IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

somedaysoon , dubaiguy - yayyyy !!

My NOA 2 is closer day by day.... right????

Sweety-sweet, i am almost positive you will get your NOA 2 soon! And you are right, although we don't know the exact day- each day that goes by is closer to that day!

when was your noa1? btw congrats!!

congrats!!! this gives me hope mines is around the corner

Thanks, laurie1015! My NOA 1 was Nov. 9th. Also i am sure yours is around the corner too! (:
SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-04-20 14:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Hey everyone turns out i don't need to go to that info pass appointment after all. I got a letter in the mail saying my case has been approved. NOA2! Praise the Lord! So i checked my e-mail because i didn't get any sorta text. Also no e-mail. So i checked my status online and it was approved on the 15th! So that just goes to show they may not even text or e-mail you- like i signed up for. Also to answer some questions mine NEVER left the NBC. So if your petition is still in initial review and it's been over 5 months it is possible that the NBC still has it and will approve it. My petition took a total of 5 months and 1 week.

I tried to cancel my info pass appointment and after trying it like 5 times it kept saying i can no longer cancel it. Then had this 1-800 # to call. Same dang number i have been calling during this process just when i thought the calling was over. The lady wanted ALL my info then went on saying how my petition has been approved "so what the heck do you want?" kinda thing. I said that's exactly the problem it's been approved and it wont let me cancel my info pass appointment. I described the message and how it said i can no longer cancel my appointment. She argued and said that i CAN cancel it... are you sure? maybe it's because it's only 4 days until the appointment?

So that is the new problem. Canceling that appointment.

I strongly believe with all that i am that all you November filers who haven't gotten their approval yet, will get it soon. Don't expect 7-8-9 months, They only tell you that to get you off the phone and out of their hair. Stay positive! :D
SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-04-19 17:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Hello everyone! I am new to visa journey but i am a November filer and have been following this topic shortly after sending in my i-130 petition for my husband. I have now been waiting 5 months and 2 days since my NOA1. My petition is currently at the National Benefits Center (at least i think it still is). I knew right when i first called them speaking with a tier 2, i was told the reason why my case was at the NBC is because the other field offices were backed up and that she'd call me back. It took her a few days to call me back which idk why she had to, but when she did she said it's possible it will later on be sent to my local field office and they will "notify" me when and if it does. Then later that day i received a phone call back from another person who was talking to me as if my questions haven't already been answered yet, and then told me that my case will NOT be sent to a local office. His tone sounded like he was lecturing me just because i wanted to know if what the first lady told me was correct. Keep in mind these aren't the first people robots who just read everything from their website that they have pulled up in front of them and pretend to know everything that's going on with your case as if it's in their hands, but the second person who we refer to as our only bit of logical information and hope of good news.

Now i knew this wasn't going to be a very smooth process right when i already got two different stories from the beginning. So here we are now, sleepless nights and stressful days later, hoping i would have heard at least something by now, but nothing so i finally decided to call after reading about how everyone's petition seems to be at their local office if they haven't heard anything by now. So much for notifying us. First guy i spoke to would not transfer me even when i asked questions i know for a fact he didn't know. He wanted all my information including where i was calling from. He didn't answer if my case was currently at my local office or not, even though i know he doesn't know. Then he went on asking me what my local office is and decided to tell me i cannot open a service request because NBC's current processing time is 9 months and to call back after it has been 9 months. 9 months? Really? I would hate to see all the other field offices' processing times for i-130s if NBC, the place that was supposedly helping these places out, is now backed up. With every ounce of hope i had left in me i decided to brush this 9 months out of my head...i would gladly take 7 over 9...So i called back determined to speak to a tier 2. This time i got a lady who immediately didn't like me. I was being nice and asked if i could please speak to someone higher, who could tell me where my petition is currently at. She insisted that she knows everything and when i asked her if she knows the processing times for NBC she told me that they don't know that information. Okay.. so the first guy was spoon feeding me BS to get me off of the phone. The only good use this lady had for me was to schedule an appointment with my local office. So i decided to quit trying to speak to a tier 2 and just schedule an info-pass. So i go on the 23rd of this month and i will be sure to post an update as to what was said. Hopefully i get some kinda clarity, because this whole situation i am in is doing a number on me. It would be nice if maybe the people we talk to actually cared. I am currently living apart from my husband and not knowing when i am going to see him again isn't healthy. :(

Sorry for ranting i have been very patient during this process up until now, anyone else schedule an info-pass? Was it any help at all? Any suggestions as to what i should do or ask that may help?
And for all of you in the same boat as me, hang in there. God is in control, not them.
SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-04-11 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013


The DS-3032 is what generates the IV BILL thats why its sent in as soon as you get case#. No you can't send in the DS-230 package before you pay.


