CanadaThe Vent
My vent of the day ! forgive me if it is a long post but I have to spit it out blush.gif

I own a Volvo (this is my 3rd Volvo) and I always have been highly satisfied with the Volvo cars strength, reliability and safety (my first Volvo saved my life in a bad accident) ... Anyway I always have been proud to be a Volvo customer until today !!!

About a year an a half ago I went to my Volvo dealer (the very same Volvo dealer I bought my car from) to have the catalyzer replaced under warranty. It was understood that only the catalyser needed to be replaced.
I went to my appointment to find out they did not order the right part. So I took time off of work that day for nothing. Ok things happen so I did not say anything and took another appointment for the next week.
I went to the next appointment and waited for the work to be done. After about 2 hours the service manager came back, handed me the invoice (shouldn't have to pay anything since it is under warranty) and told me that my car is ready and that I can go. Looking at the invoice I noticed that a lot of parts where replaced and as I am an honest person, I asked him if it was normal (I could of just not said anything and head out of the dealer as he did not notice what was going on prior to me asking him if it was normal, but as I said, I am a honest person). He took a look and said that, no it is def not normal. Turned out the mechanic tech replaced the whole exhaust line (my exhaust line was in perfect condition except for the catalyzer).

He then called the technician to ask him what happened. The technician told us that he could not remove the catalyzer so he had to cut the exhaust line in pieces. Nobody came to me to tell me what happened prior to do any of this on my car. Then they told me I would have to pay for the work and parts (it was nearly 1800$). I promptly refused as (working as an electronics/computers technician) I perfectly know it is against the law to replace any parts up to a certain amount without any agreement and then force the customer to pay for it .. on top of that I thought it was extremely disrespectful of them to try and make me pay for their mistake. I mean I do not have a problem paying for any work on my vehicle, in fact my vehicle has never been serviced elsewhere than at a Volvo dealer, but this dealer was really pushing it too far already. THIS is something I would never do to any customer .. if something have to be replaced other than discussed with the customer, I always call him/her prior to do anything and ask what he/she is willing to do. I mean who the hell do they think they are to force anyone to pay for their mistakes just like that, I have a budget and I am the one running it, not them !

So I told them to put my car back the way it was (minus the catalyser). They told me they could not do it because my exhaust parts are scrap by now and that they could install second hand parts for free, so they looked at some second hand parts to put on my vehicle and told me they found some (which was ok to me as they would put my vehicle back the way it was when I brought it, I did not even ask for brand new parts as my existing parts when I brought my vehicle for service where not new). They proceeded to install these parts and came back to tell me the work is completed.

Back to my vehicle I notice that the rear muffler (my vehicle has 2 mufflers, one center and one at the back) is missing and has been replace by a straight exhaust pipe. I asked them why my second muffler is missing, they answer they do not have any other second hand parts than these ones and that it is ok because 1st, it is an earlier version of my exhaust line design and 2nd, I do not need the rear muffler anyway. (Why would Volvo put a rear muffler if we do not need it?) I trust Volvo more than this uneducated service manager and won't question the reason why Volvo decided to install a rear muffler on these vehicles... if it is there it is because it is needed, period!

So at that point I am not happy at all and let them know about it but as a good and patient customer, decided to let it go and trust them. Started my car and headed back to work. Arrived at work my car was making a horrible noise (like the exhaust line was broken before the muffler). So I called them back and had to take another time off of work for the next day in order for them to fix this issue (3 times already and needless to say my employer was very unhappy about this).

I went to the appointment and after looking at my car, they told me the exhaust line is def leaking before the muffler (right where the catalyser and muffler connect together). So they tell me it is because the parts they replaced (not the catalyser but the rest of the line) are not the right part for my vehicle, that it is an earlier version of the exhaust line which does not fit with the new catalyser and that the only way they can fix it is by sealing it with some sort of paste... I told them I am highly uncomfortable with this as this is some kind of exhaust paste you can find at a Canadian tire and I know by experience this does not last and that this is not a real solution to the problem! They decided to do it anyway and for us to see the results. So they proceeded and the leak seemed to be fixed (for now)...

After a few days, the exhaust started leaking again at the same place (I knew so well this would happen)! so being tired of all this BS (and being more than patient until then).. I called the dealer 6 times in 4 days, each time I left a message on the service manager voice mail but he never got back to me !

