K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJULY Filers CSC

well, you are not and I am glad that I am not!!!! Ouffff, what an emotional roller coaster. We files 23 July 2012 and heard nothing at all yet :-( It's horrible. Is there anyone else out there with a waiting time that long? Is this normal? Thank you!!!!!

Hi Meila,
can you please fill in your timeline? Thanks & Grüße!
Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-04-04 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long?

Just curious, how long did everyone know their fiancee before you filed? Zhenya and I have known each other for a pretty short time, although I guess once this is all done we will practically have grown up together. :) Anyway, just curious if others are in the same boat, or if you have known each other longer? How do you get by being apart for so long?

we knew each other for 1.5 years when we filed. Technically we only met twice within that timeframe if you will: on his first 2-week trip to Germany and then when I spent 3 months in the US with him.

I think it´s crucial that you meet your lady in person and experience her in her day-to-day environment. Also, I think a gentleman should take the frist trip to show his interest is genuine :)

My 3- months stay was a wonderful experience that helped deepen our bond and establish a closeness that skype simply couldn´t.

I don´t know if Russia is in the Visa Waiver Program too (I´m afraid it´s not), but that made it super-easy for me to visit for a longer period of time and get to know him and the area better.

You should look into that or the possibility of a tourist visa, maybe it´s an option for you guys too.

Good luck on your journey!

Edited by Jaz&Bry, 23 April 2013 - 03:31 PM.

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-04-23 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending out I-129F petition this week!

I have seen mixed reviews about including proof of ongoing relationship in this first step of the process. For proof of meeting in person within the last two years I have:

  • passport entry/exit stamps from Costa Rica
  • email flight confirmation/itinerary
  • official letter from my study abroad program indication participation in the Costa Rica based program
  • official student record (like a transcript) for study abroad program
  • Official college transcript indicating that I studied abroad in Costa Rica in Spring 2012
  • bank account statement showing ATM withdraws in Costa Rica
  • ATM transaction receipts in Costa Rica
  • receipts (2) from purchases in Costa Rica
  • copy of my student international identity card
  • 8 photos of the two of us together with names, locations, dates written on back 

Is this sufficient or should I include phone records and emails at this point as well? I don't want to make it any more complicated than it already is, but I don't want to leave anything important out. 




That should suffice at this stage of the process. I´ve heard from people getting approved (USCIS) with just passport stamps and a few pics. 


We only provided that plus (just to be safe) a few samples of our communication: emails and a copy of a couple of pages from a scrapbook I made for him. And a picture of a lock that is attached to a bridge with our names and date engraved (it´s a tradition). Unfortunately silly me forgot to put down the explanation of this tradition on the back of the pic as I intended, so the adjudicator may only be confused by it oops8rh.gif

We haven´t got our NOA2 yet though, so I really hope it was enough .


Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-04-28 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-129F Cover Letter question

Hello everyone,


I recently talked to a friend of mine who did the K-1 visa like ten or so years ago. She basically told me to do everything that's already on this website. The only difference was that she said in her cover letter, she wrote that she was planning to get married on a certain date and had made all the arrangements for the church, church hall, etc. She said that this helped greatly in speeding up the process and was able to get married on the exact date that she stated.


So will it help if I did the same thing in my cover letter?  Or is this something that worked ten years ago and no longer today?


Thank you


I think such a statement could even be counterproductive! You are supposed to get married within 90 days of the foreign fiance´s arrival in the US, without exception. 

By no means can the entry date be predicted as of yet, so you won´t know if it´ll fall within the 90 day period. They may end up using this info against you. 

Edited by Jaz&Bry, 01 May 2013 - 03:12 PM.

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-05-01 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Received for K1 Visa, and responded to - what we learned about how to do it better

ooops the only proof I gave that I travelled to the US was a copy of my flight itinerary, but didn't send a copy of my passport stamps! Hope it'll still be ok! we put lots of pictures of us together though, and it is very obvious some of them were taken in Switzerland.


You may get an RFE for that since the itinerary does not prove that you/he actually boarded.

