CanadaWho do you bank with in the U.S.?
My wife and I bank with huntington bank, they are the best. The customer service is awesome and they are sooo friendly. I would definately reccomend people to bank with them.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2009-01-08 11:23:00
CanadaWhere are you keeping your greencard
I always keep my green card in my wallet as USCIS adviced.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-07 17:17:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

Canadianmade, I think that happens to some people who make the transition into the states. Some, like yourself, end up loving their new life and I think that's awesome. No matter where you go, you've got to be comfortable and connect to the land and with others around you.

I think for me, and this was a hard lesson to learn, I'm severely connected to the landscape. It's not even so much my friends and family, whom I love very much obviously but it's the actual geography that tugs at my heart strings.

My friend Liz and I hold this very dear to our hearts:

"...My hair's mostly wind,
My eyes filled with grit
My skin's white then brown
My lips chapped and split
I've lain on the prairie and heard grasses sigh
I've stared at the vast open bowl of the sky
I've seen all the castles and faces in clouds
My home is the prairie and for that I am proud…

If You're not from the Prairie, you can't know my soul
You don't know our blizzards; you've not fought our cold
You can't know my mind, nor ever my heart
Unless deep within you there's somehow a part…
A part of these things that I've said that I know,
The wind, sky and earth, the storms and the snow.
Best say that you have - and then we'll be one,
For we will have shared that same blazing sun." - David BouchardLet's see who truly reads my status.... you and I wake up in a police car together. Using Four words only, what would you say to me? Note: if you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. be a good egg and play along. ( 4 word's are harder than you thinkt

It's something I guess we feel to the depth of our souls.

Your are right on what you said, I know some people adapt to their new surroundings better than others, like myself I guess I happen to be at a place I like, its morely the standard of living here in Ohio is totally different than Toronto, because I live in a very slow pace town, not much going on and at first I struggled to adapt to it because of being from a big city, but once i gave it a chance, I turly started liking it more and more, I mean some people will never change the way they feel about what they consider home you know. I think sometimes what makes a person like their new surroundings is what a person had to go through threw or experience in their old surroundings ex. drama with friends family life whatever before coming to the US. I think what plays a role is if a person had a life or felt like they had a life in Canada before coming here to the US. I think that is a very awesome poem you know very deep stuff. I love Canada and very proud to say I am Canadian. I think it would be cool to have some Canadian friends too.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-06-04 11:53:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

It happens every time. haha

Hi fellow Canadians. I totally feel for you Laura and everyone who is going through homesickness right now. It is hard to be away from your friends and family and what we consider home you know. I personally feel if someone is living somewhere where they don’t consider home will never be at peace within themselves or happy. I will say at the beginning of this whole beuaucratic immigration process, I did feel homesick because I was in a new environment I wasn’t use too and life was different than what I was use too in Canada. I had my wife who I love dearly and was more than helpful to me when I was down about not being home, so it does help to have someone to have your spouse or someone you can talk to to help you out when your down. I will say that when I made the move to the US for my wife my friends and family weren’t too happy about my move, morely my friends. My family was happy for me but not at the sametime just in the basis of them going to miss me that kinda deal. I go visit Canada twice a year and each time its such an awesome feeling being in Toronto, but I did notice too my friends who I thought were my friends totally moved on and didn’t talk to me or anything, so much for real friends. I also feel that my life is no longer in Canada and don’t feel really right in Canada anymore. I personally have no desire to ever live in Canada anytime down the line and if I did move back after citizenship and all that, it would be for my family that’s it. I totally love my life here in Ohio, I have a decent job, going to school for nursing have an awesome wife and awesome friends, so complaints. I personally feel I have better friends here in the US than I ever had in Toronto. I think people were more than welcoming to me because I transitioned from a big city to a small town in the US. I think it all depends on the foundation back in Canada you know, I love Canada to death, love my hockey basketball and baseball teams. I do love everything about Canada, but I just don’t feel the same about it inregards to ever living there again. I do wish I did have some Canadians friends here so I can talk about stuff Canadian you know.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-06-02 16:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Agree 100% with everything :thumbs:
We were a great group back in 2008/09 and it's great we can keep in touch again through another step on this immigration process! We'll be there cheering for you in the May filers thread!! :yes:

Yes we were Rosie and thank you, and will be looking forward to you guys cheering me on in the may thread :)
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-12 19:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Looks like the package was received on Friday! At least it got there okay!

