Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (russ @ Nov 4 2007, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Nov 3 2007, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought I read self employed people are to submit 1 years tax return, where does it require
3 years tax returns?

I sent 2 years and it was fine. Worst case is that they end up asking for it, so you might as well send 3 years if you can. If not, I wouldn't worry.

I guess it is always better to send Too Much rather than too little, however, I already sent one years tax return for her to bring to Moscow.
Does anyone know where or if they demand more than one years return for self-employed?
0MaleRussia2007-11-09 10:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Great Job Russ!

Maybe someone can clarify.

<<<<3. A copy of the last year’s tax return if you are an employee or the last three years returns if you are self employed.>>>

I thought I read self employed people are to submit 1 years tax return, where does it require
3 years tax returns?
Thankfully I have time to send these out if need be.
..... actually the way things are dragging, I have LOTS of time.
0MaleRussia2007-11-03 14:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
First and foremost, there are no such things as "experts" on what is needed for the VJ process located in Russia. They are all here on VJ!
Disregard what the "experts" are telling you/her over there and take the advice of those who've been through the process already here on this forum.

What you've sent already more than meets the needs. Tell the "experts" to get more training.
slimMale02008-06-20 11:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Mar 26 2008, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the answers. So fast! good.gif

Yeah, usually it's more like, "uh... so fast?"
slimMale02008-03-27 12:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Answers to your questions -

1. I'm not aware of what they check for exactly, but I'd assume they're checking for blood and RH type, viruses, infections, even things like sickle cell. AIDS is most likely on that check list too since that's kind of a big deal. Of course drugs and STDs will be on there but it's probably not going to come back with your sugar or cholesterol levels.

2. Abortion is important simply because it could very possibly alter a woman's internal parts. Also, sometimes abortions aren't done under the best of medical conditions so things like Hepatitis and other communicable diseases can be contracted. Those all must be checked out.
slimMale02008-03-13 09:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 19 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the reply and the info. Moscow will be fine I hope. I still have a few questions if you guys don't mind.

Again, thank you so much for all your help. I am glad I found this place as I was a nervous wreck.

Spasibo bol'shoye.

Well, you can stop worrying! We're here for the main purpose of helping you through this process. Our secondary, (and perhaps even tertiary or qua-whateverthewordforfourthplaceis) purpose is to ease the transition and help in all issues surrounding your Russia-specific Visa Journey.

All of us have either gone through it already or are in the process of going through it now, so there is some really good advice on here. The Journeyman (big ups to Jason for dropping the term!) who's been answering your questions thus far, Satellite, is our MVP (most valuable poster) here in the Russia forum so pay particular attention to what he's saying. He'll steer you in the right direction.

And don't be hesitant to ask questions, even if it's something crazy like "does anyone else's girl know how to drive a car, because mine doesn't?" Someone out there is probable asking the same question or it's been asked and answered already somewhere else. There's a lot of history on this forum, and a pretty broad spectrum of knowledge and experience.

So, ask away! And don't be scared to post in the other topics either!

(and just to maintain our on topic/off topic association here... We're doing "driving lessons" at our house this week. Fun. Very fun. A little scary, kind of like when you're on the roller coaster. It's fun, but it's scary at the same time. And that's what makes it fun. And scary. And then fun again. And back to being scary.)
slimMale02008-02-20 11:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 12 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My first post here. Apologies in advance for the many mistakes I am sure I will make. Is there a similar FAQ list for Saint Petersburg (SP)? Does the SP consulate interview for K1 visas? Anybody willing to share his/her experience? Does anyone recommend a medical establishment in SP for the exam? Is there somebody in SP that is familiar with the interview process, somebody similar to Ms Pomazan in Moscow? My girl lives very close to SP and we hope she does not need to go to Moscow for her interview. Spasiba valshoi. Really, thank you for all your help. And if anybody interested in my experience, please let me know and I will share the very few things I know.

Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but all K-1s go through Moscow. No biggy though, we've all done it so feel free to jump right in on all these topics.

