K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy experience so far and visiting for 3 weeks during processing time I need reassurance please...

Hi all,


This is my first post, though both my partner and I have used this site copiously for our I-129F process and I must say it was the best thing we could have found - Thank you!


I went to visit my, then boyfriend, fiance a few times since September 2012. At first I had intended to visit him then travel to Canada where I was to start a work visa, which I had gotten through the Experience Canada scheme. The visa was due to expire April 25 2013, so I had plenty of time to visit him and then move over at the end of November 2012. However, due to many reasons beyond my control - family and best friend related issues - I had to make an impromptu trip back to the UK instead, cancelling my trip to Canada. However, while I was in the US with my love we discussed me being there for Christmas and New year and celebrating our 30th birthdays together (which are only 2 weeks apart in january). So, my initial plans were to go to US, move to Canada for work and visit him over Christmas and January. After the impromptu visit back to the UK and having to cancel the Canada plans I still decided to stick to the Christmas and Birthday plans and went back to the US from the UK. This meant that it looked as though I had only been back home for 3.5weeks and was making another long trip to the US - my return ticket was dated March 12th, I thought since my Canada visa didn't expire until April 25 I would be able to still use it if I got back from the US on March 12.


My re-entry was Christmas Eve 2012, direct flight from London to LAX. I hadn't really seen this site then so I didn't know what to expect. He also hadn't proposed at this point so I was technically still his girlfriend and there was no visa petitions in progress. However, when I got to POE the officer asked me when was my return for, I answered 12th March, Next question "when did I last leave the states?" he had it all on his screen, all my entry and exit dates and I think he was just testing my answers. He asked the purpose of my visit and how I was looking after myself, I answered honestly, that I was staying with my boyfriend, that he was looking after me while I was there and that he had visited me in the past and now it was my turn to do the same.

He asked some questions about how we met, his job etc etc and he then looked at me sternly and said "You're lucky I believe you, to me it looks like you would be living here, you only went back home a few weeks in between your trips and the ESTA is not intended for such trips. I will let you through this time but be warned the next time you do this you might be sent to secondary and you might just be put on a flight back if they don't believe your story" I didn't have any evidence with me apart from means to support my self, I also am self employed and I moved back into my mums to help save money for my trip. Anyway, he let me through and before he did his final words were "next time get another visa or get married!" I joked with him about that and said it's not something I'm going to force upon my boyfriend... I didn't have to as he proposed after our birthday party which we then decided to start all our paper work and the process rolling (though that was when we started everything he said he wanted to do it properly with parents consent etc, so he did it again properly in Paris on the Eiffel Tower in april on his visit to me - cliche but the best thing ever :) !! )

So after deliberating and looking into matters I cancelled my Canada plans completely, it was sad because it would have been an experience worth trying, but after spending such a lovely time together over the past few months and him proposing we got even closer and even more in love and I just didn't think being in Canada, rather than in the UK, would have been the best thing to do. Plus I got to see my new niece who was born March 9th and see my family loads before I will leave them for a long long time.


BUT my next dilema is that I am due to fly back out to the US this Thursday. His family have planned a big trip to Hawaii, which I'm invited to as being his fiance, and he paid for the flights and his parents have paid for the accommodation. I get in to LAX thursday evening and fly out from LAX on Friday morning to Hawaii. My fiance says I should just go through POE and he will pick me up so I can have somewhere comfortable to sleep for that night and he can see me even for a few hours before flying out to Hawaii, where i will meet him there anyway, on the Friday. I haven't gotten any different visa as I thought I could still travel on ESTA? We will only be in Hawaii for 10 days and I then go back to LA and fly home to the UK on the 25th June.


