CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Happened to Inky too.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-19 14:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

orfee had his biometrics today, that went well.
got home from work and there's a notice that he's been transferred to csc. hope that's a good thing!
hurry up EAD!!!!

Holy #######! Hopefully you are get to pass go and collect $200 (I mean get the GC without interview).

I got my AP in the mail... EAD was mailed out today. Today I updated my resume lol. Tomorrow I will call Service Canada so I can get PAID!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-18 19:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Photo copies of IDs and proof of completed medical too. I think if you scroll back to some of the earlier pages you'll see everyone making lists and checking it twice haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-17 22:39:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Happy Birthday to me!!! Just got an email that my AP was approved on the 11th, day before my birthday and EAD was approved today. Ugh finally.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-14 21:55:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Still nothing on anything... I am thinking of contacting someone. It's so disappointing. My biometrics were over two months ago! I don't know what a reasonable wait time is but VJ says it's past due so I think I may take some action on Monday. It's like my application fell in between the cracks.

The honeymoon was very nice, travelled all over. I enjoyed vacationing there but certainly couldn't live there - good luck to you Alaba! We had great weather, too many favorites parts of the trip to mention really but the part I didn't like was how maps and GPS are not the same as the streets in PR. Some have different names or don't even exist! LOL. I had wanted to bring our dog Hudson with us but we left him behind, few days into our trip my husband wished we had too haha we couldn't contain our excitement seeing him! He was so excited he ran into my knee and knocked it with his head or face... my knee is bruised and swollen and it's hard to move. Warning to anyone who considers owning a bulldog type breed, they are goofy and prone to giving accidents haha. I have never seen him so excited. It's hilarious.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-14 08:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Our big dinner was a success, everything was delicious. Enjoyed plenty of wine and tequila :)

I always put up my decorations around the 1st of Dec but once Christmas is over I like to see them go haha... so today we took down the decorations. 6 more days until the honeymoon... yipee. Hopefully I will come back to some movement on my AOS.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-27 17:10:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Or no news means your file in between the cracks :unsure:

I am curious about what ID I should use traveling to Puerto Rico. My drivers license says in big bold letters "TEMP. VISITOR EXP: 12-10-2011", as per the DMV I cannot get 'regular' one until my greencard is approved. Do you think this will be a problem with them? I will be brining my US Army spouse ID card, passport just in case and marriage license. I just worry I'll get someone dumb (which happens sometimes) who thinks I need to go to international customs or something even though I came in from NY haha. Justin's boss at work said that he can't go to PR because he needs pre-authorized request and briefing to leave the US... he laughed and said that PR is a US territory. Then the guy got all rude saying that it's not considered domestic blah blah blah so Justin topped off the convo stating "Well sir my wife isn't allowed to leave the US because of her Visa... and she can go to PR". End of convo.

Our flights are booked for Jan 2-13. Figured I may as well be gone for my birthday since I can't go home for Xmas or my bday (which is on the 12th). Maybe I'll be lucky and family will come visit that weekend. We're renting a car in PR and staying in a few different areas. So excited - we needed something because things have been going to sh*t this days. If I don't hear from USCIS by the time I am back I will contact someone to find out why my case disappeared. Including why I had to send the same information twice as well, which was probably the culprit for the slow down.

Valerie - glad to hear your RFE was nothing serious. I hope things go quickly. Let me know if they are processing your RFE in MO and your EAD/AP in another state like mine. I am interested in comparing.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-22 17:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Vero! And congrats Wishing on the job offer! You girls got some good news in the immigration process but still nothing here. It's pretty depressing. Got some more bad news from home yesterday too, so things are extremely frustrating right now. Hopefully Vero since your NOA1 is just before mine it means mine is coming soon. No way it'll arrive in time for Christmas though so I can't go home. But EAD would be nice so I can get my EI going.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-19 13:55:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I haven't seen pumpkin work - that just makes them regular, soft up or firm up haha (as far as I know).

I'll tell him to go ahead and deposit it. I owe Service Canada money because they mis calculate (ps this happens regularly) and it'll go from one department to another!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-17 11:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

is it weird that he hasn't been given a biometrics appointment and we already have an rfe?

It would make MORE sense to me that way. Means they review your case. Apparently whoever reviews mine and gave me my apt didn't check it properly... I still swear if it weren't for that stupid tax thing I'd have my EAD/AP by now at least.

