Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Today is the last day my husband will be a permanent resident! Tomorrow is a new month
and a new beginning. He will become an American citizen!!!! :dance: :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-31 22:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Congratulations Sunny!! :dance: :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-29 09:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

This is a great Wednesday morning guys. Just checked my case status and Farid got his lifting on conditions approved. Wohoo, I am so thankful to God and to all my friends and family for their prayers.

Terrific news!!! :dance: :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-26 13:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

I might have an opportunity to be our HR assistant at work. Im tossing and turning in my mind about it bcz I hate change but its so tempting and its completely different than what I've spent 11 yrs of Walmart doing (which is all up front and management) It would be every Sat 8-5, every Sunday off which I would love, and I pick my other day off, then 2 days 8-5 and 2 days 12-9. Same pay, same level but a completely different thing and a new change within work. Anyone worked HR before??? Adam thinks I'd be crazy if I dont take it, but Im so having a hard time in my mind.

Go for it Tammy!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-25 11:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

Yay, Jean and Wael! April 1st is Enzo's birthday. My little piccolino will be two years old. :D

Wow I can't believe Enzo will be 2!! Where did the time go!


Hi Olivia! Nice to see you! Hope you and Waleed are doing well.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-18 00:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

Awesome!!! Tell Wael Congrats from us!!! And of all days on April Fools day! Tell him its certainly the real deal on a funny day!

Hi Tammy! Thanks so much!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-18 00:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Wael finally recieved his oath date! It's April 1st. He takes his oath at the University of Arizona, James E. Rogers
College of Law.

Been quite a journey!! :dance: :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-03-16 18:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate

Hi... im wondering How many Blonde cold aggressive coucil embassies of the MENA area do have? LOl
well, in Algeria there is a woman (blonde...cold, arrogant....) that denied a lot of fiance visa and marriage visa......
and i still try understand why they treat people so badly!... and i guess if they put people more confortable and ask question like a friend is asking u questions, they will probbaly find out more easily if the fiance fiancee our husband and wife,and really in love or not!!!

i was reading stuff, about french embassies and other countries, and all never had to deal with so much questions and inquiries and bad attitude from coucil!!!
i guess its descrimination because we are arab!!
what do u think???

It's not the job of the CO to make you feel warm and fuzzy. It's their job to find out if there is fraud.

It's your responsibility to prove your relationship is bona fide. All embassies deny visas, not just MENA countries.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-10 08:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011

Just wanted everyone to see what we survived on Wednesday. Many people dead, injured and missing. We had 3 tornado warnings on Wed. Three times we rushed to the community tornado shelter across the highway. The second warning was the worst. After we got to the shelter we turned and watched a tornado jump our street and and head north east. It got so bad and we rushed in at the last minute and shut the door. There are 2 shelters side by side and they were just about full. Just a few minutes went by and we came out.. People started getting phone calls that the tornado touched down again just 3 miles up the highway. It followed the highway into the little town of Smithville MS and totally wiped it off the map. I have never seen anything like it and I was terrified. When we went home my neighbors house was cut in two by a huge oak tree. I have some shingle damage and that's all. This was such a close call. The tornado was on the ground and came off a big hill just south west of us. It jumped the waterway and our street of houses. It is reported to be a F4 possibly an F5.
On a better note, Hachemi passed his citizenship interview yesterday. We will now wait for the letter about the oath. Hard to celebrate with so much sadness in our community.

This is the tornado on top of the hill before it went over our house. It was taken by a friend of my daughter.
Posted Image

Video I made with my cell phone, just seconds before jumping in the shelter. You can hear Hachemi talking with his southern slang. He says " It's bad, Ain't it?" Our house is just behind that row of trees.

