US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support problem
[quote name='luv2uallday' date='Oct 30 2006, 12:10 AM' post='536567']
well in your country it may be of legal age but here it is not..... the legal age is 18 as the last time i checked... and this is a free country.. you have your right to think your way everyone has their right to think the other.. and there is a line here that has been crossed. what you are doing is sick.. its wrong.. and i do have to right to point that out just cause you don't like it doesn't mean you don't have to face it.... Just cause you have support of the family doesn't change the morality of it all.. I saw something utterly disgusting that was posted and you expect me to look the other way? don't think so. until she is of legal age i don't think you deserve our help or our support.... after that age then you can deserve it....

we should not contribute to your perversion. we should condemn it....

Wow, errrm, yeah that was honest, not helpful regarding my questions, but honest!

To answer you, my fiancee's entire family together with my entire family are all behind us. They have given their full support to the both of us and are very happy for us. Her father has custerdy of her and has given his full permission for us to get married.

To be honest you have no right to lecture me about my relationship, so I suggest we stick to helping me with my questions if you could. :ot2:



I hate to sound mean and cruel.. But i am gonna post something that is HONEST..
you are almost 24 yrs old she is 17 yrs old. can't you find somene of LEGAL age to date? I don't think we should help or support anyone who is pursuing uderage children.... I hope and pray your visa is denied. That you are forced to be seperate or at least till she is OF LEGAL AGE... when did you meet her? when she was 15 or 16? I think you are sick. have a nice day. I do hope and pray she will recover from her illness. cause cause it is a hard road to travel on... take my advice look for women not girlz...

It's time for someone to get over themselves luv2uallday starting a flame war, or attempting to do so your first shot out the door is not going to be received very warmly, especially on these boards, for when you need help in the future. I suggest you keep your belief system to yourself and call it a day.

Edited by zethris, 29 October 2006 - 11:50 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-10-29 23:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanother I-134 pitfall??
One more thing, my mother can only give xerox copies of the tax return. Do the tax return documents HAVE to be originals?
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 09:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanother I-134 pitfall??

You know what annoys me about all this??? It's the fact that if they made it easier to get an EAD the I-134 wouldn't matter as much because most of us aliens want to work as soon as we can.

Ok..phew... I feel better now that's out!!! :blink:

Even though that would make the most sense, I am betting that because of all this illegal alien/illegal
worker ####### even legal working such as getting an EAD is seen as "just one more drain on American jobs" and so is being put on the back burner with no change in sight.

As it is, it sounds like we have to figure out how to survive for a year on only my income, or have her too work for "under the table" pay.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 08:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanother I-134 pitfall??
I was going to ask almost the same questions. Why in the world does it need to be notarized to begin with. What does that prove? I can understand the I-134 being notarized. But having anything else notarized seems kind of silly. What seriously, in reality, needs to be notarized? As it is I am having my mother be a co-sponser to avoid any risk of them deciding my evidence isn't enough for some reason.

Also, would I have to have paystubs with a signed letter from the owner of the company I work for plus a signed bank statement?

Or would paystubs and the signed letter be enough?

If I am combining with my mother who has tax returns and 2 profit and loss statements, plus the notarized and signed affidavit would that be enough? Or does she need to also send with it the signed bank statement?

Edited by zethris, 02 November 2006 - 12:07 AM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 00:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOh Noooo!! another !-134 pitfall ???
I was going to ask almost the same questions. Why in the world does it need to be notarized to begin with. What does that prove? I can understand the I-134 being notarized. But having anything else notarized seems kind of silly. What seriously, in reality, needs to be notarized? As it is I am having my mother be a co-sponser to avoid any risk of them deciding my evidence isn't enough for some reason.

Also, would I have to have paystubs with a signed letter from the owner of the company I work for plus a signed bank statement?

Or would paystubs and the signed letter be enough?

If I am combining with my mother who has tax returns and 2 profit and loss statements, plus the notarized and signed affidavit would that be enough? Or does she need to also send with it the signed bank statement?

