USCIS Service CentersWhat phone number can i call for CSC?
I don't think there is an actually number that connects you straight to a human, well if there is I don't know, this is the number I know for CSC, 1.800.375.5283 and to talk to a human with that number I just press one for English and let it go all through the menu not pressing anything then it rings and someone will pick up, also they might answer in Spanish so I just tell them sorry I only speak English then they switch to English and they can help you....hope that helps. :) good luck!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-02-21 10:56:00
USCIS Service CentersCalling USCIS
This post seems very helpful, I think if in a month I hear nothing still I will try this.... Thanks! :thumbs:
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-01-13 16:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRecommendations
I use skype to call, I pay .06 a minute.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-10-09 08:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDS 230?
Hey guys!! We thought the same thing and I don't think it is required infact im almost positive its not, but we also have it just in case ONLY because the letter from the embassy says to fill it out. I guess it doesn't hurt. Oh and I also read somewhere that they will still except it if it's expired, but I guess I will have Federico print out the newest version with the new date after March 1st just to make sure. Hope that helps!

Edited by Fede&Kendra, 27 February 2012 - 09:55 AM.

Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-02-27 09:53:00

FELICIDADES :dance: !!!! Vamos imparables con otra visa aprobada que alegria!!!!! :D

Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-03-21 18:47:00

hayyy que bueno que todo les salio bien, felicitaciones y muchas bendiciones en esta nueva etapa que comienza :dance:

muchisimas gracias esto es de gran ayuda para todas nosotras... :thumbs:

De nada, en lo poco que podamos ayudar lo haremos con muchísimo gusto :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-03-21 18:45:00

Muchas Bendicionesss en su nuevo inicio como familia, me alegro mucho por ese aprobado en sus visas, Me gustaría pedirles el favor A ustedes Y bueno a los que recientemente han tenido su cita, si nos pueden decir cual son los documentos que les han requerido y cual es el orden en que ellos los piden, Y si alguno de ustedes tiene copia de la carta de las instrucciones que les dan ellos el dia de la cita en la embajada para que nos hagan el favor de publicarla o transcribirla en el foro... Muchas Gracias Y Grandes bendiciones

Primero que todo muchas gracias por tus palabras y por tus buenos deseos.

El papel que le entregan a uno dentro de la embajada con los documentos a presentar y el orden de entrega es el siguiente:
-Dos formas DS-156 y una forma DS-156K
-Registro civil de nacimiento
-2 Fotos marcadas por detrás con Nombres y Apellidos
-La forma de Affidavit of Support I-134 con las evidencias de sostenimiento económico (registros de impuestos del último año)
-Exámenes médicos

NOTA: Traté de recordar cada detalle de los documentos que piden pero la memoria me puede fallar, estoy casi seguro que eso es todo lo que aparece en el papel plastificado que le entregan a uno antes de pasar a la primera ventanilla, espero no equivocarme y les sea útil esta información
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-03-20 18:57:00
Hola a tod@s, acá les comparto nuestra experiencia:
Día de la entrevista: Antes de la entrevista estábamos muy nerviosos, tal vez más de lo necesario jeje, así que la noche anterior casi no dormimos, nuestra cita era a las 7:00 am así que llegamos temprano a la embajada, a las 5:45 am e inmediatamente nos formamos en la fila 3, esperamos hasta las 6:30 cuando una señora vino hacía nuestra fila, nos colocó un sticker verde y luego pasamos por la requisa de seguridad e ingresamos a las instalaciones, nos entregaron un papel con el orden de los documentos que ellos necesitaban y la mujer nos dijo que fuéramos a formarnos a las fila 29, así que antes de ir a la fila nos tomamos nuestro tiempo para ordenar los documentos y dejar sólo lo que ellos nos pedían en esas instrucciones...

