Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYaadies, how long did it take to get AOS approved?
Blessings to all yaadies and all our other VJ friends!

I'm new to everything: visajourney, US immigration proceedings etc so I need the help and guidance of fellow yaadies (and other VJ friends).

My USC fiance and I are about to file the papers for the K-1 visa. I think our lawyer will send it off either tomorrow or on Tuesday. As soon as it is sent I'll start a time line.

Since that process has started, I'm now looking to the future and trying to prepare for the next level (that's assuming God help us and our K-1 petition does not get denied for any reason! We don't think it will, but you never know!), namely the AOS.

So just a couple of questions:

1) On average how long did it take other jamaican citizens to get their AOS approved and have their conditional GC in hand?

2) How much in fees did you have to pay for the AOS and EAD & AP, if applicable? Doesn't have be exact amount if you can't remember, just roughly.

3) Can you seek all types of employment with EAD? A Norwegian friend of mine who lived in LA could not work as an actress using her EAD. I found this very surprising as I thought the EAD gives you permission to work in ALL fields until you get your GC? Any insights on this particular issue is highly appreciated!

4) For those who are applying to lift conditions, how soon before your conditional GC expired did you apply? One advice I've been given so far is to apply 6 mths before the expiration of your conditional GC. Does anyone else have any opinions on this?

It would be great to get some answers on these questions! I like going into things with my eyes opened. I know there will always be something unexpected turning up, but my fiance and I want to be as prepared as possible. We're also trying to map out the costs for this entire process from start to finish. Thanks in advance for all your help!

PS I'm a jamaican citizen living in Europe. Since there might be circumstances unique to those with a particular citizenship, I'm mainly interested in the stories of Jamaican citizens, but will gladly appreciate the advice, opinions and insights of other nationalities as well! Thks so much! D

Edited by DTunda, 09 August 2009 - 07:39 AM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-09 07:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUS Embassy in Jamaica- July 2009
QUOTE (ToAliwithLove @ Jul 30 2009, 09:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
US Embassy in Jamaica

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Before going in Embassy

Do not arrive extremely early. Arrive on time (within 15 minutes of appointment)
Go directly to the front of the line and only talk to the Embassy employees in the Yellow Shirts.
Make sure you carry a pen with you
Make sure you have all pictures signed with the applicant’s name
The person with the Yellow shirt will check your passport; passport photos and interview letter (make sure these are the only items out at this time.)
Leave your cell phone/camera at home/hotel/car.

Entering Embassy

You will go through metal detector (small building)
Then a courtyard to the main building
In the main building you will welcomed by a receptionist that will take your Interview Letter and give you a yellow piece of paper for DHL Delivery and a number (similar to going to the DMV in the states). Put your Passport number/ Address and Phone number on the yellow paper.
The receptionist will lead you to the Interview Area.
There are two different doors one for Non- Immigrant Visas and one for Immigration (aka Filing). Both doors lead to the same room. However, Individuals filing for non-immigration visas are on the left, Section B and immigration visas, Section A, are on the right. Sections B is 3 times the size as Section A.

1st Process and 2nd Process (Interview)

At this point I can only speak of my experience (Immigrant Visa, Section A)

This section has 5 windows (teller style), Window 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Windows 5, 6, and 7 (1st process –Document Collection and Fingerprints)

Windows 8 and 9 (2nd Process- Interview)

We were serviced at window 7 first, the young lady had our file, she put everything in order, my husband gave his fingerprints and we sat back down. Make sure no one sits in your seats when you stand up for process 1, because you wont have a seat when you come back, which is literally 2-4 feet from the windows. It’s a small space.

We sat down for like 20 minutes and then we were called to Window 8, we had to swear in (right hand up), then she took my husbands index fingerprint, then he had to sign the second part of the DS-230.

After all the administration stuff was done, she asked both of us when we met through the window, my husband answered, she asked where we met, my husband answered, she asked how many people were at our wedding, my husband answered, she said your approved go to window 26 and pay DHL. I’m thinking to myself, that’s it. You don’t need to see pictures? No evidence? No separate interviews? Wow! They didn’t ask my step son any questions.


We paid DHL $750JA for both passports/visas. We didn’t have to pay two fees.

Interviews before ours:

There was one couple that was interviewed separately through the phones on the outside on the teller window. They were approved.

There was a girl that was married, her husband was not there, she pulled out several post cards, western union receipts and pictures and the agent was not buying it, she got a blue slip to come back, don’t know what for.

There was a family of 5 kids and a mother, they were all approved.

There was a guy without his wife, he was approved.

There was another guy whose mother sponsored him, he got a blue slip because his mothers name did not match his and he needed his mothers divorce certificate.

Additional Information

Note: You do not go into small little interview rooms, everything is done outside the teller window, like at the DMV. No privacy unless you pick up the phone. I suggest you pick up the phone right from the beginning (only in process 2.)

Note: The gentleman that greeted us came in while we were seated he made some funny jokes. He came over and said he had good news and bad news. Did we want the good news or bad news first? We said bad news, He said bad news is that the numbers are not going to go in order, so be aware. Good news, Section A will leave before Section B, everyone laughed. Then he gave us the run down, he said everyone is going to go to Windows 5, 6 or 7 first. If you get to Window and 8 or 9, Yah go a Foreign! Everyone laughed.

Embassy Rating

Overall, we rated the embassy and our experience a “5”. Everyone was nice, no issues. Very timely.

We got there at 6:55am, got in the embassy and in our seat by 7:15am, out the door at 8:30am.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congrats I hope the rest of your journey goes just as smoothly!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-13 03:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Wha gwaan, yaadies! It's DTunda again, but everyone can call me Dee.

Most of you are probably still sleeping, but it is already noon here where I am! I'm trying to keep up with the thread but it evolves so fast!

So catch me up, who and who filing from yaad?

I miss Ja so much! Farrin may be nice, but there's no place like home! smile.gif
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-13 04:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ May 21 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great Jawi, that date is right around the corner.

Thank you for providing this info Jawi! I've just started my journey, but have started to prepare for the next step nonetheless!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-13 04:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre we likely to get rejected? Updated...
Hey guys, thx for the replies.

Claudia, believe me if everything goes well and we get approved, I'm done with this lawyer. Not only did he screw up on the papers and NOT advising us to get a co sponsor, he's a liar too (surprise, surprise). He makes claims about not receiving stuff I KNOW he has received. Liar. I'm done with him.