Hope to hear more of your story and help out if we can.
slimMale02008-02-12 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
This is not a required document. It's merely you restating your intent to marry that person.
slimMale02008-02-01 13:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

fiance arrives before the end of the year and you marry before the year is done, then you can file taxes as married people filing jointly and you get extra money from the government(see the investment can pay off early :jest: )

We did this as well. Made a couple thousand dollar difference.
slimMale02007-08-16 08:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Letter of intent (updated) isn't actually a "requirement" for them to see. It's just another piece of evidence that says to the C/O "See, we really do love each other and we're getting married. NOW GIVE ME MY D@MN VISA!!!"
slimMale02007-08-15 09:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Great job, Russ! Ewok should be able to hook it up.

I'm sure this will also become the frequently asked again questions section!
slimMale02007-07-27 13:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Mar 25 2008, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear Group,

One more question. If the beneficiary has a child, does (s)he need permission from the former spouse to take the child to the US? I haven't seen any such requirement from the USCIS, but when I take my daughters out of the country, the airline requires a notarized permission letter from their mother allowing me to take them outside the US.

In my particular case, the ex lives in the Ukraine, whereas my Masha and son live in Russia (Petersburg).

Thank you for the help and support.

Javier headbonk.gif

Yes, you need permission from the father/mother of the child.
moxMale02008-03-26 00:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Mar 13 2008, 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PS I there are FAQs for this, I apologize and will appreciate very much if you direct me there.

Welcome aspettando, feel free to post in the main forum for faster responses. A lot of people don't think to check replies to the FAQ thread on a daily basis.
moxMale02008-03-13 09:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 12 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And if anybody interested in my experience, please let me know and I will share the very few things I know.


Love to hear about your experience! Please feel free to start a new thread, or you can just jump into the "photos" thread since it has absolutely nothing to do with photos anymore anyway. laughing.gif
moxMale02008-02-12 15:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (Buck and Natalia @ Jan 28 2008, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where do you get the information that a new Letter of Intent to Marry addressed to the Moscow Embassy is required? Below is the text of the required interview documents copied directly from the Moscow Embassy website. I see no mention of this requirement.

Hmmm...interesting. It is in the VJ K-1 Visa guide, but I'm not seeing it anywhere else. Perhaps a post in The Foreign Embassy and Consulate General Discussion forum is warranted.
moxMale02008-01-31 17:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
My Alla is currently waiting for her new bio-passport to arrive. I have been holding off filling out the DS-156 for her as I am sure they want to see this number on the form. I would fill the form out after she has her passport as "none" would seem she does not have a required document to obtain her visa. unsure.gif

QUOTE (Tars @ Apr 12 2008, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kazan @ Apr 12 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The DOS would only be interested in her International Passport information. That is what they want.

Thanks for answering so quickly, Jeffery. So then I must ask: Natasha does not yet have an international passport. Must she get one before filing out the DS-156, or should she just write "None" in the spaces on the form?

Edited by Kazan' Tiger, 12 April 2008 - 04:52 PM.

Kazan' TigerMaleRussia2008-04-12 16:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
The DOS would only be interested in her International Passport information. That is what they want. yes.gif
QUOTE (Tars @ Apr 12 2008, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need help on a small item. Hopefully someone out there knows the answer.

My fiance'e must fill out the DS-156, "Electronic Visa Application Form". The first question asks for the passort number, place it was issued, expiration date, etc. It seems in Russia they have two internal passports issued to each citizen- a passport that allows them to travel between cities, and a passport that allows them to travel further distances within Russia. I know that my fiance'e will also need an international passport in order to come to the US.

So my question is this: Which passport information are they asking for on the DS-156?

I'd appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.

Kazan' TigerMaleRussia2008-04-12 15:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Yes, it must state that they, the parent, attest to the fact that they are giving permission for their child(ren) to depart and understand it is a permanent emigration. Exception: the custodial parent has 100% custody and the court document to prove this, then they require no letter from the child's parent.
QUOTE (aspettando @ Mar 26 2008, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear Group,

One more question. If the beneficiary has a child, does (s)he need permission from the former spouse to take the child to the US? I haven't seen any such requirement from the USCIS, but when I take my daughters out of the country, the airline requires a notarized permission letter from their mother allowing me to take them outside the US.

