United KingdomVisiting on a VWP?
I only use a mobile phone so my call to the 'extorsion line' really was extorsionate. Once you have got through all the pre-recorded gumpf and actually talk to someone, they innevitably do not have your case details to hand and have to speak to their supervisor while they put you on hold for another 5 mins only to give you the code to email. They finally finish by saying, ' oh and you can keep up to date on your case at any point by phoning us on this number' yep right of course I will once Ive paid off the overdraft I've had to take out to pay for this call! You then send the email with the right code and get the automated response that it will be dealy with within the next few days............ only for them to ignore everything you have phoned and emailed them over in the first place. They say that buying a house and getting divorced are the most stressful things that anyone has to go through in their life, I wonder if trying to get your visa application processed in an efficient and timely manner has reached anywhere near the same level of recognition of stress levels yet? It should be lol. Good Luck to all.
sellyMaleEngland2007-05-10 13:50:00
United KingdomVisiting on a VWP?
We applied for our K1 back in Jan and I have been across to see Leigh twice since then on the Visa Waiver Program. The last time I went the immigration officer was cracking jokes at how long the process takes. So basically you can travel to the US as everyone else does from the UK, the application to stay doesn't change anything. All I would recommend is that you make sure that you remember to log out when you leave as the last thing you need to happen is to be refused your visa due to an overstay that may not have happened.
sellyMaleEngland2007-05-07 09:20:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
Leigh has a very stable job with a pension plan linked to it, she owns her own house, the weather is great, the standard of living is great, the people are friendly, the cost of living is low, the phrase no brainer is already emerging. As much as the UK is a wonderful and beautiful country, when you are setting up home with your loved one the last thing you need is high housing costs, high taxes, high cost of living costs etc etc so there was no question of us settling in the UK really. I'm happy to move to the US there is plenty opportunity for me to build a new career once I get established and it provides so many options for both of our wider families it just makes sense.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-07 07:24:00
United KingdomRegarding Child Maintanence Abroad
I think that the position you are taking is a very honourable one and one that should be respected by the Ex, if not then greed is clearly an issue. Luckily my move was on the cards while the financial agreement was being thrashed out and I managed to get an agreement with my Ex to take the salary differece in to consideration. If my circumstances however improved to the point where I could pay more than I was in the UK, I would as I want to be fair to the children. I hope the situation resolves itself quickly and with the minimum of stress for all concerned.
sellyMaleEngland2007-05-28 10:21:00
United KingdomRegarding Child Maintanence Abroad
I think you make some very sensible observations Lisa, none more than the recommendation that cooperation and dialouge are key to sorting the whole issue out. If the lawyers get involved, the only people to win will be the lawyers. I think you are right to focus on the fact that the only important factor in the whole episode is the welfare of the children. It is an unfortunate fact of life that families do split and this sort of thing does happen. As long as the estranged parent continues to provide what they can for their children and that provision is consistant with what is deemed fair, then they should be free to get on with their life as they see fit. If that means living in another country, remarrying and having more children then so be it. Their history should not be a millstone around their neck preventing them from their own future happiness. I for one will never ignore or totally abandon my children, granted I will not see them with the regularity that I have previously enjoyed. But I feel I will now be in a better position to provide them with more options in their life as they grow, ie education and employment, should they wish it. I refuse to be held to emotional ransom and nor should any other parent in a similar position. Providing the children are given the love and support that they should receive and prepared correctly for the separation, they will not be too adversly affected any more than the divorce proceedings did in the first place.
sellyMaleEngland2007-05-28 09:49:00
United KingdomRegarding Child Maintanence Abroad
Mrs D I can associate and sympathise with your situation. I too have two children that I am currently paying a set amount of Child Maintenance for and I am happy to do so as it reflects the mandated 20% of my net income. When I move to the US I too will reduce the payments I make as they are directly linked to net income. What would the situation be in the UK if he had lost his job and could only get a job that paid half his previous income?............. it would be accepted that the payments would have to reduce, just because he is in a different country nothing changes. This does smell of his ex-partner being angry that he has found happiness again and is an attempt to spoil that happiness. I have a couple of pearls of thought given to me by my lawyer on the issue of child maintenance:

1. Your husband is unlikely to hear too much from the lawyer in the UK as it is a very costly and complicated process and as he has agreed to make some payment it is unlikely to get to the point where they chase him through the US legal system.

