IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIve tried this post b4 but people just cut me down and were unhelpful:(

To the OP: solve your problems step by step. Dont mix the current process to the future steps that you need to deal later on. Make a clear plan. List all the things that you need to do first before jumping to the next steps. As of now, you are having a hard time financially. As others stated the I130 won't expire, so best thing to do gather all the documents that she needed. One of them is passport. You don't have to spend 500 bucks to do that. Calm down, think, take a deep breath. Talk to your wife about how you can save. She can do the seminar in Cebu. Ask your wife to look for seasonal airline promotions for tickets, or travel by sea compare prices which one is cheaper. Ask your wife if she knew a friend or relatives in Manila or Cebu that she can stay for one or two nights so that she don't have to pay for the hotel. There is a lot of things that you can do in a cheaper way if you will find a way. Good luck!

are you sure!? my I-130 approval wont expire!? so i can save up for like 3 months or something and the start the nvc process or no? Thank you for being so helpful, those are really good ideas!

If I had a dime for all the questions that I have answered in all of the OP's threads, I would have enough money for my wife's airline ticket.....hahahaha :rofl:

if only, i thank you greatly, youve had alot of patience! your very nice
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 17:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIve tried this post b4 but people just cut me down and were unhelpful:(

I started answering each and every questions of OP but when I got in to the middle part I'm like wait a minute! I am a Filipino I did all the paper works mostly by myself before I found this awesome site and we did it. To OP, please try to visit USCIS site, Manila embassy, ST. Luke's and DFA read read read read. The information could overload you specially if you are not that type of person like my hubby but if you have FB account try to add manila embassy link and you can ask questions, there are US embassy employees that chimes in to answer your queries hopefully.

and you couldnt just hit post?
the point is i dont have any money to do all of the things the web sites want me to do , i need to know exactl how to do it with no lies
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 17:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIve tried this post b4 but people just cut me down and were unhelpful:(

have you called NVC to see if they received your case from USCIS?

no i just got my noa2 yesterday
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 14:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIve tried this post b4 but people just cut me down and were unhelpful:(
After the NOA2 what must i do? My I-130 was just approved. Ive been researching for 2 days now and i cant find anything! All i find is conflicting stories of people saying i need this then other people saying i dont need that. apparently i need to send an entire I-130 packet to my wife? IM so freaking lost, every site says something diffrent and everytime i ask for help the tell me to research it. Well jeez what do you think ive been doing?What i need i a list with eevrything i need. Nopthing else. MY main problem is that im very poor and the Phillipeans apparently is going to want me to send her to manila for some cfo appointment so she can her passport b4 the Interview, then send her back to mindano. Then send her again for the medical examination and pay but loads for a whole bunch of vaccines and then send her back to mindinao. then send her back to manila for the interview! I hate that. I need a joint sponsor to even get her here, what makes them think i can do that? Plus with the joint sponsor, i dont know what to do, ive researched it but every site says somethign diffrent! What does my joint sponsor need? I need to pay the $88 viewing fee thing for them too? I dont know what forms i need simply because every site i have says i need diffrent forms, and the talk about I-129's i had a I-130! Apparently there is dq-203 or some form that im suppose to spend tons of money on too? It cost like $300, do i need one of them for my sponsor too? Im so stressed out, i only have $1500 and im suppose to get all of this done, each trip to manila and back to mindano cost $500 and i have all of these forms and documents i to young to get a back loan i bet. I go to work and school and i cant handle all this research that leads nowhere but confusion. Can you please help me find the answers? Dont tell me im in over my head and waste my time and yours, please just help in any way you can.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 13:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIve tried this post b4 but people just cut me down and were unhelpful:(

there's still NVC document intake to do.

Please read a bit, just so you can wrap yer head around the rest of this process:


Now, it's in a list format, similar to your questions. IMO, 40 to 50 percent of yer questions can get answered from reading that page.

I'll chime in with specific item #'s later this weekend, though.

Good Luck !

thank you thank you i look forward to it

HI, I suggest declaring your wife's pregnancy when there is a question that asks about it. You have to be honest in answering all the questions.
She should get a passport before she can apply for a visa. Google about applying for passport in the Philippines, I don't understand why she needs to attend a seminar to get one.