(Esto es algo que nosotros pensamos es importante no sólo para ustedes sino también para todos los que asisten a la embajada, tómense su tiempo para colocar todo en orden y sigan las instrucciones de ese papel, hace que todo sea más rápido y sencillo, nosotros vimos que toda la gente al frente de nosotros y en otras filas no siguieron las instrucciones y les tomó mucho más tiempo que a nosotros, así que nuestro consejo es "Tómense su tiempo y sigan las instrucciones")

...Una vez que estuvimos en la primera ventanilla, la mujer nos pidió primero el papel con las intrucciones y luego nuestros documentos, me pidió que firmara las formas y siguió mirando nuestros documentos, nos devolvió el paquete 129 que mi prometida envió en los Estados Unidos y luego, de repente, esa mujer miró en la pantalla del computador y como ya había posteado mi prometida, nos pidió por la forma DS-230, nunca estuvimos seguros si íbamos a necesitar esa forma pero al final fue muy bueno que la teníamos lista. Sólo nos demoramos como 7 minutos en esa ventanilla, muy fácil y corto comparado con otras personas que no organizaron sus cosas. Después de eso la mujer nos dijo que teníamos que esperar en las sillas detrás de la cafetería y esperar hasta que nos llamaran, así que nos sentamos y esperamos más o menos 40 minutos, me llamaron y caminamos hacia la ventanilla 3 tomados de las manos, muy nerviosos y allí estaba esta mujer peliroja y más o menos joven, levanté el teléfono y le dije buenos días en español y ella me contestó también en español (en realidad toda la entrevista fue en español, algo que no nos esperábamos) después me preguntó si yo corroboraba que todo lo que habíamos escrito en la documentación y que si todo lo que iba a decir en la entrevista era 100% verdad, obviamente respondí que si, luego me pasó las formas para firmarlas y comenzó a hacerme unas preguntas:

-¿Cuándo nos conocimos?
-¿Cuándo nos conocimos en persona?
-¿Cuándo decidimos casarnos?
-¿A qué se dedica su prometida?
-¿Dónde vive ella?¿Vive con la familia?
-¿Dónde va a vivir usted en los Estados Unidos?
-¿Tiene usted intenciones de trabajar en los Estados Unidos?
-¿A qué se dedica usted?

Después de estas preguntas me pidió que me tomará las huellas digitales y luego me hizo dos preguntas:

-¿Su prometida habla español o usted habla inglés?
-¿Usted dónde aprendió a hablar inglés?

Después de esto pensé que ella me iba a empezar a hablar en inglés pero para mi sorpresa ella sólo dijo: "Su visa ha sido aprobada, bienvenido a los Estados Unidos", miré a mi prometida con lágrimas en los ojos y una sonrisa gigante, cuando mi prometida me vio, inmediatamente supo que habíamos aprobado, la cónsul me dio las instrucciones para la entrega de la visa y nos devolvió la I-134 de Sostenimiento Económico y todas las pruebas que lo acompañaban, y eso fue todo. Toda la entrevista sólo tardó como 5 minutos, todo en español y la cónsul ni siquiera le preguntó nada a mi prometida, caminamos afuera de la embajada a las 8:45 am en lo que fue el momento más feliz de nuestras vidas, pensando que todo había sido mucho más fácil de lo esperado y que no debimos habernos puesto tan nerviosos, pero creemos que esos nervios es imposible no sentirlos.

La mejor suerte para todos y muchas gracias por todos los consejos y el apoyo!!!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-03-20 17:06:00
Hola Diana, muchas gracias por tu colaboración :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-02-28 14:11:00
Hola a tod@s en el foro, l@s he venido siguiendo hace algún tiempo pero todavía no había escrito nada, tienen un grupo muy agradable y sus comentarios y entradas son de mucha ayuda. Hoy les escribo porque tengo una pregunta que nos sigue dando vueltas a mi futura esposita y a mí. Pues primero que todo ya estamos a unos días de nuestra cita en la embajada, Marzo 15 para ser más exactos y como uds bien sabrán estamos ultimando los detalles de los documentos que necesitamos tener listos, prácticamente ya tenemos todo. Sin embargo hay una forma en la que todavía tenemos algunas dudas, es la forma I-134, por cierto, ella es estudiante y trabaja medio tiempo y no gana lo suficiente para ser mi sponsor, afortunadamente mi suegrita nos va a ayudar siendo co-sponsor; así que aquí van las preguntas:

-En la pregunta 11. de la forma I-134 ¿qué debe contestar mi esposita y qué debe contestar mi suegrita? Intend or Not Intend? (Hemos leído mucho en otros foros y hay muchas opiniones encontradas, la mayoría dicen que esta pregunta no aplica para visa K1 pero otros dicen que sí, quisiera saber si algun@ de uds que ya han pasado por el proceso tuvieron experiencias similares y qué contestaron?)

-En las instrucciones para completar la forma I-134 dice que hay que presentar declaraciones del banco donde conste la fecha de apertura de la cuenta, la cantidad de dinero depositada el año pasado y el balance actual. Sin embargo hemos leído en VJ que esto sólo aplica para los sponsor que no tienen fondos suficientes, es esto cierto? de ser así sólo mi esposita necesitaría estas declaraciones del banco? o mi suegrita también tiene que tener estas declaraciones, a pesar que ella si cubre más de lo requerido en las poverty guidelines?

De antemano les agradezco de corazón cualquier ayuda que nos puedan brindar, un saludo desde Mesa, Arizona (Kendra) y desde Dosquebradas, Risaralda (Federico)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-02-27 22:24:00
Africa: Sub-Saharansomeone is listening in, or recording our cell phone convo.

about an hour or so ago, i called my fiancee in the US and instead of talking to her, i heard a recording of one of our old convos. it was really really weird. at first i thought she answered the phone and she was talking to someone else in the background so i started saying hello hello hello but after a while i realized i was hearing something i have heard before - one of our old convos. it went on for a while and then the call dropped. i called back and she was like i tried answering the first time you called but i couldn't. i explained what i heard when i called the first time, and she was really freaked out by that. she doesn't record our convos.
is someone recording or listening in our convos? Gosh that creepy!!!! i hope its not big brother.

It could possibly be the government tapping in.... I've read other posts about people hearing clicking noises and strange sounds when talking to their maybe, although it is creepy I wouldn't be worried too much they just may hear some risqué convos Hahahaha :D or it could just be a technology mishap....?!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-01-13 18:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow Important is Fiance Attending Interview?

I've been in Bogota now for a few months and we've just succeeded in reaching the stage of scheduling my Colombian's fiancee's K-1 interview. Unfortunately, it's scheduled for Jan 12 and my flight back to the U.S. has been scheduled for Jan 10, 2012 since before I arrived. To change it would cost around $600 USD. How important is it, in your view, for me to attend her interview?

I definitely want to, but we are already on the edge in terms of qualifying on financial support.

Anyone have a real sense of this, something beyond just a gut-level guess?

Thanks to all who reply.

My fiancé is also from Colombia and we don't have an interview date, but I will for sure be there with him when it's time. I have done some research about the same situation and from the sounds of it, it is not mandatory you be there BUT strongly reccomended if you can, we are in the same financial situation I have #### for income but my mom is co-sponsoring us. I think you should call the embassy try to have them push it back 3 days and if they don't I would just change the ticket, I know that's a lot of money but I think it's important to be there to support your fiancé, on the bright side you can celebrate the approval and if denied you will be there with her to support. Either way good luck with it all!! :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-09 14:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSENDING I-751 BEFORE THE 90 DAYS


My husband is eligible to RC on his GC September 14 of this year, can we send in the forms BEFORE the 90 days (I was thinking to send them in March) or does it HAVE to be within the 90 days (that would be June)? Thank you for any help!! smile.png

Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2014-02-12 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA doubt about probabilities...
thanks for the info :thumbs:
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-07-28 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA doubt about probabilities...
no, actually, they denied it because I told them I wanted to visit my girlfriend in that time, now my fiance; in the states, so they thought I just wanted to get there with tourist visa and stay there ilegal pffff
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-07-27 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA doubt about probabilities...
I have been denied for tourist visa in the past, does it effects me for getting fiance visa?
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-07-27 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 received! Woo-hoo!!
Yay!! Congrats to you both! I'm so excited for you guys!! :) good luck to you on the rest of your journey!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!! :D
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-08-04 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhatttt the fuuuu CSC?!

yup, it's pretty jack'd up! This is really messing with peoples' lives, CSC ain't servicing nothing. Our NOA1 date is 06/08/2011...didn't expect to be "rolling into the deep" of waiting this long!!! hahaha Dang, I miss my wifey so much!!

I know, they really are messing with people, especially when they give out NOA2 in only 1 month. That's the part that annoys/really pisses me off, I think it should be first come first serve, but unfortunately that is not the case.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-10-03 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhatttt the fuuuu CSC?!

hopefully they will start pumping out approvals again this month. i really have my fingers crossed. i have been waiting for some 100 days now. i cant believe i have been waiting for that

I know!! I mean I haven't been waiting that long, but I know I will get there. I bet those 100 days feel like 100 years! :( I mean I totally understand we have to go through this process and be legal, that I do agree with, BUT why the hell does it have to take sooooooooooo long, that part I do not understand...:( I hope for your approval soon...very verrryyy soon!!!

i really dont think the country of the beneficiary matters at this stage.

I don't know really...just what I've read here, but two couple from England filed like August 9th and they got their NOA2 in September.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-10-02 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhatttt the fuuuu CSC?!

yup, still waiting here for june filers. what kinda bugs me is july filers from VSC gets approved already :(

I know that the thing that pisses me off...also people from CSC who filed like a week or two after us already have their NOA2 it took like a month for them to get it...wth?! I understand that it might be because of the country, but it's still unfair not only to me but for the couples like you have filed before august. It so annoying.

our noa1 is 4 months old. im not expecting to get my noa2 any time soon so we are just waiting for our 5th month so we can start bugging uscis about our case :lol:

OMG!! good luck, I hope you get right before you start to bug hahaha :lol:
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-10-02 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhatttt the fuuuu CSC?!
So is the CSC still open?!....I have read all this post about VSC going so fast. I know we won't get our for awhile, but its a little comforting to at least see SOMEONE being approved from a timely manner. Also on our timeline in the estimated part is used to tell us end of October beginning of November but now it says "There are not enough recent approvals in the timeline system to accurately approximate when your I-129f will be approved. Please see the Timeline Stats page to see recent approvals." what does that even mean and should I even be worrying about that stupid timeline?...meaning are they accurate, or am I just giving my self anxiety for no reason?! Anyway, any advice is appreciated! :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-10-02 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsigors list....?!
Hey VJers,
I was just curious, what is the significance of Igors list....what does it mean?
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-10-30 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTHANK YOU VSC!!.... One more reason to be thankful for... NOA2 Approved
Omg yay yay YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO effing excited for you guys!!!!!!! :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-11-16 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

The reason it could be slow is because K-1s are NOT the only visas being applied for.
There are thousands of visas that come in, which they all process. Some of them have higher priority to process in a given time frame over K-1s.

You can call. You're right. It's your right. But, pay attention to the forums. You'll get a scripted answer that has been posted on here hundreds of times. Aside from that, you can call for a formal inquiry to be done. And it'll buy them an additional 90 days to let your application just sit there. At 5 months, they will give your congressman the same information. They're processing through June 16th. That's it. They're behind. They are not obligated to provide anything more than that, other than "try calling in a few weeks when we are processing July petitions." Congressmen seem to be useful and can help a petition through when a person has reached closer and past 6 months. Literally at 5 months, they tell you to just call back and keep waiting.