I don't have the time to be on VJ a lot, but from now on I'll make the time and file the papers myself. This place is a great resource that I haven't taken advantage of, but no more of that if I (please God) get approved. Can't believe we shelled out USD 3000 to that shyster.

Sugarapple, always nice to hear from a fellow Jamaican. I know at least four people we asked to be co sponsor (2 on his side and 2 on mine), and they all said they're filing their taxes in August, so I guess these are the culprits who owe Uncle Sam or as Claudia pointed out maybe they just don't want to help but don't know how to tell me. Never mind though, the good news is that my aunt has agreed to be our co sponsor. Unfortunately she won't get the papers to me before Wednesday the 16th, one week after my original interview on the 9th.

Do you think that the embassy will frown on me taking a week or just over a week to get the paperwork they ask for? It's probably a weird question, but I think it is fair to say that citizens from developing countries who are wanting to migrate to the US are made to jump through more hoops to get our cases approved. Whether that's fair or not I'm not sure, but this is so frustrating and annoying when you know your story is genuine and there are these people standing in the way of you being with the one you love. I have not seen my fiance in almost a year and I really miss him. I was so ready to travel and now this ######. It's easy for the embassies to be suspicious of everything it seems, even if there's a legitimate reason.

Anyway, I was hoping to hand in the paperwork before the 16th. Now if I get the papers on Wednesday, I won't be able to hand them in until Thursday, then the embassy won't process them until the following wednesday (the 23rd) because they only handle fiance visas on Wednesdays here in Oslo. Sigh...

As for the I-864, the CO actually asked for this form to be filled out by the co sponsor. The lawyer filled out a I-864 for my fiance, but the embassy said he should have filled out the I-134, not the I-864. So she asked to have my fiance fill out and send to me the I-134 and have our co sponsor fill out and send to me the I-864. Someone above said they've never heard of the embassy asking the co sponsor for an I-864 so I imagine the fact that they did ask for it doesn't bode well for my case ... of course I'm hoping that isn't the scenario. I can't believe we're in this situation. What was I paying this lawyer for if not to fill out the correct forms and tell us whether we need co sponsorship or not. It never occurred to us to ask because my fiance does earn enough to support me, its just that last year he had to work less due to his injury. Now in 2010 he's working fulltime as usual and in 2008, 2007 he worked fulltime as well until he hurt himself in December of 08. However, the CO was not interested in looking at his 08, 09 tax returns.

Sorry for rambling. I just need to vent. I never expected to be in this situation. I wanted to travel to the states before the 4th of July, now I'm not so sure that will happen now, if at all ...
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-14 02:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre we likely to get rejected? Updated...
Hey thx to everyone for their replies.

My American friend here in Norway works for Halliburton, the big oil company. He does have a base in the US, but he also has one here in Norway and pretty much splits his time evenly between the two countries.

Also he recommended submitting the 09 Norwegian tax return because the income stated on there would be the same income stated on his US 09 tax return (which could then be sent to the embassy once it has been prepared ... but the fact that his half year residency in Norway may disqualify him sort of put a damper on that idea ... sigh.)

It seems a number of our close relations have been quite lackadaisical(sp?) in filing their taxes. Some said that they've filed, but need to make adjustments because they either don't agree with what they have to pay back or what will be paid to them (By the way, in this case do you think I can still use these tax returns even while they're under appeal?). Its one thing or the other or maybe they're just lying to us that they haven't filed, but I don't think that is the case.

Regarding the lady who interviewed me ... yes I definitely agree that its an issue of misplaced personality. She did not appear as if she wanted to be there. She seemed tired (of dealing with us stupid visa seeking people) and all around fed up. I think its understable to be a bit annoyed when for each case the wrong paper work and what not has been submitted, but rolling your eyes at people and being sarcastic and condescending is a bit unprofessional in my humble opinion. And she wasn't just this way with me, but with everyone. Before it was my turn she interviewed several people for tourist visas and then there was me and a gentleman waiting to be interviewed for a fiance visa. He went first and she was really tough on him. After her interrogation of him, she gave him the pink slip and I heard him say he's gonna have to drive an hour home and a hour to come back. She shrugged and then the man left. All throughout his interview I was like please God don't let this lady be the one to interview me. Please let me be interviewed by the much more pleasant gentleman to her left ... haha no such luck.

Based on the reviews on here the Oslo embassy does have a reputation of having pleasant staff and I must say I've dealt with them before when I've applied for tourist visas and those who interviewed me were all very polite. Not exactly friendly (which I don't think they're supposed to be anyway), but polite and professional. They didn't make you look and feel like an idiot. I think I just had bad luck that day or perhaps I'm too much of a sensitive soul. Maybe that's my problem. :)

Thx once again to everyone. I do hope you're all right that once I submit the requested documents we'll be approved. Fingers crossed.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-11 04:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre we likely to get rejected? Updated...

Hello D: It sounds like the "not particularly pleasant" woman has approved your visa based on the condition that you provide the correct paperwork and sponsor's affidavit of support. Since she said to drop off the required papers at the Embassy and that you did not need an appointment...sounds like they're going to match up these papers to your file and put the visa in your Passport. Final filing date for income tax was April 15th...most of your family and friends have not filed yet?????? This is a little unusual...don't you think? Final point...hiring a lawyer to do you paperwork is fine if you have lots of money and lots of time...most of us on VJ do the paperwork ourselves and we are COMPLETELY SURE that is the correct stuff PRIOR TO THE INTERVIEW. If he filled out the wrong papers...wouldn't it have been your responsibility to check them over PRIOR to your interview to be sure they were correct? Just because he claims to be an "immigration lawyer" does not mean he/she will do things correctly. Many people report that using a lawyer causes time delays plus the costs for his lawyer fees. Anyway...good luck.

Hi Franc, thanx for your response.

According to those I've spoken to the absolute final deadline for tax return submission is in August so most people seem to be taking their time. I don't know how accurate this information is -- as I said this is what they've told me. Since I don't live in the US I have no clue about the tax system there.

