ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

Yes, she is a gold collar worker. She will show a lot of proof for the intention to return to China. Thanks for the help everyone.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-30 10:10:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

Yes, nothing to lose. If she is denied...does she have to wait like 6 months to reapply again?

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 10:19:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

The question that the consulate will try to answer is whether your fiance intends to stay or whether she will want to go back to China. I would suggest she be prepared to answer that question and show evidence that she will be returning to china. Everything from not obtaining a visa for her child to statements from her employer that she is still employed/has not quit to bank statements showing that she has all of her money still in china will be useful. I don't think licenses and that sort of stuff is useful because it doesn't really provide her a reason to come back to china. Have her provide documentary evidence that she intends to return to china after her trip and things should go smoothly. Single mothers with children are allowed to visit the US.


I would agree that you don't write the letter, especially if you say you'll be supporting her. That just screams "I can stay in the US once I get in" if someone else is taking care of her...


I will just let her know to provide everything she can that would prove her plans to return to China. I think a driver's license and registration might help because who would just leave a car they own behind? Of course she could just sell it, but still. The proof of her job and property in China should be enough proof I would imagine. She does plan to bring her child along with her though.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 09:47:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

I didn't mean to double post. Sorry about that.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 09:29:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

If she provides the visa agency copies of her apartment license, salary notes from her company, dispatch letter from her company, her car's license number and registration, wouldn't all this be enough proof that she plans to return to China? She isn't just going to run off to America and leave all this behind.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 09:27:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

If she provides the visa agency copies of her apartment license, salary notes from her company, dispatch letter from her company, her car's license number and registration, wouldn't all this be enough proof that she plans to return to China? She isn't just going to run off to America and leave all this behind.

Edited by visagreenhorn, 29 August 2013 - 09:28 AM.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 09:24:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

Alright, well then I won't write any letters then. So you guys think that she will most likely get denied? That is terrible news for us then. If she is long does she have to wait to reapply? Also, would it be less suspicious if she came here without her child? That would kind of show that of course she plans to return to China...because her child is there. She wants her child to come too, but our main purpose is to do an on-site survey of some cities we might live in, check out apartments and for me to propose to her.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 09:19:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?

Before me and my gf start the K-1 visa process, she wants to come visit the US for the first time and do an on-site survey and enjoy some of the sites with me. I plan to propose to her during this visit, so of course getting her over here is important. My friend told me that he thinks because my gf is divorced and has a child, that Us immigration might be suspicious that she plans to try to live and work illegally in the US and might deny her? I thought about this myself as well. I am wondering if there is a way to ensure that she successfully obtains a tourist visa? Would I have to write and sign some sort of letter inviting her here as a tourist and just claim that I will be taking care of her while she is here? Would it be less suspicious is maybe my mother did it? I know that if I did it, they may find me suspicious for maybe planning to marry her and live with her in an illegal manner. Anyway, I really want her to be able to make it over here for a few weeks, without a big hassle. Can anyone give me some suggestions? I would greatly appreciate the help.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-29 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOur CrazyRide, From Mexico to the USA

Ok so I am going to summerize what research I have done up to this point and where we curently stand with the K-1 process. 
So when my family found our that Dalia and I were engaged my cousins were the first people to tell me about the "Fiance Visa" with that phrase and google, I was able to wander my way on to the USCIS website and read about the I-129F form which would start the petition for the K-1 Visa. 

USCIS Fiance Visa Information <--- Start Here!!

USCIS I-129F Information

Instructions for I-129F Form! <--- I read several times and highlighted everything important!!!

