CanadaHelp!! Canuck wanting to immigrate to the US
Thank you Kathryn and Sapphire!

Im definatly going to be sharing all this information with him, and I finally feel like I know what to do now...the US embassy/Visa pages are rather confusing lol.

However I do not have any passport stamps, and I fly out of Buffalo NY and cross the border by either bus or car (relative/friend drives me, I do not currently own one). They always just ask me a few questions and let us pass without a stamp. Do you think previous flight info print-off's would suffice?

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-02 23:12:00
CanadaHelp!! Canuck wanting to immigrate to the US
QUOTE (JillA @ May 2 2009, 11:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lollee @ May 2 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, my name's Leighann - im a newcomer.

I know theres probably FAQ's or guides I should be reading about this, but to be honest iv been doing nothing but reading everything under the sun for months now and im still lost. sad.gif Heres my situation:

I wish to move to the United States, to work, and live. My boyfriend currently lives in Florida and I want more than anything to be down there with him. I cannot go to school, as I don't have the money to pay up front, my family will not support me in this. Nor would I make enough money to go to school, live on my own, and make monthly payments twords the 12 month $16,000 tuition. (I was told by the university that internationals either have to pay up front or make monthly payments and have it payed off by the time my course is done)

What other options do I have.Or is there something he can do? He is a born American Citizen. I don't want to rush and fake some marriage just to get into the country, and I don't exactly have any special qualifications. Do I just not qualify to even work down there?

Any advice/suggestions are very welcome! Thank you!

Welcome to VJ!!

Unfortunately, a work visa is hard to come by unless you have some very special skills and/or are sponsored by a US company. Your only option would be a Fiancee or Spousal Visa. No of course you should not "fake" the marriage, but many of us here going the K-1 Fiancee route have a civil ceremony upon arrival (as you must be married within 90 days) and have our big wedding later. Yes it's not ideal, but if you want to be with the one you love it's the only option. If you are engaged, or plan on being engaged in the near future and want to spend your life with your boyfriend, the fiancee visa may be the route for you.

If you go the K-1 route, you cannot work right away. After you are married and adjust your status, you also apply for a work document. This comes approx. 60-90 days after so you won't be working for a little while.

You don't really have any other options but marriage to move there legally. If you're not ready for that, you can visit as often as you like as long as you don't stay over 6 months!

Best of luck in your decision making, VJ is a great place to find out all the info you need!

Thank you! smile.gif

A few questions if I may regarding the K-1 Visa.

It is to my understanding that you must go for an interview in this process. Say we decided to go for it in the future, and wanted to start out with a civil ceremony, and a big one later on down the road when it can be afforded, would the person interviewing us understand this? Im very nervous when it comes to interviews, even for jobs, I wouldn't want to mess it up!

Say I get a approved for the K-1 Visa, if I have the civil ceremony (which im assuming involves going to a courthouse or similar building to sign marriage papers), planning for the later "big one", would that allow me to work? And adjust my status?

And, last one I promise! lol. Would they need some form of evidence in this interview that we truely want to go through with this? aka photos, travel dates, proof of how we met, my enormous cellphone long distance texting/calling bills laughing.gif

Thank you!! It's much appreciated!!
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-02 22:44:00
CanadaHelp!! Canuck wanting to immigrate to the US
QUOTE (uscandual @ May 2 2009, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lollee @ May 2 2009, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, my name's Leighann - im a newcomer.

I know theres probably FAQ's or guides I should be reading about this, but to be honest iv been doing nothing but reading everything under the sun for months now and im still lost. sad.gif Heres my situation:

I wish to move to the United States, to work, and live. My boyfriend currently lives in Florida and I want more than anything to be down there with him. I cannot go to school, as I don't have the money to pay up front, my family will not support me in this. Nor would I make enough money to go to school, live on my own, and make monthly payments twords the 12 month $16,000 tuition. (I was told by the university that internationals either have to pay up front or make monthly payments and have it payed off by the time my course is done)

What other options do I have.Or is there something he can do? He is a born American Citizen. I don't want to rush and fake some marriage just to get into the country, and I don't exactly have any special qualifications. Do I just not qualify to even work down there?

Any advice/suggestions are very welcome! Thank you!

