IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

April Filers please don't forget to update the spreadsheet I made for us with your information as your immigration process unfurls!

Great to see you gus moving along finally!! Question: On the spreadsheet does "NVC Recieved" mean just case recieved or Case Nuumber recieved as well? Only beacause mine was recieved 8/01 but still no case number, even called today. Just didnt want to confuse anyone. Thanks!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-08-17 16:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Just called NVC for the first time!! :thumbs: The operator said they have received our case but no Case Number yet, and to call back in 10-20 days :unsure: Waited not even 1 min for the operator and he was very nice, offered his help for any other inquiries. My NOA2 was July 14th.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-08-09 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
[quote name='Dave and Kinnari' timestamp='1312379758' post='4822103']
Finally got my NVC case number this morning.

Took 40 days since NOA2.

YAY!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
We´ve all been rooting for you!! FINALLY!! :yes:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-08-03 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

I decided to just check the website and saw we were approved abt a week ago !!!! (I did not get a text or an e mail either) .... anyway.. finally APPROVED .. yayyy.... NOA2! :)

WOO HOO!!! CONGRATS!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-17 22:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Just to let you know guys that I got approved Last July 12, 2011. Thanks God, were so happy...Now my question, whats the next thing to do while waiting for the manila case no.? Thanks Veronica

07.10.07- Married
04.08.11-Filed (CSC)
04.13.11- NOA1
07.12.11- NOA2

I would check out the EZ Spouse Guide on Wiki and NVC Guides. Start calling the NVc to get your case number and start gathering documents, police certificate, birth certificate, any translations, tax transcripts for the AOS, etc.
Good luck!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-15 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Yaya!!! I just got text/email of NOA2 Approval!!! :dance: Apr-21 Filler! So excited; didn't expect it so soon. :wow: gotta start reading the NVC guides now.

Filing for my wife in India/Gujarat.

YAY!!!!!!! Congrats!!! Im right there with you NVC here we come!! :thumbs: :dance:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-15 09:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
APPROOOOVED!!!! NOA2 email in 11 weeks!!!!!! :dance:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-14 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
WOW!!!!! After a short absence I am SO elated to see April NOA2s!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Congratulaions to you all!!!!!!!!! My NOA1 was 4/28, looks like I better gettiing moving on the next batch of paperwork seeing that CSC is moving along quite quickly.
Best of luck on your journeys and thank you for all the help and support.. Im sure Ill have a ton of Qs coming up soon.

I am super pumped YAY!! :thumbs:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-01 20:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Come on guys...we got 5 entries on the spreadsheet I made I know there are more of you out there!


Just added us :) Looking like CSC is moving along pretty fast..Ive seen some NOA2´s around the 3 month mark....hope it keeps up!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-06-01 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Im an april filer as well! I am the USC but residing in Argentina (dont qualify for DCF).
Sent the I-130 packet from Argetnina on 4/11 to my parents in the US to attach Sworn Affivadits and an Insurance paper as evidence and its off to the Chicago Lockbox!! Will update timeline when paernts mail it off..didnt want to confuse anyone about timing to recieve NOA1.

Please universe let this be a smooth journey! Good luck to everybody :thumbs:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-16 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 FIANCE VISA DENIED - now what appeal or k3 visa?? responder en español tambien
Parece que ustedes deberían haber investigado más el proceso y fueron mal informados encima. Hay muchos recursos en el Internet como Visa Journey y los de y de la embajada EEUU en tu país. Mucha información está disponible en español tambián. Hay que averiguar cada detalle. Es un proceso complicado y es muy importante que ustedes sigan las instrucciones exactas y manden TODO los documentos requiridos. La k-1 guia que te mandó marrocogirlny, y todas las guias que se encuentran aca son muy útiles.

Estoy de acuerdo con los otros usarios que les conviene tramitar el K1 de nuevo o que se casen el alemania (o en EEUU pero tendrías que volver a tu pais para seguir con el proceso)q tramiten el CR1/NR1 Visa. El guia es un buen comienzo!
Suerte con todo!

Seems like you didnt research well the process and were misinformed as well. There are alot of resources available on the Internet like VJ, uscis.goc and the Embassy in your country. Alot of information is available in Spanish as well. You have to check every detail. Its a compliccated process and its very important that you guys follow the exact instructions and send ALL the required documents. The k1 guide that moroocogirlny sent you, and all the guides here are very useful.