My concern is that I will be inquisitioned and not allowed to leave the airport at LAX during my layover or worse still, what that last POE said, get sent back to the UK. But why would they do that? What should I expect? I have various appointments I need to get back to plus a trip to Sweden I am making on the weekend I return to the UK, but I don't have any letters for work as I contract from job to job and I don't have anything booked in yet, as I tend to get my bookings the week before. I could ask my recruiter to email me saying he will have something ready for me for my return, but would that be sufficient enough? Does anyone think I will have any issues regarding my last 2 trips where I stayed about 82 days the first trip and 78 days the second.


A bit about me and my last couple stays: I stayed with him as well as made some trips to visit other friends I have out there in Chicago and San Diego, plus trips to Las Vegas, palm springs, phoenix Arizona and Oakland. When I got back to the UK, I was booked in for work immediately on both occasions. I make a pretty decent living when I work, and as I don't pay rent at my mothers house I get to save quite a bit, so I still have good savings left even though I was out there for such a long time before, which are all now going towards our wedding and future plans (which by the looks of it the NOA2 should be coming through end of July or August!!) 


I guess I just want to know if anyone has been out there for long periods of time and then gone back during their K1 processing time? Also, if there are certain things I should and shouldn't mention from my trip? I'm planning on having all my appoinment details for my return with me plus evidence of my savings account.


I'm sorry for such a long essay, but I needed to get my worries and story off my chest. thanks for your time all :)


GOOD LUCK people!




GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-27 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmy visit during processing of I-129f (K1)
I know that a lot of people are concerned about visiting the USA during the processing of their K1, I know I was, specially after I read some horror stories and those saying they were held and interrogated during entry.

I just thought I'd give my version of what I went through, as it was THE MOST PLEASANT ENTRY TO THE USA I HAVE EVER HAD! Sounds crazy but true, maybe it was just sheer luck but it really was.

I have recently been here (writing this while sitting in a hotel in Hawaii :) !) For 82 and 78 days with only a short 3.5week gap in the middle. I was cautioned in my last visit and told that I would most likely be put through to secondary... no such thing!

I arrived at LAX, got to POE and talked to the lady (maybe that's why?) For about 5mins about my trip. This is roughly how it went:

Officer (smiling and friendly the whole time): "how long are you in the usa?"
Me: 26 days, i leave 25th june
She then saw I was enroute to Hawaii but had an overnight layover in LA

Officer: not going to pretend I'm not jealous, but what are you doing in hawaii all that time?
Me: oh no I'm only there 10 days then 2 weeks back here.
We then proceeded to converse about how beautiful Hawaii was, how she was jealous and she wrote down two places for me to visit. She did ask if I was going alone, and I mentioned it was with my fiance and his family, but she only wanted to know because she said I would have just as much fun alone too.

And THAT was it! It was approx 35-40 mins from the moment I got off the plane to the moment I kissed my fiance hello outside the gate.

After all last month stressing out and having horrible visions of my impending interrogation, printing off all the recommended papers for my ties back home etc etc I couldn't believe my luck. I think still go prepared but be honest and relax.

Good luck to all stressing about this specially the ladies as I know how much we tend to fret more than the guys. Relax and be honest and true and have things with you that you think necessary just in case...but keep my story in mind too and smile :)

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 00:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDS230 filing in help AND evidence info DS156/157

Hi guys,


I have a quick question relating to filing in the DS230, the part about where you have lived (Q30) you don't have to write down the address it self do you? or just the town/country right? and as I've lived in London all my life does this mean I have to put down London for City/Town and Province as I believe London doesn't have Province exactly. 


Also, all previous visits to the US, how detailed does it have to be? I have been a total of 14 times in the last 9 years varying from 5 days to almost the whole 3months. 


If those who have filled it in can give me a bit of a heads up that would be much appreciated.



Also, DS156 requires evidence of engagement to fiance, will engagement cards from friends, pics of both our engagement parties (one in UK one in US) and, if I can get, receipt from the jewellers he had his great grandmothers ring resized for my tiny little fingers be enough? But I don't have to send these off with the forms right just take originals and photocopies of them with me perhaps to the interview?


