K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

Say what!? Oh no no, someone please correct me if I am wrong, but printing your petition on a A4 page size paper should not affect the petition AT ALL! If it was that way, any USC sending the petition from abroad, in a country where A4s are common, would be rejected? Posted Image

You have all the documentation to file the petition and all your girl needs to make sure she does, is SIGN the forms (emphasis on SIGN - sounds silly, but some people forget to do that).

You are fine Brock! Posted Image

Hey Celeste & C,

Thank you for the prompt reply. Below is a quote from someone who posted here not too long ago about the situation I am talking about:

Do whatever you're most comfortable doing. I don't care if this process were as easy as scrambling an egg, after the experiences I've had (including having a VISA once denied because "You submitted it on A-4 paper, which is not commonly available in the United Kingdom"), we hired a lawyer.

This guy was from the UK as well! I have tried emailing him but I really can't afford for it to be denied, I am really anxious to be with her so I can look after her. Could he just have had bad luck? I mean, I thought A-4 was universal, what do you guys in the US use as a standard size for paper?
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-25 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
OK guys just to give you guys an update:

The 2 copies did arrive to my fiancé's house a week ago, but hasnt had the time yet to send it off as her godmother has had a turn for the worse. She is getting better now so hopefully she will be able to send it either tomrrow or next Monday (28th May).

However, I did read on one of the forums that one person from the VJ community got his VISA rejected before it was completed on A-4 paper, which is common in the United Kingdom. As we got this far, should we just go ahead and send it now and hope for the best or abandon it and get her to do all the paperwork from the beginning? :crying:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-25 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

You're looking good Man! :) good luck and a speedy approval :)

Thanks sibi! Lets hope it wil be! :thumbs:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 04:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

"you may give USCIS a copy of your valid, unexpired US passport issued with a VALIDITY period of at least five years". US passports have a validity of 10 years from the date of issue. In the case of submitting a passport for identity purposes, the passport should have a validity of 5 years.

Wow! Thanks for that! So if she does get her passport renewed we would have to wait another 5 years?! S!%t, better go warn her not to do that lol!

In other news I have great news peeps! I sent 2x copies of the forms to my fianceé (made one copy for myself to keep for the interview), cost me £35, but worth every penny! But I am really gonna annoy you guys and ask.....was what I had in my contents enough? If in your opinion it wasnt, please feel free to say so because I can always sned it to her to add to the file before she sends it off! Here is what I had in my forms (please note this is different from what I posted up orginally:

* Covering Letter
* Declaration of Right to Marriage (Myself and hers)
* G-325A (Myself and hers)
* G-1145
* I-29F
* 1 x passport photo of myself (will sign it before I send it to her)
* Proof of being in a relationship:
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, hotel reciept, credit card evidence, photocopies of live event tickets & 2x photos for March 2011
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence & 2x photos for October 2011
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence & 2x photos for January 2012
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence, hotel reciepts, photocopies of live event tickets & 2x photos for March 2012
* Random email conversations (lovey dovey to the extreme!!!!), invoices of flowers and presents I sent to her, engagement ring receipt, photocopy of my entire passport (included the stamps from POE) & phone bills (mine not hers)

Here is the following that needs to be added when my fianceé recieves the package:

* Sign the Covering letter, I-129F, G-325A, Declarations of Right to Marriage & Photos
* Add her photocopy of her entire passport (she has no birth certificate)
* Add a passport photo of herself, signed
* Add the $340 cheque
* Add any other receipts / tickets that she could find whilst I was over seeing her

I maybe Mr. Over-Reacting, but Im doing it for a reason (NO RFE!!!). Any comments I would be much apprecaited!!! :dance:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

It says on I 129f instruction that the passport should be issued with a validity period of at least 5 years :) if she got a passport in 2006 for 10 years that pretty much covers it :)

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH I see! So it has to be over 5 years from the date of issue, NOT it has to be at least 5 years from the expirary date!!! D'OH! :blink:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-09 05:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

For what my fiancé told me , USC passport needs to be issued at least 5 years ago not valid 5 years ahead... But of course I might be wrong.. I think since there's no birth cert they want to make sure you have some history as a US citizen :)

My fiance's passport expires in 2016 as well and we didn't get him to renew it so I think what she is doing now is not what's required from her :)

Really? Hmm...I best ask my fiance to call them again just to be sure. If she doesnt, that would save a hell of a lot of time to wait for her new passport!