As for the papers the lawyer filed ... I do get what you're saying and of course I'll take some responsibility for what has happened. However, the main reason we got a lawyer is because we don't know what papers to file. Sure, we could've come on to VJ and find out, but honestly neither of us had the time. Besides the fact that my fiance can't be trusted to file the papers correctly because he's not one to pay attention to detail, the time issue on both our sides was the reason we decided to get a lawyer. This lawyer came highly recommended from a friend of ours who had previously used his services so we felt secure that this man would do his best for us. That was perhaps very naive on our part because I know lawyers can't be trusted. They must be micro managed by their clients, though I find this an entirely unfair concept when you consider the amount of money we've paid him so far (about USD 3000 -- and obviously we're far from rich). We were at the very least expecting him to file the correct papers!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-11 02:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre we likely to get rejected? Updated...
I had my K1 interview on Wednesday (June 9) and unfortunately the woman who interviewed me was not particularly pleasant. She started filling out the dreaded pink slip even before she said a word to me. She was quite sarcastic and even a bit rude when she questioned me. Actually she wasn't nice to anyone. A man she interviewed before me was also given a pink slip. Not sure if it was a rejection or a request for more documentation as was with my case.

My fiance and I are very busy people, so to save time and to ensure that the right papers are filed we hired an immigration lawyer. I'm not sure what to make of this guy. Not only did he fill out the incorrect Affidavit of Support (he sent in the I-864 when he should have used the I-134), but he also did not say a word about my fiance's income for 2009 not being sufficient. My fiance has been on disability since December of 2008 because of a car accident. As a result of this accident he didn't work full time in 2009 because he suffered a back injury which made it difficult for him to work at full capacity. He has a job that requires him to lift stuff and sit in the same position all day so obviously that's not good with his injury. Anyway, this had an impact on his income apparently because the consular woman said his salary wasn't enough.

On the pink slip she wrote that she wanted the I-134, and that we should acquire a joint sponsor who should fill out the I-864, supply their 2009 tax return as well as a copy of ID which proves their citizenship. She gave me back my birth certificate and asked me if I needed my passport back. I said yes because at the time it was my only source of identification, but if I had not asked she appeared as if she wanted to keep the passport.

She told me once I have all the papers she requested I could drop them off at the embassy. She said I didn't need to make a new appointment and proceeded to ask me if I had any questions for her.

In my disappointment in not having been approved right away and being consumed with fury because we'd paid so much money for a lawyer who by all indications has not done his job, I only asked her if I will need to pay another fee of US350. I completely forgot to ask her exactly what is the status of my case now. She did say it will be on hold until I submit the documents she asked for, but I don't know if our petition was approved pending the delivery of these documents or if it is still under consideration.

I'm not sure how to interpret her behaviour and how she conducted the interview. She had a lot of negative energy flowing off of her. She was indeed a bit condescending and sarcastic. She was rolling her eyes, releasing deep sighs of impatience etc. While she was interviewing the guy before me and I saw how she was behaving I prayed that I wouldn't get her, but as fate would have it I got her and she made me feel nervous and uncomfortable even though I came prepared and am happy with my relationship with my fiance.

Now I don't know what to think. I've been on egg shells since Wednesday. I can't help but have this sinking feeling that we're going to get rejected.

My fiance has sent me the I-134, but most of our family and friends who we've considered asking to be joint sponsor have not yet filed their tax return for 2009 so we're having difficulty finding someone who actually has this crucial piece of evidence ready. Since she specifically requested this I can't go back to the embassy without it.

I'm a little scared because I don't know where I stand. I guess I'm writing here because I need to vent and get the advice and opinions of other seasoned VJers. By the way, I'm a Jamaican citizen, but filing from Norway.

Thx, D

P.S. I have an American friend here in Norway who splits his time between Norway and the United States due to his work. He has volunteered to act as joint sponsor. However there are two issues:

Even though he is a American citizen and files his tax return in the US every year, will it matter that he doesn't actually live in the US, but in Norway?

Secondly, he hasn't had his US 2009 tax return prepared yet, but he's already submitted his 09 tax return for Norway. He has recommended submitting his 08 US tax return and is 09 Norwegian tax return with the other documents the joint sponsor must submit to the embassy, do you think this will be a problem?
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-10 20:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre we likely to get rejected? Updated...
I had my K1 interview on Wednesday (June 9) and unfortunately the woman who interviewed me was not particularly pleasant. She started filling out the dreaded pink slip even before she said a word to me. She was quite sarcastic and even a bit rude when she was questioning me. Actually she wasn't nice to anyone. A man she interviewed before me was also given a pink slip. Not sure if it was a rejection or a request for more documentation as was with my case.

My fiance and I are very busy people, so to save time and to ensure that the right papers are filed we hired an immigration lawyer. I'm not sure what to make of this guy. Not only did he fill out the incorrect Affidavit of Support (he sent in the I-864 when he should have used the I-134), but he also did not say a word about my fiance's income for 2009 not being sufficient. My fiance has been on disability since December of 2008 because of a car accident. As a result of this accident he didn't work full time in 2009 because he suffered a back injury which made it difficult for him to work at full capacity. He has a job which requires him to lift stuff and sit in the same position all day so obviously that's not good with his injury. Anyway, this had an impact on his income apparently because the consular woman said his salary wasn't enough.

On the pink slip she wrote that she wanted the I-134, and that we should acquire a joint sponsor who should fill out the I-864, support their 2009 tax return as well as a copy of ID which proves their citizenship. She gave me back my birth certificate and asked me if I needed my passport back. I said yes because at the time it was my only source of identification.

She told me once I have all the papers she requested I could drop them off along with my passport to the embassy. She said I didn't need to make a new appointment and proceeded to ask me if I had any questions for her.

In my disappointment in not having been approved right away and being consumed with fury because we'd paid so much money for a lawyer who by all indication has not done his job, I only asked her if I will need to pay another fee of US350. I completely forgot to ask her exactly what is the status of my case now. She did say it will be on hold until I submit the documents she asked for. But I don't know if our petition was approved pending the delivery of these documents or if it is still under consideration.

I'm not sure how to interpret her behaviour and how she conducted the interview. She had a lot of negative energy flowing off of her. She was indeed a condescending and sarcastic. She was rolling her eyes, releasing deep sighs of impatience etc. While she was interviewing the guy before me and I saw how she was behaving I prayed that I wouldn't get her, but as fate would have it I got her and she made me feel nervous and uncomfortable even though I came prepared and am happy with my relationship with my fiance.

Now I don't know what to think. I've been on egg shells since Wednesday. I can't help but have this sinking feeling that we're going to get rejected.

My fiance has sent me the I-134, but most of our family and friends who we've considered asking to be joint sponsor have not yet filed their tax return for 2009 so we're having difficulty finding someone who actually has the crucial piece of evidence ready. Since she specifically requested this I can't go back to the embassy without it.

I'm a little scared because I don't know where I stand. I guess I'm writing here because I need to vent and get the advice and opinions of other seasoned VJers.

