K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
As a member of the US armed forces I want to personally tell Naddy that I am appalled at your comments you have made regarding your opinions on military expedites for military members who are deploying.

I understand you are frustrated and venting your opinions, and I respect that, that’s what America is about, but you need to learn real quick that if your opinions bash a group of people who are deeply respected and honored for their sacrifices and courage then I’m afraid you’re going to find yourself very alone and hated when you arrive here in the states.

your coming from a foreign country, and you may not fully understand what the US military and their families do for its people, I don’t care if your against the war, I don’t care if your against our political leaders or the decisions they make, that’s acceptable in America and encouraged if you feel they are wrong, plan to fight for making a difference once you become a full citizen.

HOWEVER, and I’m going to state my opinion as respectful as I possibly can to you (even though you hardly deserve it), you keep your hateful and disrespectful mouth SHUT if you’re going piss all over these heroes who did nothing more than raise their hand when their country asked for help, they stood up when others wouldn’t, they took on the stress so others did not, they left their families when others did not have to, they bared the worst environments and living conditions a human could possibly go through and they did it voluntarily.

you can complain, moan and cry all you want about how many months you have to wait, but don't you dare compare your hardships against someone who has undergone more hardships than you can even begin to imagine you ignorant little $@#@.

“I would have loved to see how u would feel if u had to wait more then 2 month for ur NOA2. but we will never know, will we?”

And I would love to see how you would feel if you had to deploy to a wartime country for a year, only getting 15 min phone calls maybe once every week to talk to your spouse or children, or maybe waiting patiently at home with the fear of not knowing if you’re going to get a call from your spouse that he is okay, or a knock on your door from an officer and a Chaplin to inform you he has died fighting for his country.

These guys “cutting” In line are allowed to do so because in the middle of waiting just like you all have been, they got the orders to fight, so yes, our government recognizes this and allows our courageous members a faster way of getting their loved ones home so yes, they can have some kind of foundation and “life” before they are sent away on a 1 year tour duty.

That’s all I’m going to state on this and feel free to take it how you want, good luck to the rest of you and your NOA 2’s, I know this thread is for the people waiting, but if you are going to bash a group of people who I have deep respect for, a group who a couple of my very close friends have died for, then be prepared to hear “my” opinion on your hatefull comments.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-22 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
oh just in case there is another military type in the same boat as me, for the record i called the embassy and asked about the whole address deal, when asked for an address on the forms in packet 3, you are to put (undetermined) in the blocks, and for block 11 on the DS-230 part 1 item number 11 "address where you want your green card mailed" you must put a US address, it can not be a APO address. I just put my home of record address at my parents house.

just in case any military lurkers are out there trying to find information on this :)
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-15 07:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
Yay! received packet 3 yesterday in the mail, called the embassy and scheduled an interview on the 15th of may! just have to get her police records and medical exam this weekend and we are done!!!!!
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-15 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
hey guys, i called the NVC and they have received my petition and it was forwarded to the embassy on April 6th, but how are you guys able to track it from the NVC to the embassy? i asked the woman if there was a tracking number for the shipping of it and she said no? also asked if there was a different case number other than my WAC number i should have and she said no also?

is this information right or did a talk to a bad apple? lol
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-12 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center

From what I have read in other postings, the Consulate/Embassy has been saying the new fee will be paid based on the INTERVIEW date, not paid date. So if the interview is May 24, you will need to know if the new fee has taken effect before that date.

For address I think it is better to put your parent's address than no address. I think they might frown on someone traveling to the US and not listing an address.

if i put my parents address i think all the greencard paperwork will go to colorado, i wont be doing an adjustment of status there, ill be doing one in Alaska, i dont want to mess things up and have things go to the wrong state
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-08 05:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
Okay, so you can call the NVC and get a case number already? Is it going to be the same one that the embassy gives you? Because I think we need that for the medical examination and to pay the visa fee. I really hope that’s the case because I want to try and slip through and pay the lower fee before it jumps up to the 400ish dollar one.