Do I just not qualify to even work down there? Probably not. Getting work authorization is not automatic.
As a Canadian you theoretically do have a leg-up over the rest of the world due to NAFTA, and the TN visa. This is a renewable visa that permits qualified Canadians to work in the US. The catch is 'qualified'- it is intended for professionals (e.g. engineers, healthcare, etc.). If you don't have any particular skills or an employment offer from an American firm, and you simply have a vague notion of wanting to find general employment once you are in the US, you are not going to qualify.

I don't want to rush and fake some marriage just to get into the country That's very laudable of you. You definitely should NOT fake a marriage - that's a serious way to get in trouble with immigration authorities here. And it's wrong in your personal life - don't marry someone unless you really want to be married to them.

What you can legally do (and which many people on this site cannot do) is visit your boyfriend as often as you like. As a Canadian you are not limited from legally crossing the border on visits (not to work, of course). If you and your boyfriend determine that you really do want to get married because you want to spend your lives together, then he (as a USC) can petition you to join him in the US. It's a lengthy process, so prepare to have some patience. That is where this site will be very helpful to you, in navigating that system.

Good luck!

Iv read the penalties of "faked marriages", and I definatly do not want to go down that road! blink.gif

I can see myself marrying him, and he has already told me he would want to. I guess I shall have to wait and see where everything takes me. Or maybe il get lucky and win the lottery so I can go to school laughing.gif

Thank you so much for the input.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-02 22:21:00
CanadaHelp!! Canuck wanting to immigrate to the US
Hello, my name's Leighann - im a newcomer.

I know theres probably FAQ's or guides I should be reading about this, but to be honest iv been doing nothing but reading everything under the sun for months now and im still lost. sad.gif Heres my situation:

I wish to move to the United States, to work, and live. My boyfriend currently lives in Florida and I want more than anything to be down there with him. I cannot go to school, as I don't have the money to pay up front, my family will not support me in this. Nor would I make enough money to go to school, live on my own, and make monthly payments twords the 12 month $16,000 tuition. (I was told by the university that internationals either have to pay up front or make monthly payments and have it payed off by the time my course is done)

What other options do I have.Or is there something he can do? He is a born American Citizen. I don't want to rush and fake some marriage just to get into the country, and I don't exactly have any special qualifications. Do I just not qualify to even work down there?

Any advice/suggestions are very welcome! Thank you!

Edited by lollee, 02 May 2009 - 09:50 PM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-02 21:50:00
It wouldnt let me edit a second time sad.gif

So Edit!: I just talked to him briefly about it on the phone...I didnt mentioned the whole "would you want an acutal wedding one day" bit because im still kinda nervous lol. He told me he looks at it as its our only way to be together. And if we want to be together it's something we have to do. And you never know, it could turn into the "actual marriage" bit one day.

Keep this in mind: im not getting a ring...were really are just doing this so I can move down there with him headbonk.gif

This is basicly how it is: We both love eachother, we WANT to spend the rest of our lives together.'s not to the getting a ring stage yet :S
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-13 18:06:00
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ May 13 2009, 08:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know every couple is different, but this is something very serious that your boyfriend needs to be 100% ready for. You need to be saying everything you've said to us to him! You need to be setting expectations, and ensuring that he is ready to actually propose. If he's looking at this as just paperwork, and you're looking at this differently, with a proposal and wedding in mind... then you need to be on the same page before anything happens.

ooo I like coming home from work to these wonderful replies. Thank you all again smile.gif

But to shed some light on what Sapphire said. That's exactly it. Im pretty sure he's looking at it as paperwork to allow me to move down there. But im looking at it is...yeah...I dont want a huge wedding right now...but if im going to move down there and go through all this trouble for it, then id like to think one day he'd want the "official marriage" business. I mean, we ARE going to be married...this isnt JUST paperwork lol. I wouldnt want a big ring, or a big wedding in a $5,000 dress. Just something simple - and it would be nice if I knew he wanted the same thing one day in the future when we could afford it and all is settled smile.gif

Edited by lollee, 13 May 2009 - 05:43 PM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-13 17:42:00
Thank you all for the input biggrin.gif


Should I talk to him about this now over the phone? Or wait until I go to see him in June?

Edited by lollee, 13 May 2009 - 07:54 AM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-13 07:52:00
Hi ladies,

Im sure many of you, as Canadian's who have fallen in love with an American citizen - have wondered the same thing. Or who know's...maybe im just weird! hehe.

I posted awhile ago regarding my best options for moving to the States to be with my boyfriend. After reading some very useful info shared by some of you, I discussed the possibility of a K-1 visa with him. He said he would do anything for me to move down there, including going through with that.

