K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
Hi, thank you, for all of you who helped me to understanding my daughter’s faith of I-130 denial? I have read and studied and took notes till my eyes hurt, that is all I have done since her denial. I will not give up until it becomes a reality. I am not a quitter and I will not give up on my daughter. I guess I will have to do what ever it takes for us to be a happy family together. I did read till I understand everything that was given to me from all of you on this forum. Thank you for your help. I will call Marc Ellis and let him confirm what all of you told me and go from there. I will also yet all of you good people know what he told me. You were also right I was hoping someone could tell me exactly what I wanted to here that did not happen. So again my family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I hope all of the couples who are thinking of getting married and especially the ones with children beyond the age of 18 will read this forum and read all my plea for help and not have to deal with the tragedy and pain of having a daughter denied on an I-130 to come to the States with her mothers. I realize where I messed up and there is no sense in crying over spilt milk. What is done is done and we will just have to make the best out of our situation. We are survives of this life. Thank you. Gary.
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-28 20:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
I also looked at the case type on the I-129F and it reads, Case Type I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE (e). Notice Type: Approval Notice Valid from 02-16-2010 to 06-15-2010. If anyone can help us I will send you any info you need, I am a very trusting sole. I am desperate now. I also hope this sheds some more light on our situation. Thanks again.

I looked at the case type as you suggested on the I-130 and it reads, Case type I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE (e), OR ORPHAN. Notice Type: Approval Notice Section: Husband or wife of U.S. Citizen, 201 (b) INA. If anyone can help us I will send you any info you need, I am desperate now. Thanks again.
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-28 11:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
I looked at the case number as you suggested on the I-130 and it reads, Case number I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE (e), OR ORPHAN. Notice Type: Approval Notice Section: Husband or wife of U.S. Citizen, 201 (b) INA. If anyone can help us I will send you any info you need, I am desperate now. Thanks again.
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-28 11:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
I notice to on the I-797C that was sent to me that two of them are approvals for the I-129F for my wife now what do I do? I-130 approved and I-129F too. Now I am really confused. I really need help now. Thank everyone for your help.
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-28 10:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
I really appreciate this info. Please tell me exactly what is my course of action now to bring my daughter to the states with her mother. Now that I see where I messed up. Any info would greatly be appreciate by my beautiful wife, daughter and me. Thank you for your time. Gary
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 23:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
Should I have receiced any info about the I-129f I Submitted a couple weeks after i received the first I-797C back?

Thank you I almost feel better already.
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 22:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
[quote name='Darnell' date='Feb 27 2010, 09:19 PM' post='3752265']
ok - this is 'administrivia' for you -
but -

pull out the first 797-C - that 'notice of action' receipt notice on both of them, for:

1. the I-130
2. the K-3

then cross-reference the case number with the
wife's approval notice - if it was the I-130 -

you've got some work to do, for NVC Processing -
see http://www.visajourn...onic_Processing

if it was the K-3 itself -
call NVC, get the GUZ casefile number - then start calling DOS in 2 weeks, asking for status.
Regardless, still - contact Marc Ellis - if nothing else, he'll give you a 'sanity check' about the age-out issue.

Should i have receiced any info about the I-129f i Submitted after i received the first I-797C back?
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 22:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied

ok - this is 'administrivia' for you -
but -

pull out the first 797-C - that 'notice of action' receipt notice on both of them, for:

1. the I-130
2. the K-3

then cross-reference the case number with the
wife's approval notice - if it was the I-130 -

you've got some work to do, for NVC Processing -
see http://www.visajourn...onic_Processing

if it was the K-3 itself -
call NVC, get the GUZ casefile number - then start calling DOS in 2 weeks, asking for status.
Regardless, still - contact Marc Ellis - if nothing else, he'll give you a 'sanity check' about the age-out issue.

I received the Notice of action today stating that the I-130 petition for alien relative filed for daughter was denied.
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 21:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied

ok - this is 'administrivia' for you -
but -

pull out the first 797-C - that 'notice of action' receipt notice on both of them, for:

1. the I-130
2. the K-3

then cross-reference the case number with the
wife's approval notice - if it was the I-130 -

you've got some work to do, for NVC Processing -
see http://www.visajourn...onic_Processing

if it was the K-3 itself -
call NVC, get the GUZ casefile number - then start calling DOS in 2 weeks, asking for status.
Regardless, still - contact Marc Ellis - if nothing else, he'll give you a 'sanity check' about the age-out issue.

Thank you i almost feel better already. I have four I-797, notice of action for my wife and one I-797 for our daughter states that USCIS received your application or petition
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 21:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied

The Wife's petition was not denied, right ?

At this stage, I'd recommend paying for 2 hours of time with Marc Ellis .

Google his name, find his website, and go forth. You may have some hope through Marc, but that 18-year-old rule is hardfast - Marc can tell you if is possible to 'overcome it'.

