Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMailing Doc's to Ukraine

Not to make you feel bad but since my finacee lives in Mexico City and I in Atlanta we travel between cities very often since it is only a 3 hour flight and sometimes tickets are less than $400.  In our case we have just passed paperwork during our visits.  However we are almost ready for the interview in Ciudad Juarez and I just secured copies of my last three years tax returns from the IRS plus I needed to get her my latest check stub.  We have no more visits before the interview so I simply scanned them and sent them to her via email.  From what I read in your post I would feel email would work (or at least for Mexico).  Someone with dealing with Ukraine might want to post up but I think you should be fine with email. 

JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-15 05:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South America@ the interview
Congrats, Now you can get married and start your life together. Best of luck to both of you. I have a ways to go but pray ours turns out like yours.

GOD bless and GOD's speed
JohnEMaleMexico2012-11-08 07:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMedical exam in Ciudad Juarez or maybe Mexico City?

Good morning,


  I know there are two approved medical facilities in Ciudad Juarez that your medical exam must be done.  I think sometime in the past I read a post that someone said you could have your medical exam done in Mexico City before you traveled to Ciudad Juarez.  You would take your sealed medical package to your interview in Ciudad Juarez.  Does anyone know if this is correct and if so what is the approved medical facility in Mexico City?  Thanks for your reply and sorry if I posted this in the incorrect area. 



JohnEMaleMexico2013-06-10 06:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about DS-260 and who the petitioner is

Good morning,


  We are entering data online for the DS-260 (yes it is required for Mexico) and in the petitioner information area it asks who the petitioner is.  The selections are father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, child, stepfather, uncle, aunt, grandparent, in-law, or self.  I (the US citizen) and the petitioner and I am not any of these.  I am the fiancee and soon to be the spouse but not yet.  What would be the correct answer? 



Attached Files

  • Attached File  260.bmp   932.51KB   2 downloads
  • Attached File  260.doc   61KB   2 downloads

JohnEMaleMexico2013-06-20 06:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about US citizen's birth certificate and Ciudad Juarez

Good morning everyone,


  My fiancee has her interview in Ciudad Juarez in a few weeks.  I have seen a few times where during the interview process the original copy of the US citizen's birth certificate was requested.  Can anyone that recently has gone through Ciudad Juarez let me know if that is true?


  A little background on us:  We met almost 7 years ago when my fiancee was working in Atlanta under her TN visa and have dated for the last 6 years.  The company she worked for was sold just over a year ago and of course she went back to Mexico City.  We got engaged last July and started the I-129f process.  Since air travel from Atlanta to Mexico City is so cheap (sometimes as low as $350) we have be able to travel to see each other.  She has a travel visa so no problem entering the US, and yes she has come to visit me during this fiancee visa process with zero problems.  She always carried a complete copy of our I-129f package during entry to the US at the Atlanta airport. 


  My parents had my name changed when I was only 6 months old...don't ask as it is a long story!  Anyway I have my original state issued birth certificate and also original court papers where my name was changed.  When I submitted our I-129f package I supplied copies of those forms as there was no way I was going to let go of the only copy of the original papers.  Yes I know I can get certified copies of my state issued birth certificate but there is no way to get certified copies of the name change papers.  I even supplied copies of my DD-214 (military form) and copy of my honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps.  I wanted to show a paper trail of who I am and the name change.  We did not receive any RFE and were approved. 


  She will have the complete set of I-129f papers with her in Ciudad Juarez and can supply copies of the birth certificate and name change papers if requested.  Does anyone see a problem with that?  We have gone so far with this process and have tried very hard to make sure every t is crossed and every i is doted we do not want to make a mistake now.  Thanks in advance for your reply. 

JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-02 05:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCan Anyone Confirm Receiving a Copy of Invitation Letter at CDJ Information Window?

 Good morning Kay,
  The letter has changed a little.  They have a comment at the top of the letter that says to present this letter at your interview, if you do not you will be turned away!  Here is a copy with our information blacked out.  I will post up more after the interview is over but let me know if you have any other questions.  Well I was going to attach a copy but I get an error saying my PDF is too big.  I will try to figure the size issue and post up later. 
Thanks for all your help. 


JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-26 06:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCan Anyone Confirm Receiving a Copy of Invitation Letter at CDJ Information Window?

