Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
For what it's worth ...

We went to the Domincan Republic and stayed at an all-inclusive resort. We stayed at the Coral by Hiton and we had a wonderful time. The meals were included in the price, rooms were air conditioned, right on the beach, included bar drinks, jacuzzi, balcony looking over the ocean. It was just great. We only needed our passports (mine US, hers Russian) and do the money conversion in the airport. It was the only place that was regulated.

The official name (if you want to do a search for it) is Hamaca Coral by Hilton, Boca Chica ... it is about 45 minutes from Santo Domingo. The average nightly rate is about $110 if you book direct. If you want my travel agent's name, you can PM me and I'll give it to you. She is Russian and she claimed to know what Russians expect when on a vacation ... she was right.

Take care,
Dwayne and Natalia
natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-07 09:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians in Louisville?

Speaking from experience, and using other guys' experience on Russian Women forums, I hesitate to recommend that your fiancee or new wife seek out fellow Russians in this country, at least initially.

I personally found that detrimental to my former relationship. My ex-wife more easily believed the opinions about life here from fellow Russians, even when they told her totally incorrect things about life here, such as:
- how to cheat on driver's license exams (and various other regulations in this country that Russians try to get around, as that is often a normal way of life back home)
- numerous incorrect things about the immigration and citizenship processes
- everyday life issues (banking, employment, etc.)
- value of her Russian degree

Oddly enough, she would have been unlikely to associate with these kinds of people back in Russia.

If anything, meeting other STABLE Rus-Am couples who have been together for several years with children born here (or who came here very young) should not be an issue. However, meeting newlyweds (2 years or under) may be detrimental to your releationship.

I'm more a multicuralist than a Melting Pot believer, so I'm not recommending she abandon her origins. And certainly don't prevent your new spouse from meeting these people.

However, I recommend you get her into social circles where she can meet people that are NOT from her home country.

She (or he) needs to use you as their best trusted resource (and you need to be there for them). If you're forever trying to recover from disinformation disseminated by the Russian community here, you're going to forever be at odds with them, and eventually, maybe her.

Thanks for the input Firehawk ...

Although I understand you, I disagree with you. I have been here for more than two years, I have a beautiful daughter, wonderful husband, several American friends that love me for who I am, and even a few other Russian speaking friends. I have met some other Russians that have been full of venom and were outright criminals ... sure ... but naive I am not. I have no problem telling someone I disagree, I always double-check my resoures (my husband taught me that) and I believe the Russian soul is a good one. Our culture is unique in all the world, our tongue is unique, our ability to recognize a con ... like no other. Remember, Russia is run in many arenas by the mafia ...

... so ... I am seeking Russian speaking friends, in the true meaning of the word. I WILL NOT take advice that jeapardizes my own integrity, I will not cheat in any regard. I establish opinions based on my own experience and to tell you the truth, most Russians do that as well. There are those who have been jaded, life has treated them poorly ... sure ... I know those people too, but I really want someone that can speak my language, share experiences, good or bad, and appreciates our traditions and wants to keep them fondly close to our hearts. The others can go chew ice.

Louisville is a wonderful little city. I moved here after living in Denver for a year and Louisville is much more friendly than Denver was ... people are more sincere with me here ... and are not afraid to say, "I don't understand your accent" ... which is nice, because I can say the same thing to them :) The midwest with southern charm as my husband calls, it is this area. I have found an Orthodox church, a great little Russian market and a lot of people who do not follow the right-wing trends as in other southern cities. My religion is my own ... if others do not understand it, they can educate themselves. Until they give my beliefs a good look, they aren't worth my time to let them discuss their beliefs with me. Simple rule I have. If you want to talk about your religion and tell me yours is better, first learn mine, so you know where I'm starting from.

All that put aside ... do you know any Russian speaking people in Louisville? ;)

Don't get me wrong ... I do appreciate your post ... I'm just not a little girl that has no opinions of my own. So I will be on my guard and continue to search for new friends ... even if they aren't in Louisville. I have a phone, it works, so that's ok too.


Edited by natarussia, 13 August 2007 - 09:32 PM.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-13 21:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians in Louisville?

Natalia, you are in luck. We are in Cincinnati and my wife would love to meet for tea and traditional food as well as getting some more info about your trip to the Dominican. Our message is waiting for you....