Thx, D
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-10 19:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI - 864 Instead of I-134
We're in the process of filing for a K1 visa for me.

Our lawyer in the US used the I-864 Affidavit of Support and the embassy here in Oslo said he used the wrong form. He should have used the I-134.

They've requested that the I-134 be submitted because they claim they can't (or won't) use the I-864.

However, at the interview I discovered that we need a co sponsor (something my lawyer should have informed us off, but didn't!!!). The CO said that our co sponsor should fill out the I-864, provide their tax returns for 2009 and provide a copy of their passport.

Many of these lawyers don't seem to be trustworthy. They only want your money, but are unwilling to provide the proper service so watch out.

One mistake I made is that I trusted everything he said and left him up to his own devices too often. It's good that you're making enquiries on VJ and getting a second (albeit unprofessional) opinion. Wish I had done the same BEFORE my interview which was on the 9th. Good luck!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-14 04:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease just reassure me
I'd say get a joint sponsor, just in case. They may or may not ask you for one, but have one ready to show them if that gives you more peace of mind.

My fiance made 47 000 in 2007, 51 000 in 2008 and about 30 000 in 2009 because he got injured on the job and couldn't work fulltime. Now in 2010 he's back to working full time and will likely earn over 50 000 again, but that doesn't matter. The CO here in Oslo still asked that we get a joint sponsor before the visa can be approved.

So if you're in doubt, its better to have more info than too little, as it was in my case. Good luck.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-20 17:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough? Updated...
Hi guys, thanks for answering. Please disregard the post above!

Amykathleen2005, I'm not the USC, I'm the beneficiary so I would have to be included in the household size.

Engineer21, yes the daughter and kids are still technically living with her, but she (the daughter) is now fully employeed (so she and her kids are no longer dependents of my aunt). I actually thought she had moved out completely, but I recently found out they live in the same house though not in the same space. My aunt lives upstairs while my cousin (my aunt's daughter) and her family live downstairs. However, the two abodes are two separate apartments at the same address.

Does anyone else have an opinion as to whether I should submit her as our joint sponsor? Previously some of you adviced that we find a new sponsor all together, but that was before my aunt added her savings as assets to supplement her income. So I'm just wondering if the addition of the 27 000 in savings will improve her position to be our joint sponsor at all?

I'm really pulling my hair out about this so please anyone who can provide any insights I would be so grateful (Auby_Rob, I'd love to hear from you!). Things have not been going well for me. Lately, I've had stroke after stroke of bad luck following me around. It's like there's bad news around every corner. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating or being overly pessimistic. Therefore, I do not want to submit her as our joint sponsor only to be denied on the grounds that I will become a public charge. It is such a ridiculous notion, this public charge thing, and that's what is so frustrating. My fiance is more than capable of supporting me (2009 was just a bad year for him because of his injury. He's fine now, and working full time) and so does my aunt. I know things are tough now in the US, but I'm quite highly educated (at the master's level) so I also know I too will be able to support myself in the long run.

This is all our lawyer's fault. He should have adviced us to get a joint sponsor from day one. Instead he led us to believe that my fiance's disability payments would be counted in his earnings. The CO who interviewed me disregarded the disability payments and focused only on his earned income. That's why we're in this situation. Man, I hope this will be a lesson to others. I trusted this lawyer to do what I'm paying him for and he let us down. Now we're in a situation where the only person who is willing to be our joint sponsor may turn out to be unsuitable. Sorry guys, this is just so hurtful and frustrating and I need to vent.

Please let me hear from more of you VJers. Since we can't trust our lawyer to do what we're paying him to do, you guys are our only hope for guidance.

Thx a lot!

Edited by DTunda, 27 June 2010 - 07:44 AM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-27 07:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough? Updated...
Hi guys, thanks for answering.

Amykathleen2005, I'm not the USC, I'm the beneficiary so I would have to be included in the household size.

Engineer21, yes the daughter and kids are still technically living with her, but she (the daughter) is not fully employeed. I actually thought she had moved out completely, but they live in the same house though not in the same space. My aunt lives upstairs while my cousin (my aunt's daughter) and her family live downstairs. However, the two abodes are two separate apartments at the same address.

Does anyone else have an opinion as to whether I should submit her as our joint sponsor? Previously some of you adviced that we find a new sponsor all together, but that was before my aunt added her savings as assets to supplement her income. So I'm just wondering if the addition of the 27 000 in savings will improve her position to be our joint sponsor at all?

I'm really pulling my hair out about this so please anyone who can provide any insights I would be so grateful (Auby_Rob, I'd love to hear from you!). Things have not been going well for me. Lately, I've had stroke after stroke of bad luck following me around. It's like there's bad news around every corner. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating or being overly pessimistic. Therefore, I do not want to submit her as our joint sponsor only to be denied on the grounds that I will become a public charge. It is such a ridiculous notion, this public charge thing, and that's what is so frustrating. My fiance is more than capable of supporting me (2009 was just a bad year for him because of his injury. He's fine now, and working full time) and so does my aunt. I know things are tough now in the US, but I'm quite highly educated (at the master's level) so I also know I too will be able to support myself in the long run.

This is all our lawyer's fault. He should have adviced us to get a joint sponsor from day one. Instead he led us to believe that my fiance's disability payments will be counted in his earnings. The CO who interviewed me disregarded the disability payments and focused only on his earned income. That's why we're in this situation. Man, I hope this will be a lesson to others. I trusted this lawyer to do what I'm paying him for and he didn't. Now we're in a situation where the only person who is willing to be our joint sponsor may turn out to be unsuitable. Sorry guys, this is just so hurtful and frustrating and I need to vent.

Please let me hear from more of you VJers. Since we can't trust our lawyer to do what we're paying him to do, you guys are our only hope for guidance.

Thx a lot!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-27 07:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough? Updated...
Hi everyone,

For those who are not familiar with my case, I had my fiance interview on June 9th.

The CO told me that my husband to be did not earn enough in 2009 so we needed to get a joint sponsor. She requested that the joint sponsor submit the I-864 form, her 2009 tax return and a copy of her passport.

My aunt has volunteered to be our joint sponsor, but in 2009 she filed her daughter and her daughter's two children as her dependents on her tax return so including me, her household size is 5 and her income for this household size in 2009 is 1385 below the poverty guideline.

