CanadaAbout to send Packet 3 back to Montreal
You do *not* send the DS-156K back with the checklist. As was discussed in an older thread, the wording on Montreal's checklist in regards to the DS-156 and DS-156K is extremely easy to misunderstand.

"STEP ONE. Please complete and return immediately to this office the enclosed From DS-230 Part 1, Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration and the Form DS-156 in duplicate. All forms DS-156 are required to be completed in an electronically-completed format, available through the Internet. Hand written DS-156s will NOT be accepted. You can complete your forms DS-156 on line at in either French or English. Please print out two copies of the entire form, including barcode on page 3, and send them in to this office. This new electronic format does not apply to Form DS-230. Complete the single copy of the Form DS-156K, Nonimmigrant Fiance(e) Visa Application."

You will note, from the bolded sections, that it does NOT instruct you to SEND the DS-156K but only to COMPLETE it. Montreal seems to enjoy making this process more complicated than necessary with poorly worded statements like the above.

Now, if you have already sent in the DS-156K, I wouldn't be too worried. Perhaps just bring another copy of it along with you to the interview. I doubt it will cause too much trouble and I'm sure it happens all the time.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 22 May 2007 - 11:14 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-22 23:13:00
CanadaAny recent EADs at the Windsor / Detroit POE?
I did not get the stamp when I crossed at Detroit on September 1st. Granted, I also forgot to ask for it because we were so busy dealing with other complications (related to my particular case, not anything to do with the POE).

I really think the stamp is something that they are trying to phase out everywhere... so even though someone on the phone said they'd give it, there are still no guarantees!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-09-13 12:03:00
CanadaAny canadians here have info about getting a US driver's license?
Here in Ohio you need to take the written and driving test to switch out your license. I'm so not happy about that! I went awhile back to do the switch, thinking I only had to take the written test, and afterward was told by the BMV official (yes... B... Ohio is weird) that Canada was not on their "list" of countries who can just switch out licenses. Apparently Germany and Japan are on this special list... but not Canada, who's roads actually travel over the border tongue.gif

As for keeping a Canadian license... I'm not sure what the point would be. Unless things have changed, in Ontario at least it is really rather simple to get a license back if you were to move there again. I lived in Texas for three years and got my first license there... when I moved back to Ontario to live they switched my Texas license out for a full G license without any tests at all.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2008-03-27 10:12:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I believe that the P4 letter includes those DS-156 instructions because there are still people out there who had the old P3 checklist that did not require the electronic forms.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-08-24 19:44:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Yes, we were! And I'm still not sure I quite believe it yet :)

As I said in the other thread... detailed report to come eventually (probably tomorrow). I just got back to Oakville and let me tell you this... I am SO SICK OF TRAINS AND BUSES.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-08-15 20:57:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Here's an updated copy of CutienPurg's timeline for everyone. :)

Attached Files

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-07-25 18:58:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Montreal just responded to an e-mail I'd sent...

"Good news. Your appointment is for 15Aug07 @8:30. You will receive a
letter by mail"

:D :D :D :D It's been so long... I absolutely cannot believe it! :D :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-07-24 16:07:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
What we all need to remember is that the last batch of people we saw get interviews were mostly people with P3 dates in January.... which means right now Montreal is probably scheduling those with P3 dates in February. And, if you take a look at VJ timelines, there aren't many of us here that fall into that time frame. So I'm sure Montreal is going at the same pace as usual, we're just not seeing it is all.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-07-03 13:37:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Seee .... this is exactly what I mean about all of those poor souls stuck in limbo .. gawd I feel so guilty ... it makes me feel bad that I want that interview still sooo much ... but I want us to all have our interviews ... like .. yesterday :)

I don't think you should feel guilty. This process is hard on everyone, no matter what their wait time! None of us can be blamed for wanting to be with our loved ones as soon as possible :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-05 08:05:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Brian and I have often joked about the fact that our places of residence have caused us so many delays. Back when we filed our I-129F (in March 2006!) we were sent to Nebraska, which wasn't quite as slow as California, but still no where as speedy as Vermont! Then, lo and behold! We were transfered to CSC where we proceeded to wait even more before finally being approved (and let's not forget how wonderful CSC was for losing our petition after that too! :P).

