USCIS Service CentersHow to email CSC
I got a call back Nov 28 on the second call to my congressman office. The lady said CSA said they have been waiting for the Saly Lake to send Irinas Bio's. I thought that was suposed to have been done 8-10 months ago. Any way CSA is suposed to expidite it and it should be done in 2 weeks.
one other piece of good news was my daughter in law finally was able to carry a baby full term. finally after 7 grand kids and 7 great grandkids from my daughter I get a grandson to pass on my name. He was born 25 years to the day from when his grandmother died (my late wife).
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2012-11-30 04:26:00
USCIS Service CentersHow to email CSC
Nate did Dana recieve her I-185 NOA1? Bio?
We are in somewhat the same boat. Irina recieved her I-184 NOA1 2011-12-28. She did her Bio. Appt 2012-01-20. Feb. 27 2012 they sent a NOA transfer notice stating "This is to advise you that in order to speed up processing we have transfered the above case to the following USCIS office for processing: Califorina Service Center. That was the last we heard from them. We had our congressmans office contact them a month ago and they told us USCIS said 30 days and to call back if if Irina had not recieved anything which we did today.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2012-11-20 22:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisiting Russia w/ Russian spouse - what visa?
Irina thought we had another day and we were fined too.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-06-09 16:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisiting Russia w/ Russian spouse - what visa?
I used the home stay visa and spent 47 wonderful days with Irina. (Retirement helps.) We met in Moscow and flew to Kaliningrad Oblast. Except for one time other than the airport, train and registering my visa I was not checked or asked for papers except the normal airport and train station items as I left for Poland.
When we arrived by bus in Mamonovo Irina went to fine a taxi as it was about a mile & a quarter to her apartment. Some kid about 20 in civilian clothes ask something. I did not understand what he was saying and as he did not produce ID I was waiting for Irina to come back and find out what he wanted. He went down the street about 50 feet and got a soldier who was waiting for his wife. The 40 year old sergeant who had smiled at me minutes before came and ask for my visa so I gave him the Visa and Migration card. He laughed the shoved them in front of the kids face bumping his nose as Irina came back in a panic. The sergeant said, “Welcome to Russia. Have a good day”, and left shaking his head. Kid had though I was a spy because Mamonovo is on the Polish border.
Everyone else upon finding I was American said, “Welcome to Russia, Have a good stay here”. This included a group of soldiers at a bus stop one day as we waited.

Now a real experience about how tough it is on Americans in Russia. Honest to God truth real life story of what happened to us.

Sunday Sept. 27, 2009 we went to Yunost Park in Kaliningrad City. Irina said she had never seen security on the gate before. As we approached the gate I pointed to my knees and left hip as they have been replaced. One of the guys nodded his head and I could read his lips as he read the patch on my Jacket. “Owner Operator Independent Drivers Driving Association Life Time Member”. They knew I was American because I was wearing cowboy boots and shirt.
I stepped through the metal detector and knowing it went off I stood waiting for them to search me as I get that all the time here in the US. Irina said “Let’s go they said they do not need to search you”.
A few minutes later while sitting on a park bench talking to Irina and who walks by none other than Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina. Just the wife of one of the most powerful men in the world, the former 1st lady and wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. No security people within 150 feet on her way to give school children awards. Irina told me who she was after she walked by. Yes we saw her on the news that night and the next day. I have 2 pictures of her I took of her standing on the library steps talking to another woman taken minutes before and found pictures of her on the internet giving the awards after I came home. I had no idea it was her when I took them.
It was the Russian equitant of the US Secret Service at the gate going in to Yunost Park and they knew I was American by my cowboy boots, shirt and jacket. Try that in America with US SS protecting a 1st Lady here.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-06-09 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAOS interview rescheduled due to lack of translator
There is a question on N-400 regarding affiliation with communist party. It reads like that: "Have you ever been a member of or in any way associated (either directly or indirectly) with the Communist party?"

This seems not to be a large problem as

On July 12, 1999, Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev and his wife, Valentina, became naturalized citizens of the United States.

The interviewer may be still locked up in the cold war frame of mind like a lot of people I meet.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-05-29 21:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's here!
What is wrong with BUCKWHEAT, tomatoes, cucumbers and little green onions for breakfast? I enjoyed it. Sure beats the 3 weeks of nothing but spam and rice 3 times a day (thanks to the red cross)we had while TDY on a typhoon disaster mission to Sipan in 1968.

