US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother I-134 Question

I didn't want to jump into the thread below, so thought I would start another one. I'm researching the I-134 form now, and although I have seen where forum members say to add three years of Federal Tax returns, w/W-2's, I see nowhere in the directions where this is necessary, or required. Is this based on experiences with certain cases in the past? Thanks.

(Will submit I-129 on April 1st)


I read the same and thought the same as you and had to scramble at the last minute to produce them for my Fiance's interview. Plan on needing them.

RictoddMaleChina2011-03-11 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportski approved
RictoddMaleChina2010-12-10 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


Sorry for the wrong greeting. Thanks to you. Maybe three trips is the lucky number. I visted her in May 2008 and again March 2010, when I proposed to her. The email has a link for e-mailing questions to them. I used that. They say usually allow three days for a response. They responded to me on Tuesday. I sent the e-mail on Sunday, MLK Day was Monday, so that was a quick response. Maybe there is some unstated number of different places your pictures together need to be taken. This is my first time too, s I'm learning as I go. Lot of good resources here, just didn't find the site until my I129F was submitted to the NVC.

Thanks agian,


You asked about the interview, here is her synopsis:

My interview :
1. What's your (finace's) name ?
Answer: My Name

2. Wha's your occupation and your company's name ?
Answer : I showed your name card to you and also say to you .
3. When did you meet your fiance?
Answer: His meaning : we met each other's time : I told him we met each other at 2008.5.2 Shanghai Pudong airport . You took American northwestern line.
After we met again at 2010 3.19 Shanghai pudong again.

4. Are you single and me ?
Answer: yes ,we are all single .. I am sure .

5. When is your fiance's birthday?
Answer: 1963.4.7 (I spoke English )
6. Are you CPP?
Answer: No.
7 Did you have more pictures about your finace and you ?
Answer : Don't have .. more pictures my finace and me together but i have other pictures .. but he said to me .. dont need .. I also showed your mom's pictures and others.. He only shoot a glance at pictures..
Darling : Only these question ... He asked me about we met time twice: I answer him twice ,too..
Darling : He saw our information's time was same to ask me question's time .

Final: He said to me : Okay, your visa was no problem and you could go home to wait our mail ..but dont know how long ..

RictoddMaleChina2011-01-27 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


It was me, bobbyA who replied you :)

Thanks for sharing your SO's interview experience, and confirming that photos were not the issue.

As I suspected (not that I'm an expert on this issue), the consulate didn't like something about your case and wanted time to do more reviewing and processing.

I guess we can only wait this one out.

I hope you will hear something soon. I'd probably contact them again at the end of 2 or 3 months just in case they forgot about your case. In the mean time, I encourage you (if possible) to visit China for 2 purposes:

  • to see your SO, I'm sure she misses you.
  • to generate a new passport stamp, boarding pass, etc to show ongoing relationship and further demonstrate a "bona fide relationship".
By the way, did you email or call to the consulate? I am still in the very early stage of my journey, and I'm learning from people like you who has been there done that :)

Thanks again for sharing!


Sorry for the wrong greeting. Thanks to you. Maybe three trips is the lucky number. I visted her in May 2008 and again March 2010, when I proposed to her. The email has a link for e-mailing questions to them. I used that. They say usually allow three days for a response. They responded to me on Tuesday. I sent the e-mail on Sunday, MLK Day was Monday, so that was a quick response. Maybe there is some unstated number of different places your pictures together need to be taken. This is my first time too, s I'm learning as I go. Lot of good resources here, just didn't find the site until my I129F was submitted to the NVC.

Thanks agian,
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-21 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


Although I'm not camera shy, I'm usually the cameraman.

