Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina



Hvala :-)

T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-28 05:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Meni je ved bio zakazan intervju unaprijed a u medjuvremenu  sam sama zakazala ljekarski 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-27 03:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ja sam bila kod Kapetanovica (iza Robota u Hrasnom), izmjerio mi je pritisak, poslusao stetoskopom, ispitao jesam li sta bolovala, imam li kakvu dijagnozu, jesam li imala operacije kakve.... To je trajalo 15-20 minuta. Poslije smo otisli u drugu ordinaciju (u blizini) da mi snime pluca (odmah ti daju snimak koji nosis sa sobom u USA, ali ne nosis na intervju), pa smo odatle otisli u trecu ordinaciju (kod Bosmala) da mi izvade krv. To je bilo u utorak, u subotu sam naknadno doktoru odnijela neke stare nalaze, da bi mi rekao da ce vec u ponedjeljak odnijeti sve u ambasadu (licno) i da vec od podne mogu zvati da zakazem intervju. Tako je i bilo, termin za intervju mi je bio 7 dana od dana kada sam im se javila, a vizu sam dobila 3 dana nakon toga.

Dr. Kapetanovic je jako fin i smiren ciko, posebno mi se svidjelo jer nije bilo ginekoloskog pregleda, ne znam je li to uvijek slucaj. Sve skupa je kostalo 150 KM.



Hvala :-) 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-27 03:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Da li neko zna kako izgleda ljekarski pregled? Koja tacno pitanja doktor tamo pita i sta se sve vadi ( krv, urin, potvrde o vakcinama, x-ray na istom mijestu? ) 



T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-26 09:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ovdje nije rijec o tome ko je profesionalan ili neprofesionalan, rijec je o tome da je ljekarski potrebno uraditi barem 7-10 dana prije intervjua kako bi ovlasteni doktori imali dovoljno vremena da sve proslijede u ambasadu. Ima slucajeva da ljudi nisu upuceni u samu proceduru, pa uopste ne obave ljekarski prije intervjua ili se zna desiti da rezultati ljekarskog ili kasne ili zahtijevaju dalje preglede.


Evo par linkova kao dokaz da se 221g (privremena) odbijenica daje u situacijama kada u vrijeme intervjua nisu dostupni rezultati ljekarskog.







Lose the attitude, no need for it.





Pa radi se o tome jer, kako rekoh, ne vidim zasto bi klinika poslala rezultate poslje intervjua kad je poznato da rezultati trebaju stici prije. 


Uglavnom, slazem se da je potrebno uraditi pregled to sto prije i da za svaki slucaj aplikant treba da trazi ( sasvim opravdano) iste rezultate ljekarskog na dan pregleda kako bi imao  kod sebe te rezultate u slucaju da na dan intervjua nisu i ambasadi ( mada ne vidim zasto ne bi bili ) - bolje licno ih dati nego cekati da neko to posalje - iako slanje u roku jeste stvar profesionalnosti kao i obavjestenje druge strane ako se odstupa od toga roka , da se zna. ( svako profesionalan ce obavjestiti ako se odstupa od roka) . 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-09 19:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

U slucaju da u vrijeme intervjua bilo koji od neophodnih dokumenata nedostaju (ukljucujuci rezultate ljekarskog pregleda), ambasada vam uruci papir koji se zove 221g, koji je u sustini odbijenica koja moze biti privremena (dok ne pristignu neophodni dokumenti) ili trajna, pri cemu se case salje nazad u USCIS na dalju obradu. 

Following explanation for 221(g) is taken from USA Embassy website.

We initially refuse most immigrant visa applicants under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.  There is usually no need to worry: it is almost always a temporary refusal.

What is Section 221(g)?

Section 221(g) simply says that we cannot issue your visa until we are sure you are qualified for the visa in every way.  With immigrant visas, we almost never know on the day of the interview whether you are truly qualified.  So, we will need some time to verify this.  Sometimes, we need you to give us additional documents or information.  We will let you know, in writing, what we need.




U 221  g nigdje ne pise da se privremeno odbija jer rezultati ljekarskog  nisu stigli u ambasadu jos. 221g znaci ako nedostaju neki dokumenti- klinika koja radi preglede nije neprofesionalna da  dostavi rezultate pregleda kasnije nego sto je intervju. Oni su dovoljno profesionalni da ispostuju rok predaje dokumenta- zasto bi oni poslali dokumete kasnije nego sto je intervju?Pogotovo jer se nalaze u istom gradu gdje i ambasada, 10tak minute dalje. Izabrani su jer zadovoljavaju kriterije profesionalnosti. 