There is a website out there... there are more than a few!, Yahoo personals, MySpace, etc., all allow you to "search" for certain keywords in their profiles. Check for "Russia" in the keyword sections (or use the country selector in combination with your zip code) to find out who's on in your local area. Another option is to Google "Russia" and your city. For us, Russia Cincinnati comes up with all kinds of stuff. Through those links we can find Russians in our area.

Please try to contact us again ... visajourney decided to delete your messages to me. :(

Please resend your messages to us ... we would love to drive up to Cinci to meet. Thanks for the web site tips!! :)

Dwayne and Natalia


Don't live in Louisville any more, but I'm a U of L alumnus and I hope to get back up there soon to see old friends and visit the school. Spent seven years in Louisville before moving to FL. We do have US/Ukrainian friends just up the river in Madison IN. I'll check with them and see what they know about the Russian community in the area.

That's great! Any info at all would be so apprecaited!

Dwayne and Natalia
natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-07 21:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians in Louisville?

Natalia, you are in luck. We are in Cincinnati and my wife would love to meet for tea and traditional food as well as getting some more info about your trip to the Dominican. Our message is waiting for you....

There is a website out there... there are more than a few!, Yahoo personals, MySpace, etc., all allow you to "search" for certain keywords in their profiles. Check for "Russia" in the keyword sections (or use the country selector in combination with your zip code) to find out who's on in your local area. Another option is to Google "Russia" and your city. For us, Russia Cincinnati comes up with all kinds of stuff. Through those links we can find Russians in our area.

Please try to contact us again ... visajourney decided to delete your messages to me. :(
natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-07 20:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians in Louisville?
Hello all,

My name is Natalia. I am looking to meet some other Russian speaking people here or near Louisville, Kentucky. I would love to make some new friends, share a cup of tea and some traditional foods.

Please write if you would like to communicate.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-07 09:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical in Moscow - Blood test.....empty stomach?
Darling, Moscow is not Russia!!! It's not like this everywhere, especially now. It's far more liberal, in Moscow too, BTW. You can play in a casino dressed in shorts and carrying your cash in a plastic grocery bag.
In clubs in small towns, as always, if you know the people who know the people who kill the people, you get in anywhere.
American face control makes more sense to me. I got in many private parties for free and not being on the list just by looking cute and acting cool.

City Cat you are so right ... American face control is so much easier to manage ... dress sharp, look sharp, act aloof .. you're in.
natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-08 00:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical in Moscow - Blood test.....empty stomach?
QUOTE (apgk @ Sep 3 2007, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 3 2007, 07:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CityCat @ Sep 2 2007, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 2 2007, 07:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Russian night clubs have security/bouncers at the front door to control entry, just like here in the U.S., except their personnel have an added task - feis kontrol. (Face control.)

Face control literally controls the faces going in the doors.

Guys look like thugs/hooligans/skinheads? FACED!!! "No. You cannot come in." Guys look broke or like bums. FACED! "Not tonight guys, the club is full." (As people are going in anyway.) Guys look too Caucasian/African/non-Russian? FACED! "Get the f#@k out of here!"

Girls are too ugly/fat to be in there? FACED! "Can't come in tonight." Girls are with too many guys? FACED! "Sorry, club's full."

And so on and so forth.

It kind of sucks on the one hand (I got FACED several times while in Moscow, my buddy and I both had shaved heads and everywhere we went they thought we were skinheads. Only after being "vouched in" by Russians or busting out American Passports and several hundred bucks did we get in.) but it's kind of nice on the other. Going to clubs here and getting trampled by Muffaloes doesn't happen there. There's also no worry about accidentally stepping on someone's shoes and getting shot. So, the end result is you have a bunch of well-dressed guys with money to spend and a bunch of gorgeous women to keep them company and the whole group is more interested in polite conversation, drinking, smoking and dancing than in getting wasted and getting into a fight or going home with whatever is available. (- See aforementioned Muffalo.)

Darling, Moscow is not Russia!!! It's not like this everywhere, especially now. It's far more liberal, in Moscow too, BTW. You can play in a casino dressed in shorts and carrying your cash in a plastic grocery bag.
In clubs in small towns, as always, if you know the people who know the people who kill the people, you get in anywhere.
American face control makes more sense to me. I got in many private parties for free and not being on the list just by looking cute and acting cool.

American face control sucks! "You've got $5, you're in." Of course, Moscow, rest of Russia, U.S., anywhere in the world, hot chicks acting cool are going to get in clubs for free. That's just good business.