Anyway, I don't think anyone has a definite answer as to what kind of photo is best (you and her alone or with family members). It seems to vary from case to case and from VO to VO. That is why I feel that there must be a "red flag" somewhere and they are just using "request for photo" to buy time. Therefore, I suggested recapping the interview question/answer to figure out what the VO was after. My 2 cents :)


Thank you, as always, for your insight. She said she answered in English and Chinese depending on the questuon and her comfort level answerinf the question. She said her VO was a man with dark glasses who wouldn't return her smile (seems I hear read that description on a lot of the negative reviews of the consulate, maybe just my imagination.) Shes said he asked one question threee times, about when we met. Sheanswered the dates I was there with her on all three answers. I think the question may have been how did you meet and she didn't understand it, or it wasn't asked correctly. Because of her mothers health (we thought about rescheduling), so everything was done at the last minute. Health exam Monday before appointment, fee paid Tuesday morning before the afternoon appointment. I wish I could have been there with her.

I contacted the consulate and told them of the RFE with no description of what was needed, but a verbal of more photos, no more were available, and what else do we need to do. The response was nothing else wait several months for the administrative process.

RictoddMaleChina2011-01-21 07:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE

That's very strange, IMO, as the 'picture stuff' has been (historically) photos of you and her with her family.

She has more photos of the two of you together, to submit for the RFE?


Thanks for the reply and well wishes.

There are no more photos of us together. I wish there was, but I'm photo shy and I understand some may not like to be photogrpahed as potential "trohpies" (previous, not her, but still in the back of my brain). Also previous site suggested asking before photographing.

I'm very traditional, as in dressing for dinner White tie or Black tie? So if I feel she may be uncofortable with the taking photos of her, how do I get photos of us together.

Before I left I checked lots of web sites and found the general answer "you should always ask before taking a picture of any person". I probably over did that advice. My aunt also paints from pictures of landscapes, She doesn't do people. So of my 1,000 or so phtos 850 or so are landscapes for her. 150 are Yumei. I apppear in maybe 9 of all the photos, all taken at Yumei's Sister'S home. All one night.
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-15 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


I'm glad my little contribution made you think of something to consider.

Yes, it may help to recap what was asked at the interview and how she answered. You said her English was "passable". Was she interviewed in English or Chinese then? I wonder if she misunderstood a question and gave a wrong answer somewhere.

Was she given a date and time to return to the consulate with the pictures they asked for, or does she have to wait 3 months to present the pictures? If it is 3 months out, perhaps you can arrange to travel there to be with her, at least for her to show the VO your passport.

I hope I'm not overwhelming you with questions and ideas.



Thanks again for your thoughts.

I'll ask how she responded and in what language. I encouraged her to respond in English, or Chinese. Which ever she felt most comfortable with. Show English skills, but rely on Chinese. Most of what I told her was to be confident and use her smile.

RictoddMaleChina2011-01-14 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


I'm glad my little contribution made you think of something to consider.

Yes, it may help to recap what was asked at the interview and how she answered. You said her English was "passable". Was she interviewed in English or Chinese then? I wonder if she misunderstood a question and gave a wrong answer somewhere.

Was she given a date and time to return to the consulate with the pictures they asked for, or does she have to wait 3 months to present the pictures? If it is 3 months out, perhaps you can arrange to travel there to be with her, at least for her to show the VO your passport.

I hope I'm not overwhelming you with questions and ideas.


Thnaks again. Any kind of help is appreciated. No return interview date, just wait 3 months. I cna't get away from work at this time, we are luanching several new clients worth several million dollars in revenue annually. Wish I could go and have some more pictuires taken and just be with my love, but I can't.
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-14 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


I remember reading some of your postings. You had to reschedule your SO's interview due to her mother's illness. By the way you have a nice picture of the 2 of you next to your post :)

The consulate may just want more time to review your case for anything they consider "red flag". Does your SO happen to be a party member? Previous marriages? Recent divorce? Financial weakness?

