K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-2 Questions - anyone who has moved over with Children??
Hi All
I am hoping that some folks have gone through the K-1 process with children involved for the K-2 and might be able to answer some questions for me..
Some background information here that might help.

My application was filed listing all 3 of my kiddos..

my eldest son is 18.

He will not actually be moving over with me and my youngest 2 when we leave (after the interview in Sydney) but will be following later in 2008 - as he will be attending (college) here in Australia and even though he will come over to the USA late 08, for several months - at this point he plans to come back to AUS for some of 2009 (again for schooling), and again in 2010...

I am getting all of the required forms/medicals & police/fingerprints done for him at the same time that I am doing all the rest of ours.. (BIG JOB to go through this process when there is more than just "me" involved LOL - if any of you think that you have a stack of $$ costs and paperwork as a single person... you should SEE what it all is about when it is a person & 3 kids LOL).. anyway..

When we go for the interview in Sydney - which we anticipate to be around about March/April of 2008 -

Should he go up there for the interview with us - even though he won't be going over to the USA till later in the year?

and the next questions..
When my darling fiance and I get married in the USA (which will be in probably May) depending on the interview date in Sydney.. and apply for the AOS/EAD/AP for myself and my other 2 kidlets ARE WE able to also apply for all of my eldest son's as well even if he is not actually yet in the USA????

I am hoping that either some of you have gone through this yourselves and can answer my questions, or if there are any legal-eagles on here who actually might know the answers... or should I just wait and ask them at the Sydney consulate when we go for the interview...

I realise that I still have months to go before the interview takes place - but we are in the midst of a thousand things here at the moment (LOL) packing up my house which just recently sold... getting ready for Xmas (and my fiance's visit YAY)... and then I am actually flying back over to the USA in February for several weeks to organise wedding plans etc... while WAITING WAITING WAITING for the Sydney interview date... so at this time I am just trying to make sure I have all documents, all i's dotted, t's crossed... and my folder of information just sitting there ready and complete for the interview stage, so I can fly back in, get my kiddos ready, pack our bags, head to Sydney for the interview and then fly on into the arms of my beloved... blush.gif

have a GREAT day and thanks in advance for any help.
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-18 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChristmas Day
Kevin... I LOVE what you wrote...
Christmas is my favorite time of year - whistling.gif and my birthday falls just 2 days short of it too, so that is probably why blush.gif and I AM SO SO excited because my darling Steven is flying over from the USA to come and spend it with me.... I CANNOT CANNOT wait... he being here with me and my children will just be the ABSOLUTE BEST Birthday and Christmas present ever... (well aside from when the USA govt. allow the kids and I to have our visa and move over to him) innocent.gif

have a GREAT day and thankyou so much for sharing that with us..
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-16 02:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdating your Timelines
Well LOL. BS or no BS. I think that the timelines when updated give a fairly "fair" estimate for most folks, true VJ is NOT ALL those that are applying for visas etc. but those on here are a fairly indicative cross-section of those who are applying.

But with that being said and done - you must be having a bad day - sorry if you are, we all do know what you are going through, but no point belittling what some of us like to look at - if you don't want to adjust or update your timeline then that is fine - no point making a big song and dance about it.... or trying to make those of us, feel silly/bad who do like to number crunch, or offer help to others (who don't know how or about the timeline tool) use it..

Have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-18 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdating your Timelines
Just giving this a bit of a bump up... whistling.gif

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-18 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdating your Timelines
Hidie ho folks...
am i being a bit like a social service announcement whistling.gif
nah not meaning too - I do find the timelines interesting (if not an obsession for me whistling.gif ) if everyone could take a couple of minutes to make sure that their timelines are updated, or at least entered - that would be fantastic - the more information that we have that is accurate the better "overall" picture we are able to see based on dates, consulates, etc.

For those that don't know how to do that - (and there is probably a thread or something here about it - so please forgive me).
Make sure you are logged in.
Go to the link at the top that says immigration timelines
Left hand side you will see the menu about (editing/adding) timeline... and also the bit about creating a timeline.
Just as an FYI for "newbies" the information that you put in here, doesn't "show" up at the bottom of your posts - it only shows up when someone clicks on your "timeline" under your name/information.
BUT it is the information that you put into these fields that then appear on the stats pages etc. which help (those of us that are obsessed with data) blush.gif

I have seen some people also wanting the information to appear at the bottom of their posts - THIS is separate, and you add that in (in anyway/format) that you want, by going to your own profile/control panel and adding it in/changing it etc. in your "signature".. But nothing that you type in there will appear in the stats form.