Apparently its something new, they keep just trying to get money from people, now i guess i have to fly her all the way up there just to get a passport
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-23 20:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIve tried this post b4 but people just cut me down and were unhelpful:(
Ok everyone i have so many questions i dont know what to do with, please help in anyway you can, i will be forever greatful.

Background: Im 18 and went to the Philippines to marry a girl i met online almost a year earlier. I spent ever dime of my money on tickets, a passport, a wedding ceremony with all the trimmings, and a 2 and a half month stay in the philippines. I got married on january 12th of this year and stayed with her until March 4th when i flew back to America. Since i am only 18 i had to have tons of evidence saying i had parental consent to marry her because its a law in the philippines that you must be at least 25 b4 you can marry without parental consent. I included all that documentaiion in the I-130 packet i sent. i had her sign her G-325a forms while i was there in the philippines and filled mine out when i came back. Before coming back we found out she was pregnant but i did not say anything on the form because it never asked. She will probably give birth by the time this process is completed fully. I just recieved my NOa2 today.


What ive done so far:

I filed the I-130 and the G 325a's that went with it and submited it along with all the required information.

Got NOA1 via email along with reciept notice and case number, it said it was sent to California service center for prosessing. I recieved this email on March 12th.

Got NOA2 via email today

Now for the onslaught of questions:

1. Will me not putting down that she is currently pregnant pose a problem at a later date?

2. She currently does not have a passport, she applied for one but they denyed her because she still needs to go and attend a seminar. IM trying to avoid sending her to Manila many times for diffrent reasons as she lives in mindano. Does she have to get her passport b4 the interview?

3.I herd the medical exam takes 3 days sometimes, so i have to put her up in a hotel for a week so she can attend this seminar and doctors apointment?

4. I know there is a fee for the examination, is it a flat rate? What if she does need vaccinations, is that extra? If the baby is born by then, will it too need an examination and vaccinations?

5. My grandpa said he will be a joint sponsor for me. Does he have to make enough money to support himself, his wife, one of his kids, as well as my wife?

5. My grandpa who said he would be a joint sponsor lives in texas, i live in michigan, is he still allowed to joint sponsor with me?

6. What forms is my grandpa, as a joint sponsor, required to fill out and submit along with his I-864 form?

7. Does he file his Affidavit support packet stapled to the back of mine after he completes all the information and sends it too me in michigan, or does he file it from texas, were he lives, and just include a not that pertains to my case?

8. Will the baby, if it is born in the philippeans before she can have her interview will it beconsidered another family member, and force me to start the affidavit of support process all over again???

9. When she takes her medical exam before her interview, what must she do if she is still pregnant? What must she do if she has had the kid already?

10. If the child has been born before her interview will they still let her come to america as without any trouble as long as i file a birth abroad form?

11. Does a joint sponsor need to be witnessed by a notary of public that it was indeed them who signed and completed all the forms and documentaion in the I-864 joint support packet?

12. On my grandpas I-864 form, when it asks the number of family members in his household, does he put his household only, his household + my household, or my household?

13. Should i make note of the unborn babies presence in the situation on my Affidavit of support packet? Must i provide proof that i told my joint petitioner(my grandpa) about the baby?

14. What vaccinations are needed to enter the U.S. form the Philippines? If shes pregnant still when she goes to get any vaccinations that she dosent already have, what will they do? Will they make her wait to come to America untill after the babies born and a Birth abroad form is completed?

15. What papers should my spouse prepare if the affidavit of support process is approved, also, what papers should i get ready?

16.Now that i got my NOA2 and my I-130 has been approved, where has my petition gone, is it being shpped to Manila? Or does it stop by the NVC in the U.S.?

17.I herd they are now going to be sending me a packet, how long will it take to get that and what is in it?

18.My wife dosent have her passport yet, she has everythign ready but she must attend a seminar in manila b4 they will give her one, will this be a problem at the interview?

19.Will her being pregnant be a problem at the interview?

20.I herd they are super picky at the interview, im not understanding how they can deny her if she is married to me and we have a kid on the way? What can they possibly hold her on?

21.Where will this interview be takign place? Can it take place in southern mindinow at some governmental office or do i have to fly her to Manila again!?

22.If the baby is born just after her interview do i have to start a petition I-130 and wait again?

23.If the baby born b4 the interview, are the going to deny her and wonder why they were not told about it?