Good morning everyone,


  In my mailbox yesterday was not one but two letters from the American Consulate General's office in Ciudad Juarez!  After repeated calls to the Consulate's office and being told they would send a new letter via DHL overnight and never received it here are two letters.  One letter is dated July 3rd and the other letter is dated July 11th but they are both postmarked July 22nd.  Something else they are not mailed from Ciudad Juarez but from the Consulate's P.O. box in El Paso, Texas.  It appears to me they must print the letters and they are put in a box.  Then maybe once a month someone drives from Ciudad Juarez across the border to El Paso and drops them off at the post office.  The funny thing is I was expecting some type of fancy letter with official Consulate General seal, original signature, and maybe even a embossed security stamp.  BUT NO it is a simple white 8 1/2 by 11 inch piece of paper that was printed on a laser printer.  It is not even signed!  Nothing fancy but worth more than gold!  We had all but given up on this letter as Elizabeth has her interview next Thursday (8/1/13) and was simply going to the information window at the Consulate's office to have them print her a letter.  Great this is one thing we can check off our list.  Elizabeth flies from Mexico City to Ciudad Juarez on Monday, will do her medical on Tuesday morning, has her bio on Wednesday afternoon, and interview on Thursday at 7:30. 

I think I will frame at least one copy of this letter! 

Every step we have taken has been in God's Hands and it is by His Hands this has happened. 


Thanks to God and God Bless each of you

JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-25 06:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCan Anyone Confirm Receiving a Copy of Invitation Letter at CDJ Information Window?

Thanks Ed for the update and I look forward to hearing the great news that you are done with the interview and K1 has been approved. 


After many calls to the consulate's office and hearing the same story how they will send a new letter via DHL only never to have DHL show up at the house we are going to show up at the information window to secure the letter.  Interview is scheduled for Thursday 8/1/13.  Will arrive in Ciudad Juarez on Monday 7/29/13.  Might try to get to the consulate's office Monday afternoon to secure the letter but more than likely it will be Tuesday early morning.  Have bio scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  Might try to get the medical done Tuesday morning after securing the letter (mind you I said after we secure the letter not IF!).  If the medical facility has a long line after we get the letter we will have the medical done on Wednesday morning.  Then have interview on Thursday morning at 7:30.  Fly out of Ciudad Juarez back to Mexico City Thursday afternoon.  Stay tuned boys and girls as I (and hopefully Ed) will update you on the progress. 


God Bless


JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-16 05:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMedical Exam DF - K1 Visa

Thanks Kay.  Yes I plan on posting the entire process and what is needed in Ciudad Juarez in order to help others.



JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-01 06:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMedical Exam DF - K1 Visa

As a extra note Elizabeth (God willing my soon to be better half) had her medical yesterday.  The whole process was very smooth.  She arrived at the medical around 6:00 yesterday morning, finished in about two hours and she came back at 2:00 in the afternoon and picked up the famous sealed medical package.  Bio today and interview tomorrow. 

A note about the medical.  At the medical we both know she had to show her passport, DS260 confirmation page, and invitation letter.  What we did not know is the medical also requires you to supply a copy of the confirmation of your upcoming interview at the Consulate's office.  Elizabeth is an accountant so had 4 copies of everything including the interview confirmation. They informed her if she could not produce the interview confirmation they could not proceed with the medical.  She pulled a copy from the file folder she had and they allowed her in. 


I agree with you (Jesseking09) that it is crazy to travel to Ciudad Juarez.  Elizabeth flew from Mexico City to Ciudad Juarez to complete this process  When I joined the United States Marine Corps back in the early 70s there was a poster in the recruiter's office that said "We never promised you a rose garden" and had a picture and a big bad drill instructor yelling at a recruit.  Boy were truer words ever printed! 

Elizabeth and I have dated over 6 years and met when she was in Atlanta woking under her TN visa.  We got engaged last July and started this visa journey.  Mind you Elizabeth has gone through tons of processes with her TN and also travel visa.  When this visa journey started I think a similar poster to the Marine Corps poster should be produced.  It should say "We never promised the visa process would be easy, fast, or inexpensive"  In the end every thing I went through to become a Marine was worth it and every thing we have gone through to secure the K1 visa is TOTALLY WORTH IT. 


I pray God Bless everyone

JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-31 06:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaSOS...Invitation letter!

As long as you have your National Visa Center (NVC) number (starts with CDJ) and your NVC invoice number and your beneficiary ID you can complete your online  DS260 and schedule your biometrics and your interview.  You will need the invitation letter before you can do your medical or biometrics and interview.  It took over a month for us to receive our invitation letter.  You can always show up at the consulate's office and go to the information window and have them print the invitation letter.  We just went through Ciudad Juarez last month so let me know if you have any questions. 

