IMBRA Special TopicsPhilippines now denying entry to some RSO's

While I agree that not everyone who is a RSO would pose a threat to anyone regardless of the country it would seem that 'most' ARE! The whole point of someone being a RSO is the nature of the crime that they were charged 'guilty' with. Most (I've seen many statistics) people who fall under this are indeed a threat to children, teenagers, adults, pretty much anyone! I don't like to judge people but sexual crimes are some of the worst ones a person can commit but I certainly understand what your trying to say. We all pay for the things we do but some pay more than others but that's the world we live in.

One more thing, a person being 'trapped in the United States' will NEVER be a bad thing in my opinion. Look at all the people who are trying to get in and live here and I bet most of them really wouldn't have a problem if they couldn't ever leave!




I disagree most are not a threat as every study has indicated.


Although I was never a sex tourist (please forgive the so called discription) many men not just RSO and not just americans...Asians, Asutralians, Europeans, Middle Easterners travel to southeast Asia including the Phillipines to participate in this.

No excuse just fact.


I do agree someone that is currently on probation/parole should not be traveling but if USA wants to mandate 10, 15 , 25 year registration on people then the registration should not be public nor international unless and investigation is opened from another country regarding illegal actions of someone there. someone given life registration has been deemed dangerous and should be watched at all times...keep in mind there are people placed on the registry as such for minor offences.


If the Phillipines wants to stop the sex tourists then they need to stop the political corruption from pulis to judge to senators then crack down on the bar owners and the girls selling themselves.

You say why the girls because just as it is here in the USA there is human trafficing and there are the women who sell themsleves without being forced to do so. So to stop human trafficing and protect the victims you must stop or control the legal selling of sex as in Nevada.


BTW if you stop the girls here I do worry that the kidnap scams from other 3rd world countries will increase trapping these women overseas against their will.


As for being trapped in the USA I spend more money than alot of people earn in a year in the USA maintianing a townhome and my fiance in the Phillipiines and then traveling to be with her 40 days a year. Why; because I love her and the USA citizens/USCIS are controlled by fear mongers and I refuse to be subject to their BS.


I am not registered but BS laws like this are forced by the USA and as we all know once they pry a little they go for more.

Edited by evli1966, 24 June 2013 - 07:03 AM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2013-06-24 07:00:00
IMBRA Special TopicsPhilippines now denying entry to some RSO's

Well you see it is a bad thing because due to the Adam Walsh Act, anyone that is an RSO can't petition a Spouse , without meeting extreme criteria which is currently arbitrary. Causing many families to be tore apart. You can see many people here under IMBRA have been waiting 3 and 4 years for some sort of response on immigration cases.


And yes, being "trapped" is a bad thing. People have the legal right to travel and in a way this prevents that legal right.   Maybe we will see some sort of class action lawsuit regarding it. 


Anyone ever convicted of a Sex crime (crimes listed in the AWA) must meet the extreme criteria which is arbitrary to petition a spouse.


This is whether they registered or not.

evli1966MalePhilippines2013-06-24 06:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?

It seems that they have no intention of changing Sec. 204 of the INA that relates to AWA petitioners.  Go to and do a search on topic "Sponsors' Amendment to S.744".  It is a pdf file, and pages 123 to 126 (line 1), with page 126 giving the government "unreviewable discretion".  Thus, if this remains the Board of Immigration Appeals may just put aside or trash whatever amicus curiae they have at hand on why AWA denials should be reviewed by them.




I belive that would be a stretch at this point and bring cuase AILA to appeal such actions by USCIS.


I just read this (if I read the correct document) and there is no mention of the AWA that I read nor that someone petitioning for or appealing a decusion for that petition.


The OP is in a great position at this point to work with in the system and still not have to leave; a good attorney could make this an easier case.


The OP mustr be ready to do lots of leg work forcing the success of the case by obtaining all documents required.

evli1966MalePhilippines2013-06-24 06:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
100% get an attorney.

An Attorney theat is notably experineced in the AWA.

What others are stating is somewhat true.

All court records, police records, pshycology reports should be certified.

An inexperienced attorney can scew things up quickly as can someone submitting items themselves.