24.What do i need to do to get my child legally over here to the U.S.? All i need is a birth abroad form and a passport right, it dosent need a visa. Does the baby need to go to manila for any reason.

25.Can she get the babies passport from where she lives in the Philippines or does she have to go all the way back to manila?

26.Does the baby need to get vaccinations b4 it is allowed to fly?

27.Do i need to be present during the interview? Because i live in michigan.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-23 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

regan...seriously...go back and study the guides. if you would actually read them it is all explained very clearly.

show me, i dont see it
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 21:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

If I were you, I would just get your AOS I-864 filled out for now. when you finish with that we will move on to the IV application.

you will help me when i get that far? So i need to get a money order for $88 for the viewing fee, and other 88 dollars for my co sponsors I-864? Does he need the I-864 or the I-864A? I herd somewhere that there is another fee for thos papers, like a $400 fee when i send that packet in or something, is there a fee for the DS-3032 form?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

Yes you are the petitioner....but she is the one who is applying for the visa. This is her visa application (not yours). Since she is the applicant, she will assign you to be her agent. By her doing that, she is telling NVC that she is allowing you to receive instruction from NVC and submit her documents to NVC.

What should i search under to figure out what all i need to send so you dont have to waste your time telling me, i dont want to bother you
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 20:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure can not declare yourself as the agent of your wife's visa application. If you decide to use the DS-3032 template it must be e-mailed from your wife's e-mail to the NVC.

Wait idont get it, so she has to fill it out and name me as her agent and then i can be her agent? or no i can never be her agent? I am the petetioner and she is the benficiary by the way.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 20:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

Yes Regan....your wife can use the DS-3032 template. I was just giving you many options.

I believe you:) As you can see i value your opinion otherwise i would have just believed who i herd that from right off the bat, and would not have went to you. Thank you God bless! So that will be easy. I just name myself as the agent? Or send it to my wifey after i fill it out and have her send it to the NVC?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

This is your wife's visa application, (not yours). You can be the choice of agent, but your wife is in charge. She must be the one to name you as her choice of agent. Once she declares you as the agent of her case, then you are allowed to handle her immigrant visa application. The NVC will email your wife the DS-3032 or you can download the DS-3032 fill it out, scan, and email it to your wife. She, then can sign and date the form and mail it to you via LBC, DHL, FedEx....etc.

Will this work, i was told i dont have to scan it or sign it and this works. http://www.visajourn...il_DS-3032_form
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

You do not have a sponser, you ARE the sponser. It appears that you are going to use a CO-SPONSER, which will be your Grandfather. Both you and your Grandfather will need to fill out a separate I-864. You do not send the I-864's to your (boo). You will submit them to the NVC as it sounds like you wish to be the choice of agent.

Wouldnt that be the smartest thing? I dont get what they are going to send me anyway, im just sending the Ds-320 thing and the I-864 form with a co sponsor thing.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 18:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

Yes....that is true. You do not need AOS - adjustment of status. You do need AOS - affidavit of support. For the I-130 petition, the AOS form you need is I-864. You can find that form at

sweet can me and my sponsor fill out that paperwork and send that to my boo, so she can turn that in with her DS-302?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 17:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

This is your wife's visa application, (not yours). You can be the choice of agent, but your wife is in charge. She must be the one to name you as her choice of agent. Once she declares you as the agent of her case, then you are allowed to handle her immigrant visa application. The NVC will email your wife the DS-3032 or you can download the DS-3032 fill it out, scan, and email it to your wife. She, then can sign and date the form and mail it to you via LBC, DHL, FedEx....etc.

yeah thank you for a straight answer, why do i need a AOS packet if it was a I-130? i thought i avoided the adjustment of status part of this hassle by haveing her there in the philippines waiting on this petition
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 17:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure

The choice of Agent form is DS-3032. It must be signed and dated by the visa applicant (beneficiary). If the petitioner wants to be the agent, he/she will be the person to prepare and submit all of the documentation. The beneficiary is the one who will receive the interview at the consulate where he/she is residing.

My wife is not smart with that stuff, shouldnt i be handeling the information like i have been? Do they send that to her if i name her the agent and she sends it back to them?if im named the agent does she still have to sign and date it, or can i name myself the agent via online once i get my casenumber. IF im the agent were do i submit the documentation too, what documentation do they want? JUst a copy of the stuff i sent in my I-130?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI know the answers but i want to make sure
Can someone help me with some questions?