  When I find some time in the next week I will write a full report of what is needed and our journey. 


JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-16 06:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCDJ DHL Parcel

what Carla said.  The same web site you did your DS260 and made you appointments is the same one you will get your DHL tracking number.  It took ours about 5 business days to arrive at the DHL office in Mexico City close to Elizabeth's home.  Here is some free advice.  I read a few posts on VJ that their sealed Consulate's package that is inside the DHL package had a tear.  Mind you that package must not be mutilated at all when you had it to the offical at your US POE.  The last post I read a few weeks ago had the person worried.  At one point they were told they had to travel back to Ciudad Juarez to get the package inspected and sealed again.  The Consulate's office finally said the package could be shipped back via DHL (come to find out DHL had opened the package for an inspection).  DHL shipped the package back for free and the person recieved the sealed package about a week later.  With that information Elizabeth and her mom went to the DHL office to pick up her package.  In front of the DHL worker she opened the DHL package and inspected the sealed envelope with the Consulate's stamp.  We have gone through too much to have that type of problem!  The package was sealed and her passport with the K1 attached visa were also perfect. 

God Bless


JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-22 06:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCDJ DHL Parcel

I assume you are going through the K1 process.  If that is the case when you go online to do your DS260 form you will pay the visa fee and schedule your bio and interview.  The visa fees include the DHL package fee. 

The Consulate's office in Cuidad Juarez will keep the passport.  They will ship the famous sealed brown package and the passport which will have the K1 visa attached to the DHL office you select.  Let me know if you have any other questions.

JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-21 06:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval

No fasting needed.  Elizabeth had her medical a month ago.  She got up early that morning, got something to eat and got on the hotel shuttle and went to medical.  No problem. 

JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-22 05:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval

we made the appointments for my fiance and are in the process of buying plane tickets! smile.png We will go early Monday morning August 26 and her biometrics appointment is in the afternoon. Tuesday August 27 the medical exam and Wednesday August 28 her interview. smile.png And if all goes well she will be back in the USA with me on September 14 smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png


You might be cutting it close on September 14th.  As Kay said it looks like you will have the Consulate's office send the K1 visa (via DHL) to a DHL office close to your home in Mexico.  Based on what Elizabeth was told yesterday during her interview it can take up to 10 days for the DHL package to arrive. 

JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-02 06:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval

As a follow up there were some comments recently that the American Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez in the past would always print the invitation letter for you at the information window but recently stopped doing that.  Ed and Lety (who are on Visa Journey) who I met on VJ and had a number of conversations, never received their invitation letter.  Ed and Lety just two weeks ago arrived in Ciudad Juarez and went to the information window and had zero problems getting the Consulate's office to print the invitation letter. 

One more comment about the Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez.  I called their office a number of times and each time they were extremely nice and pleasant but...they are a hotbed of incorrect information.  If you call their office you can almost bet your bottom dollar you will be supplied with incorrect information.  Just ask Kay on VJ!  I equate them to a tier 1 operator. 

best wishes and God Bless


JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-01 06:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval



 You need the invitation letter that is sent from the American Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez.  Without the invitation letter you cannot do anything in Ciudad Juarez (medical, biometrics, or interview)  Sure you can make your appointments online for biometrics and interview with the case number, invoice number, and beneficiary numbers you get from the National Visa Center but without the letter you are stuck.  They mail a copy of the invitation letter to your home in the US and your fiancee's home in Mexico.  Normally the person in Mexico never receives the letter due to a bad mail system.  I (the US citizen) waited for a number of weeks and never received the letter.  I called the Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez a number of times and was told they will send me a new letter via overnight DHL.  I never received the invitation letter via DHL.  You can arrive early at the Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez and go to the information window and ask them to print you the invitation letter.  We had decided we had waited long enough so were going to arrive a day early in Ciudad Juarez to get the letter at the information window.  As God always has the perfect plan the letter arrived in my mail box the next day.  I scanned the letter and emailed it to my fiancee in Mexico City.  The letter took almost 40 days to arrive at my home in the US. 

Elizabeth arrived in Ciudad Juarez this past Monday afternoon.  She had her medical on Tuesday, her biometrics on Wednesday, and her interview is this morning (Thursday 8/1/13).  Please note there are a number of other things you need to complete the process in Ciudad Juarez but the invitation letter is major.  Let me know if you have any questions.  I will post up our journey of what is needed in Ciudad Juarez later this week. 