Best way to stop your dog from eating his own poop is to feed him pineapple. Makes it revolting to them.

Also maybe you guys can answer a question - my dad told me he finally got my HST cheque in the mail (which I was trying to get last summer)... am I still allowed to cash this? I could really use the money. Been taking out of our home savings to cover my additional expenses and it's getting depressing. I'd just hate to cash it and be asked to pay it back.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 17 December 2010 - 11:03 AM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-17 11:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
That's awesome Nickbits!!!!

Valerie78 - I KNOW your pain. I feel like ever since the RFE my application fell between the cracks. It was useless too - they already had what they asked for. It doesn't take long to get the hard copy in the mail though. Hopefully it's a simple fix.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-16 20:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Oh, and sorry this is a long post, but do you guys know if we're allowed to travel to the Bahamas before receiving out AP?

Bahamas no... but you can go to Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands. Hawaii too, but that's the other way haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-16 11:26:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Valerie78 is right. It's not just Frontline, that was just our case. It is ALL flea and tick medication. If you want to use the kind from your vet find out who their distributer is. If it's not counterfeit then watch closely. If you dog gets lethargic, soft stool, vomiting or itches at the spot you applied it (ie rolling around on its back to get it off) then discontinue use. There are home made remedies you can use without pesticides in them which are not harmful to your pet, as well you can buy holistic made kinds but they are expensive from my experience with buying these types of product for my own dog. A lot of stuff made for pets isn't good for pets. Our dog gets a special holistic brand of food and it's allowed dog made treats or edible chew items. We allow Nylabones and Kongs etc... but no 'chewies' rawhides, all that. Treats we give raw meat or fresh vegetables (only certain kinds though). My philosophy is if I won't take it or eat it, neither will my dog or cat. They aren't spoiled, just healthy! The rewards isn't only a healthier dog, they look better too. Nice soft shiny coats, they don't smell, go poop less and its not messy haha. It really affects the animal overall.

As for AP - we've given up hope. I couldn't care less when it arrives now. It won't be here for Xmas and there is no other reason why we wanted it. We're planning a dinner at our place for the single soldiers. The battery is on a 2hr recall so no one can go home for Xmas, and since they live in the barracjs they have no way of cooking themselves a meal and eating at the defact for Xmas is no fun. My mom and her bf are probably coming too, but it's normally my dad's family I spend Xmas with.

As for our Honeymoon, we were planning on Costa Rica but with no AP we've made changes to go to Puerto Rico. Leaving sometime around Dec 30-Jan 4.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-16 11:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yes the flea and tick meds. A lot of the Frontline and similar brands of medicine (not just for fleas and ticks) in the US is counterfeit. Only way to be sure is find out who the distributer for your vet is. If you buy it from Petco, Petsmart etc then it is counterfeit. Even the legit kind is dangerous. We avoid giving it and have been researching non chemical remedies but haven't tried any yet since it's winter.

My mom is taking it hard, mostly because she is all alone.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 15 December 2010 - 07:26 AM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-15 07:24:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats nickbits! Website schmebsite. That thing is never right it seems. You're so lucky on the immigration side of things. I really hope they figure something out soon so you can put your mind at ease on the medical side of things.

I on the other hand have had it up to here with USCIS. OK I'm just venting because my family dog had to be put down today (not my puppy, the one I grew up in my teens with, he was 12). He became terminally ill from the medication Frontline that was purchased in the US. It was sudden and unexpected. It doesn't follow the same regulations as in Canada. My mom lives alone and has been down lately already and I couldn't go 2hrs away to be there for her. Her house is covered in blood from the dog and she is stuck home alone without her pet cleaning after his accidents. I am really upset over the dog passing too, I raised him. It's a tearful grumpy day :crying: . If it were for that RFE who knows, maybe I'd have my AP by now. My AP and EAD are in one office and AOS is being filed in another. It seems like AP and EAD are out of the question or something. Sorry to be a grinch.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-13 21:53:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Also - you know whats cool and fun? When I crossed the border on Sept 3 I showed the border official my vehicle compliance letter and he said it was fine (I really wasn't sure what the proper steps were and was more distracted by the whole move because it was so exciting)... now that I am trying to get my NY plates they said I need the customs papers. So apparently they did absolutely nothing! This explains why they didn't give two sh*ts about the truck load of belongings, my cat and plants. Ugh... now I need to get a hold of them somehow to get them to process my compliance letter after the fact. Gotta love it!

