Indiaim reading about lots of denials for k-1 india...


Mel&Lal, if you don't mind my asking, how are you preparing to address the red flags? I am assuming your red flags are maybe similar to mine (age/religious/cultural differences).


Best of luck for your upcoming interview!


how can one change their age,or cultural differences?This is all part and parcel of K1 visas all over the world.My brother and his polish wife went through the process and she was never asked about her religion or why she would want to marry a man 11 yrs older than her who is divorced with a kid.My fiance was..I am 8 yrs older actually 71/2.The CO was asking 20 questions about his religion and his affiliation and practices... when It was mentioned Im from a jewish background she stopped the Interview ,gave him a paper and told him to his face i dont believe you really want to marry her..she is 8 years older with children... but her attitude about our religion was the real reason for rejection..maybe the combination of all these.My kids even send him pictures so he brought asome with him and the CO said.oh how sweet... but still tried to say we dont have a bonified relationship.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-24 17:24:00
Indiaim reading about lots of denials for k-1 india...

im just reading posts from people on here, and seeing quite a few. most seem to do with lack of evidence and the embassy not believing they are a legit couple. it sounds like they want to see lots of time spent with fiances family (which in my case, we could not do because of my time frame and finances), age difference has come up, and not having an engagement ceremony (which again, we could not do because of time/money). they all were denied after their interviews.


i applied in may and just got my notice of approval from uscis last week, but im still waiting for the nvc's letter. it seems like india doesnt easily believe in k1 visas for cultural beliefs. maybe im just being paranoid, but i am prego with his child, and we have been in a relationship for over a year. it terrifies me that they could say no! we do have pictures, letters, and emails but now im worried that it wont be enough.


maybe the people who do get their visas just dont post about it cause they got what they want?! 


Its an uphill battle with INdia.. You would think a bunch of old fashioned Indian aunties are running the place and not an American Consulate with American anti-discrimanation laws.Why do Americans have to follow their cultural norms?I have no Idea. Our visa was denied this past friday and we are still shell shocked.We had pictures,receipts, phone records going almost 2 yrs back.The CO asked about his religious practices and made a huge deal about it and then stopped the interview when she asked about me and he said I come from a jewish background.This sort of discrimination is SOOOOO illegal.We are a legit couple ..We just want to start our life as a married couple in the US.My parents are now drafting letters about  how they support us and the plans for our wedding and reception.Its so crazy.With our financial situation we cant afford a huge i dont know what akes them think the more you spend the more legitimate the relationship..I wish you better luck.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-24 17:18:00
IndiaProcess at Mumbai Embassy?


Each case is different. I know a couple were the woman was 9 years older than her fiance, she white american Christian girl, him Indian Hindu and they are approved. Just have to go all out to prove that you and your fiance has a bonafide relationship. I heard the same thing and its scary since I am a divorced woman, 5 years older with kids, and yet I am full of hope as well as my fiance. Also I think it depends on where he is going for his interview. I heard if the petitioner goes with beneficiary to interview in Delhi is a very good sign and holds alot of weight. Just make sure you have everything, and triple check it.


Oh no.Well I cant make it to be with him in Mumbai.Im in NY.We just bought furniture,moving to a new apartment and these lawyer and immigration fees and of course trying to plan a wedding has been extrememly expensive.I wish I could but that would be another 2,000 plus hotel and babysitting.I have an okay job but I AM a single mom.not so easy to do all this.I think with all our phone records showing we talk 2 times a day most records,vacation pictures should be good proof.Ill even tell him to bring the pictures my son drew featuring the 2 of them..I just want him HERE already!!We are in the final stage..Ill keep you posted!I hope in all our cases love will prevail!

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-15 08:42:00
IndiaProcess at Mumbai Embassy?

hi, I actually have a question.I am an american woman and my fiance is Indian.We are up to the point where we are scheduling  the interview and doing the medical exam ect. for his K-1 visa.I just heard someone tell me that arranged marriages are being approved for k-1 visa and most american women who apply for their indian fiances get rejected because of age difference,culture difference and if the woman was divorced with kids or not.From my understanding this is illegal for them to do.This seems like Indian biases and I dont want to get rejected.Im in this relationship 2 years..we vacationed together and have tons of proof of our relationship.. is there any truth to this rumor?should I be worried?

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-12 16:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Why Sending Case Back to NVC // New Delhi (India) K1 Visa - I-129F // 2012

You should be fine. A sizable age difference hurts a couple because that isn't the norm (female>male) but also because with so many years separating you guys, it usually means the woman is experiencing menopause or is at a point in her life were she doesn't want to have anymore children with your new husband . These things to Indians are a big no no and so this is the standard to which you are held. Luckily for you you didn't meet on any 'website' and share a child together. Persons committing marriage fraud (even if 1 party doesn't know the other's intent) will not go through the hassle of having kids because they tend to want a clean cut when they get what they want and leave (prospects of child support/simply having children with the partner they're using simply isn't worth it).

Since you have a baby, COs expect (with evidence), before your interview (if baby isn't 2 young), that your fiancée and his family gets to meet and spend quality time with his daughter/son.