Your SO's "passable English skill" could be that "red flag"? I'm trying to figure out what could be the reason for their issuing a Blue. Without a written RFE asking for pictures, I hope your SO heard the VO correctly. If pictures of the 2 of you are the only requirement here, perhaps you should consider a trip to China and take some pictures of you and her. Chinese New Year is around the corner, and I am sure she will appreciate spending that special time with you :)

I am no expert, but from what I gathered so far at VJ, every case is unique and there is no magic formula. From your case, we know that pictures with family members are not what they wanted. It could also be an excuse they are using to buy time.

Perhaps you read this lady's posting about her fiance's passing the interview but they were put in AP and visa withheld:

Hope your case is similar, where they want to do more investigation to make sure there is no fraud or something else that is holding the case back.

I'm glad it is not a flat out denial. At least there is still hope.

Wish you all the best and keep us posted please.

Thank you!

We did not reschedule the interview, this is the original date. Her mother had hearrt surgery a couple weeks ago and we weren't sure about where she would be in her recupperation, so we were planning ahead in case it wsan't well. Mom's supose to be back home by the end of February.
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-14 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


I remember reading some of your postings. You had to reschedule your SO's interview due to her mother's illness. By the way you have a nice picture of the 2 of you next to your post :)

The consulate may just want more time to review your case for anything they consider "red flag". Does your SO happen to be a party member? Previous marriages? Recent divorce? Financial weakness?

Your SO's "passable English skill" could be that "red flag"? I'm trying to figure out what could be the reason for their issuing a Blue. Without a written RFE asking for pictures, I hope your SO heard the VO correctly. If pictures of the 2 of you are the only requirement here, perhaps you should consider a trip to China and take some pictures of you and her. Chinese New Year is around the corner, and I am sure she will appreciate spending that special time with you :)

I am no expert, but from what I gathered so far at VJ, every case is unique and there is no magic formula. From your case, we know that pictures with family members are not what they wanted. It could also be an excuse they are using to buy time.

Perhaps you read this lady's posting about her fiance's passing the interview but they were put in AP and visa withheld:

Hope your case is similar, where they want to do more investigation to make sure there is no fraud or something else that is holding the case back.

I'm glad it is not a flat out denial. At least there is still hope.

Wish you all the best and keep us posted please.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply and nice comment about our picture.

We're both single, never married, So said the VO said the financials were fine, I don't believe she's a party member, never has been in a position where she would have been. You did make me think about her work history. She was a Customer Service Manager for an International Marriage Broker when I met her, but resigned after being force to arrange a meeting she knew wasn't right. That was over three years ago. Maybe that is the red flag. I'll ask her if that was brought up in the interview. She didn't tell me it was discussed.

Thanks for the idea about the trip.
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-14 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE


I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

Can you think of anything else in your case that could cause your delay?

You have a feeling that the VO may be waiting for "higher up" to make a decision, hence using the "Blue without instructions" to stall you for 3 months? For instance your SO's English skill? Anything to make them suspect that you don't have a "bona fide relationship"?

Can you share with us some details of case please?

Thank you.

Thnaks for the comments. I couldn't be there, busy time of the year for my business and too many of my reports were on vacation to cover for me. Her English is passable, needs improvement, but should cause a delay. Were both in our 40's so I don;t think age would be a difference. I have over 1,000 from my two trips to see her, 160 of her, but the only pictures we took together were at her sisters house. Her sister hosted a party for us with her parents brother, brother-in-law, cousin and 4 sets of aunts and uncles and one additional aunt. I proposed the next day. She had over 250 e-mails with her including e-mails with my mother and aunt. My mother had a picture of herself framed and sent as a gift, so Yumei had that with her too. I'v e forwarded her pictures we took of each other in Yuyuan Gardens with the same Camilia tree in the background. She has the airline tickets of our travel together in China and tickets to the attractions we visited. I can send pictures I took of her at those attraction, but I don't have any of me.
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-13 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE

That's very strange, IMO, as the 'picture stuff' has been (historically) photos of you and her with her family.

She has more photos of the two of you together, to submit for the RFE?

