United KingdomBrits in the USA
digbeezgrl = Sara + Sean Sara (Tampa FL USC) and Sean (Essex UK, soon to be here in FL!!!)

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-31 15:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjust wondered...
You know, isabel, I have wondered this time and time again. I have finally learned to chalk it up to: If it is this way, they obviously have their reasons... however DUMB they may be....

Can't you come over on a visitor visa and stay for 90 days? That's what Sean and I are going to do. We can't stand this being apart b**s** anymore! :P

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-06 12:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Argument
[quote name='Melo' date='May 24 2006, 02:45 PM' post='214250']
I have to admit to being jittery about this matter... I used to do heroin - it has been 26 years since I quit... and have smoked no pot since 1992 when I stopped the excessive drinking too...

Many congratulations to you for choosing a healthier route in your life. Me of all people knows it is NOT easy. Addiction is a difficult thing for people to talk about, and think about as well. You are better served, in this case, I think just to be honest, esp. if you have an arrest record pertaining to your heroin use.

I think it's interesting and quite pleasantly surprising that you were congratulated by your interviewer, which goes to show you that addiction touches a lot more people than most of us realize.

Bravo to you for getting your life back and kicking that sh*t to the curb. You are SOOO much better off!

Obviously, I've touched a nerve here. But, I know in my heart that I am NOT the only one here with a fiance or fiancee that uses, whatever substance it may be, that is the reality of the situation, difficult as it may be to admit and talk about in an open forum. It's one of the hard parts of humanity but we all deserve to seek love that knows no boundries!

I've been promised as of 1pm this afternoon that my finace is quitting the weed for good! Yay for me! And, more importantly, Yay for him!

Blessings to you all on your journey! (L)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-24 13:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Argument
Oh monsieur, you don't live where I do, it seems! It can be found in under 5 minutes here...

But PLEASE understand me when I say, I will have no part of this, and he is well aware that his last day living in the UK will ALSO be his last day smoking!! :D And, yes, I am aware that the US doens't take this stuff lightly. I am not retarded LOLOLOLOLOL and yes, I have seen people go down in my presence for about a bowls' worth. :blink: I was merely wondering if the *drug test* was COMPULSORY to EVERY visa medical.

I am glad we are less progressive than other countries when it comes to weed. I may need him around for a while, and I don't fancy taking care of a man who's hooked to an oxygen machine cuz he's got lung cancer or God knows what else!

While I do believe that people should be able to do what they want to their own bodies behind closed doors, in this instance, I am glad the law is the way it is. I personally can't stand weed, the way it smells, or what it does to his brain cells.

Nevertheless, in an effort to prevent this from becoming a debate on consenual law, I will just say thank you for the info, I am glad that I know now that there ARE in fact people who've been busted for something as harmless and weed-in-th-blood, and as such, will take every measure within my power to ensure that he knows to stop and stop now. Thank you for your thoughts! :thumbs:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-24 13:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Argument

What Luis says is not being over-dramatic. In the time I've been on the board, there have been several people who have been BANNED because of marijuana use coming up at the medical/interview. They don't HAVE to check for it at the exam but they can if they want to, and your fiance is taking a huge risk.

If it was my fiance I'd ask him which matters to him more - the drugs, or you. Because if it's you he has to quit and quit NOW and stay quit... the US takes drug use extremely seriously and he could get deported once he gets here if he is ever caught with the stuff in his possession... if he can't give the stuff up I'm afraid you're in love with an addict and I'd be extremely worried about comitting to a relationship with him. Marijuana is a very mild drug but it's still a drug and somebody who can't or won't quit smoking the stuff is still an addict.

Thank you for your concern, but as I said, please spare me the 'I'd be extremely worried to get into this...' lecture. I'm a big girl, and he's nothing short of a dream come true for me, pot and all. As it happens, I've just spoke to him (lucky UKers, getting out of work 5 hours before me!) and he didn't even hesitate to say that he'd stop right away, as we both didn't realize how severe the consequences were to this particular aspect. So, I think it's more than obvious how much this means to both of us.