The government (Bush administration) passed the AWA to protect children and the loose language is interpreted by the USCIS in a way to prevent the approval of family based visas even when no children are involved.

This error was noted and the chnage from immediate denial of the visas to putting the burden of prove no threat to the beneficiary on the pettitioner.

You should note the AWA was passed in 2006 and most successful appeals or approvals are because the conviction was before this was enacted.

With that said without overwhelming evidence showing successful and safe reform as well as the ability to securely support themselve and their applicant the chance is very slim.

Please do not hesitat eto ask questions here some have experienced alot of this and some have been successful.

myself on a fiance visa it has been 4 years in June to this date we are over 60 days since submittal of our RFE.

I am prepared to appeal int he Federal Apeals court which could cost upwards of $20k.

The great part for you is that you are here with the person you love.

(There are roughly 14 million illegal immigrants living in the USA.)
evli1966MalePhilippines2013-04-17 15:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIntend to deny I-129F w/ AWA

#1 get an attorney to advise you


ensure the attorney is AWA experienced - not just saying he or she is.


You will need to appeal and it is best done with an attorney for our cases.

evli1966MalePhilippines2013-11-30 14:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMy Case is denied after 2 years and 6 months

There is hope

evli1966MalePhilippines2014-02-25 17:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMy Case is denied after 2 years and 6 months

Ive had a lawyer since i started the process!! , and i dont know what i can give them in only 30 days time that i haven't already given them =(

Your Attorney must present a notice to extend (if I am not mistaken) and then request a hearing before an ajudicator.
At which time all evidence would be presented again plus any further evidence gathered.

You could have another risk assesment done and Polygraph outside of what was done as a requirment for probation.

Provide information on your professional career which supports yourself and allows you to live what they would call a safe lifestyle presenting no risk to others.

What does your attorney say?

is the attorney a paper pusher for you or will he/she be by your side during this going before the adjudicator?
evli1966MalePhilippines2012-02-11 00:22:00
PhilippinesHi, Any Pinay in Indianapolis?

My Fiance isn't here yet we are still in the K-1 visa process but we will be living in about 2 hours west off I70 in Illinois.

In regards to the balikbayan boxes.

Are those the boxes that make it easy to ship items to and from the Phillipines?

Could someone explain more what the contents can or can not be; also cost...Please.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-02-21 17:35:00
PhilippinesCebu over Easter
Thank you all so far for the advice.

I am leaning towards the Crown Regency or Marco Polo both are roughly 1/2 the cost of Plantation Bay.

I am going to call them to see what Spa packages they have to treat Jo to.

I like the karaoke idea for one night were I will serenade her with my Frank Sinatra like voice :whistle: (that is what I keep telling myself)

I think I will save Plantation Bay for when we return for more than a few days; also I to would like to visit Baguio someday.

Thanks again!
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-03-11 07:12:00
PhilippinesCebu over Easter
So I am taking a week to go visit Josephine I arrive on Sunday 3/28. I know only a week!! unfortunately the company I work for gives me 3 weeks 1 week at a time and did not approve my request for an extra unpaid week.

We will be going on Monday to Cebu the plan is to visit the graves of her parents and where she was raised. We will also visit her younger sister and 2 brothers.

We will be there 3 nights returning to Cavite on Thursday after noon.

my problem is I want to make our evenings as romantic as possible; here is what I want to do.

1. I have a prepared statement to read when at her parents grave site asking for their blessing on our future marriage a friend is translating to Tagalog
(This is a surprise; do you think it would make her happy and is there any advice on what I should say?)

2. I want to pick a nice hotel to stay in and pamper her such as visits to spas (this is also a surprise)

3 I want to have romantic dinners with her each night maybe a club to dance

4 She has us roaming around on Wednesday visiting a few sites like the Chinese temple, Magellan's church etc

The big problem is places like Plantation Bay are quite far from the city and I don't know of any hotels in the city that offer Spa treatments or the service you get from places like that.

Any ideas or comments are appreciated.

suggestions on hotels greatly welcome or places to take her to.


Edited by evli1966, 10 March 2010 - 06:52 PM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-03-10 18:49:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
Yeah doctoring pictures doesn't help the argument of what to do with Illegals. BTW was only the bottom part of the signed photoshopped?