This is me being nosey but what were the circumstances under which you and your fiancée met in Iraq?


these things to INDIANS are big no no's? Its an American consulate..American rules..WTH???

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-24 16:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Why Sending Case Back to NVC // New Delhi (India) K1 Visa - I-129F // 2012

This is not true. What consulate officers do not like is fraudulent marriages for the purpose of immigration benefits.Lack of preparation could be a reason for so many denials coming out of Delhi.
You say you did not submit any evidence with your I-129F. What do you mean by this? Did you submit only the minimum requirements and nothing else or did you only send the forms? One of the requirements of an I-129F petition for a K-1 is evidence of meeting within the last 2 years. One usually shows this by attaching boarding passes or passport stamps showing the dates. Did you attach any of this? If not, you will most likely be getting an RFE (if lucky) or your petition will be denied and you will have to re-file.


We had loads of proof of our relationship.Did nothing fraudulent.they had no issues with our finances or documentation .The CO (after making a big deal about his religion) made some excuse that she didnt believe he wanted to marry me because I was divorced with 2 children and 8 yrs older.She also claimed we only knew eachother 15 days... which when he corrected her she didnt want to listen..we met in person 9 months after meeting online.we had loads of video chat logs,phone logs and chat logs.I really feel they were discriminating  based on religion and I wrote the consulate explaining our situation and requesting we get a second interview to show evidence from my parents that they planned a wedding and reception for us this summer.I had receipts from hotels,Receipts from the furniture we bought for our bedroom along with chat conversations collaborating the chosing and purchasing of furniture and jewelry.What  more could they want??Im trying my luck with my senator and congress woman.I cant believe these CO's get away with this...

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-24 16:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

Ok, so should I wait and see what they send me on how to address this? My fiance told me that the CO said she was not convinced of our relationship, so i am taking they think its not bonafide. They kept all our pictures, letters from  his family and mine and our chat logs.


wonder oif its the same B*** CO.. My fiance said she looked like me a  blondish hair and he thought as a woman she should understand Im wondering what it takes to convince them..when arranged marriages happen sometimes they meet the day of the wedding..and they fall in many months of pictures,visits,chats and hours of phone conversations can convince them...sick.. what do they want?a demonstration??Crazy when al the websites give all what we gave in for evidence as proof of a bonafide relationship.I think they get a bonus for denying..You know My finace said there were entire families sponsered by a family member in the US and they get approved no issue..sorry.. Im still a little burned..Good praying for you guys!

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-12-14 17:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

this our exact letter... not written on letter head or given a code.The CO seemed pretty sure of herself giving him back his passport and all the evidence..I called right after his interview and wrote letters to my congresswoman concerning what questions she asked him and her general attitude.She obviously had some prejuduces.Now when the Congress womans office contacted they said it was NOT denied and was not sent back...our interview was in nov. It is under review and processing.So raising hell and being in touch with your elected officials I dont think is a bad Idea.Jamaica doesnt sound bad though! Still going through the  spouse visa process is more time and money and waiting and waiting.I was just worried I wouldnt have money to make the trip to see him as often as required.My kids will suffer for this but I guess in the end either way it will be worth it to be together.Good luck to you both.Love will prevail!!And might I add this embassy should be investigated for discriminatory practices.Obviously this is 2013 and mpt 1970 where its unheard of that people fall in love and marry outside their race,religion and culture.These biases must end.Let them go after real fraud... not people in love just wanting a life and home together.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-12-14 17:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

Today my fiance had his interview at the Mumbai Consulate. He received a white letter but he said there was no 221g on the letter, but he typed what the letter says. I want to know if this is a full out denial of the visa or are we under AP?


baed on the interview and documents submitted to us consulate general mumabi.
we will be returning the petition to us citizen and immigration service (uscis)for review and possible revocation.
if a consular officer receives information during the interview process that was not available to the adjustment immigration officer at the time of petion aproval and that shows the beneficiary of a petition is not intitlled to the accorded status
then the petition must be returned to uscis for re-examination,because of this requirment,consuler officers will return your petition and additional supporting documents to the national visa centre
us consulate general mumbai will return the petion to uscis within few weeks .
once uscis has received it.
your may address further inquiries on the petion to the uscis natinal customer service canter at -1-800-375-5283










I am thinking this is a denial, but I want to make sure and I need to know what I should do from here. 


mirinyFemaleIndia2013-12-14 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa denied (split topic)

When you go against the cultural norm of a country you will get much scrutiny. Complaining and waging a war against a CO is futile and could back fire future endeavors.

One thing I have seen when it comes to older woman younger man (your gap isn?t that significant) and you been married before with kids being engaged just doesn?t look like you are commented (to a CO). Getting married shows you are committed to each other.

Also do your research Muslim and Jewish is rare happens yes but in India?

