USCIS Service CentersUSCIS office closings due to snow storms
All I found on the USCIS website is that the Washington DC offices are closed.
Another big snow storm is going to hit tonight and tomorrow.
One of my inlaws has a fingerprinting tomorrow for his citizenship at the Dover, DE
Application Support Center, and we think it'll be closed due to the snow storm.
We've tried contacting the National Customer Service Center hotline, but are unable to
reach any live person. Even if you press "0" you can't reach anyone.
Does anyone know how to reach someone through that #?
Or how can we find out if the office will be closed and what will happen? Will he
receive a rescheduling notice?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 14:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ankara - required documents?
In an email from Ankara, they said I didn't need to wait for the package to send
my husband's K-3 visa documents. So, we are preparing everything and will
send on Tuesday.

If there is anyone out there that has dealt with the US Embassy in Ankara,
who would know if they need a copy and translation of my husband's
TC Kimlik kart? (ID card with birth information)
The instructions on their website said they only need the Nufus Kayit Ornegi
(birth information document from local government office).

My husband's cousin just brought his new wife to America with CR-1 visa
and that she was required to submit a copy and translation of her TC Kimlik kart.
I looked at the instructions for all types of visas on Ankara's website, and
they all same the same requirement regarding birth certificate information:

BIRTH CERTIFICATES: One original and certified copy of the birth certificate of each person named in the application is required. The certified copy of the birth certificate must either have the raised seal or rubber stamp of the vital statistics office or it must be originally signed. Attorney certified copies without raised seals, rubber stamps or plain photocopies of birth certificates will not be accepted. The certificate must state the date and place of birth and names of both parents. Applicants born in a country other than their country of citizenship must present a birth-certificate from the country in which they were born. (“Nüfus Kay?t Örne?i” if the applicant was born in Turkey).

If anyone can help understand what is required, I'd be so happy!

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-21 15:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ankara - FORTIS fee?
The consulate in Ankara sent me an internet weblink with instructions (what will be in the packet)
and I was confused about something in it.

It states that my husband will need to bring a receipt to the interview:

RECEIPT: The fee for a K-3/K-4 visa is $100.00 per person. The fee must be deposited at any branch of FORTIS before the interview. The closest FORTIS to the Consular Section is located at Paris Caddesi, No: 34/B Kavaklidere, Ankara. Please do not send the $100 FORTIS receipt this office before your interview. You will be required to submit this receipt to this office at the time of your interview.

Does anyone know how this works? How do you deposit money for payment? Will there be a deposit slip in the packet
or a letter with bank account information?

This is confusing to me.

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-11 20:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ankara: US Embassy - I-129F process

hey Dayna? are you Turkish-American? or you just studied Turkish for a reason. I have never seen an American(not the ones living/lived in Turkey) who speaks Turkish. If he doesnt speak english, your turkish should be fluent. Can you tell us more about your story if you dont mind? it sounds interesting:)

my wife is Turkish - American from Turkish parents. thats how she speaks Turkish fluently but I went to the US for school at young age and lived there long I have 2 tongues(Turkish & English) as well. We speak English when with people , not to be rude but we speak Turkish when we need privacy lol you will enjoy this once he learns english too lol

good luck with the process

Hi substance,
I'm American, and how I learned Turkish is a longggg story...
A couple of years ago, I was working for a company that was owned by a Turkish family here in USA. I became good friends with one of my female
coworkers, who was from Bursa. She returned to Turkey and had invited me to come visit her. Before my trip to Turkey, I got a job as a waitress
in a Turkish restaurant to learn some of the language and foods. I spent hours of studying Turkish language books, listening to tapes, and practicing at work. I made some new friends with my Turkish coworkers and customers, one of which became my best friend. He later introduced me to his cousin via telephone, who is now my husband, Ali.
I went to visit my friend in Bursa, and learned some more words/sentences. When I got back to USA, it was when I was introduced to Ali.
I had seen photos of him and thought he was very handsome. My Turkish wasn't very good at this time, but Ali didn't know English and I wanted to get to know him better. I would study for an hour or so before I would call him, making a list of questions in Turkish to ask him. Eventually, I picked up on how Turkish grammar worked. Later on, Ali and I would chat on MSN, but I always had in an open window to help translate any words between us.
After a few months, I went to Turkey to meet Ali. The first couple of weeks was very difficult for us, my English-Turkish/Turkish-English dictionary always open. That lasted a couple of weeks. But soon after, we didn't need the dictionary as much because I had learned enough words that we could communicate, even though my Turkish grammar was terrible! LOL
This year, I spent 6 1/2 months total in Turkey (1/2 in Istanbul, 1/2 in Giresun), with my husband and his family, and nobody spoke English. So, I had to learn quickly in order to talk to his family if he wasn't there. Plus, all that time with only Turkish tv and everyone speaking Turkish around me, all I could do was sit there and listen and try to understand. I've learned a lot of phrases/slang which you won't ever find in the language study books I found here in USA bookstores. I even learned how to recognize accents or slang within Turkey... someone is from Trabzon/Black Sea region or West/Istanbul area.
My husband is from a small hazelnut village near Giresun, so he also taught me some village Turkish! LOL
BUT, I wouldnt say that I am 100% fluent. My Turkish is good enough to communicate effectively with Ali, his family, in restaurants, markets, etc... but I
do have problems understanding if someone is speaking too fast.