However, her circumstances since 2009 have drastically changed. My cousin and her children are no longer my aunt's dependents. She (my cousin) has gotten a job and she now lives with her husband and children so the only dependent my aunt has for this tax year, and beyond, is herself (and me, if the K1 should be approved).

Here is a summary of the package she sent me:

The I-864

Dependents in 2009: 4 (daughter, grandchildren, herself)
Sponsored relative/s: 1 (me)
Total household size: 5
Salary for 2009: 30 832
Assets (savings): over 27 000


One letter explains the change in her circumstances (the daughter and children no longer being her dependents) and that her salary of over 30 000 a year is more than enough to support both herself and me in 2010 and beyond.

In another letter, since she did not include her pay stubs thus far for 2010 because she says she couldn't find them, she invited the embassy to confirm her earnings by calling her employers.

Other documents

Bank statements to prove possession of the asset stated.
2009 Tax return
Copy of passport

Based on this information, would you guys recommend that I go ahead and submit her as my joint sponsor to the embassy? Or should my fiance and I continue looking for someone else?

Your advice is much appreciated! Thx very much in advance! :)
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-26 06:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?
Thx Sachinky.

My aunt says she can't find her pay stubs, but she did provide a letter from her job stating the income she earned last year and the income she has earned thus far this year.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-30 06:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?

I am not sure the information you just provided in this post was clearly stated in any other post. By far, the most important and suitable income is the current income situation. If your Aunt can legitimately claim only herself and the Alien beneficiary, and clearly document current income with many current recent pay stubs, then that is the way to go over the objections of the tax forms. You might need to have the Aunt provide a cover letter stating the change in circumstances (daughter moving out, self-sufficient, etc...) that allows her change in dependents and clearly easily making above the 125% of the poverty threshold.

If the Aunt can document the 2X required poverty threshold that is EXCELLENT.

This should work for you quite well.

Good luck.

Thx a lot for your reply.

What if she's unable to provide the pay stubs?

My aunt sent the package, but she only included a cover letter stating her change in circumstances. She said she doesn't know where to find her pay stubs right now. Sigh ...

Would you recommend that I submit the package without the pay stubs or is that just asking to be rejected?
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 15:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?

While 'difference made up in assets' is theoretically allowed, most consulates want to see a joint sponsor who qualifies comfortably on 'income' or 'assets' alone.

Given that your fiance is disabled / receiving disability payment, the consulate will want to see a stable, qualified joint sponsor. Not someone who is barely scraping by themselves.

Remember, the I864 instructions are merely guidelines. The CO has a lot of latitude in evaluating the I-864 at the time of the interview. They view the 'totality of circumstances.'

I know this is not what you want to hear. But you need to find someone more qualified.

Actually it isn't my aunt who is scraping by, it's her daughter. My aunt only volunteer to support her daughter and her kids in 2008 because she was struggling. It's not something she does on the regular.

It is unfair that they will judge her capabilities of providing for me based on her circumstances last year because they're not the same this year.

Her daughter is now gainfully employeed and have moved into her own accommodation with her children and husband. For 2010 my aunt's income is more than enough (2 times above the poverty guideline actually) to provide both for herself and me.

But with that said, you guys are right. It is best to find someone on whom the CO can cast no doubt -- if she was able to reject the earnings of my fiance (over 45 000 in 2007, 51 000 in 2008) just because he hurt himself and earned just under 30 000 in 2009, then I'm sure she won't accept the circumstances of my aunt.

I'm not sure who else we can use at this point, but I'm hopeful we'll find someone eventually.

Thx a lot for your advice, guys. They were very sound. Better to be safe than sorry.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-20 17:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?

Yes, the difference will disqualify her from being a joint sponsor. The person you choose needs to be at or above the poverty guidelines. I would recommend finding someone else. Good luck!

Thx for answering, however, see my response to sachinky above.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 06:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?

Find a joint sponsor who does earn enough.

Well, if it was that simple in our case, we would have! :)

Problem is our family members have been delinquent in filing their taxes (or so they claim) or they simply don't want to take the responsibility of a joint sponsor.

My fiance's father is dead and his mother is sickly and often in hospital. All we have left are extended family members who are not jumping to help us.

I'm hoping that my aunt can claim 7000 or more in savings so we can file that as assets on the I-864. I think that would help meet the income requirement for her household size.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 06:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?

A couple of points.

1) Are you using 125% of the poverty line for the household size or are you assuming 100%?

2) The petitioner (USC) should not be counted or included in the joint sponsor's I-134 hoysehold size unless the USC is a dependent of the joint sponsor.

The DoS Consular Officer can request any documents or request a joint sponsor even if the income level exceeds 125% if the CO believes there is a likelihood the foreign beneficiary and/or dependents will become a public charge.

Good luck.

EDITED to add: You probably want to get a different joint sponsor depending on how you calculated the REQUIRED level of income.

To answer your first question, we're assuming 125% above the poverty guideline because neither my aunt nor her dependents are active members of the armed forces. Members of the military are the only ones exempted from the 125% above poverty level.

Second, my fiance, the US citizen, is not a member of my aunt's household so he's not included in the household size.

This is how she filled out part 5, section 21 on page 3 of the I-864

Persons you're sponsoring in this affidavit: 01 - that's me

Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit:

b) Yourself - this is my aunt - 01
c) If you're currently married, enter "1" for your spouse - 0
d) If you have dependent children, enter the number here - 0
e) If you have other dependents, enter the number here - 03
f) If you've sponsored any other person on an I-864 - 0
g) doesn't apply to her
h) Add together lines and enter the number here. Household Size: 05

Again household size consists of ME, MY AUNT, MY AUNT'S DAUGHTER & THE DAUGHTER'S 2 CHILDREN.

That is correct, isn't it? The way the household size should be calculated, I mean.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 06:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat if joint sponsor doesn't earn enough?

I had my interview for the K1 on June 9th, and was told that my fiance's income for 2009 was not enough to support me (actually including his disability payments his income exceeds the 2009 poverty guideline for his household - 4, including me, but the CO still asked for a joint sponsor).

My aunt agreed to be our joint sponsor. Including me she has a household size of 5 for 2009 (she filed her daughter and her daughter's two children on her 2009 tax return) and her income falls just below the 2009 poverty guideline for a household of 5 people. She's short USD 1385.

My question is will this relatively small shortage of income disqualify her to be our joint sponsor? Would you recommend that I go ahead and submit her documents as our joint sponsor to the embassy or should I find a new joint sponsor all together?

Thx in advance for your help.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-17 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLies my Lawyer Told Me
I've just now encountered a similar situation with our lawyer.