And now, simply because of where I live, we get to go through Montreal instead of the speedier Vancouver. It really is impressive.

Must be something about those "V"s :)

Still, we're patient. There may have been some "damn those Vermont/Vancouver people" comments briefly let escape, but we've never actually felt any true animosity towards the people fortunate enough to be processed through those locations... it's not their fault they live in prime immigration territory :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-06-04 22:25:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
CutienPurg... I think there's teeny mistake... or else I'm seriously missing something here.

Pa & Sa-------K1----2007-02-13------2007-03-01-----100*-----62*
Amy & Brian--K1----2007-01-25------2007-03-01-----119*----84*

The last column, for those who do not have an interview date yet, is days since P3 sent, right? So if Pa & Sa and I sent P3 at the same time, how has one of us been waiting 62 days and the other 84? :huh:

Edited by Amy and Brian, 24 May 2007 - 05:44 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-24 17:42:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I e-mailed Montreal last Wednesday asking if an interview had been set up (I wasn't actaully expecting that to be the case) and, if not, for a possible estimate as to how much longer we would be waiting. This is the response I got today:

"Hi, you are on the waiting list. Your interview will be booked by August
or September"

So, really, our "Montreal Quote of the Day" fits in pretty much with what Brian and I were predicting based on the timelines here.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-22 23:17:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I think it's a pretty well established fact that the consulate, for the most part, bases things on the receipt date of the checklist/Packet 3.

Once again... I stress "for the most part". We all know that they never play by their own rules and often people get left behind in line for no good reason.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 16 May 2007 - 08:49 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-05-16 20:48:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I've e-mailed Montreal three times since our petition headed their way. Once I had no answer at all and the other two times I heard back within an hour. I must have lucked out and e-mailed right when someone was going through their inbox :P
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-13 02:30:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Keep in mind that while the K1/K3 Visas are *technically* non-immigrant Visas... the consulate treats them more like immigrant Visas.. The wait times listed on those sites do not apply to us.

Regardless, I wouldn't put too much stock into the 8-12 month quote. Montreal likes to change its wait time on a daily (if not hourly) basis. Watching the timelines here on VJ will give you a much more accurate guess at how quickly/slowly they are operating.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-04-10 17:25:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Wow... I don't think I was paying enough attention to notice that Zaurok's NOA2 date was one day before ours! Man... if only CSC hadn't 'misplaced' our paperwork.

Congratulations though! To everyone! I love these big rushes of interview dates... it's all so gleeful :D
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-15 22:20:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I didn't end up calling actually. Brian talked me out of it :P He seemed to be under the impression that the congresswoman's office might be contacting Montreal on our behalf (I don't think so, but he can keep dreaming if he wants :) )... so he was worried if I called so soon being all "hey, when's my interview already!?' that they might be annoyed.

So I compromised and e-mailed to see if my checklist had been recieved yet. I thought maybe they'd say "Yes, and you're in line for a date which could take such and such time" but I should have known Montreal wouldn't supply any information not specifically asked for. So all I got was a "Yes" pretty much.

I think I might call anyway next week just to see what they say. If I do, I'll be sure to let you know what sort of nonsense they try to pass off on me.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-11 00:42:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
They're quoting 4-6 months now? *sigh*

Considering they always seem to be operating on the longer side of their estimates (weren't they just quoting 2-4 recently?), this really isn't a happy thing to hear. Perhaps I'll cave and give Montreal a call tomorrow to see what sort of wacky information they decide to give me.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-07 18:14:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
About the four months to NVC thing:

We never did get an official reason for it, though it's pretty clear that CSC lost/misplaced our file after it was approved. Unfortunately it took months of back and forth communciations with the NVC, attempts at communication with CSC, and finally getting Brian's congresswoman's office involved to actually get something done about it. Even after that, all we got one day was an e-mail from the congresswoman's office saying our file was now at the NVC. Never any explanations given.