Need help on the Choice of Agent and Address form (DS 230).

Can the petitioner sign the form and send it back to NVC?
Which box should I check if I (the petitioner) want to be the agent?
If the petitioner is the agent that's going to receive all the paperwork, does it mean that he's the one who's going to receive Packet 3, Packet 4, and the interview appointment letter?
Does that mean he is the one who has to go to the interview?
What is in the ds 230 packet, how much does it cost?

thank-you in advance for all that's helping or trying to help!
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-06-24 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can have any person who is an LPR or US citizen be your co-sponsor. The I-184 will remain in effect until she has 40 quarters of qualified work (10 years), becomes a US citizen (eligible to apply after three years of residence if still married to you, otherwise must be a resident 5 years), dies, or gives up her green card.

Thank you but the problem is i dont have anyone who will help me sponsor her.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-07-13 16:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello ive come along way since the last time ive asked a question, my new question is, is there anybody or company that could co sponsor with me to get my wife over here? I dont make enough money as i am only 19 and am still going to college. I really need some help.I super need a sponsor! Thank you for any info given!
Btw my wife and i married in the philippines and she has been there the entire time i was filiing the I-130. So when exactly does she become a full fledged U.S. citizen and as such would terminate the I-864.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-07-13 16:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow do i make this sound good?
Heres the story, im sponsoring my wife and i dont make enough money to sponsor her here on my own, so my grandpa said he would think about it. He says he wants to know what he is getting into first b4 he signs anything. hes a stubborn man so i have to make this joint sponsor thing sound as simple and least risky as possible, basically, i need to make it sound like its not a big deal. Otherwise ill never see my wife and my baby thats being born in 2 months. I am 19 btw and work as hard as i can but cant meet the amount of money required to sponsor her. I would never take advantage of my grandpa and am not tricking him. Its simply the only way. Ive asked everyone and noone else will even consider it. I would never even beging to dream about applying orrecieving any type of aid from anyone that might be counted as being a pubilc charge. I would stay completely away from all of that aid. I would be nervous even to apply for aid i knew she was allowed to get. I would never run the risk of putting him in a position were he would have to pay anythign back. I need a way to phrase the joint sponsorship role in a very veyr positive light while still letting him know that its not to be taken too lightly. Can anyone help me out, like i said hes stubborn, i only have one chance at this, id like the cumination of all of your ideas. Thank you in advance, btw could any of you tell me exactly what supporting documents he would need to submit along with his I-864 because im getting mixed messages as far as what he should include.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-07-18 23:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSkype Screen Caps as Photo Evidence?

My husband is a pain in the a** when camera's become involved. The moment he notices a camera aimed in his direction he runs for cover or at you lol. On rare occasions he'll allow you to photograph him but for the most part you have to have ninja skills. Now I fear it may come to bite us in the ####. We have photos together (50 ish) just he and I but as far as with other people (Stuart and my friends, Me with his family etc) we have around 20. This is over the 2 years we've been together.

We're at the whole 'establishing domicile' stage of the game since we're now just awaiting his interview date. As of September 3rd I've been in America getting our apartment sorted and relocating my business while he's back in the UK continuing to work and awaiting the interview. We Skype several times daily and often me and my family (Mom, Sister) will Skype with he and his (Mother, Brother, Father, Step Mom, Step Dad). On these occasions I've taken to screen capping Skype sessions...For example, Me and my mom VS Stuart and his Brother:

Posted Image

Would these be admissible?

They would help prooving that you 2 are together and have been having frequent contact with eachother. It would help show a ongoing relationship, if thats what your asking.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-09-22 10:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLEASE!!!

My wife and i have completed every step of our visa journey thus far perfectly but we have run into alittle problem, a couple of days ago she recieved her visa appointment date (November 7th) in Manila, Philippines. She just gave birth to our daughter via c section and cannot travel for another month and a half so she will miss that, what can i do to reschedule that appointment? And ive payed the ds-230 and i-864 fees already, other than the medical examination fee, is there any other fees that she will have to pay?

Also i would like to know what a ds-16o???? It saying when i call 214-571-1600 to reschedule my appointment that i must fill that out? What am i doing wrong
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-09 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLEASE!!!