Irina is a good cook and even though it may have made me wonder about what she put into some meals and where it came from it was good food. (I was on the FFA meat judging team in HS so I knew what she bought.)One of the soups she and her brother cooked even had to have the kitchen sink in it but it came out of a cook book Slava had and was wonderful. One thing for sure it was not 50% salt like American caned soup. Only problem was finding she ate 5 times a day and I only eat 2 times. Being a graduate of the Ft Lee Va Army cook school I found it interesting to see the type of food they had in Russia. Much more appetizing than I found in most Japanese food I saw in Okinawa. (To much chance of finding the stray cat or dog you saw on the street during the last visit on your plate.)

Irina worries I work to much and do not sleep enough. Maybe when she gets here she will change her mind as even though I work on projects I also sluff a lot too. (I use my late wife's father to patern my life and he is 99 +1 month and a day young.) I will have to remind her I noticed she was sewing mending and such while watching TV.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-13 15:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's here!
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-07-24 23:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTied the knot
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-24 15:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood News/ Bad News
Jeff or anyone here is a link to free cancer information.

Huntsman Cancer Institute

If someone has questions about cancer they have this number. Look up the site for more information then call and ask your questions..
Toll-free Cancer
Information Line
(888) HCI-2100 (toll-free)

Jon Meade Huntsman, Sr. is American businessman and philanthropist. He is the founder of Huntsman Corporation. He is the father of the current US Ambassador to China.
After being diagnose with cancer the second time six months to the day after the first one he announced he was building the Huntsman Cancer Institute. It comprises of a 5 story Huntsman cancer hospital ( being expanded now) and the Huntsman research center which is about the same size as the hospital and stands just south of it on the University of Utah campus.
Some of it was due to losing his mother, father and step mother to cancer. Once number 47 of Forbes 400 richest men alive his intention is "to die broke," having donated his fortune to cancer research and the effort to eradicate the disease from the face of the earth. He said his kids get nothing. He sent them to school and they can earn their own money. All 9 of them agreed with him. It is common to see him sitting holding the hands of patents receiving chemotherapy.

There is a Russian connection as he was the first American business man to own controlling interest of a business in the USSR. He built a plant in Moscow to produce eating utensils and containers for Aeroflot Airlines. Also if you have ever bought a Big Mack anywhere his company made the container.

He told H R Haldmen to shove it and left the Nixon administration early in it and was one of few never investigated by the committees. He once lost over $200 million in a business deal and when the other party tired to redo the deal in Huntsman’s favor he told them they had shaken hands on the deal and it stood.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-10-03 00:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood News/ Bad News
Jeff good luck with your journey in your cancer fight. If you need someone to talk to I am no stranger to cancer as 8 years ago today they removed my left kidney due to renal cell carcinoma. (Last Ex did not bother to comer to the hospital. One reason I am here.)

23 years ago Oct. 7 my late wife was told her cancer had spread to her liver. Odd thing in Aug. she had been told her problems were all in her head.
I lost a good friend to it in 01 and anther had kidney cancer plus both of my father’s parents died of it.

Today I went for a 3rd ‘checkup’ PSA test due to the fact while my 4th invite was in the Russian Embassy in SF in July 09 I was told by my primary care doctor my PSA was 10.5. I went to The Huntsman Cancer Hospital to my urologist who had removed my kidney in 02. He did the biopsy. My visa arrived one afternoon a few days later and I spent the night checking flights and calling Irina several times discussing my upcoming trip to meet her. I had the fights ready to buy when I fell asleep in the recliner at 6:30 AM. 10 AM the phone rang and it was the Huntsman hospital and they confirmed I had prostate cancer. One of the hardest things I have done was to call Irina back and tell her. Her response was, “Do what your doctor says”. (Her 1st ex was a doc.)
Two invites had failed due to my having to have a hip and both knees replaced and the healing after. 3rd was lost in the mail for 61 days and resulted in me being here for the 10.5 PSA test.

Doc gave me a shot and said, “Go to Russia, after 5 years of writing and phone calls she needs to meet you in person”. After 47 wonderful days visiting Irina in Russia I came home in Nov. and had surgery a week later. 2 tests since were less than 0.01 (lowest they can write on the test report) and we hope this one is the same. Two of the invites had failed due to me having to have a hip and both knees replaced and the healing after. 3rd was lost in the mail for 61 days and resulted in me being here for the 10.5 PSA test.

