US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGetting UK background check

No you take it to the interview with you.

You should have it before you send off packet 3 as they arrange your interview after they get that package.

People have checked it and recived it in time for interview, but you dont want to take that chance.

Thanks! That clears up a lot. I was about to really get onto him about being so slack! We're not getting married until August, so we have a bit of time. I thought he needed it to turn in with packet 3 and that made me a bit nervous 'cos it expires for us January 14th.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-11-27 09:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGetting UK background check

Go to your local police sstation and ask for a subject access form, SA1 I believe. I got mine off the local constabulary's website. They should have it back to you in 40 days. The 1st time i did this it took 28 days. I had to get a second one done, long story, and that took 39 days and arrived 3 days before my interview.
Good luck

Thanks! I think I am confused though...does my fiance not need it to turn in with the packet 3? A few people have stated that their's arrived a few days before their interview. So do we not need it to turn in with packet 3? Sorry for being redundant.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-11-27 09:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGetting UK background check
This question is for anyone in the UK who has had to get their police background check. We're at the 'packet 3' stage and I was wondering how long it takes to get your police background once you apply for it. And more importantly, how do you apply for it?
Many thanks!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-11-27 09:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 received?

We have similar timelines and are still waiting to find out our interview date. They are suppose to send you a package with your interview date. If you want to find out about you visa the best thing to do is call the US Dept of State at 202-663-1225, enter 1,1,0. They are friendly and can tell you if you have an inteview date or not. They will tell you the same thing as calling the consulate in london but it doesn't cost anything. But if you want you can make that expensive phone call. See the following website - for contact info. Good luck and keep us posted!

Thanks for all the main concern is jsut that they've received his packet as our I-129 expires on January 14th...I just want the peace of mind to know that they have received his info. When I asked him if he sent it certified mail he said no. UGH! I'm in London with him now visiting him, so I'll get his paperwork and the LND number and email the embassy. I don't get back to the states until the 17th, so I can call then, but by then it's after the 14th, and our expiry date. I'm sure it's all going to be fine...I just stress naturally. Can't be helped.
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-01-04 09:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 received?

It takes a while for them to get it from the mailroom into their system. I've looked at your timeline and with the holidays involved, I don't think you have anything to panic over just yet. But as Muuuuah says, the best way to communicate with them is via e-mail. At this point though you may only get the response that says they have no record of and that will just panic you.

You're email saying no reacord of it will panic me. I don't think he sent it registered mail. When I email them is there a record locator (like from my noa2) that I should use to reference it, or will our names be enough?

Thanks for your help.
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-01-02 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 received?
My finace has sent off packet 3 to the Embassy in London. Will he get a notice from them letting him know they have received it? Or should he contact them to find out?
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-01-02 10:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionis there a website to check status?

I am afraid not for the packet 3. It seems to take about 3 weeks to get to you..but you can always email the US consulate and they will sometimes email you back with your interview date. Good luck

beppyzFemaleEngland2007-01-23 20:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionis there a website to check status?
My finace has sent off packet three and he has a case number, etc. Is there a site we can go on and check the status of the case, like we could in the beginning with the I-129f?
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-01-23 19:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134

You must be the primary sponsor and you must fill out an I-134 and provide all of the supporting documentation that's asked for. You may have a co-sponsor who must do the same. even though I make below poverty, I must put myself as primary and my parent's will be co-sponsors? Not the other way around?

beppyzFemaleEngland2007-02-16 14:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
I don't make enough money to 'support' my fiance and therefore we are getting a sponsor (my parents) to fill out the Affidavit. Do I still need to submit anything for myself? i.e. pay stubs, tax returns, or even fill out the I-134 myself?
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-02-16 13:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavit fo support

What information did he turn up when he got this impression?