Any advice will be great thanks!





GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2! CSC, JAN. 28TH FILER!



but I'm confused you said jan filer but your NOA1 is dated the same as mine Feb 28th... can you clarify? We're hoping to hear something any day now, I'm already sorting out the paper work for the next step, So much paperwork!



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

RIGHT, Sorry Nich-Nick! Thank you!!! I'm just a little blurry this morning. I have read everything you have posted OVER and OVER and OVER again I promise, just want to make sure I am super clear and I don't mess anything up now :D


I will call NVC and see if they have the case number before I leave the US otherwise I'll do it on my return to the UK if it still hasn't arrived in the post over the next week or two.


My fiance is sorting out all I-134 items today, he has a letter from his employer stating his salary, A W2 from work for last year and most recent payslips. He is going to file his personal tax papers this week (He is a bit late with those I know) but not too worried as all the other items I think are sufficient enough I believe.


We're printing off pics of our trip to Paris and Hawaii with itinieraries too.


New police certificate is getting sent off in a weeks time once I have the photos signed by my friend who is a manager but using my existing one for the medical.


Then sending everything off once I have the new police certificate in my hand.


YAY! :)





GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-20 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

OK I just read that the A number is different to the case number. How can I get a hold of my case number if I have the I-797 notice?



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-20 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

So the official papers from the NVC arrived at my Fiance's place today with an A number, which I'm guessing is my case number? Or am I mistaken? I'm going to call up for a medical if this is the correct number, can someone help me clarify? Sorry we've just been calling it LND I want to make sure it's the correct thing!


Thanks :)

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-20 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

Oh thanks Nich-Nick I guess I didn't think of it that way. Cool I'll put in our 'date' on the form then. Thanks for the heads-up!


GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

Right, got it.


We will call up the NVC (New Hampshire I believe) after next week to give them a week or so to recieve our papers (also to check they got sent there, I've been reading horror stories of peoples files going to the wrong place from California!)


If they have my case number, if not I will keep checking, but once I have my case number I will then call up the medical group in the UK to book an appointment for sometime at the end of July (if they have ones available), this gives them a month to transfer the papers from NVC to London. If I don't hear anything from London before my medical I will reschedule it. I'll send off my papers as soon as my letter arrives from embassy and the DS2001 AFTER I have had my medical.


I'm just so excited to get things rolling. We really want to get married before the end of the year, and hopefully before Dec as most of my family won't be able to come out to the US in December for the wedding otherwise, but right now setting a date is so difficult! Can't believe they even ask about your wedding date etc, do they even know their own process?? ClockWatch2.gif



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

I'm not planning on booking medical exam until after I get back from Turkey on the 21st July, which I think would be a long enough wait to get my case number from the NVC I reckon, but I was wondering if the medical peeps would book my appointment and I give them the number when I get there. I guess I'll have to ask them?


Also, maybe I'm just being a bit stupid or just confused after everything I've read, but do you get your case number only once you've sent off the DS230 pt1, DS156, DS156K and DS157 and the DS2001? OR do you need your case number, which is sent from the NVC and the letter they send you before you send all those off? I have all the documentation I need to move forward and I can pretty much send all this off as soon as I land in the UK next week from the US.



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

Thank you lost_at_sea that info is really handy. Did you need the number from NVC to book the appointment?

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

Thanks again! I'm currently in the US but i'm returning in a week. Upon getting notice on NOA2 in the US I hear it's a couple weeks until NVC gets papers right? But should l start calling the NVC next week for the case number, are they the only ones who will have the details?

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

Oh also, what sort of Evidence do they want for the engagement? rign receipts or photos from engagement parties and cards be sufficient?



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

Thanks Nich-Nick, funnily enough I have read that thread a few times already and it's a great source!


For me I'm interested as to how long it's taking these days to schedule a medical exam and can I only book it once I have received the letter from NVC? Also, if I was to order a police certificate, can I take the current one I have to the medical and the new one to the interview, it wouldn't matter would it that they are dated from different years?




GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got approved! Now next stage?

I was getting worried because so many people from CSC were getting approvals from up to March Applicants and we were end of Feb but they just hadn't texted/emailed us and I waited until this morning to check the receipt number and there it was!! Yey... I've started the next part by filling all the paper work in, but can any London folk who have done this already please show me a link or something that say how I schedule appointments etc. Also I have a police certificate that's due to expire end of August (I had it done for something else last year and I had a spare copy of it) should I get a new one just in case?


Thank you all and thank you VJ for being sucha  great site of resources, this journey has been so much better with it!





Edited by GeeH, 17 June 2013 - 11:13 AM.

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHave LND number in hand yipppeeee

They let me book the medical exam at Knightsbridge Bond street. I have LND and a police certificate and will be getting all my vaccination papers from my doctors next week. Appointment is July 22nd, could have been much sooner but I'm only in the UK for a day before I fly back out again and I won't be back until July 21st.

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHave LND number in hand yipppeeee

Thanks Tracey&Greg, I'll keep you posted. I'm in the states so I have to wait until tomorrow morning before I can call the doctors surgery but I'll let you know how it goes.



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHave LND number in hand yipppeeee

So our NOA2 arrived 14th June and I have not so patiently waited, as in I called NVC 3 times already haha, to get the LND and finally today they gave it to me and said the papers were posted to London last Friday. Woooo


I'm still in the US right now but I'm calling to book my medical tomorrow, fingers crossed I get one before the end of the month.


So exciting :)


We've also been looking at places to move to when I get to California - I don't want to jinx anything yet but this is all so awesome I'm super excited.


Good luck to those who are waiting still, even with a smooth process I have still felt the stresses and strains you are experiencing, so I REALLY hope you all get your NOA2's soon!



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter K1 Medical London - just wait?

Nich-Nick thanks for advice on the AOS list I was wondering about that. i'll get on it asap.


I called the embassy and the lady said there was a back log of 6 weeks to even receive an appointment for interview :/ but taking from catie-b who received her appointment date in 2 weeks I'm going to just stay positive!


I haven't fully started moving plans yet, I don't have a lot to ship out and the only things I'm concentrating on now is the wedding prep, dress, location etc. We have a date set and I wrote it in my covering letter lost_at_sea but it's not until November! I hope they don't make us wait until October :/


I have a trip booked for Sweden 10th August for a few days so don't mind waiting until I get back to try them again. Thanks for all the advice peeps :)



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter K1 Medical London - just wait?

Been MIA for a couple of weeks, been all over the place and out the country a bunch so only just gotten around to coming on here.


So, I had my medical exam this morning. Tracy&Greg it's really simple and straight forward. Just remember to fill in the questionnair before you get there, they give you something else to fill in as well which is pretty much a duplicate of it but that's it. All exams are straight forward and the guy who does the Xrays is very nice too. I didn't have to do any vaccinations as I got them done at my local surgery before hand for free, but those are right at the end. Took about 45mins in total or even less!


Got told to wait a couple of days in case they need to contact me about my results but otherwise I should just wait for the embassy to contact me about my interview... is this right? I thought I had to call them to book my interview?


Nich-Nick you're going to probably want to shoot me but you seem to be the best person to ask about these things. I have read that thread again and again. Can you just for my own sanity (sorry I'm sleep deprived only 3.5 hrs sleep, long story!) tell me if that's what I do or if I have to ring the call centre to arrange an appointment? I was thinking of waiting until Friday to do so if I hadn't heard anything yet.


I sent my packet 3 things back with my DS2001 the day I got them (11th July) as I had everything I needed at the time. I'm still waiting for the police certificate but I got told I should have that this week, plus I already have one dated until the end of August from last year so the other one is just for in case I don't get an interview date before it expires.


Also does anyone know what the wait is like for interview dates in London at the moment? I'm going to check the London forum now too.