Have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-06 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe're Approved
good.gif CONGRATULATIONS now you definitely have something to give thanks for... for thanksgiving good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-19 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWere Approved!
good.gif YAY - Congratulations to you... good.gif
have a GREAT day (sure you are feeling on top of the world <grin>)
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-24 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportspremium processing and I129F ?
I agree - about the hostage situation <grin> and I WISH there was premium processing available... HONESTLY we would be prepared to cough up a couple of thousand $$ bucks to help speed up this process, I mean in the scheme of things that really wouldn't be much moula would it... and at least then we could go about our lives like normal engaged couples <grin> it is why we have decided that rather than beat our heads against the wall during this long and annoying delay, once I get my kiddos re-settled back into school (after their Summer/Xmas Aussie school break) I am going to head back to the USA for Feb and March (as we KNOW nothing will happen in that time) to do some "normal - engaged" couple stuff, like organise our wedding plans, visit with the schools that my kids will be going to, go on dates and all that other sort of things...

BUT if there was an expedited process available (even at a cost) we wouldn't have to put ourselves through the cost of my airline tickets (or the emotional cost of either being with my fiance' & away from my children or being with my children and away from my fiance')... I HATE being ripped in two like that...

Have a GREAT day

Edited by TracyOz, 25 November 2007 - 12:41 AM.

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-25 00:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe approved by CSC !!!
good.gif YAY - Congratulations to you.. wonderful news good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-24 01:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE FINALLY HAVE A MEDICAL AND INTERVIEW DATE
good.gif that is AWESOME news and what a GREAT xmas present... WTG good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-25 04:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjust found out that we need previous marriage cetrs
Just as an FYI - especially for those who haven't thought of this (or the need for the marriage cert. <grin>)
ESPECIALLY for the female - the marriage certificate (along with the divorce decree - which is needed by BOTH parties)... helps to show the chain of name changes (eg: from birth, marriage, divorce back to maiden name if appropriate)..

Honestly folks... if in doubt... GET IT ANYWAY... better to be safe than sorry (and that goes both for the USC and the O/S beneficiary) I would MUCH prefer to have MORE paperwork in front of them than not enough and get an RFE for it - kwim?

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-28 02:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSend chocolate kisses to USCIS to get there attention
ooooh could you just picture their faces... blink.gif blink.gif
have a GREAT day... and good luck with your chocolate kisses... keep us posted maybe those of us at the CSC might have to do something similar...
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-06 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust some STATS for you (June to end Sept) filers
Just wanted to do a little update for this (end November).... where NOvember had 202 approvals for the month (WOW lets hope December can blow that record out of the water) <grin>

If they keep up and/or pickup the pace they are going then everyone between the JUNE-end SEPTEMBER filing period MAY all have their NOA-2's by the end of JANUARY, early FEBRUARY.

Anyway as at the beginning of DECEMBER the filers from (1st June through to the 30th September) -

again LOL... this is ONLY VJ records I am sure that there are far more than this in the real world <grin>

there are
652 total records for that period (K1 at all centres) - I either (mistyped the number last time, or quite a few extra folks have come in and updated/created a timeline since then)... :-)

614 have received NOA 1
205 have received NOA 2

447 are waiting for NOA2

15 has been the average number of days between filing and NOA-1
125 has been the average number of days between the NOA-1's and the NOA-2's issued for those folks.

11 is the number of (June-Sept) filers who have interview dates already... WHOO HOO & triple congratulations to them....
80 is the average number of days between those folks (NOA-2's and their interview date)

have a GREAT day folks
(and don't forget to keep updating your timelines) <grin>
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-03 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust some STATS for you (June to end Sept) filers
good.gif WOW well I am totally FLOORED to say that as of this second... (and sheesh folks we ALL know that this is ONLY VJ stats) LOL.. and only based on whether or not people keep then coming back and updating their "stat timelines" whistling.gif which I REALLY hope they do...

but we are up to 192 FOR THE MONTH....

and I am sure that once people get on line as the weekend progresses that number will grow... wow ... HEY huge thumbs up and a round of applause for the adjudicators... we all know that they have got a massive job in front of them each day, especially with the increase in applications prior to the fee increase... but looks like they are all keeping their heads down, backsides up and working endlessly... I for one am very impressed (grin) as long as they keep it up for the future that is..

have a GREAT day and HUGE congrats to all who have received an approval in November...