I've done a lot of research on this outside of VJ, and you guys are right on the nose as far as I can deduce.

Thanks again, Visa Warriors! This wait sure does suck, but it'll be worth it in end. :yes:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-24 12:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Argument
This, my good fellows, is EXACTLY what I've been trying to beat into that thick head of his....

That's what I figured. I'm going to insist that he stop smoking today. I know it can last forever if someone is a daily smoker, as he unfortunately is. Thank you so much. :D

One last clarification, tho.

Is the drug test absolutely compulsory? Or is it a maybe, if they feel like it that day, etc..

Not that it makes any difference, but just curious again... call me kitty! :blush:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-24 10:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Argument
HOOOO Boy, we even manage to bicker while on opposite sides of the planet LOLOLOLOL!!!! (L) Love him to bits anyway...

So, we're currently trying to figure out exactly what he should expect at the medical exam. Who's done this? What exactly to they poke and prod you with? I'm especially interested in what's happened to Londoners.

We're arguing bcoz I've told him to stop smoking the wacky tobaccy for the time being, just in case.

Save the lectures, I've been trying to get him to stop for 2 years now. Just afraid they'll slap him with a test that he'll fail miserably. So, is this part of the medical or no?

Just curious, and and always... Thank you! :yes:

Edited by digbeezgrl, 24 May 2006 - 10:12 AM.

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-24 10:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionP3!!! Finally
MANY MANY congrats to you and your man!! Here's hoping for a speedy journey from here on out...

And go ahead darlin' scream!!!!!!!! I know I will if I EVER get this damn NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-06 08:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Tomorrow! :unsure:
Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for! TY! :dance:

You guys will know by tomorrow morning
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-20 16:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Tomorrow! :unsure:

I'm glad to see you guys have been able to stick together through this process! While I can't answer your question about questions, I do wish you guys best of luck with the interview! I'm sure it will be fine! Relax and congrats on making it this far!!!!

Thank you for your reply, and...

Whoa whoa whoa.. you're from BUFFALO??? ME toooo!!!!!! God, I love Florida. Whereabout in B-Lo do you hail from? I bet we've crossed paths at some point... it's such a small town!

Yeah, we are officially both sh*tting our pants as we speak. LOL, but it looks like most of the interviews coming out of London are going off without a hitch... so hopefully, this will be the case for us as well...

Our relationship has been a total rollercoaster and we've had some bad luck, so I think this is why I panic and worry more than I should... I've always got the "It's just our bad luck" attitude when I know I shouldn't... LOLOL :lol:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-20 12:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Tomorrow! :unsure:
:) Hi there, I know we haven't posted in forever.

We decided it was best to concentrate on our relationship up until the end, rather than to be getting involved in drama on this board, as some of you may remember.

We've been going strong, and are happy to report that our interview is TOMORROW in London at Grosenvor (sp?) Square...

I'm looking for a good list of questions they may ask at the interview, and I've looked all over the site and I MUST be missing something, cuz I can't find anything...

If someone could kindly point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!

And, wish us luck! (L)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-20 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help With Question

I hate to mention this while you are going through this pain in the a$$ situation. But guys any time you get an important document from anybody you have to go over it check it and re-check it and after you finish this you check it again. Yes, it sucks that people are making mistakes but this happens everyday and if it is you document and it is important you are the one who has to be responsible. If not we could just go around blaming everybody for everything. You did not look at your divorce certificate when you received it? Come on now! I know this statement is not going to make me popular but I have to tell the truth and maybe some people will learn.

Good luck,

Peter Miami

Ummmm... it was 10 YEARS AGO AND I WAS 18 YEARS OLD!!!!

I understand what you are saying, but NO, it is NOT my responsibility to make sure documents are spelled correctly. We PAY paralegals to do that. When I got this in the mail 10 years ago, believe me, it was the LAST thing I wanted to be scrutinizing over. I just threw it in my file cabinet as fast as I could as if it were on fire. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would ever need to use it again, and to have to have my name spelled correctly to boot! It's an honest oversight, but please! Basic proofreading too much to ask? I don't think so.

