
Aside from the annotated marriage contract from NSO, it would be helpful during the interview, if your fiancee could also request for her updated certificate of marriage -- NSO will certify that her previous marriage was annulled.

Thanks for all the help. At this point we are hoping the lawyer took care of this already and all we need is the doc from NSO. We will find out tommorow when my fiance visits the lawyer. If he did not do this yet...anybody know how long this normally will take?
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-09-17 22:29:00
Just recieved a request for evidence (RFE). My fillipina fiance was previously married and we hired a lawyer and recieved a judgement of annullment. I sent the court judgement with my application.
The RFE says they recieved the judgement and it is ok, however they are asking for a document from the National Statistics Office (NSO) substantiating the annullment. They are also saying the document must have a "Court documents and Legal Instruments endorsment"

Has anybody had to get one of these? It sounds like it should be easy but I don't know.

Any advice would be appreciated
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-09-17 18:52:00
PhilippinesFiancee's airfare is booked for March 1. Anyone else flying from Manila on 3/1 fiance has been here almost 2 weeks now and it has been great. Before she arrived I was a little concerned about how much i really knew her after 2 years of skyping and 2 vacations together.I can tell you now that i DID know her...she has been exactly what I expected,loving. intelligent,and fun. She seems to be happy with me as well. So I can testify that long distance romances DO work in today's world. We have set April 6, 2013 as our wedding date.

Good luck to you and yours
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-02-13 17:47:00
PhilippinesNSO annullment document (RFE)
I posted this a few days ago:

Just recieved a request for evidence (RFE). My fillipina fiance was previously married and we hired a lawyer and recieved a judgement of annullment. I sent the court judgement with my application.
The RFE says they recieved the judgement and it is ok, however they are asking for a document from the National Statistics Office (NSO) substantiating the annullment. They are also saying the document must have a "Court documents and Legal Instruments endorsment

The result was that our lawyer did not file the paperwork at NSO, nor did he tell us about this. So,now we are in the process of getting the proper signatures and filing the paperwork with the NSO. The process will cost about $275 US and take about 30 days.

From what I understand it is common for US imigration to ask for this document if the fillipina recieved an anullment. So, if you are in that situation you probly want to go ahead and get the paperwork filed with NSO while you are waiting. We were very disapointed our lawyer did not at least tell us about this. We hate adding another 30 days to our wait. But we are excited that things are moving forward and we know that each day brings us closer to the day we will be together.

I want to thank the VJ people who responded to my first post. The advice and info was correct. I hope somebody will benefit from this post.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-09-19 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Interview Manila Consulate
WOWWWW CONGRATS..... :thumbs:
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-08-29 06:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Interview Manila Consulate
WOWWW >>>CONGRATS...!!! :thumbs:
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-08-29 05:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Interview Manila Consulate

I should say, that this journey has proven us how good we are when it comes to waiting game. LOL Yup we got our visa approved today! :dance: So excited. Our interview process wouldn't run that smoothly if not without VJ. Thank you guys so much for all the help and information you've shared. Its greatly appreciated :yes:

I also want to share what took place at the embassy today so at least you'll have a visual of what it'll be like on the day of your interview. Hope it helps.

So my appointment is Aug 28th at 7:30am. I arrived at the embassy together with my friend on VJ, Jhed (kikyara) around 4:30am. Aware that its the first working day of the week, we chose to get in there early rather than be stuck with traffic and arrive in stressed.LOL As expected, lots of people are already lining up for the 6:30am schedule. So we lined up and patiently waited until 6:45am and the guard instructed us that we can now enter at the embassy grounds.

First Step ( DS FORMS )

> Prepare your DS forms. 2 copies of DS 156 and DS 157 and 1 copy of DS 156K.
> Include your interview appointment letter just 1 copy.
Surrender your passport.
> The staff will just organize the forms that you gave, put a sticker at the back of your passport and give you a clean zip lock.
> You will be instructed to put your passport inside the zip clock with bio page open.