Also, just skimming through an example packet 3 from the Seoul embassy, I noticed a couple of the forms asked for an address in the states in which my future wife will be living at. On the petition we put my parents address for the main one, and on the rest of the blocks, we put the Air force base and in parentheses we put "will be determined after PCS", you think the embassy will have a problem if she interviews and doesn’t have the address on her forms where she will be living in the united states?
I don’t PCS back to the states until the end of may and I hoped to have her interview before I leave, even if I do leave its going to take me about 2 weeks to get to Alaska and then probably another 3 weeks after that to even get a permanent address, which would really really suck for us if we had to wait that long….
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-06 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
got a letter in the mail, was worried it was an REF, but nope to my surprise it was my approval letter!!! was approved on march 31st, did not get a single text message nor e-mail and my case status on the website still says initial investigation, guess there might be 1 guy up there who is anti technology since I'm the second one this happened to!
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-04 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
still waiting :( I'm not sure what is going on, got the touch march 30th and now its April 3rd and still nothing, wondering if something is wrong now :(
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-04-02 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
got a touch today! 03/30! hopefully will get that approval in the next couple of days!

Edited by spencer12, 30 March 2010 - 07:31 PM.

spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-03-30 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
being a government worker myself I can kinda relate to the immigration office on how things get done, and with my experience the only reason the government would work over time to get ahead is if there is something coming that is going to slow them down soon.

i know with my job, whenever there is an inspection team coming through, a DV coming to visit, or just annual or refresher training that needs to be accomplished the higher-ups defiantly get on everyone's #### to get ahead so they wont be behind afterwords. i can guarantee that if there is a time standard for these forms to be accomplished, there isn't anyone that would push things faster unless they where told specifically to do so. and in most cases, especially with government jobs that deal in national security, you can bet if they push a petition faster than the norm, their supervisors would defiantly be questioning the petition and the employees integrity.

all I'm saying is congrats to those that got pushed through faster, but to those of us that are still waiting, don't be upset or surprised if things come to a sudden stop, its just how the government works sometimes.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-03-19 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
what are you guys doing while you wait for noa2? been pondering if i should start my affidavit of support form now...` :whistle:
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-03-10 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
wow, just spent a short 2 week trip with Jiyeon, really nice to come back to here and see that things are moving faster than expected, maybe we will actually be able to fly on the same plane to America at the end of may
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-03-07 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
uhhhhhgggg............................hate waiting..............................stupid immigration... :wacko:
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-22 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
Will do and thanks :)

Oh and I didn’t include the instructions either, figured if they didn’t want the I-129F instructions they wouldn’t want the G-325A ones either.

As for the 2 copies of the G-325A I did see people say 2 copies and some said 4 copies, so I just decided to follow the instructions on the USCIS website that says

"Submit a completed and signed Form G-325A (Biographic Information) for you and a completed and signed Form G-325A for your fiancé(e). Except for name and signature, you do not have to repeat on the Biographic Information from the information given on your Form I-129F."
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-17 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers - California Service Center
I filed on the second of feb, got our NOA 1 at my parents house today, I think it took so long because I am still stationed in South Korea and had to send the package from the Base here to California, but hopefully things will move quickly now.

I really really hope we get our NOA 2 sometime in May because I have to leave the country back to the US in that month to Elmendorf AFB. Really don’t want to leave her with everything to do by herself, would like to at least get a interview date scheduled at least before I have to go.

On a side note, are there any cell phone plans with really good international rates? I’m going to be on the road for about 2 weeks driving to Alaska, and then probably won’t be able to speak to her for a couple of weeks after that to find a house and get internet hooked up for Skype. Not being able to talk to her for that long would drive me crazy I think :wacko:
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-17 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestions on the 129f
While I am filling out the 129f I’m assuming it all has to be in English right? My fiancée is Korean, so when filling out her name in the blocks do they want it in Korean to match what is on her original documents or translated to English? Same for her address and such as well?

Also when I was filling out the 129 I noticed that on the top of the page was an expiration date, does this form have to be received at the service center before that date expires?
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-26 02:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1/I-129F Military question
Okay, then I wouldn’t have to worry about them rejecting the form for not filing it at the proper service center then :) wow you guys are quick to answer my questions, thank you so much!
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-26 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1/I-129F Military question
okay cool, so apo address on the top section, then my base address for where she will be living and then my apo address again for the military question, got it and thanks so much :)

now however, when I file this form, It says that If i file this form to the wrong service center that It will automaticly be rejected or delayed, how do they determin what state i am from with an apo address? I just don't want them to look at the apo address and say "oh well this isnt for us" and reject it.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-26 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1/I-129F Military question
Okay I’m just really confused as to what I put on this form.

Part A on the top part of the form asks for my address

Question 14 asks where she will be staying after arriving in the Us

And on part C question 1 it asks me if I’m in the US military and if so list my overseas address and when I will be returning to the states.