We're filing for a K1 visa for me and since my fiance and I 1) are quite busy because of hectic jobs and 2) have absolutely no clue as to how the immigration system works we thought it would be a wise investment to hire a lawyer. I'm a little bit sketchy on all the details at the moment, but I think he said he'd charge us somewhere between USD 4000 and USD 4500 for the ENTIRE process. That is from filing the I-129 all the way until I have my green card in hand.

We decided on the lawyer just about the same time I discovered VJ, but due to time constraints on both sides my fiance and I really thought this was the right path to take. Moreover, my fiance is not one to pay attention to detail so I didn't trust him to file all the papers on his own without making numerous mistakes.

Anyway up to now everything has been okay, but on Wednesday I had my interview at the embassy and was shocked to hear that 1) The lawyer had submitted the WRONG Affidavit of Support form. Instead of filing the I-134, he filed the I-864. When I informed him of this he placed the blame on the embassy in Oslo saying, "They're a bunch of idiots because it shouldn't matter which of these forms are used since the I-864 in essence provide more information than the I-134. This just shows how they are over there."

Well, I can understand what he's saying, but I'm not paying him (so far he's gotten about USD 3000 from us) to make assumptions, especially when you consider that he returned our packet to the embassy on two different occasions when there was a delay in getting his payment to him. Yep, he actually sent our information back because he wasn't going to process our documents until he got his money. You know, the fiance and I are both business people so fair enough, but if you're gonna play hard ball with your clients you better damn well provide good service.

The second, and perhaps the most major mistake he made was that he did not advice us that we needed a joint sponsor. Due to an injury my fiance has not been able to work full time during 2009 so his income was a bit lower than in previous years. My fiance thought since he was receiving disability payments in addition to his, albeit somewhat reduced, income ... he thought this was fine and we actually asked the lawyer about it in the beginning when he was filing the I-129 and he said there should be a problem at all.

So imagine my surprise when the woman who interviewed me (and she wasn't very pleasant from the get go) informed me that my fiance doesn't earn enough so we're going to have to get a co sponsor. Totally was not expecting that. I wasn't expecting the lawyer to let me go all the way to the embassy for the interview without telling me something this important.

When I emailed him with the info from the embassy he didn't respond. Then I called and asked him if he had received my email. No, he said. I know that's just rubbish. I used the same email I've always used and I've never encountered any problems with him not getting my correspondences so not only is he a con artist or a complete incompetent, he's also a LIAR of the highest order. Earlier when he returned our case to the embassy unopened because we hadn't paid on time I asked him why did he do that, he was like "I didn't, they must have sent it to the wrong address." But the embassy sent him the package again and he received it so no it was the right address all along. #######!

Then after lying through his teeth, he proceeded to advice me on why my fiance's income for 2009 might concern the embassy. I told him this information is of little use to me now. I should have received this information BEFORE you let me shell out great sums of money to do a medical and pay a USD 350 fiancee visa fee AND potentially jeopardize the successful processing of our case because you didn't do what we're paying you to do.

Now we have to be hounding people who have not yet filed their taxes for 2009 about being co sponsors for us, and since our friends and family haven't filed their taxes yet even if they wanted to help us they can't because I need the 2009 tax returns. If the idiot lawyer had done his job we could have avoided all this waste of time and the anxiety of wondering if our petition will be approved or not. We would have secured a joint sponsor long ago and ensure that that person filed their 09 taxes in time for the interview.

One thing's for sure, if all goes well and I get to the States, this lawyer's history.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-11 01:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearence from Gujarat (for Belgium)

Hi All,

I found lot of informed people helping others on this post so posting my query as well.

This is regarding Police Clearance, one of the mandatory documents for Belgium LT Travel.

Question: I have stayed in Vadodara, Gujarat for most part of my life and thus I need to get PCC from there.
But there are two different PCC, 1. Passport PCC and 2. Commissioner PCC. and for Belgium Passport PCC is required.

However, one of the documents required for the same is Request for Evidence where they need a letter for Embassy.
But, embasy has came back saying they dont send such a letter.

Now, has anyone faced similar issue? What was the work around taken?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

In order to issue police clearances most issuing authorities require evidence as to why you need the clearance. They won't issue you a police clearance on a whim. There has to be a specific request from someone else (for eg when you start a new job your employer may require you to submit a police certificate or when you work with children you may also be required to submit a police certificate.)

In the case of obtaining clearance for visa purposes, the embassy usually sends out an instruction sheet a few months before your interview date. These instructions outline the steps you must take to complete your medical examination and the papers you must compile and take with you to your interview. Among these papers you're required to gather the embassy makes an explicit request for police certificates from all countries the beneficiary (you) has resided in for more than 6 months. You can highlight this paragraph on the instruction sheet and send it (the instruction sheet from the embassy) to the police in Gujarat. That should be enough.

It was enough for me to get police certificates from the 5 countries I've lived / stayed in for more than 6 months. Hope this helps!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 06:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor

As I said I was going to use my godmother's info but her and her husband files their taxes together. Would I have to included her husband on the I864 and then she would have to make enough income form 3 I'm so confused? HELP

I'm not an expert so I hope other people can add their input in order to assist you in the best way.

Ok so your godmother, being the main joint sponsor, should fill out the I-864 and her husband -- with whom she filed her taxes -- should fill out the I-864A. This is because the embassy wants to ascertain that one spouse isn't making such a major decision behind the other spouse's back. If one spouse wants to sponsor a friend or relative, then their other half has to be on board with the decision.

To answer your question, yes, your godmother will have to include her husband on the I-864, at point 21C, part 5 and all other dependents she filed on her most recent tax return (2009), point 21E, part 5 (if the godmother has unmarried dependent children under age 21, then they should be entered at 21D, part 5). So let's say she filed one person as her dependent in 2009 her total household size will be 4. That consists of her (your godmother), your godmother's husband, the dependent she filed on her taxes in 2009 and your fiance (who she is jointly sponsoring with you). If she filed for 2 persons as her dependents in 09, then the household size increases to 5 and so on it goes.

Based on her household size, check the 09 poverty guideline to see if she qualifies to be your joint sponsor. Best of luck.