In my particular case, the ex lives in the Ukraine, whereas my Masha and son live in Russia (Petersburg).

Thank you for the help and support.

Javier headbonk.gif

Kazan' TigerMaleRussia2008-03-26 00:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Yes, welcome to our nutty Russian group! laughing.gif

Oh. BTW, Just to help you out, it's spasibo bol'shoye in transliterated latin characters.

QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 12 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My first post here. Apologies in advance for the many mistakes I am sure I will make. Is there a similar FAQ list for Saint Petersburg (SP)? Does the SP consulate interview for K1 visas? Anybody willing to share his/her experience? Does anyone recommend a medical establishment in SP for the exam? Is there somebody in SP that is familiar with the interview process, somebody similar to Ms Pomazan in Moscow? My girl lives very close to SP and we hope she does not need to go to Moscow for her interview. Spasiba valshoi. Really, thank you for all your help. And if anybody interested in my experience, please let me know and I will share the very few things I know.

Kazan' TigerMaleRussia2008-02-12 13:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
This is a very helpful post. good.gif

Edited by Jason-Sasha, 20 January 2008 - 08:15 PM.

Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-01-20 20:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Great page!
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-06 02:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (goncaptive @ Apr 16 2009, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How long does it take to receive the K-1 visa once the interview is complete? We are taking a trip to Thailand directly after the interview in Moscow, but I'm not sure how many days to allow for the K-1 after the interview? I don't expect to have to provide any additional information/proof, since we've been working together in Russia the last few years. Can I safely schedule a plane flight out of Moscow the day after the interview?

Not a good ideal as they do not give you back the passport and visa the day of the interview. You must provide a prepaid DHL mailer and they will mail the passport with the visa and document package to the home address given, or you can have DHL hold it at one of the Moscow offices for pick up. Better allow at least two or three days for that.
NeonredMaleRussia2009-04-16 19:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Jun 19 2008, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Masha, always creative rose.gif , claims she would need apostille translation (?) of
certificates (birth and divorce).
Don't need them for US immigration. Only need them when trying to prove up a US document to the Russian officials.
SatelliteMaleRussia2008-06-19 22:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (Tars @ Apr 12 2008, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It seems in Russia they have two internal passports issued to each citizen- a passport that allows them to travel between cities, and a passport that allows them to travel further distances within Russia.
This is the first time I have ever heard of Russians having two "internal passports". As far as I am aware they only have one "internal passport" used for ID and registration purposes and if they choose can file for one "international passport" which allows for international travel.

QUOTE (Tars @ Apr 12 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Natasha does not yet have an international passport. Must she get one before filing out the DS-156, or should she just write "None" in the spaces on the form?
How soon is your visa interview? You want to have that international passport made before the interview. I am sure they check over the DS-156 and make any final corrections as needed at the interview. As far as I am aware your only deadline to comply with the embassy's checklist is the day of the interview. Ask to extend the interview if she will not have the passport until then.
I'm surprised they even let your cases out of USCIS, i.e. approved your I-129F without getting a copy of her international passport.

Edited by Satellite, 13 April 2008 - 10:32 AM.

SatelliteMaleRussia2008-04-13 10:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (mox @ Mar 25 2008, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (aspettando @ Mar 25 2008, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear Group,

One more question. If the beneficiary has a child, does (s)he need permission from the former spouse to take the child to the US? I haven't seen any such requirement from the USCIS, but when I take my daughters out of the country, the airline requires a notarized permission letter from their mother allowing me to take them outside the US.

In my particular case, the ex lives in the Ukraine, whereas my Masha and son live in Russia (Petersburg).

Thank you for the help and support.