John and Elizabeth


Edited by JohnE, 01 August 2013 - 06:36 AM.

JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-01 06:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval

As a extra note Elizabeth (God willing my soon to be better half) had her medical yesterday.  The whole process was very smooth.  She arrived at the medical around 6:00 yesterday morning, finished in about two hours and she came back at 2:00 in the afternoon and picked up the famous sealed medical package.  Bio today and interview tomorrow. 

A note about the medical.  At the medical we both know she had to show her passport, DS260 confirmation page, and invitation letter.  What we did not know is the medical also requires you to supply a copy of the confirmation of your upcoming interview at the Consulate's office.  Elizabeth is an accountant so had 4 copies of everything including the interview confirmation. They informed her if she could not produce the interview confirmation they could not proceed with the medical.  She pulled a copy from the file folder she had and they allowed her in. 


I agree with you (Jesseking09) that it is crazy to travel to Ciudad Juarez.  Elizabeth flew from Mexico City to Ciudad Juarez to complete this process  When I joined the United States Marine Corps back in the early 70s there was a poster in the recruiter's office that said "We never promised you a rose garden" and had a picture and a big bad drill instructor yelling at a recruit.  Boy were truer words ever printed! 

Elizabeth and I have dated over 6 years and met when she was in Atlanta woking under her TN visa.  We got engaged last July and started this visa journey.  Mind you Elizabeth has gone through tons of processes with her TN and also travel visa.  When this visa journey started I think a similar poster to the Marine Corps poster should be produced.  It should say "We never promised the visa process would be easy, fast, or inexpensive"  In the end every thing I went through to become a Marine was worth it and every thing we have gone through to secure the K1 visa is TOTALLY WORTH IT. 


I pray God Bless everyone


JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-31 06:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval

Yes you can move forward with forms without having the letter (packet 3).  Call the National Visa Center (NVC) at 603-334-0700 to get your case number (case number will start with CDJ), your invoice number, and also your beneficiary ID.  The NVC will need information about your and your soon to be better half (names, birth dates, etc) in order to confirm who you are before they will give you the information you need.  The best thing to do is click on the link in Jay-Kay's above post about Ciudad Juarez.  That will give you the web sites where you can enter your data and pay your visa fee.  You will also schedule your interview from the web site.  You still have a number of forms to complete so get started to get a jump on the process.  Let me know if you have any other questions.



JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-26 06:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMEXICO, CIUDAD JUAREZ K-1 VISA - medical exam, interview & approval

As far as packet 3 or the famous invitation letter goes the USC might get the letter in one month.  Our package was received at the Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez in late June and I (the USC) received not one but two invitation letters yesterday.  I called the Consulate's office a number of times trying to secure the letter.  We had already decided to go to the information window at the Consulate's office to get them to print us the letter but now do not have to do that step.   



JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-25 06:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaneed help choosing DHL location!!!!!! juarez

It should be ample time but of course you never know.  Elizabeth had her interview in Ciudad Juarez on 8/2/13 (Friday) and she selected a DHL office close to her home in Mexico City.  She flew back to Mexico City Friday afternoon.  The DHL package arrived on Wednesday 8/7/13 so it was fast.  You can also track the DHL package online. 

JohnEMaleMexico2013-10-07 06:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaquestions about medical

I called and made an appointment... i have my appointment for the medical on January 13th.... I called Clinica Médica should give them a call...


Interesting news about your appointment.  Elizabeth was in Ciudad Juarez last August and they did not take appointments.  You had to get in line and wait your turn.  I talked to people who just recently were in Cuidad Juarez and the two authorized medical facilities were still not taking appointments...again you had to show up early and get in line. 


 Good luck and God Bless

JohnEMaleMexico2014-01-07 06:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaquestions about medical

The two medical facilities in Ciudad Juarez do not take appointments.  It is first come first served.  You need to show up early to get your spot in line.  Elizabeth was in line at 6:00 in the morning and was done by 11:00.  She picked up her sealed medical package that afternoon around 2:00.  She did her medical the first day, biometrics the second day and had her interview the third day. 

JohnEMaleMexico2014-01-06 06:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Steps

Have him watch these videos the American Consulate's office posted on you tube.  They will help



There are a few more that I cannot find right now.  I would also suggest he has a complete copy of the papers you originally filed and do not forget birth certificates. 