My son in laws mother was an Oncology Radiologist that traveled around the US teaching doctors new procedures. She told me in 03 that they were doing things with cancer then that they only dreamed of doing just a few years before.

Keep your chin and hopes up as great advances have been made since. Cancer is not a death sentence today like it used to be.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-10-02 22:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
Eekee, Gary and Alla Thank you. As of now she is going to check Swedbank next time she is in Kaliningrad city. They have offices in most Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine and one in New York City.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-03 13:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
Irina and I have communicated by internet letters and phone since September of 2004. It was one set back after another and took 5 years for us to meet n person. Beyond sending her a few dollars in a birthday card to buy a present for herself I only sent her money by wire once in March of 09. It was so she could get the phone line into the apartment she bought in January of 08. When I got home I called and told her I had sent it. The closest thing to an argument we have had and the only time she has raised her voice to me was her answer. "NO, I do not need your money." :bonk: When I arrived in Russia to meet her in Sept. of 09 she still had the money. She is still traveling 50 Kilometers to use the internet at her brothers house. The day I left 2 Nov. 09 I tried to gve her $30. and smiling she told me no she did not need it. When I got home and called her, she ask me why I left it hidden in the book I left her to read, Jon Huntsman Sr.'s "Winners Never Cheat."

One question I have is one she ask me. She is retired and draws a pension. She was thinking of putting it into a bank account with a Debit/ATM card to draw it out here when she comes. Anyone know how to do this and what bank she can use?
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-10-30 22:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVeterans Day
NO alcohol at all. Orders from the Warrant Officer and Sargent Hills. This group of kids were middle through high school and we were told we were to display ourselves as America's best. Better be perfect language too. We were camped at the school grounds so some were on duty as we worked one day on next off. Those older ones off filled in for younger guys who wanted to play that were working.

As for drinking a few beer at night on the night off we could but.. The Red Cross brought us free beer but the guys at the Coast Guard Loran Weather station told us that emergence supply's came before we arrived and they started giving the natives islanders 12 oz. cans of water only for the Red Cross to tell them it was 10 cents a can to the islanders. Most of us were pissed at the Red Cross over this so we sent most of the Red Cross beer out with the food.

There was an American that owned a bar and he told us to come down. They only way that you could pay for the beer in his bar was to tip the waitress and she told us she didn't want it.

Our job as to feed up to 2300 people 3 times a day out of an army field tent kitchen. Navy re-con aircraft photos estimated Typhoon Jean winds at in excess of 200 knots. Coasts Guard said the wind did not get bad until after their wind speed indicator broke at 125 knots.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-16 23:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVeterans Day
I say this from the bottom of my heart as member of a family that celebrated 381 years in America this year.

Though I hated most of the 18 months spent on Okinawa Dec 66 to May 68 I hope we at 2nd Log were able give the troops in Vietnam all the supplies they needed.

If anyone was or knows of anyone TDY on the Typhoon Jean disaster mission to Saipan (Easter Sunday 68) with me I would like to hear from you. Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force plus the Coast Guard unit that was stationed there.I am told that work is a big reason why the MARIANAS are now a US Commonwealth. The most embarrassing soft ball game ever was when the native school kids beat(I mean very,very badly)our combined Army (including 3 Green Berets), Coast Guard team (Loran Station)a few days before we left.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-11 15:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian women don't want foreigners
I sweat very easily and always have. It was pure hell the summer of 67 in Okinawa when the temperature never got below 92 and the humidity was 90+ percent for 4 months. Source of info was Arm Forces Radio, Okinawa.

I spent 47 days with Irina and after a lot of explaining and her watching she found I am like I told her. She learned if I got cold I would zip up. I explained that if you sweat and your clothes become wet you can be in trouble. I have worked outside to much at zero to minus 30 not to know how to dress.

NO, I didn't tell her about being 47 years old cutting Christmas trees at 10,000 feet, temps were 0 to -10 plus a brisk wind, 3 feet of snow on the ground and getting soaked clear through. I didn't have much strength left when we got the 40 trees loaded and was still very cold & wet after driving 70 miles home.