At this point I decided to call Volvo Canada and tell them about my story as the dealer obviously was trying so hard to not fix my car the proper way to avoid paying for their own mistake. The service manager called me back 2 days later to tell me I did not need to call Volvo Canada and that we could of taken some agreements to fix my car (uhm, I already took too much time off of work because of this and they never did anything to REALLY fix the problem no matter how many times I went for them to fix it! My employer was very unhappy about me taking too much time off and also very disappointed with the kind of work Volvo did on my car... btw, my employer has a Volvo S80 and is at his 4th Volvo already where I am at my 3rd one .. I was also running out of time as I had to leave for a programming training in Florida).
So then the service manager told me they would install brand new parts on my car for the cost price without charging any labor, so the invoice would of been 360 $ approximately if I recall correctly (360$ VS 1800$ is a hell of a profit eh ?). That would have been fine by me, but the problem is that I had to leave for training in Florida for a few months so I could not attend the appointment and had to cancel it for now. After my training, I was so busy with work and personal issues that I just couldn't find any spare time to go and have it replaced, so I ran (and still run) my car with a huge exhaust noise and the wrong parts!

So today I went to the same car dealer for the first time since this incident to buy some regular maintenance parts (spark plugs and air filter). While waiting for the parts I saw a mechanic tech that I know for a long time. He was telling me that it has been a long time since he saw me (used to go have all my oil changes and regular maintenance there) asking me why I never went back to have my car serviced there, so I proceed to tell him the story (obviously with a very unhappy voice tone), he was stunned and could not believe it. Then the same service manager pop out of nowhere, asked the tech to go back to work and said "Mr, we had an appointment to fix your car, if you did not attend the appointment it is your problem, not mine." Then he went away laughing .. everyone at the parts department had that kind of sarcastic smile. I was standing there, speechless after hearing this guy's arrogance, I mean, are you F****** kidding me? My car has been making an exhaustless monster truck noise for a year with the wrong parts installed because of them and this is MY fault?

His words today where unprofessional, completely lacking respect toward an honest customer and inappropriate considering the whole mess THEY created. This is not the way to handle business and certainly not the way to treat an honest customer! This guy is a douche bag and a piece of ###### doubled with an arrogance so big that it is unbelievable.
I am fed up with this Volvo dealer and honestly, he is the very reason why I am now seriously considering buying another car brand as my next car. I mean I love Volvo, their cars are very strong, reliable and safe, but this kind of service is not representing Volvo quality standards.


ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-06 03:30:00
CanadaThe Vent
Here's my vent for the day !

About a month ago, one of my friends got his car towed because he apparently parked his car on the wrong side of the street when there was "no parking" signs for snow removal. He insisted on the fact that he checked for the "no parking" signs when he parked his car and there was none ! Next morning his car was missing. So he called the police and indeed they towed his car. The police officer told him that this year, the law apparently changed in Montreal allowing them to put the signs 3 hours before the actual towing blink.gif .. freaking ridiculous of them to do something like that ! i mean how the hell do they expect people to check the street during the night in case they decide to put the freaking signs ??? HELLO people are sleeping at night !!!
So anyway he had to pay 82$ to get his car back !

A few days after that event, when I was coming back home from work around 12:30am (I work second shift, 3pm till 11:30pm), I saw the city guys putting the "no parking" signs .. ####### ??? I mean putting the signs at 12:30am for a snow removal starting at 7:30 am ? It sure does not make any sense at all !!! so I parked my car on another street. Well, next morning, I hear the towing trucks sirens, so I get out of bed and go check at the window. A LOT of cars where still parked on the street .. of course nobody realized since the signs where not there when they parked their cars the day before ! Turned out they towed everyone !!! the whole freaking street !

So yesterday I parked my car (still around 12:30am) and as usual made sure there was NO "no parking" signs on the street. Indeed there was none.. Woke up this morning around 8:00am and checked by the window and ... my car was missing !!
Checked on the street and found my car a little bit farther on the the same street but on the other side with a nice ticket of 92$.

I mean ####### Montreal, found a new way to steal people's hard earned money ??? ranting33va.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 26 February 2009 - 02:59 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-26 02:55:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 16 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, it took about three hours to go through the entire Customs idiocy to get my car legally into Canada. It is here, however. One thing I want to note is that BMW Canada says an American recall letter won't suffice for RIV. Why do they say this? Because they charge you $500 for the recall letter itself.

I went ahead and sent RIV both Form 1 and my U.S. recall letter. I received a response that same day and it was approved. I now have to bring Form 2 with me to get my car inspected.

I can't believe BMW Canada is trying to rip people off like that. I've had nothing but good experiences with BMW in Texas. Maybe I got lucky. Regardless, the recall letter I got from BMW USA was no-charge.

Oh well. At least it all worked out.