You have plenty of time to reschedule.
1. E-mail your embassy.
2. You paid all fees. No more fees.

Visa applicants, including children, are required to pay a non-refundable, non-transferable visa application fee, sometimes referred to as the MRV fee, before applying for a nonimmigrant visa. The visa application fee must be paid whether a visa is issued or not. The type of visa for which you apply determines the fee amount. This webpage lists visa application fees associated with each nonimmigrant visa type.

Why does it say this then?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-09 17:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLEASE!!!
My wife and i have completed every step of our visa journey thus far perfectly but we have run into alittle problem, a couple of days ago she recieved her visa appointment date (November 7th) in Manila, Philippines. She just gave birth to our daughter via c section and cannot travel for another month and a half so she will miss that, what can i do to reschedule that appointment? And ive payed the ds-230 and i-864 fees already, other than the medical examination fee, is there any other fees that she will have to pay?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-09 17:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
My wife is having her CR1 Visa interview on December 10th. We had our daughter 1 month ago. Im an American shes from the Philippines. In order for our baby to leave the Philippines with her our child must have a Certificate of birth abroad. The earliest i can get an appointment for a Certificate of birth abroad is February. Will the US Embassy in Manila deny my wife her CR1 visa if she has not yet attended our babies CRBA Appointment? Its not her fault that she cannot attend the appointment earlier, they are booked solid till February. IM thinking of gathering all the requirements and sending them to her for her to take to her visa interview to see if they will do both at the same time...???? What should i do? I dont know if they are going to say no the child must have that appoinment first or not...Has this ever happened to anybody else?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-24 18:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!

I am certain people already answered this for you several times. I wish you luck though.

What was there answer i didnt understand there was so many mixed answers
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-18 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
In Manila can my wife still get her visa if she has not yet attended a Certificate of Birth Abroad appointment for our baby. She wants to but her visa interview is scheduled for december and the Certificate of Birth Abroad appointments have been booked solid till february. Ive kinda asked this b4 but not so directly, MODS dont take this down i just need a good solid answer.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-18 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
My entire visa journey is going to be set back 5 months because all of the certificate of birth abroad appointments are booked in Manila, Is there anyway to get in? Is there anyway to have a special Certificate of birth abroad Appointment? I was hoping on gettign my That done b4 my wifes Visa interview because im farely sure they Want somethign like that done b4 they will give her her visa.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-17 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
Ok i have completed everything that my wife needs to do to get her immigrant Cr1 visa.IM a US citizen and she is a Filipina. She will be going to manila in about a month to go to her interview. She will be bringing all the required documents to the interview and will attend a visa medical examination at st. lukes hospital prior to the interview. My daughter was born 20 days ago and as such was not mentioned on any of the paperwork ive completed thus far in our visa journey, because i was told not to mention a child that was not born yet. Should my wife go to her interview and get her visa then go back to mindinao and start preparing for the Certificate of Birth Abroad forms and interview? OR must she bring our daughter to the interview and let them know about her and try to squeeze in a CRBA interview while shes there? IM thinking that might be to much stress on my wife for one time. Can we just proceed with the interview and take care of our daughters paperwork later? Will she get in trouble later for going to her visa interview and not telling that she gave birth recently? If shes asked she wont deny it i just want to know if i can save the CRBA process till after my wife gets her visa so i have a chance to fly over there and be there for my childs interview as i will not be able to attend my wifes interview for work reasons at this time.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-16 23:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!

1. No. Even at her CRBA interview it won't be issued then and there. It will be mailed. Please read this link:

2. This is a ridiculous question. There are other "super white" people you know and varying degrees of "darkness" (can't believe I just had to write that :S). The child should be legitimated by your marriage but they CAN ask for DNA.

3. Possibly. If there are other factors to your relationship that they doubt, they could wonder if the child is yours and wait on DNA to prove the child is yours. Has happened before.

4. CRBA "stuff" isn't immediate. Read the link.

5. Read the link

6. Unlikely. Most of the time children who aren't included in the process aren't needed to go. But it's a personal situation thing. We don't know you or your personal circumstances.

--- Long story short --- read the link I just posted. Familiarise yourself with the process. Then make your decision on how you want to do it.