Hypothermia can get nasty. Water conducts heat away from the body 25 times faster than air because it has a greater density (therefore a greater heat capacity). Stay dry = stay alive!
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-22 07:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian women don't want foreigners
Slim I have to laugh about your comments on cold air making one sick. It did not have to be cold for Irina to be stopping me and zipping up my jacket. She was worse at that than my mother was when I was a kid.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-21 03:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA
I have thought you should ship excess baggage and extra personal things by FED EX, UPS, DHL or some company like them for the things you can not get on the plane. Fed Ex and UPS will ship baggage. You would have to have it picked up at a hotel or business. If you plan you could ship the clothes and things that are not needed right now by ground at a better rate than airlines.

Having had both knees and a hip replaced there is NO WAY IN HELL I am going to fly over and get Irina. I had enough groping in 2009 at O'Hare and JFK before they got tough on passangers... She will be coming Aeroflot, Moscow to LAX, NON STOP. That way the lesbians of the US TSA won't get a chance to play their games of fondling her... I can drive from Northern Utah to LA in less time than it takes for her to fly from Moscow. Then I can get even with her the next day for those taxi rides in Moscow by taking her up Highway 1 to the bay area. (There are a few sharp curves that make you wonder if the brake lights in front of you are on the back of your vehicle.)
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-12-10 04:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA
I have thought you should ship excess baggage and extra personal things by FED EX, UPS, DHL or some company like them for the things you can not get on the plane. Fed Ex and UPS will ship baggage. You would have to have it picked up at a hotel or business. If you plan you could ship the clothes and things that are not needed right now by ground at a better rate than airlines.

Having had both knees and a hip replaced there is NO WAY IN HELL I am going to fly over and get Irina. I had enough groping in 2009 at O'Hare and JFK before they got tough on passangers... She will be coming Aeroflot, Moscow to LAX, NON STOP. That way the lesbians of the US TSA won't get a chance to play their games of fondling her... I can drive from Northern Utah to LA in less time than it takes for her to fly from Moscow. Then I can get even with her the next day for those taxi rides in Moscow by taking her up Highway 1 to the bay area. (There are a few sharp curves that make you wonder if the brake lights in front of you are on the back of your vehicle.)
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-12-10 04:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA
I have thought you should ship excess baggage and extra personal things by FED EX, UPS, DHL or some company like them for the things you can not get on the plane. Fed Ex and UPS will ship baggage. You would have to have it picked up at a hotel or business. If you plan you could ship the clothes and things that are not needed right now by ground at a better rate than airlines.

Having had both knees and a hip replaced there is NO WAY IN HELL I am going to fly over and get Irina. I had enough groping in 2009 at O'Hare and JFK before they got tough on passangers... She will be coming Aeroflot, Moscow to LAX, NON STOP. That way the lesbians of the US TSA won't get a chance to play their games of fondling her... I can drive from Northern Utah to LA in less time than it takes for her to fly from Moscow. Then I can get even with her the next day for those taxi rides in Moscow by taking her up Highway 1 to the bay area. (There are a few sharp curves that make you wonder if the brake lights in front of you are on the back of your vehicle.)
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-12-10 04:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMerry Christmas and Happy New Year RUB
Maybe Irina and I will receive our NOA2 by the Orthodox Christmas. {Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between December 31, 2010 and January 6, 2011*.} It would be a nice present. I told her NOT to hold her breath.

For the K1, K3 people waiting. Just pick the him or her you need.

If You See Him/If You See Her
If you see him/her
Tell him/her I wish him/her well
How am I doing?
Well, sometimes is hard to tell
I still miss him/her more than ever
If you see him/her
If you see him/her

If you see her/him
Tell her/him I'm doing fine
And if you want to
Say that I think of her/him all the time
Ask her/him if she/he ever wonders
When we will be with each other
If you see her/him
If you see her/him
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-12-26 17:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelatives or friends on the TU 154 in Surgut?
Is there anyone here on RUB who had relatives or friends on the TU 154 the exploded and burned in the western Siberian town of Surgut today? The Russian pop group Na-Na were on board and were not injured. Kyiv Post says "Emergency services spokesman Vadim Grebennikov said the fire, which began in one of the engines as the plane taxied for takeoff, caused a powerful blast that destroyed the Tu-154 aircraft." Three people dead and 43 injured, including six who were badly burned.

May God bless and comfort the families and friends of the dead and injured.