It certainly has been frustrating, but luckily Brian and I manage to visit eachother almost every month which has definitely helped.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-04 14:26:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Well, I dropped my Packet 3 forms in the mailbox today! They are officially on their way to Montreal. At least... they are if the snowstorm that hit here didn't stop the postmen from picking up the mail at the box I dropped it in :P

For the record (since I realised I forgot to update in here about it) I recieved Packet 3 on February 5th.

Yeah... somehow I procrastinated for an entire month. Which is really horrible of me considering how long we've already been waiting. Seriously though, February hardly seemed to exist at all it went so fast for me!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-01 19:08:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Well what do you know... Brian called the NVC today just to see if we had a case number assigned yet only to be told that our file was shipped off to Montreal today! Talk about speedy :)

I really didn't think I'd be asking for an update on the list so soon. I know K1s usually zoom right through the NVC, but after waiting four months for something that was only supposed to take 2-4 weeks, I was having trouble being optimistic.

Please add our "Sent to Montreal" date in as Jan 24/07.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-01-24 13:55:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Well, after four months of waiting, an insane amount of phone calls to the NVC and the National Customer Serive Line, two letters sent to CSC, multiple faxes to the NVC, and several talks with one very helpful woman at Brian's congresswoman's office...


Seriously, it's about time. Hopefully it'll be shipped off to Montreal soon!

Please add us to the timeline :)

NOA2: Sept 12, 06h
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-01-23 13:08:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
It still amazes me how vastly different people's experiences at the border can be in situations like this.

I've been down to visit Brian several times since we filed our petition (almost a YEAR ago :P) and I've really not had any problems. Only one time did the K1 petition itself ever get brought up... the officer I was speaking to called over another officer for some clarification and he did a lot of typing... but he still never asked to see any proof of ties to Canada (I had a letter from my employers with me). Every other time it's been a breeze... they rarely ask me more than a few questions.

Now, every time I travel to the US, it's always been the same way: I fly out of Pearson. Sometimes I wonder if that helps me... maybe they have some record and can see how often I've flown out and therefore also see that I always come back? Who knows!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2007-03-16 21:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarch 2010 I-751 Filers
Card Recieved yesterday! Nothing indicating my approval date is any different so I'm leaving that as is. I didn't realise they'd updated the cards since I got my conditional one... now they're really green! It's a bit odd, where the fingerprint should be instead I have a little box that says "no fingerprint available"... anyone else have that? They definitely do have my fingerprints, so I'm guessing it was just a mistake to leave it off.

One question though: what have the rest of you done with your conditional card? Filed it? Destroyed it? It's interesting that the letter with the new one doesn't tell you what to do with the old one.

California Service Center (22/24 approved, 92%)

VJName..............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
SERENGAR............03/01/10.........03/03/10.......04/12/10........05/11/10.... (CR 6/14)
ROCKY_NBULLWINKLE...03/02/10.........03/05/10.......04/16/10........04/13/10.... (EB 3/29)(CR 4/19)
LIL MISS SUNSHINE...03/03/10.........03/05/10.......04/20/10........05/12/10.... (CR 6/11)
AHEBL...............03/06/10.........03/09/10.......04/14/10........04/27/10.... (CR 5/05)
JEFF & ROSE.........03/08/10.........03/10/10.......05/03/10........07/06/10.... (CR 7/15)
KUTING..............03/12/10.........--/--/10.......04/15/10........04/26/10.... (CR 4/30)
AMY AND BRIAN.......03/15/10.........03/16/10.......04/14/10........05/03/10.... (CR 7/30)
JULIE&ANDY..........03/15/10.........03/26/10.......04/16/10........05/05/10.... (CR 6/01)
ANOTHRNG............03/15/10.........03/22/10.......04/12/10........05/03/10.... (CR 5/27)
ABHAY...............03/17/10.........03/23/10.......04/23/10........04/29/10.... (CR 5/06)
DDX.................03/18/10.........03/--/10.......04/21/10........05/10/10.... (Interview letter received 3/27 for 4/14)
KEN'S ROSE..........03/19/10.........03/22/10.......04/20/10........06/04/10.... (CR 6/17)
MDAVIS31............03/19/10.........03/22/10.......05/26/10........06/22/10.... (CR 7/06)
W8INGLONGTIME.......03/23/10.........03/29/10.......06/10/10........07/16/10.... (EB 5/20)(CR 7/28)
PREET...............03/24/10.........--/--/10.......04/30/10........06/18/10.... (CR 7/05)
CAPPUCINO...........03/25/10.........03/29/10.......05/07/10........07/19/10.... (CR 7/29)
RADKRI..............03/25/10.........03/29/10.......05/07/10........06/23/10.... (CR 7/01)