At least it was easy getting my temporary license transferred. My ON license (G) expires Jan 12 and its clear I won't have my GC by then so I went to see what they can do so that I don't need to take a drivers test. Pretty much they just needed to fax my visa, current license, SSN, photo ID and marriage license to Albany and they can approve a one year license in advance - based on the assumption my GC will be approved haha. I think everyone else here has had no problem transferring, apparently NY is just weird.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 00:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Good Luck!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 00:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Wow nickbits - that's awful! Will you still go to the interview if they let you? Or is rescheduling your only option? I hope they find out soon and that its nothing serious.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-08 15:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Wishing! I know someone who had their interview last week and never heard anything regarding the EAD and AP. GC came first. I received a email on Dec 3 notifying me that my AOS case was touched on Nov 30 (but it didn't show until the 3rd). They confirmed they received our documents for the RFE. EAD and AP both still say Nov 19 as the last touch. I want SO BAD to get my AP before Christmas! I don't know why they bother asking why you want it if they don't seem to even care. I told them I had a wedding to attend outside the US on Dec 7 (today) and nothing. So sad I am missing it, they are a couple I've known since I was 13, and they came down for our wedding. Then I also mentioned how my husband and I were overseas last year and how important this holiday is to me... and how badly I'd like to go home. Realistically they don't have to give a damn haha but still. I'm just Christmas crazy and want to be able to visit home. They have to know though and be working faster.... right? People want to be able to go home for the holidays!

Nickbits - also forgot to add. Don't consider anything off topic in here anymore. I'd consider anything regarding our new experiences in the US and old ones back home all one topic haha. And that pretty much covers everything!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-07 14:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

This really isn't too relevant to this thread but I wanted to let my VJ friends know what's going on. I was taken to the er and admitted into the hospital last night for a seizure. I've never had one before and it really freaked my wife out. I'm waiting for some more tests right now as the first batch was inconclusive.

Moral of the story: don't cheap out on health insurance. I can only imagine the bill will be around 10k and I really wouldn't want to have to pay that myself.

Oh my goodness! Yes that would be absolutely terrifying. Hope you're doing well.

I've got Tricare, but if I didn't I would definitely not skimp on health ins.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-07 14:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ya the AOS is definitely easier because it's the 2nd time around. The only thing that confused me was the medical junk. VJ made it unclear so I went by what the application said and others confirmed.

Yes RFE was sent back last week. UPS confirmed it was received on Nov 24 however USCIS website has not listed any touches or updates. Really hope I get AP before Xmas! It's also getting annoying how a different family member emails or texts daily asking if I had have my GC yet. I've explained to them umpteen times what I am waiting for and how it works haha they act like I am keeping a secret, but it's USCIS that's keeping a secret hehehe. :lol:
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-01 11:34:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Phew! Yes they did. It was received in Lees Summit on Wednesday... so they probably have been enjoying the holidays and not updating the website :) I am just relieved it is back in their hands.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-29 11:38:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Other than the long wait that's awesome! Glad to hear everything is working out for your guys.

I on the other hand, still cannot track my UPS package so off to the store I go to make sure they actually sent it out!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-29 10:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Mine was touched the day of my apt. Prob will be delayed because of the holiday. Or in your case it seems the website is just useless haha. My RFE return still can't be traced through UPS so I plan on visiting Monday to see what their problem is.

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! I cooked an entire dinner from scratched and it turned out fantastic!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-27 21:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
WWWHHHHEEEIIINN (thats me being a baby). The UPS tracking number isn't in the system yet... that probably means someone forgot to enter it and I won't know when it arrives or it hasn't left yet so is still down the street. Remind me not to use UPS again. In Canada I refused but we're in a rural area without many options here.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-24 19:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
$5? For a flat envelope next day delivery is $40 with UPS.