Ta odbijenica je ako se ne dostave potebni dokumenti od strane aplikanta  - ili ako se ne zeli uraditi ljekarski pregled- sto je velika razlika.


Mislim da je nepotrebno stvarati konfuziju a pogotovo govoriti nekome o takvim , blago receno - negativnim stvarima, kad je pitanje bilo krajnje  jasno- da li njih kontaktirati ili cekati da vas kontaktiraju. 221g je nedostatak dokumenata ili ne pristati da se uradi ljekarski. 


A sto se tice kada uraditi ljekarski- ocigledno sto ranije 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-09 18:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Na dnu uputa pise koji su doktori ovlasteni od strane USCIS-a, u BiH (Sarajevu) su to Eurofarm i doktor Bakir Kapetanovic. Trebalo bi da pisu i brojevi telefona na koje ih mozete kontaktirati. Pregled nije unaprijed zakazan niti ga zakazuje ambasada, to trebate vi uraditi. Ja sam licno isla kod Kapetanovica, mada svi vecinom idu u Eurofarm. Moj ljekarski je kostao 150KM. Nakon sto sam zavrsila ljekarski, javila sam se ambasadi putem maila da zakazem razgovor i dobila sam termin u roku od 7 dana.

Da li vi vec imate termin za intervju? Ljekarski mozete zakazati odmah, nakon pregleda je potrebno oko 5-7 dana da nalazi i ostalo budu dostalvljeni u ambasadu. Tek nakon toga mozete na intervju. Viza nece biti odobrena ako intervju bude prije nego sto nalazi ljekara stignu u ambasadu, nego cete dobiti privremenu odbijenicu dok ti nalazi ne dodju.



 Znam za te klinike ali to nije napisano u pismu. Uglavnom, interesovalo me je da li oni to zakazuju ili aplikant zove da zakaze.


I da, ako rezultati pregleda jos nisu dostavljeni ambasadi na dan razgovora to se ne zove "privremena odbijenica" nego odlaganje dok ne pristanu rezultati pregleda. Omg....Uglavnom svaka kilinika posalje rezultate sto prije, ali najbolje je uraditi pregled sedmicu ili dve unprijed, ocigledno.

T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-09 16:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Iako smo dobili pismo kada je intervju - ne pise kada je ljekarski pregled. Da li se dobija posebno obavjestenje kada je ljekarski pregled? Nama ne pise kada je u ovom pismu za intervju.......da li se zove ambasada i pita kada je ljekarski ili oni obavjeste kada? Hm.... nemam pojma da li je ljekarski malo prije intervjua ili sedmice prije.....takodje znam da imaju posebne klinike gdje se ide, ali ne znam koja je najbolja od ponudjenih.


ako neko zna odgovor na pitanje sta sa datumom za ljekarski , kada se dobije obavjestenje , bilo bi od pomoci.





T&K.LoveFemale02014-09-08 18:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Znali ko tacno koje dokumente slati u NVC. Dali obicni rodni list ili medjunarodni. Dali obicni vjencani list ili medjunarodni?

(Ja mislio obje vrste da posaljem kad dodje vrijeme, pa nek uzmu koji im se vise svidi :D


Obicni rodni list je ok jer ima sve podatke ( vi?e podataka nego medjunarodni rodni list). Uglavnom se salje onaj koji ima vi?e podataka. Mozes poslati i obicni i medjunaroodni vjencani list u koverti sa ostalim dokumentima.


Takodje , trebaju ti i ovjereni prevodi od svih dokumanata koje saljes u NVC ( naj?e??e od autorizovanog prevodioca) .

T&K.LoveFemale02014-07-21 22:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina


ako sta saznas vise, javi smile.png


Ok :-)

T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-13 17:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina


A similar document is issued by the Municipal Court (Opstinski Sud) of the district in which the applicant last resided, and shows whether the applicant is currently under investigation in any criminal matter.


Po mjestu boravista?


ako je resided - onda je po mjestu prebivalsita, ne boravista. to reside znace prebivati a residence prebivaliste. Onda je radije po mjestu prebivalsita. Jos cu da provjerim ali mislim da je to to. 


Thanks :-) 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-12 23:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hvala za odgovore milimelo.


jos nesto, kratko: ovo uvjerenje iz suda- jel se vadi u mjestu rodjenja ili u mjestu gdje se boravi? bas ne znam gdje se to vadi . 


ako neko ko je vadio taj dokument-  zna , ( rodjen u jednom mjestu, boravi u drugom ) - bilo bi dobro cuti. 



T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-12 18:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Iko sa slucajem da je rodjen u jednom gradu a zivi u drugom. Dali se potvrde iz mupa/suda moraju vaditi u rodnom gradu ili gradu boravka? 



