United KingdomWhat next?..
The vaccine is actually available in the UK as when i started my nurses training they were screening people for the immunity to chicken pox which i didn't have as never had chicken pox! Then those who weren't immune were given the vaccine, however i manage to catch chicken pox from my little girl before i was given the vaccine!! Sorry to butt into the thread. So unsure why they don't offer it to others? Perhaps its the costs? Probably cost the NHS more if i contracted the pox then passed it onto patients? Which i didn't by the way.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-02 06:28:00
United KingdomDCF - does US hubby need to have ILR
He came to the UK in April 2006 on a fiancee visa, we married in July and then he gained FLR in September. So does all that count? I mean the fiancee visa?
So we could apply for his UK citizenship and then leave and move to the US before it has been processed, is this correct? If so where can i find out about this.
We don't want to move until Around April 2009 as we need to sort out finances and tie up loose ends, but then we don't want to have to wait an additional 6 months after applying for citizenship in April 2009 before we leave. I however think that gaining citizenship would be beneficial.
You do need ILR to apply for citizenship, so this is why we need to work out which visa to apply for before September.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-24 08:50:00
United KingdomDCF - does US hubby need to have ILR
I have just been reading the Embassy info section and it suggests that the US citizen needs to have ILR rather than FLR to be eligible to apply for DCF at london.
My US hubby only has FLR currently , this expires in September and are debating whether to apply for a two year extension on FLR which is cheaper or the ILR .... We are hoping to move stateside April- ish 2009. We sent our forms End of January so should start processing within the next month as processing December 28th as of last monday.
So what will happen?
Also he will have been in the country 3 years April 2009 so were considering applying for his Citizenship before we left, However unsure how long this will take to achieve? Anyone know the timeframes for UK citizenship?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-16 16:50:00
United KingdomRFE Help!!!
You are right poiteen, mine also says 'must be signed in front of a notary/solicitor'

My only worry now is whether it needs to be returned by 9th May or within 60 days? If i called the extortion line they would be any the wiser?

Edited by mrssmith, 12 April 2008 - 02:43 PM.

mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-12 14:41:00
United KingdomRFE Help!!!
Thanks Mags, i have just e-mailed a couple for an idea of prices.
Can the documents just be signed by a solicitor or do they have to be notarised by a notary? huh.gif huh.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-12 13:20:00
United KingdomRFE Help!!!
Thank you very much poiteen, you have made my life a little easier and the process a little cheaper.
Did you just visit a solicitor to get it notarised? How much roughly did you pay?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-12 09:28:00
United KingdomRFE Help!!!
Today we have recieved RFE for both mine and my daughters applications, We are the UKC and hubby USC.
My daughter is from a previous relationship and we are currently going through the adoption process hoping to be complete in the next few months, before we leave anyway...

Firstly they have on both letters requested the informatoon to be returned with 60 days of dat e of letter (10th April) but then says failure to respond to this notice by May 9, 2008 will result in denial of your petition. (by my calculation that is only 30 days)
Do you think its just a clerical error?

On my daughters RFE they have requested Legal evidence that her name has been changed. We changed it in January 2007 by Deed poll to my husbands name, i included the deed poll with the application. I presume they do not accept this, the adoption will not be complete in the next 30 -60 (bar a miracle) so what should we include?

On my RFE they have requested a sworn affidavit of how we met and marriage. Plus additional documentation. What additional documentation do they require. Photos? Joint bank accounts? Tenancy agreements?
They have also requested 3 affadavits by third parties. Can these third parties be family members? Do they have to be in the UK? ie, can my husbands family in america provide any of the statements?

Does everyone have to provide this additional documentation and affidavits? Were we suppose to send with the application initially?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated, as i'm currently a nervous wreck.

One last thing, how do i find a solicitor competent in dealing with these issues?

Edited by mrssmith, 12 April 2008 - 03:26 AM.

mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-12 03:25:00
United KingdomRoyal Mail Delivery Recommendation
When i sent my forms back in January i used Recorded delivery and it took roughly 4-5 days if i rememeber correctly. This is due to the fact that it has to be signed for and the sit in at the post office waiting to be collected. You will know when/if the embassy have recieved it as they will send you an e-mail (if you supplied an e-mail address) The day they recieved or the day after. I would give it a little longer before phoning that really expensive number.... Then contact royal mail instead.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-29 17:07:00
United KingdomHow long can you delay returning packet 3?
Thanks Poiteen, i'll write the cover letter tomorrow and post it with the RFE documents next week.