He got it from his packet 3 info. But it doesn't tell him how much money is sufficient. With the exchange rate, he will have over 6 figures in assets...I just don't know if that's sufficient to 'them'. It is for us!
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-02-17 14:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavit fo support
My fiance is about to send off his checklist, but we're not sure about the Affidavit of support. He's under the impression that he has enough money to show that he will be able to support himself over here before he gets a job and therfore won't need me to fill out the I-134. Does anyone know how much money/assets he needs to have? I'm not sure I'm wording this question right...I hope I am making sense to someone...

beppyzFemaleEngland2007-02-17 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support

Per the I134 guidelines, Part 2 section B:

Statement of your employer on business stationary, revealing:

1. Date and nature of employment;

2. Salary paid;

3. Whether the position is temporary or permanent.

Check it out at:

Hope this helps!

Thanks to both of you...just seemed too easy. However, glad it is.
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-03-07 11:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support
Does anyone know what the letter should say from your job stating that you work there, blah, blah, blah? I can't think of more than one sentence, basically saying that I have worked for them since April of 2004 and how much money I make...anything else I should have my boss put?
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-03-07 11:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance accidently opend envelope...
My fiance was on his way here today and had to connect in Dublin...US immigration was there and noticed his envelope was opened and sent him back to London. When he called US Embassy they made it sound liek this happens alot, people accidently opening their envekope...and told him to email embassy to get an appointment...has ANYONE had a similar experience and does anyone know what to do?

Grasping at straws here...
beppyzFemaleEngland2007-08-14 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed a timeline translation...

When you register online with uscis and your case status date changes to a newer date it means someone touched your file (had it in their hands). You need the case number off the NOA 1 to register on the uscis site.

Gotcha! Thanks for that. So I can't register with USCIS until I file myI-129F and it gets approved, correct?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-01-30 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed a timeline translation...
I'm brand spanking new here, haven't filed anything as of yet. My finace and I are just researching EVERYTHING before we start the process. Wanna make sure all our ducks are in a row, etc. It's been extremely helpful so far just reading other people's experiences. However, some of the terminoligy is lost on me. I notice a lot in people's timelines where they put 'Touched'. Can't for the life of me figure out what it means. Could anyone fill me in? I'm sure this won't be my last question. So thanks in advance to all who help.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-01-30 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos to prove we've met

All i provided was 3 photos and copys of the two airline tickets when i traveled .thats it and when i went for the interview with my fiance they did not ask for anything else but we did get a detailed interview about 15 minutes .good luck .

Thanks everyone. I do have airline tickets, receipts and all that stuff, so I was just being paranoid about the pics. You know how it want everything to be just right. The less delays the better! I do appreciate this website and everyone's advice and help. We're barely getting started and it's already helped SO much! Thanks!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-01 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos to prove we've met

They've seen that before. Don't worry.

Cool. That's what I was hoping. But you know how it is...anything immigration could possibly find a problem wtih, you want to head it off at the pass. I would hope they'd realize that's when the pictures were developed. Besides, the pictures are in obvious different places.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-01 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos to prove we've met
I downloaded difital pictures to Walgreens site (so convenient), and am sitting here writing our names, dates etc on the back and noticed that on the film paper it has the date I ordered the photos. (1/28/06) Is that gonna be a problem? It's obvious these pictures were taken in different places and at different times (the length of my hair should be an indicator of that), but I don't know how Immigration will view it. Any ideas?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-01 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me get this straight...

I forgot to mention, I also sent copies of photos of us together...about 10 I think.


That's awesome Rick. I have copied and pasted your info into a word doc. and am going to use it as my checklist when I finally get to send this out. I'm in the process of moving and don't want to send it off until I'm set at my new place with the new address. I didn't want to add a change of address to the mix. Thanks again.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-03 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me get this straight...

well i had my fiancee send me as well his birth certificate a copy of his current passport a copy of his current divers license and a copy of his id well there is never to much information so i did what ever i could do and the letter of intent plus the two pictures plus the bio .

i had all my information together i did my package like this

1) Check made out to USCIS
2) Our letter how we met etc
3) the I 129 F
4) Our pictures together with his family etc

then i made a separate folder with all my information and then with his information and then finnaly
all the evidence of our ongoing relationship .