I don't mean to sound negative, but our process will be held up, according to the NYS Dept. of Health, by at least a month because of this 10 year old typo. This hurts, and I know you know how I feel to not be with my love! Of course my natural reaction is to get frustrated! (and not with myself, either, since it wasn't me who typed up the document in the first place)

Just venting, and trying to help others from having to go through this too.


Called again this morning and spoke to a supervisor who said, as long as I get a hold of my marriage certificate, send them both back and they will send me an AMENDED Divorce decree, free of charge!!! (Still, $70 for the marriage cert, but who cares???)

YIIIPPPEEEEE!!!!!! :dance:

Thanks for all your support guys.. you have been invaluable. Even you, Miami.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-01 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help With Question

You have probably already tried, but I would fight them like crazy to get a corrected copy for free since it is their screw-up, not yours.

Other then that I agree with everybody else, I wouldn't risk it.

Murphy's Law: if you blow it off, they will ask for it; if you get it, you will never need it :wacko:

Yes, you are right about that. ^^^This seems to be the story of my life lately with all this visa stuff...


Just to satisfy the curiousity of those of you who may go through the same deal...

I spent literally 3 hours today on the phone with The Department Of Health, The New York State
Supreme Court where the decree was issued, the Town Court where the marriage happened, etc etc etc../
There answers were all directing me to another office... 'Oh, we don't deal with that end of things..""
Are you KIDDING me? I was ready to reach through the phone and choke someone, I was SOOO frustrated.

Anyway, you'll love the end result. I found out that the ONLY way to have the document changed is to get a LAWYER. Not the answer that I wanted, but apparently, no one is allowed to change the certificate just because I call up to say it's spelled wrong. This sucks. Now, I'll spend 100's of dollars on something that has nothing to do with me. Idiots. I could really scream till I'm hoarse right now.

So when I called Sean in London, he just about had a fit. This is so much more of a pain in the a$$ that we could have EVER imagined it would be... pitfall after pitfall after pitfall.

Good thing our love is strong enough to endure. We joke over the phone, "BOY, you BETTER be worth it!!"

Thanks for all your input. When I spoke to CIS today on the phone, they said the same thing you all did...
Yes, the info needs to be EXACT down to the letter, or they will Admin Review it, prolonging the process.

GAH!!! :angry:

Attached Files

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-31 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help With Question
I sent away ($70) for a copy of my prior divorce decree (this was 10 years ago, misplaced the document when I moved) and just got it via Fed Ex.

Thank you, morons at vital statistics who can't spell. Not only is my last name spelled wrong, but my birth year is one off as well. I called to have another (corrected) version sent to me, and they told me I'd have to

I was like, Oh, I don't think so Scooter. I am sooo pissed right now! Isn't it their job to know how to spell my name and what year I was born? This IS the Bureau of VITAL STATISTICS, after all.

I said, can't I just fax you my drivers' license (with birth date and name, of course) and she said no. I'll be DAMNED if I'm spending another friggin $70 for a document that I don't need.

My name is spelled 'SCHNEIDER" and on the Decree it's spelled "SCHNIEDER" and also, my birth year is 1975 and it says 1976.

Should I leave it, or have it corrected? Will they care? Does it look suspicious, like I am another person or something, or will they understand that it's a typo? I REALLY dont want the hassle of getting ANOTHER document that I won't even need except to prove the spelling.... SHEESH!!!

I won't be around till this evening, but please don't hesitate to chime in here and gimmee your opinion as to what to do here....

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-31 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today


thank you!!! :) Got a lot of research to do. I will get on the case immediately!!

PS thank you again :star:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-06 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
OK, that DOES clarify a WHOLE lot. THank you sooo much.

