IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS3032 and Juarez
They will mail it to both, but it takes a very long time to get to address in Mexico. I received packet 4 a few days before appointment, the address my hubby had in Mexico they received it 5 weeks after appt.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2007-02-17 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproblem at interview in Peru
I have heard of that happening before, where they do an additional name check because of a hit and when everything comes up clear they issue the visa. Don't sweat it, I'm sure it won't be too much longer.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-03-22 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of having met in the past 2 years and ongoing relationship
I flew in January and they stamped my passport, the guy was standing right there waiting to see it and take the FMT. I made sure I got the stamp correctly since the consulate said we didn't have enough evidence of our relationship on our 1st interview. Now they are making us wait 6 months to interview again. I'm holding on to every reciept, ticket, stub, and taking pictures purposely just to show him how much proof we have.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-03-31 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage Barrier
My fiance is in the US now, he did not speak any English at first but he is learning quickly and is using it. I talk to him in English and so does the family, especially the kids. I'm really proud of him for trying, even though sometimes people ask him to repeat he is usually understood.

When we had our interview at the consulate the officer spoke mostly Spanish, he asked to interview me and started the interview in Spanish, I asked him if we could do it in English because I was more comfortable in English and he said it did not matter to him.
At the interview in Juarez, they usually only interview the immigrant, since only the immigrant is allowed in. If the officer would like to talk to the petitioner a permit has to be written to let the petitioner in to the consulate. The petitioner does not have to be there. In most cases they only interview the immigrant because there is not enough room inside the consulate for the spouses and fiances. When he is able to come in to the states you will find that he will learn some more English and by the time you have your AOS interview you will be able to prove you can communicate with each other.

When I first met him I spoke very little Spanish but now I can speak fluently, all my trips to Mexico have helped.

There was never an issue of how we were able to communicate, at first we didn't very well but now we can in either language. Most of the interviewers in CDJ will conduct the interview in Spanish. I think it will be more of an issue at the AOS interview, since it will be conducted in English. I think he will do ok. Send your fiance some printouts or books on learning some basic English. My fiance bought a book in Mexico that helped him, he says that when he was bored or would be missing me, he would study the book because he wanted to be ready to come to the U.S!!

Edited by noviademexicano, 11 August 2006 - 10:09 AM.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-08-11 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports; VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-02 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 from VSC just shy of 3.5 months!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-03 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsafter all the stress the time and the money this its what i got!!
YAY!!!!!!!!! Congrats and soon welcome to America!!!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-18 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLimbo Land.

I definitely know the slumps.

I actually just started my first job this week! In a high school. I got my greencard in April but held off looking for work until after the summer. We travelled across the States this summer and saw a lot! I was in St Louis during the heatwave!

That's great that his friends are welcoming! My husband and I lived in Scotland for 3 years until we moved to Vermont, he's from Alaska so we are both new to this State. I don't know if that makes it easier or not. At least we both have tomake friends...but he had few contacts when I got here. He teaches college here.

I also love that community involvement is important here. It makes it easier to get involved, definitely. I just started a volunteer job teaching a college prep course to immigrants whose first language is not English.

It took a while to feel 'settled' here. But I definitely do now :)

Good luck with everything! It will be worth it.

Hey, if you think St. Louis, MO is bad... I lived very rurally in MO when I first moved here. Ugh. At least St. Louis is a major city! I absolutely hate MO but my family moved here so I eventually did as well from Colorado which I know is evidence in and of itself of my insanity! Hehehe

We are going through the slumps and limbo land feelings, too. Hard to keep upbeat and positive somedays. I try to just keep busy. I spend so much time on the phone that I feel tied to the pc or phone which really is aggravating. I want to stay connected but it just exaggerates the feeling of limbo and unsettled.

