Australia and New ZealandNOA1 from Oz
I think your bank can confirm if their bank cheque has been cleared or not. You may have to go into the branch that you drew the cheque at... But still they CAN trace their own cheques.
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-02-12 21:14:00
Australia and New ZealandPet Relocation
Re the microchipping and vaccination.... I was told that by the pet transport company that I used, that the microchip in the cat would identify her as having been vaccinated, in case paper records were misplaced.

Maybe it only applies on importing a pet...I don't know but I was told microchipping was compulsory.

Feel free to check the facts which whomever you ship your pet with.
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-01-31 01:37:00
Australia and New ZealandPet Relocation
I had my cat sent from Perth to Memphis. I used Petlink as the carrier.

It was around $3000 including the rabies vaccination, the AQIS checks and any US checks once here. Cost more to send the cat one way than me to have return flights.

The cat was fine and healthy when I got her, though very unimpressed with me sending her all that way and its taken me a long time to get her to settle in here.

If I could do it over, I'd have flown her with me instead.

Contact AQIS for their requirements - I think it's even on their website - and they have a list of Vets allowed to do the rabies vaccine. Also your pet needs to be microchipped if it isn't already as that is how the US tracks the vaccinations.
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-01-30 12:33:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
NOA 1 today !

Cheques cashed and government paid up.

Now officially an Alien with a reference number. Lol !

Medical completed, waiting for biometrics appointment. It's a 3 or 4 hour drive to the office so I don't think it's smart to chance a walk in with that much driving and fuel.

Fingers crossed and holding my breath for this to go smoothly.
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-02-19 22:32:00
Australia and New ZealandNew 2011 LAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hi there fellow Aussies :)

I am kinda new here, just started the process to get an AOS from a Visa Waiver entry. Scared half to death of the US Immigration department (watched too many movies I think lol)

It's a bit of a culture shock to go from a city the size of Perth to a town of about 10,000 people. But in their favour, this town has 24 hour shopping and Perth didn't !!!

I met my husband online in a Vampire RPG lol .. never thought I'd end up in the USA and married again at my age, 45. He's only 42 so I call him my toy boy lol. We spoke every day for over a year in Skype then I came to visit in August last year, went home again... missed him so much and the friends I have here, was invited back for Thanksgiving and Christmas and to see snow falling for the first time in my life, then he surprised me with an engagement ring for Christmas and we were married in January.

I decided to get an Immigration Attorney to do the paperwork and sorting of things because I had a very short time frame til my 90 days was expiring, and there are other circumstances to complicate things a little. I believe there is no right of appeal on a Visa Waiver entry so I didn't want to stuff things up.

I still don't understand the entire process.. Not sure how to get a Social Security number or how and when to change my drivers licence over, so I will hunt around the forums for that information.

Hope you're all having a good day :)



AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-02-13 16:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?

right now I still have no information on what is happening with my AOS application


they did biometrics on my husband the USC in April, to presumably make sure he was the person who is in their records as an offender.  


We have not heard a single thing since.  I don't want to poke the bear yet but I'd like to know something .... 


Meanwhile our health is not good and this is just an added stress .. 

AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-07-05 23:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?

Life might be much better if you can petition to live in Australia, they might be more reasonable than the states when it comes to this!! 



I doubt it ... Australia has no desire to import people with criminal records ... which is strange since we started as a place to dump convicts from England LOL... 

AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-06-10 10:30:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?

Just a note to say I intend to follow up on this and look for information and Legal Precedents in a few weeks.


My mother has come to visit from Australia for a month so we're busy showing her places and stuff.


If anyone has information to share please message me here or email me if you wish to.



AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-27 17:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
Yep that's pretty much what I meant.

Cases where people have gone beyond USCIS and into a court of law and won.

If there is a precedent in a case where the situation is similar to mine then I can show it to my lawyer and get them to determine if it is grounds to argue for a waiver on the basis that there is a legal precedent for such a waiver in similar circumstances.

The more cases I can find I think the better my chances of beating this. And I would hope that the more information there is the better other people's chances too if they find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

Perhaps compiling a reference page for people facing this is a possibility in the future .. who knows.

AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-18 00:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
Thanks for those links.

Apart from doing what people are recommending and getting our documents and evidence together I am thinking of searching where permitted for legal precedents where individuals have won against this law - in the hope that there are previous rulings that can be used by other petitioners ...

If anyone is aware of any legal databases that are accessible to the public, or of any cases where there has been a favorable ruling in an AWA case can you post them here or point me to them ?


AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-17 18:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
Thank you all for your advice.

I will get with the attorney asap and see what happens. I doubt she is experienced with AWA waivers though. Mostly she does employment migration not family migration.

I don't even know how to get certified copies of the court docs as they are in a different state to the one we live in. Will make my own inquiries on that and try to do as much of the document gathering as possible ourselves rather than pay an attorney's assistant to do it.

I appreciate the support, and I have a feeling I will need more of it for a while ...

His conviction was pre 2006 so that may at least help a little.
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-17 15:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
The lawyer ought to have been aware of this as the conviction was disclosed on the initial forms we sent in. Obviously there would be no point in not disclosing it as we knew they would check.

Still it might be nice if they actually earned their fees. LOL
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-17 11:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
But he has no convictions for violence or Domestic Abuse. So I cannot see why there would be a question of him being a threat to me as there is no prior evidence of him being a threat to a spouse.

I assumed that any questions would relate solely to the offence he was convicted of and refuting any further activities that might be a danger directly related to that offence.

Otherwise it appears that the government here assumes that being convicted of an offence 15 years ago turns a person into a hardened criminal who might break any law in the future ?

Guess we go to the fingerprint appointment for him and wait for further letters telling us what we have to do next. Seems ridiculous to me as there is no link between his past conviction and the situation he is in now with me.
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-17 02:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
There is no current probation or parole orders, he is clear of all that too.

The offence was over a decade ago, no current requirements at all other than to be on the register and keep the address info up to date.

That's why I question the relevance at all. There was only ever one offence, there was time served. Nothing ongoing.

Reason it's posted in this section is that this seems to be where AWA posts are being put for all members whether they are applying inside or outside USA.

So we need copies of all his court documents ?
AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-16 18:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?

We just received a notice that my husband (the USC) has to be fingerprinted because of the AWA.

I know his past, I know why this would pop up in the system, he is a registered SO.

However, I have no children and I won't be having any.

Therefore, how relevant is this AWA? Can we ask them to take that into account - that there are no children in the home and there won't be any from the relationship? He also has court documents stating he is allowed unsupervised visitation with his natural children and his nieces and nephews.

What do I need to know to combat the AWA?


AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2013-04-16 16:37:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

I always thought the term 'septic tank' for Yank was just a form of Cockney rhyming slang. ... 



AussieNemesisFemaleAustralia2014-04-04 17:19:00