2. If your husband pays an amount mandated in a court order, the order only signifies an agreement between the two of them at a given point in time. If due to changes in personal circumstances you need to adjust that amount and can substantiate the change ie pay slip proves that the amount paid is more than the mandated percentage for the number of children, you can change it. The parent with the children has to then appeal to prove you are in contempt of the order and will also be responsible for all associated court costs, if applicable. If the proposed amount still falls within the mandated guidlines ie 15% for 1 child, 20% for 2, 25% for 3 or more, it is very unlikely that the case will get very far. Your husband will only be responsible for showing the court why he has changed the amount being paid ie by providing copies of his pay slips.

With regard to back payments, as long as your husband can substantiate the amount he has been paying and did not cease his payments he will not be required to pay any more. Lawyers tend to write these very threatening letters to try and intimidate people with the threat of court action, most of it is pure hot air.

If your husband has acted based on truths and as appears to be the case, shown a willingness to provide for his children, there should be nothing to worry about.

Bottom line do not be intimidated by her lawyer, if he is acting in good faith with a willingness to cooperate, just let them run up the bill. They will come back with a settlement agreement before they chase you in the US.

I hope it works out for you and fingers crossed hope I do not have to go down the same road in days to come.

Finally to those willing to post unhelpfull and ill informed comments, save your scorn for another website, this site is about helping one another not criticising or ridiculing.
sellyMaleEngland2007-05-28 08:16:00
United KingdomI NEED HELP

I think you're panicking for nothing. It's a motoring offense, not really a serious one at that, and I don't think not having insurance is even an arrestable offense here or there.

I do not see that this is a CIMT and I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Read this for clarification:


HI AND THANKS.... HAD A LOOK AT THAT SITE BUT WILL STILL BE PANICKING OVER THIS thats just me........ i,m paying the price for my procrastination :angry: :angry: :angry: will worry till my interview and then i,ll find something else to worry about :wacko: :wacko:

I wouldnt worry about it as it is a minor issue. Make sure however that you have a copy of the magistrates court record of the case to support the police record, that way you are being seen to be open and also complying with the requirements to produce court records. I also have a driving offence which was undue care and attention, simple points and a fine, in this day of cameras everywhere I'm surprised if anyone doesn't have some form of driving offence on their record.

I wouldn't bother with the extorsion line as the advice on here is as good as you will receive from them and a damn site cheaper, min call price will be near to £7 for your quick enquiry.

Good Luck
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-11 09:16:00
United Kingdomafter interview

Can anyone tell me how long it is taking for courier to deliver passports back am desperately waiting to book flight as the
prices seem to be going up every day. Interview is Monday but dont want to tempt fate by booking flight till I know I have been approved. Looking to travel the following week.

Not sure but from reading various posts on here I would allow 5 working days min. The other aspect is the unforseen glitch which could create even more expense if you have to rearrange flights??? Its a toughie if you want to fly so soon after the interview. good luck
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-12 08:08:00
United KingdomMedical done

Fantastic!! what date is/was your medical?

06/06 and it was then that the dasterdly doctor gave out the misinformation on the non existent embassy closure.......ggggrrrrr
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-12 08:29:00
United KingdomMedical done

Does anyone know what time they open? I am going to give them a cal rather than spend another £8.00 on the extorsion line................

NVC Info (to find out when your case arrives/leaves there and to get NVC Case number):
Call (603) 334-0700 - press "1" for English then "5" to speak to a rep on the phone. Be ready with USCIS case number, beneficiary name and birthdate. K1 visas are NOT entered into the automatic system. Reps are available 7:30 AM - 12 midnight Eastern time. Call right after they open or right before they close for best results - during the day lines are always busy.

They'll ask for:
Beneficiary's name
DOB x/xx/xxxx

And you can get from them the State Department case number:
LND xxxxxxxxxx

London Embassy:

The State Department is on 1 202 663 1225 then press 1,0,0 to talk to someone
They can tell you whether the Embassy has put the file on the system, saves you calling the premium rate line in London to ask!!