Anyone know a definite answer to this? There is hardly any information for military members :(
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-26 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1/I-129F Military question
I am currently stationed in south Korea where I met my fiancé 6 months ago, I’m leaving in 4 more months to my new base in Alaska as this tour was only a 1 year long tour.

we want to start the 129 and visa process while I’m still here and hopefully in 4 months it will be complete or soon to be completed, we are doing the k-1 because her school doesn’t finish until a month after I have to leave, we really don’t want to spend any more time apart then we have to.

Now my question is while we were filling out the form 129 we noticed that one of the questions asked the address she will be living at once arriving in the US. I can’t answer that question because I have not left Korea yet and established one. Is it possible to just put N/A on this block and still have the form accepted? Can I put the address of the next base I’m going to in Alaska? Are there any special exceptions when filing for 129/k-1 if your active duty military?

Also when we file the 129, what state office should we file it under? My next base location in Alaska where we will be living at when we get there? Or my home of record state?
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-25 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A, Biographic Information
Ah okay thank you! I'm filling out the form electronically so I didn't notice there where two spaces in the first name box and so on, they really need to put a line there or something separating those two.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-27 04:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A, Biographic Information
In the first couple of blocks it says "family name - Father - mother (maiden name), do I put both my father’s family name and my mother’s maiden name in this block or just one of them, I’m asking this because the next block to the right just asks for 1 first name of my father or mother, how would they know who's first name it was if I put both my father’s family name and my mother’s maiden name in the block before it?

Directly below this block it asks "current Husband or wife maiden family name", is it asking my father’s current wife (my mom) or my current wife if I had one?

Just confused if it asked this for me because why would it ask for my wife’s name, I obviously don't have one if I'm filing this out.... :unsure:

Also I've been reading this forum and I noticed a couple people saying you only need 1 G-325A per person now? Is this true or should I fill out 4 per person just to be safe still?

thank you guys so much in advance for helping me out, this website is priceless, can't believe how confusing this process is, I've filled out security clearances in the united states that were far less confusing than this :D, once I finish this process I hope to repay the favor by helping out others going through the same deal once I get educated on this a little more :)
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-27 02:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F part c question 1

the question that asks, if I am in the military and overseas and if so what in my address? which i currently am. To fill this out do i just copy the statement in the fist box, and then in the second box do I put my address?

in the earlier forms the second box used to ask "and if so when will you return to the states" but that is not there anymore on the new form so what do i put there now?

anyone know this?
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-30 04:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F part c question 1
the question that asks, if I am in the military and overseas and if so what in my address? which i currently am. To fill this out do i just copy the statement in the fist box, and then in the second box do I put my address?

in the earlier forms the second box used to ask "and if so when will you return to the states" but that is not there anymore on the new form so what do i put there now?
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-28 02:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129F form expiration date worry
I was worried about that too, thanks for that answer guys, Me and Jiyeon are pretty much at the same step you are twowls lol, feel free to hit me up anytime if you got any questions, 4 heads are better than 2 :D
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-28 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthings we can do now while waiting
Also, I’ve been reading that it’s best to leave with her all original documents for her interview, what original documents are we talking about here? Will she need my original items as well such as divorce decrees, birth certificate, and other really important documents pertaining to me?

I'm asking this for two reasons

1. When I leave Korea I'm going to be PCSing to another base, they may or may not require these documents periodically throughout my in-processing.
2. I love her to death, but damn she is forgetful and really clumsy lol, normally it’s really cute to me :wub: , but if she lost some of these documents.......I don't think it would be so cute anymore .... :ranting:
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-02 02:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthings we can do now while waiting
I know we are waiting for noa1 and 2 now and are finished with everything until she gets her package 3 from the embassy. I have an online version of package 3 that someone posted here on VJ, its pretty much all the basic stuff like medical examination stuff, forms, affidavit of support, birth certificates, police checks, family records.

however what items are the time sensitive ones? like for example do they require the police background check to be only like a month old? the reason I am asking this is because I will be in Korea in the military till may 2010, the I-129f was so much easier when we where able to do it together in person.

