task of bringing my sister in law here. I have found two possible routes, I-140 as a employee of ours or as an Au Pair which seems to require the use of 1 of 12 authorized Au Pair agencies.

Lien tried for a Tourist Visa at HCM and no surprise outcome for that. Student Visa is iffy in that I doubt she would meet TOEFL requirements and admissions to U of Alaska anytime soon.

Suggestions for a different path?
deckerMaleVietnam2010-08-19 11:55:00
VietnamIs it true? Visa only good for one week?
Linh was told that she had one month to leave VN. This was in July 09. Don't know why.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-10-27 10:57:00
VietnamName change after getting married
Keeping her family name is the traditional way. Apparently so is keeping all manner of junk. Linh has discovered the "second hand" stores and has been preparing for some apocalypse to befall us. I thought I was the only one dealing with mild hoarding. Thanx folks.

Edited by decker, 22 November 2010 - 03:42 PM.

deckerMaleVietnam2010-11-22 15:40:00
VietnamNeed help with gift ideas for recent VN immigrants
Warm clothes.
Maybe offer to pay a big bill?
Stuff to get the new household running.
And more warm clothes.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-12-20 11:46:00
VietnamWhat food did your SO dislike when the first arrived
They don't like the fast food at all, I can't really blame them. She cooks everything the way she wants it. She made a trip home in Oct and brought back a TON (14 boxes to the tune of $1500. took me two trips to the airport to get it all home) of stuff to cook with so it's all good now.

Fairbanks has a few Thai restaurants one of which was my favorite for a while, used to go 4-5 times a month with my co-workers. Took Linh there once and she was not impressed at all. I was banned in a very subtle but unmistakeable way.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-01-03 11:48:00
VietnamVietnamese women are bossy
My wife runs me like a rented mule.

Funny story concerning the haggling thing... Linh lived in Cambodia for a while when she was a kid and speaks Khmer. We were in the central market in Phnom Penh and I was looking at some doodad and passing the calculator back and forth with the girl. She is talking with a buddy and apparently said something Linh did not like. Linh launched into her and sent the girl scampering like a scalded dog. Came back all smiles. The lesson here is no matter while you are, somebody speaks your language.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-01-03 11:36:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
And of course the only thing france ever did well for Vietnam, bahn mi. With real butter and a cup of steaming tea in the morning before the sun comes up.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-08-21 16:24:00
Vietnamoff topic Favorite Vietnamese Food
There was a nice little mi shop in Phu Nhuan around the corner from Linh's place and right across the street very good cam suon. I felt bad going to one place or the other because I felt like the other owner was staring at me for the betrayal. Weird I know, but good food. I miss it.

Linh's mom cooks awesome bahn cahn.

I will miss going over there even if it is two feet from the sun hot.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-08-21 16:21:00
VietnamThe HMC Consulate
Linh's notice said no buddies allowed.

It's much more fun to hang out across the street. People watching at its finest.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-02-04 20:49:00
No Tet post yet? You guys are slipping!

Happy Tet everyone.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-02-02 12:28:00
Vietnamvietnam visa exemption
Looking for the link to the form for the exemption. Linh wants to return home and our son needs the exemption. VN Embassy website does not seem to have it.
deckerMaleVietnam2010-04-05 10:14:00
VietnamSingle Status Affidavit
you don't need it buddy.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-04-19 10:50:00
VietnamMarrage in Vietnam
I can't comment on CR1, we did the K1-2 route. Unless they are on the bad side of the law ,VN guvmint will allow them to leave no problem, folks travel everywhere from there. It's the US side that will fill your life with grief. Our process took about a year and we had a fairly easy time of it. Other folks on this board have had a miserable time, even throwing in the towel and moving to HCM (ballsy move I might add.) You really don't need to have a lawyer, the process is pretty easy if you follow the guides.

Might want to visit more than once.

Be prepared for a DNA requirement for her child, that was our biggest hurdle. She also needs to get the father to give up custody.

Get the child in good English lessons early. It will pay off.

Enjoy the ride!
deckerMaleVietnam2011-05-20 14:56:00
Vietnamflirting= harmless?
"Linh, teach me Vietnamese"
"Because other Vietnamese lady be talking to you"

That was pretty clear.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-05-20 15:01:00
VietnamAdvice Needed for B2
B2? Yeah, my sister in law tried twice, my wifes parents tried once, I tried twice for my wife. Without the boring details of money, land, VP job, and travel/living abroad her family has giant ties and very compelling reasons to return to VN but were not allowed to present anything. Ever. No questions, no documents looked at, nothing but a denial letter with the ubiquitous 214b blurb. Call your congress guy? We went to two Senators on this and got the same form letter with the same 214b quote. Unless they are dripping money and are well known in HCM they are probably not getting anything but 214b. The Consulate is not even nice enough to tell you why. No. 214b, thats it. Go ahead and roll the dice, let me know how it turns out.

If you want to make this go, you will have to go there. VN is a cool place to visit and you should learn about her culture so enjoy that.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-05-25 10:34:00
VietnamOK, here's my situation.
Buddy, first get the divorce thing sorted out. Second fix the house thing. Then get on stable footing with the finances. Then start on the visa deal.

Birthdays are interesting. Linh lived in Cambodia for a while and when the family came back, VN guvmint assigned her a new birthday and her sister a new country of birth. People like to assign themselves new birthdays as well. New Years and Christmas being top choices. Just make sure the paperwork is consistent across the board.