Lansbury, yes April 2009 is when husband can apply for Citizenship. But i have discovered recently as soon as they have recieved the application you can leave the UK and have your swearing in Ceremony in the US. This is excellent news for us, as we were going to leave without applying as did not want to wait the additional 7 months for the citizenship to process. But now have decided to wait and apply then leave soon afterwards.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-29 14:24:00
United KingdomHow long can you delay returning packet 3?
No haven't returned the RFE documents yet, returning them next Tuesday which will be 6th May.

How long do i get once they have approved this initially 1st stage before i have an interview? Is it 12 months?
We do not want to leave until April 2009 at the earliest so need to know how to delay process as long as possible?

Any ideas anyone?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-29 04:43:00
United KingdomHow long can you delay returning packet 3?
So we recieved a RFE on 10th April 2008. this in the first sentence said we had 60 days to return the information, then said if not returned by 9th May 2008 our applications would be denied....
I have tried e-mailing the embassy to ask which is correct but have had no answer.
We have all the information now so will return early next week, just to be sure.
However we are not planning to move until April 2009 due to finances and my hubby wanting to get citizenship here before we move to US.
So my question is how long after the NOA2 do we have to return information recieved in packet 3 and have the interview? wacko.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-29 04:07:00
United Kingdomtax returns
Another question.....

So my husband filed his tax return about 6 weeks ago and we were unsure if they had recieved it because he had heard nothing. So he phoned the IRS in philladelphia after trying for days to reach the one in London with no success.
They have recieved it but we will not recieve anything from them to confirm this as he is not getting a refund etc. So what do you take to the interview to confirm that he has been filing his taxes?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-30 03:52:00
United KingdomWe got our Notice of approval..... Suddenly seems more real
Poiteen - i included a cover letter with the RFE information. As my husband is also adopting my daughter which we are currently waiting to appear in court for, so i also included that information on the cover letter along with us expecting to travel April next year. We got approved 2 days after them recieving the information so presume that everything i asked/stated is ok.

No Problem Thomas F, hoping you hear something soon biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-15 06:17:00
United KingdomWe got our Notice of approval..... Suddenly seems more real
Thomas F, we recieved a RFE for our case on April 10th which we delayed returning until May 6th and case was approved on May 9th, so you should be hearing something pretty soon i should imagine.
We haven't recieved the packet 3 yet believe from others it will be another 2 weeks until we recieve it.

Thank you everyone for the congratulations, we are all pleased and need to slowly and painfully get rid of our junk....
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-14 08:39:00
United KingdomWe got our Notice of approval..... Suddenly seems more real
So today my hubby got the notices of approval for myself and our daughter. So excited, had a bad day yesterday and was thinking that i can't wait to get out of this place. We're not moving until April next year but at least we are getting there slowly.
Wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped and given advice since we started this journey.
Good luck to everyone else waiting to hear. star_smile.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-14 06:08:00
United KingdomRFE help!
Thomas F just to let you know that we recieved our Packet 3 today post marked the 15/05 so quicker than i was expecting only 4 days after recieving the NOA2.
The only problem i see with you sending the downloaded packet 3 back before actually recieving the hard copy is that there was no case number on the NOA2 only in the actual packet 3.... Therefore they may not link it up with your file?
Let us know how you get on. star_smile.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-17 03:10:00
United KingdomRFE help!
Thomas F, You should hear from them within a week i should imagine, We posted ours just normal 1st class on Tuesday 6th May, they approved it on Friday May 9th and we recieved the approval in the mail on Tuesday 13th May. Therefore took a week from posting to recieve the NOA2
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-16 10:32:00
United KingdomRFE help!
Thomas F this is the same RFE we recieved and i only returned the 3 affidavits from 3rd parties and my own affidavit all signed in front of a solicitor. No further documentation, because to be honest i didn't read it properly and it got approved 2 days after they recieved the evidence back.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-16 10:00:00
United KingdomI-864 questions
have been looking over the I-864 form and i have 2 questions unsure.gif

Firstly my hubby has recieved his transcripts from the IRS, however it appears that he did not file for 2005. He was in the country and worked until April then came to uk for 6 months. Returned end of October after meeting moi! and then didn't start work again until January 2006. So he worked for a total of 4 months in 2005.... He cannot find his W2 from the employer he worked for and believes that he never recieved one. He has no idea how much he earned. The said employer has now gone bust and no longer has any shops open? So what does he do? He has 2004, 2006 and 2007 transcripts. Do you think this will suffice?