I just would feel way more comfortable if we finished everything we possibly could before I leave, I don't want to just throw everything on her. and again i know every place is different, but any information would be aperchiated just so i can get a general idea.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-02 01:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressent I-129f package!!
i sent out my package today, wow that was stressful but at least we are on our way now!!!
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-02 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaddress headache form g-325a
thanks guys. Ive already sent out the package today, but I did what you guys described already, thanks
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-02 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaddress headache form g-325a
okay, well i think we have figured it out, i read and found out that korea has no street numbers and her address in western format would go like this:

lotte castle apt $%$#
1145 hwagok 6 dong
seoul, republic of korea

the first three lines are what you would normaly put in the street address box, then city would be seoul, state and province are "none" becuase seoul is its own special capital city like washington D.C, and country would obviously be korea.

if thats wrong somebody please let me know, im sending this out on tuesday. also I still need to know how to put together an additional sheet for things that dont fit on the G-325A, for the I-129F there are instrutions but none that I could find for the G-325A sheet.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-29 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaddress headache form g-325a
okay here is my problem, my fiancee is korean and we are trying to fill out the address's she have lived at in the past 5 years.

except there is a problem, the want it on the form as street and number, which there is none from what i can see, a city, province and state and then country.

here is how she wrote it in english

gangseo-gu, hwagokdong --"what is this?"
lotte castle apt #(then her apartment number) --"this is part of the street number i think? but she has no address i think?"
seoul, republic of korea "this is the city right? seoul? then whats the province or state?"

im so confused, also if i have to write all of this on the G-325 its not going to fit in that little box, how do i make a continuation sheet for the g-325a. thank you
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-01-29 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized Statements
The statements from your friends and family wouldn’t hurt to include in your package but this is not going to be solid proof of meeting that the I-129F requires, this would be listed under secondary proof.

primary proof would be receipts in her home town, boarding passes, passport stamps, pictures with the date somewhere in the photo (like taking a picture holding the current newspaper) and other stuff like that. Secondary proof would be statements, random photographs of you two, letters, e-mails that back up your primary proof of meeting

anything that you submit in the immigration process has to be translated to English, and the person doing the translation must state that he or she is fluent in both of the languages I think either on a separate letter or actually on each of the items being translated, I’m not sure maybe someone else can chime in and answer that one.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-17 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertified Translator
I was wondering about this too, we know either one of us can translate any of our documents, and we know about the statement that has to be included stating that the translations are correct and the person is fluent in both the English and foreign language at hand.

However the thing that I’m wondering is does the statement have to be placed and signed on each of the documents placed in the package needing translation? or can you just put the statement on a single piece of paper and state that all the translations in this package have been translated by this person and they are fluent in both languages and correct?
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-02-23 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS k-1 SSN problem
Not sure where to put this, sorry if it’s in the wrong place.

My fiancée arrived in Fort Walton Beach, fl, the 21st of June on a k-1, after about a week we got married and then applied for a SSN. When we applied the women at the counter said that we would have to wait 4 weeks because immigration put in the wrong birth date in the database. After checking back after 4 weeks they still said the same thing was going on.

I called the uscis number and they said they couldn’t do anything and that I had to contact my local immigration office in Jacksonville Florida, however I’m not able to find a number for this office, just an application to appear in person, the office is 5 hours away from us and with me being in the military it’s hard for me to get a day off for that.

My wife needs a SSN to get onto base, she only has a temporary id for a month, when that’s up she won’t be allowed to get back onto base unless she updates her id with her snn.

Anyone have any idea what I can do about this? I’m just running into dead ends.
spencer12MaleSouth Korea2010-07-20 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJohannesburg Interview


Has he done his police clearence yet? It takes about 6 weeks and seems to be the obstacle in the process. As far as I know once he sends back packet 3 (Pink) he sets up the date for the interview.

Also be sure he has a valid birth certificate and I think he needs a SARS tax clearence. Some applicants have had the packet 3 emailed them from the embassy to complete, so possibly he could complete it in the USA and DHL it to the embassy and set up the interview tate and then fly back. Dont forget the I-134 financial support.

FYI check out Primier Travek they have specil airfare rates with SAA and often have promotions.

Good luck,


I'm from South Africa as well...I have a contact at Home Affairs that can get a police certificate in 2 weeks for a fee (ZAR 350). Perhaps there are some folks here that could use this service to speed up the process. If anyone is interested send me a message and I'll forward contact details.

DJ+DaleFemaleSouth Africa2011-04-20 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 APPROVED
Congratulations :) :) :)
DJ+DaleFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-28 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approved! Our Government Is Awesome
DJ+DaleFemaleSouth Africa2011-07-01 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 APPROVED FROM VERMONT
We got approved this month also! 28 June 2011 :) and our NOA1 date was 10 March 2011.


:thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
DJ+DaleFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-30 00:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECEIVED !! GO VSC!!!!
Go March filers! Congratulations to both of you! :dance:
DJ+DaleFemaleSouth Africa2011-07-17 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports; VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veels geluk en sterkte met alles vorentoe!
DJ+DaleFemaleSouth Africa2011-08-02 18:57:00