Thank you, you are the first person who answered me straight, sorry about the white thing lol im only 19, i guess that was a kiddish way to phrase it
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-16 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
My wife had my child in the Philippines 21 Days ago, im in America and cannot fly there to be there for the interview because i have work, in a month my wife is going to have her visa interview.

1.Can she get a Certificate of Birth Abroad at the time of the interview?

2.How likely is it that they will ask for a dna test if she shows pictures of us together holding the pregnancy test, also what if the baby is super white compared to her and im super white, wont it be obvious?

3.If they ask for a DNA will they put off her visa interview till shes done with it?

4.Should she pay a family member to be a sitter while she goes to manila and just go her self, get the interview done and do all the Certificate of birth abroad stuff when i go to pic her up?

5. Can she even get one of those certificates without the child in hand?

6.Would they make her come back with the baby if it was back with her family and stop the visa interview till that was finished?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-16 18:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
im in the USA!
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-16 17:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLets try this one more time i need answers PLEASE!
My wife had my child in the Philippines 21 Days ago, in a month shes going to have her visa interview, can she get a Certificate of Birth Abroad at the time of the interview? Is it not that big a process. Are they going to charge her tons of money for a DNA test? If they ask for a DNA will they put off her visa interview till shes done with it? Should she pay a family member to be a sitter while she goes to manila and just go her self? Can she get one of those certificates without the child in hand? Would they make her come back with the baby if it was back with her family and stop the visa interview till that was finished?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-10-16 17:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!

Im in America an am a American citizen my wife is Filipino, im filing a cr1 visa for her now. I gathered up all the required documentation and sent it to her, she gathered the rest of the supporting evidence and went to the Certificate of Birth Abroad appointment i had booked, i could not go because of my work here. When she got there they said that the LCR birth certificate she had for our child was invalid and they needed a NSO birth certificate, and that all her papers were perfect but she needed a nso birth certificate, well my baby is 2 months old and the NSO will not issue our child a birth certificate till she is 3 months old. I can handle that but then they said once my wife gets that info that a DNA test will be required, im so stressed out right now can someone please please tell me how do i get my dna there? What will happen? How long does it take? And how much does it cost?

My fiance(American Citizen) and I filed the CRBA 16 days ago. I gave birth last October 11, 2012 and got my baby's birth certificate from NSO 32 days after I gave birth. I went to Local Civil Registry in Quezon City to ask for an endorsement letter. They forwarded my baby's birth certificate to NSO (advance endorsement)3 weeks after I gave birth. I brought the letter to NSO main office (East Avenue, Quezon City) and they asked me to go to their other building (old one) to ask Ms Chatty (supervisor on 4th floor) to expedite the process for an authenticated birth certificate. 1 day before my daughter's US embassy appointment for CRBA, I was able to get her birth certificate.
DNA is not needed unless the Consul will advise your wife to do so. With our experience, my fiance was with me and our daughter, and they checked our papers and had an interview for 3 minutes and we were approved. 13 days after the appointment, our baby's passport was delivered along with her CRBA certificate.They will usually tell you in the EMbassy to wait for 4 weeks but most people I know got their child's passport in 2 weeks or less.
NOTE: The most important thing they'll look into is proof that you and your wife were together during the time that the baby was conceived.
In our case, not only that we were able to show them passport stamps but also our baby resembles her dad too.;)
Good luck to you and your wife!:)

my baby looks alot like me, everyone was telling my wife that she said while she was in the waiting lobby when she showed them pics, my wife has pics of us together at the time of her gettting pregnant and our wedding, also she has a copy of my passport which shows i was there. but i will not be with her at the interview because of my work, also she has my a copy of my birth certificate and a bunch of other thing like all the required documentaion and my irs tax transcript(all notarized) and screenshots of our fb conversations.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!

During my interview the consul asked me why my fiance is not with me(its just me and my son on the interview day).I told him my fiance have work and he got no day off to come here in the Philippines and accompany me for my interview. He just said oh ok, as long as you are complete with your documents (i gave him every single evidence i can provide) you will be fine. Since he is only my "fiance" at that time ,maybe that's the reason why the consul requested me a DNA test. Everything went smoothly.

well do you know thats the reason? once you went to the dna test what happened, what happened to your dna, my wife lives 600 miles away from manila and its hard to send her there, so i need to know what to do so i can do it in one trip.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 20:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!