After finding these documents there were still a few questions that we had, mostly how long does this process take!!! I asked my uncle and he said 10 months, but then his wife said it only took 4!?blink.png  So off to google I went and searched something like, "Fiance Visa Time" and thats when I stumbled arcoss and their guides.
I found a nice flow chart:
K-1 Process Flowchart

And a detail guide:
K-1 Step-by-Step Guide
I was a little upset that's I-129F was very out of date, by about 7 years headbonk.gif  As well as their "example" I-129F form. The guide refercens several question numbers that are on the old form, but not the new one and also says, "4. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years. This should be a single typed page attachment regarding question 18 of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it."[/size] This is incorrect to the current I-129F form. As required I wrote out about a page worth of how we met as "Proof that we Met" and our continued relationship with evidence backing it up, but it does not pertain to any question on the I-129F form, there is however a question on the form, Part 2, 34.a that asks you to "Discribe the circumstances under which you met." And I just wrote a brife discription on the three lines of how we met. This is just an observation that had me a little confuesed at first.
So after I read though all the guides I started filling out the I-129F from on my computer, I did what I could and e-mailed a copy to Dalia along with a G-325A Form USCIS Website, an out of date example of the G-325A Form and the Fiance Letter of Intent Example

I asked her to send the I-129F from back to me via e-mail, but to fill out, sign, and snail mail me the other forms along with a passpport photo and a ticket stub from the Broawdway Show Chicago that we saw together.

So thats pretty much it for now, I have been working on a "proof we have met" packet, trying to round up as much evidence as possible. I'd like to scan it and attach it to this thread so you can tell me what you think, but that wont be til next week sometime. If Dalia sends out her stuff Monday, I am hoping to get the I-129F petition in the mail by mid August, I hope... ClockWatch2.gif


I was excited to check out your detailed information, but the links aren't working for me at all. Some of them lead me to blank pages and one leads to this error:


404 - Requested Page Not Found on Site

The page you requested is not on our site.

Please look for related information on the USCIS Home Page.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Am I the only one experiencing this with the links?

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-10 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

Definitely a story for the movies, but what you are looking at is:

NoA1: comes in a few weeks. This one just lets you know they have your petition

NoA2: This is the long one and can take as little as 3 months (some very lucky people) to 6 to 8 months. There are quite a few things that can change this timeframe. Like your particular case, or the service center slowing down.

NoA2 to NVC: The guides say 2 weeks, but it's more like 4 weeks from my experience. *If it gets tagged for AP at NVC level it can be stuck there for awhile, but I rarely see this happen*

Once at the embassy it depends how prepared you were and when you can get the interview. Though exact times I'm not sure because my Fiancée and I are at this stage now. 


Start checking out a few of our timelines to get a better idea, though I would look mainly at those pertaining to China. As for our case we started in January and believe she will have Visa in hand some time in September.  


I actually wrote my entire experience down with the intention of creating a blog, but my sister and brother in law strongly don´t recommend I do so. They feel that it will make it much more difficult for me to find work in the future, since most companies check you out online nowadays. That is good advice and it was discouraging as well. I put a lot of time into writing it out as well. I also have written about other experiences, but they don´t think I should blog on anything negative and just stick to blogging out positive things.


As for it being a possible movie...well I just don´t think I was in the detention center long enough for it to be taken seriously. I was only there for 7 days. Now if I was in there for like 2 years...I would be serious about trying to turn this into a movie haha. Writing a book might be another way, but that would be quite a big project haha.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-30 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?


THANK GOODNESS! Does this mean that they Chinese govt will wipe this from your record there?



Thanks a lot. Well, I won't be able to return to China in five years, which doesn't matter because I have no interest in visiting China ever again. While I was there, I did a lot of traveling and saw so much of the country in every direction. The countryside is beautiful, but as for the cities...they are so polluted and disgusting.


They also told me that I would never be able to work in China again. That is kind of lame because what if I obtained a degree and returned to work legally? Oh well, I have no desire to go back.anyway.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-30 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

So from the day that I mail my petition to the day my fiance might get long on average (if there ever is an average) does the entire K-1 process take? After looking at a flow seems like about a 1 1/2 - 2 months?


