IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Visa process

I posted my scenario because someone in my situation might find the information useful. You seem to have alot of opinions/knowledge about how I submitted my visa application. The fact is you dont know anything. Your nothing more than an over opinionated condescending #######. You might need to question your own process, not mine. My application was accepted the first time, which is what we wanted. So obviously we did something right and our method worked. I posted for the simple reason to hopefully help someone else out. What have you posted for? Besides to sling your useless opionions? Do you know why the processing of a visa takes so long? Its not because I sent in a well organized application. Its called a background check, times 2. Thats the main reason. But Im sure a know it all like you already knows that. Im glad the way I submitted my application upsets you. If I could do anything to delay your process more I would, just because your nothing more than a forum troll. Instead of slinging a bunch of bullshit around this forum why dont you post something helpful instead?

Wow, that was unnecessary. What a way to reply to a knowledgeable, respected member of VJ like an uneducated tool. Speedwell helps a lot of people here on VJ, and you, who just joined yesterday, talk like you've been around for ages and know exactly who she is. Personal attacks and ill wishing aren't well received here on VJ, so if that's what you've come to do, it'd be better if you'd leave. While you may have meant to be helpful in your original post, you have to understand that this is a DIY forum, so people have different opinions on that way it should be done. If you can't accept other people's opinions without going off on a long winded, offensive rant, just don't post anymore. What a way to introduce yourself to the community.
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-24 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 processing time/ Could someone please respond and share experiences.. I beg of you!

I actually did not know that I could have emailed them.. Now I wish I had known..

You can't email them. There are certain countries that can do online forms, but Jamaica isn't one of them. The only part of the NVC process you can do via email is the DS3032, but if you're already sending in your IV package, you've already done that. After arriving, it takes about a week or so for the IV package to get accepted.
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-22 10:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Website Bug?
Just got ahead and send in the IV packet. The important thing is that the money has been withdrawn.

Edited by oohpartiv, 24 April 2013 - 09:55 AM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-24 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgeneral questions on visa process
It doesn't matter where you get married, she'll have to return to live in Brazil during the visa process. You should file an I-130 to chase a CR-1 visa, which takes somewhere around 10 months to get. Go to this link and read up.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-24 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Fee PAID but still IN PROCESS
Someone else had a similar problem. Read up here.
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-24 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 approved by USCIS will NVC ask me for all paperwork again?
NVC has its own set of required documents, divided into two seperate packages. Go here and read:

Edited by oohpartiv, 11 March 2013 - 04:49 PM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-03-11 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate - I-130

In USCIS stage, Birth certificate of beneficiary is needed to establish US citizenship (that is, if the beneficiary was born in USA), so I included notarized photocopy of my birth certificate in I-130.


In NVC state, Birth certificate of beneficiary is required only if it is a Parent sponsoring a Child. Since I am sponsoring my Hubby, I did not include my original birth certificate in IV packet.



If you can get Police certificate to include with IV package that is great. Hubby could not get police certificate from India till Embassy appointment notice in hand, so I wrote this in the cover page.



Medical is required AFTER they approve your IV package, and before your Embassy appointment.


You're confusing the terms.


Beneficiary is the immigrant spouse. Petitioner is the USC spouse.

Petitioner's birth certificate is needed in the I-130 packet. Beneficiary's original birth certificate is absolutely necessary in the IV packet, regardless of whether it's a parent sponsoring a child or two spouses or whatnot. The IV package is all about the immigrant's information, so not including their birth certificate would result  in a checklist, undoubtedly. While you can use photocopies for the USCIS stage without a problem, NVC requires original documents.

Edited by oohpartiv, 09 May 2013 - 03:48 PM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-09 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate - I-130


Does anyone know offhand if this issue is cropping up within certain beneficiary countries, or is it becoming more common across the board?


Mmm, it moreso depends on the field office, because it happens at the USCIS stage. You need the beneficiary's birth certificate for NVC, regardless of country, but for some reason some field offices want them, too, before sending out the NOA2.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-09 09:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate - I-130

The beneficiary's birth certificate isn't required for the USCIS stage, but some local offices have been sending out RFEs for it for some reason. I wouldn't include it in the package, but have one on hand just in case. You're going to need it for the NVC stage, anyway.