I agree with the other users in that refiling the k1 or marrying in Germany (or the states but you have to go back to your country and wait our the visa process) and file for a CR1/NR1. The guide is a great start!
Good luck!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-04 14:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaUrgent Help Needed...Sworn Affidavits of Bona Fide Marriage

I take it that you had affidavits from your family as well as his family, is that correct? Are you the USC residing with your spouse in Argentina? Thank you for responding and providing additional information. Good luck on your journey as well.

I am the USC, temporarily residing in Argentina. The affidavits were from my family only.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-17 17:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaUrgent Help Needed...Sworn Affidavits of Bona Fide Marriage
Here is a link to an template for the affidavit:

I recommend that the USC family or friends do the affidavits who are also USC.
My husband and I were recently married when we filed so we didnt have joint property/bank accounts etc either. I did have a permit to drive his car and joint car insurance from a trip to the US. I also included 2 sworn affidavits from both my parents, who had met my husband a few times and were at the wedding. Wedding pictures are good, pictures at different stages of the relationship, copies of postmarked envelopes from letters to each other, copies of passport showing entry into spouses country. This is exactly what I included, had zero problems and an NOA2 in 11 weeks:)

Hope that helps and the best of luck on your journey!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-17 12:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130

Have you checked this amazing easy guide
It's the best and the most simple that i've read

Awesome! Thank you for that.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-20 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130

Thank you soooo much! Looks like we're on the same boat! As for me and the hubby; waiting on the original marriage certificate to come in! When that gets here, we can file!
Btw,, did you get to the cover letter yet?
If so, how did you do it?

Good luck!

We are in the same boat! Waiting on the marriage certificate as well which then needs to be legalized here in Argentina (not sure about other countries).

I did start a cover letter, a basic professional, dated and signed letter that explains what I am petitioning for by filing the I-130. I included a brief sumamry of my situation... met over 3 years ago, dating ever since, living in argenina and married in March. If you feel your case is unique, they say attach a separate sheet at the end of the packet to explain your case. I also have a table of contents that lists everything in the packet, I will put it behind the cover letter.

Best of luck!! :thumbs:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-20 12:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130
If you go to Guides and then to 1R-1/CR-1 guide, there is a checklist, right above the checklist a link that says "assembly instructions" with alot of helpful tips.

Good luck, Im about to send off my I-130 packet also!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-20 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSuper Newbie!! About to send off I-130

Hi Celina,

Congratulations on your marriage! I assume you don't report your work in Argentina on your US taxes, etc.. so you shouldn't report it in the visa application either. Which visa are you currently in Argentina on? as a tourist you could say you were just there "learning about the country" and "spending time with husband/family" things like that. If you are still on a student visa you actually do have some level of work authorization.. but either way.. I'd say it's easier not to report that/report it as a volunteer basis.

Best of luck!

Thank you!!! I had a student visa until late 2008(visa transitorio), but it did not grant me permisiion to work. I am currently on a tourist visa, which I have to leave the country every 3 months to renew. I think it best to claim umemployed on the G-325, which is the case in the US. I dont think that volunteer work is applicable on the app but could be potentially discussed in the interview.

Thank you for the feedback and congrats on your AOS approval!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-21 15:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSuper Newbie!! About to send off I-130
I appreciate all the feedback and template, thank you! I think I agree with Mrs. T in using the address on my husbands passport for the I-130 which also matches the Marriage Certificate and then listing our provincia address where they ask for common residences. Its not THAT strange for people to have a permanent mailing address aside of where they actually reside.

As for the income situation, I do have a sponsor, my mother who has met my husband several times as well as his family. Aside of not having been in the US for some time, although I still file taxes, I was also studying abroad full time which is what brought me here in the first place.

Yes, I do plan to file from Argentina and will include in the cover letter that I am temporarily residing here which is the truth, as I still consider the US my permanent domicile...with bank account, Credit cards, etc.. and much looking forwrad to moving back!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-20 22:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSuper Newbie!! About to send off I-130

Also..Is there any difference between the IR-1 and CR-1? I see alot more references to CR-1 on this site..just curious.