Yes, I know that my post makes me seem like a terrible guy. I will admit that I used to be a player type. I would go to clubs and bars for one night stands, but this was before I met my current gf. I was single at the time. I don't intent to cheat on her as I do genuinely love her. I just got caught up in a complicated mistake. Once again, I appreciate the help.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

I did have one more question lol. Did any of you fill out the G-1145 form and attach that with the I-129F petition? I seems that this is only needed if you want to hear from them via an e-notification as to whether or not you were approved? I know it is free of charge, but is it worth filling out or skipping? The official site lists the current total cost for the I-129F as $340.00. So would I just be able to write a check or money order to mail along with the forms to one of the three Lockbox facilities? I would rather not mail cash. I appreciate all the help.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

Anyway, my question has been answered. Thanks for everyones' help.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

I did the course in Colorado, 3 days I think but I did other categories as well as life, the exams were multiple guess.


Now making a good living selling insurance is another issue.


Well, a good friend of mine is doing it because his dad has been selling life insurance with Aflac for like 18 years. My friend is really anti-social and shy and even he has been doing well for himself. He just recently just made $1,000 in just one week! He was pounding the pavement from sunrise to sunset...but still that is good money. The money isn't even stable, but I would have a second job and just sell when I'm not at the other job.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

I worked in China for 3 years. 90% of people are working there illegally or have photoshop teaching degrees, people shouldn't judge you for that. Also when I read about the alleged harassment I had an 'ugh' feeling because yes knowing Chinese authorities and the fact that they went through with the brief detention and deportation, it sounds like your file will indeed say that you were deported on sexual harassment. If I were you I'd try to find how I can access that. But even then I don't know how that would help. Perhaps a lawyer can help gather character references and sworn affidavits for character reference from people in your life who observed you as a couple and people who know you. 

Wish you all the best good luck.


I chose to have diplomats from the US Embassy come visit me and clear things up. The Chinese authorities made a bunch of ###### up. They claimed I was a child molester. First of all, I didn't molest her at all...and she wasn't a child...she was 22 years old. They US Embassy was actually shocked and pissed off that the Chinese police had falsified this stuff, but they cleared it up with the chief of the immigration police. It was unbelievable, but I got out of there in one piece. Yes, you know what you are talking about. Most of the people there are using fake degrees and certificates.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

How did your fiancé feel about this female student making an accusation of harassment against you? 


My bigger concern would be my wife if I was flirting with another woman.


She was upset at first of course, but I was able to explain the situation and she calmed down. Everything is fine between us.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

Is the ex ok with the child emigrating?


She actually gained full custody of the child, because the man has a new wife and wants a child with her...and China only has a one child policy. To be allowed to have another child, he had to give full custody to his first child. Nice country huh? Anyway, the situation helps me out though.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

Well, my other worry is that we might be denied due to me not making enough money to support her and her child? She has a child, that she had with her ex. I'm was easily making enough money teaching English in China, but that wasn't legally. I got a temporary job that just pays $10.50 an hour, while I go to school to be a life insurance salesman. Do they really look closely at how much money am I making during the process? She also owns an apartment in Beijing that is worth a ton of money...they only care about how much money I have? She has a lot more money than I will can even dream of. She is wealthy, but for the record...that isn't why I'm with her.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

There is plenty of information relating to situations where the person being petitioned was deported. I can't find any information online regarding what happens when the petitioner was deported.


My point being, that most people on here either believe:


A. I sexually harrassed my student.

B. They don't know the answer to my situation.

C. All of the above.

Edited by visagreenhorn, 29 July 2013 - 01:30 PM.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

Well I did reciprocate flirting, but she took it the wrong way (she was a strange woman). Anyway, I don't care if everyone on here thinks I sexually harrassed her. Let them think what they want. That is not what happened. I'm only worried about her being denied the K-1 visa. I read on another forum that it is difficult to get denied the petition. My fiance might never obtain the K-1 visa due to me being deported from the country that she is applying for the K-1 in. I was deported from Beijing and she will apply in Guangzhou, but that obviously makes no difference.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

I feel like I cleared the room...

