K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Those time intervals vary greatly and should not be taken as indicators for anything.

For example, it took 7 days for us to get the NOA1.

I know, but one day still seems crazy fast, doesn't anyone agree? :blink:
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-18 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Just received our USCIS Acceptance Confirmation by email that the Dallas Lockbox has received our application/petition and routed to the Vermont Service Center for processing.

After looking at this website (which I wished I had found before sending out the forms) I realize that we did the minimum necessary based on the USCIS website. We only sent the I-129F and the Biographical info sheet for each of us. No cover letter or separate declaration letter and no statements or photos... it didn't ask for ANY of that... now I'm worried they will turn the application back. I have all of that info but was waiting for them to ask for it at my consulate appointment but wondering if I should send it separately. Any advice???

Thank you,

Hello there, welcome :) Just checking if I understand correctly: You only sent out the petition yesterday and already today have gotten the E-notification email that they accepted and rerouted the petition to your service center? Woah :huh: We sent ours out 6 days ago and nothing yet...
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-18 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
So apparently everyone who sent the packet out on Jan 10 got their E-notifications today/last night...should be our turn in 2 days then, I hope :P
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-18 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
A NOA1 in two days? Now that's fast...We are hoping to get it in the next couple days!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-18 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
True that :lol: That's gonna be a lesson in patience for sure, something I'm not usually quite good at :whistle:
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-15 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

That would make sense.....I just now remembered we got a text message the same day as the email :)

It didnt occur to me that this was the case.. :thumbs:

Congrats btw, it would be great if 3 day NOA1's were the norm :yes: I'm anxiously waiting for my fiancé to tell me he got an email and/or text, or that the check was cashed. I don't think he checked yet though since the petition only arrived in Texas 2.5 days ago...

Edited by rebelliousheart, 15 January 2011 - 05:39 PM.

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-15 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I still cant believe i got my noa1 in 3 days! haha!

Im sure ill probably be last getting my noa2 :s

Just for the record, i sent my g1145 on the front of my package and never recieved an email or text message. I just got an email of noa1, and then the hardcopy in the mail.


I thought the email NOA1 is sent due to the E-notification form and otherwise one would only get the hardcopy via regular mail. Anyone correct me please if I'm wrong :)
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-15 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I'm not sure that has anything to do with Vermont, but more to do with Texas which is where the application is received (and payment is processed) before sending off to the correct service center.

Hm you're probably right, I got so excited that totally slipped my mind that it's not Vermont sending out the E-notifications...but hey, there's still hope VSC might pick up processing times in the new year. I'm trying to be positive right now, even though it's not easy reading about all those long 5-6 months waiting periods of other VJ members. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst :P
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-14 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

As for the timing, it looks like (from the all of two e-mail notifications we have thus-far) that VSC is processing incoming applications a bit faster (faster e-mail and NOA1 mailing - not necessarily anything else).

I hope that means good news for later processing too. Their new year resolution should definitely be faster K1 processing :-p
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-14 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Yes, we sent the e-mail notification form. =) Thought we had a green paper come back with the first rejection saying that we should place that sheet as a cover to receive "special atention". Let's hope that speeds things up a little. If not, monday or tuesday is not that bad :thumbs:

I had wondered about that, whether to put the E-mail notification form right at the beginning even in front of the cover page. And that's what we did :)
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-12 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
My fiancé is sending out our application tomorrow morning before work, so we'll be January filers as well. Would be great if processing times picked up in the new year :whistle: not getting my hopes up though, lol..
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-11 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew member- Applying for K-1 Fiance visa
Come November 23, new fees are coming into effect and the filing fee for I-129f will go from $455 to $340. I suppose you are not sending out your petition by tomorrow, so the new fee should apply for you :)
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-22 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years

Here's a thread where I posted my example for residences http://www.visajourn...ost__p__3626180 , I did the same for employment except made the number of columns and column headers match for each section. I put the ENTIRE list on the supplemental sheet (as in started from the start) so they wouldn't think there were any gaps. and on the G-325A itself I put "------See Attachment-----" in the last line. I had no issues doing it this way.

Ok, thank you! I will do that! :yes: So, when they say no gaps in time, even when I was employed only from May 1 to May 31, and unemployed from June 1, I have to put it like this:

Unemployed Jun 2010 - Present
Employed May 2010 - June 2010
Unemployed Apr 2010 - May 2010

and so on...


