CanadaNew here, with a few questions!
Thank you everyone for the quick replies - it help! We've got some reading to do...
lindsay_elaineFemaleCanada2009-08-05 21:30:00
CanadaNew here, with a few questions!
Hi everyone! I just found this forum and am hoping to find some answers that I have eluded me through hours of web surfing. Rather than starting a different thread for each question and possibly putting them in the wrong places, I figured I'd just lump them together here!

Firstly, I'm a 23 year old airbrush artist (read "starving artist") and have been with my Canadian boyfriend for going on 8 years (in September) We want to get married and have him move to the States, but we're not sure which road to take or really where to start. Our biggest problem right now is I'm not making any money and currently living at home. I'm trying to start a career as a custom painter and have been working out of an auto body shop for a year learning things, but it's slow and like I said I'm not making much. I can always fall back on being a sign maker (did that for several years) but I'm reluctant to move away from where I'm at now. I know we could apply to have someone (my mother) sponsor him financially, has anyone had to go through this process? And this leads into my next question, which route would be the quickest to having him working legally in the States? K-1 or K-3? Does it make a difference? The sooner he could be working, the better as we obviously don't want to be newlyweds living at home. I feel like I'm being overloaded with information and can't remember what rules rules apply to what visa! And lastly (for now) I go up and visit every few months (my family has a summer home and relatives that live close to him) If we were to get married in Canada, and I returned home to the US, what kinds of issues could I run into at the border? I find driving back to the States much more nerve wracking than driving into Canada, I've even been lectured for traveling during a snow storm and I can't even imagine the complications that might befall me if I get to the window and state I got married while out of the country!

Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm sure you'll be seeing more of me (and Daniel!) around these boards. Thanks you!
lindsay_elaineFemaleCanada2009-08-05 16:54:00
CanadaFavourite Tim Horton's story
I think my favorite thing about Tim's is how sssllllooooooowwwwwwwww everything goes. There's no point in the drive-up window, it's quicker to go inside and get your food (proven by my boyfriend by getting out, going in, getting food, and coming back to sit in the still-waiting car) There are always six people doing nothing behind the counter when the line is out the door. It's too funny to be annoying! I come from the land of Dunkin' Donuts and two second order fulfillment

...I'd kill for a sour cream glazed, I wish Dunkin' Donuts would get it right - I'd have to drive an hour to the nearest Tim's (Maine)
lindsay_elaineFemaleCanada2009-08-05 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 / pregnancy question
Thank you guys, that's good to hear!
lindsay_elaineFemaleCanada2011-07-25 21:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 / pregnancy question
I am a USC and my husband is Canadian. We've been married just over a year and started the CR-1 process using a lawyer last September. We just found out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant and am now about 9 weeks along. We've had some hang-ups with missing paperwork (UGH) and are waiting on news from the NVC. Does my being pregnant effect anything? Has anyone been through a similar situation? The Lawyer said they may want me to meet a higher income requirement and we shouldn't mention it (I'm using my mother as a financial sponsor) but I was already approved financially months ago. The stress is killing us, just looking for some reassurance/guidance...
lindsay_elaineFemaleCanada2011-07-25 21:23:00