All you can do is either refile K1 (Highly suggest not) or go and get married.


so what your saying is that American consulate is following the social norms of another country and an american must follow  another countries  laws when applying for a visa ??hmmm. Im american.discrimination is illegal in America.a US consulate should follow the laws of the US.Its not fighting the CO.. its demanding that she is fair and behaves lawfullly.Who cares if she doesnt approve of our religious or cultural differences>Its not her place to judge this.Its her place only to make sure we have proof of a continuing relationship...which all our proof shows this.Why would I help with the fees?Pay a lawyer?If it was fraud wouldnt he be paying?If He gets the visa and we dont marry he will be deported...end of story.There is your commitment.My whole family would co-sponser if they could but the honor yes they love him so it was an honor to sponser him was my sisters..this should count for something..My mother calls him already her son in law..the wedding is just a formality.When family is involved and helping plan a wedding i think  that also proves something.I have small children.Its not so easy to go to India for 2 months to marry then come back only to start this process over again for a spousal visa.We have been completely honest.Why should we be punished.Do you know how many people are in the US illegally?We are trying to be hnest and do things right,Why should we get punished?

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-22 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa denied (split topic)

My fiance just got back from his visa INterview..The woman asked where we met.We said online in a religous chat room 2 years ago..She says why were you in a religious chat room? He said I just like to learn about other religions and he also said he thought the conversations would be more normal than the usual .She asked what his religion is..He says he was raised in a muslim home but he is accepting and respectful of other religions..Im from a jewish background and he was very interested in learning about that since he never met a jewish person before.She said WHAT?? shes jewish?? started grilling him about his Islamic affilation.and noted the file about something  at the time she exclaimed that I am jewish..She said she doesnt believe that He really wants to marry a woman who is divorced,8 years older with 2 kids...who he met only 2 times for 15 days at a time.#######!!!!!!!!how many people meet months..finally meet in person and decide they want a life together?This happens so often its crazy she is making an issue.The man before my finace didnt even speak english!Say his "fiance" only 3 days with other people around and was approved!! Indian/Indian K1.. She said to my fiance..If you really want to marry her then do it and have her apply for a spouse visa.#######.I would have to leave my children for over a month!We spent so much money on an immigration lawyer and all these damn fees.We had pages and pages(well over 100)chat records,pictures together,receipts for hotels and even moneygram that I sent to help him with these stupid fees..She ignored it.. I wrote the conulate about her conduct ans asked if we can appeal this decision because its based on discrimination not on the evidence we waiting for a response.We are in total shock!!!I I hope this isnt the end.All our hopes and dreams were tied up in this!I

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-22 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Denied at Mumbai -- Advice? [split/renamed]

My fiancé went to his k1 visa interview on 8/30/13  in Mumbai and he had all proof that would possibly be needed. When it came to the interview questions they were as follows: where did you met, who long have you known each other, what will you do for work there, and than date/location of the wedding. We had to sign a 90 intent to marry from his arrival. Now where does it state a date and location of wedding must have?  He was trying to explain our possible plans, cut him off, said denied due to no supporting documents or sufficient evidence when they asked for nothing. Than after printing out the general denial letter of no supporting documents he asked what do you need I have everything here and they said denied on grounds of no date/location of wedding. Any suggestions on what to do next or who has has the similar experience as this?


we werent even told why we were denied.We said basicly what our family wanted to do for us.The Co just seemed fixated on our religion and didnt seem interested in anything else...

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-24 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa

My fiancé is from India. His interview was in Mumbai. I read last night in the I-129f instructions on page 5,# 7 (b) "submit evidence that you and your fiancé intend to marry within 90 days of your fiancé entry as a K-1. evidence of your intention to marry may include a statement to intent to marry. It must be submit evidence for your marriage will occur on this date and place. No where does it state date and location is required. We wrote the congressman but we got our petition approved in a month so we are planning to submit a new I-129f petition by Friday. USCIS said to write a letter to withdraw my old case and we are submitting a new one. Thoughts on this?


You know something.I hired an attorney to help us and am not getting advice.Only advice i got was try to get married and try the spouse visa route.If i would think re-submitting would help Ill try that.It seems to me that once the K1 was denied they make issues to approve again.So what I understand from you is that the K1 was rejected and USCIS said resubmit the papers?what about an extension would that have helped anything?What was the notice they gave your fiance when your K1 was denied?

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-24 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa denied under Sec 212 A 5a

USCIS does not have your case yet, the consulate will send it back for review. Usually when a K1 is denied at the consular level, unless you are able to get a second interview the case will be returned to USCIS and then it will expire. If your love is genuine and you can prove bonafide relationship per your denial then I would say go to India, get marry and submit your I130 petition with lots of proof, like pictures, email, phone logs, just front load your application and once it approve at the USCIS stage, you will go through the NVC stage and yes have another interview.


getting married legally in India has lots of rules..In my case it would  mena findins a babysitter for over a month to qualify as far as I know.I have no family here where I live,,Its a nightmare!They denied us based on a seemingly religious bias(she kept asking about his religious practices..making note on our file)Based on the fact I was married before and had 2 kids..."I dont believe you would want o marry a woman who was divorced with 2 ids and 7 years older than you"didnt look at the evidence..just denied

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-22 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied


I read on this and only 1 person needs to live in India for 30 days, that be your fiance, secondly,  one thing I learned about India anything is possible with a little bit of bribery help. My fiance and I originally wanted to marry in India and he was going to bribe them to marry a foreigner. Its really not that hard to marry over there in India, and if his interview goes bad, we already planned on doing this in March.