I do agree that speaking Turkish together is a good tool for privacy. I started a new job a few months ago, and I would talk on the phone with my husband in Turkish. My coworkers were curious of what language I was speaking and who was I talking to... I would just say I was only nagging my husband in Turkish so that no one could understand! LOL
It's great! I can complain about the people around me and they have no idea! LOL
Or if I'm in public with my Turkish inlaws, we can make private comments to each other and the Americans around us don't have a clue!
What is also very funny to me, is that because my inlaws here in USA all speak English, I don't speak Turkish around them that much. Mostly because
I feel a little embaressed, they like to correct my errors. They think I don't understand and will speak Turkish, but then translate everything to me
even though I understood everything.

Well, that's my story!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-02 19:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ankara: US Embassy - I-129F process
I just received a letter from the NVC that my husband's I-129F petition was being mailed to the embassy in Ankara, the consular section will soon send him a packet, and a case number was assigned.
I have a couple questions, hopefully someone can help!

1. Will they send him an agent form so that he can choose me as his agent? If so, who sends it - NVC or Ankara? Will it be included in the packet?
Where will it need to be mailed back to - NVC or Ankara?
2. Will the documents in the packet be English or Turkish? My husband doesn't know English (I know Turkish luckily), so I am worried he may have trouble completing the forms!!! :unsure:
3. How many packets will they send?
4. Will they schedule his appointment after they receive my financial support papers or before?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-12-15 20:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)ANKARA - website/email problem??
Every day this week I have sent emails to the consulate in Ankara,
but every email is being returned to me undeliverable.
I have been corresponding with the IV Unit for over a month
with questions, and they normally respond within 24 hours.
But since Monday, my emails are not getting through.
I went to their website and tried filling out their online inquiry
(which generates into an email sent to their main address
but those come back undeliverable, too.
I even tried emailing their webmaster, and that is returned as no such user!

What is going on with Ankara's email system? Has anyone else experienced
a problem this week?

Maybe they blocked me??? This is just really strange...

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-31 23:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)TURKISH - permanent US resident w/ Turkish spouse
This question is for Turkish citizens that are permanent US residents
with spouses back in Turkey...

What is the timeline from when you filed your petition to bring your
spouse to the USA until they arrived... or if you are still waiting,
how long have you been waiting?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-31 20:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)ANKARA - mail time of visa
I need info from people that received their visas from Ankara...

After the interview, and visa is approved.
How long does it take for the visa to arrive in the mail?

My husband's interview is on Tuesday, March 27th.
I am going to Turkey to be with him that day, and I made
my flight to come back to USA on Wednesday, April 4th.
That gives us a week to receive the visa in the mail,
is that enough time?
I've heard that it takes about 3 days, but I'd like to hear
about other people's experiences.

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-03 14:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türkiye
Hello Everyone!

I've learned how to make kofte!

5-6 cloves of minced garlic (must be fresh)
1/2 cup of chopped parsley (flat-leafed)
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 lb of extra lean ground beef
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 cup of bread crumbs
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
1 tablespoon salt

Thoroughly mix everything together by hand in a bowl for 5-10 minutes.
Shape into flat, oval patties about the size of your palm.
Add a little oil into frying pan (preferably non-stick) and cook on low to medium heat,
repeatedly turning every few minutes. This will give the kofte a dark brown color
without burning.
Kofte can also be cooked on bbq grill, on top of a sheet of aluminum foil.
The key is slowly cooking them and turning a lot so that they don't burn.