JohnEMaleMexico2014-04-12 10:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Forms received at NVC for K1- Yes we are happy

Elizabeth and I are moving through our visa journey.  We received our NOA2 on 5/24/13 and I called the National Visa Center this morning (6/7/13) and was told they received the paperwork from the Vermont Service Center.  NVC informed me they are entering data for our file this morning and will forward the packet to the American Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez. 


  Elizabeth and I met 7 years ago while she was working in the Atlanta area under her TN visa.  We have dated since then and got engaged last July and started our K1 fiancee journey.  Between all the different visa's that Elizabeth has plus what we know about the K1 we could write a book! 


  We wish God's Speed to everyone going through this process.


  thanks and God Bless everyone


JohnEMaleMexico2013-06-07 06:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)VSC TO TSC TO NVC

You can start calling today.  The National Visa Center (NVC) phone number is 603-334-0700.  You will need to supply your information (names, birth dates, NOA1 number, etc) for them to confirm who you are.  I called each day and got the same message that they have not recived it until one magical morning they told me they had the package and supplied me with my NVC case number, invoice number, and beneficiary ID number.  With that you can at least go online and start completing paperwork.  Our package going from Vermont to the NVC took about a week.  Best wishes and let me know if you have any questions. 


As a side note our interview is in two weeks (August 1st)



JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-19 06:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Additional Processing

Call the National Visa Center (NVC) in a few days to check on the status again.  I called each day to get a daily update!  Each person was very nice and helpful.  Make sure they gave your the case number (starts with CDJ), your invoice number, and also the beneficiary ID.  You need all three. We just went through all this last month and just got approved in Ciudad Juarez this past Thursday.  I plan on writting up a review and what is required in a few days but will be happy to answer any question.




JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-06 06:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAppointment Letter--Please help!!!

Good morning everyone,


  In my mailbox yesterday was not one but two letters from the American Consulate General's office in Ciudad Juarez!  After repeated calls to the Consulate's office and being told they would send a new letter via DHL overnight and never received it here are two letters.  One letter is dated July 3rd and the other letter is dated July 11th but they are both postmarked July 22nd.  Something else they are not mailed from Ciudad Juarez but from the Consulate's P.O. box in El Paso, Texas.  It appears to me they must print the letters and they are put in a box.  Then maybe once a month someone drives from Ciudad Juarez across the border to El Paso and drops them off at the post office.  The funny thing is I was expecting some type of fancy letter with official Consulate General seal, original signature, and maybe even a embossed security stamp.  BUT NO it is a simple white 8 1/2 by 11 inch piece of paper that was printed on a laser printer.  It is not even signed!  Nothing fancy but worth more than gold!  We had all but given up on this letter as Elizabeth has her interview next Thursday (8/1/13) and was simply going to the information window at the Consulate's office to have them print her a letter.  Great, this is one thing we can check off our list.  Elizabeth flies from Mexico City to Ciudad Juarez on Monday, will do her medical on Tuesday morning, has her bio on Wednesday afternoon, and interview on Thursday at 7:30. 

I think I will frame at least one copy of this letter! 

Every step we have taken has been in God's Hands and it is by His Hands this has happened. 


Thanks to God and God Bless each of you


JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-25 05:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAppointment Letter--Please help!!!

We have been waiting for that crazy letter for over a month.  Have made a number of calls to the Consulate's office and was told they are sending a new letter via DHL only never to receive that!  My financee will fly from Mexico City to Ciudad Juarez this Monday (7/29/13) and will go to the Consulate's information window to secure the letter.  I have read about tons of people that have done the same thing.  The Consulate's office knows full well about the problems with the letters getting sent out and or delivered.  I will post up next week on how things went.  Her interview is Thursday 8/1/13...please keep us in your prayers.  thanks



On a side note I have no idea why the Consulate's office cannot get with the times and simply email the what a concept



Edited by JohnE, 24 July 2013 - 06:01 AM.

JohnEMaleMexico2013-07-24 05:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez letter still has not arrived



  It took mine over a month to arrive. The letter was printed in the Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez but it was mailed from their PO box in El Paso a month later based on the post mark.  As Kay said it appears they print the letters all month long.  They must have someone put the letters in their car once a month and drive across the border to El Paso and mail them. We had all but given up on getting the letter and was going to secure one at the information window at the Consulate's Office in Ciudad Juarez and the next day the letter arrived in my mail box in the US.  Please note you can only get the invitation letter at the Consulate's Office in Ciudad Juarez.  You cannot go to any other embassy in order to secure the letter.


