How do I immigrate to Jamaica? I'm Americana. Can I 'buy' a work permit? Arigato! :)
Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2012-05-30 15:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresterrible report from USCIS via senator
QUOTE (ninjarocket @ Jun 11 2008, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today I received a letter from my senator. What it states is not very encouraging. It seems they can take how ever long they like to process applications using a perceived security threat as an excuse. Here's the report from USCIS. Sounds like some sort of standard boiler plate that is not specific to my case but gives them unlimited time to delay. Here's the contents of the message from USCIS.

"The processing of the petitions you are enquiring about, ....... and ....... has been delayed. The petitions have been forwarded for completion of a detailed review and, until further notice, adjudication may not be expedited nor may premium processing be requested.

The ...... (USCIS) is committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely, efficient manner that ensures public safety and national security.

Toward that end, USCIS requires extensive background checks for very application or petition it adjudicates. While background checks for most applications or petitions are completed quickly, a small percentage of cases involve unresolved background check issues that result in adjudication delays.

Background checks involve more than just initial submission of and response related biographical information and fingerprints. When checks and/or a review of an administrative record reveal an issue potentially impacting an applicant's eligibility for the requested immigration benefit, further enquiry is needed. The enquiry may include an additional interview and/or the need to contact another agency for updates or more comprehensive information. If it is determined that an outside agency possesses relevant information about a case, USCIS requests such information for review. Upon gathering and assessing all available information, USCIS then adjudicate the application as expeditiously as possible.

We have checked into your constituent's case and have been assured that the agency is aware of your enquiry, and is monitoring progress related to it. However, unresolved issues in your constituent's case require thorough review before a decision can be rendered. Unfortunately we cannot speculate as to when this review process will be completed.

We realize that your constituent may feel frustrated by delays related to his or her case. As an agency, we must weigh individual inconvenience against the broader concerns of public safety and national security."

Good Day NinjaRocket,
I received this letter verbatim from a Texas congressman when I made an inquiry into the delay of my k-3 processing. To be brief, my case was under so-called 'Administrative Review' and I was told that a security check was being done. When I contacted the FBI, there was no record of any inquiry on my behalf. When I requested a copy of my entire k-3 file under the Freedom of Information Act, at least 40 pages had been blacked out. Both my Texas congressman and congresswoman and my lawyer were told that I did not have a legal right to know what those documents contained. After 3.5 years, yes, 3 and a half years, my filing was denied. I lost my sanity and my marriage in the process.

I hope that you will find the courage to stay strong. I pray that you will not be one of the victims of the process - good people with honest intentions who are falling through the cracks of an otherwise good governmental system.

Read all you can. Retain a lawyer if that will make you feel better. Rely on your strongest relationships - you will need them. Pray everyday, even when you don't feel like it or know what to say. Stay strong. This will work out for you and your loved one.

Good Luck!
Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2008-06-16 13:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinding Strength
QUOTE (New WorldMan @ Jan 20 2009, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello To my VJ Family,

I am very new to this site and community. I have found alot of great information in this site, and I am thankful
that this site exist with a wide array if topics. My question is How do the other people who are also petitioning a loved
one remain strong? For me it has been a daily struggle, and I'm just starting this process. I speak to my wife at least
twice a day, and we try to see each other a few times a week online. Right now she has to go to a internet cafe, but hopefully next month she can purchase a computer allowing us to at least see each other on a daily bases. Seeing her on online everyday will be great, but it does not lessen the pain that I feel in my heart. My wife and I both knew that this would be difficult. The idea of being 7000 miles apart is not a thought that either of us really like, but we understand that we must make the sacrifice now. Hopefully this journey will go by quickly and we will be once again reunited. The anguish that I feel on a daily bases is sometimes overwhelming. I have not lost my faith, I have just having a hard time and so is my wife. We are committed to making this journey together, to fighting the good fight, and never ever losing hope. The love that we share is strong and continues to grow despite our physical distance.
So let me just ask everyone. How do you remain strong? What do you do to make through another day without your
loved one with you? Thanks for the imput. I wish everyone the best of luck in their Visa Journey. God Bless you all.


Hi There,

I can't imagine why anyone hasn't responded to you but I know they will as soon as they see this...

First, welcome to the community! I hope that you will find lots of helpful information, communication and the strength you seek so desperately while you are here.

Secondly, I would not have survived my marriage without all the time I invested here. That's what I would suggest to you. Spend so much time here that it takes you away from the constant onslaught of thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking about not being with your wife. I promise you it will work more than you can imagine...

Allow yourself to feel your feelings everyday; that in itself will make you stronger. Just try it...

Finally, I promise you that it will work out. Everything always works out. Just having someone to love makes you a very rich man and that knowledge will see you through.

Be it unto you according to your faith. And it is so.
Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2009-02-09 13:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIt is time to take action!!!
My goodness! And where were you when I spent months at the offices of Sheila Jackson-Lee and Phil Gramm back in 2003??? I NEEDED THIS RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!

I sincerely hope that others take up this cause.

I hope you realize the desired results.

According to your faith (and actions happy.gif )

Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2009-02-24 12:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLink to Affordable Legal Help
My source said this attorney was very helpful.

Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2009-03-06 18:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLink to Affordable Legal Help

I was introduced to this site this morning and just wanted to pass it along. I thought it might be helpful to those who have "simple" legal questions - you pay by-the-minute:

Hope it can help someone...
Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2009-03-04 18:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresreason for denial
I'd like to add my 2 cents, please...

I live in Denton and if I were there right now, I would pick you up and take you out for a nice meal and we could hang out. Take it easy and know that the Creator of the universe will provide for you everything that you are meant to have. I promise you!

There is Hope For a Tree
"For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth, And its stump may die in the ground, Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant." (Job 14:7-9)

I was denied after a 3.5 year wait - no interview, no denial letter, and no reason given. When I received my application file under the FOIA, more than 35 pages were blacked out and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee told me that ultimately, the government has no obligation to tell you anything they don't want to.

I am in Japan right now but I want to reach out to your hurting heart because I know how 'careless' some VJ members can be. I am sending you a PM right now.

BIG HUGGG from me to you...

Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2009-08-12 01:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfather and marriage questions
It's a small world afterall, it's a small world afterall...its's a small, small world...

Please check your PM. Thanks.
Mt. Salem QueenFemaleJamaica2009-08-11 02:16:00