I'm checking to see if I have any I can send to her that she doesn't have. I thought that was kind of strange too. I've had some of my family send photos to her in frames, but the VO wouldn't consider them either. I found it even stranger that the RFE box was checked, but the lines instructing you what to send weren't filled in. Not sure if that means the VO couldn't approve and someone higher up needs to, or what to make of that.

Thanks for you well wishes earlier and your reply!
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-12 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE
Interview date 1-11-11 12:30
She got there and had her finger prints taken. Showed Packet 4 and was given an interview time the following day at 7:30. She waited 3 hours for her turn, then interviewed for 8-10 minutes. Received the Blue form with the checked box RFE. VO didn't offer any other instructions on the form, but told her everything was fine, we need more photos together. Wouldn't consider pictures of us with her family only pictures of the two of us. We had two pictures of just the two of us taken at her sisters apartment. Also we had more photos of us with her parents, brother and sister, cousin, aunts and uncles, but she was told they could only use pictures of us together. She was told to wait for three months. We have no other pictures of us together. I'm not sure what to do now. I didn't find VJ until after I returned from my last trip to China, actual not until after the I-129 was sent to the NVC.
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-12 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE Updatge
Yu and Dan,

No can't read much more.

Holding out for more intrerview info

RictoddMaleChina2011-02-12 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE Updatge
Don't know what this means, but the Consulate sent me an e-mail that said the review was almost complete and my beneficiary should be hearing something in a month or so.

Thanks for your support,
RictoddMaleChina2011-01-31 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE Update #2

Actually for flights I would recommend having her check Asiana Airlines from her end. If she buys a one way ticket from China the price will be much cheaper. Americans pay higher prices, because we can, but withing China the price is lower (in most cases). Case in point, my friend recently paid about $595 for a one-way from Shanghai to Chicago (with a stop in Korea). Just food for thought.


Thanks, she is planning on flying Asiana and %575.00 sounds about right to what she told me (I think it was around 4300 rmb), She can fly from Chang Chun to Seoul then to Chicago. She also checked the advice about, but it was more.

I'd like to take you up on the offer of your wife chatting with her when she gets here. I think she may be starved for some Chinese conversation. I think she's a little apprehensive about the "unkown" new life here, and I don't blame her. That is a huge change to move from one country and culture to another you don't know too much about, and the language is different than you are use to expressing yourself with.

Thank you,
RictoddMaleChina2011-02-18 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE Update #2
Thank you all for your well wishes.

She's planning on going back to Guangzhou next week (too many people traveling after CNY). She has a friend who is a travel agent that usually arranges her travel for her, but I'll let her know about I know she was planning on Asiana Airlines, probably end of March beginning of April.

Thank you all again,
RictoddMaleChina2011-02-14 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlue RFE Update #2

Thank you all. Sounds like the K-1 has finally been approved. My SO forwarded me a scan of a document she recieved from the Consulate with a box checked approved. They are asking her to go back to Guanzhou with her passport, or a family member or designate. Also said three days possible wait time for the visa package.

Monday or Wednesday from 1:30-3:00 in the afternoon. No appointment necesssary.

Until I hold her in my arms I'll be cautious. Sounds like it's on and she needs to start planning her trip here. I'll meet her in Chicago, When she gets here. She wants to fly from Beijing, so maybe a little more time to wait.

Thank you all again,
RictoddMaleChina2011-02-12 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay I Use a long Hypothetical 'Fairy-Tale" Example, here?

A little too post-hippie-tree-hugger for me , but darn it, I like a good love story--so who will write the next chapter ??

We can probably all can add a chapter (I've been writing a story about my own joureny for 3 1/2 years so far), but more intriguing to me is the lawyer versus non-lawyer and how much it may or may not matter. We hear plenty of times the message "Do the VOs actually realize they are afffecting peoples lives?"
RictoddMaleChina2011-04-01 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes USCIS Monitor this site?
Yes, I know we send multiple forms evreywhere. I meant sending the same forms to USCIS, NVC and the Consulate.