John and Elizabeth


JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-02 05:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment Letter (Moscow)

Very strange.  I work in a company with less than 30 employees and both of the owners work in this same office (I have known them for over 8 years).  I simply typed the letter myself on company letter head.  The letter was short and to the point...That I am an employee of company X and have been employed since (date).  I am a full time employee and make X dollars.  I went to one of the owners/president and she was more than happy to sign it for me.  Make sure you date the letter.  Everyone in my company has followed our journey (we just got approved this past Thursday).  I would think you can go to your HR (Human Resources) department and secure a letter.  I think there is a sample employment letter on this site but cannot find it at this point.  Don't forget to secure copies of check stubs, W-2 forms, and IRS tax return transcripts. Best wishes and God Bless


JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-06 06:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMail delivery in Mexico?

We just went through this two months ago.  The Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez will mail you (USC) and your finacee the invitation letter.  We waited and waited.  I called the Consulate's office to see if they would send a new letter.  They said a new letter would be sent via overnight DHL.  Wrong as that did not happen.  Some background on the Consulate's office.  If you call them you can expect to receive incorrect information.  There are a number of people that have posted here that you can arrive at the Consulate's office early in the morning and go to the information window and they will print you the invitation letter.  Anyway we waited for over a month and deceided to move forward with going to the informormation window.  We already had completed the forms (DS260, DS156 and DS156K, etc).  We had paid our visa fees but had not scheduled the interview.  The next day not one but TWO invitation letters arrived at my home in the US.  I scanned the letter and emailed it to my finacee.  She went to Ciudad Juarez and was approved.  We selected to have the DLH package delivered to a DHL office close to her home in Mexico City.  The package arrive 6 days later.  The strange thing is about three weeks later my finacee received two letters at her home in Mexico City! 


  Let me know if you have any questions as I think I might have most of your answers.


God Bless and God's Speed


This is coming from a Viet Nam era former Marine...thanks for your service


JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-21 06:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionjuarez phone?

In juarez I think they make the appointment for you, you dont get to ask for it.

That is not correct.  You make your own appointment when you complete your online DS260 form and pay your visa fee. 


I am writing this as I am in Mexico City drinking coffee and eating a concha.  Our K1 visa was approved last month and my fiancée and I fly to Atlanta this Saturday...well that is if we can get to the airport.  This crazy teacher strike has almost shut down Mexico City.  You never know where they will pop up next and shut down entire parts of the city. 

JohnEMaleMexico2013-08-29 05:57:00

I (the US citizen) received the invitation letter 30 days later after Cuidad Juarez received our package from the National Visa Center.  My wife who at the time lived in Mexico City received the letter almost 60 days later.  We really did not expect her to receive the letter in Mexico City due to the bad postal system.  From what I could tell it appears someone from the Consulate's office in Cuidad Juarez drives to El Paso maybe once a month and mails the invitation letter.  That is what I noticed on the post mark on the letter I received.  I simply scanned the letter I received and sent it to my wife (then finacee) in Mexico City via email.  She printed the letter and that is what she took to Ciudad Juarez and had zero problems. 


I agree with what Kay said as I have see the same thing posted on VJ.


God Bless


JohnEMaleMexico2013-11-11 07:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview was on 12/23 CDJ how long to receive visa.

My wife had her interview on a Thursday in Cuidad Juarez and the DHL package was delivered the next Wednesday to the DHL office she selected by her home in Mexico City.  Of course you have the Christmas and New Year's holiday causing some delays but it seems this is a little long.  I would suggest calling the American Consulate's office in Ciudad Juarez to check on your K1 visa.


JohnEMaleMexico2014-01-08 06:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBiometrics and Medical Exam

You have zero problems.  My wife was in Ciudad Juarez last August.  She arrived at the medical early one morning to get in line, finished by 11:00 that morning and came back at 2:30 to pick up her sealed medical package that she had to take to the interview.  The thing you need to know is the medical has to be done before the interview.  It does not have to be done before biometrics.  Best wishes and God Bless


JohnEMaleMexico2014-01-12 04:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!
Congrats. I do not see your timeline completed. How long did your journey take?
JohnEMaleMexico2012-11-04 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved!!!
Congrats. I see the journey took 257 days. Funny how fast they cash your check! Best of luck starting your new life with your better half. I still have a ways to go waiting for approval but as with everything it is in GOD's hands.
JohnEMaleMexico2012-11-05 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED TODAY!!!
Congrats, Best wishes to the two of you.
JohnEMaleMexico2012-11-09 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 from VSC
Congrats, Best wishes with your married life.
JohnEMaleMexico2012-11-14 20:18:00