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 06:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my interview date

r3dg3cko rob I sent off my forms on the 11th of July. I went away on holiday and had my medical on the 22nd July.


I set up my account on the site on the 1st August and the site allowed me to pay my fees and pick the courier.


I then emailed the embassy at this link harvard and haideruk




and explained my situation and asked if they could let me know what was going on with the processing of my visa. It took them 5 days to respond to me. 


In the email they told me my interview date and said that I had correspondence sent back to me on 6th August which I assume is packet 4, however still nothing in the post. I am hoping it will show up tomorrow. 





GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my interview date

So after all my stressing for nothing (as usual!) my visa interview date has been set for Sept 12th!! woooo!!!


I emailed the contact us section of the embassy site and requested for info on my case. I stated all the dates for medical and when all my forms were sent etc, including my LND number. I got  a reply saying that my interview was scheduled and that I had a letter sent out on 6th Aug (Yesterday) with the instructions.


I am now waiting to hear back about whether they have my payment on record as the email also said I should now register on the usvisa site which I have already done so, and just follow instructions. I doubt it but I have asked about the courier too. I'll post if they say what to do about that as I know there was some confusion!


Anyway, happy days... good luck to all still waiting dancin5hr.gif

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-07 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved woooo

dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif


I just got back from the embassy in London. What a straight forward process. Got told I was approved and that it will all be ready to collect in about 10days. 


Has anyone else had experience collecting their passport/packet from the courier people? OR should I arrange it to be delivered? I don't mind really. Funnily enough the location of my collection point is Brent, same as my fiance's name. The lady at the embassy said it was fate and meant to be :) I agree!!!



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-12 04:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

To be honest I was going to be away and out the country until July 21st so I just requested something for July 22nd onwards, she just said what ever date is good for you... so I assume that week is pretty free for now. Best to call and book something I say and if you need to change it maybe call up sooner to the date and see if they have cancellations etc? They have two clinics so make sure to call the main line that deals with both not the direct line to a specific clinic or you will only be able to book an appointment for that clinic.


The main line number is 0207 486 7822 which is also listed in the embassy details section of this site. Be warned it's ALWAYS engaged so just keep calling, it took me 10mins to get through.


Good luck! and so lucky you get to be there at the same time when she's going through it, I hear it can be daunting. My fiance can't come out to visit me now as work won't permit, he's already been over once this year and, as most Americans know, vacation time is very small and precious in the US (for most jobs) oh well only a few more skips until I board the plane back for good... fingers crossed!





GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

I just want to wish Good luck to those who are still waiting to hear something, I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you all!


We had our NOA2 on June 14th and our papers are already enroute to the UK. I just booked my medical exam too so the next few steps are upon us. But it's all still very stressfull and tiring, believe me it's the toughest times my fiance and I have had on this journey, so i COMPLETELY feel for those who are still waiting for part 1.


Thinking of you all! heart.gif

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate for Interview K1 - UK citizen but born in Turkey

Thank you very much for your help! I will do just that :)

GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-29 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate for Interview K1 - UK citizen but born in Turkey

Hi All,


Thank you all for your responses. The certificate does have both parents names and places of birth. 


I'll get my older sister to translate it, will that be OK that she's a member of my family? She's a teacher and fluent in both languages.


Otherwise I'll see if my mums friend will do it.


So if I need to have originals and translations, does this mean I have to have a dated copy of the translation at all times for all interviews (i'm also referring to the AOS after we're married)? Can I just use the one translation and photocopy it?


Thanks again




GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-29 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate for Interview K1 - UK citizen but born in Turkey

Hi All,


I'm wondering if anyone knows what I should do during the interview (it's not even boked yet, still waiting NOA2 but preparing of course!) 