OMG yes!!! I have made 3 copies of this form! I am keeping one for when I have my interview, and I will send her two so she can send one off and keep the other one in case we get an RFE (hopefully it wont come to that!!) :star:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-09 05:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
Well after spending all night double, triple, quadruple checking all the paperwork that I can do to the UK, I can confirm that I am going to send it to my fianceé today! (Just so glad that her disability does not come under welfare!!!!!)

I think it will send it slow mail so it will give her time to get her passport renewed (even though it runs out in 2016, but apparntly it needs to be at least 5 years in date WTH?!?!), get the passport photographs, sign all the documents I have done for her and photocopy all tickets and events I took her. She found only 2 Pizza Hut reciepts from different times I went to her house, so I think we will add to that!

Just in case you are interested, I have attached a photograph of all of my hard work (112 pages!)

Attached File  576787_10151532527070639_508045638_12153402_643211679_n.jpg   31.52KB   15 downloads

Thank you very much for everyone who has helped me, I really could not get through this without you guys!!!!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-09 03:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
I THINK I AM ROYALLY SCREWED!! I was just looking at the I-134F files to see what we need to fill in after the I-29F gets approved and according to the guidelines:

Not having adequate income will not usually be a problem if you have a co-sponsor, according to experiences posted on the newsgroup, as long as the co-sponsor has adequate income/assets. Be aware that the co-sponsor must have enough income/assets for both your fiance, any fiance children that will be immigrating, and his/her own household. However, that IF the US fiance has been on welfare or other government benefits for a lifetime or has no plans to work actively, the consulate can still deny the visa based on the likelihood that the foreign fiance will become a public charge. Just having a co-sponsor may not be sufficient. An actual case has been documented wherein a fiance visa was denied because the petitioning fiance was on government benefits and would not be working, even though the US fiance had two co-sponsors.

So because my fiancee is disabled and is claiming benefits from the state of TN, we will get instantly denied?! This is really not fair, even if we did have a co-sponsor all I wanna do is to look after her. What should I do?!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 04:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

well we explained how we met online and then in person only because all that happened within required 2 years period. You have met before and you don't really need to explain that but mentioning it won't do any harm I guess :)What's important for them is that you have met within the past 2 years and that's what you need.In my opinion your explanation looks pretty good!

Phew! Well thats great news! It won't hurt me to add that little bit more I guess. Thank you sibi777 for taking your time to look at it, I really do appreciate it! You have helped me in some many ways dude!

You just reminded me that I need to photocopy ALL of my pages of my passport and not just the stamped ones!!!! Lol I will do that tonight! Just need to go through the paperwork one more time before I send it off to my fiancee! :dance:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 04:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

As long as you have a cover letter listing everything that the package includes you are fine. A lot of people here don't use dividers or labels and they get approvals. Once they get your petition they will reorganize it before it's sent to the service center

In question 18 we just explained how did we meet for the first time, dates, places, circumstances and then added other occasions that we met. Just a short description is ok but you can use A4 paper and attach it to the package if you feel like you need to explain in more details.

Most importantly - relax, it will be ok! :)

AHHHHHHHH!!! When you explained how you met for the first time, do you mean how you met online for the first time or how you met in person for the first time? We met online back in 2003, do I need to explain how that happened? Could I just attach my covering letter to see if it is acceptable in your opinion?

Attached Files

BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 03:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
Ok! Did a butt load during the Bank Holiday period! Hopefully be ready to send it off to my fianceé on the 10th May. However, a couple of quick questions:

. The I-129F From, Question 18. Describe how you met within the past 2 years. Does this mean I just tell them that I flew over on this date for this long to meet with my fiancee? Are they just looking at the facts (dates, where I was etc...) or are they lookig at how we came about to arrange this (describe to them how we agreed to meet up?)

. Does presentation come to effect? I put all forms and evidence in a folder and seperated them with paper dividers, labeled FORMS, MARCH 2011, OCTOBER 2011, JANUARY 2012, MARCH 2012, EVIDENCE OF ONGOING RELATIONSHIP. I couldnt find a ring binder folder ANYWHERE in my town (I think everyone else is my town is doing what I am doing LOL!)