Afiyet olsun!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-08-12 20:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)A Question For Your Turkish Spouses

The problem is that he has a lot of doubt in Turkish people and isn't really interested in meeting with them much. :(

My husband and I have discovered that some Turkish people living in the USA are difficult to trust. We had a bad experience of being taken advantage of, lied to, and manipulated all because they wanted to use us and our money. Maybe it's just the Turks living in this area or the group that we had associated with (who turned out to be a family of criminals!), but my husband refuses to meet or be friends other Turkish people in USA.
I tried to find Turkish groups for him, but he wasn't interested.
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2010-01-20 14:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
My husband's AOS interview has been scheduled, and we were sent a list of documents to bring to the interview.
And I need some help!

They want a certified copy of our marriage certificate. We were married in Turkey and only have the original marriage booklet.
How would we get a certified copy? Would we need to get it from the Evlenme Dairesi in Turkey? Or would the Turkish embassy in USA
be able to give it to us? We only have a certified translation.

We also need a translator since my husband doesn't speak English. Am I able to be the translator or can a non-relative Turkish speaker
come with us to the interview? Does the translator need to be licensed/certified or can it just be anyone who is capable to translate?

My husband came on a K-3 non-immigrant Visa and had his medical exam in Istanbul. Does he need to have a new medical exam done
or was it sent with the packet that we gave to the customs officer?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-08-20 19:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks for the info!

Do you think that the Turkish embassy in USA might know what paperwork I need to complete in order to become a Turkish citizen through marriage?
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-08-14 18:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Does anyone know what the process and requirements are for acquiring a Turkish passport based on marriage to a Turkish citizen?
When we got married in Istanbul last year, the gov't official that performed the ceremony said that I would be eligible after 3 years.
But I have no idea how or where! :)
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-08-13 18:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Naber?! (whatsup!?)

I need to bring up the bread topic again! hahahah!!!!!!!!!

Several times when my husband are out at restaurant that doesn't serve bread... we'll place the order,
then after the meal comes my husband will say 'Ekmek nerede?' (where's the bread?)
It is so funny because I forgot he "needs" bread in order to eat anything!
So, I end up asking the server for a hoagie roll or hamburger bun... they look at me funny and I just
say "my husband's a foreignor" and shrug my shoulders! hahahahah!

I asked him why does he "need" bread with his meals... he says his throat feels funny when he's swallowing
food and there isn't bread with it. I contemplate if it is a psychological or physical need, and trying to understand
why Turks each so much bread...
Do you think it might have to do with that centuries/millenia ago, they were nomads and bread was readily available
more so then fresh vegetables or fruits?
My husband comes from a small village in NE Turkey and they rarely eat meat... mostly because the people cannot
afford it, except a few times a month. I noticed that they ate lots of bread to make up for the lack of meats.
They eat lots of vegetables, rice, bread, fruits, and hazelnuts!!! OMG the hazelnuts! My husband village grows hazelnuts
and they eat the little nut 24hrs a day! Each time I would visit my husband, he'd send me back to US with kilos of hazelnuts!
And for my birthday, guess what he mailed to me? HAZELNUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

But then I remembered when I visited my friend in Bursa who was from a wealthy family, they ate just as much
bread... and CHEESE! OMG the bread and cheese! I got so sick... ekmek ve paynir - kahvalti, tost - ogle yemegi, ve
peynirli veya spinakli boregi - askam yemegi!!!!!!! yardim lutfen!!!!!!
I would tease my friend whenever the commercial "Turkey welcomes you"... I'd add... "and so does their bread and cheese!"
JK - yayla peynir is like heaven!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-07-25 18:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

My husband eats almost an entire loaf of bread every day! And he is the skinniest person!

I came across this forum and your post made me laugh so much! My husband is the same way...
I am American and he is Turkish... I cannot believe how much bread he eats too!
He eats a loaf for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... that is 3 loaves a day! And he is skinny like a stick.
I call him susamli kraker (sesame cracker), those sesame crackers that Ulker makes.
The only time I ever eat bread is with sandwich or if I make spaghetti!

Take care,
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-12-01 14:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled I-130, confused about K-3
I mailed in the I-130 petition for my husband, who is Turkish, and I received a I-767C Notice of Action.
I heard that I can file a I-129F (K-3) for him so that he can come to USA to wait for his green card to be processed, and that I should file the K-3 after I've received the NOA1.
I am a little confused...
Is the I-797C, Notice of Action (receipt notice), the NOA1?
Should I now send in the documents for K-3? Or do I need to wait until the I-130 is approved?
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-10-10 19:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F-spouse transferred to VSC - question
I received email notification tonight that my husband's I-129F (spouse) petition was transferred to the Vermont Service Center... where I had sent his I-130 petition. I had sent the petition to Chicago center. Is this normal process for the I-129F to be transferred from Chicago to Vermont (my site for I-130)?
Also, I cannot tell if this is moving quickly or slowly. I have not received approval yet.
Here is my timeline, any opinions anyone?? It seems like it's moving quickly, so far... Chicago received and transferred in less than 2 weeks.