I send in all copys even letter of intent i made copys of and got them noterized so in case they loose something i have the entire original documents .
I made sure every paper was noterized though thats almost same as sending the original documents i didnt wonna risk an RFE and i dont have the informationen anymore so i did what i had to do .
Just make sure you back yourself up at all times for me it was easy to get everything noterized because one of my close friends did it for me with no problems i gave her both packages the original and the copys and she had no problem noterizing all of them for me .
I meen i went to the extreme i even had the copys of phonebills airline tickets and all that stuff noterized which i know its not really nesassary but i did .
I wanted to be sure i got it all done correctly .

I know that all sounds crazy but yes I am crazy what can i do .
I wish you the best and if you have any questions please feel free to ask at any time .

Thanks Tina. I see you just sent your stuff off too, so I'm not too far behind you in the process. Good luck to you too!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-03 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me get this straight...

To get started with the I-129F, my foreign fiance only needs to send me a passport photo, the G325A, and the letter of intent. Is there anything else he needs to send me before I can get started? I'll be out of town this week for work and wanted to send him all the info before I left so that when I got back I could get the ball rolling. Just wanted to double check with you guys!

If she has never been married before, then yes that is all. If so, you need a copy of the divorce decree. If she has minor children you need a passport style photo of them. Also there is some information on the I-129F form itself that you want to be sure and get from your fiance. It may be handy to just have them fill in 'thier half' of the form and send it to you.

Great! Thanks!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-03 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me get this straight...
To get started with the I-129F, my foreign fiance only needs to send me a passport photo, the G325A, and the letter of intent. Is there anything else he needs to send me before I can get started? I'll be out of town this week for work and wanted to send him all the info before I left so that when I got back I could get the ball rolling. Just wanted to double check with you guys!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-03 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS entry while waiting for the K1 visa possible?

My fiance has visited me in Chicago at least 7 times while her Visa was pending....she never brought anything, and was never qustioned. I can't prove it, but I'm convinced there is no way for them to know you are K1 pending. But as everyone else said..bring proof JUST IN CASE!

That is REALLY good to know! I guess the IO at the airport doesn't really have all of that info on him. As if this whole process isn't stressful enough, then you have to worry about possibly not seeing your SO for a LONG time, because of formalities. Ugh!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-03 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS entry while waiting for the K1 visa possible?

What if the alien fiance's job sends him over and he's not even entering the same state I am in? I mean, if he ahs to come over for work, it's totally unrelated to me and our pending K1? Right? I'm a bit nervous about this one as my fiance is getting hired on with a company that wants to periodically send him to TN and AL ( I live in GA). I would think that since he's going to be traveling with work and will have work stuff, that the K1 wouldn't be affected here. Although, I could be wrong. ANy one have any ideas?

I don't think he should have a problem. As long as he can prove he is going there for work purposes... maybe some kind of document signed by his employer, as well as his return ticket like mhymers suggested, and basically anything else that can 'prove' he isn't going there to get married yet.

Another suggestion is to have him call US Customs and Border Protection and see what they say. I am assuming you are from Canada... here is a list of phone numbers:

Montreal (514) 631-2097
Toronto (416) 929-6011
Winnipeg (204) 783-2206
Calgary (403) 221-1730
Edmonton (780) 890-4486
Vancouver (604) 278-3360


Thanks for the numbers, however, he is from the UK. Hopefully if he has work papers and the return ticket, and the fact that he's not going to be flying into Atlanta, where I am, then they won't give him too hard of a time. I appreciate the advice.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-03 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS entry while waiting for the K1 visa possible?