I know this may sound trivial to some but I just want this to be perfect!!! Yes I am probably over reacting but I would feel so much better if I had some comments from my fellow VJ'ers!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 03:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

not correct :) and you are not the petitioner, you are beneficiary since it's the USC who petition for you, even though you are the one who fills in the form and prepare the petition :) and no she doesn't need that either, just her birth cert/passport ;)

Phew! Thanks so much dude! Much appreciated!

Hopefully will get this all done by the end of next week, send it off to her, so we are looking at the end of May hopefully, as she called an operator last night about if I need to provide any reciepts I had during my trips (which I threw out, DOH!), and she reassured us that the credit card statements are more than enough....and that if the froms are in my May, then it will only take 4 months to process as it is a quiet period...

...not holding my breath though! :no:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
Oh #######! I just remembered! Somewhere (and I cant remember for the life of me!) said that I need to include photocopies of my (the petitioner's) parents and siblings birth certificates! Is that corret? :wacko:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)


Izabela just did her London interview--breezed right thru.
have your proof with you for the interview. i doubt you will need it. your situation is very like ours,we talked and then were apart for a long time and then POW! it bloomed :)
she can have a friend or relative co sponsor you, if her income is unacceptable source or not enough.
my girl be here in 50 days.
she has to visit family in poland,and then Metallica in Norway LOL then here she comes ! the shipping company picked up her things today .


Wow that does sound like the same situation! Don't worry, as I said in my introduction post I am doing all of the forms, evidence etc, for her, then sending her 2 copies so I will keep the original one! We are planning to send the forms end of May (she spoke to an operator, apparntly May is a good time to send it as it will only take 4 months to process!), and then she is planning to come over to the UK to visit my family & friends!

Im not sure abou the co-sponsor just yet, as she is getting her disability money (plus 5 years back pay!) in a few weeks time, so I will get her to call an advisor about that, but thanks for the headsup!

OMFG NO WAY METALLICA?!!?!?! Sooooooooooooooooo for my flight & tickets please? LOL! :innocent:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 03:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
Well thank you all for your heart warming advice! Hopefully I will be able to finish this off by the end of next week, then send it to my fiancee to add in all information (cheque, passport photos, passport etc...) and then send it to her. Now all I need is to find out where to send it to lol!

Thank you all, I really appreicate the time you have given up to assist me. I will post here again if I have any further questions (but I am sure I will not!) :P
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-02 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

Welcome to the forum.

Perhaps I missed this, but do you have any dated, recent photographs of the two of you together? Include a half dozen photos with your petition as corroborating evidence of having met within the last two years.

Good luck on your immigration journey.

Hello A&B and thank you,

I have printed one photograph from each time I have visited my fiancee (March 2011, October 2011, January 2012 & March 2012), one will be a picture a professional took when I proposed to her and then another one would be a random one from one of the other dates. I will sign them just before I send it off to my fiancee. Do I need to date it when it was taken or the date when I sign it?
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

That's actually what I was trying to tell you ;)

You should make 2 copies of the whole package she will be sending and keep it for yourself ;)

Stamps in your passport are important so yes do send a copy of them all together with your biometric page :) so they know it's yours :P biometric page? You mean my G-325A form? Yeah dude got hers and mine done! LOL! Im sorry I thought you meant the biometric page on my passport (for newer EU passports....mine isnt that new!).
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
Oh wow, it is so much to take in! Some times I feel like I am the petitioner lol! That being said, I am glad I am doing it so I can take the pressure off her, but I will in fact send a copy of all of my trips to her and keep copies and the originals to myself when I have my interview.

As for the MSN / FB logs, as Nich-Nick says as he was in the same position as I am (well almost!), then I will only send samples of our conversations to them ranging from when we were first a couple to the present day (as well as my very expensive mobile phone bill!)

She does not have a birth certificate (VERY long story...) but she does have a passport, so I guess just photocopies of that will do (all pages of course!).