Canadianmade - don't worry about it, a little chit-chat along the way makes this board a lot less boring while we are waiting for arrivals, notices, appointments etc! There is most definitely a lot of bonding that goes on in these forums as you well know from when we were Oct. '08 filers! You, for one had a rough ride in this process and we were all there with you! Chat away - they'll just ban us if we're a problem!!! B-)

I am happy to hear that Beantown that your package has been received. Absouletly theres alot of bonding that happens in these forums and our group for one was one of the many few. Thank you and yes I believe chit chating along in the process does make any immigration process alot less stressful because you can talk with people who are going through the same process and experience. I certainly did had an rough experience and my wife, family and the oct 08 filers were with me to support me and ride out this rough experience with me at the end. I do thank you and the many others who were there with me.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-12 17:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

I think this is a rigid stance.

:thumbs: I enjoyed reading your posts. People are going to naturally find old friends from visa or AOS days and want to catch up. It adds a little personality to an otherwise boring repetition of a list with a bunch of rules taking up more space than your short chit-chat.

Well thank you, my purpose was to reunite and chat with old friends, I havent talked too in over a year and see how they have been doing including you. I really wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes or disrespect anyone in this thread or forum. I agree with what you said, and adding a little conversation to the forum can make it somewhat more exciting, than just talking about the immigration process only which can make it stressful.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-12 17:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Hi Canadianmade,
I understand that you are excited about seeing familiar name here. Sorry I'm not December filer either but here is "December Filers" thread and I think we should keep it to this subject ;)

I can definitely respect your request, but at the same time, you don't have the right to tell someone else, to no longer post in a thread. All I was doing was telling old friends who are in the Dec ROC stage good luck, so actually it was on topic, and fine some old immigration stuff was brought up, but its immigration talk, it wasnt like I was talking about something so off topic. I have issues with people who are trying to dictate and control things, so since you said your not a December filer and, I am not a December filer either which is true, we both shouldn't post in the thread anymore right? Its amazing, you seem to be the only person who had an issue with my posts.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-11 12:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Trust me, May will come around in no time at all! The good thing is that we were all approved and we can ALL be in this position of filing to remove conditions. A few months doesn't make much difference at this point in the game, since Life has just been happily moving along regardless! The next step will be super smooth for you, just watch! Thanks for asking about my daughter, she's wonderful, feisty and doing great! Kimcorene had a baby while we were adjusting status, didn't she? I wonder how she is doing? I don't remember when she received her approval or if she'll be a December filer also. Rosie, do you remember?

Yes that is true and hope that this process will be alot smoother than my 1st process. I am glad to hear that your daughter is fine and healthy and I remembered while you were in the AOS process you were pregnant. Yeah I had also remembered Kimcorene was also pregnant and wondering how shes is doing? Theres quite a few people I wonder how they are doing, there were some super cool people in our group. How has the US been treating you?
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-11 01:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Okay, so the package is finally in the mail and the wait begins. I'm way less stressed about things this time around.

Canadianmade! Great to see you! I was thinking about you the other day when I was here and didn't expect to see you because of your loooooooong ordeal - didn't realize you'd be here cheering us on! Hope life (and wife!) have been treating you well!!! :P

Rosie, the check is the first step! Good for you, now you'll be watching the mailbox like a hawk!

I went to a friend's Citizenship ceremony back in the Summer and couldn't help but imagine what it will be like! Funny though, as soon as they were sworn in and had officially become Citizens, there were people outside handing them papers to register to vote, etc! The ceremony was very nice...

Hey Beantown how are you? I am doing great and the wife is great too no complaints. I was snooping around the other day and saw some familar people so I thought I would drop in and say hi. I will be in this stage in the next few months, May 10 2011 to be exact will be my window to file thanks to a certain somebody I should technically be filing around this time or the next 2 months but my process is way pushed behind. Oh yeah I am hear cheering you guys on because this will be me in the next few months. Good luck to you and good job on mailing your package. Oh yeah how is the baby?
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-08 13:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Thank you Canadianmade, I really can't wait until this is done so I can move on to the last step of this whole journey... Citizenship! :yes:

I hear you loud and clear Rosie me too, I just cant wait to get to the citzenship stage gosh this will all be over.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-08 01:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

I know.. I remember all too well how long and stressful your AOS was! Well, I really hope your ROC will be going super smooth and you'll get your 10 yr card in no time, I think you deserve at least one painless immigration process! :yes:

My move was stressful but successful, definitely a different climate from Chicago here.. loving it so far! :D

Thank you and hope it does go way better than my conditional green card process fingers cross in the next couple of months. We are saving up for it and just cant wait till this is all done and over with. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your home and all is well. Time sure does fly and hope you have a smooth ROC process.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-07 18:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers

Hey Canadianmade! It's good to hear from you! Do I remember correctly you finally got your card approved on 8/10/09? :)

Hey Rosie long time no hear how are you? Hows the new place and state treating you? Yeah I got my green card 8/10/09 which in my opinion is such a long time to wait almost a yr really including USCIS holding onto my passport and birth certificate for no reason nor gave me an explantion why they did so. What got me so mad was they give us an interview in 3 months and waited 7 more months to get approved and filers after us got their green card way before me. So I will be ROC in May 10, 2011 thanks to them.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-07 17:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers
WOW I see a lot of old friends and filers from Oct 2008, good luck to you guys in the ROC process.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-07 17:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers

canadianmade!!! i'll be darned, nice to hear from you as well, i remember how frustrating your journey was so i hope the last year has been wonderful to not think about these jokers in your marriage for a bit. we're doing well...for starters still married :thumbs: and i plan to stay that way for at least another week :rofl: .

how are you and mrs. canadianmade? i actually took my husband for our 3rd anniversary to montreal for a loooong weekend. it was great and canada is still awesome albeit uber expensive.

i hope you'll be back around for a bit.

I know right, it has been such a long time, I am glad to hear you guys are doing well and happy that is awesome. Yes dont remind me about my awful journey it sure was a rough one and hope its smooth in the ROC and citzenship stage. We both are very well ourselves still married and happy and just preparing for the ROC stage and gather ####### together lol. Oh sweet, I have never been to Montreal, but I do hear it is very nice there, and that is a very nice way to celebrate your guys's 3rd yr anniversary and congrads to you guys. Yes Canada is super expensive so everytime my wife and I go to Toronto to visit we always buy stuff from the US and bring it down lol. Oh I wlll be around, just snooped around the other day and saw you guys so I had to say hi.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-08 01:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers

@ abranch...i know we're just being worry warts! i just like to feel like it's progressing you know.

@ sonoran songbird, thanks i vaguely remember this from my husband's aos. just have to stay focused! soon very soon about a year or so and no more uscis EVER!

Hey Kang Lang how are you guys? Long time no hear from you nice people hows life treating you guys? I havent been on here in over a yr, felt the need to make an apperance lol, good luck to you guys in the ROC stage.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2010-12-07 18:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Thank you, guys!

By the way I got second update/email that my green card is in production today early morning.

Congrads Diazy

Hello all!!

Got the good news today!

.."On September 27, 2011, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service .."


Good luck to all of you!

Congrads BiancanDoug
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-09-30 12:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
Sorry guys, I have been so busy but i just wanted to let you guys know I received my green card 9/24/2011. The card looks way cooler than the card we got 2yrs ago. It came fast and this process was way faster than my AOS it took me about 10months to get with many complications and headaches. Good luck to those still waiting and will see you guys in the citizenship stage which is in a few months.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-09-27 16:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

I just got an email telling me my new card is in PRODUCTION! *doing the happy dance* I should get my NEW 10 yr Green Card within the next 30 days *now doing back-flips* Fingers are crossed for all the other May filers out there, may the approvals be coming your way!


Congrads Frenchy, I know the feeling when I found out I was so freakin happy to get the email.

Canadianmade and Frenchy, congratulations!!! :thumbs:

Thank you Diazy!!

:thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:

Thank you shefellfromheaven!!!
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-09-21 22:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Congratulations, Canadianmade! :D

The last three approvals have been for the earliest three bio dates... so perhaps we'll see later bio dates approved now?

Thank you Alex & Rachel, very happy this process is now over, and I hope you guys hear good news soon. I am routing everyone on and hope more may filers get approved soon. I think you guys are on to something with your theory. Good luck!!
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-09-21 22:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
Thank you Yuirka and Jim, finally, I am sure more approvals are on the way, now just waiting for the card to come in the mail :).
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-09-20 22:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
Hey guys, I know I have been really quiet on here, I just got the email from USCIS today saying I am approved for my 10yr green card, so I am super excited right now and I cant complain, it went smoother than my AOS, so its a great day and next step is citizenship. Good luck to everyone and thank you for all of your help and I will definately stick around to cheer everyone on.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-09-20 21:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Well done that that part over for you. Good luck with speedy approval. :lol:

Thank you, we will see if its gonna be as fast as it is going right now lol. Good luck to you guys too
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-06-13 22:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
Hey gang, just letting you know that I had my biometrics appointment today @11:00am in Cleveland, it was a really quick process, it was done less than 10 minutes. Now I play the waiting game and good luck to everyone.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-06-13 11:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Hello Guys! I also sent my package on may 31,they received it on 1'st of june.i wait for them to chash the check and send me Noa 1!