I entered the U.S. from Canada by car several times after my K-1 Visa was pending. As long as you have lots of proof that intend to return to Canada after your visit, you should have no problems. Take such things as lease/mortgage documents, a few most recent pay stubs, most recent bank statement, etc.

Just remember not to lie to the Border officers. If they ask the purpose of your trip, tell them you are attending a wedding. If they ask you if you have a K-1 Visa pending, tell them you do and that you intend to return to Canada after your visit until your K-1 has been approved.

I did not enter by plane or train, so I am not sure if that is different or not.

What if the alien fiance's job sends him over and he's not even entering the same state I am in? I mean, if he ahs to come over for work, it's totally unrelated to me and our pending K1? Right? I'm a bit nervous about this one as my fiance is getting hired on with a company that wants to periodically send him to TN and AL ( I live in GA). I would think that since he's going to be traveling with work and will have work stuff, that the K1 wouldn't be affected here. Although, I could be wrong. ANy one have any ideas?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-02 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor those who've had K-1 approved at London

Right, they definitely should at least give you a lollipop then (sucker to me since I'm American but I'll talk English for you folks ;)), I think it is well deserved!

Sucker??!! I have never ever heard it called that and I was born and raised here. I always said lollipop but maybe it's just another regional thing like people saying "coke", "soda", "pop", etc?? ;)

I just remember that "On the good ship Lollipop" song that was made famous by Shirley Temple and they made us sing 5 million times over as kids at tap dancing class! :blink:

It must be a regional thing as I grew up calling it a sucker. Loved going to the bank as a kid with my mom 'cos I always got a 'sucker'.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-02-10 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent...

I'm pretty much on the same boat as you. I sent my aplic on 6/16 and was recieved by TSC on 6/19. As of today (6/26) my check has not been cashed neither...

I feel ya!!!

Let me know when your check is cashed, Mystery. We can go through this together. I'll do the same.


Deal. I just checked now and nothing.... :(

Yep, me too, nothing. I'll keep checking this thread to see if yours has cleared. It's good to have someone in the smae boat. Did you send yours to Texas too?

I'm pretty much on the same boat as you. I sent my aplic on 6/16 and was recieved by TSC on 6/19. As of today (6/26) my check has not been cashed neither...

I feel ya!!!

Let me know when your check is cashed, Mystery. We can go through this together. I'll do the same.


Deal. I just checked now and nothing.... :(

Yep, me too, nothing. I'll keep checking this thread to see if yours has cleared. It's good to have someone in the smae boat. Did you send yours to Texas too?

I just looked at the processing times and TSC doesn't have any I-129F's...Vermont does. And Vermont says they are processing files that were received on March 6th! When you sent your form, did you address it as Vermont, TSC?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-06-27 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent...

I'm pretty much on the same boat as you. I sent my aplic on 6/16 and was recieved by TSC on 6/19. As of today (6/26) my check has not been cashed neither...

I feel ya!!!

Let me know when your check is cashed, Mystery. We can go through this together. I'll do the same.

beppyzFemaleEngland2006-06-27 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent...

Another member claims to have just received NOA1 after having mailed June 13th. I questioned why I had not received mine and another member told me that it was being transferred to California from the Texas Service Center. My check has also not been cashed. Knowing that my paperwork has been transfered to California explains the delay in response and my check cashing. This might also be the case with you

How do you know that yours was sent to California? Is there a way top track that info?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-06-26 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent...

Can you track the package to see if it was delivered?

I know it was delivered, as I got the receipt thingy back that I filled out at the post office when I sent it. So I know it was received on the 16th...but my check hasn't been cashed.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-06-26 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent...
I'm sure I'm freaking for no reason, but I want to be sure. I mailed off the I-129F packet June 13th, it was
received on the 16th and it's now the 26th and my check hasn't been cashed. Is that normal? At what point do I freak out and start making phone calls?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-06-26 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F signatures...again

It sounds like you forgot to sign one of the pages. Did you and your SO sign and submit all 4 pages of the G-325? Your letters of intent need signatures too. Hopefully it was just a small error and can be corrected easily.