4-6 months he can't work? I was of the understanding that he could apply for a temp work permit the
minute he sets foot here... and I know this doesn't mean he walks on to a job the next day, however, is this 4-6 months some kind of waiting period that I have neglected to realize? Thank you soo much for your input, this has been extremely helpful, and has also given me a glimpse of hope.

PS I worked under the table at a lot of nanny jobs, which is why I don't have tax returns. Needless to say, I will never do this again as long as I live. It has bitten me in the butt on more than one occasion, and I am not the type to cheat the system (I work off the books at the parents' request...)

Thank you again. What is this ING thing you were mentioning? An online bank account? Sweet! I will Google it.

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-06 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today

So, after about 2 hours on the phone, we've exhausted almost every possibility. This is sooo frustrating.

I am willing to quit my current nanny position at $300 per week and seek a much higher paying job immediately, so I guess a more appropriate question would be, as long as I'm earning the required amount at interview time, maybe this will suffice? This still doesn't help the fact that I can't show the last 3 years employment or income/tax returns..

He's telling me that within 2 or 3 months' time, he could come over with about $10-12K (actually, pounds)
so maybe that will help our cause too.

I realize that I probably sound super psychotic about this, but I am just so scared at the prospect of us spending more months, perhaps years, apart. And don't get me wrong, I will wait as long as it takes, but as you all know, this is pure agony! :(

So, looks like, I'll be immediately searching for a higher paying position.

Also, I don't have a bank account, nor do I qualify for one. (Again, long story.) Will paystubs suffice? I guess
everything is looked at on an individual basis, but it's just scary not knowing if we'll get laughed out of
our interview... GAH! :(

Thank you all again for your kind words of support. I'm so glad I found you.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-06 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
OK, never mind. If you've never done it, you probably wouldn't understand. I said there were
issues, I didn't want to air dirty laundry here. I have lived off very little for a while because
there are a lot of things that were messed up about my life in general, but this doesn't mean
I can't seek love and partnership just like every other human on earth.

No, I haven't lived with my family, I had my own apartment, car, food, etc., without govt help. It CAN
be done. You just don't go out, don't shop for new clothes, don't go to movies, etc. It's simply called being poor.

If I had that kind of relationship with my family, believe me, I would ask for their support on this, but
I don't.

Going to bed now, thanks anyway for all your thoughts.

There's no option on 'rethinking' my relationship with my fiance, by the way. It has taken me 30 YEARS to find him, and yeah, it's bad luck that he happens to live on the other side of the planet, but I support
myself just fine and always have. I am disappointed that I can't meet the requirements, but in no way
does this even make me consider for a minute giving up someone I love so dearly.

Is anyone going to tell me what he needs to self sponsor? If not, then thanks anyway.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-05 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
No, nothing like that... I received a packet containing the 864... affidavit of support, and about 4 sheets
of instructions on what is needed to prove you can support finace... along with an income schedule, which is when I realized I haven't made enough money. Haven't even filed K1 yet. Was getting close to having everything ready until this info came to light.

PS, HA!!! Thanks for the suggestion, but, I waited 7 years to get the hell out of the snow of NY... I will not be relocating to Penn anytime soon, no matter WHAT the salary. Judging by this info I've received, seems as though it wouldn't matter much anyway... I've had a bad FEW years, not just last year. Which makes me wonder, if I were magically offered a six figure salary tomorrow, would that suffice? Why are they asking for 3 years worth of income?

More importantly, what are his chances of self sponsoring? I can't seem to find anywhere on the site that show what he would need to do this. This seems to be our only hope. :(
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-05 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
But, what I'm saying is, I didn't even make THAT much. I'm not kidding. I lived the first 4 months of
last year not working at all and living off borrowed money ( just a lot of issues that need not be mentioned) and when I finally did work, I only made about $7000 last year. The same is the case, give or take, for the 3 or 4 years previous as well. I'm not trying to sound like a total loser, but I've lived off of VERY little for a long time, hence, I just do not meet the requirements per the income guidelines, period.