Im all for it. And we both love eachother very much. worried. Iv always dreamt of getting engaged with the traditional - the man surprises you with a ring one day and your all omg omg. (lol). But im worried it's not going to be like that for worried we are just going to go through with this Visa, im going to move, and thats it. No surprise ring, no walking down the isle in a pretty white dress one day down the road. I think it sounds kind of selfish, and it kind of sounds like I want to have my cake and eat it to. But it's every little girls dream to have that one special day. I currently work in a jewelry store - specializing in engagement rings. And everyday the thought crosses my mind as I see all these happy young couples ring shopping for one another.

Have any of you ever felt like this? How did you get through it? Did you mention it to him?

Thanks! smile.gif

Edited by lollee, 12 May 2009 - 10:36 PM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-12 22:34:00
Congrats!! smile.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-06-26 02:04:00
CanadaI know you guy's see this alot..but would like some I-129F help!
*2nd edit* I just noticed your also 21...omg im not the only 21 year old going through with this! lol
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-06-26 01:56:00
CanadaI know you guy's see this alot..but would like some I-129F help!
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jun 26 2009, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There has been some debate about weather or not the G-325A forms need to contain original signatures or not. However, to be safe and insure you don't get an RFE for something stupid, fill out the form, sign it, and send it to him! It will make your life easier and give you a little piece of mind. The rest looks good to me! For evidence we submitted some flight itineraries, pictures, and a couple phone bill's to show an ongoing relationship. When you flew, did you use the airport in Buffalo or did you go through Toronto or Hamilton? If you went through a Canadian airport and have passport stamps, it might be smart to include a photo copy of those as well.

Welcome to VJ! I noticed you are from Niagara Falls, that's exciting! I'm from Welland. Good luck with gathering all your paperwork. Where in the US are you moving to? smile.gif

Thanks for the feedback all!

Hugglebuggles: I giggled a little when I read the "piece of mind part". Im the type that wants to take charge and get EVERYTHING done to get some piece of mind! So this is driving me crazy lol. Do we need written letters..stating that we intend to marry sent out with the evidence? And the only thing I can really show evidence of an ongoing relationship is a few couple min-long cellphone charges to/from Florida..and some texting charges. Also texts back/forth from us. Me and him play WoW (I noticed there is a WoWers stand up thread. Im in there hehe) - so we use a program to talk over the internet rather than talking over the phone. And I fly out of all I really have is boarding pass stubs, and itineraries.

Thank you!!. And that's crazy close to me!! smile.gif Hubby lives in Jacksonville, Florida. So that is my moving destination. It's sooooo big so used to walking down the street and being near everything I need. (Being from Welland, you can relate lol) But in Jacksonville, it's such a HUGE city, with crazy over-passes everywhere...and everything seems SO far apart. Everyone drives - hardly anyone rides bikes or walks. He laughs at me because im scared to get lost one day...I try to memorize everything everytime I visit lol.

Edited by lollee, 26 June 2009 - 01:48 AM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-06-26 01:43:00
CanadaI know you guy's see this alot..but would like some I-129F help!
Hello ladies and gent's

At the end of July, we will be starting the I-129F process smile.gif

I have a question though. I noticed this on the form instructions:

Submit a completed and signed Form G-325A (Biographic Information) for you and a completed and signed Form G-325A for your fiancé(e). Except for name and signature, you do not have to repeat on the Biographic Information form the information given on your Form I-129F.

Im probably just being slow, or im in "over-look everything" mode. Or both. But for my copy of the I need to sign it? As in, I need to fill it out and send it over to him, or does he fill it out and not worry about my sig? Confused! :S

Also I just want to make sure I have everything correctly listed that needs to be sent. Iv gone over the instructions a few times, but from my understanding he needs to send:

- Form I-129F
- Two G-325A form's
- Cover letter
- Money order for $455
- Two passport-type photos (one of me, one of him, both signed/names on the back)
- Copy of his birth certificate (Front and back)
- Evidence: Photo's, copies of my boarding pass stub's (iv only gone to see him, he has never come here), things we did while I was there. star_smile.gif **Any other items/papers/Anything I should provide as evidence please let me know so I can write it down!** star_smile.gif

Am I missing anything?