Open away!

Thanks, just posted on the dates thread, interview set for 19th Jul @ 10am!!!! Looks like they are doing a bit of a run of interview dates, all those expecting dates might want to follow suit and get dialling................
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-12 07:58:00
United KingdomMedical done

Hi everybody,
I called the Department of State # and they told me the embassy sent out Packet 4 on Monday the 11th and scheduled our interview for July 20th! I can't believe the end is finally in sight!

Anyone else with interview news?


Does anyone know what time they open? I am going to give them a cal rather than spend another £8.00 on the extorsion line................
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-12 07:32:00
United KingdomMedical done

I think that "closed in August" rumor was something posted here, but then who ever posted it debunked it - so let's not keep that awful idea alive!!!!

Hear hear! It is utter hogwash. Just think about it -- what would all those USC's who come to visit London do if they lost their passports? What about those poor souls who need business visas to visit New York in August (I am remembering the sour perfume of a New York August right now...)? American babies born in August? Ex-pats who died? And most importantly, what about all of us?

Nope, it's open. :P

Guilty as charged your honour. I was told by the docotor doing the medical that the embassy was closed so thought it a good idea to pass on info received in good faith, however I quickly found out from the horses mouth ie the Visa Section that it was definitely OPEN in August. So apologies if I mislead anyone however with a little luck no damage was done. No feel somewhat sheepish over the whole post.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-11 10:53:00
United KingdomMedical done

He doesn't HAVE to have the vaccinations, but if he can't prove what he's had, they'll probably make him have them at the medical (which is costly).

Even though you don't *technically* need vaccinations to get a K1, I've never seen London or the medical docs not ask for proof or give them at the medical.

I agree, they still need to check what you have had before you are approved. I think there are some that are madatory before you travel and some that need to be given prior to the AOS. I needed MMR and the nurse said ' because you are a K1, this is one of the vaccinations that you do not need before you travel', this would suggest that your visa type also has a say in whether the record is presented.

Safest bet, just present the record or be prepared to go home with two sore arms and minus quite a bit more cash than the £200 medical fee.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-11 09:09:00
United KingdomMedical done

I know all the waiting is a real stresser and to be expected. If you are really worried, try calling the DoS on 001 202 663 1225 and have your file number ready (starts LND2007). It is also possible to extend the life of your NOA2 -- not my area of expertise but a little digging around will tell you how to do it.

Your P4 will be coming to you soon. Ours took 23 days to arrive after we sent out the P3. Hang in there -- good news coming soon, I promise! :thumbs:

Edited to remove bit about Embassy being closed as you found out they won't be, and to say don't bother calling the Extortion Line at £1.20/min for info again -- use the muuuuuuch cheaper DoS line above.

Thanks for the reassurance and for the DoS number. Common sense tells us to not worry, but like many others on here it means so much to us all you just can't help it lol.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-07 07:49:00
United KingdomMedical done
Ive just phoned the embassy for an update, they confirmed they have my packet 3 stuff but no interview has been scheduled yet. I got them to confirm that the Embassy is still interviewing through August, so we can all ignore that snipit of misinformation.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-07 07:27:00
United KingdomMedical done
I too had the 'medical' yesterday and have to say that for £200 I was very disappionted. I think this is more about checking that you are not a drug user or a carrier of STD's and TB than it is anything else. My packet 3 was also sent off about the same time as yours and although I expect some sort of delay, I cannot help but get somewhat apprehensive as to what is happening. Added to this apprehension is the knowledge that our NOA2 authorisation expires on the 4th Aug and I have seen interview dates for the 11th July already.......... I also have heard that the Embassy is closed for the month of August so they are trying to ensure they clear as much as they can in July. I hope it comes soon as the wait is even more painful now we are so close.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-07 06:19:00
United KingdomPolice Certificates

Have you still got the receipt that they send you in acknowledgement of theapplication, it is about as close as you can go to showing a 'transaction' trail for the paperwork. I think if you are seen to be up front and demonstrate that you have tried to make it easy to follow, they will hopefully appreciate it and accept what you provide.

I have got a scrappy piece of paper they filled out at the front desk showing I paid £10, but not what I was paying for.... :huh: I never received a formal receipt, just the letter...... As you said, just be up front and show what you have got!!