** I-130 **
09/29/06 - I-130 petition mailed
10/02/06 - received at VSC
10/03/06 - I-767C NOA1 created at VSC
10/07/06 - I-767C NOA1 received
10/15/06 - Touched

** I-129F **
10/12/06 - I-129F petition mailed
10/16/06 - received at CSC
10/17/06 - I-767C NOA1 letter created - REJECTION NOTICE
10/20/06 - I-767C NOA1 letter received - REJECTION NOTICE
10/27/06 - I-129F petition mailed again - corrected
10/31/06 - received at CSC
11/02/06 - I-767C NOA1 letter created
11/06/06 - check cashed
11/06/06 - I-767C NOA1 letter received
11/08/06 - Touched
11/15/06 - Transferred to VSC for processing
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-11-15 20:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSponsor to act as lawyer form
I don't have my immigration helpbook with me at the moment, and I was wondering about one process...

There is a form, which I believe, that is sent to the beneficiary (my husband), which he/she would
sign stating the sponsor (me) would act as their lawyer (or something like that). This way, all documents sent to him would also be sent to me. Since my husband's English isn't very good, I want to monitor what forms are being sent to him in the packet from consulate (when the time comes).
What is this form? When will it be sent to him? And who will send it to him?
Will a copy also be sent to me? Also, once it arrives... I will want to complete it, send it to my husband to sign... would he need to send it from his country or should he send it back to me, and then I would mail it for him? I am worried he may send it to the wrong address, since his English isn't good.

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-12-04 14:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA2 - Approved... but confused!
I received the approval letter today. I had applied for an I-129F for my husband who is in Turkey.
On the NOA1, receipt letter, it states:

Case Type: I-129F - Petition for Fiance(e)/Spouse

But on the approval letter, it says:

Case Type: I-129F - Petition for Fiance(e)

Is that normal for them to drop the 'Spouse'? He is not my fiance anymore! hahah

Also, I also received the approval letter for his I-130 Petition, but something in the letter confuses me.
It states:

The petition indicates that the person for whom you are petitioning is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.

I looked over my copy of the petition, nowhere does it indicate that he is in the USA but that he is living in Turkey.
Why would they say that? Is it because he will be receiving the K-3 visa, come to USA, and finish the immigration process in the USA
so his petition won't need to be sent to the embassy in Turkey? That he won't need to complete the process as if he was waiting the
whole process out while overseas?

I am a little confused. Please help!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-12-13 17:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 fees
We paid the I-130 petition fee.
We paid the I-129F petition fee.

What other fees will there be during the K-3 process prior to my husband receiving his visa stamp in his passport?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-09 20:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Taxes in USA
Ok... it's about time to start preparing income taxes, and I'm confused.
I normally file the 1040EZ as a single every year, but now I'm married
and my husband is overseas (he won't be supporting me financially until
he gets here in March or April). Do I file single or joint return?
Some of the lines I'm not sure if I should use the single or married options.

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-16 21:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW DATE!! FINALLY!
Well, today I received an email from the Consulate in Ankara, Turkey for my husband's interview date.
It is scheduled for March 27 at 10:00am.

The email also gave a list of what to bring to interview, which I knew already what they would need.
But they are also asking for my 2005 taxes - 1040 & W2s. I had sent my 2005 tax transcripts from the IRS
with the packet of all my husband's documents last week, why are they asking for it again?
I am a little nervous, since in 2005 I only made $14,500 in income and $6,000 in unemployment compensation.
I was laid off in my job in January 2005. But my total gross income was $21,000, which is over the federal
poverty level of 2 persons ($16,000). I am wondering which they will consider my income, the $14,500 or the
$21,000?? My current job pays well over the poverty level and I included a letter from my employer stating
my income, so why do they want my tax info again?
I had consulted a lawyer 6 months ago and he said as long as my current salary is over the poverty level,
it should not matter what my previous years income was.
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-29 08:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview 3/27, K-3 Approval valid until 4/07

I meant... if at his interview they say that I need to get a cosponsor, and i am given a timeline to get
a cosponsor... will the I-129F petition be extended while I find someone?

I am trying to find out if it needs to be extended, how do I do that? Does the consulate extend it,
do they notify the NVC, OR do I file the extension to the consulate or to the NVC?