For Sworm Affadavits a formal signed letter with the required info will suffice? Do they need to be legalized or anything?
(Each affidavit must contain the full name and address, date and place of birth of the person making the affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner of beneficiary, if any, and complete information and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge of your marriage)

celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-20 10:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSuper Newbie!! About to send off I-130
Hello fellow visa journey peeps!! I am a super newbie and about to send off the I-130 packet. My husband is Argentine and we just married :D on March 1st, 2011 after dating for more than 3 years and I have been living here in Argentina. Feels great to be officially starting our path to the IR-1/CR-1 visa but WOW it can be overwhelming!

I have done a ton of research on VJ as well as the uscis website and have a few questions...

What if his address on the I-130 does not match the address on our marriage certificate? We used his mothers address (still his legal and permanent address) in order to marry within the Capital border for legal reasons. Where as we live together in Provincia which is in another juristiction all together and gets complicated. SO, should I put his permanent address which matches the marriage certificate as well as his ID on the form while listing our current provincia address seperate where they ask for last common residence?

Also, I have been working under the table as an English teacher here which is very common, I was never even asked for documentation. I am worried about listing my work abroad since I do not have permission to work here legally. Any suggestions??

Thank you all for your help and feedback and best of luck to everybody!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-19 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Checklist
Dear Shawna and james,
I am curious about why your first I-130 packet was denied? Your timeline says incorrect or missing info?
I am just about to send my I-130 packet off and Im obsessing over every detail as I too want to, need to get this right the first time!

Best of luck to you!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-21 11:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for residency abroad while filing I-130?
Hello VJ Members,
I have been temporarily residing in Argentina for 3 years. My Argentine husband and I just married and I am getting ready to send off the I-130, I am filing through the US as I do not meet residency requirements for DCF. I plan to stay here until the end of 2011 to be with my husband and wait out the visa process.

Now that we are married I am contemplating filing for residency here in Argentina to make life easier while Im here...does that affect my case at all??? I still consider the US my permanent domicile as listed on Item #2 on I-130 with corresponding bank accounts, CC´s, file taxes, etc.
Just want to avoid complicating things even more!

I thought about waiting to file to meet residency requirements for DCF but I could not get a straight answer on filing period in Argentina and who knows how long it takes to get residency here (told 3 months but gov agencies here are so unpredictable). I do not want to risk delays.

Thank you!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-03-21 14:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavits and translations

USCIS only needs simple photo-copies of evidence. Affidavits should be originals, translations should be originals.

Later after USCIS approves petition, NVC will require the originals, of documents like marriage certs, police certs, etc... NVC will then ship this over to the consulate where they will return them when interviewing.

Thank you, I appreciate the reply!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-04 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavits and translations
Hello all!!Preparing the i-130 to send off. Quick Q, do affadavits and translations need to be originals?? I know that only photocopies of passport, wedding certificate, evidence ets are needed at this stage but I feel like I read that documents prepared specifically for the 1-130, need to be originals. For example the actual Forms, Police Certificate (later on in the process ofocurse)....what about affadaits and translations?? Send original and take copies o send copies?
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-04 11:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
Thank you! I appreciate the replies. So my foreign spouse will sign his G-325A and Ill put deceased under City and Country of residence :thumbs:
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-10 12:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
Hello all!! Sendiing my I-130 tommarow :yes: , getting to the last details.

Quick Q: I have searched the forum for info on G-325A but still need to ask if I (USC) need to sigh both G-325A form, for petitioner and beneficiary?? The form asks for Applicants signature, technically I am the applicant as the USC, but then asks for Alien Registration number. I realize this form is used for several different applications so... Does my foreign husband sign his G-325A or do I sign both??

Also...If one of the parents is deceased, do I write N/A under "City and County of Residence", or leave blank?

THANKS again for all your help!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-10 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Scheduled!

My husband and I both received an email tonight from the NVC...they finally scheduled us for an interview at the Santo Domingo embassy on May three weeks. I'm kinda freaking out because it's seriously right around the corner. We submitted everything required, so our case is complete as far as documentation, it's just a matter or bringing the supporting evidence, the medical exam results for him, the passport fotos and the police certificate.