I was sent a formal receipt that the application had been received etc. This might be police force specific and it might also be the difference between handing it in at the unhelpful help desk and posting in the application. Hope it turns out okay for you.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-22 07:41:00
United KingdomPolice Certificates

Hi everyone, i posted this question before but never received any response was hopin mayb someone could help me here??!!

I have received my police certificate but it doesnt mention anywhere on it any previous names used even though i added it onto the form i filled in.
I changed my name at age of 18, will i have to reapply for another certificate for my previous name? Or will the embassy be happy with the certificate i have?

sam xxx

Does anyone have the answer on this? How does the Embassy know you requested a police certificate for current and maiden name and for all previous addresses when all you get is the single piece of paper addressed to you as you are now??

Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the Police Form that you fill in ask if you have ever used any previous names etc? I'm sure it mentions something on it, if so they should automatically search under that name also.

You are right, the form asks for any other names and all addresses. The letter that comes back, however, doesn't refer to which names and addresses were searched. I kept a photocopy of the form I submitted to the police, but I was wondering how the Embassy would know from the letter that everything has been searched and that I didn't just make up the photocopy?

Have you still got the receipt that they send you in acknowledgement of theapplication, it is about as close as you can go to showing a 'transaction' trail for the paperwork. I think if you are seen to be up front and demonstrate that you have tried to make it easy to follow, they will hopefully appreciate it and accept what you provide.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-22 07:22:00
United KingdomPolice Certificates

Hi everyone, i posted this question before but never received any response was hopin mayb someone could help me here??!!

I have received my police certificate but it doesnt mention anywhere on it any previous names used even though i added it onto the form i filled in.
I changed my name at age of 18, will i have to reapply for another certificate for my previous name? Or will the embassy be happy with the certificate i have?

sam xxx

Does anyone have the answer on this? How does the Embassy know you requested a police certificate for current and maiden name and for all previous addresses when all you get is the single piece of paper addressed to you as you are now??

Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the Police Form that you fill in ask if you have ever used any previous names etc? I'm sure it mentions something on it, if so they should automatically search under that name also.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-22 07:05:00

Hello ,

I was just wondering if any one could guide me on this---

i sent things in the following order

1. 15/06 ----- Packet 3 to london embassy

2. 22/06 --- medical

3. 01/07 ---- checklist for packet 3 to london embassy

now waiting for a interview date ---- just wanted an idea of how long is the wait for an interview date .... as am confused if the time lines indicate the time packet 3 was sent or the checklist .... :wacko:

If you look on the 'this is the waiting for interview' thread, you will see that there is no hard and fast time that it will take. If you add your details to the list, you can track others with similar dates to your own and have a rough idea when you can expect to receive packet4 from when they start to receive theirs. This is the most frustrating time as you know it is all so close but seems to take so much longer. Hope you do not have to wait too long for it.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-04 08:56:00
United KingdomAirpets were fantastic

Just to let the UK-ers know...if you need to move pets from the UK to the USA, Airpets were great. The whole process was pretty easy and they were very helpful. They even took care of my cat's medication. They weren't cheap, but if you love your moggies then it's worth it.

I had a look at Air Pets and was very impressed with their set up, however as you say not too impressed with their prices. As a less expensive alternative, there are still at least two airlines that allow you to take your pets with you as excess baggage (North West and Delta). I elected to get all of the paperwork together by myself, buy a suitable carrier and pay the excess baggage. The excess baggage was $100, add to that approx $200 for vets fees and approx $160 for a large dog kennel, it comes in massively below the couriers price, which was approx $2400. Getting the dog through customs was a breeze, no requests for paperwork, just interested if I had any food for her and through we went. The couriers try to tell you that you are paying for the paperwork and the lack of hassle, but honestly there isn't any and I cannot see how they can justify such inflated prices.