I ja se isto pitam- da li neko zna sigurno odgovor na ovo pitanje? Bas je nejasno gdje se sta vadi...


Takodje- da li i zasto zenska osoba vadi potvrdu o nesluzenju vojnog roka i gdje se to vadi? 




Pozdravi :-) 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-11 19:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

hvala na odgovorima :-)

T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-25 18:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

Jedno je potvrda o prebivalistu koje se vadi u policiji, a drugo je da nisi osudjivana koje se vadi u sudu...tako je bar u mestu u kom sam ja zivela...dakle dve potvrde sa dva razlicita mesta...srecno!!!


hvala- zanm ja to. to nije problem. ja vec imam te potvrde- jedna iz suda, druga is policije.  a u policiji se ne vadi samo o prebivalistu, tamo se vadi takodje potvrda o nekaznjavanju a u sudu potvrda o neosudjivanju.


ono sto mene interesuje je da u toj potvrdi iz policije ne pise koliko dugo sam zivela u srbiji, ali pise najvaznije , da je osoba nekaznjavana.


tako da se sad pitam da li ostalima ovde pise koliko zive dugo tu, ako su iz druge zemlje ili generalno? 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-23 17:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

pitanje : moj policijski sertifikat , potvrda o nekaznjavanju iz srbije ne pokazuje koliko dugo sa zivela u srbiji ( zivela sam par godina a takodje sam i drzavljanin) - ali na sertifikatu mi NE pise koliko dugo sam zivela u srbiji, pise samo osnovno, ime , datum izdavanja i osoba nekaznjavana. 


da li u policijskoj potvrdi o nekaznjavanju treba da pise koliko je neko ziveo u zemlji? meni ne pise- da li je to problem zs NVC?


puno bi me znacilo da neko odgovori. pojma nemam za to i nisam znala da li treba da pise koliko je neko ziveo u zemlji. vec poslala dokumente



T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-23 00:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Can Beneficiary send an email to NVC to ask questions about case?

Thank you all for your answers!! really helpful! it is good to know that beneficiary can contact them also :)


cheers and greetings ! :)

T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-18 19:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Can Beneficiary send an email to NVC to ask questions about case?

Hi everyone, 


I wish i knew the answer about this question...I wonder if beneficiary can send email to NVC to ask specific questions about case?


Or only petitioner can do that. I have one important question for them and i really want to ask it...but im beneficiary and i wonder if they allow that beneficiary send them emails with questions...


It would be of help to know it ..





T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-17 23:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChange of the address of beneficiary who is not in the US yet



will see

depends on what is done during phase 0 for NVC stuff, email correspondence from NVC to you two, or no.




T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-01 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChange of the address of beneficiary who is not in the US yet

Yes could be. This is not much clear anyway.


So at NVC stage, i ( beneficiary) will need to send them documents at mailing address ? will they send me anything on my mailing address or all correspodence is by email and mostly to petitioner?


I dont understand much NVC stage... 

who knows?


I certainly cannot figure it out,

when I study





the majority of folk handling NVC doc intake NEVER worry about postal processing, to wait on NVC to send them something.   P4 for them arrives via email.


Please find and study LingChe in the wiki.  



T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-01 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChange of the address of beneficiary who is not in the US yet

i say put in current address when you are submitting a DS-260.




Thanks for advice. I dont know what to do yet...since it is the end of Uscis stage, maybe we should inform about it at NVC rather. ( by sending some paper to them or calling NVC number or emailing them , i guess after we get case number) . 


will i, as beneficiary, receive any mails from nvc at my mailing address? or only from embassy ? ( i guess package 4 is from embassy)



T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-01 21:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChange of the address of beneficiary who is not in the US yet

Hello everyone :-)


I have a question about changing address of beneficiary that is outside of usa at the moment . 


we are still at Uscis stage ( although we are at the very end of uscis stage ).


Me , as beneficiary, have  changed address - i am not in Usa yet, im  abroad and change of address is outside of usa. ( it is not usa address that changed) 


I have no idea if we should inform uscis now about it - since im outside of usa and i dont know if they will send any direct mail to beneficiary. i think they send all to petitioner first .


Im not sure what to do in such case.





T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-01 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014


Read posts 1 and 2.  It's okay to call!  Everyone does.  If you want to wait the full 30 days before calling initially you can.  It's up to you.  If you wait for the NVC to initiate contact however, it takes months because they will postal mail things vs email.  If you call, you can hand over email addresses and then everything from them will be via email.  