And the pictures are only evidence that you did meet, but they don´t prove that you met within the required 2-year period since the date you may have put down on the back of the pic could be made up. 


I am worried we may get one too, since we only put one boarding pass and no passport stamps. Technically, that one boarding pass proves that we did meet within the 2 years. But they may want evidence of every single meeting that we are claiming.


We did choose pics though like you that unmistakenly show us with Downtown Los Angeles (us in summer clothing) and one with Hamburg, Germany (winter, we´re all bundled up) in the background.

So a semi-smart adjudicator should figure we met al least twice in different locations idea9dv.gif


ah, just saw in your next post that you think he did add the boarding passes, in that case let´s hope you guys and us will be okay!

Edited by Jaz&Bry, 30 April 2013 - 10:06 AM.

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-04-30 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresArrival/departure record number

After ESTA, you still filled out the green I-94W (W for waiver) for awhile if you came from a visa waiver country. Then when they were comfortable with ESTA, they went paperless and no longer passed out the green ones.


phewww, ya, that´s what I thought. Glad I wasn´t missing anything.


Thanks for your reply!

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-05-11 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresArrival/departure record number

That goes with the question above it about IF you the beneficiary are currently in the US. Before ESTA you would have had an I-94W that you filled out on the plane. They gave you a part of it at entry and your turned it it at departure. If you didn't say yes to the previous question, then nothing is needed there. If you are currently in the US, then maybe wait to file after you're gone??? I would say pretend you aren't in the US, but that is misrepresenting if they wanted to look you up. Kind of an odd question in my opinion that doesn't really fit the electronic records of ESTA.

And to help you with terminology since you're new---your US fiancé is currently filing a petition for you. When that gets approved, you, the Brit, will apply for the visa by filling out forms and sending to London.


I asked myself the exact same thing when we filed in January. I (the beneficiary) was in the US at that time with the Visa Waiver Program.


At first, I kind of freaked out because I read online that this number is supposed to be found on a white slip that was supposed to be attached to my passport, but I did not have anything attached to it.  I was afraid I may have lost it or by mistake never got one. Nich-Nick, is my assumption correct that when travelling on a Visa Waiver/ ESTA, one is not provided that white slip with that number? 


I finally ended up answering that question with "None/Unknown (Visa Waiver Program)", but have been wondering ever since if it was okay to put that down.

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-05-11 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start K-1 application - questions about joint sponsor and vaccinations

Hello all,

My name is Nina and after five years of dating, my boyfriend Doug and I are finally ready to apply for a fiance(e) visa. At least we think we are.
We are very glad to have found this forum! :)

So by now, I've spent several years digging through the bureaucratic craziness that is the paperwork associated with this visa so we can get through it okay and without an immigration attorney.
But as I expected, there are still a few questions left unanswered. And there will probably be a lot more as we go along due to our unique situation.

We met as college students in 2007 when I was here on an F-1 student visa. I would have loved to stay and continue studying, but my parents (who had to finance this whole thing because I was a full-time student and couldn't find an on-campus job) ran out of money in 2009 due to the steep international fees - and at the time, the US was giving hardly any loans to international students.

So, heartbroken, I had to leave the States and my boyfriend behind. For years afterwards, we would Skype every day for several hours and visit each other as often as humanly possible.
We would have filed for a K-1 much sooner, but there were two major problems:

Problem number one: Doug was unemployed until recently. Now he is working in a job that he loves, but only part time and ever so slightly above minimum wage. He might be moving on to full-time within the next few months but we don't know when that will happen. And even if he moved on to full time, he would only be making around $14.000 a year if he worked all the time without breaks or vacations. But as far as this year would be concerned, I don't think that he would qualify as being above the national poverty average - especially since he lives with his dad and his grandmother and to the best of my understanding, the number of people in the household has an influence on the poverty guidelines of the individual.