I was begging my fiancee while in russia once, to take me to a nightclub - she didnt and her reason..there are too many cute girls looking for guys dont want to throw you to the vulture-fest smile.gif

and by the way I was told..another reason for not getting into a nightclub in Russia....showing up in sneakers smile.gif

Moscow is not Russia ... Moscow is completely different than the smaller cities and towns. Going to a club in Naberezhnye Chelny near Kazan does not have any of that pompous ####### ... it's a club .., you can pay, you get in. If you are with a woman, the other women leave you alone and other guys leave the woman you are with alone ... again ... Moscow is doing it's best to be its own entity.
natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-08 00:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences

why dont you post another topic, like what people should expect to face once they are in the USA:)))I mean culture differences:))))

You can post it yourself :)

Yeah! (Don't be scared to start new topics here. It makes the forum interesting!)

You can expect to face the cultural differences listed in this thread. Ah, one thing I forgot for the Russians coming here is you can also expect to face more than one different cultures here in the U.S. You're coming to a pretty diverse country so you're going to see several different cultures inside the "American" culture. Race, ethnicity, social standing, age, geographic location and so many others are all big dividers of culture here in the U.S. It's a very interesting mix!

I'm of the opinion that very few things are American culture. Since America is made up of people from all over the world, the culture that you see is an amalgamation of the world cultures that have emmigrated here. It is a wonderful thing, but confusing at the same time for a new resident. You will find some things of course truly unique, I'm not saying you will not, but just that many things are a blend of old world and new.

American football, baseball, bluegrass music ... things we call American ... have their roots in other countries or cultures, like soccer or rugby, cricket, and traditional folk music from Ireland or Scotland ... that's just a few of examples. I find that looking for the history behind a particular culture exposes it's original form. Have fun with them, there are so many! :)

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-15 22:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
I have one that caught me off-guard ... If you are getting ready to go someplace and you leave the house ... but Oh, I forgot something, I have to go back in the house to get it ... I MUST LOOK IN A MIRROR before I walk outside again.

Kinda makes me think of the don't step on a crack thing when we were kids.

My mother is Ukrainian and she never told me that one.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-08-13 21:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice certificate - where to apply?
Good reply slim ... nice debating with you smile.gif I understand your view and appreciate the history you bring to the themes.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-15 21:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice certificate - where to apply?
You're right satellite. slim and his wife and my family met up not long ago and we love them to death. Great people! This board has been a wonderful resource over the years. Stay well,

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-14 07:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice certificate - where to apply?
QUOTE (Satellite @ Sep 13 2007, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 13 2007, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you have anything constructive to add to the comments we were making?
Nope, because I ignore most of that silly stuff. I was just glancing and noticed you were more upset than usual. As far as forum police, lol, I have better things to do with my time.

QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 13 2007, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been on this board with my husband for more than 3 years and these discussions prompt friendships if you view them right. Let's be friends innocent.gif
Planing on retiring any time soon? As soon as my wife gets citizenship I can promise you I will retire. smile.gif

Anyway, my overall point was not to get upset over what anyone says on here.

hahaha .. no not planning on retiring ... I hear you, but I wasn't really upset ... I was just poking and playing. No harm intended. blink.gif


natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-13 17:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice certificate - where to apply?
QUOTE (Satellite @ Sep 13 2007, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 13 2007, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know, you write like you're trying to win an argument and as though you know everything about everything.
Chill out, it's a public board. If you disagree with something voice your opinion like I do.

Um, that's what I did Mr. Big; voiced my opinion because I disagreed. You must have missed that part. And who are you anyway? The forum police? Do you have anything constructive to add to the comments we were making? Or do you just like to step in between two friends for no reason (slim and I and our families are good friends). So, oh wise one, "let 'em play" as they say in sports.

Last I checked, slim was able to handle himseld quite well in any discussion, but thanks for looking out for us anyway.

C'mon, argue, boast, show your machismo ... it makes a man feel more like a man, especially in a room (or forum) full of women they will never sleep with. I've been on this board with my husband for more than 3 years and these discussions prompt friendships if you view them right. Let's be friends innocent.gif

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-13 15:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice certificate - where to apply?
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 13 2007, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 13 2007, 08:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I disagree on this as regards a point. If a man is sucessful and educated he may have more opportunities to explore the world and its options, therefore may realize, being educated, that there is a lot of money to be made by the American who chooses to bet on Russia and its growing economy. That is true is business and love. Just an alternate view. smile.gif


Very true, but rich guys here already have the luxury of living the life a poor American, such as myself, would be able to live in Russia. And since most guys won't go out for hamburgers when they have steak at home, they stay here.