If they don't share the information then there is a cost savings the congress should look at.

Not trying to be difficult, but some information seems to be repeatedly asked for.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-08 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes USCIS Monitor this site?
A Consulate Officer tied to USCIS. I doubt it. Let's see, USCIS approves the petition then sends it on to the NVC, who sends it on to the Consulate, who in tern eventually, grants an interview for the Fiance, with a CO. Do they share information, I hope so, or we would be constantly sending multiple forms everywhere.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-08 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC reviewing documents timeline
Once the USCIS has been approved they will forward the decision to the NVC who will forward it to the Consulate. In my case it took about 7 days to go from California to DC to China. Good Luck
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-18 19:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2

April date? I don't think you should delay at all. NVC usually gets the approved Visa applicaations to the Consulate with in 5-7 business days. The Consulate send out packet #3 quickly. Then it's all up to your fiance and how long they take to acquire the documents and send them back. Then another 30 days before the interview, then if immediately approved they will have 6 months to enter.

Good luck!
RictoddMaleChina2010-11-11 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
My finacee's mother has to have heart surgery close to the interview date. Can she ask for a new date and how does she do that?

Thanks, Eric
RictoddMaleChina2010-12-26 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiaries Support goups
Again let me thank you all!!! bye the way my "c" is working again.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-08 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiaries Support goups
Thank you all so muh for your suggestions and Help! I truly appreiate it. I'll have to look at my keyboard my"" doesn't seem to be working.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-08 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiaries Support goups
Thank you!

I forgot to tell you she does read and write English. Better than some and not as good as others. I think her English is okay. Good enough to communicate verbally, but not letter perfect.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-01 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiaries Support goups
Yes she does know about this site and I have encouraged her to look her. Never thought about her being a member here, good idea. She works long hours and may not be able to spend enough tim on the internet to be of much use to her, but I will suggest it again.

RictoddMaleChina2010-10-01 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiaries Support goups

Just wondering if there are support groups for K-1 beneficiaries in other countries. Although I help as much as I can, my fiance has stated she feels alone in the process within her country (China). I suggested she call the Consulate customer service line and talk to them, but she said it is very hard to get through to them. This may be more of a feeling than a complaint, but I love her and want to help her.

Any ideas???
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-01 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresClarification
Sorry, No i never would send just pdf's or faxes or any other form. Just the originals and one copy. After we produce the materials, we can talk about the balance.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-08 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresClarification
Thank you all for your responses. I feel much better. I thought I was 95% correct, but when my fiance starts asking me questions about a process we are both trying to understand together, and I don't know how to help with the answers it get very frustating for me.

With the rise of indentity theft, I get even more concerned about supplying the information requested half way across the world. She's worth the risk, so that isn't a concern, just making sure I supply the minimal amount of information, even though the more information the better rule should apply.

I think I'll scan everything and send it to the Consulate with the a cc for her with the originals. Those are documents I may need in the near future and I really don't want them to be half a world away waiting for a consulate to arrange a time frame for review. I don't know that I will need them, but I don't feel comfortable with that information out of my sight.

I guess I'll keep copies and have them notarized. Just in case this takes longer than anticipated andf I may need them for some reason. I don't know why I would, but I just don't like original not being in my possesion.