The police clearance certificate will be needed for the NVC stage, also, but the medical won't be needed until the interview.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-08 16:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting the I-130 procedure; two beginner questions

Thanks again for your answer! I wouldn't know what to do without this website. We'll do that, and have someone keep a close look on the incoming mail. Is the USCIS / NVC mail clearly recognizable as such? And if I understood everything right we should get an electronic notification as well in case something gets approved / an RFE gets in, right? Finding someone to check the mail every once in a while isn't gonna be a problem, finding someone willing to sit on a chair next to the mailbox 24/7 opening every letter that comes in might be a little harder.


Bad news on the marriage certificate front: changing 1 letter in my dad's first name is gonna take a whole lot of effort, time and money. The last two of those are sparse to us, so right now I can think of two options:


1. On the certified copy for international use we got to take care of some administrative things here in NL (from the courthouse we got married, an official copy of their records) my parents' names don't appear at all. They're simply not on it. Would such a copy qualify for the USCIS / NVC? If so, would it be a problem if a apostille for international use (issued by the secretary of state) is on it? 


2. Send in an affidavit that it's the same person, as oohpartiv suggested. I think I read something about a similar case in which one of the spouses' first name was messed up, and if I remember correctly that couple used the affidavit as a permanent solution. Any thoughts on this? I assume I need to drag my dad to a notary office to have it drafted in English and Dutch? Any special stamps needed?



Using the search function I just found this topic. Although it's about a misspelling of the beneficiary's family name itself instead of a misspelling of the beneficiary's parent it was solved by mentioning the misspelled name as an alias. Obviously there's no dedicated space for that on the G-325a, but it got me thinking. Maybe a third option would be to add a signed and dated sheet to my G-325a, explaining the one letter misspelling of my dad's first name is an alias? (which it is)


I know these kind of questions don't come by every day, so any help would be appreciated


You'll be notified online when you get an RFE, so if you see that notification you can let someone at home know that something important will be in the mail within the next few days and to please check. The envelopes are pretty obviously USCIS - they have the emblem and all that in the upper left hand corner letting you know it's from the gov't.


I think any of those options would work. I personally sent a copy of my marriage certificate with an apostille, just in case - but keep in mind that for USCIS everything has to have an accompanied English translation if the original is in a different language. Also, for the USCIS stage you can just use photocopies (not need for expensive originals!) but you will need an original for the NVC stage after NOA2. I'm sure if you get an affidavit, or include an explanation of the problem in an attached letter, you should be fine. I wouldn't stress too much about this problem - it would be more serious if it were your name or your spouse's name that was misspelled, but since it's just your Dad I think a simple solution would be best.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-10 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting the I-130 procedure; two beginner questions

Thanks for the reply and the wishes! By listing my address on the I-130 you mean list it as her (the USC) current address as well? The thing is she won't be here until late August, and then only for three months. So, the first part of the process she's in the USA, I just want to prevent that important letters are being sent to her address in the states during those few months she is here.


About the second part, yeah I was afraid of that. Makes sense of course. Hope we can resolve that quickly, and send out the package shortly after. Any other tips are greatly appreciated though.


Thanks again!


Well, if she's going to be in the States when you send it off I would just tell the truth and list her real address. Maybe she knows someone who can check her mail for her? Or maybe she can put her parents' address on the form so they get any USCIS mail, and can let you guys know? It's important that someone is able to check the mail, because in the event that you guys get an RFE, the only way to figure out what you need to send it is by reading the hard copy. 

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-09 09:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStarting the I-130 procedure; two beginner questions

1. A ton of couples live abroad during this process (myself included!). All you need to do is list your foreign address on the I-130 application. This should (assuming USCIS doesn't screw anything up) prevent your wife from being called in for any interview, and usually ensures a pretty quick NOA2. Cases where the USC resides abroad with the beneficiary usually get approved within two months of the NOA1. Also, you can include a G1145 in the I-130 package so that you don't have to rely on snail mail - USCIS will send you updates through email, along with the hard copy (which will obviously take longer to arrive).