If you have the time to do it yourself and the two airlines fly near to where you need to be, the savings alone make it worth while.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-04 04:35:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Doctors July 2007 review
I'd not considered this as a potential problem for AOS. I am planning to take another print out from my UK doctors to certify my vacinations. When the knightsbridge docotors fill in the medical forms do they not insert the vaccinations so they are already in the system?
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-04 08:52:00
United KingdomUK to US Visa Free, IS marriage allowed
It's an unenviable position to be in. From reading the post and the lack of clarification or defense of her postion, I suspect there is an element of 'I will keep asking the question until I hear the answer I want to hear' in this. Many of us on here have been in the position where we have met the person we want to live the rest of our lives with (or hope to) and the bottom line is, we are not on here swapping experiences and advice for nothing. There are prescribed ways of doing the K1/K3 visa process and you ignore them at your peril. Although experiences tend to vary, the format of what we are all following is pretty similar.

I wish them well, however feel that they are heading for a fall if they just listen to one potentially misguided telephone call. Personally I would ensure the guidance received from 'INS' was at the very least case specific and written on a formal headed letter before proceeding with any plans.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-06 05:43:00
United KingdomTAMPA POE
Very similar to the Atlanta topic however has anyone used Tampa as a POE and what were your experiences of it. I've been through on a visa waiver but would be interested if anyone has any observations from their post visa entry? I couldn't find anything on the review section on the feedback page, so thought I'd dange the question here.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-11 04:33:00
United KingdomHELP ... AGAIN
I was surprised to find my police record came back as clean as I have a Driving With Undue Care and Attention conviction which was heard in the magistrates court and for which I received a nice fine and some penalty points. In advance of the record coming I applied for the court record and declared it etc on all of the visa paperwork as I took it as red that it would appear on the record. Little did I know that I could have just ignored it and saved myself the court documentation fee. However now that I have it I will just present it at the interview along with the clean record. I think as long as you bare your soul and do not try to hide anything they will not have a problem with what you present......... hopefully. (That is unless you are precluded through a severe offence etc). That's it now all the ducks are lined up in a row and ready for presenting on the 19th.
sellyMaleEngland2007-06-30 05:05:00
United KingdomPolice Record
I got mine back just over a week ago and it referred to the Warwickshire Police request, which I worried about at first as I applied through West Yorkshire Police??? I was concerned that the Police Force wouldn't match up with my addresses, however when I thought about it rationally the fact that it confirms that there is no record is all that matters.

Thames Valley Police are responsible for the Oxon area for the original concern over the Police Force that handles the request.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-11 04:29:00
United KingdomTime To Take Advantage Of The Dollar Rate

The strong pound is hurting the UK more than the weak dollar is hurting us. It makes
UK firms less competitive in US markets, and devalues the value of dollar earnings
made here. I'm sure the Bank of England is going to do something about it soon.

That quarter point interest rate rise they've been talking about before the end of the year won't help. :whistle:

It happened last week....... again! Apparently there are now 500,000 people defaulting on their mortgage payments.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-12 14:46:00
United KingdomTime To Take Advantage Of The Dollar Rate

The strong pound is hurting the UK more than the weak dollar is hurting us. It makes
UK firms less competitive in US markets, and devalues the value of dollar earnings
made here. I'm sure the Bank of England is going to do something about it soon.

I agree that it is making it unattractive to deal in Dollars for UK companies, but that is a double edge sword. Although UK companies are forced to work at $2+ to the pound, rest assured they will not adjust their prices when it does drop. So taking a slightly longer view they stand to profit or recoup some of their reduced margins, when it does drop.

I dont agree however on the BoE bit, I think the BoE are more concerned with getting our own inflation down to 2% than the exchange rate. I would think that if the BoE are doing anything right now, it will be buying as much greenback as it can. As I said a good time to buy dollars.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-12 14:32:00
United KingdomTime To Take Advantage Of The Dollar Rate

It's difficult to say - the sub-prime worries are weakening the dollar and some are predicting it might slide further.

With regards to what the doctor said - If I had extra pounds, I'd be paying back UK debts now with them instead of trrying to do so with dollars in the future!

Its a toughie, it's not a good time to change back to pounds but what do you do wait and see or gamble that it will get worse before it gets better?????

It was steady for so long at around 1.5 - 1.7 I would think it will revert back to somewhere near that within six months but if Wall Street and the UK Stock Exchange can't predict it who am I to try :)
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-12 13:25:00
United KingdomTime To Take Advantage Of The Dollar Rate
For all of those VJers that are iminantly about to move across to the US, the exchange rate for the British Pound against the US Dollar hit a 30 year high today. It is currently sitting at $2.04 to £1.00, time to get that money sent across to the US and take advantage.