Problem number two: While Doug was struggling to find a job, I had moved to England to continue my studies (I'm originally from Germany). My new university and being away from Doug for so long stressed me out to a point of burn-out, but it got worse than that: I was hit with a condition known as Systemic Candida Albicans. This is not a disease, but rather a physical reaction of the body to a weakened immune system. It can occur for a number of reasons. Usually several factors come together: In my case it was stress, lack of sleep, the wrong foods, but also - as I have found out through careful research - a reaction to mercury. I do not have mercury fillings, but mercury (in the form of a substance called Thiomersal) is a common ingredient in many vaccinations, particularly those for Tetanus and Hepatitis B - and I received a Tetanus vaccination just before things went downhill.
I have, however, no proven sensitivity or allergy to mercury in the traditional sense. And since - after dealing with the worst symptoms imaginable for a year - I am finally on my way to recovery and would not want to upset this state of better health for anything in the world, I don't think that I can go through with the mandatory vaccinations for this visa.

Unfortunately, Candida is not really considered an illness by most doctors. It is treated as a condition similar to fibromyalgia, which makes it really difficult to use as an excuse to waive the vaccination requirement.

So, in short, here are my questions to anyone who might be able to help:

1) I think we might need a co-sponsor for both the I-134 and the I-864. We have a close friend who would meet the requirements and would like to help out. I know that we will somehow have to prove a close relationship with her. How do we do that? She was one of our college professors and has worked with Doug professionally in the past. We have several photos of me and her, Doug and her, and the three of us together. She has even written me a letter of recommendation for university in the past. Would any of that work?

2) As mentioned before, Doug still lives with his Dad and his grandmother. He is planning on moving out within the next five months, money permitting. First of all, would USCIS have a problem with the fact that he is still living with a parent - even though he is financially independent? And second, Form I-129F asks for the address of the place in the US where I intend to stay. If that address is subject to change, what would be the best way to go about filling that out?

3) There is a possibility that I might have found a doctor in Germany who has some experience with Candida and can sign a statement saying that I have a sensitivity to mercury (though I haven't been tested for it).
Does anyone here know whether a letter like that, if given to the doctor designated by my closest American consulate to carry out the medical exam, could get me out of the vaccination requirement? Does anyone here have experience in that department?

Thank you very much in advance!


Hi Nina,

so far I haven´t heard or read anything about some kind of vaccination waiver.

Do you still need all the basic vaccinations like measles, polio etc. or is it just a couple?

There are certain requirements that ALL visa applicants have to meet, and then a few individual ones that the doctor may see fit after examining you, depending on your medical history, for example pneumococcal, chickenpox, HPV.... Maybe you can at least get out of those when the doctor learns about your condition.

For the vaccination requirements see the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Panel Physician Technical Instructions for vaccinations. If I am correct, those are the guidelines that the doctors that conduct medicals have to go by.

You should definitely call the doctor´s office where your medical will take place before the exam, like HK12 suggested!

Viel Erfolg!


PS: Ich habe Verwandte in Orlando, es ist schön da :)

Please fill in your timeline!

Edited by Jaz&Bry, 25 April 2013 - 04:05 PM.

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-04-25 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaving a non-legally binding wedding before the K1 visa is processed

Im already in the country on the visa waiver. At the port of entry I had no intent to marry during this trip, I naively thought the visa would come through in time and that I would go back to the UK then re-enter on the K1. They questioned me at port of entry and were satisfied.

Does anyone actually know of anyone who has been denied the K1 on the grounds of already being married, when there has been no legally binding event or record to point to? In my mind I would just argue that I haven't had a marriage yet, and that I plan to when I enter the USA. Which would all be true.

Even if no one finds out about the wedding during the K1 process, you may get in trouble when adjusting status or removing conditions later on. It is a long process, far longer than the K1 and meanwhile there is always the possibility to get caught and denied.
USCIS may find out that you technically did get married on a Visa Waiver (the pastor will have to put the actual date down unless he is willing to committ fraud).
They will not appreciate someone trying to evade the system.
I personally wouldn´t try to mess with US immigration and risk being denied my GC or even getting deported or banned.

Edited by Jaz&Bry, 24 April 2013 - 04:00 AM.

Jaz&BryFemaleGermany2013-04-24 03:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved finally but not in hand yet... Booked a trip. VeGaS BaBy!