Edited by rebelliousheart, 24 November 2010 - 09:38 AM.

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-24 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years

No because you're not EMPLOYED as a student. You were unemployed. Don't make this about wanting to look good, USCIS doesn't care that you were unemployed they just need it as identifiers

I was just curious cause I was looking through old threads and saw a post saying to put "unemployed" or "student" but I wasn't sure...but I'll stick with unemployed then. :)

Since all of my employment information doesn't fit into the given space on the G-325A, do I just write "see supplemental sheet" right away in the first column and then list the complete information on that additional sheet (signed and dated of course) or do I start the employment information on the actual G-325A, then write "see supplemental sheet" in the last column and provide the additional information on there?
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-23 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years

Student is not an occupation for the G-325a. You were "unemployeed". Unless you were also employed at your college, they were not an employer. Do not list them.

yes, the job for 3 days counts. If it was only for three days, then so state. May 3 to May 6, 2010. Record your father as an employer also.

From what you write, it would be like this...

(month)2004 to Present...worked in my Dad's office
May 3, to May 6 (also had another job, list it)
City and state is sufficient for "address" no need for street address.
That's it.

Just wondering...could I put N/A for employer and then write STUDENT in the "Occupation (Specifiy)" instead of unemployed? Not listing an employer, but simply specifying the occupation during that time without employment...

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-23 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years

Relax just a bit. Read carefully and interpret literally. Employment is employment, education is education. If they want to know about education, they ask. Really, there are no trick questions.

I'll try! :blush: Thank you for your replies!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-23 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years

Don't overthink this. It's not that complicated. :blush:

If you got paid for doing work, then you were employed. Your employment began the first day you worked on that job, and ended the last day you worked on that job. It doesn't matter if you didn't work every single day in between. Think about it rationally. If you had a job for a year, but you got weekends off, do you think they'd expect you to list ONLY the weekdays, as if your job ended every Friday and began again every Monday? :whistle:

Any time you didn't have a paying job, you were unemployed. You don't have to worry about the word "unemployed" looking bad on the form. First, neither USCIS nor the consulate really cares, especially if you're young. Second, they're not asking you to make it look good. They're only asking for the truth. Don't write anything in parenthesis. It's not relevant. How you record periods of unemployment on the form is not critical. You could write "none" or "n/a" for employer, "unemployed" for occupation, and give the dates. Or, you could write "unemployed" for employer, and just give the dates. Don't worry - they'll figure it out.

You don't need the ZIP code or postal code or whatever. Just the city and state is usually enough.

Thank you :) I always overthink everything, and just wanna avoid an RFE by all costs since USCIS is already taking long enough as it is for the petitions and I don't want to slow things down even further by a simply form mistake I could've prevented! Thanks!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-23 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years
Do I fill in "unemployed" at the occupation and put "N/A" or "None" in the Full Name and Address of Employer box? Would it be possible to write unemployed and (student) in brackets? Because unemployed sounds like I've been doing nothing but I was simply a full-time student's, and am still right at this moment. :)

Plus, the job in May for a traffic census was on 3 separate days...I checked again and the days were May 4, May 6, and May 19. Can I just put May 2010 to May 2010 or is it crucial that I only list those 3 days (since the G325A only asks for month and year)? If so, how do I do that?

And do I need to put the ZIP code for the city in the address?

Thank you in advance,
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-22 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A: Applicant's employment last five years
Hello there :-) my fiance and I are just collecting documents and filling out forms for the I-129F petition which we want to send out in January. I have a question regarding the above mentioned question on the G-325A for me, the beneficiary: I am a college student at the moment, since October 2008, and I was in high school until May 2007. Does that count as an occupation and do I have to list the college institution as my current "employer" at the top and also my high school? In between the last 5 years I only had 3 smaller jobs on the side, one was an internship which turned into a job from October 2007-January 2008 (internship) and January 2008-September 2008 (job) and then ever since I started college I only worked another job for two months from October 2009-November 2009. And this year, I had a one-time job which was only for 3 days in May 2010, but does that even count as an employer? And since 2004 I have worked as an assistant at my dad's office, which is also recorded officially on my tax card, not just me helping out my dad for fun ;-) even for the 3 day job this May I turned in my tax card and it was recorded properly. So now I have no clue as to how to fill out this question properly? What to state and how to order everything? Also, when they say "Full Name and Address of Employer", what do I have to do if Name and Address don't fit into the given space of one line?

