K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview preparations, living together
Hi guys,

My final K1 interview is this upcoming Thursday.
Me and my fiance are currently both living in Amsterdam together for 9 months (have been together for 4,5 years), and planning on moving to USA a few months after we get my visa. We both have good jobs here, but will have to use my fiance's dad as a sponsor for the Affidavit of Support, as we both are currently working here and not Stateside. Before Amsterdam my fiance was working for US military stationed in Europe.
After reading all the threads about interviews, I also turned from a calm applicant into a worrying one. Any ideas or tips on what to say or not during the interview? I am hesitant about the question-why do you want to move to US if you both have good life here in Amsterdam with good jobs, etc etc?
If anyone had previous experience like mine (both American and European living together before moving to US on a K1 fiance visa), would be nice to get some feedback on that matter.

Thank you and wish us goodluck!
MissKate24FemaleLatvia2010-01-11 06:12:00