It's only a guess as to WHY they are so slow. Budget cuts and therefore less resources? Went on vacation? Being lazy? Working on different types of visas? Combination of both?

My point was...I'm not calling because I already know the answers they'll give. And what will it end in? Something I already knew they would say. Something that people keep reaffirming on the boards when they call at 5 months and 1 week. And I also know there is no way anyone will say "why" they're slow with processing the K-1s and CR-1s or K-3s at the moment. I am personally the type who does not beat a dead horse.

...also, the reason I am able to remain so because I realize my fiance is leaving his whole life behind. So, I have to wait a few more weeks to receive my NOA2. And yes, I miss the hell out of him. And it's hard. We had a hard time last week with the distance. But the fact is, he's leaving his family for the rest of his life, and the friends he grew up with. So, yes. We have to wait a few more weeks and it suck like hell. But I see it as another few weeks he gets to celebrate with the people he is leaving behind. *shrugs*

Well obviously everyone is different and sees this entire situation differently.... If I wasn't a patient person then I would have NEVER made it this far, nor am I complaining about ALMOST reaching my 5 month mark, it is what it is...also I do realize that the K-1 visa is NOT the only visa being processed by these centers and i strongly believe this system should be first come first serve, unfortunately that is not the case. Look, people are gonna call a request answer even though they realize it may be a dead end. And as far as my fiancé leaving everything behind in his country all he has even known, well he is ready, he has been ready and he is not leaving all that for the rest of his life...... Starting this proces, I knew patients was going to be the key ingredient to surviving, so just because I want to call after 5+ months does not make me impatient......pretty much is up to you, and if you don't want to call because you already know the answer, well that's good for CSC, one less time they have to repeat themselves.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

august filer? hmm forget it... June filers are still waiting..... so you will have to wait some more.. while waiting you might want to start gathering all the documents, filling out your packet 3 and packet 4 or at least try to find out more info about it.. and probably want to start practicing interview questions... etc... sorry.. it's going to be awhile..

I realize there are people from way before me still waiting! And we pretty much have all the documents needed for the interview already done! But practicing questions could be good, but we don't know what will be asked so we will just go with the flow.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

5 months isn't long. My husband and I waited 6 months.... we thought we got it a lot sooner than we expected because the average wait is around 8 months...

You'll get your NOA2 as long as your fiance doesn't have a criminal background:)

good luck!

No, it really isn't that lOng and the 5 months we have been waiting have gone by so fast! So it will come soon.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

I feel your pain - I'm a JULY filer and haven't had a touch on my case since I sent in the petition on July 14. Over 5 months and nothing.

Worst part is seeing CSC finally getting to your petition date then just stopping. We've seen our approximate adjudication date go from October 15 (when we first filed) to now saying December 13 (oops - that passed as well).

The sad fact is that most likely CSC will slow even further until after New Years. I would guess many adjudicators are taking their vacations this time of year and that leaves our petitions in a dark, musty corner waiting at USCIS...

It sucks, but what can you do...

I hope you get it soon!! But I'm afraid your right, they may slow down before they pick up! Ugh.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

VSC is doing just fine if thats any consolation :P

That's great for VSC-ers! Lol
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

I'm a little shocked by how slow the CSC is now. My brother applied for his wife in April, went to CSC and was approved in less than 80 days. And at that point I think Vermont was over a month behind CSC. I just mailed my K1 in two days ago. Hopefully things pick up after the start of the new year.

I hope for the same!! :) good luck! It surprisingly goes fast...
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

*waves* I'm an August filer with CSC.

Sure, of course we'd all like our approvals ASAP, but do you really think that calling and bugging the **** out of them will help? Especially when people who sent in their petitions 2 months ahead of us are still waiting too?
Seriously, if I worked at CSC, every time someone called to nag about being a few days past the 5-month guideline, I'd move their file 1 spot closer to the bottom of the pile.