Thank you so much for looking, and im sorry if this is answered 100000 times a just paranoid were going to mess something up rolleyes.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-06-25 20:54:00
CanadaWhich is easier? K-1 or K-3?
Well, I meant job interviews. But yeah. Id enjoy the nice Florida weather. It's a good change from 24/7 winter lol
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-03 21:59:00
CanadaWhich is easier? K-1 or K-3?
ooooo I like coming home from work to 2 pages!! lol.

I didn't really consider the miles apart from my husband bit for possibly a long time. I think im going to stick with the K-1 after all...I pretty much have it all down pat and figured out anyways. It's costly, yet effective biggrin.gif

Thanks all for your input - much appreciated! smile.gif

PS: I also like the thought of sitting on my butt while I wait for an EAD...then for interviews hehehe laughing.gif

Edited by lollee, 03 July 2009 - 08:23 PM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-03 20:22:00
CanadaWhich is easier? K-1 or K-3?
*Second edit* >.>

Iv already gone through the guides and have a general understanding of the 2 visa types. But im hoping to hear from personal experiences smile.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-03 02:11:00
CanadaWhich is easier? K-1 or K-3?
Yeah, im probably being a pain with all the silly questions iv been asking whistling.gif

But by the looks of the K-3 not an easier way to go about things than the K-1? From what iv get a temp green card upon POE, allowing you to work - which in turn allows you to save for the AOS fee while living in the US.

Does the K-3 take longer?

We were planning on filling for the K-1 at the end of the month...but if the K-3 is easier, il have to wait another 2 months or so (Just got back about 14 days ago...can't put my boss through that much torture hehe) to get married to him then file for the K-3 huh.gif

Opinions? smile.gif

Edited by lollee, 03 July 2009 - 01:41 AM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-03 01:40:00
Congrats!!! That was quick - you must be so excited!! biggrin.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-16 00:23:00
CanadaEver had doubts?
Oh, and get this -

Im bad with money.


Im going for a beer smile.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-16 19:14:00
CanadaEver had doubts?

Im not doing this....I just told him. His response was basicly:

"Ok whatever I dont want to talk about it, id do it for us - I dont want to hear bout it blah blah blah we cant discuss things that will happen in the future lets just talk about it down the road"

He's annoyed. Im trying to speak my point of view to him and he dosn't care because he's upset that im not moving. "Our lives are just going to keep sucking and it's going to be more bickering and complaining that me moving is going to be too far away"

That speaks it all. Im done.
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-16 18:52:00
CanadaEver had doubts?
Thank you all SO much for all the wonderful advice and input. Your all such wonderful helpful people luv.gif I enjoyed reading all of your personal experiences aswell, it makes me feel so much better smile.gif

Im about to break the news to him that im going to hold off on this visa until we can both split the costs. That way we are not rushing into things, and during this time - we can step back and think - really think about it all. Because the stress put on myself to prepare for moving 1000 + miles away, on top of paying for it too much for one gal to handle at the moment.

Who knows, maybe in a few months he will get that manager position he's been trying for, and things will get better smile.gif

*hugs* all!
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-16 18:37:00
CanadaEver had doubts?
Edit: (Wouldnt let me >.>)

I have no ring, I wont have one for probably a few years. So im moving on a hope and a dream.
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-16 00:26:00
CanadaEver had doubts?
Hello again fellow Canuck VJers.

I have a little issue to deal with sad.gif

Im having doubts about starting the K-1 process. We were supposed to start it on the 31st of this month. Let me explain:

Both of us are in a very tight financial spot...him way more so than me though. So, it is me that is going to be paying for this ENTIRE thing. So I have (judging by other's timelines') appx 6-7 months to pay off my $3000 visa, and pay for the - im assuming around - $2000 in total cost of the K-1. (Including AOS, medical, and all....I will have to save it up before I move because of the no working thing for a few months). On top of this, I have to take a used to be friend of mine to small claims court by Oct for $1,200. I only make $10.00 an hour, 65-80 hours every 2 weeks. So needless to say, im going to be VERY much so hurtin in the cash department for a VERY long time. And since I wont have money to fly out to see him because of this..more than likely we won't be seeing eachother until moving day. It's so stressful on my end...words cannot describe. But I suppose the bags under my eyes can do all the talking.

That being said - heres the reasoning for my doubts. We argue - everyday. The way I look at it is: im moving countries for us, on top of paying for THE WHOLE THING. He should treat me like a princess, right? He says I don't see his point of views...but he can be a little bit of a jerk sometimes. He admits to it after we argue though (typical man). When we are together, it's wonderful. We are so in love...we feel perfect for eachother. In person he is a wonderful man - a complete gentleman. He would do anything for me - this I know.