For those that have to send cash back for UK responsibilities, comiserations it wants to go the other way.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-12 05:36:00
United KingdomPassport Renewal: When?

Well that clears that side of it up.

Now, is it worth doing it now, or is it cheaper/easier to do once I am there?

It depends where you are in the application process. There will be plenty of people here in the UK that have known you long enough to countersign the paperwork. however, be aware that as it is now the summer (apparently) months there is the seasonal influx of passport enquiries etc. Also the photocopy of your passport you sent in for your visa request will not match the new one that you will have when you go to the interview possibly causing some delays.

It might create more problems than it solves if you apply now.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-12 05:56:00
United KingdomThose with a visa, please step forward
Daisy I hope this is sorted out as soon as possible for you. I also hope the hold up isn't related to overseas travel after a certain date or indeed relating to countries visited, as my passport has some NICE middle east visa stamps in it and I hope they do not cause a similar delay as my flight and wedding etc are already booked. Do they not realise the levels of anxiety they cause when they do this sort of thing???????

Again best of luck in getting a prompt resolution to the delay.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-12 13:39:00
United KingdomVisa arrived BUT...............................
The fact that you passed the medical and have been granted the visa should be proof enough that the xrays were clear. I know that the use of common sense sometimes gets lost amongst government officials, but I think this would be an easy case to win if it came down to it, particularly with the trail of evidence you have in trying to recover them.

I wouldn't worry either.

Congrats on getting the visa by the way.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-18 07:59:00
United KingdomWohoo! + Doh = Monday

What is it with men and the brown envelope? :lol:

Glad he got el passaporte back, D. Onward and upward eh what what. :thumbs:

We revert back to childhood Christmas memories of ripping open presents striving to identify what goodies lie inside.............. oh its just pices of paper?? OOOppps was that 'the' brown envelope I wasn't supposed to open..........Bu****r!!

Or something like that I think.

I am under the strictest of orders and under threat of spending our wedding night on the sofa if I so much as breathe on the brown envelope lol. ;)
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-17 10:15:00
United KingdomWohoo! + Doh = Monday
Does the Visa section have one of those recommendations or comments boxes? With the fact that this happens so often, it might be an idea to suggest putting two brown envelopes one inside the other with one of those light activated sound cards like you find in birthday cards inside. As soon as the 'unwitting' person opens the first envelope they hear an authoritive voice say 'CAN YOU NOT READ, IT CLEARLY SAYS DO NOT OPEN THIS ENVELOPE!' Having said that I am sure security at airports would love xraying all of these wonderful electronic devices in the mail........... either way the potential made me chuckle.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-16 13:54:00
United KingdomInterview Review

Excellent review!!! Thanks! And I'm glad it went so well and that it's all finally coming to a happy new beginning for you both!
Your review made me wonder, however, exactly how important the mutual visits are? My fiance has spent a great deal of time over here with me in the States this past year (we lived together for 6 out of about 9 months), but I've never gone over there to visit him or meet his family (although I've "met" his mum online and webcam... spoken to his dad, etc.). Does it look better if I DID make a visit over???

I don't know if there is an answer to your question to be honest. I think the fact that you lived together for so long more than makes up for not physically meeting the future 'in-laws'. I think the key is to answer the question in a confident manner, with a short but to the point answer. I really got the impression that as long as you demonstrated that your relationship was genuine they don't really read too much in to your answers. I think they are looking for arranged marriages, fake relationships and inconsistancies.

You will be fine, after all you have spent more time physically together with your fiance than the majority of applicants.

Good Luck
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-21 04:31:00
United KingdomInterview Review
Hi all, I have submitted this in the review section as well but thought I would share my experience on the UK thread also with those that are about to go through the interview or indeed the whole K1 visa process.