Vermont Service Center (23/32 approved, 72%)

VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved....
NYCGIRL............02/14/10.........03/04/10........04/06/10........07/06/10.... (package lost in the mail and took long time to arrive)(CR 7/16)
CHEFBOYARDEE.......03/01/10.........03/04/10........03/30/10........05/14/10.... (CR 6/10)
NEALANDCARI........03/04/10.........03/08/10........04/06/10........06/14/10.... (CR 6/25)
NATASHENIKA........03/05/10.........03/09/10........04/12/10........06/03/10.... (EB 3/29)(CR 6/19)
BOYINFLORIDA.......03/05/10.........03/08/10........04/14/10........05/27/10.... (EB 4/09)(CR 6/17)
LALA_XOXO..........03/05/10.........03/09/10........04/02/10........06/11/10.... (CR 6/25)
PLATANO587.........03/08/10.........03/16/10........04/09/10........05/28/10.... (CR 6/21)
THE SPARROW........03/09/10.........03/12/10........04/07/10........--/--/10.... (Interview letter received 7/27 for 8/25)
KIDDHAN273.........03/10/10.........03/15/10........04/12/10........06/04/10.... (EB 4/08)(CR 6/18)
IAMWHATIAM80.......03/11/10.........03/17/10........04/12/10........--/--/10.... (divorce waiver)
LEAFGAL............03/15/10.........03/17/10........04/19/10........06/02/10.... (CR 6/17)
LIZELLE_N_OLIVER...03/15/10.........03/17/10........04/16/10........06/07/10.... (CR 6/19)
CHA GIO............03/15/10.........03/16/10........04/01/10........06/08/10....
CINAMAJE...........03/15/10.........03/19/10........--/--/10........06/--/10.... (CR 6/25)
SCOTT N YENIFER....03/15/10.........03/19/10........04/22/10........06/14/10....
CELLY_DANY.........03/16/10.........03/23/10........04/14/10........07/09/10.... (CR 7/19)
GOLDFILM...........03/17/10.........--/--/10........04/16/10........06/09/10.... (never got NOA)
LATOSLATOS.........03/18/10.........03/22/10........04/16/10........06/22/10.... (Divorce Waiver; no interview)(CR 7/03)
PFCSBABY...........03/23/10.........03/29/10........04/22/10........06/30/10.... (CR 7/10)
LYNNAMI............03/23/10.........03/29/10........04/23/10........06/10/10.... (EB 4/15)
NO-TEN.............03/23/10.........03/30/10........04/21/10........--/--/10.... (EB 4/15)
CASHEL.............03/27/10.........03/30/10........05/07/10........06/23/10.... (CR 7/12 with mistake)
RICK&OLECHKA.......03/29/10.........--/--/10........05/07/10........--/--/10.... (never got NOA and I-551 stamped)
CARPE DIEM.........03/30/10.........03/31/10........05/03/10........06/16/10.... (CR 7/01)

EB = Early Bio / CR = Card Received

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* Add 1 to the approved fraction and change the percentage (%)
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2010-07-31 02:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarch 2010 I-751 Filers
Added in my Approved Date, assuming it hasn't changed. Once again USCIS seemed to have misplaced my file (they did it back during the K1 process too... ugh) and even though I got an approval notice in the mail my online status never updated and 60 days went by with no green card. I called USCIS earlier this month to sort it out and they had absolutely no record of my ever being approved. I was escalated to an agent and she put in an inquiry... and today I got a card production ordered e-mail! Because of the strangeness with the approval I'm curious to see if the date is different when I get the card. I will come back and change the list if that turns out to be the case.