Second Step ( SECURITY CHECK )

> Once done organizing your DS stuff, you can proceed to the x-ray machine and they have to scan your bags and folders, everything you have with you including
> Cellphones, electronic devices, flash drives, chargers, cameras, mp3s, video cam, anything that could could store any information into is a no no. I mean one day of sacrifice without looking who texted or called you wouldn't hurt right? :P Otherwise, you need to find a way how to get rid of it.
> Food and Drinks are not allowed. Candies are ok.


> Their number system is random. It doesn't mean that if you were the first one on the line outside the gate, you're the first one to finish.
> So after security check, you have to fall another line where you need to drop your DS Forms to one of the booths and you will be given your number.
> I got 6092. Keep the number cuz this will be your reference from beginning til end.
> They will give the DS Forms back to you and your passport. They give out fast instructions so stay focused and listen actively.


> I know, they're scared of bombs.hehe :P
> Just got to turn left from the booth where you came from, walk a little and you will see another entrance at the far left and there are staff giving out instructions so just be quick.
> All you need to do is just go thru another security check machine.
> One staff is awaiting ready to receive your DS Forms and will drop it to your Lucky Consul.
> You'll be instructed to seat and wait for your number to flash on the screen with designated window.

Step Five ( STARING GAME )

> So after long hours of standing outside, we finally able to take a seat around 7:00am.
> We've been staring at the big red screen almost the entire time cuz we don't want to miss our number. :blink: Its random, so you'll never know what number is next. Just got to be attentive.
> By 8:20am, my number 6092 Flashed. Yay! @ Window 43.


> I got to speak to a Chinese looking lady, with chinese accent but speaks good english, I guess she's the same person were talking about here on VJ.LOL
> She asked me my Name and Date of Birth.
> Scanned my left four fingers and my right four fingers and finally my left and right thumbs. If one of your fingers are missing, don't worry, there's an assistant at your left ready to help.hehe
> Now I'm instructed to go back to seat and wait for my number to be flashed on the screen. ( I would say that's one of their best closing spiel. hehe ) :P

***So I went back to sit and here comes the Long wait, nice Staring Game Huh.LOL


> By 9:30am, my number flashed again and showed Window 56.
> I faced a Filipina officer, chubby, in her 40's, looks a little serious and polite at the same time. But she grilled me a bit. haha I got off her grip nice and smooth tho. Just got to answer the questions straight to the point.
> So here are her questions:

1. What's my name and date of birth.
2. What's my fiance's name and his work.
3. How did we meet?
4. How many times he visited. When was his first time and his latest.
5. Have I traveled abroad? Now that took me a long time to close this case cuz I don't have any police clearance with me. So I told her that, not exactly traveled, but worked instead. I told her how long and had to explain why our ship can't stay within the country premises and had to go to International Waters before we start the operation. She had me explain why International Waters and Stuff. Basically its a muslim country and the ship I was working before is a Casino Ship and they don't allow the operation until the ship reaches the International Waters. So it took her a long time and had to ask her coworker about the case and concluded that mine doesn't need Police Clearance at all. HA! She didn't do her homework I thought.hahaha

6. She also asked me to give her my fiance's I-134, ITR, W2, CENOMAR, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, NBI, BPI RECEIPT. She only took the 2011 ITR but better have the last three years of it and I also prepared My Fiance's employment letter and New Letter of Intent but she didn't ask for it. Better have something extra than nothing at all. And also she asked me to show her some of our PICTURES, EMAILS/CHATS/CARDS. She just "browsed" on it a couple times and gave it back to me.

> And told me to wait for my number to flash on the screen.


> I waited and waited and waited and some of my friends have been called to speak to the consul and got approved and my number hasn't flashed yet. Seriously, I started shaking. Shaking becuz its cold and I'm hungry and nervous at the same time.LOL
> By 11:45am my number flashed! woohoo Finally @ Window 63.
> I think this guy is already familiar on VJ. He speaks good english BUT he doesn't need translator.LOL He can say the oath in Tagalag. I think he gets a nice pay with that kind of skill.LOL
> After answering Yes on their famous oath, He asked me these questions.