Jason To funny with that Picture. :lol:

Scott some people can not let go; that to does not do anything to help the arguement.

Kevin what ever law or is done about the issue there will be those that will be offended and or feel we have done them wrong. Maybe if a family can document they have resided here for more than say 20 years then the immeiadte family can stay.
You cant just blantantly allow someone to stay just because they had children here; my goodness if that is all it took you would have doctors set up on the border performing C-sections on mothers 8+ months pregnant.

I agree it is a mess and will only get worse if 12 million people are allowed to become citizens with in a short period of time or if nothing is done about it.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-07 07:16:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
"We've screwed up with them because we've never worried about their economy or helped them help themselves. We don't mind completely rebuilding Iraq or Afghanistan (or countless other countries I won't mention) but we haven't done anything to speak of to help Mexico grow. We just worry about "guarding" the border like you'd guard a prison perimeter. We build a wall (what, 12' long or so?), hire boarder guards (one for every 1000 miles or so??) then act appalled when the border states fill up with illegals. Now, after years of doing virtually nothing, we're going to either throw them all out or grant them amnesty. I don't have an answer and I hope they find one that actually fixes the problem. So far though, the fixes I see don't look much like fixes."
Thanks for clarifying; I diffidently see you what your are saying about the border.
In regards to rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan; I read that the interpretations of the Geneva and Hague Conventions is the premises of our obligation to do so, but honestly I do not read it that way(must be smarter people than me that do)

Mexico is a sovereign country but is full of corruption from the top down. This sucks for the people of this country because as a developing nation (not necessarily a third world country)they still are not seeing the benefits of their country grow even though they are the backbone. To send aid to such a country that is corrupt would be like throwing more money into the void never to be seen again.

"How the h3ll can a Union Leader be happy about an amnesty program? I just don't get that part."

It is about money and strength; if they show support for the amnesty for illegal workers they position themselves to receive large amounts of new members. This has nothing to do with labor locals which the vast majority oppose for obvious reasons (this is only what I have read). If the labor unions position themselves correctly and the Amnesty happens they will gain the power they once had in the 60's-80's as a political interest group.(of course this is how I see what is happening)
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-05 08:45:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill

I'm tellin ya huh teamster?! If we hadn't screwed up our relationship with Mexico years ago this wouldn't be such a hot topic. We only have 2 neighbors on this continent and we should be making sure they're both our closest friends :thumbs:. Just raise the minimum wage to around 15 bucks an hour. The price of a new home or a bunch of cauliflower may go up, but you could afford to buy it too :) "If we don't raise those around us up to our level, they will drags us down to theirs" - A wise Teamster I know

Some good points in this statement and I agree with most of them; except I am not sure what you mean by "If we hadn't screwed up our relationship with Mexico years ago...".

The issue which both Tahoma and I agree on is that raising the Minimum wage will not deter hiring illegal immigrants but may indirectly encourage it.
The exploited illegal immigrants would continually be exploited. The employers need to be penalized severly for hiring illegals and possibly exploiting them.

I also agree that we should have a stronger relationship with our neighbrs but tell me what exactly Mexico does to help prevent illegals from crossing over to our borders. I understand their laws are strictly written and it is stated to be enforce at all levels of the legal system but as I understand it the corruption level in that government prevents much of it from being enforced or cause more problems for the illegal immigrants.
(BTW please understand I am in no way suggesting that all illegals are either from Mexico or only hispanic..many other illegal immigrants come to Mexico in hopes of crossing the border)

I also believe in helping others legally in our country become better or achieve a standard of living that would be acceptable; not everyone will be rich or middle class but every legal citizen should have a chance to become what they wish.

I do not believe in doing the work for them nor do I beleieve they should be raised to my level or your level of success unless they earn it -> refer to the joke that was stated earlier in the thread. I believe we need to provide them opportunities but they need to do the work. If they need $50 then they should mow the lawn.

It is not for you and I to just give to them general welfare but for them to earn it based on their own potential and capabilities.

I refer you to this statement which holds true to the citizens of these United States.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

I am curious how we as a nation screwed up our relationship with Mexico?
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-04 20:58:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
If we went off topic then it is because you can not accept the fact that the majority of the people in this country do not agree with Obama on this or with Bush when he discussed it. All this fear was due to the Arizona law which was changed Friday.