IMO, the 'crappy-doodle' aspect of all of this - is that IF you dinna get married, and instead filed a K-1, you might have had better chance of getting the daughter in country (K-1 age out at age 21, I-130 at age 18 ).

No my wife was approved, received I-797 on 02-16-2010. There was a beneficiary Axxx xxx xxx on the notice of action I-797. our 20 year old daughter was denied, receiver the notice today with an appeal form EOIR-29
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 21:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help for 20 year old Chinese daughter denied
Hi I am Gary, I am very new at this so please try to understand and help me if possible. This is my first to use this form. It has been very useful reading in this immigration process for my wife and daughter. I am desperate now and need help.
First let me induce myself my name is Gary. I am a US Citizen living in Florida in the United States. I married a wonderful Chinese woman who I love very much on 09-09-2009 who also has a very sweet 20 year old daughter her birthday is 11-02-1989. On 11-06-2009 I filled an I-130 for my wife & daughter and on 11-30-2009 I filled an I-129 for both wife and daughter, I also filled G-325 for both them. I received the I-797C 0n 12-08-2009 for both wife & daughter. I received the second I-179C approved 0n 02-22-2010. I received information to apply for wife’s K-3 visa and an AOS forms. Today I received a notice from the California Service Center that my wife’s/my step daughter’s I-130 Petition was DENIED because: The petition I-130 was filed after our daughters 18th birthday. I also receive an EOIR-29 appeal notice. I know you already know what my question is. What can I do to be able to bring my daughter with her mom to the States together? PLEASE this is my family that i love very much. I need all the help I can get now. Any information I can receive would be greatly appreciated by me and my new family. I see this as just a little bump in the road, with the all of the knowledge that is on this forum I know there is a solution to my problem with your help. Thank you and God bless all. Gary
g371728gMaleChina2010-02-27 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdoes uscis accept scanned appeal form eoir 29
togetherforever13 is right this is not a joking matter and should be taken very serious.

On Feb. 03 our case was reaffirmed and sent back to Guangzhou for another visa interview. The appeal decision was I never received a letter to intent to revoke. I received my NOIR 2 days before its 30 day expiration date. Meaning it sat on someones desk for 28 days, when I received it, it was expired. They sent the intent to revoke to my old address. I sent in a change of address 8 months before the intent was sent to me. I knew I had to do something quickly. I knew I couldn't handle this mess without some professional help.

I call Marc Ellis his number and information is on the web. I never regretted hiring him for one second. He has done an excellent job for us. He really knows what he is doing. I am now in China waiting for my wife's interview. I plan to stay in China until my wife has he Visa. Then I will take her home to America with me this time. I also hired Marc Ellis and Eunice You. Eunice you works with Marc Ellis in Guangzhou China. She is now preparing my wife for her interview.

The good news is it did take a lot of work right away. I sent the appeal notice with the fee required. I also put together 4 lbs of information to show I indeed did have a bona fide marriage. I only had 3 days to do this. I over nighted this information to the appeal board, Sign receipt requested.

I hope you take these people advice and do something very quickly. Most important, NEVER give up for any reason.
g371728gMaleChina2012-03-05 16:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,

Sorry to hear everything that has happened. There is not much that can be done to keep case in Guangzhou but I would recommend contacting your congressman ASAP, try to get them to intercede to keep the case there.
You might also want to contact one of the lawyers that handles a lot of cases in Guangzhou, Mark Ellis is recommended by many people.