While waiting on my fiance's visa to be received



Yes, I know since my fiance does NOT have his visa in hand yet we shouldn't book a flight for him so I didn't. Buuut... as I daily watch flight prices fluctuate hoping for the day to press submit so I can have a count down date to SOMETHING! Because as we all know most of us don't have a set wedding date or arrival date or set ANY date. Well I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to plan something, so... I'm taking back control of my own destiny!!!

The week of June 15, 2014 I will be in Las Vegas! In a perfect world my fiance (hopefully by then husband) will be with me since it is over three months away and he was approved Feb. 27, 2014 and the case has updated to  NON IMMIGRANT  Ready  as of yesterday. But I do realize this world isn't perfect so eternal AP could pop up on our status tomorrow. Nonetheless, I will not be moved!! I'm going to Vegas and I'm having a good time if only to try to drown my sorrows in the free drinks or over stuff myself at the delicious buffets or hang out by the pool & relax from being HIGHLY UPSET if my love isn't there beside me!! Lord willing he will be there too. 


All I'm saying is, it's impossible to waste a trip to Vegas!!  Who's with me? 


DISCLAIMER: The person writing this post lives in California, so there's no actual need to reserve anything with the beneficiary's name, hence preventing the chance of any money loss by any means other than usual expenses and casinos. lol jest.gif 

goofy.gif ClockWatch2.gif energy.gif



MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-04 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated to ISSUED...when do I get the visa???

Got my waybill number, flight booked for Wednesday!!!



Email with the waybill came in at 5:35 ??
Congratulations everyone!!!!



My fiance got his waybill number!!!!! He received the email after 5pm today!!!! Check your emails


dancin5hr.gif WOOHOOO!!! CONGRATS ALL!!! dancin5hr.gif 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-06 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated to ISSUED...when do I get the visa???

Yes that's a good thing. Next step should be Administrative Processing...Good luck and pray for everything, not just this process, for the good and the bad, for every little thing you've been blessed with...that's what I did...I think it may have helped



Cool. And yes believe me I do pray for that and will continue. Happy and feeling blessed to know for certain there are people praying with & for me/us. Thanks very much!

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-04 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated to ISSUED...when do I get the visa???

.... I'm tired of waiting as well but I keep reminding myself that the race is not fiven to the swift bit to those that endure to the end...praying we all get through with this process soon. The next phase shouldn't be as stressful because we will be with our loved ones



star_smile.gif Thanks, your words were very helpful star_smile.gif 

Edited by MoniqueDavid, 04 March 2014 - 07:22 PM.

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-04 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated to ISSUED...when do I get the visa???

Moniquedavid my fiance's interview was Feb 21, non-imm ready Feb 24, AP Feb 26, issued Feb 27...I think it'll be different timelines for most of us.... We should have gotten the way bill number by now if we followed other ppls timelines, guess this process is unique to every individual....I say by Friday (fingers crossed)



Thanks. I didn't even notice that it changed to  NON IMMIGRANT - Ready. That's a good thing, right? 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-04 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated to ISSUED...when do I get the visa???

Eh, it is hard to say what day we actually got approved. I sent in my 2013 Tax Transcripts via email on February 3 and the embassy called Lance on Valentine's Day and asked him to drop his passport off on February 18. Then his status was updated to NON IMMIGRANT "Administrative Processing" on February 26.


I would say give it about a week and see if you have any changes on CEAC.


Yeah, you're right, thanks.  I will watch it like a hawk but continue to keep my patience up the best I can but my mind is pleading with the unknown people handling the cases to get through them asap. I also include them in my prayers so we ALL can be happy. Because if they're happy it's easier to work and approve people. dancin5hr.gif 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-04 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated to ISSUED...when do I get the visa???

My visa was ISSUED on February 27, 2014. I was under the impression that it would be ready for pick up 2 days later like the trend I've been seeing. Does anyone know how long from ISSUED to visa in hand? My wedding is planned for next month and I need to get the plane tickets ASAP!


I noticed on your timeline that they were approved 2-27-14, did the CEAC change from Ready to Issued the same day? I know you guys has different circumstances than ours, but my fiance's was finally approved the same day and I'm staring at Ready as it's updated everyday (except today and the weekend). So your timeline is important to me. 