Edited by DTunda, 28 June 2010 - 06:38 PM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-28 18:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor

Hi all well here is my issue my husband had his interview on 6/14/2010 and I was told that in JA they only use ur recent tax returns which was 2009 and I was laided off for most of 2009 so my tax return showed below the poverty level I was confused because I had called the NCV numerous times to see if that would be a problem and they said no because my income now is well over what is required I submitted 6 months paystubs, job letter, 2007,2008,2009 w-2's and tax reurns and my child support award letter. Well no I have to find a joint sponsor I was going to use my dad but now I realized that the house number is the same but he lives upstairs and I live downstairs. I call the NVC they say call the Embassy I called and they say they don't take phone calls, I emailed and got different answers 3 times. Does anyone one know anything about this and also does the joint sponsor have to be family and or live in the same state? Any help is appreciated. thanks

Sorry you're going through this.

The answers you've so far received prove that a lot is left up to the CO's discretion.

I had my interview on June 9 and the CO was not interested in looking at the 07 and 08 tax returns of my fiance. She only wanted to see 09 and she didn't really like what she saw. My fiance earned over 45 000 in 07 and over 50 000 in 08, but just 30 000 in 09 because he got injured on the job and had to cut back some hours until he recovered. She didn't care. She asked us to find ourselves a joint sponsor.

She told me the joint sponsor can literally be anyone, just as long as their income is above the poverty threshold for their household size. So my assumption is that using your father as joint sponsor is more than fine. Many people use their parents to help in this way and many of them share the same home with their parents too so don't worry that you share the same address. Just have him fill out the I-864 and if he's married his wife has to fill out the I-864A.

I agree that you should thoroughly read through the step by step guide for the I-864. It provides very detailed guidance on just about everything you need to know about who should use the form and how.

All the best.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-22 04:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
QUOTE (JaEnglishGirl @ Aug 6 2009, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be honest, your airlines tickets will be fine. We had no pics of our first meetings. Being that you live in Norway, it is unlikely you'll get very much hassle.
I am a Yardie previously living in London who came to the States, at my interview, they wanted to see nothing.
As well as the Yardie thread, check out the UK thread, the UK thread will more accurately predict your experience in my opinion.
Do you know which Embassy you'll interview at? I am wondering if it will be the US embassy in the UK?

Hi JaEnglishGirl!

This is interesting. I hope you're right about not getting much hassle.
I have no idea where my interview will take place. How can I find out this information?
It would be really great if I'm required to interview in England and not Oslo, because I'm suppose to go to England in September to write my Master thesis so that arrangement would be very convenient!

And thanks for your message! I'll email you shortly. D

DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-06 05:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
QUOTE (thepizzadude @ Aug 5 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DTunda @ Aug 5 2009, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Aug 5 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Echo what KK said.

For the first part, you just need to show that you met (face to face) within 2 years.

By the time you get to the interview, when you need to show more evidence, you'll have had plenty of time to generate more evidence.


This is probably a really dumb question, but I'll throw it out there anyway. What would you call evidence?
Since I can't travel to the US while the k-1 is being processed and my fiance can't afford to come over here right now, email and phone calls is all we have. And sometimes we get really busy and we don't call each other as much, but we do email each other every day. Is there anything else we can do?

Send some snail mails and cards, copy them and the envelopes to show you contact each other that way also. Make lots of calls, you can NEVER be that busy not to at least call for only a few minutes every few days. Phone bills with 15-20 calls a month look good. whistling.gif

Thanks for the tips!

We call each other quite a bit, but I have a IP telephone which costs nothing to call the US from Norway. Since I have this option which costs us nothing I'm usually the one calling my bf.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-06 05:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
QUOTE (*JG* @ Aug 5 2009, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How did you visit the US before?

If you have a valid visitor visa, you can come visit him in the US while the K-1 is processing unless they stop you at the border. People do it all the time.

Welcome, newbie. Good luck.

I visited on a normal B1 tourist visa. I have a visa now that expires at the end of this month. I didn't know I could travel while the k-1 is being filed and processed. We were told something different by our lawyer, namely that I can not enter the US while the K-1 is with USCIS. Hope he isn't scamming us!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-06 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Aug 5 2009, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
welcome Dtunda..yuh a go be jsu fine!

Thanks, Hotlegz! All the words of encouragement are keeping me strong.
Thanks so much to everyone!

QUOTE (EasternDE @ Aug 5 2009, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DTunda @ Aug 5 2009, 08:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What I meant to write above was that We DONT have the trailer load of evidence, except our pics, emails and airline tickets.

That's all you need. smile.gif
Plus the passport visa stamps, and you're set.

Have a big breath, it's overwhelming at first. But if you take everything step by step, it's really not that hard.
You don't need a lawyer for that process, unless your case is "complicated". If both of you have no criminal records, and deal with USCIS for the first time, you should be just fine.

Neither of us have a criminal record and neither of us has ever filed a petition before, so I hope you're right that these factors will work in our favour! smile.gif
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-06 05:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
What I meant to write above was that We DONT have the trailer load of evidence, except our pics, emails and airline tickets.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-05 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Aug 5 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Echo what KK said.

For the first part, you just need to show that you met (face to face) within 2 years.

By the time you get to the interview, when you need to show more evidence, you'll have had plenty of time to generate more evidence.


This is probably a really dumb question, but I'll throw it out there anyway. What would you call evidence?
Since I can't travel to the US while the k-1 is being processed and my fiance can't afford to come over here right now, email and phone calls is all we have. And sometimes we get really busy and we don't call each other as much, but we do email each other every day. Is there anything else we can do?
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-05 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!
Hi guys!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I've actually been lurking on here for a couple of months, but didn't want to start posting until our petition has been sent.

Anyway, yes, as I've said, the fiance and I first met face to face in 07 and again in january of 09, so that particular requirement we fulfill.

I'm just one of those type of people who worry a lot. We do have the trailer load of evidence, except our pics, emails and airline tickets. I read a few horror stories about lengthy waiting periods, nightmarish interviews etc so all this has gotten me shaking in my boots! lol

Hey, there's a yardie forum on here? Seeit, we deh everyweh! lol I'll definitely pop in.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-05 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew To This All - Need K-1 Advice!

I'm a Jamaican citizen who has been living in Norway (legally) for the past 8 years.
I have family in NY and have visited them a number of times. In 2007 I went to LA to visit a friend of mine who is an actress out there, and she introduced me to a man who would later become my fiance. However, when we met I was not free to have a relationship with him because I was already involved with someone in Norway. So we parted ways and did not communicate for more than a year (I'd say about a year and 3mths). In January 2009 (after my previous bf and I called it quits) I and my fiance got in touch again and that amazing connection we felt back in 07 was still very much there so he came and visited me in NY over a weekend. We started "dating" officially from then though I had to return to Norway shortly afterwards. We kept in touch via emails, phone calls and chat, and in June we decided to get married.