Hey, if you think St. Louis, MO is bad... I lived very rurally in MO when I first moved here. Ugh. At least St. Louis is a major city! I absolutely hate MO but my family moved here so I eventually did as well from Colorado which I know is evidence in and of itself of my insanity! Hehehe

We are going through the slumps and limbo land feelings, too. Hard to keep upbeat and positive somedays. I try to just keep busy. I spend so much time on the phone that I feel tied to the pc or phone which really is aggravating. I want to stay connected but it just exaggerates the feeling of limbo and unsettled.

oops meant to respond to Vicky
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-03 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS processing of applications in unfair

The same thing for me... no prior marriages, sent everything they requested... I really believe that it depends on the desk where your file landed, I am starting to believe that when my adjudicator receives a new box of files, this box is put on top of the previous one, so that is why later files are getting approved first and my file is now 3 boxes below!!!

It is so frustrating to see Igor's List and find out that more late filers are getting approved but my case has not even received a touch, RFE... nothing!!

We are in the same boat. Also frustrated. I think it is kinda too bad they expedite some cases and not others. I suppose I would not think that way if I was someone with a special circumstance that qualifies for expedite.

Sigh. I am surprised at how mentally and emotionally draining this can get to be. Would be better if I knew we were getting approved or a decision at least by this date. But it is this vague and nebulous goal that might be obtained at some point in the future maybe. It is a real test of the strength of your relationship.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-20 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI have a question for fellow K1'ers
We both joined Europa, an international penpal site. He was finally getting over his divorce and ready to get out again. I was dating another Brit at the time-nothing serious-but I wanted to know more about the culture. The site even warns that it is strictly forbidden to be used as a dating site so I thought I would be safe from getting hit on. The last time I tried an international penpal site I had a bad experience with people (yes, more than one!) emailing me twice then proposing. I started talking to John and from the first email... Needless to say pretty quickly I chucked the guy I wasn't serious about for the love of my life. Wish I met him years ago! We've been together for almost a year now. Skype and Yahoo voice chat and we both have been to the other's country and met our families. The internet is a wonderful thing.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-06 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere's the Happiness???
[quote name='togetherforever13' timestamp='1317934705' post='4939019']
1. I have gained 18 pounds during this process
2. I have noticed some hairs that appear to be grey
3. I have not cleaned my home in 4 months
4. I am over 6000 miles away from a hug I need the most
5. Someone else is in control of my destiny
6. My phone bill was over 700 dollars this month
7. Egyptian internet connection makes web cam poor
8. I work many hours of overtime to pay my phone bills
9. It is cold where I live in Illinois
10. I miss my husband with each breath that I take.


I do see the light at the end of my tunnel. It is all worth it to be with my husband forever. I can list many many things I am happy for and they will be the same things many people are happy for. I just thought it would be more fun to post depressing stuff! heeheehe

I will be done with NVC soon and then on to wait the dreaded 6 month wait till Cairo interview date. I am sure most other countries can post they are happy their consulates are not like Cairos.

Good Luck
We will all have a happy ending!

I second that!!! Good try for the shot of positivity. I just don't have it in me right now to even try to fake a happy. Kudos for the effort!

***GO CSC!!!***
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-10-06 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for K1 Visa
Thanks everyone! I appreciate your comments. It is hard when my family and friends don't understand how tough this is.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-10-13 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for K1 Visa
I just thought I would post to say today was pretty rough day. I am missing him alot even though we are inseparable via Skype. We speak for at least half an hour a day on weekdays and until about 8 pm my time on Fridays, all day Saturday til he wears out, til 6 pm Sundays, all day on holidays we share and from noon to 6 pm on my holidays. That is still alot of time, I know. I am doing better than some and I know I should be celebrating the fact that I have found my soulmate. Since he is from England and I make over the required amount, we should be approved. STILL THIS WAIT IS GETTING TO ME. I will wait for years if I have to. Just thought I would reach out with a virtual hug for everyone else who might be having a rough time lately. Although virtual hugs, as we all know, SUCK!!! :) Ok, back to pretending to be positive about this whole mess!!! Have a good evening everyone!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-10-10 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview Today - APPROVED!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-10-30 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSham Marriages Russian to New York Strip Clubs

This is why it is up to us to prove that we are in a bonified relationship. Obviously, it is still too easy to get a Visa in some cases or they wouldn't have been able to actively get these women into the country. The women are being exploited and are the victims in this.