DeadPoolX, Unfortunately you will see that a lot around here and it is not only BMW. Some car dealers are better than others of course but it is not limited to BMW to try an rip people off. You will also notice the cars are much more expensive here sad.gif

I started preparing everything to import my car and I got a letter of compliance from Volvo USA (Extremely fast and awesome service btw). Everything is fine and compliant on my car except one thing : my car is in km/h and I need to have it converted to mph.
Okay it is not that bad considering I can buy a US specs speedometer on ebay for something around 60$ and then have the dealer reprogram it to match the car's actual mileage (the ECU being the reference). So to me it was not a big deal and it really is not, it is a matter of 30 mins to an hour max to do everything .. EXCEPT that Canadian Volvo car dealers are asking 750$ just to reprogram it because apparently this is a fee they have to charge to prevent people from exporting cars to the US (and that statement is coming from them directly) ....
####### ? huh.gif So I called Volvo USA which told me that apparently there is a "grace" period that apply .. meaning that I could move to the US and have it done there in a certain amount of time after entering the US. So I think that is what i'll do cause I really do not have any intention of paying 750$ which to me is a complete rip off ranting33va.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 17 February 2009 - 01:33 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-17 01:31:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 7 2009, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's another rant that goes along with my previous one...

My wife and I really buffered the items we shipped. We wrapped two layers of bubble wrap around my stuff. Somehow UPS managed to damage some of my books and broke the seven of DVD cases. The book damage wasn't extensive (some corners heavily bent), but the DVD cases? There are large gaping holes in some of them and others were nearly smashed to bits. blink.gif

I spent over $230 USD to have four boxes of my personal items shipped up here. I'd like to think that for that amount of money, UPS could be more careful. As I said, the books had relatively minor damage and none of the DVDs themselves were rendered unplayable (as far as I know), but that's not the point. Every item I stored in those boxes -- with one exception -- was in perfect condition. Knowing this, I received the boxes and some of the items were broken beyond repair.

I'm not including the "clothing issue" (where my clothes are held up at Customs) as UPS's fault. However, the condition in which some of my items were dropped off, I can only hope my clothes aren't filthy or torn. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were.

Sorry to hear that, DeadPoolX .. it sure does suck

However I am not surprised at all. UPS is IMO one of the most expensive and unprofessional shipping company I've ever seen. I've learned that all too well when I ordered items from USA on ebay.
First, their charges for customs are often as much as the double you would pay with another company and this is not justified at all.
Second, they are slow to ship .. you would think it would be fast considering the amount of money you pay for their services.
Third, problems like you described in your post are more than too common with that company blink.gif

I stopped using UPS a few years ago for these exact same reasons.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-07 13:21:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jan 30 2009, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay so remember a few weeks ago I told you guys about the wedding saga with my future bridezilla sister in law? Well I have even more of a rant here about her so here it goes. Sorry for this guys, I have to get it out!

She writes this 25 Random Things about her on Facebook and one of the 25 things is "I can't wait for marriage and my new job.."

She doesn't even work, is still in school and is not yet looking for a job. She is the onyl person I've ever met in my life that talks about a job like she already has it.

Example: She said that she wanted to have a summer wedding because she had to spend most of August planning her classroom. She doesn't have a teacher's job, has not applied for one yet AND is not even 100% qualified to be a teacher until May.

Well her sister is even crazier then her. She has been engaged to the same guy 3 times and they keep getting back together and breaking up. I know this because she updates me every day on Facebook about her break up.

Example: "L is having a hard day today...", "L wishes she could turn back the clock"

Why and how do people do that? She said she still wants to marry him. Um, so if you get married are you going to separate every 3 months? I don't understand why people even CONSIDER getting married if they can't get along.

I was watching Dr. Phil the other day because I was bored to tears and it was about newlyweds. I don't think people realize how hard marriage can really be. This new wife had practically taken away ANY freedom her husband ever had and everything he ever loved. He had to come straight home after work to spend time with her, no longer had any friends. He moved to the city from the country for her and she made him sell his horses. He wasn't allowed to go to the gym without her.

She was sitting pretty saying , "I don't see what is wrong with wanting to spend time with my husband..."

Uh...because you've got him in a headlock and the guy is at his wits end?

I felt like I was looking at my brother in law on tv in the next couple of years. No friends, monopolized by his wife and just works to support her.

OKAY! I'm done. 1-2-3 WOOOOSSSHHHH. (my french teacher in highschool used to do that with us to get all our frustrations out)

Oh My ohmy.gif !!!!!
I am still baffled when I see people thinking they "own" their loved one, cause nothing and nobody is a "given" on earth. I do not think THAT is love at all, I think it is more disguised insecurities (but she will never admit it until she grows up !). I really feel for that guy, but he should also be able to step out and say whatever he have to say instead of accepting everything .. in a case like this, I would say both are to blame (her for putting that guy into pity and him for not telling her that this is enough).