I hope you guys breeze through it.i dont wish this on my worst enemy.Its great your being positive and looking forward..all the best

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

I can imagine how you and your fiancé must feel, we were very afraid too our emotions were rampant!!...and I can truly tell you to plan for PLAN B,C, and D and have lots of faith....Its too bad that wanting to be with your love has to be deemed by borders!!...and so much paperwork

I want to know how your progress turns out so...please keep me posted. I am a divorcee also and my Husband is 28 years younger then big difference huh....


listen, if you two love eachother who is anyone else to stick their nose in.Life is too short to be miserable.Sometimes we dont understand why the special one meant for us was born after us..I can tell you My fiance is my rock.. hes been with me through so much always keeping me strong and just being there for me. I have called him all hours of the day and night and he always has patience and knows how to make things right again..He always supports my decisions no matter what I decide.He gives me his advice but never expects me to take  it..hehe..actually Im very thankful to him .Hes the only man Ive ever met that can handle me..heheThis is priceless.. no way in the world Im letting this one go.I never was INTO younger men.. but he is not typical.I treasure him.I can completely understand why you or any of us will go through all this for that special someone.Ill keep you posted.We will hope,wish and pray for great things to come!

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

This is a very poor source. Get the information from the right source, i.e. the actual document from the Indian government and http://www.karunadu..../splmarract.htm.
Read the language carefully. It does not say both parties must be residents of India. The only exceptions are the Indian states of Goa and Jammu and Kashmir. Does your fiance reside in those states? 


Here is  a direct exerpt from the act itself: 1. Section 1 & 4 - Marriage between foreign national and Indian - Whether the marriage can be solemnized of an Indian Citizen with a foreign national in India under the provisions of the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Held. A foreigner can get married in India with a girl of Indian Nationality under the provision of the Special Marriage Act 1954. Any two persons in India, where one of them or both of them are foreigners or both of them are Indians can enter into a form of marriage under the Act. [Vatsala & others vs. Sub-Registrar and Marriage Officer and others : Kar L.J. 1981 (1) 294.]

Plenty of people on this site have been successful at marrying under the Special Marriage Act.There are also countless NRIs returning to India to marry. 

Sometimes it takes some time, patience, and dedication. If you are looking for a quick fix, I suggest you avoid pursuing a marriage in India. I can guarantee it will be time-consuming, costly, and frustrating. But as I said before, it is entirely possible. For the record, I am a natural born American not of Indian origin. 
Do some research on the India portal. There are several interracial couples filing for the CR-1/IR-1 who were recently approved and are still active. My suggestion is to send them a message and ask for advice on marrying in India via Special Marriage Act if that is the route you wish to take.


I got married in a religious ceremony and registered my marriage under a different act so I cannot offer personal experience on the Special Marriage Act. 


As I mentioned previously, you still have the option to marry in a third country or you can refile for the K-1. 


third country? wich  he would need a visa for any place.. any Ideas??

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

This is a very poor source. Get the information from the right source, i.e. the actual document from the Indian government and http://www.karunadu..../splmarract.htm.
Read the language carefully. It does not say both parties must be residents of India. The only exceptions are the Indian states of Goa and Jammu and Kashmir. Does your fiance reside in those states? 


Here is  a direct exerpt from the act itself: 1. Section 1 & 4 - Marriage between foreign national and Indian - Whether the marriage can be solemnized of an Indian Citizen with a foreign national in India under the provisions of the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Held. A foreigner can get married in India with a girl of Indian Nationality under the provision of the Special Marriage Act 1954. Any two persons in India, where one of them or both of them are foreigners or both of them are Indians can enter into a form of marriage under the Act. [Vatsala & others vs. Sub-Registrar and Marriage Officer and others : Kar L.J. 1981 (1) 294.]

Plenty of people on this site have been successful at marrying under the Special Marriage Act.There are also countless NRIs returning to India to marry. 

Sometimes it takes some time, patience, and dedication. If you are looking for a quick fix, I suggest you avoid pursuing a marriage in India. I can guarantee it will be time-consuming, costly, and frustrating. But as I said before, it is entirely possible. For the record, I am a natural born American not of Indian origin. 
Do some research on the India portal. There are several interracial couples filing for the CR-1/IR-1 who were recently approved and are still active. My suggestion is to send them a message and ask for advice on marrying in India via Special Marriage Act if that is the route you wish to take.


I got married in a religious ceremony and registered my marriage under a different act so I cannot offer personal experience on the Special Marriage Act. 


As I mentioned previously, you still have the option to marry in a third country or you can refile for the K-1. 


mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied


I read on this and only 1 person needs to live in India for 30 days, that be your fiance, secondly,  one thing I learned about India anything is possible with a little bit of bribery help. My fiance and I originally wanted to marry in India and he was going to bribe them to marry a foreigner. Its really not that hard to marry over there in India, and if his interview goes bad, we already planned on doing this in March.