Only after I paid $30 (because it has to be sent to a PO box they use diff methods) I remember that I wanted to try the US Post Office instead. Guess I was in too much of a rush to get the thing out I got frazzle brained. Too late now.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-23 19:53:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Tater&#######, sorry you're having such problems with this AOS RFE thing! :(

I feel like a weight's been lifted off my back; just received FOUR identical emails telling me USCIS has received my AOS/EAD package :D Was just starting to get worried it got lost in the mail. I guess my case hasn't been officially received yet, since the receipt number cannot be found on .. oh well, gotta give them time :)

It was the same with us, got 4 emails and couldn't login online haha. Can't login until you get the copy in hand that has the actually case #'s... it only took a couple days to get it though, and when you do login online after having the hard copy it'll show the NOA1 date, which is the day you got the emails, so don't worry!

yes... our case is back on track and hopefully it didn't slow us down too much. Hopefully I'll get my EAD/AP soon. I can only cross my fingers that everything is ready to go pending my RFE return!

Plus my K1 Visa was so quick and easy I shouldn't complain to much... we filed Apr 19 and had the Visa by the end of Aug haha. Took 4 months and 2 days.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 23 November 2010 - 07:38 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-23 19:37:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
The IRS faxed us new copies. I don't know whats wrong with what we had, we gave the same thing for my Visa. I know when I tried to print them this time it was being funky, so maybe it cut something off that I didn't notice. Either way the IRS faxed us new copies so I just sent those. If they still have a problem with it then I am at a loss.

Crappy thing is mail will be slow because of the Thanksgiving day holiday... ironic part is the same thing happened when I sent the package in Oct. Chicago office was closed for Canadian TG. One last vent, I still can't get over how much it costs to priority/express mail anything within the US. Mailing more from Canada to the US costs less.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-23 15:20:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ok so who knows what the problem is then. Ugh. Guess I have to send more copies... even though they had it to approve my Visa and I sent the same thing again. I will go over them carefully and make sure they printed right, because I know when I tried to print them for my AOS it came out funny, so I printed a second copy and sent those. 2007-2009.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-22 18:44:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I am SOOOO sick of USCIS. So after 1.5hrs waiting I spoke with another girl, in the same department because no supervisors were available. She just kept asking to same dumb questions and repeating the same script. I don't think she even knew what was going on until 15mins into our convo. All she could tell me was to resend what I sent the first time. She kept trying to transfer me to a supervisor but no one was 'available' and she said my best luck was to try again in an hour. I told her no thanks, I want priority and can wait on hold but she just kept saying there is no one to take my call now... like seriously in a two hour span no one is at their desk?

I tried asking her what the the name/code of the tax return form SPECIFICALLY so I can make sure I am sending the right thing but she kept ignoring my question. Probably didn't know the answer. I also asked if it is the wrong form then why was my Visa approved, when I submitted the exact same thing then. So did USCIS make an error? But no, no one can answer my questions and I should just mail back.

So in the end I took her ID number and am including a complaint letter with my returned info. If they are not happy with what I sent they can take it up with the 1-800 department because I already did and still am doing what I can on my part.

NOW-for the tax forms. What is the name or code for the form? What did you all send? A friend who lives on the same base sent the same as me and has her interview booked. We submitted the same tax forms as we did for the Visa.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-22 16:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Been on hold an hour. The first woman was jsut reading off a script and told me to resend what I sent the first time. I told her this made no sense because if they way 2 copies they can make them themselves. She then told me to contact an Immigration Lawyer. HAHA. I explained to her there is nothing wrong with my case and there is no need. I just need to know what was wrong with what I sent, that I do not want to keep resending the same forms and keep getting the same RFE. She just kept reading website instructions off a screen. What a dummie. I hate calling them because there is no 'service' in their customer service. Anyways, after telling her what I wanted a bunch of times she said that she would transfer me to a higher level of customer service. The announcements are in spanish and I've been waiting over an hour.

In the mean time I am texting Justin and turns out he may have given me the wrong forms. So I could strangle him about now. I am waiting until someone from 'higher level of customer service' to answer so I can a) tell them this wait time is absurd and they shouldn't refer to themselves as CR and b) ask exactly what they want me to send back as I thought I sent the right forms. Not mentioning that Justin told me he has even more detailed forms though. OMG. FML right now lol.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 22 November 2010 - 03:48 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-22 15:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Also got the wedding pics but am having troubles loading them. Send me a PM if you'd like to see them and I can give you my email to check it out on facebook. Otherwise... well they'll come eventually hahaha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-22 14:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Got the RFE, good news and bad news. It's not for the NOA2. Bad news is they said we didn't submit Justin's tax return forms, which we did. For the last 3 years. So in other words they just wasted our time. I'm trying to get through to someone on the phone now and figure out what they are talking about. Maybe we missed something. I know because he is in the military it is printed off a secure site and it prints it funny, so maybe they just don't like the way it looks. I am going to have him RE-PRINT it and just send that back in if its the case. All depends if the operators can tell me what number to push because none apply... UGH hate calling them. Stay tuned!