So, in order for him to self-sponsor, I'm wondering what he would have to show in terms of assets, savings, etc. in order for us to even have a prayer of staying here. Thank you again.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-05 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
Well, just received a piece of mail today from Homeland Security that caused me to burst into tears.
I fall short of the income requirements for the affifavit of support, nor do I have the last 3 years tax returns to prove income. I've had quite a rough few years since 2000 and a sporadic job history, and last year didn't file at all (I just babysat on and off). We know absolutely NO ONE that we could ask to co-sponsor my fiance here in the US, so we are thinking this is just impossible to overcome.

I make a modest wage now, that technically could support us both, but I fear it will be not good enough.

My question is, realistically how much does he need in the bank to 'self sponsor'? He's from the UK, with an excellent job history and savings and checking accounts, although they are almost empty now due to his trip around the world last year (this is how he met me...)

And another question. What if I went to visit him in Enlgand and we got married there? I understand I would have to come back alone, but will this make it easier on us to eventually get him here without all the red tape? I've read as much as I can bear on this site, and it's been extremely insightful, but we are exploring ALL other avenues around this K1, which seems really out of reach at this time.

This is really killing my spirit, I can't stop crying and the thought of being without him just because the govt says so makes me really angry. If I have to, I'll say bon voyage to the US altogether and move to England, even though we both would much rather be here in Tampa.

Thank you so much for thoughts, help, advice, opinions, etc... :crying:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-05 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuesion about Biographic Info...
This may be silly, but I hesitate to use the back of this form due to it's one of those 'carbon copy' deals...
regular paper then. I was hoping to avoid having to think this far back (I'm not kidding, I've probably had 12 damn jobs in the last 5 years... phooey) :blink:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-27 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuesion about Biographic Info...
Attached File  Sara_and_Sean_at_Hyde_Park.jpg   22.06KB   17 downloadsI didn't realize how much bouncing around in the job world I've done the last few years....

While I'm sitting here filling out the G-325A (Biographics Info) they ask for jobs for the last 5 years...
but only provide 4 lines/spaces... and my last 4 jobs only take me back to May of '03.... should I be ####### and continue on a separate sheet of paper, or what? Don't know how closely they will look at this.

Just curious... Thanks all. :D

Just looking for an opinion or someone who had a similar situation arise, and what did you do, and did it
work or did you get an RFE????

:huh: :huh: Whoops, sorry, pic ended up in wrong area... sorry...
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-27 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDecree Absolute for UK
When I sent off for a Decree, not only was my name spelled wrong (a one-letter error) but my birth year
was incorrect by one year as well. I called the 800 number for USCIS and was told that it needs to be exact... my fiance is British as well.

SO..... I spent another $75 getting a new copy of my marriage certificate. I was then told to send BOTH back to the NYS Vital Statistics Bureau, wherein they would examine the marriage certificate and the divorce decree, and send me an AMENDED divorce decree. If it comes back with PEN marks on it, I have to admit I'll be livid. These types of mistakes are easy enough to make, fair enough, but SHEESH> Just another hold up. And the pen marks, if that's all they do, had better be damn well good enough to prove whatever. I am getting sick of this already!

I was told 2-4 weeks to receive my 'amended' divorce decree, which therein proves without a doubt your ablility to remarry freely.

They do NOT want to see separation agreements, and all that stuff. I asked. Just the decree. Hope this helps!

Someone Who Feels Your Pain :(
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-26 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Question
Thanks all... and to reiterate... I have to use a Money Order, unfortunately :( No checking account!
But, I think it should be ok. I was really more worried about the best way to send it in... Oh god, I can't believe its REALLY happening, finally!!! I just can't wait to be with him permanently. He came last week for a holiday, and it was such a dream come true for both of us, and just solidified the fact that we can't bear to be apart.... I don't think I've ever said such a hard good-bye in my life!!! lol

Thank you again for your opinions, advice, etc.... How do I make one of those ticker deals? :dance:

Attached Files

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-01 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Question
:D I am excited... I am dropping the big ole' envelope in the mail today.... One last quick question for you all....