Me too girl! Mine was also issued on February 27. I am still not seeing any updates on CSC's website regarding a waybill number yet though. sad.png

Are you picking yours up in Kingston or Mobay?


What day did you guys get approved?

I am watching everything like a hawk; CSC, CEAC, my email, his email, other timelines, etc. I'm so tired of waiting that... I know, let me stop preaching to the choir. lol WoooSaaahhh...

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-04 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA - Awaiting pick-up!!! YaaaY!!
Thanks all!

Thickums have you heard anything?

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-18 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA - Awaiting pick-up!!! YaaaY!!



My fiance's visa arrived today at the MoBay DHL and is awaiting his pick-up!! kicking.gif  Dancing all around! dancin5hr.gif Well here my stats that I decided to suffer through without posting because the posting made me more anxious. 


Approved after Follow-up interview 2-26-14


CEAC status updates Case Creation NON-IMMIGRANT READY 3-3-14 

CEAC status updates to NON-IMMIGRANT READY 3-10-14

CEAC updates to Administrative Processing 3-11-14

CEAC updates to ISSUED 3-13-14


CSC Waybill # available 3-17-14good.gif 


DHL site states picked up and in route 3-17-14

DHL states awaiting pick-up from recipient 3-18-14


Ticket booked 3-19-14 wub.png 


Long journey but so happy this part 


MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-03-18 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers



Congrats to all the recent approvals! Especially those with visa in hand ;-)  We are PRAYING to finally hear something this week. I'll (obviously) post away when we do!  This is a Tremendous journey, not for the faint of heart but absolutely, without question worth every step. One day closer!!!  Congrats again everyone! :joy:


:cry:  :dance:  I'm so happy for you guys I have tears of joy!!! :dance:  Just reading your timeline and seeing the visas were picked up today. YaaaY!! Enjoy living & loving!! 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-04-09 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

Bringing up the tail end of July 2013 filers....


kicking.gif heart.gif  !!!APPROVED!!!heart.gif  kicking.gif


Thank you Lord!!!


Now to move over into another line to wait, ClockWatch2.gif  less stress though. dancin5hr.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-02-27 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

July 05 : Petition mailed

Jan 15 : Visa Received



I've just had an email from NZ Post saying my passport has been dispatched to me from the Consulate, so should be with me in the morning. We filed July 15. Congrats everyone else who's made it this far!


MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-01-16 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers
Congratulations! I'm happy to hear the great news!
MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2014-01-06 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

My visa was delivered yesterday and I bought my ticket this morning (minutes ago).


Wish I was leaving tomorrow instead of in 5 months, but, better late than never!


Hope all of you are doing well - merry christmas and a happy new year!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I bet it feels great to finally breathe freely. I feel so uptight about his upcoming interview that it seems hard to breathe at times. So happy for you and thanks for all your helpful words of advice on this site!

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-30 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

Interview was today, we were approved smile.pngsmile.png


 kicking.gif YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sooooo happy happy HAPPY for you guys!!!!! kicking.gif



After a long delay, happy to announce that we FINALLY HAVE AN INTERVIEW DATE!!!! <cheer><cheer><cheer>



     J A N U A R Y  1 5 ,  2 0 1 4



Finally!!!!!! A light at the end of the tunnel! I just booked my ticket to Haiti and will spend a couple days with my love after as welli! Yay!!!! Happy happy new year!!! dancin5hr.gif


dancin5hr.gif I'm so happy for you guys!!! Do you think the emailing worked? dancin5hr.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-18 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers


That is a good idea. I will do that right now actually.... K, Back ;-)  In Haiti, we have to drop off packet 3 to Haiti Messenger who transfers it to the embassy. Haiti Messenger provides us with a date that packet 4 should arrive back to them for us to pick up as well as a website to check the status in the mean time. However, no one can answer what happens if the date passes and still no packet 4! Ugh! So yes, just sent an email and praying that next week our interview date will be revealed!  LOL


My fingers are crossed that you get some positive response before Wednesday this week. 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-16 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers happy for all the filers having interviews!!! Exciting stuff!