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-01 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust some STATS for you (June to end Sept) filers
good.gif good.gif 172 for the MONTH and still rising... WHOO hoooo.... CONGRATULATIONS to all those who have received their NOA-2 so far this month...

Have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-30 03:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust some STATS for you (June to end Sept) filers
and we are up to 157 approvals so far for November STILL with a couple of days to go... I am seriously believing that the number will race over the 170+ finishing line for the month... so here's wishing good luck to everyone... and here's HOPING that those adjudicators keep up that sort of pace into the silly season of December.... there might be a lot of happy smiling faces if so...

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-29 02:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust some STATS for you (June to end Sept) filers
good.gif Yay good.gif overall approvals NOW for the month of November WITH still a few days to go... is up to 143....

I am thinking that they may even break the 170+ mark (not unfeasible for another 27+ for the week to come through) for this month... WAY to go adjudicators... keep up this GREAT pace... and put some happy smiles on some folks dials for the holiday season... <grin>

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-27 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust some STATS for you (June to end Sept) filers
Hi All
Oh I KNOW that everyone is capable of pulling up the stats and figures - but being a bit of a number cruncher blush.gif and with nothing better to do on a Sunday morning while my kiddos are still sleeping I have just been fiddling around with the stats and thought I would share - for those that are interested or don't get as much into the numbers as I do wacko.gif And OBVIOUSLY there are more than these numbers because not everyone applying uses VJ LOL..

Anyway - as at today (25th November) -
K1 Visas sent in from
1st June through to 30th September
Total records sent = 625
Total of those with NOA-1's = 584 (lets keep our fingers crossed for the balance to get theirs SOON)
Total who have received NOA-2's = 134

Average number of days between filing and NOA-1 for that period = 15 (just as an FYI ours took 29)
Average number of days between NOA-1 & NOA-2 for that period = 122

Approvals (NOA-2's) so far (overall) for November is at 129 (with a week to go)
the number that were approved over the past couple of months..

October was 140
September was 80
August was 104
July was 61
June was 110

I used 1st June to 30th September (LOL because I am a Sept. filer <grin>) but also that overall period seems to be where the most congestion is occuring..

okie dokie LOL.. think I bored y'all enough.. back to my sunday morning now..
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-24 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
good.gif Congratulations to you... I have just read through the past couple of pages and WOW WOW WOW I feel your excitement, you brought tears to my eyes... cause I know that I and my fiance will feel EXACTLY the same way when we see those same words... GOOD LUCK on the next phase of this excruciating journey good.gif

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-16 01:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFun with Numbers (CSC)
Thanks for that... I'm like you - LOVE the number crunching... and I love your estimates there - at that rate WE MIGHT just see our NOA-2 by the first week in February (ahhhh that would be like a massive sigh of relief for me)....

Just as an FYI (which might be handy for those in the future)
We filed on the 26th September
My current timeline date for approval (as at today) is the 4th March...
(would LOVE for that to be earlier - like by a month or so <grin>)

then I just have to find out how long it really takes to get from CSC to the NVC and then to Sydney.... I would love it if we could have a March interview (unlikely I know) but my fingers (and my wish to Santa) is for a mid-late April interview so that we can move over there early May to allow my kiddos to at least do a few weeks of school/interaction before the summer break.

have a GREAT day

Edited by TracyOz, 11 December 2007 - 06:32 PM.

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-11 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA few up to date Stats for June to September filers
whistling.gif Mox - I'll leave you to the break down by service centres... <grin> I HAD started doing it that way - and ummmmm found it too "depressing" myself <grin> which is why I decided just to lump everyone together LOL...

But what the blazes is going on??? My timeline estimated date has just gone to March 21 (WHAT THE???) at one point just before Xmas, it had gone right down to almost the beginning of March... come on peeps please update your timelines - surely the adjudication dates should be (in theory) getting better - not worse... WHERE oh WHERE are the timeline police???

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-11 02:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA few up to date Stats for June to September filers
Ahhhh c'mon you guys know me by now - when going a little 'stir-crazy' I do up some number crunching... just for the hey of it... AND WE ALL know that truly they don't mean anything, and there are STAX of other variations to take into consideration (and of course not everyone updates their timelines, and fall off the VJ wagon) <grin> but these sort of things are amusing and keep us number folks a little happy...

So the "timeline police" <grin> is asking that if you need to update your timeline then Please do... your stats help us give a more accurate picture for our "guestimates"...