You know, you write like you're trying to win an argument and as though you know everything about everything. You claim to know what "most" guys would or wouldn't do and even though you claim to be poor, you know what rich guys will or won't do in a situation. In your posts, you are claiming to know what "all" or "most" or "everyone" would do in a given situation. Just speaking about your own experiences would make your statements more acceptable to others, but since you are not rich, you can't know what ALL rich people do or think. And anyway, aren't rich people only living a facade and not really rich, happy, or living in luxury? I think it was something like that wink.gif

If you can, speak from the first person and from experience rather than from a generalizing point of view. Your statements might be true for you and only for you. They are certainly interesting. good.gif Sorry, I just question everything and that makes me more inclined to see exposure in an argument. Perhaps you should go to law school and become a lawyer ... even an immigration lawyer ... we all know we could use one that is able to argue with USCIS. tongue.gif

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-13 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice certificate - where to apply?
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 12 2007, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (russ @ Jul 11 2007, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Of course, if said man is reasonably successful and educated, they probably have little interest in either moving to Russia, or marrying someone there.

Point well made. I have all of the desire, but none of the education or success! I'm living proof of your example.

I disagree on this as regards a point. If a man is sucessful and educated he may have more opportunities to explore the world and its options, therefore may realize, being educated, that there is a lot of money to be made by the American who chooses to bet on Russia and its growing economy. That is true is business and love. Just an alternate view. smile.gif

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-13 08:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (obender @ Sep 18 2007, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I checked those banks myself... well no one so far works for 1% comission... minimum is 2.5% which is a robbery considering transfer of relevant to real estate sums of money. i wonder if any "normal" financial institutions exist there...


I use myself. We got my wife's Mother a Visa debit card through them (they sent it to her) and we load it up when we need to then she goes to her local bank ATM (they work with several banks) and takes out the money ... no transfer agent, no waiting in long lines and no one to see that she is getting money from abroad. If the mafia found out, they'd want their cut. Bastards.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-18 20:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (obender @ Sep 18 2007, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I checked those banks myself... well no one so far works for 1% comission... minimum is 2.5% which is a robbery considering transfer of relevant to real estate sums of money. i wonder if any "normal" financial institutions exist there...


I use myself. We got my wife's Mother a Visa debit card through them (they sent it to her) and we load it up when we need to then she goes to her local bank ATM (they work with several banks) and takes out the money ... no transfer agent, no waiting in long lines and no one to see that she is getting money from abroad. If the mafia found out, they'd want their cut. Bastards.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-18 20:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (obender @ Sep 18 2007, 01:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

thank you very much! Very broad and detailed scope of russian money transfer business...
too bad nothing obvious with less then 1% has come out (I has been silly hoping)
last question if you could answer, is it known by any chance if this 1% rate holds for any large sums of money (order of appartment price there)?

again thanks for knowledgeble answer,


I couldn't say with certainty. I am however, glad I could offer something useful to you.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-18 15:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (obender @ Sep 17 2007, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, seriously .... any other options for transfers? so far two banks and their conditions were named (thank you!!!)...
Has anybody tried branches of western banks? HSBC just opned in Moscow (presumably with full services)...
Also, does anybody knows if money transfer amounts are limited? Like US customs allows one to bring only 10K tax free...



And I forgot to mention ... they work through many banks within Russia and are reasonable.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-18 08:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (obender @ Sep 17 2007, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, seriously .... any other options for transfers? so far two banks and their conditions were named (thank you!!!)...
Has anybody tried branches of western banks? HSBC just opned in Moscow (presumably with full services)...
Also, does anybody knows if money transfer amounts are limited? Like US customs allows one to bring only 10K tax free...



Money can be sent in Russia by any of 16 different transfer systems, as well as via the Russian Post. The systems can be divided into two main groups: international and Russian. The international group includes Western Union and MoneyGram, as well as Travelex and Ria Envia, which have limited service within Russia. The international systems have the advantage of simplicity and a widespread network of offices: having specified the country and town to which the money is being sent, the sender receives a code that, once it has been communicated to the recipient, allows the recipient to pick up the money at any Western Union or MoneyGram office within a few minutes. The sender pays for the service.

All of the international systems have sliding commission scales: the larger the sum of the transfer, the lower the commission. For a transfer of $500, Western Union takes $29 in commission (5.8%), MoneyGram – $28 (5.6%), and Travelex – $25 (5%). If the sum is larger than $3000, the commission is lower still: 3.6% at Western Union, 3.5% at MoneyGram, and 3.2% at Travelex. In any case, however, the cost of using an international service provider will be more than using a Russian provider.