It probably goes back to my parents being relocated from my birth state to another state. When I tried to enter into athletics in my new state they always requestd original copies of my Birth Cerificate. Different state has diffferent laws than the state I resided in, causing us to get multiple "official birth certificates" . Eventually it became "show us the original and give us a copy" worked. That may be why I am so cautious about original documents.
RictoddMaleChina2010-09-17 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresClarification
I'm not a mental giant nor a mental midget, but the instruction packet(3) my finacee received was very confusing.
1) Should the checklist be for what is checked on the list or is that a check list for what should be returned?
2) The bottom of the form says to sign and return for your interview date. With or with out the checked or non-checked information?
3) On that list is an affidavit of support form. Should that have come to the pettioner and not the beneficary, or am I just spitting into the wind? Maybe that's proof of a relationship that my fiancee should ask me for that? If it is universal why not part of the I-129F application?
4) Police records for everywhere she has ever lived for 6 months for the past 24 years??? (she's 40 now, don't tell her I told you that)She went to Singapore to escape a per-arranged marriage. But that was many years ago (still after she was 16). I guess, find a Singapore Embassy to confirm the police record??? I hope there are lots of them.
5) Confusing DS form asks for a spouse then parents. Are those the spouses parents??? (not clear).
6) Question about who will come with you or folow you? I assume this is for the married and with children people. Not the relatives coming for the wedding people.

Some questions may be obvious others not so. Just want to make sure I direct my gal correctly.

RictoddMaleChina2010-09-10 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReally need some help with k-1
Wish I could help...maybe going there and marrying their then a K-3 would be faster? BUt maybe only by a few months at best? Maybe someone else has a better idea.
RictoddMaleChina2010-10-22 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI forgot the passport size pics, and paying rush processing fee after submitting I129-F
I concur. Wait for the request. I've been trying to update an address change of my fiance for 9 months, through USCIS, NVC and the Consulate. Still not sure if they got it right.

Good Luck,
RictoddMaleChina2010-11-05 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI forgot the passport size pics, and paying rush processing fee after submitting I129-F

K-1s are not eligible for rush processing. Send NOTHING MORE until you get an RFE. It will only go into the USCIS black hole.

RictoddMaleChina2010-11-05 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines
Thank you all.
RictoddMaleChina2010-11-07 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines
I've noticed some of you have meeting and engagement timelines in your bios. I looked for those for my timeline, but can't find that I can add those. Are those timelines no longer available here? Just wondering.

RictoddMaleChina2010-11-05 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime between responses
Thanks Darnell.

At least this puts my mind at ease that I have explained the slow response. Since her mother's surgery involved mobility issues she may be their for 1-2 months. Understandably she wants to be there for her mother before she comes here for 2 years.

RictoddMaleChina2010-11-07 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime between responses
If you don't like the short story, here's the long story. When I was with her in March we traveled to her home so I could meet her family, and I also thought she would get her passport updated then, end up she had her IC updated.

She worked in Wenzhou then, and I had visited her there in May of 2008. She had a new job offer that paid much more and had much more responsibility. She accepted the new job and moved to Fujian. I tried to reach out to USCIS and update the new address, but our approved 129F was on the way to NVC.

I tried contacting NVC and the Consulate, but they still ended up sending the Packet #3 to the old address in Wenzhou. Thankfully there was a colleague there that sent it on to her.

New position, Mon Festival coming up and she works in the culinary field. Her new employer has a factory and 8 retial locations for her to manage, as well as help the factory with production. She is hiring staff, re-working recipes, an manging day-to-day operations.

Long time before she can get back home for the Houku she needs to update her information. After Moon Festival she gets to go back to Chang Chun. She gets hard copies of everything she needs, but the passport. She is told there is a problem with the new passport system and they will mail it to her.

Back she goes on the long trip back to Fujian, when she gets a call from her sister. Her mother had a fall and needs surgery on her foot. They also want to check her head and heart. This should be 6-8 weeks???

So packet #3 was delivered in September and it doesn't look like a response will be coming until November-Decemeber.

Looks like a long time to me, but totlly exlainable.

Would this raise any red flags, or do we need a doctor's note [he he]. Hey I'm trying to stay positive.

RictoddMaleChina2010-11-05 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime between responses
Too make a long story fiance had to travel back to her home town to get all the documents she neds for the Packet #3 response. On her way back to her current residence she got news fron her sister that her mother had taken ill and would need surgery and some other explorative work done. Does the Consulate have a a relationship based on the length of time from packet #3 receipt by the intended and the response?

RictoddMaleChina2010-11-05 20:40:00