I just want to get everything right from the start and not get an RFE. Thanks in advance :-)
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-22 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew w/ some general questions

Rebellious Heart:

So you don't want your daddy to know that you're getting married to a foreigner and moving thousands of miles away to a distant continent?

Sympathy aside, I don't think any US Government agency nor any US consulate in Germany will perform a cross check of mailing address and Melderegister. They'll send the package to the address you provided and assume you will receive it. Period.

If being asked about this "discrepancy" at the interview, it's easy to explain why you chose a different mailing address, I'd think.

Haha, no that's not it! He knows and supports me but I'm only registered at his place as primary residence for college purposes and my secondary residence, where I live, is actually somewhere else. So I'm only there once or twice a week and since my dad is a totally unorganized individual I don't trust him with something important as visa documents :P I'd rather have it delivered to my place and not risk it getting lost in his mail!

I think I'll put the mailing address on the I-129f like I said (I suppose that's the one the foreign consulate will use? Anyone know?) and my registered address on the G-325 and just explain on a supplemental sheet. You're probably correct that they don't even check it but I don't want to risk anything or provide false information, even if it's a minor detail.

Or do you think I should only use my mailing address as it is also registered in the Melderegister as my secondary residence (zweiter Wohnsitz) and IF asked explain? I just don't want to get into any trouble omitting information..

Edited by rebelliousheart, 24 November 2010 - 04:02 PM.

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-24 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew w/ some general questions

In the US we don't register our address with the government as a matter of general policy.

What I would do in the OP's situation is fill out the G325a accurately as to physical address but use the parents' address on the I-129F. I would then put a sentence explaining he's using the parents' address for mail because he plans to move. This gets the biographical information correct and prevents any possible misrepresentation.

"Registered"? I've never heard of having to "register" your address in the US unless you're an immigrant or visitor. :blink:

Anyway, yes, you can list the address where you wish to receive correspondence. There have been plenty of K1 petitioners on VJ who have submitted petitions while they were living outside the US, but they provided the address of a family member living in the US for delivery of correspondence, and it wasn't a problem. Just make sure that whoever lives there will notify when you receive mail, and can forward mail to you quickly if necessary. If you get an RFE then you'll have a limited amount of time to respond, and a delay of several weeks in forwarding your mail could result in your response being late, and your petition being denied.

Sorry, I should have specified...I'm the beneficiary, and in Part B on the I-129f and on my G-325A my present address will be listed and I live in Germany where you have to register in the city you reside. And I thought the address in Part B on I-129f will be the address to which my Consulate will sent Package 3 after NVC send them the approved petition (assuming it will be) and I want it to be another address than my current one.

So I guess I too will fill out the address I want any documents to be sent in Part B of I-129f and my real current address on the G-325A and behind the I-129f explain on a supplemental sheet the reason for that :) Thanks!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-24 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew w/ some general questions

Just use your parent's address. Many people do this when their address is going to change during the process.

I am in the same situation, I am registered at my father's place but want the information sent somewhere it's ok to put another address in the "present address" box than the address that I'm registered at and which is also listed in my passport?
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-11-24 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Questions
no one? :(
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-12-29 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Questions
Hello everyone!

I am visiting my U.S. fiance for the holidays right now and we are preparing our petition package together so he can send it out after I go back to Germany in January. Since he's working all day most of the time I am filling out the application forms and I have a few questions regarding Forms I-129F and G325A and some general questions:

1. My fiance is a U.S. citizen by birth in the U.S., so on I-129F Part A, Question 10 I checked "Birth in the U.S." and not "Naturalization". Then it says Give certificate number, date and place it was issued. Does that only apply if one checked "Naturalization" or do they want the birth certificate number etc.? If yes, I have his birth certificate right here and it has a Registration No. but then it has three different dates...Date signed, Date received by local registrar, and the date on which my fiance acquired the birth certificate (last August). If they need this information, which date do I use?

2. I put my fiance's work address for Part A, Question 2. Address since he's there all day, every day and wants to use it as his mailing address. I put his residential address for Part B, Question 14. Address where your fiance intends to live and on his G-325A and added a supplemental sheet for his G-325A to explain the different addresses. But the first thing they'll see is two different addresses on the I-129F and I"m afraid they won't even look at the rest of the application after that and see the G-325A supplemental sheet. Is it OK to have two different addresses on the I-129F and then put the explanation after his G-325A or should I already explain in a supplemental sheet after the I-129F?