Irina and I were supposed to fly from Moscow to Kaliningrad on a TU 154 in Sept.09 but Aeroflot changed the flight to an Airbus and removed all TU 154s from service a year ago today.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-01 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy New Year!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU in the RUB community...

Irina was in a very good mood when I called her at midnite in Kaliningrad. She was visiting her niece and may have had a few to help.

Of cource telling her VJ says CSA was processing Aug 10 NOA1's and ours is Aug 11 may have helped too.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-01 01:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money in Russia
I used the ATM machines and the machines will tell you what bank it is and you select the language you want to use. You will have to stand in line with the Russians as they are using them just like we do.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-13 21:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPoilce Certificates Russia and Ukraine

I will ask about Russia. Our son had to get a police certificate from Russia as he is a student in Moscow. We actually got the exact information from Baron555's (now) wife and she even offered to go with our son there.

In Donetsk we went to the main police station. We had to wait in a line in the basement to find the right "door". It was comical actually. Finally we found which was the right office and we turned over a copy of Alla's internal passport and her birth certificate and some passport photos. We then had to go across town and pay for the certificate at a particular bank branch and then come back and bring the receipt (waiting in line again, of course) It was an all day procedure. She got her police certificate in 3 weeks (everything in Ukraine takes 3 weeks) We were also offered the opportunity to pay a bribe and get it sooner, but we had plenty of time. She actually got the police certificate before we filed the petition (the consulate accepts them for 1 year regardless of any expiration date on the certificate)

Our son, on the other hand learned he needed the Russian certificate at the last minute. He brouhgt a copy of his Ukrainian police certificate and $20 and he got his Russian certificate in about a week. They had said "Oh this will take a long time because we have to check with Ukraine...blah, blah, blah" He handed over the Ukraine police certificate and the $20 bill and they looked at the Ukraine certificate and said "Oh this will help, come to see us in one week" They kept the $20 bill. :lol:

Whenever a Russian or Ukrainian clerk starts to tell you how long something will take or how difficult it is or that the "man who needs to sign this is on vacation" THAT is your clue to start showing cash.

I talked to Irina a little while ago. She said Kaliningrad told her they would get a police report from where she has lived since she was 16 and it would include the Ukraine. Her niece went with her. They said about a month.

Gary I have a St Alban Vermont tale to tell you. In 2006 I was hauing cookies in my semi from the Cookie Tree Bakery in Salt Lake City. I washed the trailer out with a pressure washer here at home and went down and loaded. Since it was a frozen load I set the temperature at zero in the trailer. Due to the fact the floor was still damp and the loading dock is on a slope the fork lift spun some and left some rubber marks an fine particals on the floor. I made two drops on the way to Hatfield PA. When I got there the Cookie Tree had and urgent message and paper work. Go to St. Alban and get a load of Chocolate and hurry back. Their buyer in had gone on vacation and somehow they were nearly out of chocolate and would have to shut down in 4 days until it came in.
I arrived at Barry Callebau on Industrial Park Road and was informed the trailer was too dirty to load and I would not be able to have the pallets in the trailer either because they were used and to dirty. There had been forklifts in once to load and three times to unload. It was not dirty and they would not just let me sweep up the rubber either. Pallets were standard industry used not new but in average condition.
You always have the same number of pallets on your delivered load put back on so CT can have them back to ship again on or you get charged for the missing pallets. So I go back to the truck stop and get it cleaned out again at that garage behind it and had to unload the pallets by hand. Barry loaded and put a seal on the door so I could not pick up the Cookie Tree’s pallets.
A week later my brother had to go pick up another load in his truck. Cookie Tree had him wash the truck out before went to Barry. He got loaded and followed the same route I did west across the lake using I-89, V78, US12 and US 11 to I-87.
He always wears dark grey and black clothes and had been to the Ukraine and Moscow about 1997-98 with a group of American guy looking for wives and he had tried to buy something from a street vendor and was told he couldn’t because he was a Russian that had been to America and learned English. After showing his passport and trying to talk in Russian the guy gave in. Must be that 1/4 Swedish and Norwegian blood with the blue eyes. He thought that was something great.
Anyway as he started south on I-87 there were a bunch of police cars on the ramp and they pulled him over. NY state police and the border patrol thought he was an eastern European illegal emigrant that had snuck across from Canada. He call me up madder than a wet hen. We are the 11th generation born on American soil on one side of the family and the last was the Norwegian gr. grand mother that came in 1884.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-02-02 21:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPoilce Certificates Russia and Ukraine
I received the following email from Irina.