My fiance said he will look into the particulars..I was told both people need to be residents.. he is in karnataka.. not any of those states.. bribery ..good if it works..hahahha.. If the congresswoan cant do anything  than we will try this if in fact we can do it. But I can only stay a maximum of 3 weeks in India at a time. no one can keep mychildren more than this and I will lose my job if i take more.. I just dont want to get rejected.Thanks for giving us hope!

After we got married in April of this year we just applied for marriage visa it is now in process, We are waiting for the outcome! and I pray we get approved. When my husband got denied his fiancé visa we both were devastated. so we went with plan (B) which was to go ahead and get married. We have been a total of 3 1/2 years together He lives in London now and I am in the U.S. waiting on our I-130 approval.

I went to him in March of this year to London and we got married there. I stayed with him for one month and a week after our wedding I returned to United States. We also had a foolish lawyer who told us the same thing, that all our papers, co-sponsors were in order and everything was strong and there wasn't any problems and that we should get the visa!....well wrongggggggg.

I hope everything works out for you and your fiancé.


thanks !All the best with you two !Ill be praying for you!

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

Same thing happened to me and my then fiancé, now husband was denied visa but not by USCIS or NVC they approved us but once it got to his embassy in Bangladesh it was denied there!!...COLD BLOODED...and I believe my income wasn't enough, but I had a co-sponsor we had a BOOK of evidence but still got denied. That was a hurting moment it took a lot out of us but we maintained and never broke up after 1 1/2 years from denial we got married on

did you get the spouse visa in the end? Im scared ill get denied this can you comingle finances when you live in different countries..It seems impossible .I also had  tons of all the evidence they said we'd need.. my fiance answered everything honestly.we had a very strong co sponser.Now we are trying to think of what to do..

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

Who has told you staying in India for 2 months is the only way to get married? Incorrect. I got married in India and it took less than a week.



Residency Requirement And Waiting Period

Individuals marrying in India must have proof that they have been in the country for at least 30 days prior to appearing before the local marriage registrar. There is a 30-day waiting period for couples marrying in India. Therefore, couples can expect to spend at least 60 days in India before exchanging vows.


Intent To Marry

India's Special Marriage Act (1954) requires the marriage registrar to post notice of a couple's impending marriage in the local newspaper as well as on the registrar office's notice board. During the 30-day waiting period, anyone can object to the marriage. If there is an objection, the marriage registrar will make a ruling on the objection, and the couple can go through an appeals process, if necessary. If there is no objection, the couple can marry after the notice has been posted for 30 days.


The Ceremony

Both religious and civil ceremonies are recognized in India. Additional Divisional Magistrates can perform civil ceremonies at the marriage registrar's office. Three witnesses must attend the civil ceremony, per the Special Marriage Act of 1954. Marriage certificates issued by most religious authorities are sufficient, and couples do not have to obtain an additional certificate from the marriage registrar. However, the Hindu Marriage Act, which applies to Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, requires couples married under these religions to obtain a marriage certificate through the marriage registrar, though their ceremony can be performed by a religious authority.


The Marriage Certificate

Couples must visit the local marriage registrar office, usually located in a court complex or municipal building, to obtain a marriage certificate. In many cases, each individual must secure a "no objection letter," which can be obtained through the U.S. Embassy and will state his or her "marital status and eligibility to marry." After a marriage is solemnized following the 30-day waiting period, couples will receive their marriage certificate as legal proof that they are married.


Legal Documentation

Couples who were married in a civil ceremony must provide a number of documents to the marriage registrar after exchanging vows. They must submit the "no objection letters" they obtained through the U.S. Embassy. In addition, they must provide a passport or birth certificate to verify their age. They also must prove that they have been in India for at least 30 days; a ration card can indicate length of stay. They also must submit two passport-sized photographs for each individual and a marriage photograph. Individuals who have been previously married must submit the divorce papers or death certificate of their former spouse.


thats who told me.. I got it from a website ...and one other said the same(http://www.huffingto..._n_1263653.html)

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

Who has told you staying in India for 2 months is the only way to get married? Incorrect. I got married in India and it took less than a week.


religious or legally?

I will be on a plane in a week if it took that fast...

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

You say the CO made a big deal about your religions... I am guessing that since you called me "meshugah" you are jewish?  And isn't Monsey a haredi community?  What religion is your husband?


How did you meet?  How long did you visit?  You are divorced with 2 kids and 7 years older.  How old is your fiance?  Has he been married before? Does he want more kids?  Do you have money?  Does he have money?  Where is he from?


You keep going on about buying furniture together.  Someone who wants a GC would easily smile and nod about furniture if he doesn't have to pay for it.  It's not a big deal.


Im young enough to have kids still..manyu if i He did mention to the CO about our plans to have a family.He has never been married  but that is typical in his family to not marry until  in the 30's.He would have rather live in a GC  wasnt important to him.We werent planning on staying in the US forever.We had talked about moving to India in 7-10 years after my children were out of school. Monsey is mostly Heredi..But not all.There are all sorts of people living here including Muslims.. Yes he is Muslim.. and if my family had no is jewish my dad christian.. than why should anyone else.Im not rich,Hes not rich...  our education background is similar. I come from a very culturally diverse family.Marrying someone from another country is the norm in my family.Times are changing. As the world gets more technologicly advanced so does the ability to meet people from other countries online.I met him online.. and we had spoken 9 months before my 1st trip to India. a few months later we got engaged.We have been together almost 2 yrs now.Does this answer most of this?