Javier headbonk.gif
Yes, you need permission from the father/mother of the child.
Just wanted to add that if the ex-spouse has an ax to grind he or she can resort to extortion in order to sign that permission slip or simply be a deal breaker when it comes to the immigrating ex-spouse.
SatelliteMaleRussia2008-03-26 08:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 19 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Will she have to get all the shots again?
As a K1 applicant she will not need any shots until Adjustment of Status. One way to avoid taking all the shots again is to have your doctor here do a blood titer tests for immunity. Get ready to pay several hundred dollars for this.

QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 19 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there a way for USCIS to forgive the shots?
Yes, there is. Certain vaccinations are only appropriate depending your age, medical history, and current medical conditions. A civil surgeon can make this determination and no other waiver is required. For example if you are pregnant certain vaccines are excused. Likewise if you do not meet any of the above criteria you can seek a waiver I-601 based on your religious or moral beliefs against vaccinations to otherwise overcome your inadmissibility.
See original source:
SatelliteMaleRussia2008-02-20 11:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ Feb 19 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2. She has a history of health problems
Just to give you and everyone the heads up. If health problems include any of the following she will be deneid a visa:

The following communicable diseases render a person inadmissible:
1. chancroid
2. gonorrhea
3. granuloma inguinale
4. acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
5. Hansen’’s disease (infectious leprosy)
6. lymphogranuloma venereum
7. infectious state syphilis
8. infectious tuberculosis (TB) (clinically active)

Physical or mental disorders which render one inadmissible include the following:
1. Current physical or mental disorders, with harmful behavior associated with the disorder.
2. Past physical or mental disorders with associated harmful behavior that is likely to recur or lead to other harmful behavior.
Harmful behavior is behavior that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety or welfare of the applicant or others. A person who mentally retarded is no longer inadmissible unless there is a determination that the applicant is exhibiting or has exhibited in the past, associated harmful behavior.
According to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, alcohol abuse or dependence resulting in alcohol impaired driving may serve as a basis for determining whether an immigrant has a mental disorder associated with harmful behavior. Section 212(a)(1)(A)(iii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act discusses the inadmissibility in cases where an applicant for an immigration benefit has a significant record of alcoholrelated driving incidents.

Drug Abuse or Addiction
Drug abuse or addiction applies to the nonmedical use of a psychoactive substance that is part of a pattern of abuse. There is an exception for experimentation. Clinical judgment is used to determine abuse or experimentation when the applicant’’s medical records indicate past nonmedical use of a psychoactive substance.

When a person is found to be inadmissible for health reasons, it does not definitively prevent the person from being issued a visa or entering the United States. A physical or mental condition can be corrected or one can prove that they do not fall into the categories. Waivers are also available for most of the medical grounds of inadmissibility.
For original source see:

Edited by Satellite, 19 February 2008 - 07:56 PM.

SatelliteMaleRussia2008-02-19 19:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Terrific job Awsome.

I thnk expanding the part about DHL service might be good. Addresses for both with a notation the one office is downstairs in the building next to the embassy but the other is where you need to have the visa held.

Maybe something about jfk and the temproary AOS.

I think I had one more but my fiancee came out of the shower and started kissing me and turned my brain to mush. Maybe as I think more about it. Still great job.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-27 06:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (Danno @ Nov 9 2007, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess it is always better to send Too Much rather than too little, however, I already sent one years tax return for her to bring to Moscow.
Does anyone know where or if they demand more than one years return for self-employed?

It is a case by case thing. I you made over $100K in that tax year, I doubt they will ask for more. If they do, it will be a 221g and it will set you back a few weeks. That would probably happen if you were just over the line.
russMaleRussia2007-11-09 11:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (Danno @ Nov 3 2007, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought I read self employed people are to submit 1 years tax return, where does it require
3 years tax returns?

I sent 2 years and it was fine. Worst case is that they end up asking for it, so you might as well send 3 years if you can. If not, I wouldn't worry.
russMaleRussia2007-11-04 14:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

is it different for K3? do we have to wait for EAD before applying for SSN?
please let me know...............thanks

The (better) advice is to apply for a SSN as soon as possible, since you need it anyway.