This was online today...
NEW YORK (AP) — A mob-run ring that lured women from Russia and other Eastern European countries with the promise of waitressing jobs — only to send them to dance at New York strip clubs — was shut down Wednesday after 20 people were charged, including seven purported members of organized crime families, authorities said.

Prosecutors said members of the Gambino and Bonnano organized crime families were swept up in arrests aimed at closing an operation that recruited the women and then arranged for many of them to enter into sham marriages with U.S. citizens so they could stay in the country and continue to work as exotic dancers at adult entertainment clubs.

Authorities say the four strip clubs in Queens and Long Island were controlled by the mob families, and their owners were forced to make payments in exchange for protection, which included the resolution of disputes among strip clubs over which dancers work where and over ownership interests in certain clubs.

Homeland Security Investigations special-agent-in-charge James Hayes said the arrests "bring to an end a long-standing criminal enterprise operated by colluding organized crime entities that profited wildly through a combination of extortion and fraud."

He said the defendants used intimidation and threats of physical and economic harm to control their businesses and protect their turf.

"Today, that business model has been extinguished," Hayes said.

Charges in the case included racketeering, extortion, visa fraud, marriage fraud and transporting, harboring and inducing the entry of illegal aliens.

Even though I am responding to the OP, I am addressing this to the general thread...
I used to work with domestic violence victims and we also had some trafficking victims. If a woman is desperate to support herself and her family she might take some risks on something she wouldn't normally be comfortable with. I have known some women to be snookered by some pretty obvious things because they were "in love". I also used to work with the people who prey on these victims and there are some criminals who were pretty darn smooth and could talk you into about anything. Don't be so sure these women knew what they were getting into. Either way I don't think anyone should blame the victim.

I am so glad you posted this. I have a big space in my heart for immigrants who come here to chase a dream just to have an American abuse them. I have worked with many immigrant women who have experienced this and it breaks my heart. Other Americans need to stand up and fight against this. It truly is a symptom of what is wrong with our immigration process, too.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-12-01 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT OUR NOA2!!!

Congrats to you both!!!! That's such awesome news!

I have a quick question... how do I set up with USCIS to get a text when NOA2 is issued? Was it something I needed to do when submitting the package, or something I can still do now?


I turned in a form when we turned in our petition plus I also signed up for it through the USCIS website when I first checked our status. I also got an email, too. The text just told me that status was updated so I could go check and the email told me what the website actually said.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-05 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT OUR NOA2!!!

Congratulations!! :joy: We are NOA2 twins. I got mine last night as well.

WooHoo!!!! I don't know about you but I would always feel so :( when I saw all of the others post NOA2 posts.... Now it is our turn! I am surprised how quickly it went by once I quit focusing on it. I remember when I first joined and posted lots of "what is going on" type posts and everyone told me to just sit back and find other things to do or I will go nuts. It's true! Once I found other things to focus on, it went alot faster.

Congrats, NOA2 twin!!!

I got mine yesterday. They are moving up there now.

Thanks everyone and congrats to you, Noneya!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-04 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT OUR NOA2!!!
YAY! Now it's our turn, finally!!! I got the text last night!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Good luck and best wishes to everyone still waiting! Here's hoping for a speedy approval!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-04 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!!!!

YAY watch out America... the British are coming haha :D

thank you everyone... i am preparing my "oscar winning speech" right now :D

I have been chuckling about "The redcoats are coming..." all day and told everyone on Facebook to watch out there will soon be a British Invasion!!! hehe. John's cousin is already over here and married a girl up in Michigan... I have several friends from various parts of England here, too. I figure our countries are so closely related immigration should be a breeze!