P.S. this was also posted in another thread but I know I only go to a couple on this forum so like Johnta, I wanted to post here too to make sure the best people who will know are sure to see it. I am only days away from sending all my paperwork finally to my fiancee so she can be ready for her interview on Dec 4th.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 00:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan the tax return be xeroxed copies?
Thanks Yodrak. I just it's just a gamble then. All I can do is hope for the best.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-07 15:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan the tax return be xeroxed copies?
Thank you for the information. Unfortunatly I may not have the "luxury" of overwhelming the CO with evidence that I could support her. I am on a new career path, right out of collage with a $64,000 student loan and a
pitiliy entry level pay level job for 7 months that pays $26,000/yr and a side business not old enough to have filed taxes yet.

What I really need to know now I guess is if I now have to be the primary sponsor or if my mother can be.

I am so sick of this and these games they play.

There goes my sleep for the night I guess. I'm sick to my stomach again. Welcome back nausea, I missed you since the IMBRA fiasco.

Edited by zethris, 04 November 2006 - 01:46 AM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-04 01:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan the tax return be xeroxed copies?

Manila does not accept cosponsors for K1 visas

What?!? This is the first time in two years I ever heard of that!

So what the hell am I supposed to do if the officer there thinks I am not making enough?
I doubt it is always just as simple as being 125% above poverty level. They may note
I have been at my new job (which I took in preparation for my new life) less than a year.

The bullcrap just keeps continuing doesn't it. No wonder there are so many illegals in the USA.

So I have to be the primary sponsor and thats it? I wouldn't be able to use my mother as
a sponsor at all?

Edited by zethris, 04 November 2006 - 12:59 AM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-04 00:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan the tax return be xeroxed copies?
My mother is going to be a co-sponsor on backup if they happen to ask, so she is self employed with two successful businesses and she will be sending her tax return and P&L statements one for each business from last year.

Are xerox copies ok? She needs the originals for her records.

Also, is the tax return and Proffit and Loss statements good enough for supporting evidence? Or
is that not going to be considered two things and she needs to have the signed bank letter also?
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 20:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiona scenario for sponsor/co-sponsor- I-134 will it work?
Any helpers out there? I have read everything I could. I just want to make sure I am on the right track.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 20:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiona scenario for sponsor/co-sponsor- I-134 will it work?
I will be filling out an affidavit and be the primary sponsor.

I make $30,000/year from my regular job that i had been at for 6 months as of December. (plus extra
that I have yet to file taxes for as it's a new business started this year)

just a few weeks prior I had a job that was $25,600 and started that December of last year.
So most likely I will include pay stubs from both positions and letters from both positions, correct?

having the paystubs and the signed letters from my employers, is that enough? Or is something
else required too like the bank letter?

What if I hadn't had an account for a full year with them yet? What do you think it is specifically that
they need to look at? Just proof of direct deposits? Or do they actually care about what is actually in
the account? After all this time wasted with IMBRA, and keeping Elaine afloat for 7 months more than
planned i'm drained of my savings and live paycheck to paycheck until she gets here and can start working
doing my web design business and I wouldn't have to send anything over there to help supplement her
income with her current job in bohol. (pays about $50/mo equiv. and I don't buy into people who then say she should live in a ####### heap because of that)

Part 2:

I have my mother filling out an affidavit of support just in case my stuff isn't good enough.

First question on this, if she is combined with me automatically, does she still have to have 2 forms of
proof of being able to offer support because I have at least one already? OR will the tax return from 2005 and the 2 P&L statements from her businesses be enough? If not, should she send me the signed letter from the bank too?

She had a typo from what she has in the bank and put a period where there should be a comma (example 77.679, rather than 77,679) would that require her to completely fill out and re-notarize the I-134? Or are they not exactly the most robotic bureaucrats but actually have some logic, reasoning and humanity left there at the embassy?