Hi can you update my progress i got my biometrics letter today, it was dated for 5/30/2011 and my appointment is for 6/13/2011 @11:00am. Thank you and wish everyone a smooth process and i hope i get no rfes or interview, knocked on wood.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-06-04 22:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Updating list to include CanadianMade's NOA date :star:

California Service Center (15 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
ALEX & RACHEL........05/03/11........05/06/11.......06/15/11........--/--/11....
NW MUSHROOM..........05/03/11........05/05/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....

Vermont Service Center (23 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
JOHN HALL............05/09/11........05/11/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
MARY AND ENRIQUE.....05/12/11........05/16/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
~LAURA AND NICK~.....05/14/11........05/17/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
PATTU RANI...........05/19/11........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
SAL AND JAY..........05/26/11........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

thank u deidre for updating my info
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-06-02 00:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Wow, no Vermont filers have a biometrics date yet?
That's strange........I hope people just haven't updated their statuses yet!!! :unsure:

Very weird Laura, I hope your process is speedy and smooth, like I hope my process as well. Good luck to you.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-05-31 23:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
I got my one-year extension my NOA is dated 5/23/2011, I think I received it Saturday in the mail. Good luck to everyone and now waiting for my biometrics appointment letter.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-05-31 22:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

I could have mailed mine in April but I had a death in the family and a lot of stuff went down so I finally mailed mine off the other day.
Better late than never! lol My green card expires July 7th so I'm not super late. :blush:

Good luck to everyone waiting :)

Laura how are you? Cool beans and hope your process goes smoother than the AOS stage as my AOS process was abit rough and long too. I sent my package off today so now we will wait and see. Good luck.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-05-20 11:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers

Hey Canadianmade, good luck with your ROC! I really hope this time around everything will go nice and smooth for you! I be here cheering for you!! :dance:

Rosie how are you? Long time no hear how is life in sunny California? Thank you and I finally sent the package off today, so now we are playing the waiting game. I hope it is smooth too since my AOS was a bit rough. Thank you for the support :)
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-05-20 11:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
Hi guys, I just wanted to say, I sent my package today and I was told they will receive on Monday. I sent it to the California Service Center since I live in Ohio. Can I be added to the list. Thank you and wish everyone a smooth process.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-05-20 11:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMay 2011 Filers
Hi guys, I will be sending my package tommorow, so hopefully it will be a smooth journey for me and all of us filing.
CanadianmadeMaleCanada2011-05-16 12:33:00
PhilippinesGood luck to May 12 interviewees!
QUOTE (beauty2783 @ May 11 2008, 02:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck and God bless to everyone who will have their interview tomorrow, May 12th! I am so excited and happy for you, you are included in my prayers. Please share your experiences here on vj.

Best wishes!

Thank you!!!
Ricca711FemaleGhana2008-05-11 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe Next Step
Finally!!!!! :dance: They cashed the check at the service center. I ordered a copy of the check, although I can view it online. I know I sent our petition to the Nebraska Service Center, but for some reason it has California on the back. Anybody know why? I am so happy I could just spit, but that would not be very lady like. Ok, so what should happen next? I checked my email and nothing was there. Another question I have is how do you guys put those timelines in your responses and posts. I have a timeline set up in my profile but thats it.

Thank for your help.

Ricca711FemaleGhana2007-06-19 05:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1 Touch?
Ok, the check has been cashed. Now what? I received the copy of the check. I was reading that I should look for something on the back. What am I looking for? When should I received a NOA1? Does it come in the regular mail, or will they send me an email? Any advice would be appreciated.

Ricca711FemaleGhana2007-06-23 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!
Ok, the check has been cashed. Now what? I received the copy of the check. I was reading that I should look for something on the back. What am I looking for? When should I received a NOA1? Does it come in the regular mail, or will they send me an email?
Ricca711FemaleGhana2007-06-22 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsProcessing Times
I checked the USCIS website for current processing times. For the K1 Visa it says, "6 months". Does anyone know what that means? I filed June 1, 2007 and would like to know if I should start calling them.

Ricca711FemaleGhana2007-09-03 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!
Congratulations! kicking.gif
Ricca711FemaleGhana2007-10-29 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Ricca711FemaleGhana2008-03-19 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long of a wait before packet 3 is sent to fiance

Take a look at my timeline when you get some free time. I also sent you a personal message.

Take care and God Bless you on your journey,

Ricca711FemaleGhana2008-04-09 23:43:00