But all this argueing...I cannot handle it any longer. Im so stressed about all this money I need to magicly conjure up. For example, here is our arguement for today via text's. I was at work, it was his day off. We pay $15 a month for world of warcraft. My time ran out today, but I get payed in 3 days so I was going to renew it on friday. He offered to pay for it, and I asked him to put it twords the I-129F fee that im supposed to be paying for at the end of the month. I mean, it's better than nothing. $15 is alot to me right sure we can live without playing WoW together for 3 days...

I just realized I deleted the text's headbonk.gif . But it was basicly I spend too much money on myself ( I bought some fish...and I get my nails done twice a month..LOL) and I need to watch my money and him giving me $15 is nothing...and it's obvious I dont want to spend time in WoW with him and that apparently that is me telling him how to spend his money.

Thats just a little example. On top of the - he fights with me when I go out with my friends...just alot of stupid little arguements like that. The arguement today really made me upset. One, I was at work, two - who the HELL does he think he is giving me ####### for money when im paying for everything for us. And I can't even afford, but im still doing it.

So im having severe doubts. I feel like he dosn't care about me as much as I do him...or he isn't looking at this in a very serious matter. I feel...distanced, like im not even in a relationship anymore. I love him..and I want to be with him. Iv heard people never change...and iv experienced this first hand with men. Do you think it's because of the distance that he argues with me like this? Or am I about to make a huge mistake? Im so scared to move...that il be stuck in Florida wondering why I did what I did.

Appologies for the novel, thank you for reading star_smile.gif

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-16 00:16:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
Ooooo I also want to rant and rave!!

I agree with the OP's vent....Toronto should also be doing interviews. Montreal is too damn far for someone that dosn't have a car, or no one to drive me for that matter!! ranting33va.gif

Also - this waiting to even file for the K-1 is killing me. I dont think im going to survive lol dead.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-08 02:24:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I met my boyfriend through WoW!

Sintheria - 80 BE Hunter - illidan

And a bunch of alts here and there. Iv been playing for about 5 years now, my original character was a Tauren Shaman named Leex on Spinebreaker. I transfered my hunter about a year ago from Altar of Storms, she used to go by the name Cyntheria.

My bf is a 80 Undead Warlock also on illidan, Skillmare. Used to be on Altar on Storms by the same name, only he was a Human. It's funny, because we started out hating eachother due to him ganking me all the time hehe. Funny how things work out! luv.gif

I just started on Ulduar content, and he's in a serious raiding guild..knows the place inside and out lol.
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-05-02 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of an ongoing relationship
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Jul 9 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lollee @ Jul 9 2009, 03:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Me and my SO are filling for the K-1 at the end of the month (Can't wait!)

However, being the paranoid type, I like to read ahead....wayyyy ahead. And I noticed for when you get the NOA2, they request more proof of an ongoing relationship...only this time it's from NOA1-present. I MIGHT be going to visit him within that time frame (Will have photo's and such if I do), but if I don't...we don't really have much proof. I talk to him over the internet, using a program called Ventrilo (basicly an online phone) there's no phone bills, or emails really, because we are ALWAYS talking on that program. Unless we are at work, we text. Will that suffice?

Thanks smile.gif

Create a paper trail by sending postcards to each other regularly... include those needed.. miss you's and can't waits...

Ooooo I like that idea. Thank you ScottThuy smile.gif

Since Ventrilo has no way of recording anything...unless I record our actual convo lol. Were going to start sending postcard back and forth.

Thanks all!

Edited by lollee, 09 July 2009 - 08:29 PM.

lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-09 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of an ongoing relationship

Me and my SO are filling for the K-1 at the end of the month (Can't wait!)

However, being the paranoid type, I like to read ahead....wayyyy ahead. And I noticed for when you get the NOA2, they request more proof of an ongoing relationship...only this time it's from NOA1-present. I MIGHT be going to visit him within that time frame (Will have photo's and such if I do), but if I don't...we don't really have much proof. I talk to him over the internet, using a program called Ventrilo (basicly an online phone) there's no phone bills, or emails really, because we are ALWAYS talking on that program. Unless we are at work, we text. Will that suffice?

Thanks smile.gif
lolleeFemaleCanada2009-07-09 02:49:00