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

@Harpa Timsah: Yes, I went to a Chinese detention center for 7 days and then I was immediately deported from Beijing.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

I was caught teaching English illegally because I my school kept putting off helping me get a proper working visa, so I was working on a tourist visa in the meantime. That turned out to be a bit of a bad gamble. I was also in trouble for flirting with a female student that was flirting with me initially. Then the student complained. I wasn't seriously hitting on her. I was teasing her because of how immature she was for an adult woman. She complained and overreacted, the police came and found that I was teaching on a tourist visa. I think I will be denied because there will probably be a misunderstanding about the situation with the female student. They might not think the marriage will be serious because I was "hitting on" another female. It is ironic because I really do love my fiance and we have many photos that prove we have been together for more than 2 years...but I might never make it to that step lol.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill my recent deportation from China prevent me from bringing my Chinese fiance to the US?

I was deported from China about a month ago, but my fiance wants to come live with me in the US. I want to fill out an I-129F petition and I found a section in the petition that reads the following:


Moreover, I understand that this petition, including any criminal conviction information that I am required to provide with this petition, as well as any related criminal background information pertaining to me that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services may discover independently in adjudicating this petition will be disclosed to the beneficiary of this petition.
My fiance has no crinimal record. I was assuming that the focus would mainly be on her because she is the one coming to the US not me. Now I am really worried that my being deported might be a reason to deny my petition or a reason for denial for the K-1 visa on her end, at the visa office in Guangzhou, China?
I would greatly appreciate anyone's help with this.
Best Regards,

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-07-29 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

Hello again everyone. It has been a while. My gf came to the US for two weeks to spend time with me and we got engaged. We traveled around and took a lot of photos together. We plan to start the process soon. She is in the process of translating proof of her divorce from Chinese to English and I will include that in the I-129F packet. Anyway, she already filled out and signed the G-325A, Fiance Letter of Intent and has US style passport photos of both her and her child. She will have all of these brought here and mailed to me via a coworker. My question is will she also need to fill out a DS-160 and DS-230? I'm seeing these within the list of forms needed for the I-129F. I know all the forms I will need to send on my end. I just want to make sure she sends me everything we need without forgetting something. I appreciate everyone's help with all of this.

Edited by visagreenhorn, 19 November 2013 - 09:04 AM.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-11-19 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

If my gf wants to visit me sometime between October and December of this year after we have already started the petition process, will it mess up the entire process? We will make sure that she is only visiting here for 2 weeks and that she will not be here in the US during the time she is scheduled for her interview in Guangzhou. Aside from this, is there anything else that might her visit might mes up? Would it be better for her to just visit me first and then I mail off the petition after she returns to China?

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-20 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

I checked out this link: http://www.visajourn...ontent/examples


I noticed that the Request for Provisional File is optional. What is this form for?

Also, the Request to Extend Approval of I-129F...would this only be needed if the approval somehow is about to expire and my fiance needs more time on her end? I'm unclear on these two things.


Also, my fiance told me that the Chinese government requires that she provide an English translation of her and her child's birth certificates, along with an English translation of her proof of divorce. I didn't notice this listed in any of the I-129F lists that I ever came across...but I will take her word for it since the Chinese government always seems to need documents on everything...


visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-17 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

White book is VJ vernacular for Notarial Certificate. These certificates are issued by the Notary Office that has jurisdiction where her hukou is located. USCIS only accepts white book photocopies for translated Chinese documents.


Ok, so she needs to go to where she has her hukou on file and request for this form? That is no problem. Does anyone happen to know if there is a cost for this? I'm sure it isn't free. If nobody knows, she will just have to find out when she goes there. Could she pick up this document the same day she requests it?  I greatly appreciate all the help.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-13 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

I have been searching in the China forum for threads about the white books and I can´t find anything. I noticed that there isn´t a search bar where I can just do a search on white books. Sorry to sound annoying, but can anyone send me a direct link? Also, would I be able to download one of these white books from this site?

Edited by visagreenhorn, 13 August 2013 - 08:28 AM.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-13 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?


visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-13 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

really? beneficiary divorce document required with I-129F submittal?  That's a new one (for me) 


visagreenhorn - if that's the case, a photocopy or scan, printed out, sufficies. 


however, need a 'white book' on it - a notarial translation certificate.   dig into the china forum, read the pinned topic there - it covers the white book.   She can get a white book, scan all, email to you. 