Either way, Welcome to America! Should be just a matter of time now!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-05 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!!!!

2 years to the day that i met Jenni and 5 minutes ago.................. WE GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG i just cried like a baby hahahaha

YAY!!! Congrats! We just got approved, too! Awesome!!!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-05 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTalk about things now, not later. Dont point fingers!
Great post!!! We have been talking alot about this stuff as well as others. For this reason I feel much more confidence in the strength of our relationship versus others I've had in the past. There's some stuff I hadn't really thought of before, too. Thanks!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-26 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFeb. 22!!!

awesome :) how long did it take from the embassy receiving your DS-2001 or medical results to you receiving your interview date??

Thanks to everyone and good luck to you all as well!!!

Our timeline is like this:
NOA2 was 1/3
NVC received our package 1/12
NVC sent our package on 1/13 (NVC dates are approximate)
Packet 3 received 1/21 or 1/18 not sure
packet 3 sent back in with all the forms 1/24
Medical 1/27
panicked about the visa app receipt since the receipt says they need it up front (which I think now probably isn't true) so sent pkt 3 forms and copy of receipt in again 2/6
received interview letter (packet 4) today with interview set for 2/22

Hope that helps everyone!!!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-02-10 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFeb. 22!!!
We got our interview date!!!! Yayay!!!!! Hurry up London for everyone else!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-02-10 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2011 Filers

Hi anyone out there who filed June 2011? I really need someone to talk to about our case... sadly waiting for NOA2... some said CSC stopped approving k1 petions because CSC still have back logs from March.. how true is that? when there are already approved petitions from APRIL, MAY, some from JULY and some from September... how about June?

still waiting... Goodluck and God bless us..

06/27/11 - I129F sent
06/29/11 - NOA1 received (email)
07/06/11 - NOA1 hard copy (mail)
xx/xx/xx - NOA2... huhuhu :( when are you coming? I miss my baby...

I wonder if there is something wrong with VJ's stats. I mean if not very many people on here are getting approved then why are VJ's stats looking so good?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-22 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY!!!
I got the word around 5:30 AM this morning that we were approved for our K1 Visa!!! We were so happy that I cried and he nearly did! Cannot wait until he is here! We wish everyone else good luck and speedy processing with theirs! Thanks to all who have helped us out with info. Especially NichNick. You were indispensable!!! (hope I spelled that correctly!)

I hope those of you who hang out on here often take it easy on the next batch of new ones. Remember how hard it was when you went through the process. Some of you all are pretty rough on here. But some of you were just a great help and comfort!!! Any of you UK folks who need to know timelines, etc. feel free to message me to get our info but I don't plan on hanging around here anymore. Thanks everyone!!! :)
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-02-22 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresam i dreaming??
awww lucky lucky folks good luck!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-13 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdecided to take early dna testing before the interview , result is negative..what to do?

the real father doesnt even know that he is the father..
im the one who sign the child's BC..
will they still contact the biological father?