Part 3:

In your experience, do you think what I have should be enough already? Should Elaine offer both affidavits up front or wait for them to ask for a co-sponsor? In other words am I sounding too paranoid?
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 12:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK Visa Interviews - All consulates
I checked yes, phils embassy, it was a "just in case" move if they end up legislating that all online social websites are a form of an IMB by the time the imbra RFE ever went through. Interview is scheduled foor december 4th and we did meet twice before march 6th in person.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 11:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Just wanted to give an update. We got the Visa on the 12th and she will be flying here on Friday the 15th :D :dance: :dance: :dance:
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-13 13:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I agree. I was wondering WHEN we should start freaking-out that the visa has not released from embassy yet. Due to this info, I still have at least two-days before I should start spending a zillion dollars to call the embassy and talk to people who can't give me an answer.

Just a data point for you... Our interview was on Monday 4th. The passport was released about noon yesterday. Delbros site shows it as out for deliver today. (I am not celebrating until I read the visa inside the passport).
Hopefully yours will be released soon... as you probablhy know, the Delbros site claims the embassy can take 5 to 7 days to release and I'd assume those are working days...

What is your fiance/e's loc? We had our interview the same day, but delbros says 12/4/2006 2:30:08 PM SHIPMENT PROCESS IN THE EMBASSY.

She is in bohol.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-07 20:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

St. Lukes discovered that she had active TB! She is undergoing treatment and will not be eligible for her interview in 6 months. No one knew of her aliment until she went to the medical exam, about a week early. St Lukes told her that they canceled the interview, for now.

OK, what do they mean active TB? Did she test positive for exposure (most common) or did they run labs and x-rays to determine if she has TB? The treatment is 9 months not 6... my daughter and I both tested positive for exposure. If she has active TB, make sure she gets the proper treatment and medications.

I would think all you would have to do is contact the Embassy and reschedule the interview since you have a medical justification for delaying it and her missing the interview. Good Luck, Payato

I am also interested in what happened at the initial medical exam date. When the x-rays were taken, what happened then? I have a friend who's fiancée had her medical recently. They have asked her to come back for three days of phlem testing. Did the same happen to you? When did they inform the girl she had active TB? Thanks, Marilyn and Peter.

I am sorry, but I am not able to get to my computer everyday. I sent her a text message, but she might not get it until after she gets back from the hospital. (She takes the meds everyday, roughly PM, but does not take her phone because of too many thieves). Anyhow, my work requires that I travel as part of my job. I will reply to this as soon as I am able too. Sorry for the delays.

Anyhow, she was fine before the exam. However during the am of the exam, she felt a little sick plus she started bleeding a little bit out of her mouth. She had no idea that she was sick or had TB until the Exam, itself.

During the exam, in addition to the blood from her mouth (which never happened before then), the examiners said that her heartbeat was unusual. She said that it was actually slow. They took the X-rays but I am not sure if they new for sure about the TB at this time. They had he take some extra tests and stuff and told her that she had to go back to St. Luke's on the 17th of November. This was on November 8th. When she went back, she was told by people at St. Lukes that she failed the exam and could not go to the Embassy interview, that was scheduled for November 20.

From the 8th to the 17th, she did not officially know that she failed the exam, but knew that there was a problem. Because she did not believe that she was actually sick, she really thought that she would pass those tests and even told me that all was fine. She was very shocked to find out that she failed the exam, but did not know until she was told on the 17th. It took her a few days to tell me because she was so devastated. It took her a little bit longer to tell me what happened because a friend told her that I would dump her. (That is not true!) She would not tell me why she failed the exam, only that she did. So, I called St. Lukes and found out what happened. Only then would she tell me what happened. (Basically, she was ashamed of what happened)

Since then, she says that she has gotten better, or at least feels better.