Should I include photocopy of my passport with it being stamped everytime I went to USA? It could help my case as proof of me flying over (as well as everything else I included, lol!) :bonk:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

you're reading too much into it! Send the form whenever you feel confident you have everything. The process takes a long time so the sooner the better! Some people don't see each other throughout the whole process since they filed the petition and they are being approved! :)

Now you only have to proof you have met ONCE within the last 2 years... later you have to proof an ongoing relationship! :)

So would you recommend that I DONT send proof of copies for all the times I went to visit my fiancee, just the latest? (i.e. March 2012)? And use the others for when I have to prove we have an ongoing relationship?

Thank you sibi777!!!!!! :wow:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
What about when she comes over to the UK in July? Should we send the forms before or after she comes and visits me in the UK? Im slightly torn in the middle because if we send it before she comes then that is proof that we have an ongoing relationship AFTER the petition is filed, whereas if we send it after she visits me then that is proof that she is committed as I am about our relationship....

...or am I reading into this too much? :help:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

Please be sure to read the pinned thread in the UK forum on the K-1 process and what's needed/not needed: http://www.visajourn...erview-thread/. For instance, Skype logs, etc. won't be given a glance at the interview.

Good luck!

Thanks for that mate!! That will definately come in handy once we get the NOA2 going! :D
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
@lovebirds85 Yes thank you I forgot to post that didnt I! She doesnt have a birth certificate that she can find, but she definately does have a passport! And I will remind her to photocopy EVERY PAGE!!!! lol!

No you just need to fill in one with your fiancee's details as she will be the one who will be getting notifications... you can create an account on website and that way you will be getting emails too :)

Yes I do suggest to send some samples only as they won't really look at it in details at this stage :) and you might save them some time going through hundreds of pages of your chats :)

I don't think it's a problem that you are the one visiting since she has a disability and I am sure they will understand that. It doesn't say anywhere who should be the one who's visiting as long as you have a loving relationship you can proof ;)

Phew, thanks bro I just got kidna worried because most people on here say that they are from the US who visit their fiancee's country (from what I have seen anyway!) I will make sure that I will only put her details on and sign her up to the USCIS page. My only concern though is that because she will be claiming disability money, will that serverely affect the peition as she is not working and does not have proof (i.e. payslips). :S
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
@lovebirds85 Yes thank you I forgot to post that didnt I! She doesnt have a birth certificate that she can find, but she definately does have a passport! And I will remind her to photocopy EVERY PAGE!!!! lol!

No you just need to fill in one with your fiancee's details as she will be the one who will be getting notifications... you can create an account on website and that way you will be getting emails too :)

Yes I do suggest to send some samples only as they won't really look at it in details at this stage :) and you might save them some time going through hundreds of pages of your chats :)

I don't think it's a problem that you are the one visiting since she has a disability and I am sure they will understand that. It doesn't say anywhere who should be the one who's visiting as long as you have a loving relationship you can proof ;)

Phew, thanks bro I just got kidna worried because most people on here say that they are from the US who visit their fiancee's country (from what I have seen anyway!) I will make sure that I will only put her details on and sign her up to the USCIS page. My only concern though is that because she will be claiming disability money, will that serverely affect the peition as she is not working and does not have proof (i.e. payslips). :S
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)

fill in G 1145 if you want to be notified by email/text about the approvals, updates etc :)

Don't send too many of those messages and MSN logs as all you have to proof now is that you have met within 2 years and you are free to marry... All the logs can be left for the interview as that's when they want you to proof that you are in touch and you have a bonafide relationship ;)

other than that , you look like you are ready to go!

LOL!! D'oh I completely forgot about that! Do I need to fill in two if I want to get notified as well?

With regards to the MSN logs and phone bills, are you suggesting that I send samples (e.g. August 2010, December 2010, June 2011, November 2011 etc...) and keep the others for my interview?

Will it also raise an eyebrow if I kept on travelling to see her and she has not travelled to the UK? Thank you for responding!!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 05:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-29F Form assistance please? (Helping my US finacee)
Hello there!

I am a new member of VisaJourneys and I am proud to be a part of your community. I have read so many happy stories on this website but now I am in need of some help from anyone who can help me.