I am still not a believer in the racial profiling for this law but it seems you are correct on this one.

Second Tahoma you are indeed wrong about me and your play at spinning topics and statements to call me a right wing conservative is poor at best. I have listened to Rush, Bill, George, Hannity, etc. I am not a proponent of anyone that spins topics to either side ignoring the truth. I AM IN FACT A DEMOCRAT and I am in fact upset that a president of either side would boldly state they will work towards an issue that most of his constituents are against.

Please get your issues straight. We are not talking about U.S. citizens who are traveling in another country. We are talking about American citizens and legal permanent residents of the United States who will be profiled right here in America. See the difference?

Actually the Topic is about Obama legalizing the illegal immigrants you are the one that strayed from the issue I responded to you in kind. The Arizona bill had nothing to do with Obama except that the Arizona citizens are tired of waiting on Washington to act.

If Congress "has a say," then why are you suggesting that Obama can do it alone?

I never said he would do it alone; but you ignorance of how politics works in Washington is unbearable. If not all politicians then most of political interest groups that pull there strings and most of these groups play both parties. If Obama has enough congressman on his side then the political interest groups can and will pressure the others as well. No it doesn't mean it will pass but doesn't the thought scare you?

Thank you for proving my point for me...or did you even notice? Indeed, Obama can't pardon and grant citizenship to the millions of illegals. Any bill on the matter will have to go through the Congressional meat grinder.

Uhm.. lets see what you questioned

Is it even possible for Obama to pardon and give citizenship to all of the illegals? Possible yes it is and you said it yourself it can be done with congress.
Is that issue even on the table? Yes it is! you just read it was.
Don't you think Congress has anything to say about it? Yup they do and they are pulled by political interest groups.
Please provide a link which shows that Obama has this power...and is considering using it. I sent you one link of many and he does have the power of pardons. But since you are still ignorant of how Presidential Pardons work let me help educate you further.

These are quips from this link which will educate you on how Presidential Pardons work.


"The answer is simple. Because he can. President Bush, like every president before him, has the unique ability to override the justice system, release anyone he chooses from paying a fine, and return a person to the state of innocence he had before he ever committed a crime.

The president isn't required to explain or justify his actions to you, me, Congress or anyone else for that matter.The power to pardon is left solely to the discretion of the president, and cannot be reviewed or overturned by any of the other branches of government"

"When dealing with a political tool as powerful as this, debate over its use is guaranteed to arise in the other branches of government. Congress often bites its collective tongue in frustration during pardon season, which tends to come hardest and fastest late in a president's final term. Yet, deep down every Congressman knows that the pardon is untouchable: It would take a constitutional amendment to make any change to the pardon power."

Again please come back once you have educated yourself on how pardons work.

Does it make them a citizen no but it sure opens up other avenues which should not be opened.

I won't even comment on how ridiculous that statement sounds. I'll let the readers try to find a shred of logic in it for themselves. Did it ever occur to you that if you magically got rid of all the illegals, "the lazy SOBs" still wouldn't work, they don't need any "excuses" for it, and then you wouldn't have any food on your table?

Please quit lying to yourself. The people that are lazy can be forced to work if they are deprived of the social welfare system they are so found of. No one would starve and the conglomerates that are running the food production at a discounted cost by using illegal labor would need to pay a fair wage and that would also entice those types of labor workers.

The illegals can and will work as long as employers hire them. The only effective way to slow the tide of illegal immigration is to cut off the money supply...and that starts with the employer.

No argument here except it is only part of the solution.

Where do you get this stuff anyway? Just about anyone can buy property in don't have to be an American citizen to buy property in the United States. Many illegals own property. Many buy it themselves, or have a citizen buy it for them. They pay property tax. Many illegals pay income tax and other payroll taxes. Many pay into Social Security and Medicare with no hope of ever receiving benefits. And yes...they pay sales tax and excise tax too. Sheesh...

I did not know an Illegal immigrant could own property. This is bogus; a legitimate business person of another country wants to legally purchase property then great but to allow people to do while they are living here illegally is just plain dumb. You win this argument on my ignorance of this and at least this time you actually spewed out a factual comment.