2. I would definitely get your marriage certificate fixed. It could cause a problem if USCIS realizes one of the names isn't the same as the other. Depending on how long this would take to fix, you might be able to slide by with an affidavit attesting to the fact that it's the same person, and that you're in the process of fixing it. Another member who's a bit more informed on these problems could probably give you more information than me, though. 


Lots of luck! smile.png

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-08 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Invoice

are they gonna sent online too?

That's what I meant - you'll get an email.
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-16 22:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Invoice

i sent the DS3032 april 8 (got an automatic response)

You'll get another response, saying that they've received the information or updated your case file or something to that extent. You just sent it last week, so expect another few days before it gets accepted.
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-16 12:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Invoice
Before your IV bill can be invoiced, you have to send them the email format for the DS3032. That takes anywhere from 10 - 14 days to get accepted. After you get that acceptance email, it takes a day or two for the IV to invoice.
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-04-15 19:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV form and Docs Required

It depends on the country whether or not you need the police certificate for the IV packet. I know for India, they need the checklist issued from NVC in order to request the PCC, but as for Egypt I'm pretty sure you can just get it and send it along with the other documents. All these IV package documents should be going to NVC - since the consulate doesn't have your file yet (it won't get sent there until after an interview is scheduled), they don't know who you are and wouldn't know what to do with your papers.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-11 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeginners question

It depends on what you file for. If you want to travel while your visa is being process, then AOS is out of the question, and you're going to have to go for the CR-1. This takes between 8 months to a year to get, and there's really no way to speed it up (unless you have considerable financial or medical reasons to request an expedite), so be prepared to wait. The good thing about the CR-1 is that it gets you a green card right off the bat, which allows you to work. You'll be able to travel to the US to visit during the process, but you'll have to present very strong ties to your home country proving that you'll definitely go back home after your visit to the US is over. There's always a chance you could be denied entry by the customs official at the POE, so just keep that in mind.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-14 18:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiving In Canada

My dad wanted to move the whole family to the states so we all got it but we never ended up moving.  I was 17 when I got it.


So the first step is to do the i-130 for the address of my wife does it matter that she puts down a Canadian one or is that going to cause problems that she does not live in the USA right now?




In that case, you should be fine, as long as you're completely honest about it.


If she's living abroad, put the foreign address. It doesn't matter that she's not living in the States (personally I've lived abroad with my husband for the past four years) - the only thing that changes with that is that she'll have to prove domicile during the NVC stage, but it's fairly simple to do, and it still a ways down the road for you.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-14 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiving In Canada

What was your previous green card for? A job, a previous marriage? Regardless, I'm pretty sure there's a question on the paperwork somewhere along the line (sorry for the vagueness) that asks if you've previously had an American visa or green card. As long as you're completely honest it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but just be prepared to answer some questions about it at your interview, just in case.


Your wife is going to have to fill out the paperwork as your primary sponsor regardless of her financial situation, but if she doesn't meet the requirements you're also going to need a joint sponsor to fill in an I-864 and send the corresponding paperwork. That comes after you get your NOA2, so you still have plenty of time to work out those kinks. 

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-14 16:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFile a spouse visa while working abroad as an expat

Thanks, Guys. I will check on the DCF. That is a new area for me. I am very scared to do anything new at this point. I understand the IR-1/CR-1 to some extent.

I know I could be in India when the IR-1/CR-1 is approved and it has a six month validity. But I could visit the US for a couple of weeks, get her passport stamped and then come back. We could then get the AOS process started from India. Will that not work?


Well, the good thing about the IR-1/CR-1 is that you don't have to do AOS like you would with a K-1. The IR-1/CR-1 automatically gets her a greencard. If she enters the USA before your two year marriage anniversary, she gets a two year greencard (which she'll have to renew 90 days before it expires), and if she enters after your two year anniversary, she gets a ten year greencard. In my opinion, the ten year greencard is worth waiting for, so I would just wait a while to file the I-130, do DCF a few months before your contract in India expires, and go home after your two year anniversary. That way you don't have to deal with USCIS for a good while. Posted Image
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-03-08 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFile a spouse visa while working abroad as an expat
Like KDH said, if you're going to work in India for 2 years, you might want to postpone the CR-1 application until later. The whole process will probably be done within 10 - 12 months, which would leave you with another year left working in India, and you have to enter the USA within six months of the visa being issued. If you apply for DCF, it'll get done even faster. I would probably wait until you have six months left on your contract and try the DCF route. That way you'll have the visa before you have to leave India, so your wife can leave with you, but you won't have to worry about it expiring. Posted Image Good luck!
oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-03-08 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!! QUESTIONS ABOUT NVC STAGE!!