Let me give you a backstory to start of with. I live in the UK, my fiancee lives in Tennessee, US. We have known each other for 8 years, been a couple for over 2 years. This March, I took her to Miami to two weeks for her first holiday (ever!) and I proposed to her (see video link below, and she did say yes!). However, when we got back we found out that her only family member has been rushed into hospital. Let's just say that it wasnt how I imagined we would spend my last week with her in the US.

Why did I bring this up? Only because I told her that to take the pressure off her, I (the beneficary, NOT the petitioner) would do all the paperwork for her on her behalf and will send it to her when I feel it is completed. So far I have managed to do the following:

* Covering Letter
* Declaration of Right to Marriage (Myself and hers)
* G-325A (Myself and hers)
* I-29F
* 1 x passport photo of myself (will sign it before I send it to her)
* Proof of being in a relationship:
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, hotel reciept, credit card evidence & 1xphoto for March 2011
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence & 1xphoto for October 2011
* Photocopies of my boarding passes & credit card evidence for January 2012
* Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence, hotel reciept & 1xphoto for March 2012
* Photocopies of Facebook messages dating back since March 2010, MSN log, engagement ring receipt, phone bills (mine not hers) & 2 other photos of us together

Please understand that I have already checked out the guide for filling in the K-1 forms, however it is not the petitioner that is completing the forums I the beneficary is (although once it is all completed I will send it to her, who will in turn will send this with a cheque, 1 x passport photo of herself and sign all forms and photographs).

My question is is this enough? Have I got too much evidence or not enough? My only concern was that I have been going over to see her; not once has she come to the UK to see me because she is severely disabled. Will this affect our petition? We have been talking about her coming to the UK in early July so should we wait until she does that or send it as it is now because we could use her visit as part of our evidence when I have my interview to prove that we still have a continuous relationship after filing this form?

Also after the petition is send and if it is apporved, I know that she has to send evidence of her payslips so it can be proven that she will be able to support me when I move over. Due to her disabiility, she will be claiming disability from the state ( it will be commencing mid-May). Could this be acceptable proof instead of the payslips?

I am sorry that this is so long winded but I could really need some help. I am getting sleepless nights because I keep going over the forums and forms to see if I am missing anything and learning from other people's advice from this forum. I am wanting this to be perfect so the sooner I can move in with her the sooner I can look after my fiancee and soon to be wife. Thank you VisaJourney community!

Kind Regards,


Edited by BrockUK, 01 May 2012 - 04:37 AM.

BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to ask for a Service Request?
Ok ill have to do some research to see what her state senator is but ill give them a call in the morning.

Thanks all. :thumbs:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-19 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to ask for a Service Request?
Hi there,

Probably a silly question I know (and yes I did try and search for previous topics but I could not find any answers).

It has been 203 days since we sent off our I-129F petition. It has gone a little over the predicted notification date my timeline says. My fiance's health is getting worse and I am getting fed up with all the BS USCIS agents tell us.

I have heard you can put in a service request. Is it possible to do that being the BENEFICIARY? Such as, is there an email address from which I can request them to look into this? The petitioner is not able to since she has had to fly out of her state for emergency operation(s).

Thank you in advance :thumbs:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-19 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSo, I guess I need to petition for a K-1.
Focus on documentary evidence of a relationship. Boarding passes , passport stamps and photos of you together in identifiable locations if at all possible. Our most recent one was the two of us with the San Fran Transam Building in the background.
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-11 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Sent!

What kind of stuff have you done to prepare for the NOA2?

Nothing in terms of the visa process as it's probably at best 4-5 months off. My immediate priority concerns my house and business. I have lots to do with those before I am ready for the arrival of the NOA2. Needless to say the passage of time will start to accelerate as I get nearer the NOA2 and I'll be panicking but at least I know where to go to get all the info I need. The one thing I will definitely be doing is continuing to document my relationship in terms of boarding passes and passport stamps. They are likely to be my partner's as she's be doing two trips to the UK.

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 20 January 2013 - 12:40 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-20 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Sent!
Best of luck fellow January filer. We got our first response (NOA1) by text within the week. So now it's hunker down for the big wait :thumbs:

During which period you will probably like me realise how much you have to prepare for the both the arrival of NOA2 and the actual move.....
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-20 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan an annoyed uscis officer delay your visa application?

