Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pozdrav svima. Malo sam citao ranije postove, kontam da vas dosta vise i ne bude ovdje. No svejedno, odlucio sam napisati ovo, u nadi da ce neko procitati i dati barem priblizan odgovor.
Malo sam istrazivao internetom razne sajtove i vidim da je vecina viza i podnosioca viza pod nekim 'nevjerovatnim okolnostima' ..
Pod tim, nevjerovatno, mislim da nisam naisao ni na jedan primjer, gdje je neko lijepo i tecno objasnio postupak dobijanja istih i barem imao malo optimizma u svom pisanju. Vecinom su to neke kompleksne stvari, ili nesto fali ili neki peh, nije ni vazno. Razumijem ja da svaki organ u nekom sistemu ne radi onako kako treba da radi. Da se kasni, da se procesuira onako kako pase tim organima. Ali ne mogu shvatiti, da bas svaka 'viza' je slucaj. Na svakoj negdje ima neka greska, neki problem i slicno. Nadam se, da sam valjda naisao na cudne primjere. E sada bi imao par pitanja, a i ukratko pojasnim status ..
Ja u BIH, ona u USA ... Ona drzavljanin USA (rodjena tamo) , ja BIH ... Zajedno smo i vec se kontamo uzeti ... Ja iskreno i nemam neku zelju otici iz BIH, jer imam sasvim pristojan zivot, stovise i iznad nekog prosjeka. Ali nakon razgovora i razgovora, musko izgleda popusti. Zeli me tamo, jer i ona ima vec solidan zivot tamo. (vratim se ja brzo nazad biggrin.png ) ..
Htio sam pitati, sto se tice viza, koja je najpametnija? Jer ja iskreno ne zelim cekati, jer zelimo biti vec zajedno, ionako je daljina problem.
Znaci, kojom vizom pokusati?K-1 mozda i koliko je min,a koliko max procesuiranja? Znam da ima vise centara. 
Mada smo pricali o vjencanju i ja bi to najradije ovdje. E sada smo culi, da je to moguce obaviti i u USA Embassy. Da li je to moguce i koju bi vizu na osnovu tog vjencanja trazio za sebe? I koliko je min/max procesuiranja?
Razmisljao sam i o radnoj vizi neko vrijeme, ali to bi bila strasna procedura.
Uglavnom, da vise ne duljim, prepustam ovo u ruke vas strucnjaka, koji ste se bavili ovim. Ja bi samo volio znati, koja je najbrza okolnost, da bi dobili vizu? Vjerenicka, vjencanje u ambasadi ili nesto trece? Hvala unaprijed, pozdrav svim dobrim ljudima.


Mi smo se odlucili za vjerenicku, K1. Proces je trajao od oktobra prosle godine, dakle od momenta kad smo predali dokumente, a polovinom augusta ja imam intervju u americkoj ambasadi.

Najbrzi legalni put, bez suvisnog rizikovanja je ovaj. Dakle u prosjeku nekih 10ak mjeseci sve skupa.

Ti mozes ici u USA ako imas turisticku vizu za to vrijeme.


Supruznicka viza navodno se ceka preko godinu dana. Ali ne znam nikoga da posvjedoci proces.


ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-27 12:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pozdrav raji

i svima koji su u istom loncu.


Imam tri pitanja ( ako kogod zna info ili je bio u slicnoj dilemi, bila bih zahvalna do neba):


1. doslo mi je na E-mail obavjestenje o tome koje dokumente trebam popuniti, ali ni traga Paketu 3.


2. moze li neko napisati tacno sta se trazi tj. sta je nosio u ambasadu da potvrdi vjerodostojnost forumlara I-134


3. procitala sam negdje da navodno sam moras znati da li treba da poneses tax-return zadnjih godinu dana , il par godina unazad,

    ako je tako gdje to saznati ?


hvala svim drugarima unaprijed


ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-06-11 13:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPreparation for interview, phone records etc...

what was the 7 questions



I had only five questions.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-25 09:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPreparation for interview, phone records etc...

I had an interview 10 days ago, and I have prepared myself with hundreds printed pages of e-mails, and pictures and many other stuff.


Lady in the embassy did not look at even one thing.


She just asked me several questions, asked me if I can swear that everything that was written is truth, and that was pretty much it.


good luck

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-25 05:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow are you notified of packet 3

I did not get package 3 by postal office, but by e-mail.


The lady at embassy told me that is the way they do it right now.


At least in my country.....

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-27 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI want yours opinions




I'm glad for you and youre fiance...but we were aprroved last monday...exactly on 29.april...soo we are on our next step...NVC....God bless us!I wish you smooth journey...


I am glad for you too. goofy.gif


Good luck with everything.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI want yours opinions

My fiance and I applied on Octobar 12th, and received NOA2 yesterday.


We applied through Vermont Visa Center.



Edited by ineskizah, 05 May 2013 - 07:47 AM.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho to contact regarding K1 application status other than embassy?



maybe this is not reply to your concrete case but I am having troubles in my embassy too, and wonder who can I contact more to have some explanations.