I'm trying to keep calm and not stress too much. Seems our process went quick until NOA2 back in September...since then it's sloooooow going!!! Grrrrrr...We dropped off packet 3 a week and a half ago and still, nothing.  Just frustrated and trying to focus on the positive, but needing to vent this frustration somewhere. headbonk.gif  Ugh, in time, I know, but dang! I anticipated a much faster journey post NOA2.  Looking like it will be well into January now until we have the interview and lord knows how long thereafter until their visas are printed.  (One couple is waiting close to a month for theirs at the moment - in Haiti of course)  Anyway, I know it's a journey not for the faint of heart, I was just so praying we would hear something before the weekend came. Anyway, hopefully sometime next week I'll be posting with our interview date. Lord help me, we better be!!!!!! 


Have you tried emailing the embassy? I emailed three different units at the Kingston embassy until I received the info I needed to get an interview. I was actually in the midst of writing another email when I received their response with the interview date. My fingers are crossed for ya!



 LOVE --->USCIS--->>> NVC----->EMBASSY ---->>> LOVE          

heart.gif ClockWatch2.gif dancin5hr.gif ClockWatch2.gif dancin5hr.gif ClockWatch2.gif  heart.gif


                                     JUST REMEMBER OUR JOURNEYS BEGIN AND END WITH LOVE!!!!

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-13 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers


Good luck with your interview!





MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-13 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers


I've been quiet cos I've been preparing for the interview - slowly losing all my hair hahah. That's great advice about enjoying the little things...I can imagine that once J and I are together again, it's going to be pretty overwhelming - Skyping is so different from actually living together, you can't just 'turn the camera off' whenever you like anymore. It's a good time also to spend with family, friends and saying goodbye to the life you'll each be leaving behind in your own ways.


So glad to hear you managed to get the forms sorted out and the interview scheduled! Jan 10th is in no time at all. Best of luck!


I had to figure out a way not to lose my mind so I started watching clouds and bugs and traffic as if I were looking at it for the first time like my Hunny will do when he gets here. As I do when I go to Jamaica then the world looks even more interesting and keeps my focus off of the clock ticking ever so slowly. 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-13 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers




kicking.gif YaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!! So happy for you guys!!!

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-13 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

It's been quiet around here, but that's a good thing for some (YaaaY!!) Unfortunately I am not one of them. cray5ol.gif  But I do have good news after filling out the CORRECT DS 230 form (lol I swore we did it but it was the DS 260 blink.png ) we finally got an interview date for Jan 10th. dancin5hr.gif  He has his medical next week and the police report is in the works. idea9dv.gif  I've just decided to use time against itself (mentally at least) and not worry about the wait because... TIME STOPS FOR NO ONE! wow.gif  biggrin.png  So if you are left with us passing time until our approvals, then enjoy the little things while it passes because when you connect with your love ones then I expect you may miss the little things in life for awhile, wink.png

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers


omg what a mess on their part, am so sorry to hear that. headbonk.gif  hopefully it won't be long till you get the invoice id after sending them the scan of your passport.


So I called the DOS and like I have experienced each time I called the rep was very helpful. helpsmilie.gif kicking.gif  She ended up telling me it was the year of my birthday that was incorrect by the last number and immediately explained how that would possibly effect our petition (which was my main concern yesterday) and told me to make sure I send the copy of my passport to the embassy asap so they can get started on correcting that. 