3. On my G-325A my mother's city and country of birth didn't fit in the line, so I only typed the city, printed it out and used a black ink pen to fill in the country. I also filled in the date on both forms with a black ink pen since it didn't fit in the typed mm/dd/yyyy format. Is that OK to have most of the form filled out digitally and have three things filled out with a pen?

4. Is it enough to just copy the stamped pages of my passport or should I copy and send all pages and additionally highlight the stamped pages somehow? We are sending in copies of all pages of my fiance's passport for proof of citizenship (in addition to his birth certificate) and highlighting his stamped pages, but do I as the beneficiary also send in all pages?

5. On the copies of the boarding passes, passport stamps, amtrack tickets etc. can I use a marker to highlight information directly on the page or should I use post-its and write on those?

I think that's it for now, hope someone can help :-) thanks in advance!!!!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2010-12-28 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinor address error
I'm hoping that too. The address was fine and I just got a delivery confirmation that it was delivered and signed for by J. Cates. So should I expect now that it was accepted and they will forward it correctly? They should be smart enough to deduce it means I-129F as there is no I-29F form, right?
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-13 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinor address error
I just realized my fiancé who sent out our I-129F package yesterday via Fedex has put Attn: I-29F and not I-129F! I am so pissed at him but any of you think it'll be a problem that he forgot a 1? Can I do anything and call a number at USCIS?

Thanks for any replies!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-13 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Mother's Place of Birth

I don't know for certain, but I don't think it would be a major issue. The field itself for parent birth city/country says (if known). I wouldn't worry too much about getting an RFE. If you get one, you gather the information and turn it back around quick. Otherwise, no use in worrying yourself sick in the meantime.

Thank you for your reply! You're right, it says "if known", phew. I am like 70% sure I filled it out but there's still the possibility I forgot. I hope as long as it is signed and dated it will be fine. Should I sent my fiancé a correct G-325A so inc ase we do get an RFE or the whole packet gets sent back? Or would it be sufficient for him to fill out the country with a black ink pen and send the same G-325A out again?

Boy I am just hoping I did fill it in and am worrying over nothing now. Is there a way to contact USCIS via email (or phone) after we are assigned a case # and add the info just in case? I know, I'm an over-worrier :blink:
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-13 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Mother's Place of Birth
I am not sure whether I filled out my mother's country of birth. I think I printed out Prague, and then put Czech Republic with a black ink since it didn't fit into the space given in print. But I had to change a few forms a few days before we sent out the packet yesterday and now I am not sure whether I changed my G-325A form too, I did sign and date it I'm sure but I can't recall whether I put my mom's birth country in the newly printed form. Do you think that alone would be a reason for an RFE or are the people at USCIS able to deduce that Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic? Wow this is gonna drive me nuts now in the next 5 months... :wacko:
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-13 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 approval beats the average
Wow that's amazing! Congrats!!! As I am a January filer and my petition will go to Vermont, I hope things are really starting to pick up there and that your approval wasn't just a fluke :lol: Again, congrats and here's to a speedy Interview date for you!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-13 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long apart?
We met in August 2009 and spent 10 days together, then we were apart for 190 days until Mar 7, 2010 to Mar 21, 2010, then another 145 days apart until Aug 13 to Aug 27, 2010. Those were the longest periods apart so far, I visited him two weeks later in the U.S. for 6 weeks from Sep 12 to Oct 24, 2010 and again 53 days later from Dec 16, 2010 to Jan 9, 2011. We initally thought we'd be separated from this time until September 2011, ugh, but he told me in December he'll come to Germany for another 2 weeks in 58 days then :lol: But after that it'll be a long wait of almost 6 months until September :wacko: That's when I'm hoping to fly to the U.S. visa in hand...I'm considering a spontaneous short visit end of May/beginning of June after turning in my Bachelor thesis but I'm kinda afraid to fly during the K-1 process...

Oh yeah, we talk multiple times every day via email or iPhone chat, and talk every Tuesday and Sunday on the phone or Skype, usually anything between 4 to 9 hours :lol: but it doesn't make me miss him any less...

Edited by rebelliousheart, 13 January 2011 - 01:14 PM.