It will happen when it happens. There are many MANY people who have been waiting much longer than us.

Now, I will admit, if all the other August filers had their approvals and I was still waiting, I'd definitely be getting on the phone, but until then? No way. This process could easily take close to a year (or more) before it's all done. Life is too short. I absolutely hate being away from my fiance, but there is no way I am going to waste a year of my life constantly checking timelines and progress and calling people who have no more control over my petition/file than I do.

Step away from your computer. Go *live*! The time will pass before you know it.

Well it a good thing you don't work at CSC, but I would think you personally going through this process you would have a soft spot in your heart for people's situation because you know what it's like first hand being away from their fiancés and would want to reunite them ASAP, why would you want to make it worse for them?!....and I don't spend my free time watching timelines, but yes when I get a moment I will check... And if they don't want people bugging them at 5 months then they should change the average approval date... We call because they say five months and when that doesn't happen people start to wonder and want to know answers. And I for sure feel for the people who have turned theirs in before me and haven't gotten anything... Hope they come before mine.

The waiting for NOA2 is really the worst part of it all. Hopefully after the holidays they'll pick up approval rates.

I know, I hope so too!! :) This is one time I will ever say this but I hope the holidays go fast this year!! :D I think they may be on vacation!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together

Just so you guys know. 5 months is as guideline, it doesn't mean anything really. Complaining to CSC or calling on 5 months and 1 day won't get you far. They'll tell you what they tell everyone which may be: "We're currently processing through XX date." As of right now, that date is June 15 from the posts that I've been reading. Getting your congressman to help at 5 months is hit or miss. It is no guarantee that it'll help. On top of calling to complain to them, you'll get another routine answer that buys them more time.

At 5 months, I say have a bit more patience. At 5 1/2 months, I guess you can try if you're really that impatient. At 6 months, that's a good solid time to ask your congressman for help.

No use in complaining about it, when everyone is in the same boat at the moment.

I don't mean to sound harsh about it. And I understand the need for people to vent. But in the end, it doesn't solve anything. I do not watch dates. I do not check my status update everyday. And despite the fact my signature has a ticker, I don't even pay attention to that. In fact, I looked at it today and didn't even realize how many days had passed since I last noticed it. It's self torture. patience is key. Keep the end in site. All this waiting will mean nothing when your fiance/e is actually with you. ... and then 5 years from now, you'll want days with more space :P lol Truly, I cannot complain if I do not receive my NOA2 even by early January when I see people from June who are still waiting.

I know that 5 months is a guideline. And I KNOW that complaining is not going to make things go any faster.... But they have said if it has past 5 months then you can call. So that what I will do. And that is my right to call and see where my petition is. And if you don't ask questions. You don't get answers and I want answer so I will ask questions. And my point was why do they go slow?! They have been turtle speed since August or something and I sure hope those people still waiting before us get it soon.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-16 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDear CSC, can you please get your SHhhh*t together
Who else is a August filer from CSC?! Omg we are approaching our 5 month mark and all I have to say is; CSC if I dont get it before then, then I will bug the #### out of you until you give me my NOA2....this is a fair warning!! :D what is wrong with CSC?! Why are they soooo slow? To everyone waiting GOOOOOOOOOD LUUUUCKKK!!!!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-15 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC Processing Date Still June 16th

Hi Everyone,
I tried calling the USCIS hotline yesterday to try to put a service request in on my I-129F application. I was able to speak to an agent and they said my application was outside of normal processing time and I should have received NOA2. The agent was ready to put in a service request for me however it was rejected by system. He said that the CSC is backlogged and only processing application from June 16th and I should call back in 47 days.

I know it is a long shot, but I met a congressmen over the summer when he came to my place of employment. One of his field representatives gave the group of us that took him around business cards and told us to call him up if we need anything. Anyone think it might be a good idea to give this guys a call? I figured there is no harm in trying... I just don't want to sit around and do nothing.