In some circumstances in some states if you are married to the mother when she gives birth, you are the father regardless of who "donated the sperm". I am not a lawyer so you might want to consult someone who actually knows the law where you are and how it would apply to immigration. If you want to accept the child as your own and you are married to the mother, then this could really be a situation you need to think through knowing the legal implications before doing anything. Kudos to you for wanting to step up to the plate for an innocent child versus knee-jerk reactions.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-05 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial paperwork
If your partner who is putting you forward for immigration has signed the I-129F and I-325a but not dated the signatures do they send the entire paperwork back
or do they just turn a blind eye?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-07-24 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSwitching jobs just after filing petition for K1
I wondered if I didn't need to send it yet. I bought a book and read alot of different sites and got conflicting info. I figured it was better to send too much than too little. I have the package well-organized so they could chuck whatever did not apply. Thank you all for putting my fears to rest. I have already filled out a new I134 based on my new employment, will save paystubs (I do that anyway :)), get a letter, and order IRS tax records for the interview. Thank you thank you thank you VJ community!!!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-07-30 19:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSwitching jobs just after filing petition for K1
I have been researching all over VJ and other sites about switching jobs during the process. (By the way I just sent it off 7/15/11.) Everyone is saying not to worry-the job response was true when you sent the paperwork. Well, I will be making a few thousand more a year (have been a little worried because my income was right on the border of enough with my old job)and I did not fill the I134 out correctly I noticed after the fact and then there is still eventually his interview. I feel they need to know there was a change. I had given up on ever hearing back from the job as I applied for it well over a month ago. Should I just wait for the RFE on the I-134? Can I act pre-emptively once I get the NOA1? Anyone had any experience that might shed some light on this?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-07-30 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphysical
Thanks for your replies!!! :)
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-02 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphysical
Two part question... Can you do your physical before you even get your NOA2? The cost posted is it including xrays or are the xrays an additional fee? John was saying it says something like physical is 300 (xrays 140) or something like that (I may not have the amounts correct. What documents can he be preparing for his interview besides what I sent with the petition?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-07-22 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-1145
I was just reading on the USCIS website that there may be an issue with the form G-1145 and people not receiving text/email notification. I had been asking around about this as I noticed everyone else was listing NOA1 dates in the range of 6 days after filing and it has been almost 3 weeks for us with nothing. I just thought I would let everyone know who might be experiencing the same issue. is the contact info I used to inquire about this issue personally (it was listed on the site).
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-02 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI was only able to visit him once. Is that enough to get our petition approved?
I believe you just have to meet once within two years of filing for k1 visa.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-03 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting together the I-129F pack
I divided everything up into sections: *emails, *letters, *pictures, *forms, *documentation of me, him, divorce, etc. I used post-its and highlighted things, too. I labeled all pics including as mentioned above the baggied passport photos and stapled mine to my G325A and his to his G325A. Everything else was loose and put in a gigantic manila envelope. I just sent mine off (7/15/11)so will have to let you know if I have any issues.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-03 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
I just called USCIS and was told that they would look me up after 30 days from the date I filed. Will keep the thread updated as I find out more. We are currently at 20 days so I may be worried for nothing yet but most others who filed around the date we did looks to have received theirs.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-04 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
Thank you, Mugumogu!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-04 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
We are coming up to 3 weeks (Friday-2days from now) with no NOA1. I am not questioning whether they received it or not. Obviously they have. I am concerned primarily because I use a post office box for mail. If they mail anything to my home address I won't receive it. This is a common problem for me no matter how obvious I try to be about "DON"T MAIL IT TO MY HOME ADDRESS!"
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-03 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
We sent out I-129F 7/15/11, check cashed 7/21/11, signature returned from postal certification 7/22/11 saying they received 7/18/11. I have not received a text, an email, or any mail through the postal service notifying us that they have got our petition package. I noticed on here everyone is saying they heard back in 6 days (or a bit more or less). Should I be worried? I found something saying there might be an issue with receiving text notification and emailed the lockbox but then got back an email this am saying that they are concerned with that because they are not aware of any issues. I will try to find the link and post to this thread if anyone is interested. I just wondered if anyone else had received or was not hearing back yet who filed around the same time? Sorry, just super worried I didn't do this right.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-03 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 Notification received...
Hi Kirsty,

My fiancee and I are in the same boat as you. We managed to get in touch with the USCIS and they advised us to wait until 30days are up and then get back in contact with them and they will look in to it and chase the lockbox up for us. We filed last month and they have cashed the check but we have had no notification despite filling in the I-1145 for e-mail and text etc. So my advice is to wait 30days before chasing up your NOA1.

Kind regards and best of look John and Wendy
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-05 00:39:00