If the recipient can afford to wait for a day or more, then a Russian money-transfer system might be the way to go. The cheapest offer is from UNIStream or Promsvyazbank, which can both send $3000 with a service charge of $30 (1% of the transfer amount). For the same transfer amount, the Russian companies Contact, Anelik, and STB-Express all charge a 3% commission. The main drawback of these systems is that they all require at least day to send the money, while the Russian Post takes three days.

Several Russian companies – Migom, Lider, PrivatMoney, and Blizko – offer online services. To use these services, however, the sender must know the full address to which the money is being sent, and the recipient can pick up the transfer only at the specified office, making transfers to distant countries difficult.

Hope this helps.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-18 08:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 15 2007, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 13 2007, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I most certainly agree with you slim ... very unique. And I know your smile is genuine, I know your wife smile.gif


I'm reminded of this every day. (She tells me.)

Awww ... so sweet. See you soon? yes.gif

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-15 21:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 13 2007, 06:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have to keep in mind, all of us on this forum (and VJ as a whole) have gone through a pretty unique process of mate selection. I don't know if the success rate is higher for international marriages, but I would reckon that going through all the BS of the immigration process would make couples a little more likely to stick together. And, just about all of us on here are a little bit more on the romantic side due to the waiting, longing, perservering of the VJ process. That makes our smiles more genuine!

I most certainly agree with you slim ... very unique. And I know your smile is genuine, I know your wife smile.gif

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-13 15:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 12 2007, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 12 2007, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Funny Brad. The Americans I know are happy and it is not a facade. "Always" is not true, not is is everyone. Maybe what you say is just about you darling. The happy person is content with herself and is not concerned with somebody's idea about an American dream. Being polite is a virtue, being a gentleman is a virtue and in my opinion is nothing to do with tricking anyone into thinking something about you that isn't true. When I say "hi" to someone it is just a greeting, an acknowledgement of shared humanity, that's all, nothing else behind it. Of course, beware the con-man, but I can't live life thinking everyone is really unhappy and is only pretending to be nice. People are good.

Where can one get one of those money trees you mentioned? wink.gif


You have to remember, you have a biased opinion because you really are happy! There are people out there, a lot more than are willing to admit it, that have a lot of problems and issues that make them unhappy..... yet they smile in all of their pictures! Walk into any American home and you will see a family photo of mom and dad with the kids, maybe even the poodle, and everyone has $#!T-eatin' grins on their faces. Yet they hate each other! Kids fight, mom cheats on dad, dad beats mom, etc., etc., etc. But they're smiling! Because they're H-A-P-P-Y!!!!

Another thing to remember is most Americans are in debt up to their eyeballs because they have to live this life of "showing off what they're worth" to go along with their happiness. "Not only are we happy... but we live in this huge house and have this really nice car. Every year we take vacation to Hawaii and have a huge Christmas together because we all love each other so much." But, just like the family portrait, it's only an illusion of happiness .

You know what it's like to live in a small apartment with almost no furniture and nothing extra.... but to be together and be completely happy. For me, that's my American Dream. To be happy with what we have and with whom we can share it.

When most people put all that effort into getting that big house and nice cars and then realize there's no money tree in the back yard, their American Dream is shattered because they've sacrificed being happy along the way in pursuit of the Dream. Living happily is what makes the Dream come true, not achieving the Dream and then trying to live happily ever after.

By the way ... just because I'm happy does not mean my opinions are any more biased than yours. Even though I am a woman, I CAN think rationally when compared to the male mind. What makes your opinion less biased? You are NOT happy? You are a man? You are able to know how all people think? If you were not happy then your opinion is biased the other direction. tongue.gif
natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-12 10:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 12 2007, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 12 2007, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Funny Brad. The Americans I know are happy and it is not a facade. "Always" is not true, not is is everyone. Maybe what you say is just about you darling. The happy person is content with herself and is not concerned with somebody's idea about an American dream. Being polite is a virtue, being a gentleman is a virtue and in my opinion is nothing to do with tricking anyone into thinking something about you that isn't true. When I say "hi" to someone it is just a greeting, an acknowledgement of shared humanity, that's all, nothing else behind it. Of course, beware the con-man, but I can't live life thinking everyone is really unhappy and is only pretending to be nice. People are good.