I went to police office in Mamonovo and
asked them about what kind of form they can give me
about my history here in Kaliningrad (police sertificfte). They thought
and told me they never give to anybody it. Offiser said
his mother went to live in Germany but did not
ask something like this. Also many people moved
to live to an other country from Mamonovo
and they never heard about this.
Tomorrow I will go and ask about this police sertificate
in Kaliningrad.

These questions are for those who have gone through this in Russia and Ukraine.

How does she get her police certificates? She was born in Angarsk, Irkutsk Oblast and moved to the Ukraine at age 14 in 1965 when her parents retired. When she graduated for high school she went to Moscow to collage so she will need a Ukraine and Moscow police certificates. She married and they moved to Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast where she lived until moving to Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad Oblast in 2006, in 2008 she bought her apartment in Mamonovo, Kaliningrad Oblast where she has lived since.

She did go into see the Kaliningrad police today and was told to come back.

Will she have to travel to Severodvinsk, Moscow and the Ukraine to get those?

Does anyone know of a phone number in Ukraine for her to ask there about a certificate from them?

Irina’s niece who lives in California is there helping her some. Elena came on an immigrant visa and was here a number of years before marrying her husband so she came on a different process than the K1. She had visited the US and was teaching English in Moscow when I met Irina on the internet.

Elena was shook up when I talked to her Monday as she had arrived at Domodedovo Airport Saturday, flying out of it to Kaliningrad Sunday and has to return back through it when she leaves. They did not have the TV on and I broke the news to them of the bombing when I called Irina just after hearing the news. Elena is a realtor here and when back to help her father sell his home and buy another one.

Thank you in advance for the help.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-28 16:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuns, No Pie
I question why we need a state gun too. It has only passed the huse committee so far. Some people are going to argue against it just on the principal that it was a Browning FN model 1910 used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife that lead to the start of WW1.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-30 05:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuns, No Pie
VV Happy belated birthday

I bought a Springfield M1A in .308 (7.62x51) for my birthday in 88. I have kicked my butt ever since that I did not get it in .243. Springfield quit offering the .243, 270and 30.06 shortly after and they are rare and hard to find now. I spotted one on Gun Brokers last week but decided I needed the $1900 to get Irina her worse than the .243.

A friend had a 357 Ruger Blackhawk and a guy ask him if he could shoot it. White had .38's in it and let the guy shoot them. He told him he was reloading it with 357. While he was reloading looked at me and winked. When he had it loaded he handed the 357 to me as I passed him my Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 mag and the guy never noticed until after he pulled the trigger.

I bought the 44 for my birthday in 68 in the PX in Okinawa.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-29 05:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuns, No Pie

I see where Utah is going to name the Browning M1911 their official state gun. I guess state birds, trees, flowers, etc. are all used up so they wanted to start a new category. I wonder how long it will take for other states to adopt their official state gun. The race is on to get your official state gun before some other state nabs it. :rofl:

The Idea of making the M1911 the Utah state gun is to honor John Moses Browning (January 23, 1855 – November 26, 1926), Ogden Utah born American firearms designer who developed many varieties of firearms, cartridges, and gun mechanisms, many of which are still in use around the world. He is arguably the most important figure in the development of modern automatic and semi-automatic firearms and is credited with 128 gun patents.
Browning influenced nearly all categories of firearms design. He invented or made significant improvements to single-shot rifles, lever-action rifles, and slide-action firearms. His most significant contributions were in the area of autoloading firearms. He developed the first reliable and compact autoloading pistols by inventing the telescoping bolt, integrating the bolt and barrel shroud into what is known as the slide. Browning's telescoping bolt design is now found on nearly every modern semi-automatic pistol, as well as several modern fully automatic weapons.

