National Visa Center (Dept of State)Need help I-864
QUOTE (Sky2k @ May 2 2008, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
FYI, it has happened to someone recently that she was making above the poverty line the current year, and NVC approved the AOS, but when the case went to the consulate the visa was put on hold because the duration of income was not satisfactory, and was asked to get a co-sponsor.

ok... so i have a question then.

i was working a job where i was more then 125% above poverty level before our approval. i worked there for over 2 years, but it had become very hard for me to deal with the manager (he was a sexist pig and like to "touch" the girls in the office) anways... i left the early in april and started a new job back in my home state the day after. my new job is below poverty level, but i live here for free... and i am looking for a second job as we speak.

i wasnt expecting our i129f to be approved in the timeframe it was... i was told the last time i called, that it would be about june before we got our approval. anyways... got the approval on the 24th of april and now im a bit worried that i dont make enough now. my fiance said i should leave the job, because of my old boss.. but what will nvc or the interviewer think if they know i left a great job with lots of money to a ####### job with little money?
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-05-03 20:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaIn Memory of Heather
wow.. while that poem was lovely and sad and tragic.. i have one of my own to post.... and sadend to say.. you people know not waht you speak of...

the man heather loved, loved her back... and every night he crys and that is a fact.

for the love he has lost, this too does include... a beautiful baby girl that he named so true was his beautiful princess.. princess number two, but nothing could compare to the love that has lost... badrs wife and sara's mother.

heather still rests in a small piece of heaven, her family cant seem to help her home, so in morocco she stays not at all alone.

and what of baby princess badr longs for so? she lives with an unlce who wants to let her go.... like an unwanted puppy, he wants to give her up... its sara not heather that is all alone and that SUCKS

as for these dresses you say others wear... not once has one ever touch some one so fair..

moving on past heathers death, a new woman has entered into this mess. and though not as loved dear sweet heather, this she does know... but to say she steals crowns and dress HOW LITTLE YOU KNOW

i know this as fact, for the crown i did buy, for my dear friend aimee.. that is no lie. so aime is now badrs love, but still crys on her sholder for heather, his first love. and many nights my should is there, for my dear friend aimee to shed her tears.

the dresses aimee wear are only her own... and NEVER touches that of heather.

the truth is out there so plain to see, but you bitches on wish one thing, to hurt other who have moved on... yes sweet heather is loved... and missed, but to torcher another is so unfair.

i understand some of you are hurt and may feel lost... but either way... is this all you got.... (in your life) to use hurtful words and degrad others (to make you feel better) this saddens me to no end... and know that allah isnt alwys so forgiving... for biggots such as you have no place in heaven.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-10-18 22:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!
QUOTE (LaL @ Oct 23 2007, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (honeybeary1999 @ Oct 23 2007, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaL @ Oct 23 2007, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honeybeary1999 - if you have issues with people off VJ, then I suggest you take it up with them privately.

Sarah - please stop stirring the pot veiled as clarification or not.

Thank you.

I have taken it up with her personally.. she doesnt listen... I have taken it up with Ewok... it doesnt seem to change... so i post wehre every one can see... seems to be better then relying on the modorators and asking the person directly to stop.

Then you should be using the block or ignore feature, not perpetuating the problem, and if you are having further issues OFF VJ, then leave them OFF VJ.

I am asking you personally, to stop.

I have used the ignore feature.. she gets her other friends to emal me.. and i block them too...but blocking her and her friends does nto do any good. because they still leave comments on my page. I have heard that these girls do this all the time.. and yet nothing changes.. they do not get kicked off.. why??? any other group would have kicked them off... behavior like that shoudl not be tolerated. and i am not going to change my id and give in to the bullies...

you ask me personally to stop.. what about the bullies? I will stop if they do...if some one attacks me I am going to defend my self.. that is my right as a citizen of the USA...
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-10-23 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!
QUOTE (LaL @ Oct 23 2007, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honeybeary1999 - if you have issues with people off VJ, then I suggest you take it up with them privately.

Sarah - please stop stirring the pot veiled as clarification or not.

Thank you.

I have taken it up with her personally.. she doesnt listen... I have taken it up with Ewok... it doesnt seem to change... so i post wehre every one can see... seems to be better then relying on the modorators and asking the person directly to stop.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-10-23 22:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!
QUOTE (sarah and hicham @ Oct 22 2007, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Monday everyone!