Paying into the income tax, SSN and medicare is only done on ID theft whether they pay without receiving benefits or not is still wrong and illegal.

What's up with your sudden expertise on immigration? You recently admitted on another thread here on VJ that you knew little about immigration. Remember that one? Now you come here in the Philippines forum and start spouting gibberish that comes straight from Rush Limbaugh. You really need to stop using Rush as your only source of information...because it shows.

I know little about immigration laws pertaining to k-1 visas and the process to obtain them; big difference. I come here to this forums for the same reasons as most and I responded in kind to a topic that I feel strongly about.

1. You can stop crying know the Arizona law is changed so the racial profiling is out.
2. You need to learn what and how a Presidential Pardon works
3. You need to understand breaking the law is breaking the law; Living in the US illegally; stealing an identity; human slave trade etc.
4. You need to learn how politics truly works
4. You need to learn more tact in your approach in arguing point
5. I learned that the Arizona law is considered Racial Profiling (I still believe it was changed in the interest of beiong politically correct)
6. I learned an illegal immigrant can own property and pay taxes on said property (I would watch carefully in the arena it could be the next blow to illegals if one thing would uproot illegals it would be to take away such a privilege)

Thank you Please have a nice day.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-03 22:26:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
If I am a different country and stopped I would expect to be asked for ID and papers showing that I am legally there.

Just what we don't need here in the U.S....more Big Brother and racial profiling.

Tell me exactly where the racial profiling cant doesnt matter what race you are if your pulled over in a vehicle for legitmate reasons everyone in the vehicle can be asked for ID doesn't matter if your a driver or passenger. (If I am not mistaken that has always been the law)

IMO your opion is that yours and only yours as well; you are only spouting quotes and quips that may come from the minority of the legal citizens of this country if at all.
If you are a legal resident of this country you have a right to speak but do not be offended discoursged or angerd when the majority of the citizens speak out against you we have the same rights and there are more of us voting.

I don't care what color or race you are being here illegally is not acceptable and you need to leave. If you think that sounds to racist that includes the Angelo Saxons from Europe.

You are confusing the issues. It's not a question of who is illegal and needs to's a question of racial profiling.
You are confusing the statement and what the nature of the law truly is - A white man can be pulled over just as easily as any other person so it is not racial profiling. almost any law can be broken down into pieces so it can be interpreted in different ways.

Please come aagain when you have something better to say.

But We can not sustain the untempered flow of illegal immigrants to this country.

Who is suggesting that there is (or should be) an "untempered" flow of illegal immigrants to this country?

If Obama pardons and give citizenship to the million plus illegals then he sets a precedence for the future.

Is it even possible for Obama to pardon and give citizenship to all of the illegals? Is that issue even on the table? Don't you think Congress has anything to say about it? Please provide a link which shows that Obama has this power...and is considering using it.

Congress does have a say and if you are against that issue you best start speaking out.

You asked for it:

After his speech, Obama will gather lawmakers together over the summer to work on the details of a bill for introduction in the autumn. Cecilia Menoz, deputy assistant to the president, told the New York Times: "He intends to start the debate this year."

Immigration reform comes on top of promises Obama has made – during only 80 days in office – to tackle the recession, the ailing health service, climate change, nuclear proliferation, Guantánamo Bay and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On the campaign trail, Obama argued it was not realistic to send the 12 million illegal immigrants home. Last month, at a town hall meeting in southern California, he said that "if they stay in the shadows", some employers will exploit them, hurting wages and work conditions for all American workers.

He set out a path for illegal immigrants to become legal citizens: learn English, pay a significant fine and go to the back of the line in applications for citizenship.

This particular link was in April 2009 read the whole thing PARTICULARLY THE LAST PARAGRAPH

As for the Menial jobs such as picking Asparagus: I might not be able to last a day doing it but there sure the hell is someone that is quite able to do the job and they are living here legally.

There is undoubtedly someone here that is "quite able to do the job and they are living here legally." However, the reality of the situation is those that are quite able to do the job and are here legally don't and won't do those jobs.

I agree the lazy SOBs will use this to spout I cant work so give me welfare without the exploited illegals working it would eliminate some of the excuses

This would force the contractors hiring illegal labor under the table to avoid taxes and paying a fare wage to change how business is done.