Browning's most successful designs include the M1911 pistol, the Browning .50 caliber machine gun, the Browning Automatic Rifle, and semi-automatic shotgun, the Browning Auto-5. These arms are nearly identical today to those assembled by Browning in the 1920s, with only minor changes in detail and cosmetics. Nearly all parts may be freely swapped between the earliest and latest of each series of these weapons, no matter when made, which has extended their service lifespan nearly indefinitely.
The original prototype serial no. 1 Colt Commercial Browning 1917 .30 caliber self-loading water-cooled machine gun was stolen from the John M. Browning Museum in Ogden Union Station (during a model train show in the building) on March 2, 1995, and has not been recovered. There is a good reward for the arrest of the culprits and recovery of it.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-29 02:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSochi
Irina says try this if you want to find a room(s) near Sochi.

"As they would like to stay in Hosta I have a telephone number of kvartirnoye biuro, this is some office where they can to find some place to stay."

Address in russian

????, ?????, ??.50 ??? ????, 17-?
???/???? (8622) 65-03-62

WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-03-03 16:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSochi
I sent you an email. Irina might be able to find you contact info. She has rented a room in a house before near Sochi.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-03-03 01:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust a warning
Free Womans Day ecard


Music: "Lady" -by KENNY ROGERS, words Happy International Women's Day across pictures of flowers.

The words fit most of our feelings.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-03-07 03:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust a warning
International Women's Day 8 March 2011. If you don't want to sleep with an ICEBURG don't forget.

This is the 100th Anniversary Celebration.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-03-03 15:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest, Worst, Most unexpected thing about FSU
I forgot
The huge number of WW2 monuments to honor the war vets. In Kaliningrad Oblast it also honored the Germans too. Every town had a list of the dead on both sides.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-05 13:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest, Worst, Most unexpected thing about FSU
Best Most unexpected thing about FSU

The amazing number of people with brunette and black hair and BLUE or gray eyes.

Setting off a metal detector due to 3 replaced joints and being told they DID NOT need to check me and having Lyudmila Putina, wife of Vladimir Putin walk past me 15 minutes later.

The huge number of parks and the benches beside sidewalks.
The open areas and children’s play grounds around apartment buildings.
The endless number of flower gardens everywhere.
Having driven truck in 42 US states I found Moscow and Kaliningrad to be as clean if not cleaner than most US cities I have visited.
Being told “WELCOME TO RUSSIA” by every person I met.

The worst was in Sheremetyevo Airport when I set off the metal detector and the woman checking me did not feel my privates like they do here in the US. What a letdown after being groped by a female deputy while trying to enter a US Court House to obtain my divorce documents.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-05 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Drivers
Irina has her license but has not driven for a few years. I am going to take her to work on some of the contrution and demolition jobs and let her get a feel of truck driving and see some of the stupid things I see peole do while driving.

There is a truck driving school by my bosses yard so I can let her look at how the teach truck drivers. Those instructors walk beside the trucks as they teach the student driver to back and park the trucks. (I learned delivering hay in barnyards designed in the horse and wagon days.)

When I take Irina out to check out her driving skills it will be in the desert or in the forest where there is no traffic. If It looks like she needs help I will send her with my daughter and let them sort it out.

Gary you sound like you took Alla to Moab on the Steel Bender or Metal Masher 4X4 Trails.

If you go to the Easter Jeep Safari and screw up, the Red Rock 4 Wheelers will put some kind of a name on that spot forever to remember you by. Like an unsecured lunch in the back of a jeep and the hill has been called Patato Salad Hill for over 30 years now.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-04-02 01:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa finally
I am retired so I don't really have to work but it can pay for trips to visit the great wonders of the American West. There are must see places Zion’s Nation Park, Capital Reef NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Arches NP, Canyon Lands NP, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Dinosaur NM, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, all in Utah plus many state parks and Grand Canyon NP Sawtooth Mts NRA, Hells Canyon of the Snake River in Idaho, Yellow Stone NP, Jackson Hole area in Wyoming, Great Basin NP in Nevada all within a day’s drive of where I live.

My job is during the construction season so winters are free to take the travel trailer south to warmer weather.

I know hundreds of scenic mountain roads in the area national forests around here too if she wants to go. I have an extra 26 gallon tank on my Dakota 4 wheel drive pickup that gives me 500 to 700 miles on dirt roads to 1000 to 1300 mile highway range without refueling. If I drive it like I own it, not like I stole it, I get 20 to 22 MPG with the 318 V8 5 speed.

Visiting my sisters in Albuquerque New Mexico and West Port Washington are on the list. I want to see her eyes as we go off the Deadman Pass on I-84 into Pendleton Oregon.