Well for a while I thought it was Badr posting in that thread that we got called bitches and biggots, but I found out that it's an advocate for Aimee and Badr. Just FYI for anyone wondering who that was, cause I was. whistling.gif

Have a good one!

wow.. i never said i was an advocate for badr and aimee.. see how you twist every ones words into something else to make you look better... wow.. that is all sorts of crazieness right there

you asked how i got information... i told you.. i have connections as i do have some work with the governement... I also said i am a domestic violence advocate... rememer i said a dv advocate and you ddint know what that was... so i had to explain it it to.



good day to you.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-10-23 21:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy journey with a Moroccan is over
QUOTE (Spartacus @ Oct 24 2007, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a lesson in culture folks, a bad one.

Know how women are treated in the culture that your romantic interest was raised in.

In Morocco, women are virtual slaves in parts of the country.

Are you serious? lol where do you get your information?
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-10-24 21:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
QUOTE (desert_fox @ Nov 17 2007, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone have any good crock pot recipes??

yeah... what is your pleasure? beef, chicken, lamb, goat, vegies?????
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-11-17 21:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
QUOTE (chasnik @ Nov 17 2007, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not to fan the fire but Aimee has a right to be here...yes it is sad that Heather passed...none of us were there...everyone has their own version of the facts. And it is sad that in order to be with the man she loves Aimee has to involve Heather....cannot be at all comfortable for Aimee...what is the appropriate time frame to mourn?? My ex husbands has been dating a girl for 5 months...yesterday was the 1 yr anniversary of her husbands death...sad for those that knew her husband assuredly...and sad for her but she has moved on with her way to honor the dead is to live the life you have...Im sure if Heather loved him she would want him that always comfortable for the friends and family of the deceased left behind? No but life moves on with or without us. And Aimee wouldnt have to bring it up if she could post without being attacked imo. No one has to respond to posts they dont want to. This supposed to be a support board.

well said!

honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-11-17 21:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
QUOTE (wahrania @ Nov 17 2007, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (honeybeary1999 @ Nov 17 2007, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just want to know where the modorator is durring all of this... Aimee and I say anything to defend ourselves against bullies and we get talked to... but where are the modorators when we are being attacked??? HHHMMMMM some support group this is...

I doubt honey beary you are involved with a man whos sick wife died in his care.....and did not get medical care she needed... and then to have his new fiancee bashing her.. The whole thing is as scary as the worst horror movie

QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Nov 17 2007, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
casts spell "summon moderator" *clap clap*

this thread needs a FUNERAL not a lock...gees... this is just more than I can stomach

no, i am not involved with a man whose wife died... my fiance has never been married before.

but aimee is a friend of mine... regardless of what she has done, her fiance has done.. either of their pasts do not matter to me... what matters is how she feels and her happieness. and if being with badr is what making her happy, then i am happy for her.

i understand every one loved heather... but she is gone now... and we can not bring her back. say a prayer or two or a million for her.

we can not want every one involved in this matter to dwell on her death forever... as trerrible as i may seem... at some point we have to move on. at some point we all have to deal with our own lives and do what we can to make ourselves happy as well as our family and close friends.

at some point we have to give up and thow our hands in the air and say this isnt my problem and then give it up to God.

im not trying to start a fight here.. jsut simply saying that at some point we all have to jsut agree to dissagree and move on. let the past be the past and look forward to our own futures with our loved ones, who ever they may be.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-11-17 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Nov 17 2007, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
casts spell "summon moderator" *clap clap*

hahaha.... thats funny... summon moderator... seriously, that was great... i needed a laugh! thanks smile.gif
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-11-17 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this all worth it?
I just want to know where the modorator is durring all of this... Aimee and I say anything to defend ourselves against bullies and we get talked to... but where are the modorators when we are being attacked??? HHHMMMMM some support group this is...
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2007-11-17 20:46:00
Middle East and North Africawhat do they ask at Casablanca interview for K3
QUOTE (LSURVIVOR @ May 3 2008, 11:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi me Diana again, does anyone know what questions they ask at Casa interview? what does interview room look like ? is it in a wide open room where everyone stares at you? do you stand or can you sit ? I have heard bad denial stories and good ones , so I am scared for him . My husband has not received his packet yet, it was mailed by NVC on April 16th to Casa, what is usual wait? also does the DS230 come in English to him ? He speaks Arabic , French and of course English very well, also how much is a medical if he already had his shots and xray done by his personal doctor in Meknes, does Casa doctor for the consulate transfer the shot documents and xray and only charge for bloodwork? Any answers will be greatly appreciated thank you thank you twice blink.gif Diana

