Philippinesam I cheap?

Hi Guys,

I know I should not be posting this personal information about my relationship with my fiancee but I am getting a bit worried. Let me give you some details about the situation so that you can understand me. Okay?

First of all I am not a rich guy. I have mortgage, car's payment, etc to pay. I am the only person generating income in my house, hint, I live alone. I always tell her, listen Mary, I am not a rich guy. I am just a regular guy who works to pay bills and save very little. She does not registered that. What part of "I am not rich she does not understand" ?

Back to the topic:

Break down:

trip #1.

I bought a package that included hotel and plane tickets. So my package was paid before going to the phi. I took in cash to the Phil.($3,500 dollars for a week) just to spend. And we spent it all. I don't carry money there. I let her carry it.
Total cost for 1 week: about $5,600 including the package.

Trip two:

Same thing....same amount spent in cash in 1 week. We spent it all.
Total cost for 1 week: about $5,300 including the package.

In between:

She wanted latest Blackberry, dslr camera, new laptop, money to pay her rent, money to shop, money to eat out,, etc. We spent $600 dollars for her kid birthday in the phil about $1,200 dollars for her birthday,. I know it is not a lot for some of you but for me it is. If the kid needs to go to Jolibee, I send $100 or so for her kid to go to jolibee not often though. But every now and then.

Sometimes when I need to send budget for her niece, who is going to college, and by mistake by sending 500 to 900 extra, (because of conversation mis-calculations error) I tell her give that extra to your kid for an ice cream or so, she accepts it as if I am sending the kid a penny. :(

She went back to the Phil. and I am supposed to budget for it. The total amount came to be roughly 154,000 PHP. I sent 152,000 pesos. Guess what? she called me cheap. I know we agreed that I am supposed to send 154,000 but 2,000 less that is like 50 dollars. Guys the problem is when I use the conversation rate, I always screw up with that. Either extra or less.

*Do not forget all the visa fees, medical, and so forth for Mary and her kid"

If I add up the total amount it is about: $25,0000 - $30,000 dollars in less than a year.


Each time she asks me to send her something, If I don't send the right amount she calls me cheap and that she thinks our relationship will not work because we already have budget problem.

I already told her I can not spend money at this rate. I really can not afford this any more :(. Jobs are so hard these days. I am working today but we don't know what tomorrow will bring. At this rate my saving will be gone soon :(. I left out many many more details about.

Am I cheap from what I explained? am I doing correct thing by letting her know I am not a rich guy? I think it was the right thing to do. Well, sometimes I do give her a hard time before I send but it is not because I am cheap. It is because I can hardly continue spending like this :( I am not shy to say it and I told her just like that.

She has her visa on her hands to come to USA. I am so nerveouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

Comments are welcome.

That part where "she has her visa on her hands to come to USA." scares me ...So what now?Let her experience the financial situation you have and put her to work or can you just kick her to the curb before she leaves to the USA.?Hmmm....
locomocoMalePhilippines2011-05-02 00:49:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

I totally agree with you! Filipinos stereotype white people as rich. And it pisses me off because they're narrow-minded.

I got pissed off by my own family (i'm the beneficiary) because they expected my fiance to pay for all expenses while he stayed at the house in the country. They did not even thank him for taking them out to dinner and paying for food and place when we went to a beach resort. Grrrr!

Woah.... White people ?More like anybody from abroad in general..I am filipino/American born and raised in Hawaii.When I first met my wife family we invited them for dinner only mom ,dad, and her brothers wives and kids cause the brothers work abroad.We invited them only. When we are visiting my wife family in Mindanao we always stay at a hotel so we don't feel obilgated to anything.I always tell her the budget for the trip so she knows what we can spend per day.At the end of my trip I always give the rest of the money to her and just having 100.00 usd.and credit cards in my pocket when I get home.. Bottom line anybody from abroad is consider the cash cow and they gonna milk you cause they know they can .They are not looking at the color of your skin more like the dollars sign on your forehead..
locomocoMalePhilippines2011-05-16 14:40:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
My wife is from Ozamiz City and Iam from Hawaii... :D
locomocoMalePhilippines2011-03-16 21:41:00