I really appreciate all your support. I did contact my congressman already. I also contacted Mark Ellis and he gave me a speedy reply back asking me if I wanted to hire him. I will post what his course of action is for my wifes denial. Thanks again for your support.
g371728gMaleChina2010-12-05 12:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,
I really believe my wonderful wife fate was decided before her first interview. She had the kitchen sink and a lot more with her and was well prepared not to fail her interview. But even at her first interview she was not allowed to provide the VO with none of the documentation to prove to the VO our love was true and a bona fide love and marriage. My wife had all that information in her hands and well organized. The VO never allowed her to show him anything. He just handed her a blue slip of paper. I know my wife felt violated by the way she was treated by the VO. Her total time at he first interview was 3 minutes. That is the time it took for our love and lives and fate to be decided. He had ask her 4 questions. My wife answered then quickly and honest. I can't even go to a florist to pick out and buy my wife roses that quick. But our fate was decided that quick. I did fax my congressman all the information he requested all 18 full pages typed. Just to show everyone how much information that was in the kitchen sink. When my wifes case files were sent to Guangzhou. I sent 17 lbs of everything my wife and I had gathered up. And for what she was never allow to use any of it. My wife is not a bad person. She just loves her husband and wants to be with me. My wifes second interview was even shorter. It took security longer to escort her away then her entire first and second interview combined. There is nothing right the way my wifes interview was handled. My congressman suggested that my wife write a letter of apology to the Consulate for her behavior in front of everyone. I talked to my wife today about this and she agreed her behavior was unexceptable. She will write this letter. I really appriciate all of you VJ's for your support and help. I hope and pray no one has to go though the pain and embarrassment my wonderful wife had to endure. Our prayer go with everyone that has to go to Guangzhou for there interview. What worries my wife and me is what did we ever do to anyone to deserve to be treated like this. What did we do? WHY is our biggest question. Thanks again and God bless all.
g371728gMaleChina2010-12-03 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,
I met My wife 12-08-2008 we got married 09-09-2009 yes my daughter is my step daughter. I spent 62 days wonderful and loving days with my wife after we were married. I did contract my congressman this morning. He sent me a privacy act release form and told me to send all the information I had on my wifes two interview. I have all this information ready to fax out first thing in the morning I will never give up hope and I will never give up on my wife. Thank you for your concern.
g371728gMaleChina2010-12-03 00:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,
Hi all you VJ’s I want to take a few moments of your time to bring everyone up to speed on everything that has transpired since my last plead for your help with my daughters situation. I have enrolled my daughter into an English school in Nanning China where she is excelling. I am so proud of her. On September 08-14-2010 my wife received her packet from Guangzhou. On September 1st 2010 at 7:15am my wife had her first interview in Guangzhou where she was ask 4 questions. These are the questions they ask her. Where is your husband? Why has your husband only been to China to see you just one time for only 62 days sense you got married? How did you meet your husband? How do you and your husband communicate with each other? My wife answered all these questions very good and she was always very polite to the VO. She was given a blue slip of paper requesting more information and said our love and marriage was not a bona fide love and marriage, which is totally BS. My wife and I were devastated by these results. My wife cried for a solid week until she was sick. I did my best to comfort her by telling her that we can fix this little problem and that it was just a little bump in our road of love. We gather up all the information they requested and a lot more and she turned it into the Consulate Guangzhou on September 17th 2010. I sent everything they requested from me to my wife by DHL the fastest way possible. Just as soon as the NVC had sent the case files to Guangzhou 05-14-2010. I sent my wife a copy of everything, the kitchen sink all 17lbs. My wife was so surprised of how much information she had setting in front of her. She got some help and started learning and studying all this information I sent to her. My wife probably knows more about all her immigration documents then I do now. On 10- 29-2010 my wife received a letter from the consulate in Guangzhou for a second interview any Monday thru Wednesday between the hours of 1:30pm to 3:00pm. I thought this was strange. This is how my wife’s second interview went. My wife approached the VO and said good morning. She works in public relations so I do know how polite she is always. The VO never acknowledges her so she thought to VO never heard her so she said good morning again in English and was ignored once again. I thought this was very rude of the VO. The VO started reading some documents and NEVER asks her ANY questions at all. The only thing the VO said to my wife was for her to go to window No 30 to get the results. These are my wife’s exact words to the VO. How could you let my lonely husband live in America alone, for no body care. My wife insisted that he tell her why she was denied and received this white slip of paper. Now she was angry and she was screaming I love my American husband and how can you do this to us. Then it got ugly the VO ask security to take my wife away. She did go but not before saying what she wanted to say so everyone could here. I know her actions were not acceptable in the Consulate, but any one of us who love our wife like I do would have done exactly the same thing if this happened to one of us. I am trying to find away for her to send a letter of apology to the Consulate, or is this something that needs to be done? My wife is probably not the first Chinese woman to loose her cool over a white denial slip. My question to everyone of you VJ’s is there any way to overcome this white slip 221(g) not a bona fide relationship which is BS? I have already called DOS the NVC, and USCIS. I was told there is nothing I can do until the case files are sent back to the CIS. Is there anyway the case files can stay at Guangzhou and this problem be solved with out sending the case back to CIS for review and possibly termination of the case? I was told by DOS that it could take up to 120 days for Guangzhou to just send the case to the CIS, which is also BS. No one cares if our wives and husbands have to wait all this time and be separated from the ones we love. My wife and I have no intention of defrauding anyone for any reason. We don’t expect anything for nothing. We try our best to do everything the right way the first time. I am still devastated by Guangzhou actions. Now I am mad and want to do something so my wife and I can be together in the States. If anyone has any suggestion please feel free to give me your help or opinion. To my wife and me it may be possibly another 6 months to a year of separation. I was told by DOS that once the case files are reviewed by CIS that they will notified me by mail of the exact reason for my wife’s denial. The CIS will give me a chance to try and prove that our love and marriage is true love and a bona fide relationship. Is this information correct that DOS told me? Or is this BS too? I have got to the point where the only ones I truly believe in any more are the good people on VJ. So please if anyone knows what I need to do now please feel free to tell me. If anyone needs or wants to discuss my situation with me just ask for my email address and I will gladly give it to you. I love my wife with all my heart and she loves me back with the same enthusiasm are even more if that is possible. Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for your help once again. Gary.
g371728gMaleChina2010-12-02 13:13:00