IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband came here illegally, got married to me, had a baby, What are the steps to citizenship PLEASE HELP
Thank you for all the replies... when he came in 1999-2003 he was never caught when he tried to reenter in 2005 he was stopped 2 times but we have already spoken to a laywer who asked us if he gave just a thumb print or if he gave like thumb and middle and index print if it was just a thumb then they probably never recorded it on an papers. Thanks again for all the advice what are some reasons for hardship I have read that children are NOT a good reason which is CRAZY considering there are so many deadbeat dads out here and one ACTUALLY WANTS to be a good dad and stay with his family and can not! GRR looks like I might be going to Mexico for 10 years =(
Jackie MartinezFemaleMexico2010-11-04 09:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband came here illegally, got married to me, had a baby, What are the steps to citizenship PLEASE HELP
My name is Jackie Martinez, My husband Antonio came to the us illegally in 1999, left in 2003 and came back in 2005 but was caught at the board in Mexico 2 times. He is not sure if he signed the 10 bar.. First how do I find out if he did sign that paper? Second we got married in 2009 but have been together since 2007 we now have a baby together and another one on the way. What are the steps to take to gettin his citizenship? I want to do as much as possible WITHOUT a lawyer! We do not have a lot of money. The risk of him being deported is getting more and more scary everyday. I know I need to file the I-190 first but it is all so confusing to me. Can someone PLEASE help me so my family is not ripped apart! Thanks SO much for any and all helpful advice!! =)
Jackie MartinezFemaleMexico2010-11-03 07:26:00