About the regime: St. Luke's told me that she must take medication everyday. After 3 months, she will have another x-ray and then continue on for 3 more months (6 months total) of medication. After the 6 month mark, she will have to have another X-ray taken. From then, it will be determined if she improved and could travel to the USA. St. Luke's was pretty firm on the 6 month part. I am not sure if that is based upon how sick she is or if that is a standard time line.

Note, St. Luke's said that the medication was free, but that she had to take it there. For the weekends, when they are closed, they do give her medication to take with her. She is fortunate enough that she does have a place to stay at in Manila, at a relatives place. She only needs to pay for the transportation to get to St. Luke's and return each day.

The thing that gets me is that St. Luke's used the word "infectious" to describe her condition, yet she is able to stay at her Grandma's place. I would think that they would quarantine her or something.

She is infectious, and actually highly contagious if she has active TB. However, that doesn't mean everyone around her will get it. Also, there isn't a CDC in Manila governing the hospitals and who is allowed to go home like here so there isn't mandatory quarantine except for outbreaks and then the military quarantines the area.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-05 13:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Im going to be Calling them every day until they are so sick of me they will approve the Visa!
I will be very Calm but Very Persistant.
I gave them Originals for every Document that was listed!
Even original Divorce Papers!
Whats worse is......My Fiance does not think there is any problem!.... I don't know how im gonna tell her. She did ask an officer there if we now are on AR. The officer said everything is in order. She then asked why is nothing checked off for a reason to not approve on the 221G? He would not aswer but reassured Her. So She thinks all is well....
Sounds to me like they just wanted to not have another upset person crying there & just wanted to move on to the next person huh? They just kept telling Her there was "No Problem"!

She Quit Her Job before the interview. Her last day is Dec. 10th. Hello Western Union from here till whenever to pay Her bills.

Did they let her pay the Delbros fee? Maybe it is a name check?

Yes, She payed the Fee at Delbros.
Who Knows what is going on. Im Praying your right on the name check.
She did tell me that Her Birth Certificate was not perfectly clear where her name is written. But it was easilly intelligible. She had 2 copies made from 2 differnt places & both were the same quality. That is the Only thing I can think of that may be happening.

I vote name check.

I just got off the phone with ext # 5184. She said it's a preliminary backround check on the Documents my Fiance submitted. I mentioned to her about how the Birth Certificate Original was not completely clear & She said that most likely is the Problem. My Problem is that She said we now must wait 4 to 6 weeks for the review.
Oh well...It is what it is....

My fiancee had to put in a name correction, the original one was hand typed wrong. Then, even the correction had a typo and the name wasn't on the line! So we applied again for another correction and finally that one went through. We were worried that a BG check might happen because of these corrections. This actually was what took almost a year for us to do even before we filed the original documents to the VSC. It may almost have been better for us to just have the thing to in AR for 4-6 weeks because each correction took like 4 months in between to finally receive the dang things.

So because we tried to be too careful, ultimately I suspect that even if it takes 4-6 weeks, just know we spent almost 8 months making sure the cert was in pristine condition before we filed when we could ahve just filed and got an AR. lol
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-05 13:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Im going to be Calling them every day until they are so sick of me they will approve the Visa!
I will be very Calm but Very Persistant.
I gave them Originals for every Document that was listed!
Even original Divorce Papers!
Whats worse is......My Fiance does not think there is any problem!.... I don't know how im gonna tell her. She did ask an officer there if we now are on AR. The officer said everything is in order. She then asked why is nothing checked off for a reason to not approve on the 221G? He would not aswer but reassured Her. So She thinks all is well....
Sounds to me like they just wanted to not have another upset person crying there & just wanted to move on to the next person huh? They just kept telling Her there was "No Problem"!

She Quit Her Job before the interview. Her last day is Dec. 10th. Hello Western Union from here till whenever to pay Her bills.

Did they let her pay the Delbros fee? Maybe it is a name check?