My question is this:

Do you think the CIS office will hassle us because we had no contact in all of 2008? Also when I met him in 2007 we had taken a lot of pics together, but not one week after I returned to NY from LA I was mugged and my purse and camera were stolen. So all those pics are gone. We took a few pics when he came and visited me in January, and we submitted our emails (since we didn't know at the time marriage was where we were headed, we didn't save our chats and our phone records have been *impossible* to get. Long story as to why.) as evidence that we've been in correspondence but I'm worried that all this might not be enough. What do you guys think?

I've been reading up on US immigration and it all seems so complicated and overwhelming! Truth be told had I known trying to get married in the US was SOOO tedious and complicated I probably wouldn't have agreed to it. I'd have him come to Norway instead (not that its really any easier here), but we have already invested in a lawyer and all the papers are ready to be filed. I'm just afraid that our petition for the K-1 might not get approved due to lack of evidence! Do I have a legitimate reason for worry or am I just raising my blood pressure needlessly?

Any advice anyone can provide will be very highly appreciated. Thanks in advance! smile.gif D

Edited by DTunda, 05 August 2009 - 12:49 PM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-05 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre the forms on here considered "originals"?
Great! Thx for answering you guys :)
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-14 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre the forms on here considered "originals"?
Beg pardon if this is a stupid question.

I had my K1 visa interview on June 9th and was asked to submit some additional documents, one of which is the I-864 from our joint sponsor. The CO also asked for the joint sponsor's tax returns and passport.

She specifically informed me that tax returns and passport can be copies, but the I-864 had to be original. It (the I-864) can not be a photocopy. So are the forms here on VJ considered originals or will they classify as copies?

I ask because I noticed that forms such as these are usually sent from the NVC ... and I don't know if there's a NVC watermark on it or something which identifies it as an original.

I hope someone can help me as soon as possible as I need to get this form filled out by our joint sponsor and submitted to the embassy by the 16th! Thx a lot.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-14 05:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it a good idea to ...
Although our lawyer is turning out to be untrustworthy, it wasn't he (the lawyer) who filed the I-864 for the joint sponsor.

The consular officer who interviewed me asked that our joint sponsor submit the I-864.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-15 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it a good idea to ...

You don't have to submit the letter with your ''improved answers''.. The CO didn't ask for it, so don't do it. Just take a couple of vodka shots before your next interview :P..

Just kiddin' of course :) But, try to be more relaxed and think in advance about your possible questions and answers.

Good luck.

He he he, thanks for making me laugh! Trust me I'll probably drink the whole damn bottle until I get my passport back and see that the visa is in it. LOL

I did have some answers prepared, but gosh I got too flustered. Everyone kept saying how friendly and polite the Oslo embassy staff was and from my own experience I would agree, but then I went there on interview day and I got a real ....

I just lost control of myself a little. I'm not usually such a p****, I just miss my sweetie and I expected to get approved on the spot. The not knowing is what's driving me up the wall.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-15 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it a good idea to ...
Thx to everyone who answered.

Just to be clear, the CO asked that my fiance fill out the I-134 and that our joint sponsor fill out I-864.

Regarding the question at hand, does anyone else have an opinion on whether I should submit the letter or not?

All responses are appreciated! :)
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-14 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it a good idea to ...
I had my K1 interview on June 9 in Oslo, Norway. My case was not approved, but was not rejected either.

The CO asked me submit some additional documents:

1) Our lawyer submitted the I-864 Affidavit of Support for my US fiance. The CO said he used the wrong form so I will need to submit the correct form, the I-134.

2) The CO also said my fiance didn't earn enough in 2009 so we need a joint sponsor. The joint sponsor will need to submit the I-864, 2009 tax return, and a copy of their passport to prove citizenship.

All this came as a surprise to me because it was exactly for these reasons why we hired a lawyer to help us with the filing in the first place. We wanted to avoid mistakes and these are mistakes the lawyer definitely should have seen coming.

Anyway, that's not the real point of this post. The point of this post is that I felt like I could have done better at answering some of the questions I was asked about my relationship.

I admit to being a bit intimidated by the CO who was somewhat aggressive in her questioning and not very polite at all. That coupled with the unexpected news that we will need a co sponsor made me nervous and a little unsure of myself, and as a result I fumbled a little in answering her questions about our relationship.

Now I'm in the process of gathering the documents she asked for, and in addition to these documents I've considered writing a letter where I re answer her questions. I won't change my answers, but will make them more coherent and more reflective of how I really feel (for eg she asked me why I wanted to marry my fiance ... there are so many GREAT reasons why I want to marry him, but under the stress of the situation I did not tell her half the things I should and what I did tell her could have been more convincing (to my own ears at least).

So do you guys think its a good idea to submit the letter? Or do you think that will work against me? Any and all opinions, insights are welcome. Thx!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-14 04:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome Question

Hi, I'm just about to file my I-I29F and I've been doing some research. We've hired our lawyer, we've gone through this site making sure we are filing everything correctly, but the income requirements for the later parts of the visa process have me worried.

I am 23 years old, a recent university graduate with a part-time job. I'm seeking full time employment as a teacher, but with the economy as it is now, that's not really in the cards until more jobs open up.

My part time job earns about $10,000 American a year. I also have approximately $10,000 in a Roth IRA. I'm assuming that's not enough?

If it's not, am I able to have my parents sponsor my fiancee?

I did a quick search through the forum for this, but couldn't find a straight answer. Sorry if I didn't look hard enough. Thanks.

First, I'd recommend you check out the I-864P. This provides the income threshold the USC has to meet depending on their household size. Household size consists of you, your fiance and any dependents you filed on your most recent tax return.

If you have no additional dependents, besides yourself and your fiance, the income threshold currently stands at about 18 300 I think. Keep in mind that these are the 2009 guidelines, however. The ones for 2010 are not yet available. As they become available the income thresholds may increase.

You may add your savings as assets to supplement your income, but there's no guarantee a CO will take them into account. From what I understand COs are most interested in earned income.

I'd say the safest option for your situation is to get one of your parents to co sponsor your fiance. If they're able and willing, then there's no reason why you shouldn't them. Their support will only improve the odds for your case getting approved and that's always a good thing.

All the best.

Edited by DTunda, 24 June 2010 - 04:33 PM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 16:29:00