The NVC is a very active stage.  It's not like the USCIS where you just wait.  You call them and get your case numbers, you pay bills, you do online forms, you send packages, and you call to find out if everything is complete and when you have an interview date.  The NVC takes about 2 weeks to respond to emails vs calling which sometimes you wait on hold for 30 mins or so.  


NLR and yukster - thanks for your answers! now NVC stage is more understandable. Im glad to hear this stage is faster and active one. 


Greetings :-) 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-12 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Hello everyone


is it ok to call Nvc? after one gets NOA2 , is it ok to call them? after a week from noa2....i wonder as at paper we received ( noa2 ) it is said to wait 30 days before contacting NVC and if not hear from them within 30 days to email them...none mentioned any calling...



I dont know if we can call them to check if they received case and all other things we would like to such possibility was not mentioned at noa2... or if they will send mail with instructions to beneficiary or an email ..



T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-11 19:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportschanging maiden name into marriage name in the middle of visa process

 Thank you for detailed answer. It is of help. Well we were advised differently...some lawyers also said it is not issue at all and some said different thing  ...but i think also it is not issue as there is marriage certificate as a link.... if send copies of both new and old passport i think they see i just changed my maiden name into married name , as beneficiary.


I ll consider it definitely ...:-) 


The beneficiary now completes the DS-260 online form.  The DS-230 is no longer used.  (DS-261 replaces the DS-3032 and the DS-260 replaces the DS-230.)


No I didn't go through the name change during the process because I was married in May and didn't file until October.  So thus I was able to change it before we ever filed.  However, this will not be a problem and I'm thinking you're making it to be a bigger one than necessary.  If is the beneficiary who is changing their name, that's no problem because the DS-260 does ask for other names used, which includes a maiden name.  You still have to mail the documents like the police certificate, marriage certificate, and birth certificate to the NVC and most, if not all, will show her maiden name.  Also you would send a copy of the OLD passport data page and a copy of the NEW passport data page showing the name change.  Even if you showed up to the interview with a new passport with the married name, as long as they have all those other documents and you have the old passport, they can put the visa in the new passport.  It's really NOT that big of a deal.   These people are not idiots. 


The employees of the USCIS call center on the other hand, often can be.  But they're not gov't employees, they're a company who is contracted by the gov't. 


T&K.LoveFemale02013-11-13 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportschanging maiden name into marriage name in the middle of visa process


Visa and green card will be in passport name.  SSN can be in married name if obtained afterwards (not from check box on DS-260 [most aren't]) by going to SSN office and using marriage certificate. 



Yes get a new passport by interview, bring the old passport as well, and the visa will go in the new passport.  Thus green card (which is $450 to change unless you're doing ROC at the same time) will be in visa name which is in passport name. 



Yes you can change the name at any time.  The NVC can confirm the name change with photocopies of both new and old passports and marriage certificate.  I'm unsure why you feel the NVC will be confused on this issue, they're not idiots (as much as we seem to think they are at times.)  LOL  



NLR, have you been through this last name change in the middle of process? At NVC stage, there are ds-230 and ds-260 - at ds-230 there is section "other names used including maiden name"....


what makes me think they will be confused is that if i-130 form is sent in maiden name and at NVC stage , forms are filled in married name, they might think why that ( we were not able to change it at time when we sent i-130 form ). 


Btw, which forms are filled at NVC stage , Ds-230 or DS-260 ? or both...i know ds-230 has section "other names used " but not sure if ds-260 has it also...

T&K.LoveFemale02013-11-12 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportschanging maiden name into marriage name in the middle of visa process

Thanks for your answers :.)


i m still a bit confused  about it. really. we did not know these details when were sending i-130 form and it is sent in maiden name. i not sure what nvc would think, if after i-130 form filled in maiden name, receives other paperwrok needed for nvc stage in married name. hmmmm......well there is not any official info about that situation.


Is there anyone here in forum who been through this situation, that change last name into married name in the middle od cr1 process, that is, after uscis stage? It would be of help to hear such expereinces.



T&K.LoveFemale02013-11-11 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportschanging maiden name into marriage name in the middle of visa process

hello all 


i would like to hear your opinion about changing maiden name into marriage name.


 Would it be confusing for embassies if  -cr1 visa is started in maiden last name and in the middle of this process , before NVC, we change maiden name into marriage last name...documents are still in maiden name and i really want to change it into marriage name...but i wonder if embassies will see it confusing as  we already sent i-130 petition in maiden name and now if we send other paper work in marriage last name, what they would think of it and would it complicate ...we really dont know what to do about it ... i want to change my last name now and im not sure if it is right for process now.  We did not know many details about this process when we were starting it.