Yes, She payed the Fee at Delbros.
Who Knows what is going on. Im Praying your right on the name check.
She did tell me that Her Birth Certificate was not perfectly clear where her name is written. But it was easilly intelligible. She had 2 copies made from 2 differnt places & both were the same quality. That is the Only thing I can think of that may be happening.

I vote name check.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-04 18:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thats about how I feel today.

and man did I get some sleep like I haven't slept in months last night. My body and overall stress from this... jeeze I feel like a warrior fresh from a 2 year long battle and trying to recuperate and heal the cuts. It's hard to explain it otherwise.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-04 15:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Well, about now Jenalyn is getting up and preparing to go to the embassy for her 7:30 interview. I try and put-on a confident "face" and say no problem and automatic approval. I can't imagine how she's feeling, because I'm a nervous wreck. But she's strong and smart, so I'm sure she will do just fine.

I was right there with you all day yesterday. Actually her interview was the same time as yours too, but yesterday. So I know how you feel right now.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-04 15:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Well My Friends...........
It appears I have been placed on Administrative review! I think!!!!?
They Gave my Fiance a 221 form that was left blank except for "wait until you hear from us!"
We have all Orginal Documents.... Everything Notorized..... Many Pictures.....My Fiance answered all questions correctly.....!
My Fiance said the Woman who did the Interview was Extremely Rude to Her. My Fiance saidthat SHe was nice to the Woman even though She was Rude to Her. She Did not accept all the countless examples of Evidence we have to present to them. My Fiance said She was a Filipino Worker there who did the Interview.
2 friends my Fiance made while at the Interview got there K1's WITHOUT PHOTOGRAPHS!
My Congessman got Voted Out & will no longer help me too!

Was your fiancee's birth certificate "late registered" or was it "corrected"? Was your fiancee requested to get any documents?

I'm feeling your pain and frustration. I pray you get information and results quickly.

No to all of those questions...
The 221G form was Blank...... Nothing checked off...No request for anything at all.
All that was on the form was at the bottom "Wait until you hear from us"

That would be the part where, even if the lady was rude, I'd try to get them to be more specific to me and not allow them to usher me away until I got an answer. That kind of thing really fries me. I feel for you Madison.

Please Ecuse my French here but.....
Our System Is A Cluster FU&K!

Based upon what you have said, the evidence to back up your statement is the fact that the interviewer was a filipina. I would think that at this phase of the process your girl should have seen an American CO.

Elaine said Her's was a Filipino. he was really nice and made her feel comfortable and even enough for at the end when she asked if he was, he said nah. I'm an American.
Maybe it was a case of the "jaded DMV worker" syndrome with the consul that Madison had. It was my greatest fear for Elaine. SO i really feel for them.

Edited by zethris, 04 December 2006 - 03:11 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-12-04 15:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
One word... APPROVED!!!! Finally after almost a 2 year long process to get everything ready and submitted and done. It's DONE!!!

Thanks everyone.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-03 23:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Interview in a little under an hour now for my baby ko. We spent until 7am my time making sure everything was as ready as possible and double and triple checking everything. Here is hoping all goes well.
zethrisNot Telling02006-12-03 17:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
A week from today is the final interview and boy are we nervous. Elaine is in Manila right now, already had her medical examination and got her immunizations but the last big hurtle it seems is that final interview. I hope that all our hard word pays off and there isn't some achilies heel of a document we didn't hear that they demand (such as the many who probably were not informed of the electronic 156 form).

Here goes something...
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-27 18:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Ok thanks. Just wanted to make sure. We are coming right down to the wire now :D

Getting butterflies.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-15 13:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
whew good to know. Our's is on the 4th. I believe thats a Monday.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-15 12:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
A couple questions:

What might "Extended port of entry" mean?

We are doing practice questions for the interview and that one came up. Any ideas?

Elaine will be going to Manila on Friday her time, so the day after tomorrow, and then she will try to get into the medical exam earlier than the 27th.

...does she need to make some calls to reschedule the medical appointment? or is is first come first serve?
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-15 11:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Nm. didn't see Uling's post.