California Service Center (20/24 approved, 83%)

VJName..............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
SERENGAR............03/01/10.........03/03/10.......04/12/10........05/11/10.... (CR 6/14)
ROCKY_NBULLWINKLE...03/02/10.........03/05/10.......04/16/10........04/13/10.... (EB 3/29)(CR 4/19)
LIL MISS SUNSHINE...03/03/10.........03/05/10.......04/20/10........05/12/10.... (CR 6/11)
AHEBL...............03/06/10.........03/09/10.......04/14/10........04/27/10.... (CR 5/05)
JEFF & ROSE.........03/08/10.........03/10/10.......05/03/10........07/06/10.... (CR 7/15)
KUTING..............03/12/10.........--/--/10.......04/15/10........04/26/10.... (CR 4/30)
AMY AND BRIAN.......03/15/10.........03/16/10.......04/14/10........05/03/10....
JULIE&ANDY..........03/15/10.........03/26/10.......04/16/10........05/05/10.... (CR 6/01)
ANOTHRNG............03/15/10.........03/22/10.......04/12/10........05/03/10.... (CR 5/27)
ABHAY...............03/17/10.........03/23/10.......04/23/10........04/29/10.... (CR 5/06)
DDX.................03/18/10.........03/--/10.......04/21/10........05/10/10.... (Interview letter received 3/27 for 4/14)
KEN'S ROSE..........03/19/10.........03/22/10.......04/20/10........06/04/10.... (CR 6/17)
MDAVIS31............03/19/10.........03/22/10.......05/26/10........06/22/10.... (CR 7/06)
W8INGLONGTIME.......03/23/10.........03/29/10.......06/10/10........--/--/10.... (EB 5/20)
PREET...............03/24/10.........--/--/10.......04/30/10........06/18/10.... (CR 7/05)
RADKRI..............03/25/10.........03/29/10.......05/07/10........06/23/10.... (CR 7/01)

Vermont Service Center (23/32 approved, 72%)

VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved....
NYCGIRL............02/14/10.........03/04/10........04/06/10........07/06/10.... (package lost in the mail and took long time to arrive)(CR 7/16)
CHEFBOYARDEE.......03/01/10.........03/04/10........03/30/10........05/14/10.... (CR 6/10)
NEALANDCARI........03/04/10.........03/08/10........04/06/10........06/14/10.... (CR 6/25)
NATASHENIKA........03/05/10.........03/09/10........04/12/10........06/03/10.... (EB 3/29)(CR 6/19)
BOYINFLORIDA.......03/05/10.........03/08/10........04/14/10........05/27/10.... (EB 4/09)(CR 6/17)
LALA_XOXO..........03/05/10.........03/09/10........04/02/10........06/11/10.... (CR 6/25)
PLATANO587.........03/08/10.........03/16/10........04/09/10........05/28/10.... (CR 6/21)
THE SPARROW........03/09/10.........03/12/10........04/07/10........--/--/10....
KIDDHAN273.........03/10/10.........03/15/10........04/12/10........06/04/10.... (EB 4/08)(CR 6/18)
IAMWHATIAM80.......03/11/10.........03/17/10........04/12/10........--/--/10.... (divorce waiver)
LEAFGAL............03/15/10.........03/17/10........04/19/10........06/02/10.... (CR 6/17)
LIZELLE_N_OLIVER...03/15/10.........03/17/10........04/16/10........06/07/10.... (CR 6/19)
CHA GIO............03/15/10.........03/16/10........04/01/10........06/08/10....
CINAMAJE...........03/15/10.........03/19/10........--/--/10........06/--/10.... (CR 6/25)
SCOTT N YENIFER....03/15/10.........03/19/10........04/22/10........06/14/10....
CELLY_DANY.........03/16/10.........03/23/10........04/14/10........07/09/10.... (CR 7/19)
GOLDFILM...........03/17/10.........--/--/10........04/16/10........06/09/10.... (never got NOA)
LATOSLATOS.........03/18/10.........03/22/10........04/16/10........06/22/10.... (Divorce Waiver; no interview)(CR 7/03)
PFCSBABY...........03/23/10.........03/29/10........04/22/10........06/30/10.... (CR 7/10)
LYNNAMI............03/23/10.........03/29/10........04/23/10........06/10/10.... (EB 4/15)
NO-TEN.............03/23/10.........03/30/10........04/21/10........--/--/10.... (EB 4/15)
CASHEL.............03/27/10.........03/30/10........05/07/10........06/23/10.... (CR 7/12 with mistake)
RICK&OLECHKA.......03/29/10.........--/--/10........05/07/10........--/--/10.... (never got NOA and I-551 stamped)
CARPE DIEM.........03/30/10.........03/31/10........05/03/10........06/16/10.... (CR 7/01)