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

the "special marriages act" requires a person to be a resident for at least 30 days.What was I waiting for? I couldnt be in the same country with him.If I lived in the same country  I would have married him shortly after our engagement.Unfortunately I had to wait for this visa.It takes time and we were furnishing a new apartment.He showed the CO receipts.. but not from the lawyer and of course the CO knows we must pay fees to get there. I had even sent him money to help him with his part of the fees.He did show receipts for this.Plan B is  that my congresswoman is making an inquiry.If that doesnt work..I guess we need to go to a place where we can marry legally and file for a spouse visa.I have a real issue making all this happen because of my children and finances..I have the support of my family though if necessary they will help.The main thing is I live alone in NY without any family here.I would have to get someone to take my kids for an extended period of time and again pay  all this money and most likely lose my job  which wont help things.I havent heard from my lawyer since his"sorry you got rejected" they supposedly have a 100% success rate.Im learning.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

Chat logs mean nothing do anyone can chat it up. Heck I know w=someone who chatted with someone over a year and it was fake. You don't have to explain to us.


Also did he tell the CO you have spent that much money (and many petitioners spend twice tat and more.)


I guess what I see when I am reading all this is you are doing all this setting up a home, buying this and that and you aren't married (from a CO perspective.). So they may think why the hesitation. Why not marry now. Not like she never been married.


I merely quoted what you said about getting the family together and the CO didn't like that. You have to realize you are divorce with kids he is sngle no kids so scrutiny is on you and why. It's that simple.


Stop tryig to defend and throw up every reason why you do this and that. We aren't the CO. We are all speaking from experiences we have seen lived and know. Your situation isn't isolated.


Now the question for you is what is your plan B your next step? First step I would do is fire your lawyer who should have known better.


I know many people got married in India and never stayed 2 months. Many things can be done in advance research it. It's up to you.



mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

but He CLEARLY did say we will do a legal court wedding once he arrives when they asked about wedding plans..We clearly said the family loves him..knows him..About "cultural norms" What is a k1 if not getting permission to marry someone from another country in your home country.Of course there are cultural differences.What chance are THEY taking? If someone God forbid does something fraudulent they can be deported as far as Im understanding.Im just defensive because the wound is fresh.We are prepared to do anything to be together.Its just so difficult when our lawyer said what we have is enough and it should go smooth.. We had so much hope and confidence and were crushed.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

wedding plans do not mean we were undecided.I am 7 1/2 years older than him .I never said we got the K1 to marry in the US not for him to meet the family.We did this because its very hard for me to go there and legally marry .He wanted to live in INdia.Since I have joint custody i cannot do this.  I live in NY and most of my family is in TX.. they all have jobs and the time we can all get together is our family  my mom suggested this time would be best to get the family together to celebrate our marriage.He has spoken with the family and talks to the kids with video chat.To me this is no game.I would have just married him if finances and location wouldnt have been an issue.I thought this was the proper way to go about things since my brother did this to marry his polish wife...I dont know anyone who choses and buys furniture with a stranger.The point is we talk  every day.and video chat  several times a week . I cant see why that and the chat logs arent evidence.This is what they asked for this is what we gave.Our vacation receipts and pictures together werent evidence?than what is? I spent about 5,000  of my own money for this..I dont know anyone with a limited income would do that unless they really love a person..

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied


OK....but still there was something there....or something your relationship evidence to cause the CO to deny the petition.


I'd focus on that and determine if you should refile after this case is closed or marry and then file CR-1.



OK....but still there was something there....or something your relationship evidence to cause the CO to deny the petition.


I'd focus on that and determine if you should refile after this case is closed or marry and then file CR-1.


If there was something missing  they could have asked and we would have provided.. getting married in India is not a quick thing.I would have to leave my job and children for almost 2 months..she made a huge issue out of his and my religion...

This here is the issue ^^.  and I can attest to this. Seen it so many times for Nigeria and other places and have talked to couples denied because what the CO is concluding is you are undecided.


Your lawyer should have known better.


The "I want them to meet my kids first thats why we did a K1" won't file shows undecisiveness. I want my family to know them all that no way. People need to stop using the K1 as a meet and greet the family. You have 90ndays immigration wants to see "we are getting married soonest they get here we love each other. We will go back blah blh to their country and get married.


You are divorced with kids. I assume you are at least 10 years older than your husband?


I ask because I have really done some research and older women younger men K1's are hard to come by. Think like a CO "why is a older woman playing the finacee' game when she is grown don't she know what she wants."


I urge you to look at what you submitted through a CO's eyes. Stop the can't they see we are in love. They don't know you dear.


And yes someone in a fake, fraud marriage will but and do anything to keep up the facade. Whole families have been hired to stand in and deceive a petitioner. So whats buying furniture. No big deal.