I am in the same boat as you. We finally got our approval on the 28th, it said it was approved on the 24th. I still havent heard anything from NVC and dont really know where to go or what to do from here. My fiance is asking me all kinds of questions and I have no idea what to tell him. He asks abou the papers they will send, when they will come to him, what the questions are like, what the room is like, how long it will take, etc. answers would be great.

I was all calm and cool when i filed the petition, never nervous once. now I am a big ball of crazy emotions and totally confused.

honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-05-04 02:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca's Method of Giving Interview Dates Changing?
QUOTE (Driss & Iysha @ Jun 21 2007, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone with experience of dealing with Casablanca consulate could shed some light on an issue that has us somewhat perplexed. I called the DOS number and was told that "Packet 3" was mailed to my fiance on June 18, 2007. From what other Casa folks have said, the interview date and time is included with Packet 3. DOS said we don't have an interview date yet, despite the package being already mailed. So, I emailed Casablanca yesterday, and this is an excerpt from the response I received today:

"We recently received your fiancé’s file at this office. We are in the process of scheduling his appointment. As soon as we have done so, we will mail him a packet of information including his appointment date."

I am kind of at a loss to explain that, as DOS is showing the package as already mailed! Perhaps it was a generic response or DOS has a mistaken mailing date in their system? blink.gif I am wondering if the procedure has changed, and if they now schedule the interview date after mailing the packet 3. I would especially like to hear from those who have interviews scheduled for July. Did you guys receive your date/time with Packet 3?


We had the same thing happen. I sent an email on May 15th because I knew Casa had received the approved petition. I got an email back the same day my fiance got his papers.I am pretty sure it is a canned responce, dear madam... blah blah balh..we are working on setting a day.

his packed was mailed on 5/23 and his interview is 6/19. today i get email from casa saying his interview day but the time is different then the time on his paper... in the email it said they can not tell me exactly how long it will take, but i all things are good(and then it stated as they look) then he will receive his visa the next day. then it mentioned the medical exam(which attached was a list of doctors) and the inormaiton he needs to bring with him (did not mention anythign about support). then it said best of luck sincerely, us consulate general

hmmmm little weird part of the email looked canned, and the other looked like some one had added to it. anyways... i dont know what is going on over there. i just want my hunny here.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-02 22:11:00
Middle East and North Africashe called me but she was tearing .
QUOTE (very nice @ Jun 6 2008, 10:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi VJ community ,

its Ahmed again ,i am today having a sad night because of how our case seem to be going at USCIS ,Michelle just have got off the phone and she was very sad and depessed ,i tried so much to put her mind at ease and help her feel better by telling her about the love i do have for her and remind her some of my memories .anyway folks our case has been at CA for 4 months now to be exact ,we been checking it online every once in a while and it has never been touched its still 2/7/2008 "last updated ". we have got our NO1 by 2/4/2008 and that was indicated on it as you all know how that goes .Michelle and I were hoping that our case could have been touched at least one more time but that unfortunately never happen ,we been hoping that our process would take from 6 months to 7 and then we get NO2 and then our interview will be scheduled and then we wait on the outcome etc ,but now we seem really lost and we really need to hear from you guys ,so please if anyone have any kind of comment and opinions we will really apperciate it ,

Sincerly Ahmed and Michelle .

Tell her not to worry, and dont you worry either. as long as she has file all the correct documents and provided enough proof it will happen. i filed in october... and we were approved at the end of april that is 6 months. my case wasnt touched either.. and is now approved and we are waiting for the interview which is on the 19th. my case with uscis still shows pending on the website. but we have our approval. dont rely on the website with uscis... because it doesnt always tell you what is going on.

good luck to you
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-07 02:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
QUOTE (wahrania @ Apr 9 2008, 01:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CarolynRitesh @ Apr 9 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Apr 10 2008, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wahrania @ Apr 9 2008, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ Apr 9 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Apr 9 2008, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hate for an ex is love that has disappointed you. You need some counseling. I don't hate my ex, I don't love him, I have no feelings because I don't care any more. I have moved on to greener pastures.