EB = Early Bio / CR = Card Received

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* Add 1 to the approved fraction and change the percentage (%)
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2010-07-21 15:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarch 2010 I-751 Filers
Forgot to come back and add my biometrics in earlier this month... adding it now :)

California Service Center (19 applicants)

VJName..............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
ROCKY_NBULLWINKLE...03/02/10.........03/05/10.......04/16/10........04/13/10.... (early Bio on 3/29)(card received 4/19)
LIL MISS SUNSHINE...03/03/10.........03/05/10.......04/20/10........--/--/10....
JEFF & ROSE.........03/08/10.........03/10/10.......05/03/10........--/--/10....
AMY AND BRIAN.......03/15/10.........03/16/10.......04/14/10........--/--/10....
KEN'S ROSE..........03/19/10.........03/22/10.......04/20/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (23 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved....
NATASHENIKA........03/05/10.........03/09/10........04/12/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 3/29)
BOYINFLORIDA.......03/05/10.........03/08/10........04/14/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 4/09)
THE SPARROW........03/09/10.........03/12/10........04/07/10........--/--/10....
KIDDHAN273.........03/10/10.........03/15/10........04/12/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 4/08)
CHA GIO............03/15/10.........03/16/10........04/01/10........--/--/10....
LYNNAMI............03/23/10.........03/29/10........04/23/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 4/15)
NO-TEN.............03/23/10.........03/30/10........04/21/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 4/15)
CARPE DIEM.........03/30/10.........03/31/10........05/03/10........--/--/10....

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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2010-04-24 09:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarch 2010 I-751 Filers
California Service Center (7 applicants)

VJName..............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
LIL MISS SUNSHINE...03/03/10..........03/15/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
JEFF & ROSE.........03/08/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
AMY AND BRIAN.......03/15/10..........03/16/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
KEN'S ROSE..........03/19/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (10 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved....
THE SPARROW........03/09/10..........03/12/10........--/--/10........--/--/10....
CHA GIO............03/15/10..........--/--/10........--/--/10........--/--/10....

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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2010-03-22 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious permanent resident, will this be a problem?

I realise by your post that you would of already known that. I posted more for others so it was clear as to the requirements on how to maintain permanent residence status :)

I would doubt that it would affect your K-1 petition, but it could pay to have a meeting with an immigration attorney just to clarify and for peace of mind.

All the best to you.

You know, I realized that was likely the case shortly after I posted. I imagine most people are unaware of the requirements, I had no real clue myself until it was too late.

Thanks again!
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-04 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious permanent resident, will this be a problem?


Maintaining Permanent Residence
Maintaining Permanent Residence You may lose your permanent residence status if you commit an act that makes you removable from the United States under the law in section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you commit such an act, you may be brought before the immigration courts to determine your right to remain a Permanent Resident.