From the IRS:,00.html

What is an ITIN?
An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine-digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a 7 or 8 in the fourth digit, example 9XX-7X-XXXX.
IRS issues ITINs to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA).
ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have U.S. tax return and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code.
Individuals must have a filing requirement and file a valid federal income tax return to receive an ITIN, unless they meet an exception.
Who needs an ITIN?

IRS issues ITINs to foreign nationals and others who have federal tax reporting or filing requirements and do not qualify for SSNs. A non-resident alien individual not eligible for an SSN, who is required to file a U.S. tax return only to claim a refund of tax under the provisions of a U.S. tax treaty, needs an ITIN.
Examples of individuals who need ITINs include:

  • Non-resident alien filing a U.S. tax return and not eligible for an SSN
  • U.S. resident alien (based on days present in the United States) filing a U.S. tax return and not eligible for an SSN
  • Dependent or spouse of a U.S. citizen/resident alien
  • Dependent or spouse of a non-resident alien visa holder

russMaleRussia2007-08-17 11:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

We did this as well. Made a couple thousand dollar difference.

This is for Russia-specific advice. Besides, if you can't get a SSN, you can get an ITIN for the purpose of filing taxes regardless of immigration status.
russMaleRussia2007-08-16 09:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

did you email your fiancee or to the embassy?

My fiance. The letter is a formality (unless it states that you don't intend on getting married)
russMaleRussia2007-08-13 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

I have a question do i need new letter of intent?the thing is he mailed me all documents and ill have them 2 days before interview.Interview is on 17th so its late he sends me by dhl again.or is it ok if i just shoe email?

I emailed the letter of intent and it was fine.
russMaleRussia2007-08-12 11:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

Terrific job Awsome.

I thnk expanding the part about DHL service might be good. Addresses for both with a notation the one office is downstairs in the building next to the embassy but the other is where you need to have the visa held.

I'll put some more detail in the DHL section, there always seem to be questions about that.

I can't seem to figure out how to edit the post though (I can only edit replies). Is there something I am missing?

Who should I PM about making this sticky? Ewok?
russMaleRussia2007-07-27 11:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Okay, here's my first attempt at making a FAQ for the Russia thread. Please PM me any corrections/comments/additions and I will edit it. This is mostly cut-and-pasted from questions
asked over the last year, with the most relevant answers.

Q. Does the police certificate need to be translated or notorized?

If the police report is in Russian, it does not need to be translated.

Q. Where can I stay (cheap) in Moscow?

A. There are no bargains.

-- From slim:
Russian Girl Friday
Contact Olesya Pomazan, the "Russian Girl Friday." She let my fiancee stay with her for about $35/night. She's a single mom with a flat in Moscow and is really familiar with the interview process.
Check out her website:

Moscow Rick speaks English, arrangements can be made by phone, and is reasonable.
+7-495-741-7606 between 3 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET

Q. Can/will DHL hold the visa in Moscow?

A. Yes, you can specify to have it held at their office. This may save a few days if
you will be flying out as soon as you recieve it.

Q. How do I get an International Passport in Russia?

A. Go to ???? (OVIR) or the local government entity that does these. It can take up to 30 days. There are private travel companies that may be able to do it faster, though this should not cost more than 4 to 5,000 rubles. A Russian newspaper in a sufficiently large city will have classified ads from travel agencies providing such a service.

Q. How can I find a cheap flight to North America from Moscow?

A. Buy well in advance, and travel in the winter. Other tips: DL/Aeroflot Moscow to JFK is usually the cheapest route. If you are going elsewhere, try booking a one-way on JetBlue as the connection through NYC. has very cheap one-ways from Europe to North America (USD239). This will require you to find a cheap flight to a European hub though. (A one-way Moscow to Brussels is USD100). Taxes on European departures can be expensive, though.