She already knows she is going to visit the 4 wheel drive trails of the Moab area. What I didn't tell her is the T-shirt says, "Get in, Sit Down, Shut Up, HOLD ON!!!". Too bad she will miss this year’s Red Rock 4 Wheelers Easter Jeep Safari which started the 16th and ends the 24th. Next year?? Maybe the quitter Red Rock 4 Wheelers Labor Day weekend event. I have drove to Moab Friday night ran trails Sat. and Sunday and was back to work Monday morning before many times.

She said she wanted to see places so it is up to her.

My Rat Terrier got a little hipper after talking to her on the phone last night. She loves to talk to him. He will get to add 2 states to his list of states he has been in making it 40 and it got him wound up when I told him we would take a trip to LAX to pick her up. We will come back by Highway One up the California coast then over Donner Pass or through the Feather River Canyon into Nevada. The there is the 40 miles of flat as a table top and straight as an arrow across the Bonneville Salt Flats.

As for my driving she will take a few trips with me in the truck locally. There have been requests at places I go to meet her. My boss told my brother he wanted her as an accountant as he is sick of the one he has. My brother may send us out in his truck or take us with him during the winter for her to see Eastern America too. He hauls Idaho potatoes to the east coast to be picked up by Canadian drivers going back to Canada after delivering Canadian goods to the US. Running team with him would give time to visit museums which we both have done when we had time before. It is up to her if she wants to go. Double bunk sleeper cab. She gets the right seat to ride in as I have seen American roads coast to coast, Gulf of Mexico to Canada.

She earned my respect when she called me sobbing and crying, “Where are you and how are you?” as she was watching Hurricane Rita tearing a path through southeast Texas on Russian TV and knew I was driving a truck in Texas. That was 4 years before we met in Russia. After three American SCAM ARTISTS after my wife died I took very carefully. I thought I had blown it after I arrived in Moscow. We were in the cab going from the airport when I realized I had my wedding band from late wife on my left little finger and she was rubbing it with her fingers. I told her I would take it off. “No, leave it on. It is good you remember her,” she said. The cab driver must have spoken English as he nearly run off the road looking back at her and there was a surprised look on his face.
She is a keeper for sure.
Many thanks to all of you.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-04-19 17:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa finally
I'm working 14-16 hour days so here is the short version.
Irina got her visa 18 April. Interview was 30 March.
Thank You everyone. 7J
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-04-19 00:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificate
My Darling Warren,
I find in internet address where I can ask about police certificate
and maybe get it.
It is in Moscow. Now I will go to ask about this
in Kaliningrad office.

I got this from Irina but do not have the adress. I have emailed her to see if I can get it for you. Kaliningrad police told Irina they would get her a cerifacate including the time she lived in the Ukraine. They may be able to do this with the two countries formerly being part of the USSR and she was in the Ukraine in the 1960's.

Have her check with the Ukraine police on if they can do that too.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-02-03 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA Approved!!!!
Congratulations. :thumbs:

Attached Files

WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-10-24 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRussia / VSC Filing
Ours was received Aug 11 and the last movement was on Aug 18. I went to VJ time line and the projected NO2 is Dec.27 -31. Check it out for your time line but you should get a movement probably about the end of Nov or early Dec. If I remember right on Wednesday there was 21 from Russia waiting between NO1 and NO2 with time lines filled out here.

Ours was first sent in mid July but came back over a minor err and I resent it.
For some unknown reason I have always had the them song from Dr.Zhivago come into my mind when I was wondering IF she and I would ever get married. That was even before I found out her 1st husband was Dr. Tatarinov. It took 5 years of one problem after another to get to Russia to meet Irina and then another 8 months to get another cancer problem cleared up and file the papers. I just look at it this way.

Somewhere, my love,
There will be songs to sing
Although the snow
Covers the hope of spring.

Somewhere a hill
Blossoms in green and gold
And there are dreams
All that your heart can hold

Someday we'll meet again, my love.
Someday whenever the spring breaks through.

You'll come to me
Out of the long ago,
Warm as the wind,
Soft as the kiss of snow.

Till then, my sweet,
Think of me now and then.
God, speed my love
Till you are mine again.

Maybe just maybe with good luck I can pick her up at LAX after a non stop Aeroflot flight out of Moscow before her birthday 60th on May 9.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-14 22:42:00