I was born in Turkey but moved to the UK at a very young age and have since been Naturalized and have been a UK citizen for almost 20 years. I have the paperwork to say it, but my birth certificate is in Turkish. On the interview list it says I need to bring in the paper copy - in Turkey you get a small 3" x 6" (approx) sized laminated bit of paper which states your name, place of birth and your parent place of birth and religion. It's all in Turkish but it's also very clear what is what. It's not a paper form. 


 Do I need to translate it? Has anyone else had any similar issues?


Any help would be much appreciated :)



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-29 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJob change? Relocation? EAD?

http://www.visajourn...e-states/page-2 I just found this thread. Like I thought it's a grey area for now but will be worth keeping an eye out for.  



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-23 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJob change? Relocation? EAD?

Rookey for my interview I took a couple pay stubs, a letter from the employer (stating what he did and how much he earned) a W2 that he had from his work and a letter from the bank manager (This took a few hours to do, just call up the branch and ask them to do it) stating how much he had in his account at time and over the last 12 months. I had various but I think just a couple pay stubs and a tax transcript or W2 for the past year should be enough. You might have issues in the future for AOS as they then require a lot more evidence (2-3 years transcripts etc)


I don't think a change of job will be an issue, but maybe the bank managers letter would be good if he has a decent amount of money in it? Mine had a large amount in due to saving money to buy us a place so that looked good. 


Moving state won't affect anything but definitely make sure to notify USCIS and the Service Centre that you have changed your address because all your information for your A number, which you were given when your petition was approved, would be logged under your current address. 


As for working for a Uk company and getting paid etc, I don't know either. I think it's a large grey area. I have a limited company in the UK which I work as a sole trader (contractor). I won't be doing work while I'm over but I have some clients who I still consult and I pay myself a salary from it, even if I haven't done any work. I have a UK accountant and I pay corporation tax etc... I will keep looking into it, but I have seen a couple people here who did 'self-sponsor' so they produced their own savings account/P60 information etc and it seemed to be OK. But guess it's not the same thing. If I come up with anything i'll let you know.


When is your interview?



GeeHFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-23 11:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLost CR-1, filed I90, need info please

The I-90 is taking between 3 - 6 months to get processed... you could make an infopass at your local office once you have the NOA for your I-90 and ask for I-551 stamp... it is as good as the Greencard....


Sorry for a silly question: In part 3 (processing information), if you entered the US with Immigrant Visa, also complete the following:
Destination in US at time of admission: (do I write my address here or just the city?)

Port of Entry where Admitted to US: (like LAX?)

kennyttNot TellingVietnam2006-03-14 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick question re: I-129F
QUOTE (MJhawk @ Oct 2 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I am a Canadian citizen and my fiance is an American citizen. I came here on Sept. 30 and he proposed to me yesterday (Oct. 1) so I'm getting my petition ready. Question 12 it says:
If your fiancé(e) is currently in the U.S., complete the
He or she last arrived as a:(visitor, student, exchange alien,
crewman, stowaway, temporary worker, without inspection,

I'm a visitor

Arrival/Departure Record (I-94) Number

I never got a I-94 since I drove and I'm a Canadian citizen

Date of Arrival

Arrived: Sept. 30, 2009

Date authorized stay expired, or
will expire as shown on I-94 or I-95

So I'm staying here for 6 months (180 days) unless I have to attend my interview in Montreal.
So would I put March 30, 2010 or is this section only for people travelling on plane or people in visa waiver programs.

Please help thanks

if you are already here in the US why dont you just get married right away and report your marriage to CIS... thats more convenient and faster ... GOODLUCK GUYS luv.gif luv.gif

kaspFemalePhilippines2009-10-04 02:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help about problem I had in the past.
If you had overstayed in US during your stay here then there could be a problem ... coz that is one of the factors that will affect your paperwork ... because they will be able to trace it out because of your Name and passport number ... Just hope for the best ... and pray ... Nothing is impossible with GOD ... star_smile.gif
kaspFemalePhilippines2009-10-04 02:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129F question 18 Overkill?
QUOTE (gsxjoey @ Oct 4 2009, 12:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys, I've just finished getting my petition together and ready to mail it tomorrow. I was just wondering is a page and a half single spaced overkill for the 129F supplement? Also are 14 pictures too much to include in the packet?