I acted a defensively when some of the replies compared my two phone calls about the processing time with terrorizing and psychotic behaviors. I just got really anxious since it's been a long wait and the officer acted really annoyed. It's my first time going through this process, and

I wouldn't worry about it - most of us on here are at least a little nuts. We're going through a long legal process of Kafkaesque opacity so that we can leave our homes, families and friends and everything we have hitherto known. At the moment I am calm and patient. I also have a to-do list a mile long and I know as my six months approaches I will get just a tad anxious in part because of the waiting on the NOA2 and because I won't have done half the things on my to-do list :-) I can predict if not a riot then a lot of last minute panics !

At least on here I can see when other Jan13 filers are starting to wake up and smell their NOA2's

Best of luck it will happen soon enough. It seems like only last week when we were doing the forms but we're almost two months down the line. I reallly need to get this house redecorated ......
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-19 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence. How thorough (obnoxious) should I be?
I think many prefer the kitchen sink approach. It's just that we have differing sizes of kitchen sink.

Our submission was probably over the top as we'd had many visits in the previous two years so detailed all of them in terms of boarding passes and passport stamps. Bunged in a few photos too correlate and that was it. It's probably *all* our evidence as we don't skype and don't write as we use the phone and the odd email. In between the NOA1 and interview there will have been two more visits by USC to UK which will have to do for continuing relationship. But then we both originate from low fraud countries (we're both Brits).

Having said that of course the RFE's will be on their way :-)
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRhyme and Reason
Oh well that's all clear. There is no logic to the process :hehe:
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-28 02:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRhyme and Reason

Best advice in hindsight of the entire process is just let it happen and quit checking USCIS constantly. It consumes you and disappoints you too often. Go have a pint. Cheers!

Interesting points above. TBH I'm not really fretting that much - more curious. Whilst I can understand how others in more difficult situations would get more impatient I've always been of the view that it will take what it takes. It will only be a small(ish) percentage of the time that I've been in a long distance relationship

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 27 March 2013 - 03:42 PM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRhyme and Reason
I was looking at Igor's list to see the NOA1 v NOA2 dates. Hey - there's no point checking my own dates as nothing is happening anytime soon chez CSC.

What I was pondering is the variability in dates of NOA2 v NOA1. I can sorta understand that someone coming from a fraud country might have to wait longer. What I find odd is that two people from the same country might have completely different NOA1>NOA2 periods. Shirley they are stacked on the overflowing shelves of CSC in incoming data sequence and they get pulled off the shelf in order.

OK OK stop laughing and sniggering at the back :rofl:

There must be some logic to the system ?
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 02:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long?

Same here! Didn't date, but were friends in University 30+ years ago, and ever since. Moved apart, married other people, got divorced, then reconnected with each other in 2009, discovering something that had perhaps been smouldering there all along. And I agree on how fast time passes now, and how anxious we are to finally get going on the next part of our lives. Good luck!

We have more in common than you might realise as we are a Richard and Alison........
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long?
I think in some relationships you are just not "synced" at certain times in your respective lives - at others you coincide and there you go . Also I'm probably a little bit more mature than when I was in my early 20's. Only a little bit though....
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long?
Pah - you're all starters :no:

We first had a relationship 33 years ago <gulp> at college. Took up where we left off in 2008 so to speak. What I find a little sad is how fast the last 5 years has gone and therefore how keen we are to get this move done !

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 23 April 2013 - 01:10 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 on I-129F Petition.

You'll find you have plenty of time waiting on your NOA2 to give advice too <joke>.


Best of luck on the process - I did what the posters mentioned above - how we first met and then the course of the relationship over the last two years. Make sure you continue to document your continuing relationship after the USC files the petition just in case it's asked for at the consulate interview. Probably unlikely in the UK - you should still be part of the UK if you get your petition in soon :-) but I prefer the kitchen sink approach myself.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-29 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F ~ Proof of having met in person!

Boarding passes In both directions, matching pages of passports with stamps (plus the bio page) and photos of us together. Suitable photos of us together with date and locations written on back.


These guys must see lots of pictures of couples standing in front of very identifiable monuments. From memory we included the Golden Gate Bridge, Eiffel Tower, Washington Monument and probably Big Ben :-)


Best of luck. 

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-01 16:11:00