Go there and read up on the documents you're going to need. It's a pretty detailed guide. For any other questions, refer to Niki's link. You can go there to ask specific questions if you have any doubts after doing your own research. 

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-15 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresResidence vs Domicile Question

Residence more so refers to where you are currently living. Domicile is, for lack of a better explanation, where you consider to be home. A good example would be military men who are stationed abroad - while their residence may be overseas, their domicile is Stateside. Am I making sense?


Wherever it asks for residence, I would put your current address in HK. If you've maintained your credit cards, bank accounts, and all those other ties to the States, proving domicile (which would be the only downside to putting a foreign address on the I-130) will be very easy for you once you get to the step in the NVC stage. 


The thing is, if you put your Florida address your casefile will most likely get sent to your local field office where you could get called in for an interview, in which case you would have to fly back to the States to attend it or the petition would be denied. If you put your foreign address, the file would stay at NBC for processing, which would also result in a much quicker NOA2.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-15 13:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan we schedule med apps even before we have an interview date?

I know that for K-1s from the Ukraine, you can do the medical as soon as you have your case number from NVC, but I'm not sure if it's the same for CR-1s. You could call up the doctor and ask. I know for our medical, hubby has to have a copy of the P4 email to turn over to the doctor in order to get the medical done.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-15 12:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs traveling Allowed once you have completed the Case

My case is at nvc now (cr-1) just turned in my AOS Packet and IV Packet last week and NVC received last tuesday. Question is once i received my case complete letter, can i still travel in US?


There was nothing stopping you from travelling at any point during the process. If you wanted to go, you didn't have to wait until the case complete. Depending on how long it takes for your embassy to assign interviews, it might not even be worth going to the States now - you'll just have to turn around and come back for the interview. I would probably just wait until after the interview and the visa is issued.

Edited by oohpartiv, 11 May 2013 - 11:51 AM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-11 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureslil bit confused

Get another lawyer.

No reason to do the K-3 when you already in line for a CR-1. The CR-1 is much better than a K-3. The CR-1 is an automatic green card upon entering the US vs. a K-3 which requires an Adjustment if Status. Also, the K-3 will be ignored since its well behind the CR-1.

The only reason for a K-3 is so the lawyer can charge you. Fire him.




This lawyer obviously has no idea what he's doing or is trying to milk you for all you're worth. Honestly, unless you have some problem that could complicated your visa petition (a waiver, or something like that), I would do some research here on VJ and just go through the process by yourself. There's lots of support here on VJ, and people willing to answer all your questions. In normal cases, lawyers are unnecessary.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-15 15:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approval! Poverty Guideline Question

Thank you!!!!  I have been worried about them making my last tax returns lower than poverty guidelines as I have no one to co-sponsor. 


It's fine. My mom didn't make poverty guidelines minimum until 2011, but we included 2010 and 2009 anyway, and they allowed it. The important thing I think would be your employment letter, to prove that it's not some temp job but a long term position.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-15 17:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approval! Poverty Guideline Question

You should include your past tax returns anyway, but as long as you can prove that you're currently earning enough to be the sole sponsor, you should be okay. 

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-15 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation

I did it for all of them, just in case. 

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-11 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please

Hey, I just filed my CR1 DCF for my husband... and I can tell you... the DCF manila is moving pretty fast. 


I petitioned on April 24 and got approved on May 2


DCF is always WAAAAAY faster than filing normally through a lockbox, which is why it has different requirements and not everyone can do it.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-17 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please

Yeah, they look good. People have been approved with a lot less. Just remember that Manila is a very busy embassy, so if you can get any extra evidence to send during the NVC stage (after NOA2), it definitely couldn't hurt.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-14 11:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please

In order for your brother to qualify to be your wife's joint sponsor (because you will be the main sponsor, regardless of whether you have a job or not), he's going to need to make a significant amount of money, since he's already sponsored other people before and they now form part of his "household". 