I've just been following the K-1 Guides on the site and I swear Ive checked every form at least a thousand times but can I just use some airplane tickets from when I went to Korea, and a Certificate of enrollment from the school in Korea that was attending this past summer to learn Korean as proof of having met?

Finally is it really necessary to include proof of an ongoing relationship if its not one of the requirements for the 129F? does uscis even check for that?

Your pictures are enough evidence to show that you have met already and thats the most important thing u should prove.. better if your photos has date stamps also, receipts of hotel, restaurants, shopping etc... plane ticket is a good evidence as well ... Just remember to keep all your original documents with you, just send all the Photocopy, preferably colored photocopy. It may cost a lil more but its worth it, for the one you Love ... the Proofs of on goin relationship ... your fiance will have to prove that to her Consular Interview later on after approval of the petition ... GOODLUCK GUYS!!! kicking.gif
kaspFemalePhilippines2009-10-04 02:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Money Order
QUOTE (marcus_arlyn1226 @ Oct 3 2009, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sending my petition on monday evening.I want to send payment by money order,but I told that the max is 300.So ,Will it be okay I have 2 money orders?I think one money order is 300 and the other 155 payed to the USCIS.I'm not sure !!I never used a money order before and I don't know if this will create a problem.Is there a diffferent type money order beside western union that allow me to send full 455?Any help is great.Time for Bed.

You can just send your personal Check... pay to USCIS ... thats safer and more convenient for u ... GOODLUCK ... luv.gif
kaspFemalePhilippines2009-10-04 02:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle Name in Chinese
You're totally right. Her name is Xiao Hong. On the G-325A, she spelled it Xiaohong and on all of my paperwork, it's spelled the same. But one document, her original "Letter of Intent to Marry", has a line where she signed, and underneath is typed: "Xiao Hong Chen".

We should be good with that minor discrepancy, right?


TwoPeasInAPodMaleChina2008-05-19 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle Name in Chinese
Hi Everyone,

Newbie here, organizing the first draft of the I-129F bundle. I knoticed today, after having received my fiancee's FedEx packet, that there is some inconsistency in the way we're writing her name. In Chinese, okay, there's only one spelling, but in the "romanization" or "pinyin" of her name, it's either modeled like "Mary Anne" or "Maryanne".

The only place it is inconsistent, is just below her signature on the Intent to Marry letter. Should I ask her to change that and send another express packet, or is it not such a big deal?


TwoPeasInAPodMaleChina2008-05-19 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting, Pictures, Receipts, etc ...
Thanks! You guys are great!

I followed all of your advice. I sent Original Submission I-129F with a ton of proof:

Full Copy Passport with Stamps
9 Pictures all labeled with Names, Dates, and Places
Airline Ticket Receipt
Hotel Receipt
Credit Card Receipts
Duty Free Receipt (gift for her mom).

I also included Proof of Ongoning Relationship with its own cover letter:

21 emails
6 pages of chat log.

You guys are awesome!


TwoPeasInAPodMaleChina2008-05-28 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting, Pictures, Receipts, etc ...
Hey everyone,

Well I think I've got the whole K1 package ready to go, finally. My question is concerning the proof stuff:

We met in China last month and I've picked out about 6 pictures, the hotel receipt, and my Airline boarding pass.

Anything else I need to submit for proof of meeting each other?


TwoPeasInAPodMaleChina2008-05-27 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed an example letter "affirming your desire to marry your fiance"
Hey there,

I'm working on my Post-NOA2 package.

Does anyone have an example letter "affirming your desire to marry your fiance."


TwoPeasInAPodMaleChina2008-10-10 20:04:00