If you live in a big city - sometimes it is cheaper to have a connection you don't use, if you know the flight will connect through your city. Example - instead of MOW->ATL, MOW->ATL->MCO may be cheaper then the non-stop. Buy the MOW->ATL->MCO ticket, but get off the plane in ATL and don't get on the flight to MCO. This works in any city that is a hub for the carrier. Try every possible connection through that hub and pick the cheapest :)

Q. What is the cheapest way to call Russia?

A. To Moscow / St Petersburg land lines, 1 cent/minute is the best deal you will find. Mobile phones are about 6.5 cents/minute at the cheapest. 5-10cents/minute for the rest of Russia. Getting SIP handset and pointing it at the cheapest provider is your best bet, other than calling cards (which are a pain).

VOIP companies will be the cheapest, though this will take some knowledge on your part to set up. Probably worth the investment for call quality and price over the long term.

Q. Where to do the medical in Moscow?

A. IOM seems to be the most popular here.

The clinics approved for K-1 visa applications from Russia are

International Organization for Migration, telephone (7-095) 797-8723,
AO Meditsina, telephone (7-095) 250-9186 or 250-8899.
Children's Hospital no. 1, Vladivostok. Tel. (4232) 40-13-35 or (4232) 45-24-26.

IOM has results the same day and is $ 90.00. AOM has results the following morning and is $ 100.00. The reports are that people are treated much better at AOM

The clinic approved for K-1 visa applications from Ukraine are:

Clinic for Oil-Refining Industry of Ukraine
9, Spusk Protassov Yar
Kyiv, Ukraine
Telephone: 044-244-8941, 044-277-4181

Per-person fee for a medical exam is no more then $75 for adults and children. The Clinic performs medical examinations any

Working day (Monday through Friday), between 8.00am and 12.00pm.

TIP, Have her ask for a copy of her vaccination records. It will save you time and money in the USA later.

Q. How do I address a letter to Russia?

A. In cyrillic, Name last, in the dative case. Example:

?. ?????? 117932
??. ??????? ??? 30 ?? 121
???????, ????? ?????????

To send a letter to ????? ????????? ??????? (Mrs Yeltsin) (the address is made up).
It is common in Russian to use last name followed by initials. For names ending in
"a", the ending is "e." If the name ends in "??" the ending is "??" Names ending
in "K" or "O" do not generally decline.
Mens names also decline, but I think anyone writing to a man here already speaks Russian.
Write RUSSIA in english somewhere on the envelope. Generally delivered in 10 days.

Q. How do I know when the interview will be?

A. For Moscow the online K-1 Visa Schedule is at http://moscow.usemba...r/wwwhci10.html

Q. When will packet 4 arrive?

A. Moscow only sends one packet, combining packets 3 & 4. Nothing further is required
on your part to schedule the interview.

Q. What paperwork is necessary at the interview?

A. :
1. A valid International Passport with a photocopy of the first page. They will keep this and return it with the visa fixed inside.

2. An original birth certificate with along with a photocopy and an English translation.

3. A police report in all names as well as all dates of birth ever used. Police certificate must contain references to each place in which the applicant lives or has lived for more than six months since attaining the age of 16.

4. Evidence of termination of prior marriage (if applicable), original, photocopy and translation into English.

5. Accompanying child requires a valid passport (or may be included in the parent's passport), a birth certificate and a medical examination. If a child is 16 years of age or over, police certificates are required. Translations of the indicated documents are required as well.

6. (3) black-and-white or color photos taken against a white or off - white background (5 x 5 cm) for visa which are basically passport style photos.

7. (3) photos of passport size for medical exam.

8. Visa application fee of $100 (or the ruble equivalent) per person, payable at the Embassy on the day of interview. Must be in cash.

9. A new letter of intent to marry from both addressed to the Embassy.

10. Documents confirming relationship: photos of Petitioner and Beneficiary together, letters to each other, phone bills, airplane tickets, emails, etc.

11. Results of Medical Examination in a sealed envelope. (clinic info following)

12. A prepaid DHL mailer. (There is a DHL office on the lower level of the building to the right of the north entrance of the US Embassy in Moscow. Ukraine applicants need a FedEx mailer and it can be purchased at the Embassy at the time of the interview.