Thanks, Dayna
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-31 22:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview 3/27, K-3 Approval valid until 4/07
My husband's K-3 interview in Ankara is on 03/27/07.

The I-129F NOA2 - Approval letter - says that it is valid from 12/07/06 - 04/07/07.

If by chance his visa is denied, what will happen to the approval status of the I-129F?

Do I need to file an extension or does the consulate file it automatically?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-31 21:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried 02/07/2006 - Starting Petition NOW.. I need Help!
First, file the I-130 Immigration Petition. Within 1-2 weeks, you will receive a receipt notice. When you receive this letter,
send in the I-129F Non-Immigrant Petition for Spouse.

The K-3 visa (I-129F - Non Immigration) took me and my husband about 6 months until his interview date (March 27, 2007).
Our I-130 and I-129F were approved the same day (December 8, 2006), but I think because of the new visa processing
that took effect in the end of October, instead of the I-130 being sent to overseas embassy, it is being held onto until the
spouse arrives in the USA with the I-129F and then the spouse files the Adjustment of Status... receiving greencard more quickly.

Once you receive your receipt notice for the I-129F, start preparing the K-3 documents. If you know which embassy your spouse
will be using, you may try going to their website and see if they have instructions/forms for the K-3 visa and/or email the visa unit
of that embassy and ask them what the process is for K-3.

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask! Good luck!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-20 00:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat do I do after my aproval I-129F?
Try going to the embassy's website and see if they have a section on K-3 visa. Or send them an email asking
what is the process for K-3 visa.
Since your I-130 and I-129F were approved 02/02/07, next they will be sent to National Visa Center to be
assigned a case number. That was almost 3 weeks ago, so maybe it is in transit to that center now or already
there. They should send you a letter soon. Once it is assigned a case number, within a week they will send
your information (documents) to the embassy. Then the embassy will send a packet to the beneficiary
with instructions and forms to be completed and sent back to the embassy. Afterwards, they will send a letter
with interview date and any other documents required to bring to the interview.
Normally, these documents are for the K-3 visa:

DS-230 Part 1
I-134 Affidavit of support with most recent tax forms and W-2s.
Original marriage certificate with translations
Certified copy of Birth Certificate of beneficiary with translations
Beneficiary's Police records with translations
Beneficiary's Military records with translations

At the interview, bring the medical report and receipt for payment of visa fee.

Hope this information is helpful!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-20 00:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 visa Help!!!!!!!!!????????????
The NVC will send you a letter with a case number for the K-3/I-129F, it will also say they
are sending your documentation to the embassy abroad.
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-21 22:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 visa Help!!!!!!!!!????????????
If the embassy in Damascus has a website, look there to see if they have instructions and forms for the K-3 visa.
You may also try emailing the Visa section of the embassy.
My husband's K-3 is being processed in Ankara, Turkey. I was able to email the embassy, and they told me that
we didn't have to wait for the packet from them. They said to download the instructions and forms, and mail them
to the embassy. Every embassy is different, but it wouldn't hurt to find out for yourself on their website or email them.

The forms that they asked from my husband were:

DS-230 Part 1
DS-156 - 2 copies
My husband's police record - current and archived - with English translations
My husband's original or certified copy of birth certificate - with English translations
Copy and translation of my husband's passport
Our original marriage certificate with translation
My husband's military record - with English translation
I-134 Affidavit of support with copy of my most recent tax forms and W-2 forms

They wanted us to send everything via UPS, and to include a self-address prepaid UPS envelope inside,
just in case they needed to send everything back to them (if there was an error in the documents).

After they received everything, they sent us an interview letter that included more documents to
bring to the interview (medical report, receipt of paying $100 K-3 visa fee).

Good luck!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-20 00:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdjustment of Status...
I would like to hear experiences relating to the Adjustment of Status once your spouse arrives to the USA.
I am curious of what my husband and I will be dealing with in the near future.

I've heard that he will be able to get work authorization at customs when he arrives, is this true? If so,
what forms will we need and what is the procedure when he arrives at customs?

What else will happen at customs, when you have K-3 visa? I am curious.

I'm not 100% sure what the term "Biometrics" is. Can someone please explain what it is?

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-22 16:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIf K-3 is denied & I-129F expires...

The consulate normally automatically extends the validity of the NOA2 if it's going to expire before the interview, but it would depend on what grounds the visa is denied, if there is an issue that can be dealt with or if it's a total denial.

Is there a specific reason you are concerned about being denied?