I called on Thursday and they told me the same thing...still processing June 16th. Then I asked the lady why? Because they have been processing that date since before Christmas and that's crazy to me, processing one day for 3weeks?! What are they doing over there?!!! :'( Anyway my 5 months is marked and I do plan to call them (my congress) as well, maybe sometime this week. I've heard it works and it doesn't work, I guess I will do it either way, I'll never know if I don't try. But I think you should too. I know VJ doesn't account for EVERYONE applying for a visa, maybe not even half of everyone but a good portion of them and they have on Igors list pretty much all but 23 approved from July, like I said I know it's not everyone but its still so frustrating to see and to hear the lady say June 16th. My advice would to be to call and if again at 6 months and still nothing I would call congress again.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-01-08 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow did you meet your loved one

Bahadir and I met in person in Turkey when i was on vacation there. It was instant! :)

Is that his band?....i don't understand the lyrics, but its a REALLY good song!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-01-02 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow did you meet your loved one
It was one year ago to this day I meet him in person...he was my friends cousin and they were talking about going back to Colombia to have their wedding there with friends and family and invited me to go, well they introduced me to Federico by phone (because he spoke english) in May of 2010 and then Fede found me in Facebook, there we began talking occasionally and then found out my friends were not going to get married that year in Colombia but I still wanted to go so Fede invited me to stay with him and his family.... I stayed for 2 weeks, wait 2 amazing, life changing weeks! By the end of the trip I REALLY liked him and told him my feelings and he thought I was crazy only because we lived so far (burn, I was rejected) hahaha so I left the next day and he realized he was an idiot and that he wanted to try so when I got got home from my travels to France I made arrangements to be back there for the month of June...we got engaged on the beach during the most perfect, beautiful sunset....and now the rest is history!

It's so awesome to hear everyone's stories! And it's crazy to think how people find each other in the most unusual places with there being a billion people in this world you never think growing up the love of your life would be in another country....I love life's surprises! Good forum!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-01-02 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisaaa Approved!
Thank you everyone!!!! :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-03-20 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisaaa Approved!
Today our visa was approved!! We are so happy and it was such a beautiful day in Bogota!! Thank you everyone for all the help, tips and advice! We appreciate it so much , and we are here to return the help! :)
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2012-03-15 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOur IR1 petition was denied
Well it's really non of anyone's business what exactly happened, but I wasn't sure what the AWA was so I googled it via VJ and found someone who got passed it petitioning for the same visa

Take a look at this post.....


Good luck with everything! Guilty or not some people do change....and deserve at least a second chance. So I wouldn't give up just yet, keep fighting until you find SOME solution.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-29 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC still stating June 16 date for i130

I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy beyondd annoyed :( What the hell do they do in the offices the whole entire dayy?? Drink coffeee and talk about their day while finishing one case every 6 hourss of basically NOTHING! ughhhhhhhhhhh

Although my fiancé and I are applying for a K-1, I'm glad to hear someone shares my pain, I completely think waiting for past 5 Months is BS. And the fact that there has been some September petitions approved pisses me off even more. And I know there are June petitions that are still waiting. Uggghhh. But I do hope you hear something very soon!!
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-29 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC still stating June 16 date for i130

Called USCIS for the first time today and just asked them what cases they are currently working on. They stated that they are still processing June 16. I guess the data they are looking at is obsolete. Got NOA1 on Aug 19. With this being the case for a lot of filers, i wonder if i here anything by end of January.

I was JUST trying to get a hold of an actually human being to figure the dates, so what number did you call (for future) and if it was the USCIS 800 number how do you get ahold of someone. also is June 16 for all visas or just I-130?! I read here like two weeks ago that they were processing June 16, but clearly no progression has been made, that's a little discouraging.
Fede&KendraFemaleColombia2011-12-28 14:47:00