Yeh, we signed EVERYTHING. That's why I am at such a loss...and pretty frustrated since I can't get through to USCIS on the web...We submitted ALL four forms of the G-325A and all letters of intent and such are signed. Anyone know how to get through to USCIS and actually talk to a person? (I know today's the 4th and they are closed, but I plan to get on the phone first thing tomorrow morning.)
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-07-04 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F signatures...again
For those of you that responded to me yesterday, thank you. Sorry to keep going on about this, but the USCIS system can't access my file, and I keep getting a recording saying to try back later. UGH!

Looking over my file again, I'm wondering if I was supposed to sign the 3rd page of the I-129F...the one that says "Signature of person preparing form, if other than above." Doesn't make any sense to me, as I am the one who prepared it, and was under the impression that that section was to be signed by third person, ie, lawyer, or something. My question is, did you guys sign that third page, even though you are the one that filled out the form? My letter from USCIS says:

"The application or petition cannot be accepted because it is not properly signed. The applicant or petitioner must sign the application or petition form in the appropriate place. Any preparer must also sign in the appropriate place. After the application form is properly signed, please resubmit the entire package, blah, blah, blah."

Any ideas?
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-07-04 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceived RFE...well, not really...

Thanks guys...I will call again on Wednesday. It's just annoying. If that it what the problem is then I have to get my fiance to redo his stuff and send it off to me again. Just a bump in the road. Glad we set a wedding date for August of NEXT year.

Thanks for your responses.


You might not want to mention that your wedding date is set for August of next year. I mean... you're supposed to get married within 90 days as of his entrance in the U.S. Oh, well, you know that already.

I know...we're not planning on him moving over here until June or July of next year. We've given ourselves plenty of time for this process to 'run it's course' and for unexpected delays such as this. Also giving ourselves enough time to plan and wedding AND save money for it all.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-07-03 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceived RFE...well, not really...
Thanks guys...I will call again on Wednesday. It's just annoying. If that it what the problem is then I have to get my fiance to redo his stuff and send it off to me again. Just a bump in the road. Glad we set a wedding date for August of NEXT year.

Thanks for your responses.

beppyzFemaleEngland2006-07-03 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceived RFE...well, not really...
Does anyone out there sign their name with their first initial and then their last name? My name is ridiculously long, so I just sign the first letter of my first name and then my entire last name. That's my signature. I got my I-129F back today and it said it needed a 'proper signature'...and then to send it all back when I did that. What does that mean? Anyone else encountered this? My parent's and friends are thinking I need to 'properly' sign my full name, as does my fiance, 'cos he signs his name the same way I do. I tried calling the 800# on the UCSIS Form, but their system was having issues and they said they couldn't access my info and to try back. Tomorrow being the 4th, I assume they will be closed, so I thought I would ask you guys to see if anyone has encountered this before.

So my next question would be...I sent in my packet with the old I-129F form, as the new one wasn't available yet. Should I send it back, once 'properly' signed with the new form?

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-07-03 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresa little confused
Ok, I'm having a hell of a time making sense of everything...can someone sum it up for me in layman's
terms? I sent the I-129F, was delayed a bit for an RFE, but finally got my check cashed and received the NOA1. What happens next? Do I just hang out until they send me the NOA2? And when do I know when to have my fiance get his police background check, etc? And when do I get all the paperwork to him for the interview? (I know that's a ways away, but just want to be prepared). I jsut got the NOA1 and wasn't even sure that that's what it was. I thought it would say, "Ok, here's what you do next" but it didn' now I'm wondering what I do next...
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-08-19 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved...NOA2
Wow! What fun it was to read all of this..especially Satori's 'ranting's. Thanks to all of you who understand. Glad to see there are some 'sensible' people out there.
beppyzFemaleEngland2006-09-18 18:04:00