QUOTE (thetreble @ Jan 30 2009, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OKAY! I'm done. 1-2-3 WOOOOSSSHHHH.

Actually I tried the one the captain does in "bad boys" "WOOOOOOOOOOSAAAAH" works best wink.gif lol
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-01-30 12:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Jan 25 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've also found out recently that my dad cheated on my mom several times. He has no remorse about it and said it "saved their marriage." I suppose that's one way to look at it. Nevertheless, my brother and I were a little shocked and none-to-happy about this revelation. Even worse was that he told me that I will probably cheat on my wife and that "all men do at some point." He said I'll get tired of being with one woman and look for sex elsewhere, which -- according to him -- is apparently "okay." He also instructed me to never tell her if I cheat, since she "won't understand."

Imagine that. One spouse not taking it well that their partner cheated on them. That's some newsflash, right?

What really annoyed me about that is he was telling me that I will cheat on my wife and even giving me advice how to do it, in addition to saying it's "perfectly acceptable." Just because he did, why should that be any indication I will too?

My dad did that too but it sure did not save anything at all, it only made their relationship worse !
I was as annoyed as you are but I finally realized that it was HIS life, not mine. It is not because he is my dad that I have to be in agreement with everything he says or everything he does. Personally, I hate cheating in every meaning of the word, I never understood why people do that and I guess will never understand... It is just something that is not in my book, what's the point in doing such things ??

I completely understand when you say your are annoyed by something like this. What puzzles me though is when I tell people that I am in love and do not need to sleep with other women, then they look at me with a strange look and ask me if I'm gay ! Well no I'm NOT gay ! So I try to explain that I am with my loved one and love and respect her so much, she is my love, my best friend, my partner, my other half wub.gif ... still, some of them don't understand.
So then I proceed to tell them that a women is not an object, nor a sex toy but a real person and that it hurts when you do things like that ... yet, they still stand here looking at me like if I was a freaking alien and tell me "but we're guys, and normal guys like to have sex" ... well I sure do, WITH MY LOVED ONE.

Moral of all this ? it is not because we are guys that we have to think with our #### ! You can be a real guy and think with your brain (the one up there), feel with your hart, have some emotions, respect and common sense.

Edited by ozone_1974, 25 January 2009 - 01:35 PM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-01-25 13:32:00
CanadaMedical exam in Montreal
QUOTE (Todd&Dani @ Mar 4 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the info ozone_1974. We are both following very similar Journeys. I hope the rest of your petition process goes well and you get the K1 Visa soon. With smooth sailing we will both be down in sunny Florida with our sweethearts soon! tongue.gif


you're welcome smile.gif

Thank you, my fiancee and I really can not wait to finally be together, it will be so good to finally start our new life together smile.gif
I hope your journey goes well also .. VJ is one hell of a good place with an incredible bunch of nice people, probably the best place to be in order to stay sane during this whole process smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-05 01:44:00
CanadaMedical exam in Montreal
QUOTE (Todd&Dani @ Mar 4 2009, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I checked with my Mom and as a child I did get the MMR and chickenpox vaccine. From what I have read and understand online those vaccinations are good for life, however I have no record or proof that I had them. I am currently trying to see if my family doctor has a record of this, but I doubt it. I would have got them in Quebec 30+ years ago and tracking that down will be a headache dealing with Quebec, but I think this is where I would start: (From experience in trying to obtain any of my records from PQ as an English speaking person from Ontario it would probably be much easier to just get the vaccinations again, if that is possible.)

I will very likely need a tetanus and diptheria booster. They can give me the chest x-ray for TB and the blood work for STI's at the Visa medical.

Are any other vaccinations required for entry into the US with a K1 Visa?


I wasn't sure either if I had chickenpox when I was a kid .. so they went ahead and gave me the vaccine anyway. If they are unsure, they will give you the needed vaccines, you do not need to worry with that smile.gif

Also there is a list of required vaccines included in the packet 3, but only the panel physician can determine which ones you are eligible to receive. A lot of these vaccines depends on your age and medical history and they will tell you at the medical exam which ones you need smile.gif

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-04 12:45:00
CanadaMedical exam in Montreal
Thanks Carla smile.gif

I did everything there because I wanted everything done to the same place and same day, quick and painless smile.gif
The price was for the whole thing.

The details goes as follow:
Medical exam : 95$
VDRL/HIV test : 70 $
X-ray Chest : 45$
Vaccine ADACEL DCaT (Tetanus and Diphtheria .. mine expired): 40$
Vaccine MMR (Combined Measles, Mumps and Rubella): 40$
Vaccine Varicella : 85 $
GST : 1.25$
QST : 1.97$
Total : 378.22$
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-02 10:51:00
CanadaMedical exam in Montreal
QUOTE (A & M @ Mar 1 2009, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ozone_1974 @ Jan 30 2009, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
11:25 am, back at the reception to pay in advance for the medical examination and the 3 vaccines (378$).