Well anyways, I sent all the papers in yesterday, here is the nail biting thus beginning. It's in Kentuky right now hopefully going to be put on a plane nd supposedly
going to be delivered by next Thursday. I hope it gets there safely.

Edited by zethris, 09 November 2006 - 04:20 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-09 16:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
What is this PRISM thing? I have looked back and it kind of looks like something started in PM's then moved to the board because it just suddenly came up.

Is that the seminar where they try to scare the beneficiary by saying to look out for spousal abuse, etc? Eg. the one that can only be done in Manila or Cebu?

Or is this something else?
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-09 15:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Total brain lapse here, I forget because of all the time that has passed since the IMBRA fiasco, do I need to send any passport photos of myself to my fiance for her interview outside of the one attached to the replica of the I-129F I made of the one I sent to the USCIS originally?

I am going to be sending everything today. I just want to make sure I have everything right.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-08 11:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Tomorrow is the day I ship all the documents to my sweetie. I hope it's everything that is needed. We are so nervous. Mostly because we desire so much to finally have the relief of being together and that we can finally start moving forward.


I know the feeling...

I was in your shows a few weeks ago. Besides ensuring that your beloved is solid on your background and paperwork, you have now gone as far as you can go. If you don't have a hobby... get one because the psychological strain of dwelling on it is deadly. It will all be a distant memory soon enough.

To your continued success...

Cheers!!! Posted Image

Sheriff Uling

Well with IMBRA and all the extra stuff, this doesn't feel much different, so I guess I've been vetted enough to deal with this part of the process. I just wish I could at least know for a certainty that I have everything they are "really" asking for outside of the words they used. I have a feeling there is a lot of unsaid requirements that Elaine will run into when getting there. But I hope not.

Edited by zethris, 07 November 2006 - 04:20 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-07 16:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Tomorrow is the day I ship all the documents to my sweetie. I hope it's everything that is needed. We are so nervous. Mostly because we desire so much to finally have the relief of being together and that we can finally start moving forward.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-07 14:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Well I just heard you cant use co-sponsers for the affidavit of support?


That is completely and utterly possibly earth shattering if true.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-04 00:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Packet 4 stuff:

Should the online version of DS-156 form, and the regular written version of that form be both used (2 copies of each)?

How about the DS 157? And which is which?

Are only those two types of forms needed? We want to make sure that she has the forms needed for the interview and medical.

Also and finally, I will be sending my stuff to her already, so that should fill in the rest of the gaps there once she has it in hand. It's taken a while to get the I-134 sorted out.

I hope they don't screw us and say it needs to go into AR for some bogus reason.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-03 23:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
So I guess the ridiculousness just doesn't end.

(who is YYB?)

I wonder why they don't just have tickets that are flexible and if you can't make the date, you just pay that rebooking fee, even though non-refundable, they still eventually get used or expire. I find it completely stupid that if for some reason something happens and you can't make that exact flight you are totally forfeit and out 800-1000 dollars.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-03 21:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

hi zethris here's the deal, i cant speak for everyone but my own reasons for purchasing tickets prior to visa issuance. if the tickets were bought prior to hand, the usually cost a lot cheaper. i think that is the underlying reason why most of us bought tickets ahead of time. but if you buy the tickets after visa issuance, i dont see that there should be a problem except that it MAY (may being the operative word) cost a little bit more and the chances of running out of seats during peak season is quite high. christmas, new years and the like. other than that, you are free to buy whenever you choose to. :)

for flights to asia, the peak times are a week or two before christmas up to a week after new years. unfortunately though that the prices will start rising again towards the end of january due to chinese new year. then come february prices will go back down.

i hope this helps

It was suggested somewhere to be very careful at buying tix before the interview because you never know what is going to happen. Does that hold true? Or is is safe to say that if i buy the tix now for Dec 14th when the interview is on the 4th of Dec it should be ok? The tix prices seem to go up anytime after that to the major holiday prices ($1000+) What happens if there is a delay past the 14th, am I out $800?