During my interview the consul asked me why my fiance is not with me(its just me and my son on the interview day).I told him my fiance have work and he got no day off to come here in the Philippines and accompany me for my interview. He just said oh ok, as long as you are complete with your documents (i gave him every single evidence i can provide) you will be fine. Since he is only my "fiance" at that time ,maybe that's the reason why the consul requested me a DNA test. Everything went smoothly.

thank you for this, i needed to hear that, you have lifted a weight off my shoulders! my situation is exactly the same except we are married. and was when our my wife got pregnant
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 20:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!

Hello, you need to wait for Embassy to tell you when to take for your child's DNA test, they will give you list of DNA testing lab that is accredited by AABB. I did it with my son and it took me like 2 months from the date they took him a DNA test up to where i received his US passport. The link below will help you, I called almost half of this lab testing solutions and the cheapest one I got is the DDC. It dont matter if the states is not where you resides now cause they have an accredited lab testing center almost in every states. I am living in Oklahoma and they sent me to the nearest lab here. I only paid like $675 .

the person who told my wife was just the person who takes the papers not the interviewer, do you think there is still a chance she dosent have to get a dna test done? can my wife still get her cr1 visa if the crba is not yet done?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 19:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!

I am also very confused

Legitimation/Legal Relationship - The child/applicant must meet the legal requirements pertaining to legitimation.  A child born to a female U.S. citizen (and a non-U.S. citizen father) is automatically legitimated.  Proof of legitimation is, however, required for a child born to a male U.S. citizen.  Persons born to an in-wedlock U.S. citizen father and non-U.S. citizen mother are legitimated by virtue of the marriage.  Persons born to an out-of-wedlock U.S. citizen father and non-U.S. citizen mother, and not legitimated by the natural parents' subsequent marriage can be legitimated under the Immigration and Nationality Act by one of two methods.  See the Legitimation Requirements for further details.

Since your married already they child qualifies by default. Again I would advise you to call. Was your wife married before? They could be questioning that

excellent point, im 19 and was married when i was 18, i had special permission by the us embassy in manila and my parents, and my wife is 24 now, we have never been married b4. You can my wife get issued her visa b4 the crba is processed? because her appointment is in december and she is in manila right now.
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!

Not sure who told her about the DNA testing, this came from the embassy website.

Evidence of the couple's relationship prior to the conception of the applicant.  The burden of proving a claim to U.S. citizenship, including blood relationship, is on the person making such claim.  Photos prior to the time of conception, letters, and other correspondence may help establish the couple's relationship prior to the conception of the applicant.  When no substantive form of credible evidence is available in conjunction with a CRBA or Passport application, a parent may find genetic testing to be a useful tool for confirming a stated biological relationship.  Note: Do not initiate a DNA test unless it was recommended by the Embassy for your pending CRBA or Passport application.  A DNA Test that was done independently and not according to Department of State procedures will not be accepted to support a CRBA or Passport application.  For more information, read the DNA Testing Procedures.  Click here for English version.  Click here for Filipino version.

I was told the exact same thing by the consular when I called a few weeks in regards to the posibility of child being born prior her visa getting approved.

I sent her to the embassy with every single documentation and evidence imagineable, my research told me that they only request dna in extream cases
they only request dna in cases were there is not enough documentation
we have everythign, we have lots of evidence, i dont understand why they are asking for dna! Our kid looks exactly like me, shes sooo white, we were married when she got pregnant. Those facts along with the all the documentation i sent, i dont understand
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 19:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!
Im in America an am a American citizen my wife is Filipino, im filing a cr1 visa for her now. I gathered up all the required documentation and sent it to her, she gathered the rest of the supporting evidence and went to the Certificate of Birth Abroad appointment i had booked, i could not go because of my work here. When she got there they said that the LCR birth certificate she had for our child was invalid and they needed a NSO birth certificate, and that all her papers were perfect but she needed a nso birth certificate, well my baby is 2 months old and the NSO will not issue our child a birth certificate till she is 3 months old. I can handle that but then they said once my wife gets that info that a DNA test will be required, im so stressed out right now can someone please please tell me how do i get my dna there? What will happen? How long does it take? And how much does it cost?
Regan LMalePhilippines2012-11-29 18:17:00