What method of payment(s) did they allow?

I paid by debit card .. I think they also allow credit cards and of course cash smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-01 21:06:00
CanadaMedical exam in Montreal
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jan 30 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wow, you were extremely early if you arrived at 12:15 am,lol Nice review

Oh sorry blush.gif .. I meant to say 10:15 am .. although it is not that early either tongue.gif

QUOTE (MrsCat @ Jan 30 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great review Ozone! thanks for sharing with VJ. star_smile.gif

You are welcome, I will do everything I can to help others in the same process smile.gif You guys gave us so many precious and priceless informations already biggrin.gif

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-01-31 00:41:00
CanadaMedical exam in Montreal
Hi everyone biggrin.gif

Ok so I had my medical appointment on Tuesday and thought about sharing my experience with you guys (Just in case someone have any questions on medicals in Montreal)

So according to the list provided by the Montreal consulate, medical examinations in Montreal are to be done by Medisys.
Took an appointment last week (January, 21, 2009) and had my appointment scheduled for January, 26. They asked me if it was for a visa for the US government and gave me all the necessary information prior to attending the examination.

I had to bring :
4 US size pictures
Letter from the Montreal consulate including my case number
Medical records booklet
Passport or 2 proofs of identity.

My appointment was scheduled at 10:30 am, so I went a little early (12:15 am) .. they have an inside parking (which is a fixed price of 10$ per day) or you can park on the street (was pretty easy to find a parking spot on the side of the building). btw, Their office is on the 11th floor.

Went to the reception and told the receptionist I had an appointment, she asked me for my 4 pictures, passport, letter from embassy including my case number and my medical records booklet. Once she gathered everything, she gave me a form to fill out, so I sat down in the lobby (not too much people waiting) and filled out the form (which is a list of questions on your health present and past conditions). Then I returned the form to the receptionist and they told me to sit down and that someone will call me in a few minutes.

A first lady called me at 10:30 for the xrays (this is just a normal xrays exam)

10:40 am, back in the lobby to wait for someone else to call me.

10:55 am, a doctor called me for a general exam (this was really quick and the doctor was not really saying anything but doing his job). Basically he asked me to strip down (minus the undies) checked my blood pressure, my reflexes (eyes and knees), my ears, listened to my heart and breathing, pressed on my stomach firmly and asked if it was hurting (not), then asked me if I have ever been convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol (not), then asked me if I was smoking (yes) and he told me "yes I know you are going to stop smoking" .. LOL, and then proceeded to fill out his form. Then he told me to go back in the lobby and wait for someone else to call me

11:05 am, I am back in the lobby waiting

11:15 am, a lady called me for the blood sample. She took my weight and proceeded with the blood sample. She was talking to me all the time (I guess to put me at ease with the needles lol) and we where talking about Florida. She then explained that I needed 3 vaccines and explained what they are for etc...

11:25 am, back at the reception to pay in advance for the medical examination and the 3 vaccines (378$). They also told me to call them back the same week to check if my results are ready.

11:35 am, another lady called me for the vaccines. She was really nice taking the time to explain what are the vaccines for, the secondary effects of these vaccines and what I will feel after the vaccines. I got 1 in each arms and one in the leg.
One was for Combined tetanus and Diphtheria (mine expired cause it is only good for 10 years)
One was for Combined Measles, mumps and rubella
One was for Chickenpox
Once the vaccines done and over with, she asked me to sit down in the lobby for approximately 20 mins and asked me to tell them right away if I was feeling any weird effects or having difficulty to breathe .. she explained that the vaccines are entirely reversible if any complications occur.

Went back in the lobby and waited a little bit .. except for feeling a little dizzy, everything seemed to be fine.

12:00 .. I was done with the medical exam and went to work biggrin.gif

Overall, despite the fact I hate medical exams, it was quite a pleasant experience, they put you at ease and are really nice and professional.

Update : I called today and my results are ready and waiting for me to pick it up !

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-01-30 13:21:00
Volvo will put it in the compliance letter. They did on mine too and there is no way of talking them into removing it from the compliance letter. They will automatically put it on the letter if your speedometer is only in kph (like mine); if your speedometer is in both kph and mph then you are good to go.

The fees for reprogramming the speedometer is a total ripoff ! they asked 750$ for mine (no speedometer included). So I went to a Volvo forum (basically Volvo fans and mechanics helping people out with vehicle troubles) and they all agree it is a ripoff, it takes them less than 30 minutes to do it.