Sorry to sound like a noob...but where is the China forum? I can't seem to find it. I have been searching around on my own, but no luck yet.


Also, wouldn't she be able to just write up an English version of the form and signature that it is accurate and that she understands both English and Chinese? Does she really need some official notarized 'white form"? This form doesn't cost anything right?

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-13 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?


Yes, the divorce documentation is required for the I-129F petition. All documents not in English must have an English translation to accompany them. You can pay someone for a translation or have anyone fluent in both languages(including you or your fiancee) do the translation for you. They just need to include a certification of translation on the document they translate > http://www.visajourn...nt/translations


Thanks so much! I will have her fill this out with a translation.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-13 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

No. She does not have an A# yet, which is what it is also asking for at the top with file number. Just put None in those boxes. A natural born USC petitioner would also put None in those boxes for their form since they would not ever have an A#. See the example form > http://www.visajourn...Form-G-325A.pdf


Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly.


My fiance sent me the documents that prove her divorce with her ex, but of course they are completely in Chinese. I know that she needs to provide these documents and I wanted to send them with my petition packet, but the staff at the Dallas, Texas lock-box might not even be able to read it? There of no English versions of these documents, since my fiance and her ex are Chinese and they are in China. Anyone else run into this problem before? I can just send them along anyway. They can't possibly hurt right?

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-12 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

My fiance filled out her G325A form, but I noticed that she left the alien registartion number section blank. She needs to put either her Chinese passport number or her Chinese driver's license number right? I don't think she can just leave that blank. Also, where it reads "File Number" on the top right hand corner of the form, she would just put I-129F right?

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-12 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

So, if my fiance has a child...we don't have to provide US style 2x2 photos of him as well do we? She already has everything else ready to mail, but I don't want her to have to mail photos of her child separately if it turns out we need those too...


I appreciate everyone's help with this.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-10 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

Alright, since these first two letters will be going along with the petition packet to the Dallas, TX lock-box, then I will just have both of them addressed there for now. When will the follow up letters of intent to marry be needed? Would we need to have these written up as soon as we found out that the petition was approved and she is filling out the paperwork for the K-1 visa on her end?


I have a good friend who also married a Chinese woman and they hired a lawyer. He told me that their process was fast and had no hangups. He recommends that I hire a lawyer, but he told me it will cost around $900 minimum and we both currently don't have the extra money to afford a lawyer. So that is why I am trying to make sure I have everything down, to avoid losing time over making mistakes.

Edited by visagreenhorn, 09 August 2013 - 09:28 PM.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-09 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

Review this link to the Guangzhou US consulate:


You may want to 'bookmark' or 'favorite' the link, and review the consulate website, in particular, the IV Unit. We became very acquainted with the Guangzhou US consulate during our immigration journey.


Good luck.


So on both my and my fiance's intent to marry letter, we will put down the address to the consulate located in Guangzhou even though these will first be mailed to the lock box in Dallas, Texas correct? I bookmarked the link, thanks.

Edited by visagreenhorn, 08 August 2013 - 02:54 PM.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-08 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

Me and my fiance are currently filling out the template for the intent to marry with the first 90 days after arrival and I'm not sure what to put for this?


United States Department of State
United States Consulate,
[name of country where Embassy is located]
[Embassy Address]


I thought that these forms were going to be delivered along with the I-129F petition packet to the Dallas lockbox address? How do I know which embassy address to put down? This is the only part of this form that we are not clear about.


visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-08 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a cover letter for the I-129F petition?

Alright, well she is in the process of sending everything she needs to using EMS at China Post. I was also wondering...if she has a child...will the child also needs to have US style passport photos taken of him too? I am already providing photos I have had taken with her and even with her child in different locations to prove that we have known each other and met in person with the past 2 years. Is there anything she needs to provide me regarding the child before I send in the I-129F petition? I know that later she will need to apply for a K-2 visa for him along with her K-1.

visagreenhornNot TellingChina2013-08-08 12:52:00