Thank you 



T&K.LoveFemale02013-11-10 20:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


I just kept redialing until I got through. It took about 10 tries



Thanks for response ! :-) it helps. 



T&K.LoveFemale02014-03-25 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


I almost always call them at least 20 times before I get through.  I dail, hang up, redial over and over for maybe 10 minutes.




Sent in my AOS packet today.  It'll get there Thursday morning!  Feeling nervous I missed something, but what's done is done. :)


Thanks for the answer, it is of help really....when we call , the machine says it is busy and then just hangs up...we still could not  connect to any person there to looks like we need to call really  at least 20 times before connect too....


we did not call DOS , only NVC....i wonder if it is same with DOS too, do they have all info about the cases like NVC? 

T&K.LoveFemale02014-03-25 21:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Here it looks like everyone speaks with NVC so easy get them on the line...but we could not after many calls to get connected to talk to anyone there....huh......

T&K.LoveFemale02014-03-25 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Im interested to know something , it would be great if someone knew the answer on it :-) :


About calling NVC- when we call them, the line always says it is busy and then hang it usual for NVC to be that busy ? we were calling several times during a day and could not connect to talk with someone is also 1st time we call and im not sure why it always says it is busy....we called NVC phone number....


I also wonder - is it same when call DOS phone number? maybe they will know info about our case too....






T&K.LoveFemale02014-03-25 21:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPolice certificate does not show the entire period of living in one country- is it an issue?

Anyone knows anything about this? it is very important for me to know. im not sure if such certificates of others who were sending it had that period of living in a certain country showed too?


T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-23 04:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPolice certificate does not show the entire period of living in one country- is it an issue?

hello everyone


i would really be grateful on answer about this- my police certificate in a country where i lived before too and in which im citizen too ( i have 2 police cert therefore , in country which i reside now and in which i lived before) - well the police cert in country in which i lived before does not show the period of living there- how long i lived there ( i lived there a couple of years). it only says  no convictions . But it lacks how long i lived there. 


I wonder if this is really problem for NVC? i did not know it before. Will they see it as a problem?


I would appreciate really if someone can answer. someone who already sent these police certi to NVC and knows if their cover period of living in  a certain country too. 


thank you



T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-22 23:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Quick question for all , PLZ : in IV package , im sending my ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES . Do i need to enclose certified copy of it too ? as we already send originals i wonder why to send a photocopy too...but it is written like that at NVC guides here at forum . I dont mind if they keep originals.


Thanks :-)

T&K.LoveFemale02014-04-16 16:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Our I-130 form is approved today!!!!!! 3th of February!!!! THANKS GOD !!!


Our noa1 is July 16th and we were transferred on 3th of January to Texas Service center .





Question : will beneficiary receive noa2 at mailing address or only petitioner? approximately how long does it take Nvc stage?


Greetings :-)



T&K.LoveFemale02014-02-03 22:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

We were transferred several days ago too- mid july filler.  


We first got one notification about transfer via email- that it is transferred to another service center. After it - we got another email that our petition was transferred to local office -and at mail , by far we got only 1 hard copy which says petition is at Texas Service center - when check status it says it is processed at Uscis office. Hmmm....not clear - if it is at Texas Service center or at local office? 


I also wonder how is Texas Service center with processing times and if it is better to be transferred to local office or to another center when it comes to time ...


Thanks :-)



T&K.LoveFemale02014-01-10 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Wishing you all Merry Christmas ! :-) 

T&K.LoveFemale02013-12-25 21:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich dates of I-130 form is USCIS currently processing/reviewing?

Thanks for replies :-) 


we will look at noa1 to see at which service center we are. When want to check status online, on uscis link it is only shown California Service Center and Vermont Service center so we assumed that we are in California center becuase it is the closest one to Washington state. 

I had no idea that there are other service centers too, like national benefit center , becuase it was not listed there. Hm....


I wonder if there is anyone here who also did i-129f in addition to -130 form ? Is it faster then? 

T&K.LoveFemale02013-08-22 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich dates of I-130 form is USCIS currently processing/reviewing?

Ok :-) . yes there are lots of different options and processes ppl do. We ( me and my husband ) recently started cr1 process so  still many things are not that clear. However, it is clear they can be slow. 


Joaonzinho - based on what i see from your post, are you waiting 4 months for 1-130 form approval? are you also doing cr1 visa and , if i may ask, why did you have senators call uscis for you? it should be soon approved , 4 months is long for only i-130 form.


i still have no idea if i-130 form we sent is at National Benefit Center ( becuase it says MSC on receipt number) or some other center ( like California Service center ) as i-130 form is sent from Washington state 

T&K.LoveFemale02013-08-21 20:44:00