1) is a Postal Service money order ok to use? (No checking account, has to be MO)

2) What's the best way you've found to send to service center? Overnight? Certified? Need receipt on other side to ensure it's delivery without getting lost? I'll just DIE if something happens to this package.

Whoops, that was 2 questions, sorry.

Wish me luck guys, and thanks so much for your continued and neverending support, advice, etc...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-01 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponser question
Yes. you may have someone other than your finace sponsor you, as it's obvious she isn't able to. Hope this helps.

And to add to that... Is your best friend a Scot or a USC? It is my understanding that the 'cosponsor' as this case would be, needs to be a USC.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-02 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJOb Change At Last Minute!
LOLOL no kidding, this is why I have enjoyed working off the books, but no more, obviously....

Thanks for your input, This puts me at ease. :dance:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-02 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJOb Change At Last Minute!
I know that :yes: , what I was asking was, how does the USCIS calculate income? Net or gross? Thank you.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-02 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJOb Change At Last Minute!
I realize this particular topic has been discusssed ad nauseum, so excuse me for repeating

Remember how I was talking about how I didn't have tax returns (I'm a nanny, off the books) and that I do not have a checking account, and no sufficient evidence to support what I make (which doesn't meet the poverty guidelines anyway)... so I started looking for another (higher paying, tax bearing) job immediately, and have been offered a position that is not much more than I make now, but enough, I THINK>

Do they calculate income by GROSS or NET? Net, I'd be RIGHT on the border, but GROSS, I'd be fine. And, how are bonuses/commisions to be calculated if I start this job so close to interview time, when commission will not have kicked in yet? For lack of a better way to express myself here, do they take in to account more earning potential if the employer's letter says 'Plus commission' in addition to base salary???? I think if they did, it would help my cause, if they're calculating NET income, since I'm right on the line...

Sorry if this sounds silly, but just curious..

Feel free to post your .02 :D
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-02 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow did you meet your fiance?
I flew around a corner in a big hurry (why, I don't remember) and almost knocked him on his bum (he was
at the pay phone). It was literally a physical meeting, since I completely ran into him before I even knew what he looked like... then when I looked up at his face, apologizing profusely for running him over, I knew.... sparkles. It can happen in a matter of seconds, love can. (L)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-02-26 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTexas received petition...
:unsure: The only reason I found out they got it is because I sent the mail registered
and so I checked the USPS website that said it had been delivered... how long before
the USCIS notifies me that they got it? Just curious, or do they not say anything till
the first NOA? Thank you... :D

OK guys, sorry,

Just found another thread almost like this one.. so sorry... should've looked first,
of course! :lol:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-10 04:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport photo
My fiance is from the UK as well, and he just went to any old photo shop and asked for an
immigration picture. They knew just what he was talking about, he didn't know what it was
supposed to look like..

But, they give you (him) two, in a little blue booklet the size of a passport book, and it's
just a little 2X2. You only send one of them (one of you and one of him, of course), and keep the other. Hope this helps! :D
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-03-10 04:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan he spend the summer with me???
Yes, this is what I suspected.

He's travelled every year (they work for six months, save every penny, then do these Virgin Holidays and go around the world and stay at hostels for the next six) So I guess we'll just have to prove somehow that he's going back...

Thank you every bodeeeeeeeeeeeee :D Screw this long distance stuff! Enough!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-23 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan he spend the summer with me???
Ah... never thought of that... Good call! I'll run that by him and see what he says. :yes:

So, here's what I was wondering. Maybe it will look better if he gets a 'return' ticket for one week later, just like we always do, but then, just didn't go back on that day...

Then buy another one way when it's time to fly for medical, intvw, etc. Do they get weird if he's not on the plane home the first time? I'm sure people do this a lot, but didn't want to raise any red flags.

