K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f to be sent tomorrow!
Yup, two G325As (one for each) and 4 passport pics (2 for each)
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-01-02 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f to be sent tomorrow!
Ok, sending my I-129f to the Texas Lockbox this morning!
I've found this site's resources a MAJOR help in getting everything together
I've got:
*Cover Letter (listing all the items in the packet
*G1145 E-Notification
*Money Order to the US Department of Homeland Security for $340
*G325A with passport pics for both me and her
*Letters of intent, one for her, one for me
*Copy of Birth Certificate
*Copy of All Pages of Passport
*Evidence of having met in past two years
I'm just a little worried about evidence of having met in the past two years, but here's what I have
*Primary Evidence: Copy of all pages of my passport showing entry and exit stamps for my most recent trip (Aug 2012-Nov 2012), Bank Statements showing ATM Withdrawals in Phnom Penh as well as Ta Khmao (the city where she lives), Attendance records and grade reports on a bible study class we took together (rather unimpressive looking, but it's the only thing that has both our names), and a Certification of the part-time job I held in Phnom Penh from Sept thru November.
*Secondary Evidence: Photos (10) of us at several occasions (including our flashy engagement pics and our engagement ceremory), several of them are dated.
I don't have ANYTHING else I can possibly think of, especially something that has both her name and my name. Most things were done with cash there, it's just kind of how it is there.
+Evidence of continuing relationship (December's long-distance phone bill from REBTEL)
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-01-02 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 (woot!) Plus a few questions
Not sure about cruises. I OBVIOUSELY wouldnt go on an international cruise (unless i got an advance parole, which i'm very vague on how difficult it is, whats the burden of proof, etc) but the travel document guidelines for cruises that are purely domestic are fairly vague as well. They state you dont need a passport, but just any govt issued ID. But what if the traveler is not a citizen? These are probably questions i'll need to direct to an expert of some kind
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-01-10 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 (woot!) Plus a few questions
Just got NOA1 today! So excited things are moving along! My petition got sent to the California processing center
Anyway, just have a few questions.
1) Engagement ceremony pics. I included them in my packet, and now I'm worried that since they look pretty extravagant someone might possibly think we're married. From what I understand our ceremony was pretty typical of Cambodian culture. I attached the pic I sent, look and you can tell me what you think. Do I need to be worried about my petition or is it only the consulate I need to fear? What can I provide that might help our case that we've never been married (besides being basically legally impossible for me to have married her in Cambodia, the laws are way too strict these days)
2) Receptions. We are planning to have 2 receptions, one in Cambodia before we come the the US and get married, then one here after we get married. Is this dangerous also? We are planning in holding our Cambodian reception after the visa is in hand, so I don't think they will be anyone who really questions if we are married after the consulate interview, right?
3) Honeymoon. We've talked and we really want to go on a cruise. Are there going to be restrictions on cruises with her status?

Anyway, wish me luck and fast processing times!

Attached Files

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-01-08 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYet Another I-134 Self-Employed question.

Did you say that you will not be getting married legally? Or did you intend to say illegally? You are only having the a reception and ceremony in Cambodia, right (without signing the legal documents)? Then, you will sign the legal paperwork in a courthouse in the United States.

We are planning on getting married in the US, full blown ceremony plus reception here, getting a nice, cheap AZ marriage licence (Marriage licence in Cambodia can be $1500 or more!). We are having a reception there, but will not get legally married as that would disqualify the k-1 fiancee visa. I hear even the appearance of getting married has been cause for consulates to deny a visa, so as long as the consulate doesn't know and we do it after we have visa in-hand, I think we'll be safe.

As for the savings thing, I get what you are saying now. I thought it was an all or nothing, like if you didn't meet the poverty guidelines, (so $15,000) then you had to have 5x the poverty line income in assets, (so $75,000), but it's 5x the DIFFERENCE so in my case, the difference from last years taxes and the poverty requirement is like $4,000, so I would need to have $20,000. Even if I put a hold on paying off my current debts, I don't think I would have quite that much (which I would only need if they were looking at last years taxes and not earnings YTD, which should be well above the poverty guidelines by Sep) Thanks for the clear up though, it's something to think about.

So the question still remains: is a YTD Earnings statement, along with monthly P&Ls and bank statements enough to convince the consulate I can support my wife-to-be?
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-02-19 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYet Another I-134 Self-Employed question.
Preface: I've read through 4 or 5 threads, and don't quite see anyone with a very similar situation, so I hope I can get a simple question answered.