After I called the NVC back and gave them the wrong birthday (hope that doesn't count against me for lying to the government official, but they made me do it, lol) then they gave me my invoice # and even the beneficiary ID # although I don't know its purppose yet. I even asked for any other numbers or info she may think I need so I didn't have to call back and wait another 47 minutes (25 mins my first call today that surprisingly disconnected right after the rep said hello and ask how she may help me. Oh well, all in all I'm thankful I didn't have wait to get the invoice#. dancin5hr.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

ranting33va.gif OMG!!! ranting33va.gif  I just got off the phone with the NVC to try to get my invoice ID number, because per an email I missed from the embassy last Monday (11-25-13) said I needed to do the DS-260 to get the interview date. Well, when I went to do that I remembered why I hadn't filled it out before, BECAUSE I NEVER GOT A LETTER FROM THE NVC!!! (sorry... woosaaaaaahhhh....) I had always called DOS because it was quicker and people reported how rude the NVC reps can be. Well.... that was definitely not a lie. After waiting 21:43 mins I get a rep on the line and she asks the beni info & then my info to which she quickly says I have MY birthday wrong. What the Heck!! She proceeds to tell me she can't help me. I asked her how SHE got it wrong because I have corresponded and spoken to the Kingston Embassy AND DOS without any issues because they have the correct info. She continues repeating how she can't talk to me eventhough I clearly was not asking a case specific question when I asked "how does the middle man get the wrong info if the depts before and after them have the correct info?" I asked to speak with a supervisor...


When this woman, Supervisor Julissa, gets on and proceeds to ask the for the beni & pet info and stops again at my birthday, but she took a with me as if I was an idiot not understanding they can't talk to me. After her repeatedly cutting me off I finally couldn't accept not being heard after waiting over 20 mins. I cut her off and asked her to remain quiet until I finished speaking. Like I explained to her I understand I need to scan my passport & send them a copy to get verbal access to information with them. But what I needed to know is how their error may negatively effect us, if at all since the embassy & DOS do have the correct info. All in all after she listened, she did say that it is only the NVC that may have it wrong and once I get it straight with them then I should not have any problems later. 


I don't trust it, so I'm now 15:41 mins into the wait so hopefully I can see if another rep reads my birth date wrong. (I know, I know I'm obessing.)


I'm getting a glass of wine & about to try to relax my mind and not worry about problems that may not come up. eb0dfafc.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-02 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

So I'm back from my mental break from visa "journeying" tongue.png  and when I checked our status it now says updated as of the Nov. 29th. I can only speculate what that means. Maybe it means they sent out Pkt 3 finally, but hopefully it means they sent out Pkt 4 with the interview date. Jamaican applicants have mentioned on here several times how they never received either packet. I saw it too late (since I'm Cali) and they were already closed for the day. I'm calling in the morning to check, I pray they have a date scheduled for his interview. yes.gif    

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-02 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

Called DOS because I couldn't bear waiting for packet 4 to arrive in the mail and they gave me my interview date! It's on 17 Dec, 10.15 am! No prizes for guessing what I want for Christmas this year. tongue.png


I hope you get your gift on the 17th as well! good.gif star_smile.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-02 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

Congrats!!!! I was approved as well!

Very very very happy!

I wish all visa members a Happy Thanksgiving and also a huge thanks for all help and support I found here!


THIS SITE IS ROCKS!!!!!!! smile.png Thank you very much! smile.png


Congrats!!! dancin5hr.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-02 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

APPROVED today!!!! Yayay!! Hope everyone is doing well and a HappyTThanksgiving!!


Woot Woot!!! So happy for you guys!

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-02 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers



thank you!! yeah won't be long before you finish the process too! keeping my fingers crossed for ya!


Thanks! I can't wait, but.... I suppose that's what I will be doing. ClockWatch2.gif

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-12-02 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm so happy! I just got my visa delivered today!! Thank you everyone for your prayers and patience! Finally I get to be with my fiance again kicking.gif 


dancin5hr.gif SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!! dancin5hr.gif


We'll be happy to follow in your shoes soon enough!! 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-11-23 01:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers

i'm assuming the 01 and 02 means your k1 and k2 visa. it's best to call the embassy about the changes you made. I'm not very familiar with country-specific processes outside my country sorry sad.png


Thank you, I believe you're right. I am going to make some calls and send some emails today. 

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-11-19 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 K-1 Visa Filers


did you file for k2 too?

and ds160 only for k1


Ok thanks. We did add his daughter to the petition, but have decided to wait til she is a little older before bringing her over here. Oh shoot... should we inform someone of that change or can it just be addressed at the interview? So the answer to the question is k1 only.

MoniqueDavidFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 18:44:00