My second question is about the I-864 form itself. My hubby and his mom will be sponsors, however do they need to fill out a I-864 for each petition filed? ie, one for me and one for my daughter who my hubby is currently adopting? Or does one I-864 cover both of us? I thought it covered both however when reading through the form it states
Part3. question 9. I am sponsering the following family members immigrating at the same time or within 6 months of the principal immigrant named in part 2 above. Do not include any relative listed on a seperate petition.

My daughter has a seperate petition? But also if she is his adopted daughter the day she enters the US she becames a US citizen. Therefore does she need sponsoring? As our daughter , his biology daughter a US citizen does not need sponsoring?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-03 07:54:00
United KingdomBig Brother 2008
I can't wait either........
I actually watched Big Brother US this year too, for the first time. Was completely different but i was still addicted.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-31 06:20:00
United KingdomProcessing Times - London
They have now moved the date to the 1st February, which means that they muist be looking at ours now. Not too much further until we hear from them!!!
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-11 07:07:00
United KingdomProcessing Times - London
I know, what is going on? Our filing date is 29th january and thought 3 weeks ago we might be processing our application this week but it seems that 7th January was a popular day.....
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-10 12:58:00
United KingdomMedical - Vaccine list
I have just been to see the nurse at the doctors about my Vaccines i need for the medical. She has had to request my paper notes to see which ones i have already have. Think that we have figured out i only need the MMR, which isn't too bad. But i i asked her about a print off of what vaccines i have had, she said not possible as its included within all my medical history so would include everything i have ever visited the doctors for. So what should i take to prove what vaccines i have already had? She wrote them out on a plain sheet of paper, but surely the medical people won't just accept this. I tried to ask about getting them typed up on headed paper and she wasn't very impressed.

Also my 4 year old daughter needs several vaccines, Hep B being one! Now does she need to have completed the course before the medical which will take 6 months or just the 1st one? The nurse is going to charge me for the Hep B £30.00 a jab and 3 are needed! With her vaccines is her red book proof of what she has had or do i need a print out or typed list of those too?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-02 06:04:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you?? (or you other half)
we're in the West midlands, moved here just over a year ago from Shropshire.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-31 06:25:00
United KingdomHow did everyone meet?
We met at Global Gathering 2005. It was total fate. out of 40,000 people we bumped into each other twice.
Evan was in the UK visiting a friend for 6 months, spent the last 2 months with me.
He went back to US October 2005 and came back April 2006 for the birth of our daughter June 2006 and wedding 4 weeks after her birth.
He is adopting my daughter from a previous relationship then we shall be returning to the US Early next year.
Its been a rollercoaster but we love each other more than ever and can't wait to settle in the US.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-31 07:50:00
United KingdomHow many UK people are DCFing
I am doing I-I30 DCF. Filing date was 29th January and we recieved our RFE on saturday 10th April. This was for affidavits from hubby and 3 others.We are organising them as i type.
However we are not planning to move stateside for around another 12 months so trying to drag it out......
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-14 10:20:00
United KingdomMedical next week......
We have been searching for months now and have always found continental to be easiest and cheapest. We will be flying out of Birmingham and into Newark. Then Newark into Seattle. Then unbelievably it was $1000 cheaper to book a return flight Newark to Birmingham. Bought as a whole package rather than in seperate parts and worked out at $3500 for 4 of us. Continental flights are all direct so no stop overs which was another bonus.

We will be just outside of Portland in Sandy just past Gresham. Do you know it?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-18 14:32:00
United KingdomMedical next week......
thanks everyone, that helps me alot.

Just to get photos done and we will be set to go. wink.gif

MIL purchased tickets last night as they have seemed to have gone down by $1000 from 2 weeks ago. Leaving fingers crossed 12th May 2009 staying in New york with my Aunty for 10 days then onto Seattle on the 21st May 2009 where ILs will pick us up and go to Portland (was $1000 cheaper to land in Seattle than Portland) It is all so exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.