Where can one get one of those money trees you mentioned? wink.gif


You have to remember, you have a biased opinion because you really are happy! There are people out there, a lot more than are willing to admit it, that have a lot of problems and issues that make them unhappy..... yet they smile in all of their pictures! Walk into any American home and you will see a family photo of mom and dad with the kids, maybe even the poodle, and everyone has $#!T-eatin' grins on their faces. Yet they hate each other! Kids fight, mom cheats on dad, dad beats mom, etc., etc., etc. But they're smiling! Because they're H-A-P-P-Y!!!!

Another thing to remember is most Americans are in debt up to their eyeballs because they have to live this life of "showing off what they're worth" to go along with their happiness. "Not only are we happy... but we live in this huge house and have this really nice car. Every year we take vacation to Hawaii and have a huge Christmas together because we all love each other so much." But, just like the family portrait, it's only an illusion of happiness .

You know what it's like to live in a small apartment with almost no furniture and nothing extra.... but to be together and be completely happy. For me, that's my American Dream. To be happy with what we have and with whom we can share it.

When most people put all that effort into getting that big house and nice cars and then realize there's no money tree in the back yard, their American Dream is shattered because they've sacrificed being happy along the way in pursuit of the Dream. Living happily is what makes the Dream come true, not achieving the Dream and then trying to live happily ever after.

Life without dreams of a better life is not much of a life in my opinion. I happen to know you and your wife, so I know you are happy and you know that I am too. But I also know there are people like the one's you write about. I just believe that people are proud of their families even if they disagree with each other and fight sometimes. All families do that, even Russian ones. All people aren't living a con. We smile in our photos because we are happy to share the moment with each other. I understand your point of view, I just don't have to agree.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-12 10:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 12 2007, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kotenochek @ Sep 11 2007, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
looks like you still happy together:)

Americans always "look" happy. We're also always concerned with you - "Good morning. How are you today?" And so on. Politeness. It's all part of the facade that must be present to convince others we're living "the American Dream." (Which does include the money tree in the back yard of your house in the suburbs with the white picket fence.)

Funny Brad. The Americans I know are happy and it is not a facade. "Always" is not true, not is is everyone. Maybe what you say is just about you darling. The happy person is content with herself and is not concerned with somebody's idea about an American dream. Being polite is a virtue, being a gentleman is a virtue and in my opinion is nothing to do with tricking anyone into thinking something about you that isn't true. When I say "hi" to someone it is just a greeting, an acknowledgement of shared humanity, that's all, nothing else behind it. Of course, beware the con-man, but I can't live life thinking everyone is really unhappy and is only pretending to be nice. People are good.

Where can one get one of those money trees you mentioned? wink.gif

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-12 09:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
QUOTE (moxcamel @ Oct 4 2007, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Over on this thread, 1HappyGuy had some great suggestions on how to prepare for the fiance's arrival. Picking up a hair blower and other "lady" stuff probably wouldn't have occurred to me.

Anyone else have suggestions on how they setup their household to get ready for her arrival? Any special "Russification" things I can do to make her feel more at home? I live in Monterey, CA, and unfortunately the closest Russian food store is (I think) in Santa Cruz, about 45 minutes away. But we do have a great farmer's market that she'll probably love. When we went to the market together in her home town she made me put back an apple I picked up because it was too big. "I think is too big because of chemicals" she said. Don't think she's gonna be too impressed with the produce section at Safeway. smile.gif

I can suggest you clean things you would never have thought of cleaning ... window treatments, screens, behind the refrigerator, under it too ... but the previous poster is right ... no matter what you do, it won't be good enough and she'll re-do it anyway - LOL ....

The customs people MAY confiscate her makeup ... so prepare for that just in case, get a hair dryer, a teapot, tea (black), iron, ironing board (prepare to have your underwear ironed if you're not used to that kind of thing) ... most importantly ... Do your share and more of the household tasks ... always. Keeping in mind of course to let her instruct you on how she wants it done. Once she is here, she is the boss of the house, and that's just how it will be. Oh and get her a phone card so she can call home ... PM me for a very inexpensiv method of calling (saves tons of money).

Good luck!!!!

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-10-04 12:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally found fee info on DS-230
QUOTE (slim @ Oct 20 2007, 09:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are still a ways away from all this, but what is required for lifting of conditions and what are the fees associated? They recently went up, right?

2 year GC to 10 year GC - How, and how much?

We just went through all this about 6 months ago. For removing conditions you just file the I-751 with the required evidence's a piece of cake and the fees are $465 (plus $80 biometric service fee). You file at the Service Center with jurisdiction over your state of residence.