I decided to buy a speedometer on eBay (they are around 100$ so that is a lot of savings compared to buying it new) and to have it reprogrammed once being in USA (I believe there is a 90 days grace period but I am not sure).
Buying it off of eBay or buying it new is the same thing, they still have to reprogram it to reflect your vehicle real mileage (mileage is stored in the car computer and in the speedometer simultaneously to prevent frauds), except that it costs way less to buy a used one wink.gif

Also on my compliance letter they indicated a change with the "warning lights". I believe they are talking about day running lights cause I do not see anything wrong with warning lights and I saw some people on VJ stating they had to disable day running lights blink.gif
Anyway in either case it is completely nuts as day running lights are stock from factory even in USA so I do not understand this one (probably some way of stealing people's money once again)

What is your vehicle model and year ?

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-21 20:37:00
CanadaCost of getting something Notarized
QUOTE (AaronM @ Apr 2 2009, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Apr 2 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, I am being paranoid.

I confirmed with Montreal a few days ago that the NEW I-134 FORMS DO NOT NEED NOTARIZATION.

However, I am worried because on my checklist, it listed "Notarized copy of I-134" and I had checked the box that YES SIREE I have it! (When I did not wink.gif My fiance and I downloaded the new form and just used that.

BUT I was sent the old form in P3 and am worried that maybe they sent me the old form because they WANTED it notarized (IE, maybe I am a special case). it April 18th yet? wink.gif

ANyway, so I am debating just saying to hell with it and getting the OLD form notarized and having my fiance FedEX it to me.

How much does it cost and does it tpyically take weeks to get it done. It would be done in VA.

Thanks good.gif

(1) the new I-134 no longer needs to be notorized , but the old ones do ( but they are expired look at the top of the form you will see the expiration ), even if you use it in usembassy they will not except it ). Yeah your a special case , whistling.gif of what im not sure kicking.gif stupid to be paranoid blink.gif

That is not true .. This date does not mean anything unless they explicitly tell you to use a NEW form instead. When they sent us our packet 3, the DS-230 form was already expired according to the date at the top of the form. This is the form they sent us and this is the form I sent back. Seems like they accepted it since they gave us our interview date. Unless they tell you otherwise, you are perfectly in your right to use the forms they send you.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-04-03 00:33:00
CanadaWhat's the best (cheap) way to move your stuff?
Yes the weather in Florida is very different than in Canada and it definitely takes some "getting used to", but so far the Floridian weather did not bother me that much to be honest, I even actually liked it smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-19 03:02:00
CanadaWhat's the best (cheap) way to move your stuff?
In that case yes that would not be a good idea .. lol

For your other question, last time I went to Tampa I just took the I95, drove 10 hrs or so the first day, stopped in a days in a little bit past Washington, slept there for the night and then drove the rest to Tampa (took approx 11 hours the second day). I actually enjoyed the I95 starting around North Carolina .. Starting from North Carolina is when I started feeling I was heading south smile.gif
It was also nice to ride beside all the Canadians I saw on that highway .. lol

Edited by ozone_1974, 19 February 2009 - 02:44 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-19 02:41:00
CanadaWhat's the best (cheap) way to move your stuff?
Why don't you ask your car dealer what is the safe charge your car can pull ? I mean it is not like you have an entire house to move from what you describe. Then you can base your decision from there.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-19 02:14:00
CanadaWhat's the best (cheap) way to move your stuff?
QUOTE (suzukiwookie @ Feb 18 2009, 02:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Guys,

I'm 4 weeks away from moving from Toronto to Florida to get married and do the whole thing! I have a honda accord with a V6 and was planning on just getting a trailer hitch put on it and renting one of those uhaul trailers. But a lot of people are asking me if I am crazy. So I am starting to wonder... It is believed that I will ruin the transmission on my car. So now I am left sitting here wondering how I am going to do this move.

So my question is - how did you move and what do you recommend for me? Here is some info:
- I only have about one small bedroom worth of stuff to move (one computer desk, a tv and a bunch of boxes and my clothes). It wont' all fit in my car though..
- Not taking my bed.
- Want to do this for under $500 if possible.

Your experiences and suggestions would be much appreciated!

It depends on the year of your vehicle and its overall condition .. but your Honda car dealer could tell you more about what your car can support. They will tell you the weight you car can safely pull .. then you can make your decision based on their answer smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-18 02:53:00
CanadaPolice Check
QUOTE (chadlaure @ Mar 25 2009, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My police certificate is a yellow paper (half normal size) with my picture, name, DOB and address
It says they failed to find any crimnical background by searching by name and DOB

It's mentioned it is good for US immigration

Did any have this paper?