So as at today (10th january)

September Filers
There were;-
96 K1 filers for September
88 have received NOA-1
17 have received NOA-2 (with an average of 75 days between NOA-1 & 2)..
6 have Interview dates..

August Filers
There were
82 K1 filers for August
78 have received NOA-1
25 have received NOA-2 (average of 112 days between NOA1-2)
0 have interview dates????? (interesting - but again not everyone comes back on here and updates their information)

July Filers...
There were
338 K1 filers for July (ahhh you guys are killing us) <grin>
321 have received NOA-1
225 have received NOA-2 (average of 130 days between NOA1-2)
27 have interview dates

June Filers
There were
205 K1 filers for June (grin - these were the first ones trying to kill us) <grin>
198 have received NOA-1
165 have received NOA-2 (again probably because of non-updates this could be more) - average of 138 days between NOA1-2
65 have interview dates

In closing
There were (between 1 june and 30 September)
733 K1 filers during this period
697 have received NOA-1
439 have received NOA-2 (with average of 130 days between NOA1-2)
100 have Interviews (with average of 100 days between NOA2 & interview)

leaves 300 waiting for NOA 2...

and my guess (grin) is that around 10% of the total number aren't updating... so that is around 70 people
take that off the 300 waiting... and we get 230 waiting for NOA-2.... (and they approved 200 in December alone... so FINGERS crossed we see 200 approved in January) it wil mean that all of us during that period of filing SHOULD see our NOA-2 BY early February....

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-10 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in hand!

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-11 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved
good.gif FANTASTIC news ... CONGRATULATIONS.. good.gif
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-08 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy petition has been approved.
good.gif WOW... WOW... AND DOUBLE WOW... CONGRATULATIONS.... good.gif
have a Great day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-09 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers NVC to Interview
good.gif Way to go guys good.gif I am getting chills of happiness as you all start to come up for your interviews... and CANNOT wait for us Sept. filers to be doing the same... hard to wait though LOL... as I KNOW you all understand... so my darling SO is flying over to Aus for Xmas, and then I am flying over there for part of the (expected) Feb/March wait time, as I don't see my kiddos and I having an interview before sometime in April - so will get them off to the new year at school here in Aus. go over there - spend some time with my honey and come back in preparation for that elusive interview date... I can ONLY IMAGINE how excited you are all getting... keep us posted...
have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-18 01:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhy is my NOA1 date different from USCIS date on website?
LOL... so Mox you are learning Russian... COOL...

i on the other hand (Aussie) where we speak English - am now learning to talk American whistling.gif <grin> as the way I see it, ONLY Americans use the old measurement system for temps, weight, distance etc... and when you ask many Americans what language they speak ... RARELY do they say English whistling.gif they say ummmm american... so I am trying really hard to say Y'all y'all and take out, layaway - only teasin'..

have a GREAT day folks... OH ME OH MY only ONE week to go before I see my honey (bittersweet though, cause to go over there for some of this "wait out" time, means leaving my kiddos here with my ex and i will MISS them abysmally)... THAT is the part that I am hating the most over the past year or so - either I have the happiness of being with Steve (but being away from my rugrats) - or I am with them and missing my honey... too many tears and emotional separations for me I am afraid... I CANNOT wait for the next few months to be OVER with so that I can merge all my loved ones together in one place..

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-31 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
My guess for this week hmmmm lets see

I think I will stick with 30 CSC for the week, as per usual (and 65 between all centres)...

they seem to be pumping them out quite well now LETS keep our fingers crossed that they keep it up (and here's double fingers crossed for all the June and July filers) who are still waiting to receive theirs this week... Then ROLL ON August and September <grin>

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-10 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
Put me down for

hmmm 30 (CSC)
and total for both centres at 65....

lets see how close I am this week <grin>

have a GREAT day and good luck to all who will receive their NOA-2's this week...
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-12-03 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
whistling.gif here's my gamble...

THIS my guestimate will be 26 (and I am saying OVERALL 50)

have a GREAT day folks... and ROLL ON approvals... blow my "guess" out of the water LOL..

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-26 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
<grin> well I believe I was at 18 for last week (SO MIGHT just win on that one <grin>)

THIS week 26th November to 2nd December my guestimate will be 26 (and I am saying OVERALL 50)

lets see how it goes..

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-24 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
good.gif Looks like there are already 3 from CSC for this week YAY... congrats... good.gif

on top of my (lower CSC) figure I am gonna say that overall I think that maybe 25 approvals (all up from each of the centers) will come through... the more they approve the faster they will get to September filers LOL...

have a GREAT day folks
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-20 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
<grin> well my 36 and 50's don't seem to be getting anyone anywhere... so this week, being a shortweek (or is it LOL... will they have staff working overtime??)

anyway... put me down for
18... and we will see how it goes..