Happy you are safe and congratulations to Hachemi on passing his interview!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-29 12:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011
Afternoon everyone!
Hey Aya!!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-26 16:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011
After 3 1/2 yrs my husband will be going back to Egypt to visit his family as
an American citizen! :thumbs: Booked his flight for next month after his graduation
from the University of Arizona! He's so happy and very excited!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-13 09:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011
Wael received his passport today!! :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-12 23:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011

Jackie I had salad and a piece of pepperoni pizza. :)

Tamara--thanks so much! I would greatly appreciate any advise or insight. I would love for him to get his citizenship and not have to deal with immigration anymore. I am interested to see how many people go ahead and get citizenship after year 3 or how many keep renewing their 10 year card. What kind of proof would you have to submit after 10 years? :lol:

Amanda, Wael got his citizenship 3 yrs and 4 months after arriving here. If you go to it will have the area for applying for citizenship
and what to do. He applied Sept 25, 2010, had his interview Jan 12, 2011 and took his oath Apr 1, 2011.

Best of luck to you both!!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-07 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011

My sisters husband has his Citizenship interview on May 2nd. Very exciting! Then Adam will be applying within the next few months!!!

Great news Tammy!! Best wishes for him and your sister!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-07 08:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread April 2011
Happy April to everyone!

Beth, time is getting so close for your trip!! I'm so excited for you and Amr!!!

Jackie, Lexie is getting to big!! I remember this little baby starting kindergarten!!
Hope you are doing well also!

Sunny, thanks for starting the April thread!

Wael is officially an American citizen! I posted in the Citizenship forum about his oath.
He graduates from the University of Arizona in 5 wks, the off (FINALLY) to Egypt for
a 2 wk visit with his family. He hasn't been home since his arrival here Dec 23, 2007.
Begins his accelerated (1 Yr) MBA program at Eller College of Management UofA
June 3. Wish there was more time between his studies, but thankfully only one more
year. He will pursue an MBA in Corporate Finance.

Enjoy your day!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-04-04 09:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread May 2011
Hubby is flying to Cairo today! Leaves LAX in a couple hours. He's so excited to see his family
again! Have a great Saturday everyone!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-05-14 10:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread May 2011

Congrats to Wael Jeanne!!!!! :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :star:

Thank you Jenell!!! How are you doing? Miss seeing your posts.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-05-13 18:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread May 2011

Congrats Wael! Jeanne, I know it's going to sound funny, but I'm proud of him, too...and I don't even know him. I guess I get all happy when an immigrant takes positive, full advantage of all the good that America has to offer like getting an education, citizenship, and successful employment. What accomplishents! Through these years, your reports of his hard work and drive never ceased to amaze me. But, I also commend your dedication as a wife because it has been a sacrifice for you, too.

Congratulations to you both.

Warm regards, Stacie

Thank you so much Stacie for your post! I do appreciate what you said about Wael. He certainly has worked very hard
to achieve this goal. Again, thanks from the bottom of my heart! (L)
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-05-13 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread May 2011
Another milestone for Wael! He is now a graduate from the University of Arizona!!
He will leave Friday for a 2 wk holiday with his family in Alexandria! Hasn't been home
since arriving here 3 1/2 yrs ago. It's exciting for him to return to Egypt as a new
citizen also. His accelerated MBA program will begin June 4. He's worked so hard!!

:dance: :dance: YOU DID IT!!!! :star: :star:

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-05-11 13:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spouses Poll


JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-06-22 22:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
(F) (F)
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-01-15 15:45:00
Middle East and North Africaoldies but goodies?
Seven years ago today I met Wael. Will be married 5 yrs in October. He became a citizen
in April, and another he begins his MBA program!!

We have had a truly wonderful journey together. I'm blessed. (L)
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-06-02 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnline College?

Ask Jeanne...I think Wael just graduated from there.

(hey ZeeBee ! good to see you)

Jackie (F)

Hey Jackie! No, Wael graduated from the University of Arizona, and is now attending Eller College of Management ,
University of Arizona. He will be completing his first year MBA in Finance with doing the accelerated courses. He does
attend the University and has no online classes. That was his preference when he chose to do the accelerated program.