Think like a CO. Does your lawyer even know your embassy or they just a immigration lawyer.


My suggestion (since your K1 will be returned and expired) is to go to India and marry and file a I-130. Right now you could maybe be approved in a few months and have him home by summer.


Sorry this all happen but its just a delay.


mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied


The evidence you mention just proves that you are good at planning a wedding and pay attention to all the details.  It does nothing to attest to the legitimacy of your relationship.  Yes one would believe that spending time together to go over these details is a signal of a real relationship.....but then could also be a ruse by two people to circumvent immigration laws just to gain permanent entry to the US.


I'm just saying; I don't know your details.  I do know that the COs are highly trained and that they usually don't go about denying folks unless they are good reason to.  I do also know that certain countries have higher incidence of fraud and that certain Embassies key on different things (and seem to issue more denials) than others.


Maybe all this wedding pre-planning actually hurts your case because it seems presumptive that you'd actually be successful for the visa....if that makes any convoluted sense?  All are told to make no plans or purchase any airplane tickets until you have the visa in hand.


I don't know the content of the evidence you provided but wedding planning does nothing to speak about the relationship.  Your evidence obviously wasn't sufficient enough.


Maybe draft an "Evolution of Our Relationship" letter that describes how your relationship came into existence and how it blossomed into a real relationship and how the evidence describes the different steps of the evolution of a relationship that leads to marriage and the desire to remain that way.


I was told by our lawyer wedding plans are helpful to an Indian Embassy.They seem to only consider the relationship valid if you have plans there.They asked him a lot of questions about wedding plans..they actually wanted reciepts for our plans..dress,jewelry..etc.our"love story" was the evolution of our relationship.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-25 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

Yes, you do seem confused.  It's easy to say, with privilege, that in the US, people are breaking norms and getting married and divorced, and age is but a number, etc.  But in much of the rest of the world, that is not the case.  In many places, these sorts of things are sources of shame, embarrassment, these sorts of marriages are not acceptable.  So when you find someone from a traditional place suddenly want to marry someone who in their own country would be completely unsuitable as a partner, and in fact the only thing going for the person is that they are a US Citizen, then you should begin to wonder.


It is easy for scammers to prey on USCs and other western folks who don't realize this.  Thus a consul who sees someone from a very traditional place, who has led a traditional life, suddenly find a woman online to marry, and this relationships is completely untraditional, it raises some eyebrows.  Of course, this can be overcome with good evidence, but the beneficiary needs to prove they are not in the relationship just for a Greencard.


Do some research on lonely hearts scams and you will become better informed.  


Also, if you fill in your country and timeline, people could help you.  Good luck.


Edi:  It is not about YOU, the USC, it is about the beneficiary. Showing that you got your kids to write cards to a stranger just makes you look like easy pickings for a scammer.

 Meshugah,my own mother is an immigrant.My brothers wife is polish.. why would i think anything is strange about me wanting to marry someone from another country?My family didnt think this is strange at all.BTW We did not "suddenly" want to was over a year after knowing eachother we became engaged.

He wanted to live in India but I share joint custody with my x so it  is not possible as of now.If he was a scammer i dont know why he would waste the time and effort and deal with all this hassel..we are a normal couple who has occasional misunderstandings, fights makeups  and all..Its just long distance...I dont think the CO gets to decide if it will work out or not..besides.. a spouse can get a greencard revoked if they divorce..Its happened here many times in my area in Ny..
I didnt get my kids to write him..they do it because they speak with him regularly and see him as their stepdad..My parents call him their son in law.. he calls them mom and dad when they talk on the phone..My confusion isnt because I am naive..Its because Im an AMERICAN citizen and expect the US Consuklate to follow american anti discrimination laws..

Edited by miriny, 25 November 2013 - 12:17 PM.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-25 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied


Maybe you had a lot of evidences BUT when all put together it was not of sufficient content to convince the CO that you had a legitimate relationship worthy of having a visa issued for permanent immigration to the US.


They want quality not quantity.


what exactly would they want? our lawyer reviewed what we had and said it was more than enough.. now I see they look for different things in different places.I just hope we can do something still....hope they nask for more info or evidence..then Ill send letters from family who sent engagement presents,my mother will send a letter attesting to her plans for our ceremony and reception this summer.We wanted to do the legal thing 1st and when my family can get together at our family reunion we wanted to do the real wedding..He told the CO this.. she didnt seem to like that answer.. I had receipts for my bridal jwelry really I ask what is quality.. and what the hell would someon be in such close contact with eachother if they arent in a real relationship??

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-25 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied

wow.. Im having such a hard time understanding whay religious differences and recent divorce age difference that is not significant is such an issue?all these things are so common these days people meet online al the time.have video and phone time and if they meet in person once or twice why deny them if its a real relationship. we were denied the visa and told the application is under processing.We had SO MUCH PROOF!!! so I cant understand why they would have said they dont believe we are really in a relationship.Do you buy bedroom furniture with strangers?have 2 hour phone conversations daily? video chats a few times a week? Hes certainly not my business partner,,, My children even wrote him letters and drew him pictures telling him how much they cant wait until he is here.. so what is the issue??Im so confused by this stupid process..