Anyway, here's the situation
*Pre 2011: Student and worked part-time, dismal income
*2012: Self Employed (1099 Contractor + Single Member LLC). Business did not pick up till half-way through the year, and I spent 3 months in Cambodia with my fiancee, made $11,000
*2013: Self Employed (1099 Contractor + Single Member LLC). Currently pulling in about $2500/month (profit). Paying off lots of debts, but I should be able to pay all those off and have my goal of $10,000 in my savings account when I intend to return to Cambodia this fall when my fiancees petition goes through, and be there for maybe 2 months while she finishes her packet 3, interviews, and we plan to have a (secret) traditional, cambodian reception (we will NOT be getting married legally, but her parents DEMAND a traditional ceremony) and then traveling back to the US where I'll continue my self-employment.

Tax returns will be useless, I've never made above the poverty line for 1 person, but I should be able to show monthly P&L showing an income of $22,500 YTD (assuming through Sep), and bank statements showing about $4,000/month in deposits.

Simply question, will that be enough evidence?

P.S. If I absolutely need to, since I haven't filed this years taxes yet, I can "loose" some expense receipts and show a profit of $15,130, the poverty line for 2012, I'd just end up paying a lot more in taxes. That shouldn't be necessary, right?
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-02-18 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi need addition space for fiance address on I-129f
If you need extra space to answer any question, you can always attach a piece of paper, clearly titled with the petition type, question number, the question itself, and the answer.
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-03-14 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHiring an immigration lawyer or filing yourself?

You have the option of hiring a lawyer, but I've heard lots of stories on the forums of lawyers screwing up.  I would recommend you do it yourself, but do it smart.  Read the guides, the instructions, everything you can, and double check everything.  I got my petition approved in 4 months with no RFEs, and I did not use a lawyer.  If you do hire a lawyer, don't just trust them that they'll do everything correctly, double check everything they do.  Since it means you have to know the ins and outs anyways, just do it yourself.

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-08 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 questions

I would refer to  All you are doing really is building a case for yourself, showing that you can support you immigrant and everyone else dependent on you.  The evidence you have listed is a good start, but the more the marrier.  It's up to the consulate what is enough, however, I've heard of denials for people that make more than the 125% because the consulate did not see the income as "stable".  Besides that, I would look into getting maybe $500K in a term life insurance policy as well, as it will probably only cost you less than $20 a month if you are young (I pay $16/mo.) and shows your fiancee would have support, even if the worst were to happen.  The more you can show the better.  I've never heard of anyone denied due to "too much evidence"

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-23 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Error

i eliminated all the commas from my submission, and it still errors out, so that is not the problem.

If this is indeed an error 500 ... that implies that their back-end server that processes the data is down.   Which means, at best, it probably will be down until monday since if they don't even bother to monitor their own systems, they probably don't have anybody working over the weekends to restart the service.  But it sounds like it's been down at least this past Friday, if not part of thursday, so they are really out of touch with their systems... probably nobody has been able to communicated directly with the system administrators of the box to let them know it's even having problems.   Argh...    You're in the Army now... Hurry up and Wait....



What we are getting is an "HTTP 500 error" This means that there is a programing problem on their side of things. There is nothing we can do about it. If you are getting the "your computer doesn't meet the minimum requirements" popup then you need to update your browser and your adobe acrobat.



I just tried mine no and it is coming up with 'an error occurred....' I am so annoyed. Does anyone know what is going on?





has anyone on here manged to fill in the ds-156 online successfully in the last couple of days? e.g. clicked continue and got the barcode? 



Same Problem Here. " Error occurred" everytime I click in Continue. I don't know what to do anymore.



I'm getting the same error, I've tried on 4 different computers, through chrome, firefox and IE and all come back with an error and to contact system administrator. This is the last form I need for packet 3 before I send it off and I got packet 3 about a week ago. sad.png


Someone suggested not using comma's on the form.  I hope it is fixed soon, is anyone sending in packet 3 (I know most likely country specific) anyways?



I am also having this problem right now! I can't submit my DS-156 after completion sad.png


Woohoo, just tried it again, and I got the form generated.  Let me know if it's working for anyone else now

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-22 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Error

Yup, still down.  Let's make lots of NOISE!!! go to to report the problem.  If you have an interview coming up soon just use the fillable PDF:

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-22 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Error

I am also having this problem.  Multiple PCs, multiple browsers.  Let's make lots of noise.  It'll get noticed if we make a lot of noise about!

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-21 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments needed with form I-134 (merged)

also the instruction at


DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-24 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFluctuating income I-134

I have a question regarding the I-134. Question #7 asks what my annual income is.

I'm a little confused what to answer here, as my income from week to week fluctuates. I am a full-time employee, but one week I may work 40 hours and the next 90 hours so I really am not sure what my annual income is yet. Attached to my I-134 I have last years tax return. I only worked 1/2 the year but since then I have received a sizable raise per hour. There is no doubt that I will make over the 125% this year (I have the copies of pay stubs to prove so.) I guess I'm just confused on what to answer there along with the fact I was 300$ short of the new 125% put out this year but only because I worked half of the year. My tax return states this, so I'm guessing I should probably just go with a co-sponsor. Otherwise I'm going to be pretty worried about getting the I-134 approved.