Linh and I have 14 yrs between us. Look at the photo gallery on this site and see the age differences.

My mother in law didn't really like me at first but she thinks I walk on water now. Dad will come around when he sees you are serious. Like any other Dad.

Keep all boarding passes, itineraries, hotel receipts, phone records etc. An expanding accordion file is awesome.

Make more visits if you can.

enjoy the ride.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-05-25 19:45:00
VietnamB2 for the inlaws...SUCCESS!
So Linhs Mom and Dad have been here for a few weeks now. After the first failure and summary dismissal we went back to the Alaska Senators office and his assistant sent a letter. We got the standard explanation but she said try again and she would sent a another just before they went to interview. Behold...a B2 was issued from HCM. I about fell over.

Mom and Dad are enjoying their time here. It has been raining pretty steady and in the low 60's though. Mom is living in one of my down coats. We went to Denali park but could not see The Mountain or any mountains for that matter. Took them to the local hotsprings and to the schoolhouse down at Black Rapids. They can't get over all the free roaming animals and empty space. Dad is fixing all kinds of stuff I have not had the chance to. Of course they have been spoiling the kids especially our son who will not leave Ong Ngoai for any reason.

Pretty cool.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-07-05 18:28:00
VietnamCRBA required before a visa will be issued
Jim to answer your question, Linh was given a list of approved DNA collectors by the Consulate. Fairbanks Alaska does not have a DNA clininc so I had to get a company in Seattle named Genelex who is AABB accredited. Genelex contacted a clinic here in Fairbanks who they are affiliated with through the AK court system. I went to the clinic did the swab which was sent to Seattle. Genelex also sent a kit to the Consulate who informed Linh to go to IOM, then the whole thing was put together back in Seattle. Then the Consulate was FEDEX'd the results, Linh went back to finish her interview.

We had to do this for the Visa interview and not the CRBA. Consulate did not even use the test for our son, but for Linh and her daughter.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-03-17 10:59:00
VietnamCRBA required before a visa will be issued
I did a CRBA and it was a very simple process. But oddly enough I did not have to do DNA for our son to get CRBA. Our DNA deal came about when Linh went back for round two of the interview and DNA was demanded for all four of us but only actually used for Linh and her daughter. Cost over 1000 bones for that one. Guvmint...
deckerMaleVietnam2011-03-16 10:47:00
VietnamEvidence or Red Flag
I was sending a lot more than that and nobody even raised an eyebrow. Keep all the receipts.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-10-26 10:36:00
VietnamOffice job vs Doing Nails or Hair
Linh opened a small coffee and lunch stand. She went home last year and bought a giant pile of "spicy" (two trips to the airport to get it home) and cooks all manner of food besides the ubiquitous pho and spring rolls. She also imported several hundred pounds of Highlands coffee which I think was the best move she made in all of this. She is doing rather well and it keeps her busy. It totally drained everything we had which caused considerable friction. I never knew Fairbanks Alaska had so many Viet Kieu but they came out of the wood work after she opened. Apparently they own the nail shops according to Linh. Sadly a good number of them were exceedingly critical of her. She came home close to crying several times. Restauranting takes a bunch of time and will empty your accounts and the returns are fickle, so beware if she is contemplating that.

Two bright spots. She did make a friend out of it though and oddly enough Mai owns the other VN restaurant in town. Been here since the early 70's. They have become good friends and help each other a lot. And right across the street from Linh's shop is a Tai Chi center that has a nice pagoda inside. The guy that runs the place lets her go there to give smoke so she has that again. Pretty good.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-10-26 10:28:00
VietnamGood Vietnamese Music?
Jimmy Ngyuen is pretty good. Hui Linh (Spelling?) is real good as long as my wife translates.
deckerMaleVietnam2011-12-13 20:34:00
Vietnamdo most people (K1 Visa) receive Green Card in the mail without an interview?
Linh had an interview which was easy enough. We had to go get some more papers and make a copy which was a pain but it all worked.
deckerMaleVietnam2012-02-07 11:43:00
VietnamNailing The American Dream, With Polish
Fairbanks Alaska has a couple nail shops and it's mostly VN too.

Linh wants nothing to do with that. She went in for the drive through lunch stand. Doing ok as long as summer is here. Winter hits and it gets sloooooooooooow.

Immigrants have always done what they can to make it go I guess.
deckerMaleVietnam2012-06-19 11:08:00
Asia: East and Pacificbirth certificates of parents?

The older folks that I have been around pick their own birthdays any way. 25 December and 1 January are favorites for some reason. The VN guvmint even picked Linhs birthday for her and picked her sisters birth country. good.gif
deckerMaleVietnam2009-07-07 16:09:00
Asia: East and PacificSending money
Western Union would sometimes deny Linh getting money because I had spelled her name wrong, or put them in "American order" instead of Vietnamese order, or the number didn't match. It's all fraud protection.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-08-12 16:29:00
Asia: East and Pacificwant to read my HCMC timeline?
Well done! Very nice story.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-08-19 19:24:00
Asia: East and PacificDid everyone have a good moon day celebration?
We cooked and had a bunch of friends over. I learned a lot more details about the offering of food and such. I was slacking on trying to find a moon cake for her but she said "no problem". Friends really enjoyed Linh's most excellent cooking. Everyone is now looking forward to Tet.
deckerMaleVietnam2009-10-05 10:39:00