If my husband spent this much time dwelling on his ex I would get so freaking sick of it that it would eventually lead to problems. Can't you move on????

I have moved on and I never talk about her, I only brought her up because I am curious why the difference in women from other cultures.

First let me clue you into something. Many women from other cultures do dastardly things to American Men. Take a hop skip and a stroll over to some of the other threads and you will see South American , Russian, Chinese you name it taking American men for greencard rides up and down the street. I personally have watched several south American women in the area that I live in in Florida make a laughing stock of their American husbands. Its not about culture. Its about UPBRINGING and to catagorize all American women as bad because you got taken for a ride is horrible. You are painting all women from MEXICO as saintlike and great moms and that just is not the case. You could have just as easily ended up with a former prostitute who stole all your money and waited out her AOS period and latered you.

I watch these threads started by these men that somehow think all RUSSIANS are saints. I got to the point that I just pointed out that most of the prostitutes working in UAE . Abu Dhabi and Dubai are from the FSU. The problem with prostitution of the FSU countries has become so severe that you really do not know WHAT or WHO you are marrying when you marry a woman from a foreign country. At least with an American you can run a background check. Can you do that with a foreign wife? Do you really know where she has been all the years before you knew her...The same thing stands with South America and Mexico. Do you really know the woman you marry as well as you could know an American? Just wondering.

The arrogance of some of the American men marrying foreign women astounds me. You do not have to BASH american women to point out the positives in your wife. American women also have to put up with being expected to work full time and raise kids and do everything else while alot of American men would put us out to work like farm hands and abuse the ####### out of us and then when you finally get your wife toy from overseas, you baby them. If I could sit on my ### and raise kids and not pull in a paycheck, I would be miss perfect too. The biggest problem with american women is our MEN. They want everything, give very little back, offer no romance or love story and then whine that we don't do what foreign women do. We don't get the chance to. We have to build your life on our backs,break our lives in half, raise your children for you to turn around and say we are not feminine or submissive enough. Who the hell is paying the bills while we are submissive. Not a damn person.... I do not blame you for looking overseas but most women do not start out their relationships bitter. We start out with dreams and needs.... and unlike most of my friends who just put up with the beer bellies and no personality red neck antics, we went else where too. Just like you

Sorry mena girls if my post offends anyone...

See now, you pissed of Wahrania, and she is raging preggy hormonal.

Wahrania, it is true about the Russian prostitutes in Dubai. MY SIL lived there and said they are everywhere. Imagine one of them hooking up with an American for a visa. Then we would see some hate all Russian women.

The thing I find interesting is that after looking through quite a few of the forums, I have seen many many many negative comments about American women, but this was the first one I have seen about American men. (DON'T PISS OFF THE PREGNANT WOMAN!) tongue.gif In all seriousness, it is tiresome to read about how 'we' are all money-grubbing gold diggers or evil or selfish, etc. I just don't know what American women they are talking about or have been associating with - no one in my family or friendship circle could remotely be characterized that way!

Thats cause most American women have the sense in their head not to make threads talking about how much American men suck. Yes , they do not ALL SUCK. But like alot of the men putting their foreign wives up on pedestals and then trashing American women, I kinda wanna stick up for American women because their posts are annoying. I was reading through some russian threads and I just didnt even bother posting anything because it served no purpose. Why bash all American men? I have ice cream flavors that I like but that doesnt mean I dont like any other flavors, I just go out of my way to grab the rocky road.

And if you really think about it , all these IMBRA waivers werent exactly invented to protect foreign men from American women. They were invented for the most part to protect women from coming over here and getting killed or beaten by men with criminal records or men who petitioned and petitioned and petitioned and sent the girls back and used the INS like a mail order bride service.

