Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing??
Gooooood luck brother
couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-28 17:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSad news! is there any form to complete to cancel my visa application at the embassy
Help I want to put my problem as topic but I dont know how....?? Help me please
couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-01 01:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco - Wait time for scheduling interview?
Good luck brother
couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-09-30 16:56:00
Middle East and North Africare-apply I130 visa

in consulat they give me back my passport with nothing to say  >>>>>> dimocratique

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-11-03 09:34:00
Middle East and North Africare-apply I130 visa

thanks for answring , reson for  denial is they don t want to give me visa   i swaer hhh

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-11-03 09:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:


So you got a lawyer to refile your petition (I gather a I-130). Why didn't he just follow up on your denied petition. You would have had better lick and probably be at 2nd interview and done by now. Now you have a new petition starting all over again. and you have no idea why you were denied but what you said about her one visit?


Well all you can do is wait it out dear. I would follow up on your denied petition and see where that is however. Another member did just what you did and they were reaffirmed on the denied one after they also filed a new petition.

because he asked 497 dolor and pics mean maby  he want to re-apply process for visa ,,,,, i want know how long it take sir please

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-11-01 12:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

So if you were denied at interview that would mean your petitin is being sent back to USCIS for review to reaffirm or revoke.


How long ago were you denied? 1      -------------one years 


Where is your petiton ?2       ----------- my wife now she come living with me 


What hve you done about your ptition since denial?As in cals mad to congressman, what?   3---------- when i get refus my wife was so mad and he get sick hard sick , she go hosptel and laywer say is better if she move to u and we fllow him 


You say you have lawyer or had a lawyer what are they doing?   4    ------ he took money for full same papers sir  , he say he will re-apply visa process agin and we did send him 497 dolors and 4 photos for my wife and 6 photos for me 


The timeframe means nothing if you mis-filed. If you just filed another petition do you realize they can deny you for the very same thing they denied you before.


So please answer our questions so we can better asdvise and help you. Good luck.

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-11-01 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

We need more details, what type of visa did they deny?

is k3 sir 

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-11-01 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:
This is my story:
I am a young Moroccan man married to an American, we have already our progress for a marriage visa, everything is over and thankfully good .... On the day of the interview  the lady put   some very easy questions about my wife answered with ease ... In a last resort surprised rejected and the reason that my wife visited me once. ::: <
Today my wife live with me and have decided to re-apply here from Morocco
My question is:
How long that take to process ? ? Does the presence of my wife with me will help me?
Please help me ....

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-11-01 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

me and my wife we did   started papers last and i got denied , my wife now come here to live with me and we start papers from morocco with one lawyer in usa . i would like to know how long it will take process agin ,? and did immigration will start it from biging ?  is good thing that my wife is here with me living ?

     i love this website i get alots of  respect for it and for everybodys on it ,,,, really is nice . 

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-30 07:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

thanks alots our case is k3 just to let u know

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-29 09:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

hello friends\

im from morocco , i marreid american citz , we did befor process and we got refus , my wife now she lived with me here and she got her residence and morocain id , we start papers now agine and our lawyer asked us only to pay 497 dolor , and to send him 6 pics of me and 4 for my wife . 

       my ask is how long it will take untill intrveiw ady ? please if u know answer send to me in message ..... go bless all 


couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-29 09:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

thx sir for your help god bless you

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-28 10:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp me please:

hello friends\

im from morocco , i marreid american citz , we did befor process and we got refus , my wife now she lived with me here and she got her residence and morocain id , we start papers now agine and our lawyer asked us only to pay 497 dolor , and to send him 6 pics of me and 4 for my wife . 

       my ask is how long it will take untill intrveiw ady ? please if u know answer send to me in message ..... go bless all 

couscous10Not TellingMorocco2013-10-28 09:34:00