Everything has been progressing smoothly, which makes me nervous that something unexpected might happen at the interview.
I just want to be prepared just in case we are denied or if we get to the interview and are told something else is missing in the file or I need cosponsor (even though I don't). My husband and I are preparing to bring duplicates of every original document that was required in the packet to the embassy - since they may ask again for something - and that way, we can easily hand it to them without have to leave, mail it, and wait for visa in the mail... my flight back to the USA is the following week after the interview and I'm hoping we'll receive the visa in the mail in time for my husband to return with me since I cannot take off more time from work.
The week before I leave for Turkey, I will prepare all the AOS forms as much as I can, so that as soon as my husband arrives, we can begin that process!
This is all so fustrating!

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-23 10:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIf K-3 is denied & I-129F expires...
The approval letter from VSC has an expiration date on my husband's I-129F/K-3, which is a week after his interview date. If he is denied the K-3 visa or is required to submit additional documents and we need more time to submit them to embassy, what do we do about the expiration date? If we need to extend the approval time, how is that accomplished? Do I need to send some sort of form to the embassy or to the VSC or to the NVC? If so, which form and to which office?
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-22 16:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere K3 stands
I received a letter from NVC saying that within a week my petition for my husband will be sent to the US Embassy in Ankara,
and a visa case number was assigned! This is moving faster than I thought! 48 days for approval!

Member Name----------New or Old------NOA1 Date------Approved or Pending--------Interview Date (Consulate)