There is information that she will need from you at the time of the interview. They include:

1. A letter from your employer stating position, salary, likelihood of your continued employment.
2. A letter from your bank stating your balance, your average balance, how long you have had your account (or the last 12 months bank statements)
3. A copy of the last year’s tax return if you are an employee or the last three years returns if you are self employed.
4. W-2’s for the last year.
5. Three consecutive recent pay stubs.
6. I-134 Affidavit of Support, signed and notarized.
7. A new letter of intent to marry addressed to the Moscow embassy.

Q. Am I being scammed?

A. Yes.
russMaleRussia2007-07-26 12:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Very well done Russ.

You may want to add that it is a good idea to apply for a SSN as soon as your significant other arrives, it may state that they cant work or whatever, but it makes things easier like bank accounts, drivers license, setting up insurance, if you are like me and you fiance arrives before the end of the year and you marry before the year is done, then you can file taxes as married people filing jointly and you get extra money from the government(see the investment can pay off early :jest: )
Thomas-n-ElenaMaleRussia2007-08-16 06:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (aspettando @ May 11 2008, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear Group,

A few more questions: helpsmilie.gif

1. My Masha, always inquisitive rose.gif , has been "told" by "experts" that the international passport should be biometric for the visa granting. There is nothing in the official requirements mentioning the need of a biometric passport. Is there really a need for a biometric passport for the visa interview and subsequent entry to the US of A?

2. Some time ago there were complaints about IOM's treatment during medical exams mad.gif . But for non Moscow residents this a good deal since they give the medical results the same day. Have there been any recent complaints at IOM?

3. Please bear with me blink.gif . The DHL mailer is basically a prepaid envelope in which the US Embassy will mail passports back to the beneficiaries. Right? If so, must the addressee be the beneficiary her(him)self, and must the fee be from sending something from Moscow to the beneficiary's place?

Thank you for your patience . helpsmilie.gif

My fiancee had her interview on April 2nd, and she applied for her international passport in Mid January. Her passport is not biometric and it was not an issue. No one even mentioned anything about it.

My fiancee had her medical exam just before her April 2nd interview, and she did it at IOM. She said that there were no problems at all and that it was a normal exam.

The prepaid mailer does not have to be the beneficiarys address. My fiancee put the address of her local DHL office in Sochi and arranged for them to call her when it arrived so she could pick it up. You should have it sent to the most reliable address.
BobalouieMaleRussia2008-05-12 08:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (Satellite @ Apr 13 2008, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tars @ Apr 12 2008, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It seems in Russia they have two internal passports issued to each citizen- a passport that allows them to travel between cities, and a passport that allows them to travel further distances within Russia.
This is the first time I have ever heard of Russians having two "internal passports". As far as I am aware they only have one "internal passport" used for ID and registration purposes and if they choose can file for one "international passport" which allows for international travel.

QUOTE (Tars @ Apr 12 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Natasha does not yet have an international passport. Must she get one before filing out the DS-156, or should she just write "None" in the spaces on the form?
How soon is your visa interview? You want to have that international passport made before the interview. I am sure they check over the DS-156 and make any final corrections as needed at the interview. As far as I am aware your only deadline to comply with the embassy's checklist is the day of the interview. Ask to extend the interview if she will not have the passport until then.
I'm surprised they even let your cases out of USCIS, i.e. approved your I-129F without getting a copy of her international passport.

There is no requirement for proving the identity of your spouse for the I-129F petition. My fiancee didnt have her international passport until about a month before the interview.
BobalouieMaleRussia2008-04-14 16:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ

I have a question do i need new letter of intent?the thing is he mailed me all documents and ill have them 2 days before interview.Interview is on 17th so its late he sends me by dhl again.or is it ok if i just shoe email?

I emailed the letter of intent and it was fine.

did you email your fiancee or to the embassy?
KotenochekFemaleRussia2007-08-12 13:44:00