You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you:

* Move to another country intending to live there permanently.

* Remain outside of the US for more than one year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.

* Remain outside of the US for more than two years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.

* Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the US for any period.

*Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns.

Thanks, aussiewench. I knew about that information from previous research into this matter. This is what I meant by the fact that, while my actual card has not expired, I am aware that my permanent resident status will no longer be valid. Thus the reason I haven't just up and moved back to the US to be with the finance :D I'm just not sure whether having abandonded permanent resident status in the past will have any sort of effect on the K1 process.

In the end, we'll likely end up consulting an attorney. As I said before, I just wanted to check in here first on the off chance someone might know something :)

Thanks again for the info though :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-04 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious permanent resident, will this be a problem?
First I'd like to say that this place is amazing. I have found pretty much all the information I could possibly need for the K-1 Process just on this one site... I am incredibly thankful to the friend who sent me in this direction :)

Now on to the explanations.

I (Amy) am a Canadian citizen who's just recently become engaged to a USC (Brian). We're in the process of getting everything ready to file for the K-1 Visa and it looks as though everything ought to go smoothly providing one issue doesn't cause any problems.

I am a previous permanent resident of the US. My father married a USC and when I was 16 I moved to Texas with him and went through three years of lovely immigration paperwork and received my green card in 2001. I graduated from high school the same year and after a failed attempt at a local college, I decided that the US really wasn't the place for me and I chose to move back to Canada in 2002. At the time I had no intentions of ever living in the US again and, being a somewhat naive 19 year old, I saw no reason to take any steps whatsoever to retain my permanent resident status upon leaving. No paperwork was filed, no letters sent, and I didn't return to the states to visit until a few years later. My green card itself has not expired (03/05/12 expiry date), but I know it's invalidated due to my prolonged absence from the country. Can't exactly be a resident when you don't reside :P

So here I am, three years later. I'm 23 years old and I find myself engaged and heading into the wonderful world of immigration all over again. What I was wondering was if any of you would happen to have any idea whether my past status will cause any problems while applying for the K-1 Visa. I've already got an A# and a social security number, both of which I'm including on the application where specified, so I've no doubt they'll come across all this information. Personally, I don't see why this would be an actual problem, but we want to find out if there's anything we might need to do differently before we actually file. It's been suggested that we sit down with an attorney or get in touch with someone from USCIS, but I thought I'd check in here beforehand.

Ultimately, I'm wondering if this will be a hindrance or in some way actually helpful. Wouldn't it be wonderful if later down the line during the AOS process I could skip out on the biometrics fees since they already have my fingerprints? :D Of course, we all know USCIS wouldn't work that way, but a girl can dream can't she?
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-04 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHit the WEEEEEEED and go to your Visa interview...

If something is legal in another country, how can the US punish you for it (as long as the deed was done in that other country)?

Common misconception.

Marijuana is not legal in Canada. Someone above mentioned the decriminalization. Basically the possession laws have become so lax and made penalties so minor that most people say that it may as well be legal. However, it's not the same thing.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-23 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about passport...

The birth certificate, or copies of all the pages of the passport were strictly to determine the nationality/citizinship of the petitioner. They will not ask to see those at the interview, since the case was already approved by the USCIS.

However unlikely it is that they would actually need or ask to see it at the interview, it doesn't change the fact that they have the *right* to ask. Personally, I'd feel much better having absolutely everything with me at the interview, rather than risk being unprepared.

As for the OP though, I wouldn't stress too much. Just make sure you do get the passport replaced as it is a very handy document :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-25 01:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about passport...

First of all, your passport has NO bearing on the case what-so-ever.

That is, unless you submitted copies of all the pages of your passport with the petition instead of your birth certificate/naturalization certificate/etc. If that is the case, then the passport would be needed at the interview because the Consular Officer has the right to ask to see originals of any copies submitted with the petition.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-25 01:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorried about Montreal Consulate being SLOW...

i kinda miss posted. travelling isn't the problem. it's once i get off the bus! (im taking greyhound bus) i did so bad in french and i know they would speak english in the consulate, but once im doing and going to eat i feel like im going to get lost and no one will understand me and they all will speak french only. man i know im being soo paranoid but i can't help it.