1. What's my name and my birthday.
2. What's my fiance's name.
3. So have you met between Feb 2011 and Feb 2012? And I thought, ya we did, so I said,
4. And you also traveled abroad? And I explained again, hoping it wouldn't be as tough as to the previous officer. And yup he didn't give me hard time.
5. So you are aware the you need to marry within 90 days?
6. When you do plan to marry?

And then he said everything looks good. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND WAIT FOR YOU NUMBER TO FLASH ON THE SCREEN. And I said Thank you.

I left the window with a confused face.haha I don't know if it was approved or do I need to pass another set of evidence, I don't know. I was a little worried. Some people are rejoicing cuz they heard the consul say, welcome to the US, you are approved. And I went back to my seat and told myself, let's see what happens next then. I don't want to stress myself anymore.haha

So I waited hoping to speak to the releasing office before lunch time but it looks like they've closed the windows, so we were told to eat lunch and go back at 1pm. My friends were done but they're nice enough to wait for me :)

I went back at 1PM, waited a little bit and then saw my number flashed, Window 72. He was a Filipino guy. Rude. I don't like his customer service skills but oh wells. He said "so you're approved, do you want home delivery or pick up?" I asked how long will it take for a home delivery? and he was making face "no timeframe, wait for 2go's text" and turned his back at me. :o It got my blood back to boiling cuz I asked him nicely but oh wells, they're the people "in-charge" so I left the building and hoping I could get in two weeks time.

What I know is that the Visa is going to be mailed and I am approved. :thumbs: :dance:

There might be some errors we have a long the way, but were thankful that we have VJ and friends to ask help from. Thanks again guys! My fiance and I will be together very soon (L) :yes:

Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-08-29 05:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview done ..wait for email????
The embassy did keep my fiance's passport and she did not recieve a 221g. So form what I can tell everything is ok and we should get her visa soon.
Thanks for all the help.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-22 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview done ..wait for email????
The RFE was because our lawyer did not submit my fiance's anul. papers to the NSO. We then did that and satisfied the RFE.
The only question my fiance said she had trouble with was when she was asked why I had divorced my first wife. She told them that I said my 1st wife was selfish but I guess they wanted more of an answer. Other than that my fiance said everything went good. She also told me that everybody who was interviewed were told the same thing. Go home and wait for an email.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-22 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview done ..wait for email????
Just recieved a text from my fiance that said she was done with her interview and they said they will send her an email to say if her visa was approved or not.
I have read several manila embassy reviews and NONE of them said "wait for email". In fact most said they were told at the end of the interview that they were approved for the visa.
Has anybody else been told to wait for the email??? what does that mean???
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-22 00:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview done In Manila.. Ended odd though... to me as Petioner
That is exactly what ours said..congrats....I was able to find a cheap flight on just 1 day notice. we used a travel agency in Cebu,here is the email address: the agent was Keken Yogot, she did a great job for us. But you should not actually purchase the ticket until she has her visa in hand and the CFO seminar taken.

My fiance recieved her Visa 7 days after the interview (5 buissness days).
Good luck and hang in there, your almost there. :thumbs:
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-02-06 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview done In Manila.. Ended odd though... to me as Petioner
Hi Big Bear...same thing happened to my fiance on Jan 22nd. At the end they just told her to go home and wait on an email. Use the link provided here by Michael Moneth, that is where I went to find out if she was approved. All you will need is your MNL#

When I checked there is said they had "issued" her the visa. That made us feel relieved.
Happy to say I picked up my fiance at the airport last saturday and she is here with me now.
Good Luck !!
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-02-06 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview done In Manila.. Ended odd though... to me as Petioner

My fiancee had her interview this morning starting at 7:30am.. She skyped me at 12:15pm her time. This is how it went and of course at the end confusing...