My appointment was arranged for 10am so I arrived at about 9.15am. The two 'meeters and greeters' checked my name on the list and directed me to a line which was about 20 people long. Although there appeared to be some sort of order to who was going through the security room, there were the odd 'moaners' that were pushed through quickly. It took about 35 minutes of standing and waiting for my turn in what was a nice and sunny day. I'm just glad my interview was on the 19th and not the 20th as the 20th was WET and I'm not sure I would have wanted to stand in the rain waiting to get in for my interview. Once at the security I was relieved of my two electronic devices, key fob and mobile, and my bag was scanned while I walked through the metal detector. Once I had picked up my bag and numbered tag for my phone/keys I was directed around to the far side of the building.

The signs are very clear as to where you must go and I quickly found myself at the reception desk of the visa section. Once again my interview letter was checked and I was allocated a number particular to my type of visa. As soon as I walked in to the large waiting room I thought 'oh no this is going to take hours'. You will be met by hundreds of people sat waiting, however once I sat down and scrutinised the waiting screen, I realised that there were only three others in front of me.

After about a 20 minute wait, my nuber was called to go to window number 1 where I was met by an asian lady that was very polite and actually had a bit of a joke with me. I was asked to produce all of my supporting paperwork and a scan of my fingerprints was taken. She asked me a few questions about my paperwork just to clarify what I had given her. I signed some of the forms sent in with Packet 3 and was quickly banished to the visa payemnt window. On my return I was given a pink form and told to fill in the address detail for the courier and sent back to the waiting area to wait for interview 2. Word of warning it is extremely difficuly to hear the questions being asked as the background noise is quite loud and also in this interviewers case she was a little quiet.

After a quick sandwich and drink, purchased at the little cafe in the waiting area, I had literally another 20 minutes to wait before once again I was summoned to window 16. This time I was met by a young American lady, who had already pushed my original copies of documents back through the slot under the window. She scanned my left hand fingerprints again and asked me to swear that everything I had written and was about to say was the whole truth etc. I was then asked some very personal questions about how, where and when we met and why this was the one. Had we met each others family, when was the last time she had been over here, me over there etc. All the time the woman at the desk was just tapping away at a couple of keys on her keyboard and not appearing to be that interested. After about five minutes of arriving at the window, she smiled and said 'that's about it, I am pleased to tell you that we will be giving you your visa and it will be sent to you as soon as we can. The courier should deliver it within the next 3 - 5 days'. She then directed me to the couriers desk where I paid for the delivery and handed over the pink sheet of paper.

I then left the embassy and wandered around to the exit to collect my keys and phone, all the time being aware that I was grinning like the proverbial grinning cheshire cat.

I then phoned my better half and gave her the wonderful news to shrieks of delight. After six months of waiting and collating information we have finally got the visa......... :kicking: :kicking:

The best advice I can offer anyone considering going through the K1 visa process is to read the pages on VJ, read the paperwork properly that you need to send in and most of all keep focussed on what you are heading towards, being reunited with your loved one. Good Luck to all.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-20 10:38:00
United KingdomAlas! Another Question! Re: traveling w/o passport

Yes, as the UK does not have ID cards, you can only travel on your passport. Anything else is a no go.

You are spot on.
My company wanted me to go on a trip to Europe next week and checked if I could travel on my Photo Driving Licence as the embassy will still have my passport. The answer was a catagorical NO! If you live within the mainland of Europe you can travel on an ID card because there are open borders, however the UK does not maintain an open border with Europe, hence passports are mandatory.

I hope it gets returned before your trip as Amsterdam is an awesome experience.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-21 04:39:00
United KingdomHP "Steak Sauce"
Will be bringing a plentiful supply of HP with me for those 'bacon' and egg butties :). All I need to do now is find a source of some good english style back bacon. When ready wash it down with a huge mug of good hot English tea with milk.
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-18 07:47:00
United KingdomjJust spotted on the baggage carousel at JFK...

Use bloody Liptons for ice tea, ferchristsake! Don't waste those proper tea bags any more! :)

Exactly, she laughs at my fury when she wastes the good stuff. As much as I love the US, I do take the mickey by saying that they are destined to have bad tea for evermore because they wasted so much of the good stuff when they poured it all in to Boston Harbour!! Pennance for such a heineous act.

Ive told her she has a few weeks of freedom to misuse the good stuff, as once I arrive she's back on the Liptons
sellyMaleEngland2007-07-23 08:08:00