Here are the poverty guidelines so you can make sure he qualifies:


Edited by oohpartiv, 14 May 2013 - 10:48 AM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-14 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS

That's not true. The cosponsor has to have a current job in the USA with an annual income over the poverty guideline indications per his/her household size, or have enough in assets to cover the responsibility. Just because your cosponsor isn't from Yemen doesn't mean a thing.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-17 13:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is needed with joint sponsors ?

The only time it's suggested that you prove your relationship with the joint sponsor, is when it's a parent. If your joint sponsor isn't one of your parents, then those things you listed are fine, and you won't have to include anything else.


Please be aware that the petitioner is still considered the primary sponsor, and will still have to fill in an I-864 and send along the same requirements as the joint sponsor (unless the petitioner is/has been unemployed for a long period of time, in which case they should attach a letter explaining why they haven't been required to file taxes).

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-22 10:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS fee filing abroad

No, you still have to pay the fee. Like Ryan said, that's only if you file directly through the consulate, in which case your file would never leave Brazil.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-22 10:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1

Your case would get through USCIS and NVC, and you will not get denied/banned at the interview. Just keep your head straight and continue to be honest.


Many previous cases attest to otherwise. Being honest now does not change the fact that he lied before. If the OP wants to give it a go, that's his decision, but many people here have already warned him of the repercussions of lying - especially since he knowingly did it, and four times. Immigration tends to have a no tolerance policy about lying, regardless of how small the lie may appear to you. Rules are rules.

Edited by oohpartiv, 22 May 2013 - 09:19 AM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-22 09:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1

Is the lawyer going to represent me in my own country where the interview will take place or before the immigration in the United States?and more so what if I have to show the interviewer all the authentic birth certificate myself during my interview in my own country, and finally is it true that when non immigrant visa is denied, the case is closed, so when no visa has ever been issued , how long does it take the embassy to keep data of individual who has never been issued any type of visas before, is it that the record is kept forever?


Well, first of all, you would have to include your authentic birth certificate in the NVC stage of the process, so they would see it regardless. That would just solidify the fact that you lied. Even if you aren't issued a non-immigrant visa, they still keep the record of your attempts, and the information from the applications you sent in those four times is kept in their "registry", so to speak. Your case would most likely get through USCIS and NVC, but once the embassy found out that you entered conflicting information in former applications, you would run into trouble, and get denied/banned at the interview.

Edited by oohpartiv, 21 May 2013 - 08:20 PM.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-21 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1

May be we should not start the petition, at all or what do you suggest? I am not desperate to relocate, more so we are looking at sometimes in January, 2015 to file the petition because I will still be busy with school till the end of November, 2014, so we are thinking January,2015 to file the petition.


This isn't a problem that is just going to expire. Whether you file tomorrow, or in five years, you're still going to have to deal with the fact that you lied to immigration multiple times. Whenever you plan on filing the petition, look into getting a lawyer.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-18 22:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1

That was five years ago and I have had two passports after that incident


That doesn't erase it from the embassy's system! I'm not really sure what to advise you to do. I guess all that you really can do is apply and hope for the best, because there's no waiver you can apply for that would turn around a ban for lying to immigration authorities. I would definitely look into getting a lawyer, though.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-18 21:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1

It wasn't my fault I filled what was on the passport ,i mean filled the date of birth on the passport on my application form then and when the passport expired about five years ago i ensured that i have the authentic details on them and i have even travelled with the passport to some part of Europe to study and few months ago, the passport also expired and i just have it renew


How is it not your fault? You should have gotten the problem fixed as soon as you realized it was the wrong year. The fact that you knowingly used the wrong birth date on several visa applications could definitely go against you. There was a Moroccan applicant a few months ago who lied about about a previous marriage on a tourist visa application, and was given a life ban at his CR-1 interview because the embassy found out about it. Lying in any way to immigration results in serious consequences, especially if it happened more than once.

oohpartivFemaleEcuador2013-05-18 21:43:00