I personally like American men. If I could have found one that clicked with me and made my heart dance it would have made my life alot easier than falling in love with someone far away. I think women in general want to have the best things in life. Some of us just found it faster than others. Some of us got screwed over and then are looking for the pony under a pile of ####. Some of us just give up and eat ice cream. Some of us buy 29 cats. But for Talbert, if you think ALL AMERICAN women have had a gravy train being married to American men, you are SADLY mistaken. Being an American woman is hard as hell because along with the freedom comes a boat load of responsibility and society's attitudes with puts even more pressure on us. We have to listen to AMERICAN MEN say we are not submissive enough yet we have to work like hell in this society to put food on the table, get paid less than men,many American women have to not only juggle our lives but we have to care for elderly parents and family in a society that does not value older people. We consistantly earn less over our lifetimes then men because we are usually the primary care givers. Then I read threads from men raised by American men bashing us all over the place. The reality is that we dont get the breaks that alot of these foreign wives . We got alot of the American men when they got out of the school or army or whatever and hadnt established themselves enough to wonder if we submitted or not. We were too busy struggling along side the men, trying to build a life. Its the trophy wife syndrome. The american women are the workhorses and when hubby decides hes made it, he s all of the sudden looking at her body , who shes become and he did nothing to shelter her from aging and stress and then all of the sudden pronounces her bitter. Well if you are some woman who shouldered all the bills and were never treated well and built some guys life up and his career and stepped all over your dreams for him to get his and all of the sudden you are being compared to some girl in a 3rd world country who has very little to do other than do her hair and sit at home and doesnt live in the western dog eat dog world, it does become enraging. I understand why American women get a case of the ### with american men. If we dont work hard, we are lazy. If we work too hard we are bitchy and dont care about our men. It sure is hell sometimes to be an American woman. And I will be damned if some man who was suckled at the breast of a hard working american woman is going to bash the women that built this country that he is bringing his new wife too... I have too much respect for other women, American and other wise to allow that.

Just my two cents

Sorry I am hormonal/// if I offend anyone

Well Said...Im not hormonal and i agree!
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-03 04:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Apr 8 2008, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ayesha4akram @ Apr 8 2008, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't start a sentence, (during an argument): If you were man enough....

that would probably work with any nationality.

OMG crack me up...every time...every post...THANKS! laughing.gif
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-03 03:40:00
Middle East and North Africa- Pregnacy -
QUOTE (ks71905 @ May 22 2008, 07:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know what I hated the most...

(Mind you My stomach was Ginormous)

People would stop me in the grocery store, or at the quiet bank i work at, or elsewhere, and let out a big...

"Holy Cow" or "Daaamn" or "My God" real damn loud, and say...are u havin twins?? and hwen i would tell them No, theres just one baby, they would say, well u might wanna get another check on that...

U know, how ignorant, i know i got big...problem was i only gained about 28lbs, and the baby was HUGE....and i was allll belly, so i just kept stretching and stretching....

I got huge too, but no one asked if I was having twins.... they did however hover to my belly and start rubbing it and patting and talking to it, which was SSSSOOOOOOOO annoying. I guess pregnancy means you get no personal space. Once I was at a doctor visit and he kicked me so hard his foot went between my ribs. Once I stood back up from falling to the groundin pain, some old smelly guy asked if I was ok, then said oh.. look at the little foot and started tickling it... I think that was the worst part of my pregnancy, all the crazy people wanting to touch me.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-05-23 04:10:00
Middle East and North Africa- Pregnacy -
QUOTE (m&n @ May 17 2008, 09:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone know of how to prevent leg cramps otherwise called charlie horses.........I get them in my left calf muscle in the middle of the night. I don't get them during the day.......but when it happens at night, I wake up screaming from the pain. I know there's one theory that it could be that you need more calcium but, I don't have a calcium deficiency. My doctor said it's normal during pregnancy and to try and take a magnesium suppliment, I've tried that for about 3 weeks and so hasn't helped.

I would get cramps in my legs and feet at night. The doctor said magnesium and iron deficiency and suggested I eat a banana before going to bed. After my son was born the cramps went away.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-05-23 04:03:00
Middle East and North Africavisa on monday....
hey thanks guys for all your replys!!!

no word on who the interviewer was... no name... but she was in her early 30s and had dark medium length hair...

he has his visa and is going to buy his plane ticket on the 14th... every one says time will fly... and im sure before i know it he will be here... but right now.. it feels like forever... FOREVER
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-07-01 22:18:00
Middle East and North Africavisa on monday....
so... samad ent for his interview on the 19th. i didnt hear from him the 2 nights before his interview... and he didnt call me after his interview.. i was so scared somethign happened to him.