Thankfully most people in Montreal speak English as well. You'll get the odd few in smaller shops that don't much like to speak English if they can avoid it, but for the most part you should be fine :)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-28 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLeaving America?
I'm guessing that 2-3 years down the road she will still just be a permanent resident and not yet have been able to become a US Citizen. In that case, she can't just leave and live in another country without the chance that she'll be abandoning her permanent resident status. I, myself, am a former permanent resident (though not through the K-1 process) who lost my status because of prolonged absence from the country (among a few other things).

From USCIS (and thanks to aussiewench, who originally posted this info in a thread I started):

Maintaining Permanent Residence

Maintaining Permanent Residence You may lose your permanent residence status if you commit an act that makes you removable from the United States under the law in section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you commit such an act, you may be brought before the immigration courts to determine your right to remain a Permanent Resident.

You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you:

* Move to another country intending to live there permanently.
* Remain outside of the US for more than one year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.
* Remain outside of the US for more than two years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.
* Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the US for any period.
* Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns

So, basically, it seems (to me at least) the best idea would be to wait until your fiancee has been naturalized (if this is possible) to avoid any issues with maintaining her status.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-03-19 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi I'm just getting started....G-325A question PLS :huh:
The G-325A is a generic biographical data form that's used to accompany many different forms filed with USCIS. Thus, the confusing terminology. In the K-1 process, the USC is petitioner and the foreign fiance is the beneficiary. So, technically, there isn't any applicant at all :D

To answer your question though: Both you and your fiance need to fill out a separate G-325A (which consists of four pages). You will sign all pages on yours, and your fiance will sign on pages on theirs.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 05 April 2006 - 12:04 AM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-05 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed A Quick Lesson
No problem! I've gotten so much information and help from reading through these forums... you'll find most here are of the helpful variety. Welcome to the journey, and good luck :)

Also, I see you've already got a start on your timeline. Awesome! Be sure to keep it updated as you go through the process as all of VisaJourney's stats are based off member's timelines :) (You'll find a lot of people pushing big time on this subject. Everyone's on a big timeline kick currently which is a good thing!)
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-06 23:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed A Quick Lesson
I just tried to edit my post with this info, but it didn't like me :D

I just noticed some right away that are not there.

"touched" - means that the date on your case status online (through the USCIS website, you can check on your case if you have a receipt # which you get on your NOA1) has changed, but the status has not changed. Essentially it means someone has "touched" your file. This can be anything really, even as simple as someone moving your file to a different desk :D

Biometrics - is an appointment where you get your fingerprints taken. This will not occur until you file for Adjustment of Status (AOS) after getting married in the US.

The packets are basically information mailed to the foreign fiance(e) from their Consulate/Embassy. If I recall correctly, Packet 3 contains a checklist of all the information you need to aquire before your interview (information about the medical, police reports, affidavit of support, etc) and Packet 4 is mailed to you when you are assigned an interview date.

Also, as mentioned above.. the guides and flowcharts are extremely helpful! You'll get more information about packets specifically by searching the Embassy/Consulate forum as well as those vary from country to country.

Edited by Amy and Brian, 06 April 2006 - 11:41 PM.

Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-06 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed A Quick Lesson
This page: should answer all of those questions. Let us know if any terms you are looking for are not there, or if you need more clarification.
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-06 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes my fiance take my passport to interview?

Please don't give out advice that could be potentially devastating unless you know for a fact it is 100% correct and you can back it up with references and citations.

I believe I made it quite clear that what I was saying was my own interpretation. I made no attempt to present that interpretation as solid fact. Hell, I even made a point to show the OP that I had, in fact, been disagreed with before. It was not advice I was offering but merely an opinion.

And with that, I take leave of this thread, because I've said my part and have no intentions of participating in an argument today :no:
Amy and BrianFemaleCanada2006-04-08 15:10:00