First window finger prints

Second call to different window a Filipino reviewed my tax forms, check stubs, affidavit of support and employment letter.

Third window an American reviewed the same as second window and asked her 1) How did we meet 2) Do I work. What I do for work. 3) When was last time I was in Philippines.. That was it. Wait for your number.

Fourth window. Verified her full name and address and said. "Okay maam you can go home now" And that was it.. I take it she is approved as she did not get her passport back etc. Maybe they changed and need to review more or maybe it is just the person handling that end. She said there was a long line and they were moving them through quickly.

Soooooo. Anyone have any thoughts? Is there a website we can go on to check the status or verify the decision??

For those that are not yet at interview stage.. Tell your fiancee to be a bit more pushy and ask if she/he was approved.. Now more waiting.

Good luck to all...

Edited by Larry n Mary, 06 February 2013 - 04:24 PM.

Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-02-06 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhilippine NBI CLEARANCE
How long does it take to get NBI clearence. We are currently satisfying a RFE. The doc. we need is on it's way to me now. Then I will send it to US immigration. We expect our NOA2 shortly after that. This is the first I have heard of this NBI clearence. Does it come in a packet later???
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-11-01 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate
Thanks for the responses. My fiance is in Manila and I told her to go to the office at Makati, Metro Manila
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-10-29 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate
My fiance is a filipina but worked in Taipei for a year. We understand that when she goes for her embassy interview she will need a police certificate from Taipei. She now lives in the phillipines. Do I need to have her fly to Taipei to get the cert., or is there another way to get it. before her interview (apx. 2 mos. from now)
Any help would be appreciated
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-10-29 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused !!
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the help.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-11-30 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused !!
I am a us citizen. My fiance lives in the Phillipines. We have recieved our NOA2 for K-1 visa. I am traveling to the Phillipines in 2 days to visit her and I want to take everything that she will need for the rest of our journey.
I have read that I need an affidavit of support. I am the sole sponsor and we should pass the requirements easily.
My question is, do I need a I-864 or a I-134 ? I already have all the supporting docs for both.
Please help
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2012-11-30 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 appears lost in mail
Thanks for the replys...I do have a copy of the NOA2 so if she does not recieve it this week I will send her a copy via UPS. I had sent her the original because I thought she would need it for her interview :bonk: Live and learn I guess..sounds like that if it is truly lost I can get a duplicate for later when she is here.
Again, thanks for the replys and hopefully somebody can learn from my stupidity. :yes:
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-07 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 appears lost in mail
I recieved our NOA2 document in the mail and mailed it to my fiance in the Phiilipines on Dec. 14th. She has not recieved it as of today. I am beginning to get a little worried that it may be lost in the mail. I mailed it US postal service.
My question is what if the doc. never reaches my fiance ? Do I need to get a duplicate from USCIS or NVC ? Has anyone experienced this ?
Any help would be appreciated.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-07 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do we pay visa fee?
My fiance has paid our visa fee and we now have an interview appointment for Jan. 22nd..whohooooooo.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-10 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do we pay visa fee?
Our NVC letter, dated Dec 11,2012, says that they will be forwarding our file to the Manila embassy within 7 days. My fiance has not recieved anything from the embassy yet. When you say a 'bit of time" would that be longer than we have waited already? Just asking because I am wondering if there is anything we need to do or just wait for that letter?
We already have downloaded the requirered forms and have then filled out. We also already have everything else she will need for her interview.
Again..thanks to everyone on VJ for all the help.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-09 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do we pay visa fee?
After reading a recent post here I have a question.
We have recieved our NOA2 and a letter from the NVC with our MNL#. So, when do we pay the visa fee? we thought we were waiting for a packet from the embassy. Is that true? If true do we have to wait for the packet or can we pay now.
Obviously we are confused about the process at this point.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-09 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter interview status check
Ater my fiance's interview (Jan. 22,2013), at the Manila US embassy, we were unaware if she was approved or not. She was told to go home and wait for an email which we have not recieved as of today. I found this link on a previous VJ post: https://ceac.state.g...AKjMWCuebHqOw==
it is a link to a "visa status check" at the US dept. of state. Using our case number I found out that they have "authorized issuance of her visa"..WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
What a relief. Now we just have to wait for 2go to inform her the visa is ready to be picked up.
I hope this info can help somebody and thanks again to all the VJ'ers that have helped us through the process.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-24 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS

My fiance arrived in Portland last saturday and she had no problems at POE due to the misspelling of my mddle name :)
Thanks to everyone who responded here.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-02-04 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS

HER name is correct and it is SHE that will be traveling. How are they going to know if your name is Paul or George or Ringo as you will not be with her and it is just the name of the petitioner. Only you, her, and the USCIS know what the corect name of the petitioner is. She may be ask about who her fiance is at the POE and she can say your first name and if pressed give the last name and if pressed for the middle give it with the fact that some nimrod at the Embassy misspelled it. This is such a non-issue. Now go pour yourself an adult beverage and relax while you wait for your fiancee to travel to you.:thumbs:


I'll drink to that !!! :dance:
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-31 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS
My fiance did recieve her "stamp" from CFO.
From what I have read here and other VJ post on the subject I don't think this is a problem. The error is in the "annotation" section of the visa which I have learned is just for notation. Other people have had similar errors in that section and they had no problems at POE.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-31 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS
To clerify...the misspelling is of my middle name, not my fiance's, and it is on the visa. It looks to be either a simple typo or even an middle name is Berrien, and on the visa it is spelled Brien. They left out the first E and R.
Anyway, last I heard from my fiance she was in the middle of her seminar and she should now have her stamp, so we plan to go ahead and have her fly here on Monday. more thing to worry about until we actually drive away from the Portland airport to start our life together, but I think it will be ok.
Stay tuned..I will let everyone know how this works out.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-31 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS
Once again..thank you VJ'ers for the replies...I shared these comments with my fiance and she told me that "friends" at the seminar told her this was a problem, noy anybody with CFO. I told her to tell her "friends" to ZIP IT and the only advisors she needed were on VJ. :lol: We are going ahead with our plan to have her fly here this monday.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-31 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS

They messed up the middle name of my husband too, I called them, said its okay... no problem... no need to change... I had no problem on my POE.

I hope your correct Theresa...thak you for your have singlehandidly lowered my blood pressure 50 points. :thumbs:
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-31 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS
After all the time and money it has taken my fiance and me to get our K-1 visa from the embassy, some IDIOT at the embassy misspells my middle name on the visa. I am not kidding !! My middle name is BERRIEN and it is spelled out on EVERY form submitted, BUT..the mental giant at the us embassy in Manila spelled it BRIEN...UNBELIEVABLE..YOU CAN"T MAKE THIS STUFF UP.
My fiance recieved her passport yesterday and today she is at the CFO seminar and they tell her the passport needs to be sent back to the embassy for correction.
Has anybody else had this happen to them? and if so what was the process to get this corrected so she can get on a plane and come here?
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-30 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE ALERT SENT TO ME TODAY
We also recieved an RFE when we were at this point in the process. Within a week you should recieve a letter that will tell you what evidence they need. In our case my fiance was previously married and the RFE was for a document from the National Statistics Office showing that her annullment judgement had been filed there. We filed the papers with the NSO and got the document they were looking for.
Here is the good news:
#1-at least someone is now looking at your file, and
#2-we were approved within a month of satisfying the RFE.

Good Luck
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-01-24 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick question!
When my fiance was ready to come I sent her the money western union and she purchased her ticket. At the time (Jan. 2013) I had read on VJ that some people had trouble with certain airlines when it came to the tkt users name not being on the credit card. I understand that if you contact the the airline in advance there would probley be no problem but I did not want to take any chances.
Good luck.
Larry n MaryMalePhilippines2013-03-26 13:56:00