Mine is similar except that it does not include my picture. At first I was looking at the half size page paper and was thinking "####### ???" lol
I had it done at some place that does criminal background checks for the GRC here in Montreal. I went to the police station, explained that I needed a background check for a USA K1 visa application and they sent me to that place so I guess that is OK unsure.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 26 March 2009 - 12:19 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-26 00:16:00
CanadaK-1 Interview preparation
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Apr 22 2009, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For my interview in Vancouver, I used the new Affidavit of Support form that does not need to be notarized and they accepted it.

You do not need your fiance's birth certificate, this is about you. All they require from the US citizen is the Affidavit of Support and the past three years of tax forms. I also gave them a signed Letter of Intent from both of us. Otherwise just give them the forms they request on your check list.

The only supporting evidence I brought with me was a bunch of photographs, which I just printed on paper on a color photo copier, copies of phone records and the receipts from all my airline tickets going to visit my fiance in Seattle. When the lady at the Embassy asked for the evidence she barely glanced at my pictures and airline tickets.

I did not have to bring the x-ray with me, just the sealed results from the medical exam.

Good luck with your interview!

This confuses me .. why tax forms ? I mean is it only for self employed people or do they require this for everyone ?
We only have a letter from her bank stating savings amount and such and also a letter from employer stating her salary and time she has been working there. would that be enough ?
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-04-23 01:04:00
CanadaHow many of you are or will be living in South Florida?
Tampa for me smile.gif
( that is when the visa is approved yes.gif )
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-04-27 23:24:00
CanadaTim Horton's in Rhode Island
Maybe it is just me but I like Krispy Kreme's coffee better biggrin.gif

We have one here on the Montreal's south shore and I brought coffee for some of my co-workers once ... They did not know what the heck was Krispy kreme and they absolutely loved it. They could not understand why there is not a lot more krispy kremes here in Canada. I like their doughnuts better too (so did my co-workers when they tasted them), although I admit they are VERY sweetened, but I have a sweet tooth anyway .. lol

Don't get me wrong though, Timy's coffee is very good too, used to grab my Timy's morning coffee every day before heading to work wink.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-05-19 23:20:00
CanadaI-134 notarize??? Conflicting instructions
We used the new form for my interview in Montreal that does not require to be notarized and they accepted it without any problems good.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-05-22 01:21:00
CanadaFrustration towards marriage -- any help, opinions, relief?
He already explained what he meant.

Personally, I think it proves one thing .. he does have a head well placed on his shoulders and he's using it (which is a very good thing) ! I do not see anything wrong with his way of thinking, this is pretty logical and there is absolutely nothing in what he said that indicate he is not ready for marriage.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-05-21 00:59:00
CanadaMedical and interview
QUOTE (M613 @ Apr 30 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking of the medical exam-how much is it? I know my visa fee to bring with me to the interview is gonna be approximately $360 something... Anyways, I've tried looking this up to no avail, so I thought I'd ask...

thanks, for the 50th time, in advance biggrin.gif

It depends on where you have it done and how many vaccines you need.
Mine was at Medisys and it was 378$ .. but I had 3 vaccines included in that price though.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-04-30 09:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
I'm sorry but I have to say this. I hate using a GPS that just so happens to get me even more lost than I already was.

Depends on the quality of your GPS and also how you have it set ... You can set it up for shorter way or for faster way. Your itinerary will differ a lot depending on your settings, and also on the GPS quality.
I have a Garmin nuvii and must admit that it is very accurate, it was very handy when I was in vacations in Florida smile.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 18 February 2009 - 01:41 PM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-18 13:37:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 16 2009, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK this is really funny. This woman in Hong Kong has a temper tantrum after finding out she missed her flight.

lol, at some point in the mist of being so upset for missing her plane, I thought she would even attempt harakiri laughing.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 17 February 2009 - 12:54 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-17 00:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
LOL DeadPoolX
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-11 14:00:00
CanadaJust for a laugh....
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Mar 5 2009, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Didn't Gérard Depardieu make a movie like this blink.gif

Yes he did, it is called "green card" but I saw it a very long time ago so if I recall correctly the end of this movie is rather depressive sad.gif Def not a movie to watch when you are in a Visa process.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-06 01:26:00
CanadaAnother car import question
Thanks a lot Krikit .. I'll make sure to bring some Tim Horton for you wink.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-07-22 15:26:00
CanadaAnother car import question
Thanks a lot Krikit smile.gif

First .. sorry for the confusion .. I will move on August 21st .. not July 21st .. lol too much going on these days I guess.
So concerning the car import .. basically I can show up at the border and import my car, even if it is in KPH and the letter state it has to be converted ?
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-07-22 14:39:00
CanadaAnother car import question
Hi everyone smile.gif

Yet another car import question ... I will be moving the 21st of July to Florida on my K1 visa ..
I will be importing my car into the U.S but I do have a question. My car is in KPH only and in the compliance letter that I got from Volvo USA, it states that I have to convert it into MPH (700$) .. Yet they did not know if I would be able to import it and then convert it to MPH. Also, at my interview, I even asked the interviewer if I would be able to import my car, and then convert it to MPH once in the U.S (MUCH cheaper), but unfortunately she did not know, she just said "I'm sure it is possible".