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-25 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai


Is there any new development is your case? My fiancee also got denied at US Consulate, Mumbai, India. Her interview was on 11/27/2013. I have posted details of my case on another thread.


well I contacted mumbai to see whats going on.. they said they no longer had the case was sent to NVC..have a pleasant day(UUUGHHH!!) I contacted NVC and they said they dont have it..they sent it to the consulate.So either the NVC isnt updated or they are playing tennis with our petition.very frustrating and now no one is contacting us due to holidays.. gotta love this system..cray5ol.gifClockWatch2.gif

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-12-29 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

I know how you feel Im in the same boat.. We are thinking about an alternative..I did contact my congress person and they are looking into it.When we were denied we got that letter that said our petition would be sent back into uscis for possible revocation..I called and wrote the embassy the day of his interview..and also contacted my congress woman.When they replied to the congres woman they said it was not denied yet but is in review and processing..who knows what that means.. lets see..  he is looking for a job in a US territory that allows Indian citizens to  be there ..Ill marry him there God willing and visit as often as financially possible... I hate this.The distance.. the restrictions.I hope the best for you and all of us who have been devistated by the US Embassy in India..hope they get investigated ...somethig fishy is going on can they deny so many?

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-12-21 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai


You wanna know how I feel Boiler, Pissed off!


I met a man on the internet, a good decent man. We were friends, became more and now want to get married. 


We met all the qualifications for the K1, we filed our petition, we sent our proof. He passed the medical, received his vaccinations, got his police clearance. We did everything we were supposed to do. And now just less than a year later we are being denied and not given any reason for it. 


We all can sit here and speculate all day, but none of us really knows what was in the CO's head the day my fiance got denied, for all I know maybe he didn't have is coffee yet.


Maybe if the CO had given him more that 5 minutes of his time, he would of realized that we have not committed any fraud, that we are a real couple, that we have spent more time having conversations about life, our families, our jobs and our future than most married ( in person ) couples have. 


I suppose I could write a few letters to my local representatives, but for what, I guess I will get nothing more than the the canned letter my fiance got the day he interviewed. 


It seems pretty unfair to me, and maybe if the CO's put in a little bit more time, maybe as much time as I have, our result would have been different. 


Sorry had to blow off a little steam, and I appreciate the input. 



mirinyFemaleIndia2013-12-21 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

You sister in law is Muslim?


I have never been to India, I had Indian friends in the UK and certainly there marriage choices seem to have involved the Family. I was forever hearing about the pressure from Mother.

my sister in law is christian. His family would have preffered to pick his bride.He was working since age 14..lived away from home most of the time.He managed to get an education and support his family.he's his own man.when you spen 15 years away from mommy.. you respect her and love her but if your the supporter of the family than her opinion counts but HE felt he had the final say.She likes me.. but would rather I not be his bride but remain a friend. Hes a little different than a lot of his family.Actuallly his brothers are also very open minded...depends on the person.India is not like it used to be.

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

So what reason did they say, they must have given a reason.


Never heard of it being for religion, but then this situation may be a first for VJ.


well actually Ive seen it in a few places where someone was hindu and other christian..maybe there were other factors.. but certainly she was fixated on this with us.I dont believe the  whole"I dont believe you want to marry a woman older than you with 2 kids.." she said this.. Im 7 1/2 yrs older.. not that bad ok? we had solid least we had everything the website and my lawyer advised us to bring.looking back now I am thinking letters from my family and his might have been helpful but the thing I dont get is why parental approval is so important when your dealing with adults??happens to be my family is thrilled.they talk all the time.he calls them mom and dad.. but apparently knowing my family and children and all the evidence we talk daily wasnt enough proof of strong ties and relationship in the US.My brother and now sister in law had no issues like this..their experience was a piece of whole family is shocked.. we are devistated

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

So they refused a Visa because you were of different religions?


looks that way.. she asked him lots of questions about his practice of Islam..does he affiliate with a particular group,Would he call himself a "follower "of Islam,and does he pray as a muslim..all questions they asked..when he said one of the many things he loves about me is even thought he is Muslim and Im jewish we understand eachother and respect eachother so well.. he was going to elaborate but the CO exclaimed"WHAT??!!!?? shes JEWISH?? he said..yes, she is jewish. interview over.. she handed him the paper that said the case will be sent back to USCIS for possible revocation.she said we didnt say this in our application with USCIS.well, Ill be damned but where in the application does it say disclose your religion?

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai


8 years, I don't think that is significant.


8 years is certainly not considered significant...unless your a woman 8 yrs older. then they seem to make an issue..happened to me..Im actually 7 1/2 yrs older.but then they went on religion too.all illigal BTW.according to my senator but I guess US embassies think they can do what you want.As  the person in my congresswomans office matters of immigration you are guilty until proven innocent..its horrible.Im waiting to see if she can do anything..Good luck to you both..

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-26 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

sorry.. had no sleep.. INDIA I meant.. Mumbai consulate

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-22 09:41:00