Here is a pdf of the instructions ...

And here is the link to the form itself ...

Every 10 years thereafter you just file a renewal form I-90 with $290. A biometrics fee of $80 may be included, but in ten years who knows how much it will cost (rhetorical).

Of course, US citizenship would void the requirement to renew.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-10-23 01:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussocial security number for fiancee
QUOTE (Satellite @ Oct 18 2007, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (apgk @ Oct 18 2007, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the two systems that you are trying to relate are not all connected. Her arrival information would be with USCIS and possibly with state department. The
social security system is not at all connected with these.
That may be your opinion, but I disagree.
Have you heard of the SAVE system:
Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement
So, here, the general recommendation is to wait until your fiancée is in the system, which takes a few weeks from arrival. If she is not in the system, SSA will have to do a manual verification with USCIS and that takes a lot longer than just being entered into the system.

Satellite is 100% accurate.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-10-23 01:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 12 2007, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Basically, you guys are reenforcing my point here.

If you have true love with someone, it doesn't matter where they're from or how you met. However, you should be able to honestly say to yourself - "Is she doing this because she loves me, or is she doing this because she thinks it's going to open some doors for her?"

I'm not implying Russian women all worked in a factory for $100/month before being "rescued" by their American benefactors. (Although that is what most Americans think. They also think every Russian woman is a mail-order bride and every guy with a Russian wife is a loser that couldn't find a woman willing to marry him here.) What I am implying is if you've met a woman one time and have been e-mailing her for six months and are now going through the visa process, you better be darn sure that she's doing it for the reasons stated in the posts above, not just for the "shot at love with someone", that someone being several years older, several times richer, and in a country where she has a chance of meeting several more guys willing to take her on and pay all her expenses while she does whatever she wants.

If I'm not being clear here, I'll try to sum it up. I believe most women are doing it for love. I believe most of the guys are too. That said, most of the guys are getting "better" wives than what they would get here in the U.S. with American women. Most wives are getting "better" husbands than what they would get with Russian men. However, there are women out there willing to marry men they have absolutely no interest in simply to propel themselves into a higher standard of living. YOU COULD BE ONE OF THOSE GUYS!!! Ensure you're not. Take the time, be honest with yourself, and go with your gut. There are so many good women out there. Find one. Don't just choose the youngest and best looking one that will talk to you. Actually take your time and make sure you're both in it for the right reasons.

Well ... how did you find out what most Americans think? Just curious how you can qualify that statement. The one's I've met are not as sterotypical and cynical as the ones you know apparently. This forum has such potential to bring people down and give them bad information. Don't just take the time to be sure of the man or woman you are choosing ... also choose the posts on this forum that you listen to carefully and better still, talk to people, real people, face to face. How often do we hear good news on about any of these relationships in the press or media. The authors here do the same things as the media who feed them .... they write about the bad experiences, so those are the ones that we use to reference statements like "most Americans". I say to not believe me or slim or anybody else ... believe yourself and do some searching for the real love stories ... there are so, so many.

I disagree the men and women are getting "better" wives or husbands than they would find here in America or in Russia. By saying that, you discount the marriages in America and Russia as less than wonderful. American and Russian women are equally able to make a good wife, is is, in my opinion the inability to communicate or to control an American woman that the American men don't like. And Russian men, for the record, can be absolutely wonderful if there were only enough of them to go around. American men are no great prize, nor Russian women. Also, statistically, more Russian women find husbands in Germany, Sweden, Norway and England than do those in America. I received emails and wrote to men in all of these countries, but my prize happened to a) speak my language and cool.gif be a wonderful man. As a side note, he lived in America.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-12 10:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
QUOTE (Kotenochek @ Sep 11 2007, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you guys are sound like in Russia we die with no food .I had very good career stable job and good family.and I have good looks so could easy find any men whether in Russia or anywhere else.Its all about Love.Or am I wrong?If you think women want marry you guys because of a better life you must have a very low self-esteem.why would you want to have something to do with a women that wants you just for a better life?Why not just find an american lady that already has that"better life"?

Hi Kotenochek,
I think you are right. Many American men have a belief they are doing a Russian woman a favor by bringing her here for marriage. Truth is, it is NOT that the man is American ... it is that he is a good man for a good family and future. I told my husband, it doesn't matter if you are from the moon or mars or even America. You are a man that rings true in my soul and of all the other girls I know that have searched for a husband, the same is true.