Edited by zethris, 03 November 2006 - 08:49 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-03 20:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
So even though it's probably been asked before, i'll ask now. When should the tickets to the states be bought exactly? Before so it's cheaper? Or right after the visa is in hand?

One caveat I have now is that we are coming up to the holidays and tickets get more expensive as we creep closer to Christmas and into even feb they stay pretty elevated.

What do you guys recommend?

Also, if I buy them at, I can send her the e-ticket code and she can pick them up just fine at the PAL ticket office, right? (she wants to fly PAL because I told her how much I enjoyed the flight, and she wants to easily be able to talk to others)

Edited by zethris, 03 November 2006 - 06:47 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-11-03 18:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
so i'm lost, we are saying don't take it too soon, but don't take it too far away from the interview? What is ideal? and I am not sure of the specific reasons why a week away from the interview date is a bad thing?
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

It wouldn't seem as if we had an sort of choice when the medical exam is as it was scheduled for Nov 27th, a week before the interview.

It does appear that way but SLEC is first come first serve so they are all about money and don't really care when you show up. You can call SLEC and let them know that you want to make an earlier appointment or you can just show up. The USE informed me that the medical exam date scheduled on your letter is really the drop dead date to get it accomplished and that it's preferred if we could take it beforehand.

There's another reason to get it earlier, if you have the possibility of conceiving a child right away. :blush:

She will get an MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine at the exam. The medical community recommends a 28-day wait after getting a Rubella vaccine because it contains live attenuated virus with a potential for birth defects (though this has never been known to be caused by the virus in the vaccine yet). The reason for the recommended wait is that it takes about 28 days to make sure her body has killed off all the virus in the vaccine.

But they wont hold that as any sort of issue for the results sent to the interview right? Meaning it's been only two weeks since the vaccine and the interview is scheduled. They realize that it needs to be assumed that people are going to be responsible adults and control themselves until they are ready to have a child, that it's no rush. I'd take issue to having to send Elaine a whole month earlier just because everyone else can't keep it in their pants and they've had to make a regulation that says no visa is issued until 28 days after the vaccination.

No, that medical issue has nothing to do with the scheduling of the interview or issuing of the VISA, but it's something we need to keep in mind. The USE is not concerned about our sexual behavior or family planning, or lack of either. ;)

jeeze thank God for that. I think that if the immigration process got any more "1984" we are all screwed.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 12:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

It wouldn't seem as if we had an sort of choice when the medical exam is as it was scheduled for Nov 27th, a week before the interview.

It does appear that way but SLEC is first come first serve so they are all about money and don't really care when you show up. You can call SLEC and let them know that you want to make an earlier appointment or you can just show up. The USE informed me that the medical exam date scheduled on your letter is really the drop dead date to get it accomplished and that it's preferred if we could take it beforehand.

There's another reason to get it earlier, if you have the possibility of conceiving a child right away. :blush:

She will get an MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine at the exam. The medical community recommends a 28-day wait after getting a Rubella vaccine because it contains live attenuated virus with a potential for birth defects (though this has never been known to be caused by the virus in the vaccine yet). The reason for the recommended wait is that it takes about 28 days to make sure her body has killed off all the virus in the vaccine.

But they wont hold that as any sort of issue for the results sent to the interview right? Meaning it's been only two weeks since the vaccine and the interview is scheduled. They realize that it needs to be assumed that people are going to be responsible adults and control themselves until they are ready to have a child, that it's no rush. I'd take issue to having to send Elaine a whole month earlier just because everyone else can't keep it in their pants and they've had to make a regulation that says no visa is issued until 28 days after the vaccination.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 12:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
ok thanks for the heads up. I gues Elaine will be heading to Manila a week earlier than planned then.
zethrisNot Telling02006-11-02 11:34:00