girl 37--------------Old Form--------03/08/06-------Approved (151 Days)--------10/24/06
pja002---------------Old Form--------03/08/06-------Approved (174 Days)--------
zimba----------------Old Form--------03/15/06-------Approved (283 Days)--------
Michele&Omer---------Old Form--------03/16/06-------Approved (143 Days)--------11/01/06 (Ankara, Turkey)
Ruthanne-------------Old Form--------03/21/06-------Pending
Austin Volgograd-----Old Form--------03/31/06-------Approved (133 Days)--------
gemcote--------------Old Form--------04/05/06-------Pending
S&S------------------Old Form--------04/14/06-------Pending
JTobster-------------Old Form--------04/14/06-------Approved (139 Days)--------10/03/06 (Venezuela)
bombay---------------Old Form--------04/20/06-------Approved (138 Days)--------
R&E------------------New Form--------04/21/06-------Approved (149 Days)--------11/29/06 (Juarez, Mexico)
Akatagirl------------Old Form--------05/01/06-------Approved (96 Days)---------
TracyLuis------------Old Form--------05/02/06-------Approved (137 Days)--------10/26/06 (Peru)
Dhobee---------------Old Form--------05/04/06-------Pending
Najia & Anouar-------Old Form--------05/09/06-------Approved (104 Days)--------10/19/06
tracimn123-----------Old Form--------05/17/06-------Approved (83 Days)---------
ahlam ladida---------Old Form--------05/16/06-------Approved (85 Days)---------
ptcruuizer-----------Old Form--------05/18/06-------Pending
desperatewife--------Old Form--------05/23/06-------Approved (86 Days)---------
jeremy tentis--------Old Form--------05/24/06-------Pending
Mrs. Z---------------Old Form--------05/25/06-------Approved (94 Days)---------
Lovers---------------Old Form--------06/05/06-------Pending
Greg&Miriam----------Old Form--------06/06/06-------Approved (100 Days)--------
twood2k--------------Old Form--------06/08/06-------Pending
Savanphil------------Old Form--------06/13/06-------Approved (52 Days)---------
jerseygal------------Old Form--------06/13/06-------Approved (54 Days)---------
Chris & Mariana------Old Form--------06/15/06-------Approved (68 Days)---------
Phong_mai------------Old Form--------06/21/06-------Approved (68 Days)---------
MariaDane------------New Form--------06/21/06-------Approved (84 Days)---------11/02/06 (London, United Kingdom)
smanam---------------New Form--------06/22/06-------Approved (145 Days) -------
dougalted------------New Form--------06/22/06-------Pending
teleos123------------New Form--------06/22/06-------Pending
Angelic--------------New Form--------06/22/06-------Approved (145 Days)--------
LostinLangkawi-------New Form--------06/26/06-------Approved (81 Days)---------
Rob and Melinda------New Form--------06/26/06-------Approved (63 Days)---------
axyousu1-------------New Form--------06/26/06-------Pending
CapeG----------------New Form--------06/28/06-------Approved (55 Days)---------
billyboy601----------New Form--------07/03/06-------Approved (45 Days ---------
randynrose-----------New Form--------07/06/06-------Pending
ae4ever--------------New Form--------07/07/06-------Approved (42 Days)---------10/13/06 (Islamabad, Pakistan)
Adriana&Jared--------Old Form--------07/07/06-------Approved (45 Days)---------
Azhar----------------New Form--------07/11/06-------Approved (46 Days)---------
ojos de alicia-------New Form--------07/17/06-------Pending
bradyvicky-----------New Form--------07/18/06-------Pending
yuan-----------------New Form--------07/19/06-------Approved (63 Days)---------
cybernutguy----------New Form--------07/19/06-------Approved (68 Days)---------
tomrein--------------New Form--------07/19/06-------Pending
Libersolis-----------New Form--------07/20/06-------Approved (133 Days)--------
the_dip_sticks-------New Form--------07/18/06-------Pending
domini loka----------New Form--------07/24/06-------Approved (63 Days)---------10/26/06 (Dominican Republic)
Rebecca and Tim------New Form--------07/25/06-------Approved (69 Days)---------
Becky&Sam------------New Form--------07/26/06-------Approved (62 Days)---------
AR0520---------------New Form--------07/26/06-------Approved (67 Days)---------
BurningInAgony-------New Form--------07/31/06-------Approved (81 Days)---------
CutienPurg-----------New Form--------08/04/06-------Approved (63 Days)---------
amarceau-------------New Form--------08/09/06-------Approved (61 Days)---------
Crifever-------------New Form--------08/10/06-------Approved (61 Days)---------
Yadira’s Man---------New Form--------08/11/06-------Approved (101 Days)--------
KimTung--------------New Form--------08/14/06-------Approved (67 Days)---------
jack and jill--------New Form--------08/18/06-------Approved (65 Days)---------12/06/06 (Chennai)
MichaelandMilahjean--New Form--------08/18/06-------Approved (94 Days)---------
dezzy&dan------------New Form--------08/21/06-------Approved (59 Days)---------12/18/06 (Singapore)
EmilyRugBurn---------New Form--------08/26/06-------Approved (43 Days)---------
wasabisnack----------New Form--------08/28/06-------Approved (58 Days)---------
TRKCKL11-------------New Form--------08/29/06-------Approved (78 Days)---------
rcars3---------------New Form--------08/29/06-------Approved (35 Days)---------12/13/06 (Manila)
needk3---------------New Form--------08/29/06-------Pending
adaandrew------------New Form--------08/30/06-------Pending
boo wilson-----------New Form--------09/07/06-------Pending
shree_anil-----------New Form--------09/08/06-------Approved (97 Days)---------
Davin----------------New Form--------09/11/06-------Pending
Slithytoes-----------New Form--------09/12/06-------Approved (55 Days)---------
Shakil---------------New Form--------09/13/06-------Pending
Jck22----------------New Form--------09/13/06-------Pending
Jiten----------------New Form--------09/19/06-------Approved (58 Days)---------
Jessiepooh-----------New Form--------09/19/06-------Approved (56 Days)---------
BelwinMills----------New Form--------09/20/06-------Pending
takram2000-----------New Form--------09/20/06-------Pending
Bosnia---------------New Form--------09/21/06-------Pending
Adk0290--------------New Form--------09/21/06-------Pending
Natty Bumppo---------New Form--------09/25/06-------Pending
Elle-----------------New Form--------09/27/06-------Pending
riblet---------------New Form--------09/28/06-------Pending
anneiy---------------New Form--------10/10/06-------Approved (56 Days)---------
ms514----------------New Form--------10/16/06-------Approved (54 days)---------
mianshib-------------New Form--------10/18/06-------Approved (58 days)---------
Mike & Adriana-------New Form--------10/18/06-------Approved (40 days)---------
pendleton_boy--------New Form--------10/24/06-------Pending
Alliecat-------------New Form--------10/25/06-------Pending
erporsche------------New Form--------10/26/06-------Pending
TongandWei-----------New Form--------10/27/06-------Pending
rin and john---------New Form--------11/15/06-------Pending
misa-----------------New Form--------12/04/06-------Pending
marzipan13-----------New Form--------10/17/06-------Approved (48 days)---------


Edited by Dayna, 15 December 2006 - 07:26 PM.

Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-12-15 19:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExact steps to K-3 visa to Green Card
QUOTE (mbdesousa @ Oct 20 2007, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dayna, you rock!!! thank you so much

yes, i did not know that there is another med exam in usa? i did not have to do it when i immigrated. but that was 10 years ago

do you know how long it takes between notice of transfer to the actual interview?

thanks again!

anxious in Los Angeles

Once they send you notice that the case is being transferred to the embassy abroad... wait 2 weeks and email or call the embassy to confirm if your case has arrived. If it has, ask if you can send in all the K-3 forms... since every embassy is different (Ankara said we didn't have to wait for the packet of forms from them, to download the forms from their website and send in)... once they receive the forms, it can take a few weeks to a few months to have interview date scheduled (depending on embassy)... but ask them how long it'll take. As long as you have all your forms and required documents in order, it should go smooth.
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-11-10 10:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExact steps to K-3 visa to Green Card
The steps are as follows:
1. Send in I-130 and any additional docs they require
2. When you receive NOA1 - receipt letter, send in I-129F forms
3. Wait for approval... for us, it took a couple months
4. Approved I-130 on hold (kinda), I-129F approval/docs sent to embassy abroad.
5. When notice that case is being transferred to embassy, contact embassy or go to their website and get all the forms ready, send them approx. 2-3 weeks after transfer notice (this gives time for embassy to receive)
6. A couple weeks later, you should receive K-3 interview letter
7. Get medical exam done a month or few weeks before interview
8. Go to interview, bring copies of everything from I-130 and I-129F and any additional docs they request in interview letter (proof of relationship)
9. If approved, should receive visa and a sealed packet (do not open) in mail a few days later
10. Come to USA, at POE (point of entry) give sealed packet to passport control officer and have I-194 stamped, stapled into passport
11. Send in AOS/EAD forms - with copy of approved I-130 letter
12. Start preparing proof of relationship and common residence in USA (ID card or drivers license, add to medical benefits, bank account together, add to car insurance, photos with family/friends)
13. Receive biometrics appointment letter, approx 1 month after receipt of AOS/EAD forms
14. biometrics appointment
15. have another medical exam (use supplemental form)
16. within 90 days of filing EAD, receive employment authorization card
17. depending on location (check USCIS website for processing times), anywhere from 3-6 months for AOS interview maybe longer... it varies.

Good luck!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-10-20 12:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpackets from consulate
How many packets will the overseas consulate send to my spouse? Will they send it before or after they want my I-864/financial infor? Do they schedule the interview after my husband receives his packet or before?
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2006-12-21 10:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 interview
I am wondering...
when my husband goes to the embassy in Ankara for his K-3 interview, is it necessary that I attend also?
It will be very difficult for me to take off work and more expenses to travel to Turkey.
But if he will be declined because I didn't come, I guess I wouldn't have a choice.

Also, what kind of questions are they going to ask him?
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-09 20:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWill I need a cosponsor?
My husband will be going to Ankara for his interview on March 27th
and I received email from consulate saying they will need my 1040 and W2s from 2005 tax year.
That year, I was laid off and received unemployment compensation.
Plus, I filed 1040EZ form not the long-form 1040. My total wages was about $14,500 with unemployment income of $6500, giving me a total gross income of $21,000. Which will they use as my total income? The $14,500 or $21,000???
Also, why are they requesting this information again? We sent my tax transcripts and employment letter (which shows I make well over the poverty level now) along with all the documents that Ankara requested.
This is making me so nervous!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-02-04 20:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 interview and that green form
I am nervous about this same situation. My husband will be going to Ankara for his interview on March 27th
and I received email today from consulate saying they will need my 1040 and W2s from 2005 tax year.
That year, I was laid off and received unemployment compensation.
Plus, I filed 1040EZ form not the long-form 1040. My total wages was about $14,500 with unemployment income of $6500, giving me a total gross income of $21,000. Which will they use as my total income? The $14,500 or $21,000???
Also, why are they requesting this information again? We sent my tax transcripts and employment letter (which shows I make well over the poverty level now) along with all the documents that Ankara requested.
This is making me so nervous!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-01-29 09:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVISA APPROVED - Arrived to USA 04/01/07
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to make a happy announcement that my husband had his K-3 interview in Ankara, Turkey
on March 27th and it went very good! I flew to Turkey a couple days before and joined him on the journey
to Ankara. We came to USA together last Sunday! Now we begin the AOS and EAD process!!!!

I highly recommend attending the K-3 interview with your fiance/spouse. It shows support and evidence that it
is a real relationship. Plus, because I flashed my American passport, we got to go inside the embassy before anyone
else... instead of waiting outside in the cold! Just before, the guards told my husband to come back later! hahaha!
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2007-04-09 12:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen to file N-400??
My husband received his GC w/ conditions 10/4/07 and just removed the conditions. His new GC has issue date of 1/4/10.
Do we file his naturalization paperwork 90 days before 10/4/10 or 90 days before 1/4/11?
Dayna and AliFemaleTurkey2010-01-13 13:59:00