then he finally got on line and said that he had to get the name check done... but he also did not bring all the documets he was suppose to... so he went back the following monday with the documents... then thursday i called dos and the name check was complete... then friday he called me to tell me that casa called for him to get his visa...

so he will be coming with in the next 2 weeks (has to wait for my dress to be finished, and he has to buy his tiket)

his interview was short..just a few questions...

how did you meet? how long have you known her? when was the last time you saw her? how long did she stay? what happens if we do not give you visa? she said thank you, refused to see the documents he brought... said please come back with this and this... and have a nice day (dark haired lady... he said she was nice)

so... 10 days after interview he will have his visa...

im so excited!!!!!
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-29 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterviewer in Casa
QUOTE (VictoriaUSA @ Jun 4 2008, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance just arrived three days ago and I'm pretty sure he had "the blonde." He did the interview, got normal AP and then got called back 5 days later, I'm happy to say. Actually, she did not ask nor do anything unfair, that is, out of the range of reasonable but she did talk about personal things with my fiance. I don't know about all that talk that the visa is approved or not before you get there because so much changes in the 9 months or so that you wait for the interview, but maybe it does. Anyway, when I put the packet together I didn't really know what I was doing so I guess that they must have taken some of the documentation in to consideration at the interview.

She looked very carefully at all of the phone records and I told my fiance to be sure to place the photos of our engagement party (including photos of my mother and his mother in Morocco together) on top of all the other papers and facing the interviewer when he went up to her. She asked about all the information in the original application, including information on my former spouse.

Don't freak out (like I did) before you know what kind of AP he gets, if he gets AP. You can tell him to email you exactly what it says and then ask on the site what that means. There is a good posting on this where the person was kind enough to color code everything. Good luck!

QUOTE (honeybeary1999 @ Jun 4 2008, 02:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I have been reading that the approval of the visa happens before the interview and it depending on the interviewer you get could mean approval or denial or ap hell.

Exactly who does what? I have heard horror stories about a blonde...

Im a little freaked out. My fiance's interview is on the 19th and he is curently at this very minute he is at his medical exam.

Should i warn him about the blonde? What signs should he look out for? I know we have plenty of "proof" and every one tells me that we will be fine and some people tell me he will get his visa right away.... how do they know this?

omg Im so freaking confused.


so i made a binder for him... in the binder (professionally bound and everything) the first page is a copy of the approval notice from uscis. then there is a copy of my petition, the biometrics, copies (certified) of plane tickets and bus tickets, copies of emails, chats and phone log, and pictures of our engagement party and other pictures of us together. I also sent him a seperate bit of papers that include (just in case) an aff. of support, a letter from my employer and last years tax return. ( i pray they dont look at this one, because i recently changed jobs and moved to a different state and i make less here then i did before i moved, but i sent it just incase they ask for it. I did notify uscis when i moved)

he had his medical today, all went well. he has already filled out his applicaiton and has all documents translated and ready to go.... so now its the hurry up and wait game... uuugggggghhhhh i hate waiting.. i just want him here, i miss him so much.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-05 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterviewer in Casa
So I have been reading that the approval of the visa happens before the interview and it depending on the interviewer you get could mean approval or denial or ap hell.

Exactly who does what? I have heard horror stories about a blonde...

Im a little freaked out. My fiance's interview is on the 19th and he is curently at this very minute he is at his medical exam.

Should i warn him about the blonde? What signs should he look out for? I know we have plenty of "proof" and every one tells me that we will be fine and some people tell me he will get his visa right away.... how do they know this?

omg Im so freaking confused.
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-06-04 04:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!
QUOTE (Badrs Love @ Aug 14 2008, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Aug 14 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One week???!!! You better get busy cleaning and don't forget to clean out the panty drawer wink.gif


Yeah, I want him here now. lol. You're too funny. wink.gif

im so excited for you!!! samad will be here on the 27th.... its about time our men came home to us!!! luv ya hun! CALL ME!
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-08-14 17:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
QUOTE (mona_jamie @ Aug 15 2007, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bump for the new Casa folks...

i have seen this a few times, and maybe its posted some where that i missed... what does "bump" mean?
honeybeary1999FemaleMorocco2008-05-28 01:56:00