American men should learn the phrase "?????? ???? ?? ??????, ? ????????". It basically means, "A beautiful cage does not stop the bird from being hungry". They may also want to realize, the risk taking is by the Russian woman ... she leaves her family, friends, comforts of familiar territory and language to come to America or where ever the man may be and start a family. For me, it was becasue of true love that I had waited all my life to find and for most Russian women that I know, this is the same truth.

If we all wanted was a young beautiful man, we can most certainly find that in Russia. Russian men are like none in the world. What is good, is very very good, what is bad is also very very bad. Why do we look for husbands on the Internet? In my city, there are 1 man for every 15 girls and the good ones are taken very young. In big cities perhaps it is different, but in the small towns, we lost our men to war and alcohol and depression and those small towns never recovered. Before the wars, when Russia was a stronger country, we all had jobs, we all had good families and most of us, even in the most difficult times, would have felt the need to find a husband from somewhere else. Learing history before insulting a cultures women would do most men a lot of good.

I am fortunate. My husband has a Russian mother, so he understands me, even when I don't sometimes. He knows there are some things in life that just need time and patience. I truly hope that all the women here are blessed with a good, caring, honest man that puts family before himself. As for the men, perhaps understand this ... If the woman has taken the risk to leave everything for you ... maybe, just maybe, you have something to offer her and she has something to offer you. It is not a one way street.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-12 08:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
QUOTE (Satellite @ Sep 7 2007, 11:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (natarussia @ Sep 7 2007, 09:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Men are not all immature punks looking to get the hottest piece of ### they can find ... most are happy to find a woman that they can fall in love with and vice versa.
I agree in part. Those other men live in San Francisco and are looking for other men tongue.gif

Oh my God ... that's hilarious!!! Amazing what a nice dose of levity can do for a forum.

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-08 02:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
"We can take it all the way back to 7th grade biology class, guys are going to go for the youngest and most attractive woman they can dupe into marrying them while women are going to go for the richest and strongest man they can sucker into marrying them."

Intereting viewpoint slim. Do you really believe that? I for one, had no interest in finding a foreign wife, I wanted a good wife, period and was not trying to dupe anyone into anything .. I didn't have to think that way and never have. I didn't notice how old my wife was until after we started talking and I didn't see any photos until a few emails has exchanged ... we also had agreed on several positions of discussion. As for my wife, she was not interested in rich or poor and most certainly had no intention of suckering anyone into marriage ... she wanted a good husband that shared her views and that she could find true love with, and if not, would have stayed in her city until she found the "man" she felt a connection with. Perhaps we have expereinced different Russian women, but I don't know the suckering type. The ones I've met (granted from small cities and towns) are the loviest truest people I've met in my life and would very easily dismiss me if they thought for a second I wasn't interested in them for making a famly and that I wouldn't be a loving husband and father ... I perhaps, have been lucky.

The women I've known have not been desparate, they've been honest and true to their onjectives ... and oddly enough, not driven by biology in essence, but more by their hearts. My wife has told me ... If you were Russian ( I am half Russian ) and living in Russia, I woud be honored to live through the trials of life with you because you are a good, honest, caring man that puts family before everything else". Men are not all immature punks looking to get the hottest piece of ### they can find ... most are happy to find a woman that they can fall in love with and vice versa.

I have heard stories of people who just want a green card and go through the motions to get one ... but I think those situations are the minority .. thank God. Between us, I think we're both lucky and blessed to be with the women that love us so much for exactly who we are. :-)

natarussiaMaleRussia2007-09-07 23:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusshare your movie
It's not a "movie" really, but it is a series called Brigada or ??????? in Russian. I rented this a long time ago from Netflix, I was glued to it and watched all 5 discs in two days ... each "episode" is an hour long ... great plot, great actors, awesome ending.

I agree with this reviewers comments ... Brigada is one of the most popular Russian TV-series ever made. The company behind the serials has time after time been forced to deny rumours about a second season. The fact is that the TV-serial is that good that it could well had been made for the screen if it wasn't for runtime of 13 hours. The Berlin Film Festival even made an exception from not showing tv productions when showing two of the episodes of this TV-series.

Like many other Russian crime movies Brigada offers a really good soundtrack, but in difference to other Russian crime movies, the sound-track is not filled with the latest Russian rock music, but with nice and placid music. This is by all means the best Russian tv-serial ever and by all means better than the best American productions too.


natarussiaMaleRussia2007-11-24 00:51:00