Yes, LPR can receive student loans and private scholarships, however, they don't qualify for federal grants.

be really careful and make sure they are accredited..even some of those can come back and bite you.

i attended westwood college on line for a while it ate up a good chunk of my student loans and has taken me a long time to get to the point that i can go forward again with my education......good luck just make sure that you check them against other colleges that offer the same degree and the length of time it will take to achieve it


Wise words!!! Be very careful!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-06-25 11:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur Visa Journey is Complete!
:dance: :dance: Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-06-25 11:05:00
Middle East and North Africashould i be happy ?
You certainly have worked hard in the short time you've been here!! Awesome Yassiner!! One can achieve great things
with hard work!

My husband has been here 3 1/2 yrs, just graduated from the University of Arizona with a BS in Economics with Honors,
He has a BA in Accounting from Alexandria University, Egypt, but like you said, some of the course material wasn't
transferable. He didn't complain....just pressed on and obtained another degree. He's now completing an accelerated
MBA course at Eller College of Management, University of Arizona and will complete his MBA in Finance May 2012. He
also obtained his citizenship in April !!

It's been a tough road, but like you, with his motivation and determination he will meet his goals. I just admire you for including
your wife! I know how hard it is...been there also!!! Don't stop and always believe you can do it!!! Yes, you should be
VERY happy!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-06-30 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTomorrow Ahmed and Amber interview
Good luck!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-20 17:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou all are not going to believe this!!!
Congratulations!! :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-21 10:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaOn this day 5yrs ago...
Happy Anniversary Tammy and Adam! Was looking at your photo this morning and Wael and I
were sitting in the same chairs at the Ministry of Justice!! Wow that brought back many memories!!
Can't believe our 5th anniversary is in October!! Time has flown!! Have a great day and please tell
Adam we said hi!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-22 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Journey of Love
Welcome to VJ! Best wishes for a smooth journey!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-31 16:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread July 2011

Good Morning MENA peeps!!!
Been awhile since I have logged on!! Hope all is well!!
Jeanne~get any rain??? Tamara~ congrats on the pending 5 year mark!!! Terrie and Beth~~so glad you all got your paperwork out!! Hope and praying for speedy results for you both!!
Jax~~keep your dreams alive and truckin' gf!! Rosie~~staying cool way down yonder?? :luv:
I'm slacking at work, I have vacationitis severely!!! So I know work is completely out of the question at this point!!!
So glad to see new names and faces coming through the MENA train!!! Good luck and congrats to those who have made it through all ready!!!:thumbs:

Morning Andrea!
Will you be leaving tomorrow for Disney? Have a GOOD time!!

Sure hope Mandy arrived in Cairo! Rain is all around us....just awesome thunder and lightning storms!

Hope everyone has a great day.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-21 10:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread July 2011
Afternoon everyone!

Terrie, best of luck with your AOS!

Hey Rosie! It's hot here also. Weatherman has promised us rain all week...just circles
around us! Phoenix had an awesome dust storm again yesterday! Always reminds me
of the movie "Hildago".

Have a good afternoon and stay cool!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-19 18:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlease help me to understand e-mail from the Cairo Consulate
It took 30 days after Cairo requested his passport for his visa to arrive!! Good luck!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2008-07-31 20:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Ramadan !!!!!!!!!
Happy Ramadan and nice to see you posting again!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-07-31 16:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaI need your support and pry please
Good luck!! My husband is from Alexandria! :thumbs:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-08-06 20:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaStuck in Administrative Processing after approval
Our visa process took 1 year.

Wael had his visa interview in May. The CO told him his visa would be issued in 3 wks....received his visa Nov 1. I think it's a standard thing Cairo tells people. Don't give up.

After his interview they did a home visit. It's just up to Cairo on what they want to do and when.

Best of luck to you!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-02-16 08:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother year....
Happy Anniversary!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-08-01 18:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in hand
:dance: :dance: Congratulations Samer! :dance: :dance:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-08-18 16:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaVacation with the hubby
Have fun Tammy!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-08-25 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaAugust 2011
Can't believe it's already August!! Have a great day everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-08-01 13:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaSeptember 2011
[quote name='Sunny123' timestamp='1316440705' post='4908706']
Can't believe it we're getting married this weekend!!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2011-09-20 11:07:00