Go to your bank and get a statement of all deposits in the last 12 months (I'm assuming you worked the last haf of last year).  It even recommends to do so in the I-134 Instuction PDF

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-24 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressame sex fiance visa

File right away.  The fastest petitions approved are like 3 months, but usually are around 5-6 months average (mine was 4 1/2 months).  Either way, by that time, as long as you make enough such that you have a job that could support 3 (assuming you don't have anyone else you will be supporting in the US), which would be $24,412/yr minimum, which is like a $13/hr FT job.  If you have any kind of education or a little drive there's no reason you couldn't make twice that.

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-07-07 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCloning the example letter of intent

Thanks guys, thats what I was thinking / hoping :)

tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-24 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCloning the example letter of intent

Is it ok for us to both directly copy the letter of intent (obviously with the details changed), so they essential read the same?

Just checking they arent looking for an original letter ...



tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-24 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReferencing Proofs in Question 18 attachment

Ok Thanks, I'll split the proofs off into a separate document and change/update references within it.


It's our intention/hope that I will be there with Matt when he has the interview, that's allowed right?

If so, that'd go a long way to act as proof I'd hope smile.png



Aslo, I did just notice that I have an old form.

I guess I'll copy stuff over to it now - very annoying!

Edited by tetlee, 24 August 2013 - 08:21 AM.

tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-24 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReferencing Proofs in Question 18 attachment



This is my first post but I've been lurking for a while, the sites been a big help to us so thanks for everyone contributions!


Hopefully we'll file over the next week but I was just going over the guide and I'm now not sure what I have done for question 18 is appropriate.

I answered the question on a single page but then also include another 4 pages with 3 photos of us and 2 copies of entry stamps to the US in my fiancée's passport.

My thinking was the pages would be paper clipped together, with a footer on each stating "I-129F Question 18 Continued" and then the page number.


So it reads like this


Whilst Matthew was on holiday in Phoenix (02/27/2013 till 03/24/2013) a mutual friend thinking we were well suited introduced us.

See page 5 a copy of Matthew's entry point passport stamp, dated 02/27/2013.





Amongst many other things while staying with Matthew we took a trip to Paris for 2 nights. See page 3 and 4, pictures of us at the Eiffel Tower, July 6th 2013.


Is this too much for question 18?

I've kind of blurred the line between the question and including proof of an on going relationship


As Matt is British I believe the burden of proof asked for by the London Embassy is less, so in the initial packet we intend to only include the 3 pictures and copy of the 2 stamps.


Any thoughts gratefully received


Edited by tetlee, 24 August 2013 - 05:57 AM.

tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-24 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel Document Number

It's passport number


Thanks Lianie,


The one above, 15e asks for the Passport Number

I know they like duplication but it seems odd to have them so close :)


Any thoughts?

Leave it blank?  Put down passport number? Something else?



tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel Document Number



We are filling whilst the benificary is in the country so on the new i-129f we need to fill out section 15.

Using the website we've found the i94 details but number 15f asks for the "Travel document Number"


The beneficary holds a UK passport and entered under the Visa Waiver Program

I checked on the ESTA website and the number issued there is refered to as "Application Number"


I cant see "Travel Document Number" listed anywehere, I'm guessing in our case its not issued?




tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 interview and no jabs

Right. Although curious why Knightsbridge didn't administer them.

You'll have to go to a civil surgeon once you're in the US and have them fill out the I-693. You can get the vaccinations would probably be cheaper at your GP in the UK if possible. The US civil surgeon will need proof of you having received the vaccinations or will administer them to you in order to fill out the required AOS form.


Agreed, I'd go to your GP now and get whatever you can.

In the appointment I got the nurse to print me a copy of my records after she'd updated it - easier than going through the front desk ;)

tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsors Birth Certificate

Great thanks guys, suitably reassured

tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsors Birth Certificate



I thought I'd read the sponsors birth certificate was needed for the K1 interview but now I cant see any reference to it.

Can someone reassure me that its not needed? smile.png



tetleeMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed police clearance from Brunei (split topic)

My fiance is going thru this right now, were you guys able to get the police report from  Brunei and how quick?  any help will be appriciated.


My mom went to brunei embassy in makati. she was asked to bring an interview letter from US embassy and a letter from you (applicant)stating why you need it and other requirements i read in this thread. they will also take your payment. they are the one who will send it to their commisioner in brunei. it took about more than a month before my mom get hers.

hope this helps and goodluck!