I feel jittery. Anyone ever feel like that? I mean, after all this time apart, we are literally weeks away from really starting our lives as a complete family unit. I am feeling all sorts of emotions. Anyone else experience this?

We are both really happy and excited...relieved. I just feel like there is a lot to do in a small amount of time.

YAY!! Feliciaciones!! Looks like your journey has been quite smooth plus you´ve been on top of things. Good for you! I sent my i-130 packet yesterday and praying for a smooth journey as well. Naturally your nervious but sounds like you have everything ready except the medical, try to relax and get ready to celebrate!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-12 15:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out the I-130 form for CR1 question

Hey thanks for your input it is really appreciated.

I am now doing the G-325A's. From what I am reading on the net it is saying you need 4 copies for yourself and 4 for your spouse? Why do I need so many?
Also I would put in the bottom that "this form is submitted in connection to" - Other and I130 correct?

Ckeck out the example forms on this site, I found them very helpful.
Yes, put other and I-130. Good luck!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-15 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting Evidence
This is a list of what I sent. We have only been married for 6 weeks, married in Argetnina, havent been back to the US in order to add my husband to CC and Bank Accounts. We have been together for over 3 years so Im hoping this will be sufficient.

• Photos of wedding ceremony
• Copies of wedding cards
• Photos of married couple at different stages in the relationship
• Copies of postmarked envelopes and letters.
• Copy of Célula de Indentificación para Autorizado a Conducir (Identification card authorizing petitioner to drive husband´s vehicle)
• Copy of Joint Car Insurance while beneficiary was in US.
• Copy of Petitioner´s Passport showing entries into the US.
• Sworn Affidavit from petitioner´s mother and father.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-16 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS travel for Spouse
Technically, he can travel to the US on a tourist visa while his IR1/CR1 is pending..whether they approve the tourist visa or not is another question, but I highly suggest being 100% honest about the pending immigrant visa. He needs to demonstarte STRONG TIES to his counry...not only for the tourist visa but he should be prepared to show strong ties to his country at POE....then it is up to them whether they allow him entry or not.

My husband already has a tourist visa (valid for 10 years) and has been to the US 3x, however prior to filing for the IR1/CR1. When he goes to visit again, he will be prepared with employment letter, school enrollment, apt lease, etc.

celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-22 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Email!!!!!!!

I just hit 5 months today and have heard nothing..:whistle: :whistle:

5 months for NOA2 is pretty normal. Id maybe start calling in a few weeks. Any RFE or other delays?
Best of luck to you!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-29 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Email!!!!!!!
First of all a big thank you to this site for the abundance of incredibly useful informatiton and the users for all their help, advice and encouragement. THANK YOU!!!

I was so excited to get the NO1 E-receipt as the first official correspondance with USICS regarding my case....and only 2 days after delivery! Obviously this is the first baby step but what a relief to get the process going. I will definately be proactive and begin preparing the paperwork for the next step within the next few months.

I read on here that CSC is moving a little faster these days....any comments, feedback??

Good luck to all!! Please Universe let this be a smooth journey!! (F)
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-04-29 18:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Visa Process and active Tourist Visa

many people have succeeded though. make sure she has enough documents with her to make a strong case that shows she's going back to her country. just for your information, the consulate or embassy cancels any active non-immigrant visa upon issuing you a new immigrant visa. they give you a big fat "canceled" stamp on that visa. I almost got a heart attack because I thought they put that stamp on my CR-1

Agreed. TECHNICALLY she can enter on a valid tourist visa but again, it is up to the officer. A pending Immigrant visa makes it questionable if she plans to return. She should be prepared to show strong ties to her country...evidence of her business would be good.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-05-04 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressupporting documents proof of marriage
-For co-mingling of resources, bank transfers work, you could set up a joint account. I used a copy of my authorization card to drive his car in Argentina and a copy of the car insurance we both had in US. We´re newly married, no lease or joint accounts.
-As supporting evidence Wedding pics, wedding cards, postmarked envelopes are good. I included a few. Also, hotel receipts, boarding passes, ect.