In other news, it says the RFE was just for my AOS (I-485) so hopefully I am still in the same timeline for my EAD and AOS. Really wanna go home for Xmas!!!

ps: vero... the RFE was on Nov 18, not 19th - just for your chart! They only sent the email notice the day after the RFE was issued.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 22 November 2010 - 02:54 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-22 14:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Why would you have yo leave after your i94 expires?

Wouldn't the worst case be to file an appeal after you get a replacement noa2?

Takes a long time to get a replacement copy (min 3 months they said) and it expires in Feb - I wouldn't be able to get one by then and then at that point would be overstaying. I would have to contact USCIS to see about making arrangements. If they seriously ask for that I will call in and fight it. We already tried once getting a replacement copy and were given the run around. Ended up getting some letter with was unrelated to our request. They know it was stolen off US government property, I told them that's why Idon't have it. They have my petition in hand with a huge red APPROVED stamp along with a copy of my visa. There is no reason they need a copy of the notice, it is a letter for our own reference. I spoke with many members who never sent it in and got their AOS approved. Plus why would they say that only AFTER I've had my biometrics? You think they would have had a look at my file prior. Maybe someone messed up on that and I need to go back for another appointment... who knows. I am not going to over analyze it until I get the notice in hand and will let you know.


Edited by Tater&Bugger, 21 November 2010 - 01:53 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-21 13:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I didn't read it anywhere on any of the forms. Which form is it attached to? The AOS one (can't remember the official code for it).

Wait I think I remember what you're referring to now, but I included a copy front and back of my Visa, which is what it recommends... now I can't remember where I saw that it told me that and I am heading out the door so don't feel like looking it up at the moment.

Hopefully they don't want the NOA2 otherwise I am SOL and will have to leave the US when my I-94 expires and either re-apply for a spouse Visa or have my husband move to Canada years before we planned and he not go to the school he wants.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-19 20:01:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I didn't read it anywhere on any of the forms. Which form is it attached to? The AOS one (can't remember the official code for it).
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-19 19:53:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
VJ mentions it but USCIS doesn't. Not that I read anywhere anyways, and I was very careful for this reason. They have proof of the approved petition, because they have the petition in hand and I also listed all my confirmation/tracking numbers on the cover page. I was advised by many on this site too that it is not needed, and many of them did not send copies.

If that's the case then I will have to leave the US and start all over again because it takes months to get a replacement copy. I've already spoken to USCIS and written a request for an expedited replacement copy but I can't get one. We've tried making a claim through the base where it was stolen but they are giving us problems on our claim because we weren't married at the time of the theft. So we are arguing that we would have been married if it weren't for the immigration system and the tour in Iraq he was on. Lot's of BS on their part. I also stated that it was HIS NOA2 on our claim.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-19 17:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Online it says all three but the notification by email was only for AOS. Can't know what it is until it arrives in the mail. I have no idea what it could be... I gave them everything! The only thing I didn't send which they don't ask for but mentions is a copy of the K1 petition NOA2. It was stolen, but nowhere does it say it needs to be sent in. I mean, they have the K1 approved petition itself haha. The only other thing is maybe the medical? However I send a copy of the invoice I got from Dr. Seidens and my immunization records, proof of negative TB. So my only other though is maybe I forgot to dot an eye or cross a t somewhere. Who knows. I am so upset because it pretty much means I won't make it home for Christmas.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-19 17:12:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
EEFF! I got an RFE. Just received the email notice this morning. I have no idea what it could be for since I sent them everything they ask for and more. Ugh. Frustrating. Hopefully it's something silly. Annoying though because I was hoping I could make it home for Xmas and an RFE will likely make that not possible :crying:
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-19 07:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
It's ok. My military spouse ID is the worst. I've never had any huge probs with IDs before. He showed me the pic before hand and then it printed onto the card it warped my eye so I look like frankenstein. No joke, people laugh when they see it.

I keep forgetting to go get my stupid license lol maybe next week......
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-18 13:58:00