Has your DS-3032 been accepted yet? Once that is accepted about a week later your IV BILL should be invoiced.


Sadly i don't think it takes a week later. I think lately it's been taking a heck of a lot longer. It's been 2 weeks since our DS-3032 has been accepted (we have the e-mail from them saying it has) and unlike everyone else who gets their IV Fee invoiced the very next day, we are still waiting for ours with no answers as to why. ):

SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-06-17 23:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013


May 22nd - DS3032 sent


June 3rd - AOS Invoiced, Paid, Mailed


June 10th - DS3032 Accepted


June 11th - IV Invoiced, Paid, Mailed


So 8 calendar days and 6 business days ( not sure if NVC works weekends behind the scene).


I think things are kinda upside down now and historical data cannot be guaranteed.


Soooo ours would be


May 22nd- AOS fee invoiced and paid


May 24th- They received our payment - DS-3032 e-mailed


May 25th- Mailed AOS package


June 5- Got an e-mail saying they received DS-3032


And still til this day no IV fee invoiced..... see what i mean? The thing is i got the e-mail saying they received our DS-3032 already so why is it taking them SO long just to invoice a fee?

SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-06-15 00:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

Hello everyone maybe you can help me out here. My husband and i currently have our case at the NVC and to sum up where we are at i paid and sent off my AOS package and he e-mailed his DS-3032. We recieved an e-mail back from the nvc stating they have recieved and accepted his choice of agent the 5th of this month.... So here it is now 7 buisness days later and still no IV fee invoiced. I cannot help but wonder why everyone's timeline states they recieved their invoice for their fee within the very next day of that e-mail. I did call the NVC and asked roughly when i should expect this, and the lady on the phone told me 5-10 buisness days. I know that I haven't waited the full 10 days but it's starting to worry my seeing as how when we sign into our payment portal it just says "$0.00" instead of "not invoiced" which is what happened with my AOS fee to kinda show they were working on it. I feel like 7 days later and nothing has even changed. Has this happened to anyone else? Is ours just out of the normal timeframe of when it should be invoiced. Thanks (:

SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-06-14 23:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Fee still not invoiced?

when calling in again, i would ask this : 


--has the ds-3032 been added to the casefile, or no? if yes

--what day was the ds-3032 added to the casefile ? 



then compute any calendar math based on that date. 


Go Get Em, and Good Luck ! 


Thanks so much for the reply! I will be sure to ask those questions when i call again, although i hope i wont have to because this coming wednesday will be our 10 business day mark. The operator i called told me it could take between 5-10 business days. So i am hoping it gets invoiced before then. (:

SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-06-16 01:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Fee still not invoiced?

When I phoned the NVC about this, they informed me it takes them 20 business days to enter the choice of agent into the system. They mentioned they get hundreds of e-mails a day and that 20 days is the amount of time it takes to process an e-mail.


Thanks so much for the reply! You are talking about after they receive your choice of agent and send you and e-mail that they have right? Then it takes another 20 days to invoice our IV Fee? That's so strange that many people get theirs in a couple of days- some even the next day of their e-mail. When i called she told me 5-10 days. I don't understand it, perhaps they are just really busy right now. I will give them another call after 10 days is up to see what they say.

SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-06-15 10:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Fee still not invoiced?

My husband e-mailed his DS-3032. We recieved an e-mail back from the nvc stating they have recieved and accepted his choice of agent the 5th of this month. It has now been 7 buisness days later and still no IV fee invoiced. Seems to me that everyone's timeline states they recieved their invoice for their fee within the very next day of that e-mail. So i called the NVC and asked how long this normally takes, and the lady on the phone told me 5-10 buisness days. I know it hasn't been 10 days but it's starting to concern me seeing as how when we sign into our payment portal it just says "$0.00" instead of "not invoiced." With our AOS it first said "$0.00" then later changed to "not invoiced" before we recieved a payment. I feel like 7 days later and nothing has even changed. Has this happened to anyone else? Or are we just the "lucky" ones... Thanks (:

SomedaysoonNot TellingAustralia2013-06-15 00:28:00