Lady who I spoke to an hour ago told me that she does not have still available dates for interview, since she did not get it from someone ( she told me it is NVC who has to provide those info to embassies), so I am waiting.


and it is driving me crazy

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-15 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers

My fiance and me are also October 2012. aplicants. We applied on 10th October.


We got NOA 2 on May 5th, and few days ago NVC informed us that documents are transfered to

embassy in Bosnia.


So I guess October is ON.


good luck

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-28 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLong waiting to get interview date, anyone else?

Just to sing myself - WE GOT IT  !


Yupiiii, good luck to everyone else here.



ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-25 05:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLong waiting to get interview date, anyone else?

On monday they told me that I have appointment on August 13.



so happy



ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-24 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLong waiting to get interview date, anyone else?

Hi people,

embassy is driving me crazy ranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gif


I have been already writing to this forum about other stuff, and had great help from several members. Thanx.


I got NOA 2 in May, waiting little bit in US to have exam, and got back home to start collecting documents.

Have done all (papers, medical exam ) and now I am having problem scheduling interview in US embassy.


Every time I called lady tells me that they are waiting some lists for available dates for K1 visa interview.

I just do not understand who provides those list of available dates.

The lady in embassy told me that NVC provides available dates.


Now she told me to call for two weeks so we will see if there would be any available dates for august.

Every time I called they tell me - call for 7, or more days. ClockWatch2.gifClockWatch2.gifClockWatch2.gif


 I am so confused with that protocol. 


Anyone has similar problem???


ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-15 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time to reply on Package 3?

Thank you Dave + Loni.


I am trying to put myself in realistic frame of obligations and decision.



ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time to reply on Package 3?

Hi to everyone.

I am reading this usefull information on forum, but still have question that`s named in title.


My case is like this (I will try not to bother too much).

My finace (US citizen) and me started visa proces on 12th of October 2012.

While waiting we decided for me to come to US trying to pass nostrification exam

(it is called USMLE steps) for medical diploma.

I scheduled my test on June 24th, and our NOA2 arrived yesterday!!

Test is expensive, and  I do not want to cancel it.

But I assume that my Package 3 will arrive sooner than I can arrive to my homeland.


Does anyone has similar experience, or

does some of you know  hom much time do  have to reply to US embassy

when Package 3 arrives?


any help is wellcomed



ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere is Packet 3 sent to?

I got ONLY e-mail from US embassy from my country, stating that THERE`S NO MORE PACKET 3.

They are sending only e-mail with information what you need to collect.

When you collect all they have asked for, you should call them and arrange your appointment.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-06-30 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting ready for the interview- HELP

I was visiting my fiance in US when NOA 2 arrived.


So i could take many documents that I would probably need for interview.

Prepare I-134, and everything that will approve I-134.

That means letter from a work about job and salary, tax return, bank account.


I also took NOA 2 approval, and bill for paying visa.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-15 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview next week! Hope we didn't forget anything...

I have question for all.


Did they tell you in a letter from embassy that you should translate every document to English?


I got letter from embassy and they did not mention that anywhere. So I asked lady who made appointment for interview if I need so, and she said to me twice that I DO NOT NEED TO TRANSLATE any documents that I have on my mother language, to English.


being confused now....

Edited by ineskizah, 27 July 2013 - 10:01 AM.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-27 10:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeneral K1 Guides and Info

Not a problem at all, many people need a few weeks/ a couple of months to gather the documents and such.


That`s relief.


thanx Q.P.

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeneral K1 Guides and Info

Queen Penguin

thank you very much for your fast replying.


My exam will be on June 24th.


I thought to change my flying ticket for home, immediately after exam.


Do you think that will make problem if first replay to embassy on Package 3 wait for 2-3 WEEKS?



I assume this time frame. So I am trying to prepar myself what to do if it happens this way.


thanx once again

ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeneral K1 Guides and Info

Hello to everybody.

I am a new here and trying to collect all the information that I need for K1 visa proces.

Does anyone has this "problem" ??


In short notice, my finace (US citizen) and I applied for K1 visa on october 2012.

I allready have tourist visa, which I used to visit him during 3  and a half year of relationship.

We decided that it would take a while to get approval for everything, and since I am a physician in my homeland

I should probably be staying in US trying to pass exams for nostrification of my medical diploma while waiting and

in meantime we hope NOA2 would come.

I applied for my exam at 24th of June 2013. and yesterday we received NOA2 !!!

We were extremely happy, BUT package 3 will probably arrive to my homeland before the date of my exam.


My question to members: how much time do I have to send first documents (forms) and repllies to US embassy?


I do not want to cancel my exam, it costed lot of money, but I wont be able to arrive in my homeland so soon.

I am not sure if embassy will make some problems if I don`t  replly the form immediately.


if anyone knows,  or have experinece it would decrease this hardly  bearable stress crying.gif


thank you all  goofy.gif




ineskizahFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-05-05 07:32:00