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-19 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
good.gif CONGRATULATIONS to you Debz good.gif - awesome news...

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-14 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
good.gif Oh you are a winner <grin> good.gif
Good guessing on that number Still The Prettiest...

I am again going to say something nice and high like mmmmm "36" LOL....

the more they approve, the faster they will get through the list - and we will all be "almost" on our way to our darling SO's...

And I am going to go for a whammie by suggesting that there will be an overall of 50 NoA-2's issued between all centers over the next week (12-18th)...

have a GREAT day folks... and positive working power to the staff at the centers...

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-13 01:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
LOL... innocent.gif and there actually isn't a 31st in November anyway... It is a 30 day month... so I think they have accidentally put in the wrong date for their time line.....

have a GREAT day everyone... and Hey who there is a tad more optimistic than me?? I thought my 36 was way cool... but 42... GO GO GO... that would be sheer bliss and wonderfulness if they start pumping through that number wouldn't it??

TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-05 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe CSC Sweepstakes
hmmmm well I am thinking "33" for this week (w/ending 4th November)
and for next week...
week of 5th - 12th November....
my Guess will be - "36"...

have a GREAT day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2007-11-03 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER FILERS
<green with envy here> BUT in a nice way <grin> CONGRATULATIONS on your approvals folks... good.gif

have a GREAt day
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-16 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
"A" team... WOW guys... I hear you... I am currently bouncing around here in Adelaide... sun is still shining, I am in the midst of packing for my "trip" to the USA tomorrow... GRIN... my darling man thinks I am not getting in till Saturday... <grin> so I will be a massive surprise for him on his "thursday night" after his brother picks me up from the airport and takes me home... AND I am going over there with a NOA-2... I LITERALLY just about fell off my chair when I read the email, and I was just EXPLODING with happiness and excitement, my poor kiddos did not know what was going on LOL...

MOX... YOU ARE NEXT... at least within the week... I FEEL it in my bones...

Oh man oh man - the only way this could have felt better would have been if I had been with my honey when seeing that (LOL - instead of screaming down the phone at him while he was asleep blush.gif blush.gif ) now - just the actual interview to go, and then the BEST day of my life when we actually get married... OH WOW I cannot CANNOT wait...

have a GREAT GREAT GREAT day everyone...


TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-02-06 03:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Hi Yah Mox...
This WHOLE thing is bizzare... blink.gif timeconsuming, emotionally draining and frustrating and really it is a RIGHT ROYAL PAIN IN THE PATOOTIE... if you ask me..

My thoughts are still that the USA divorce rate would not be sitting on 50% IF EVERY SINGLE person in the USA prior to wanting to get married had to be put into an enforced 6-18 month separation, and had to communicate to actually discover things about each other (so that it wasn't just lust blush.gif ), if they had to go through the financial costs, and then the probing into personal lives, medicals and all sorts of other riff raff.. If standard USA folks prior to marriage had to prove their devotion, love and relationship (time spent together, contact made between them, and in detail knowledge about the other)...

WOW - how many folks would actually "go the distance" from that short spurt of immediate infatuation - through to the actual marriage ceremony... ummmm not many LOL...

So I STILL think while bizarre, frustrating, draining and downright annoying that we are all going through this total nightmare .... just think of what hurdles we are overcoming - how, at a distance we are able with our loved ones to talk and deal with situations and actually get through them together - how we are really actually getting to know our partners on a far deeper level than just a quick "hi honey how was your day - good - oh mine was crappy - now lets eat some food, not talk about anything, watch some TV and jump into bed"... LOL...

Okay so that is my optimism for the week - BELIEVE me it won't last (especially if CSC doesn't start to SHAKE SOME DARN "TAIL FEATHER") and make some action happen, my kids and I have just moved out of my house (that I sold last year organising a late January settlement THINKING STUPIDLY that we would be in the USA by the first week in February <crazed giggle>) and we are now all squished into my ex's place - there are boxes and suitcases EVERYWHERE and believe you me, ummm sharing a house with my ex is not what I call optimum <LOL> GREAT for the kids though to have this chance to spend some time with their Dad before we move O/S... BUT a crazy situation non-the-less.....

have a GREAT day folks... and COME ON CSC... COME ON...
TracyOzFemaleAustralia2008-01-29 18:44:00