Then, sometimes I think, with all of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE that come in and out on a weekly basis, is it even FEASIBLE to think they would have time to check on little ole' us? Makes me think maybe I'm totally paranoid, you know? But,,, nevertheless... if we do anything to screw this up, whether intentional or not.. .I will just jump off a bridge! :blink:

The Dublin idea is a good one tho. :thumbs:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-23 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan he spend the summer with me???
:unsure: I know you've probably all thought and thought and thought about how the hell to make this process faster for your situation, as I am doing now...

We've gone over EVERY stinkin' possibility we can think of and have wracked our brains to the hilt, trying to figure out a way to be together even just one day sooner... as we sit here waiting for this damn NOA2.

So, here's my question plain and simple. Is it realistic for us (me=USC, he=UK) to think about having him fly over and spend the summer months with me here in Florida... provided he won't work while here? So, I'd have him come over on the ole' tourist visa just like always (we do many week long visits but these are absolute torture when he leaves) and just let him stay the 90 days? He can financially not work and live comfortably with me (I have a very good paycheck too so money is not the thing) but I worry that it may look suspicious.

I know, he'll have to fly back to London a few times for his medical, interview, etc. (I'll probably go too, just for fun) so this is not a problem either. I just don't want anyone looking at us like we're trying to pull one over on customs.

If we still have no visa at the end of 90 days, I have no problem with him flying home again and waiting another couple months or so.... it's just that we're SO SICK of waiting!!!!! I think it's the 'not knowing' part that is killing us.

I'd almost rather have them send me a letter that says, "Your visa has been denied. Piss off."

Then at LEAST WE"D KNOW!!!!! :wacko:

Thanks for your input.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-23 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelief!!!!
So, Andrew, looks like you're not the only one fed up with the raining over there....I've got to listen to him rant and rave about the sh!t weather all day today..... hahahaha... guess Essex is a pisstake at the moment...

Put on your "Patience Hat" is all I have to say. I thought a Londoner would have an easy go of it. Boy, was I naiive. You'll scream and cry and rip out your hair one by one and stand at the edge of a tall building at some point, ready to say BOLLOX to the whole thing, but remember....

She's worth it in the end!! You'll be together someday, just NOT soon enough! :cry:

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-29 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelief!!!!
Welcome to VJ! True for me as well. I Found more info here in the first 10 minutes than all other sites put together...

QDILLY PLS remove that pic... Ialmost lost my lunch. Those kind need warnings! :no:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-29 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP: Tourist visa rather than K1 visa

BUT if your intention is to bring him into the country and then get married and have him stay...that's wrong and ILLEGAL. It's made clear that the marriage has to be a decision made after he's in the country for another purpose. The fact that you two even knew eachother when he came into the country will be a BIG red flag. What other reason is he going to give for coming in? So, I'm agreeing with everyone here - it's not the way to go. AND if your intention was to LIE and have him come in saying, "no, i'm not getting married, i'm just on a tourist visa" then shame on you, and especially shame on you for asking that of people who have waited months and in some cases years to LEGALLY be with the person they love. We're here for eachother because we're all going through this same intense process because it's the right thing to do.

:star: Joey

EEASY now! :o

I seem to remember asking this EXACT question when I first joined here. I didn't get any "Shame On You's" though...

I think it's a matter of naiivity on a lot of newbies' parts...

I had NO IDEA that bringing a boyfriend in, marrying him, and having him stay was illegal. Really. And I think I am not alone, I have heard a ton of people ask this very question. I was shocked to find out that this was a fraudulent thing to do. It's also very disheartening to come to the realization that, yes, we must all endure this torturous process, and that there is no quicker way.

Agree with the point that it's ok if he leaves afterward. Personally, I'd rather wait, tough as it is, to have a wedding after the process is resolved. Who wants to have someone have to leave when they're newlyweds? :no:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-30 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC said another 45 days
Yes, but he's already been waiting almost 100 days.... so they're saying another 45 on TOP of the 100 or so days? This seems wacky. O how I wish I'd never left New York State, for no other reason except to be able to use VERMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying:

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-30 12:24:00