Will let you know how the medical goes. smile.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-18 09:18:00
United KingdomMedical next week......
Thank you Red baron, how long roughly would/should it take on the tube?
Do you know how much the tube will cost?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-18 07:01:00
United KingdomMedical next week......
My daughter (4) and i have our medicals next Tuesday, Actually starting to feel more real as more things are taking place.
Took my daughter today to have Hep B first injection at our doctors, still had to pay but slightly cheaper than Knightsbridge. Think she will still require influenza at knightsbridge as i couldn't get it done at the Doctors due to them not having any in (they only administer in winter) blink.gif
So we will be arriving at Euston at 11.11 and have to be at knightsbridge by 12.50 how do i get there? Quickest, cheapest way?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-18 06:24:00
United Kingdom8 weeks to get packet 4 and another three weeks to interview?
We returned our checklist about a month ago, with a travel date of 30th June 2009 stated, and just today have recieved packet 4 with an interview date of 14th January. So looks like they don;t take much notice of the date of travel. Hope you recieve your packet 4 and travel date soon.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-04 16:42:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
We got our interview date through today, myself and my daughter have an interview on 14th January 9am. Could you please add us to the list.
Now the panicking begins!
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-04 16:57:00
United KingdomInterview on Wednesday, have all the paperwork together but what do i need copies of?
Just organised all the paperwork for our interviews on Wednesday unsure.gif Put into individual files etc, but what do i need copies of everything? Intend to go and do all the copying tomorrow so wanted to double check as there is ALOT of paperwork for the both of us (me and my Daughter) as we have seperate visa petitions!
I know i need copies of the Birth certificates/ marriage certificate/adoption certificate. Do i need copies of the I-864 (affadavit of supports) And the DS-230 Part II?
Police certificate? Husband and other daughters passport?
Tax transcripts?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-11 15:26:00
United KingdomHow do we get from Euston train station to the embassy?
Thanks for the replies.
How much will a taxi cost roughly? And does anyone know of any good brekkies places near embassy or near euston?

Can i take a bag in with me or should i just carry the box file in my hand?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-13 14:37:00
United KingdomHow do we get from Euston train station to the embassy?
So interview tomorrow at 9am, getting nervous now unsure.gif We arrive in Euston around 7.20am planning on getting some breakfast somewhere before the interview as leaving home at 5.30am and the kids will be starved and the hubby!
So how do we get from Euston to The Embassy, we've done it before but now got pregnancy brain and can't rememeber a thing.

Also interview is for myself and Our daughter(Husband has adopted) plus we put my husband on the form as attending. Now we are having to bring our youngest daughter who is 2 as we have no childcare for her. She wasn't on the form as attending, do you think it will be a problem her getting it. I am taking her birth certificate and American and British passports. If it comes to it My husband will have to wait with her while myself and older daughter go in?
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-13 14:12:00
United KingdomRegistering new baby with British Embassy and all that good stuff
All people/children who hold US citizenship are legally required to leave and enter the US on a US passport. We found this out when we went to the US embassy in London to get our daughters passport and they saw that she had a stamp entering America in her British passport. They weren't happen and said we could of got in a lot of trouble for doing so!
You can still hold both passports however but must use the US one when leaving or entering.
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-13 13:21:00
United KingdomCountdown
We have our interview in 5 days (jan 14th) then baby number 3 due May 19th! Then Flights booked for June 30th.
Fingers crossed that baby arrives on schedule as we have 6 weeks to organise and get a passport unsure.gif
mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-09 08:25:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
We're APPROVED We think whistling.gif Was a long day with two very bored little girls but very productive and left happy.
Basically said that problem with computers today so couldn't input information to say yes you are approved but doesn't see a problem and sent us to pay for courier.
Appt was for 9am, arrived in waiting room around 8.30am and finally left at 1.15pmish!
Didn't ask us any questions that were expected at the interview stage, just had to swear to tell the truth, where had i lived after the age of 16 and that was it! More concerned with filling in a different form for our DD. They did some investigating and they found because my husband(US citizen) has adopted her she didn't need the affidavits of support, and she becomes a US citizen once she lands on US ground. She will get a US citizenship paper on arriv9ing and is eligible for passport etc.
Did had an argument with the asian lady at the first window, she was trying to say we needed DD biological fathers permission to leave the country! I just kept saying my husband has adopted her and is legally her father. She eventually after the 3rd time of telling her seemed to understand.

mrssmithFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-14 16:13:00