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-13 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE help
What is required at the petition stage is not proof of relationship, but proof of having met at least once face to face in the 2 years leading up to the filing of the petition ;) (even though many do send proof of relationship at this stage too. We did too. Can't hurt, but not a requirement per se) so passport stamps, boarding passes and other tickets are primary proof for that and yes, photocopies are fine! Keep all the original supporting documents as you will get none back. They might request to see original documents later, maybe at the Interview, so hold on to those and don't send them off somewhere.

Hope this helped! :)

Edited by rebelliousheart, 17 January 2011 - 05:33 AM.

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-17 05:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 California Center
Congrats :thumbs:
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-14 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent out initial I-129F packet 1/3/11, how long until notification of acceptance?
Ok, previously applications from Illinois were to be sent to CSC, so you'll probably be assigned to them too.
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-16 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent out initial I-129F packet 1/3/11, how long until notification of acceptance?

Yeah, I too am unsure which service center Chicago belong to. Just to verify, I mailed the packet to:

United States Department of Homeland Secuirity
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266

So the service center isn't in Texas but will be mailed off to another one? I'm still a bit hazy on the whole process and trying to contain my worrying while waiting for initial contact from them!

Correct, all applications are sent to the Dallas Lockbox and then sent to the service center to which your state is assigned to. My fiancé lives in NY so we should be assigned to the Vermont Service Center.
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-16 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent out initial I-129F packet 1/3/11, how long until notification of acceptance?
Only because you don't see any information on who signed for it doesn't mean that it wasn't. Maybe USPS doesn't provide that info through their tracking service...with Fedex, it shows delivered and below that Signed by: J. Cates.

And if you paid for registered mail service, USPS wouldn't deliver it without getting a signature in return. ;) So I doub't it's just "sitting there somewhere"...maybe wait a few more days and then try contacting VSC or CSC (sorry, I don't know which service center Chicago belongs to) if they received your petition from TX?
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-16 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent out initial I-129F packet 1/3/11, how long until notification of acceptance?

Your sending the package using registered mail was a mistake. The USPS is pretty prompt and reliable in deliverying the mail. But who will be there in USCIS to sign a signature to receive your package? You should never ever require a return signature when sending something to USCIS.

I mailed my K-1 package Dec. 14, 2010, using priority mail to their express mail carrier address. On Dec. 17, 2010 they received it as that's how they acknowledge it. The formal acceptance date is Dec. 20, 2010, which I guess is the date they reviewed the package to make sure the application package is complete with signature, and deposited the check. Dec. 21, 2010 I received email acknowledgement. Paper NOA1 received the next day.

That was the fast part. Now I am enduring the slow part of the whole K-1 process.

I wouldn't call it a mistake. Lots of people do it, we did too and it was signed for. :) They probably have something like an incoming post station with a live person signing for things like these, I'd gues...
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-16 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRejection Notice. One or more of the following field(s) were not completed: 'Part B Address'
Sorry for that, Visajourney wouldn't load so I clicked on the reply button three times and it posted my post three times :rolleyes:
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-20 04:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRejection Notice. One or more of the following field(s) were not completed: 'Part B Address'

As long as it's an obvious one yes. For instance the G-325A for the months I wrote "JAN", "JUN" and "AUG" etc those are obvious. Hopefully this time you'll be fine.

Let us know how you go

We received our E-notification of acceptance last night, and that our package is being routed to VSC. Phew! I'm still prepared in case we get an RFE for this, but I'm glad I don't have to wait to get the whole package back in the mail and refile :thumbs: Thanks again for the help!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-20 04:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRejection Notice. One or more of the following field(s) were not completed: 'Part B Address'

As long as it's an obvious one yes. For instance the G-325A for the months I wrote "JAN", "JUN" and "AUG" etc those are obvious. Hopefully this time you'll be fine.

Let us know how you go

We received our E-notification of acceptance last night, and that our package is being routed to VSC. Phew! I'm still prepared in case we get an RFE for this, but I'm glad I don't have to wait to get the whole package back in the mail and refile :thumbs: Thanks again for the help!
Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-20 04:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRejection Notice. One or more of the following field(s) were not completed: 'Part B Address'
sorry, double post...

Edited by rebelliousheart, 20 January 2011 - 04:14 AM.

Caroline + AngeloFemaleGermany2011-01-20 04:09:00