I am trying to find out if I would be able to do this, or if I have to get it converted absolutely before the move. Does anyone know if I can do that ? Or does anyone have a number to call just to make sure ?

Thanks smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-07-22 13:37:00
CanadaJob/Career...what do YOU do?
I was an electronic technician for 13 years in high-end home audio video products.
Unfortunately, as the electronic market slowly but surely went down the hill, I had to do something about my career. I loved my job so much, but realistically speaking I just could not sit there waiting to get laid off and not being able to find a job anymore, or still do my job but for a ridiculous salary.
But I always had a second passion, Computers! Curious as I am, I started spending a lot of time learning, servicing and building computers and did this for years as a hobby. However what I like the most about computers is programming. As I knew I had to switch careers, I started with what could get me into the computer world. So now I am working as IT support for a huge company .. not exactly what I like the most in computers but I do learn a lot of stuff smile.gif however, I perfectly know that I do not want to do this forever. I plan on working as a programmer ... just need the right timing to complete the switch biggrin.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-06-03 00:55:00
CanadaSmall bit of a problem
Ok so an update, they accepted my exemption request with a certified copy of my visa ...
So I am hitting the road as planned on August 22nd smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-08-18 16:00:00
CanadaSmall bit of a problem
Thanks everyone for your answers, and thanks to you SapphireDreams smile.gif

I will send my exemption request asap along with a notarized photocopy of my visa and a letter assermenting that I will leave on August 21st .. hopefully it will be enough for them and they will accept the exemption request.

I will keep you updated smile.gif

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-07-24 01:16:00
CanadaSmall bit of a problem
Hey everyone smile.gif

I have a small bit of a problem that came in the mail today. Hopefully someone will know how to handle this and what are my options.
So as I said in my previous post, I am moving to USA on August 21st, and today I received a letter from the Montreal courthouse stating I have to show up in court on September 15th as a Juror (which is impossible for me to do as I am moving on August 21st). So I've read the papers they sent and it state that as a Canadian citizen, we are REQUIRED to show up on the date mentioned. We can also send a request to be exempted if we have a good reason not being able to show up.

So 1st thing I did not know .. it can happen to any Canadian citizen, their Jurors selection is apparently random
2nd thing I did not know is that, you can send in a request to be exempted, but you have to show proofs that you will not be able to attend and it has to be notarized, then it will be reviewed and accepted or denied by a judge (this is what I read and has been confirmed by someone when I called the sheriff office). I do not really have proofs that I will be leaving on the 21st as my rent is by the month instead of being a 12 months contract, so I can not show them the end of my rent contract, I will be traveling with my car, so I can not show them any flight ticket reservation or anything .. the only thing I can show them is a photocopy of my visa in my passport unsure.gif

Now my problem is that I can not attend this thing, because I think my visa will be expired by then. (have to make sure of my visa expiration date though)

does anyone have a suggestion ?

Edited by ozone_1974, 23 July 2009 - 07:15 PM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-07-23 19:13:00
CanadaOdd Pets
We should have a new addition to our Ferrets babies tonight biggrin.gif
Now we'll have 3 of them smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-13 13:18:00
CanadaOdd Pets
here they are playing in their flowers pot .. This is one of their many toys .. lol

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-11 13:52:00
CanadaOdd Pets
We have 2 ferrets smile.gif They love to play and are just sooo adorable. Just be careful not to leave anything of importance on the ground or close to the ground where they can reach it cause they love to steal and hide it .. lol
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-11 11:59:00
CanadaTomorrow is THE day
Hello everyone

So tomorrow (Saturday 22) I will finally hit the road and head to Florida to be with my loved one smile.gif
Packing has been loooooooonnnnng .. but mostly, sort my things and decide what I was going to bring took most of that time whistling.gif
Today I said "bye" to my family, and there was so many conflicting emotions ohmy.gif I am so happy to finally move to be with my loved one smile.gif, and at the same time, sad to leave my family and friends behind.

It's going to be a long drive so I will update when I get to Florida smile.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 21 August 2009 - 10:44 PM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-08-21 22:42:00