-Sworn Affidavits should be notarized and preferably done by a USC. I used my parents who were at the wedding. As to what they need, I took this from this site:

Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties havingpersonal knowledge of the bona fides of the maritalrelationship (Each affidavit must contain the full nameand address, date and place of birth of the person makingthe affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner ofbeneficiary, if any, and complete information and detailsexplaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage);

I would suggest taking a look at the Guides on VJ, they are super useful. Good luck!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-05-09 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMailing envelope for I-130

On my I-130 package I just put the mailing address given on the USCIS website:

PO Box 804625
Chicago, IL 60680-4107

Is that good enough, or did any of you put what it was for, example: Re: I-130

I PUT "ATN: 1-130 ORIGINAL SUBMISSION" on mine, which is suggested on the guides here. Good luck!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-06-02 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Process

Hello everyone,

I have a question.

I am helping my grandfather with his petition for his wife and his 2 kids. We paid the NVC fee of $404.00 for each. What is the next step? I am lost. I know we have to do form DS-230 and I-864. I have been reading and it states that forms DS-230 needs to be filled out by beneficiary, is this correct? I am little confused please provide me with any useful information. It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hello! You also have to pay the AOS fee of $88
...and yes DS-230 gets filled out by beneficiary.... part 2 remains unsigned!!
Check out this guide http://www.visajourn...p/EZGuideSpouse

Best of luck!

Good luck!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-06-14 21:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFee for I-130 Filing
A personal check or money order has to be drawn from a US bank account or other US financial Institution.
On either form of payment one must write out, not abbreviate, US Department of Homeland Security.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-03 15:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 AFTER 60DAYS WOOOPPP!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
My hubbby and I were approved in 11 weeks through CSC, no expedite :dance:
Best of luck with your journey and your health!!!
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-24 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBona fide marriage Affidavit Sample

I don't think it has to do with the fact that you attended the wedding. I think it's geared more towards the <b>validity of the relationship </b><img src="http://www.visajourn..._DIR#>/yes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":yes:" border="0" alt="yes.gif" />

I agree. Its more about witnessing a valid relationaship. I included one from my mother and father (both USC as well). Here is an example, I used the template form this site. Dont think the size of doc matters. Hope it helps!

In re: application for a Visa for the United States of America
Evidence in support of a bona fide marriage between Celina XXXXX, applicant, and Francisco Xxxxx, beneficiary.


DOYLE XXXXX, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I am making this affirmation in connection with the application of Celina XXXXX for a Visa for the United States of America. The contents of the affirmation are based on my own knowledge and are true.
2. I was born on December 99, 9999 in the city of Forestburg, county of Montague, State of Texas, U.S.A.
3. My address is XXXXX.
4. Celina Marie Fowler, the applicant, is my daughter.
5. I first met Francisco XXXXX and witnessed him and Celina XXXXX as couple when he came to California on vacation in February 2010 and visited with Celina, my wife and I, and we all spent time together. I became aware of the relationship of between Francisco March and Celina Marie Fowler a year prior but this was the first time I witnessed them as a couple in person.
6. Francisco XXXXX came to California again in January 2011 with a friend and spent time with me and my wife and stayed at our home. Celina was not present during this occasion, but I knew they had a genuine and serious relationship.
7. I have visited Francisco XXXXX and Celina XXXXX in their home at XXXXX, Buenos Aires, Argentina and found them a very happy couple and obviously in love.
8. I was a witness at Francisco XXXXX and Celina XXXXX wedding on March 1, 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
9. I have personal knowledge of the bona fide relationship of Francisco and Celina. Their marriage is legitimate, viable, and not entered into for any immigration-related purpose.


State of California Sworn Affidavit
County of Orange
On___________2011, before me, Doyle R. xxxxx personally appeared proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument.

WITNESS my hand and seal.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-07-30 16:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-130

what do you mean by numerical limitation? they have limited visas???? i mean when we reach our priority date which is March 24th 2011 I MIGHT NOT get the visa because they are out of them??

It means that as the spouse of a LPR (not USC) you have to "wait in line" for a visa. The 6-8 month processing time that you qouted is for spouses of US Citizens for which they are an unlimited number of visas available. I would search around this site for more information. If he is able to apply for citizenship in July 2012, you may want to think about waiting to file until he is a USC. Best of luck.
celinayfranFemaleArgentina2011-08-03 21:06:00