Edited by Ryan H, 09 June 2014 - 06:23 PM.

lady_trollFemalePhilippines2014-06-09 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow will NVC notify you about the case?

I am waiting too... here is a link I found... (Starting with the green Note bar and below is the info)...  http://www.visajourn.../content/k1flow  content.gif  

Kevin and BlancaNot TellingChile2013-06-13 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Issuance


  We have finally mailed everything into the consulate in Serbia to set up the interview. WOOHOO! My dilemma:

  I have to buy flights for myself and the fiance as soon as we get the date of interview. Does anyone have ANY idea if Serbia issues their K-1 same day or if there is a processing time??



acoe85Female02013-06-29 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport photos
In getting passport photos taken for the I-129f petion, how many each do my fiancee and I need? Do we need multiples for back up copies or would copies of the photos do?
Ally86Not Telling02014-01-01 01:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 affidavit question
I meant to say 125%...
Ally86Not Telling02014-01-01 03:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 affidavit question
I meant to say 125%...
Ally86Not Telling02014-01-01 03:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 affidavit question
I am currently unemployed but have hope of getting a job in the new year, do to studying and never having been previously employed I do not have any tax returns that I can provide, if I do get permenate employment soon and I'm making 120% of the poverty, will this be an issue?

Also I have no one that can co sponsor
And my fiancee will be coming from England

Ally86Not Telling02014-01-01 02:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbirth certificate
I had to obtain a copy of my birth certificate, its only printed on one side, but it is an official copy. I read that the front and back have to be copied to submit with the i-129. Is it acceptable to submit a copy of my one sided birth certificate?
I had to obtain a copy of my birth certificate, its only printed on one side, but it is an official copy. I read that the front and back have to be copied to submit with the i-129. Is it acceptable to submit a copy of my one sided birth certificate?
Sorry for the double post
Ally86Not Telling02014-01-02 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F approved, starting first job today, how long do we wait?
Has anyone here had any experience in a similar situation, or may know more about London's self sponsorship? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Edited by Ally86, 09 June 2014 - 11:43 PM.

Ally86Not Telling02014-06-09 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F approved, starting first job today, how long do we wait?



I have never had a job before and have no previous tax records yet; I am the petitioner and we had our petition approved on April 11 2014, we have til August 11 to proceed (without an extension).


I'm starting my job today and it pays 125% of the federal poverty line. I will be picking up my first pay check on June 27 and will be paid every two weeks. I understand I need two pay stubs as evidence of this.


How much other documentation will I need to arrange/provide and how long (or soon) do I have to wait before we can file the I-134?





PS we're filing through London :) My fiancé is also providing police certificate and is awaiting for the right time to arrange the medical exam. :)

Ally86Not Telling02014-06-09 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134
Is there any phone number or website that might be able to help me?

Sorry for the chain of replies, it won't let me edit my first post.

Ally86Not Telling02014-06-13 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134
Also the woman I babysit for has agreed to sign a notorized statement that my employment is permanent and on going.

Edited by Ally86, 13 June 2014 - 08:42 AM.

Ally86Not Telling02014-06-13 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134
Is income from private employment such as babysitting an acceptable supplement income for an i-134 filed through London.

Being that with current job and regular babysitting job on the side, it meets 125% requirement.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by Ally86, 13 June 2014 - 08:34 AM.

Ally86Not Telling02014-06-13 08:24:00
PhilippinesWould having a sister who may be an illegal alien affect my fiance's K-1 approval?

From what I understand, the Philippines is a high-fraud country, but you should be ok if you can prove your burden.  If it were a tourist or work visa it might hurt the case more, as the burden of proof is that the applicant does NOT have intent to immigrate in those cases, but since this is handled differently, since the intent IS to immigrate.  Your burden is to prove your relationship is legitimate, and that your fiancee does not intend to use you and the K-1 process as a tool to immigrate.

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-06-19 21:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long for NOA1

I-129F received 12/24/12
I-797C notice received 12/27/12

how long does it usually take to receive NOA1?

just being impatient/nervous. Sorry.

I-797C=NOA1 (notice that at the top heading of your document, it states "Form I797C, Notice of Action"
Don't worry bud, hang in there. Remember, you can always go to and put your receipt number (WAC##########) and see where your petition is at. National goal for processing time is 5 months. I got mine in about 1 week after yours, and it's killing me being apart, but I'm just buckling down with work, studying for more IT certs, and getting things ready to build a life with my beautiful sweetheart. Just takes time.
DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-01-21 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfeb 13th - Approved!!
Woot! Looks likes CSC is taking 6 months, thats not too bad

Edited by DavidLovesPheap, 15 February 2013 - 06:10 PM.

DavidLovesPheapMaleCambodia2013-02-15 18:09:00