The only way to stop employers from hiring illegals is serious fines and jail time for employers.
I agrre with what you say here but eliminating the illegal labor pool is also part of this problem.

Per my last statement it isn't necessarily just illegals not paying taxes(some do while using stolen identities) but the employers who hire them under the table.

Many illegals pay taxes...and it has nothing to do with stolen identities.

yes they do it is called state sales tax if your state has it. They can not own property so pay 0 in property tax. They can not pay income taxes or SSN as an illegal unless they are using a stolen SSN (Identitiy Theft in case you are unaware of this)

All this is IMHO

Yup...that's all it is.

Except that mine seems to be much more informed on the true issues at hand than your opinion.

Please read, learn and think prior to making comments only based on emotions.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-02 20:01:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill

Found this topic very seems that the general census here is that illegal’s should be departed (I too agree) and from what I hear so does the general public. My take no this is:
"if you are here legally you shouldn't have any worries, if you are here illegally you should be departed and do it the right way"...and where does this being singled out because of of their race...if you get stopped by a cop don't you have to prove you are legal to be operating that vehicle? To me it is basically the same thing and when I do get stopped and am asked for my ID I don't have any issues with that, because I know I am legal.
Our government, lawyers and politicians need to get their heads out of the toilet and start listening to the majority rather than the minority.


If I am a different country and stopped I would expect to be asked for ID and papers showing that I am legally there.

I don't care what color or race you are being here illegally is not acceptable and you need to leave. If you think that sounds to racist that includes the Angelo Saxons from Europe.

Come back legally and I will fight for your right to be here.

Our country is built on it's diversity in ethnicity which comes from immigrating people from around the world.

But We can not sustain the untempered flow of illegal immigrants to this country.

If Obama pardons and give citizenship to the million plus illegals then he sets a precedence for the future. There will be no end to illegal immigration because the out come will always favor the illegal.

As for the Menial jobs such as picking Asparagus: I might not be able to last a day doing it but there sure the hell is someone that is quite able to do the job and they are living here legally. This would force the contractors hiring illegal labor under the table to avoid taxes and paying a fare wage to change how business is done.

Per my last statement it isn't necessarily just illegals not paying taxes(some do while using stolen identities) but the employers who hire them under the table.

All this is IMHO
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-01 21:29:00
PhilippinesBalisong Gift

I have brought (check-in luggage) balisongs to the US a few years ago. At NAIA, the xray inspectors wrapped the balisongs with masking tape.
When I arrived in Seattle, customs inspected my luggage. The officer only commented on how nice my souvenirs were.

As long as you or your friend are not carrying it, I don't think you'll have any problem. :thumbs:

That looks like an Igorot headhunting ax, IIRC. Very nice collectible if it is authentic. They do sell alot of replicas there. But if that is genuine, that's worth a pretty penny!

It is not a replica my friend purchased it at an auction here in the states it was souviner brought back by a great grand father back in the early part of 1900's.

He had it appraised a few weeks ago at the Anique Road Show although no one was writing a check for it.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-25 21:43:00
PhilippinesBalisong Gift

Here is something my friend bought at an auction and learned it had a collector's value of $2k-$3k.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-24 19:48:00
PhilippinesBalisong Gift
Hello Peeps

I have a question on transporting a Balisong I purchased as a gift for my friend in the states.

He is really in to guns, knives and swords..Oh my!

Any way I am attaching a picture of it so you can ascertaion the size of this Balisong (sword).

I need to know if there is a legal way to transport it to the USA.

:ot: btw he already owns this and it was appraised that a collector may pay $2k-$3k.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-24 19:18:00
PhilippinesNEW DS- 160
So at this time this new electronic form does not pertain to our petition for k-1 visa?

I read non-immigrant so I am assuming and hoping for further clarification.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-05-24 19:58:00
PhilippinesGood source to learn tagalog

You can try at Harissons plaza in Manila. Every single software for my computer that i have been looking is over there.

Jason n Rose

Thanks for this info I am asking Jo tonight. Silly me been there many times and never thought about it.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-16 17:20:00

I personally don't like the idea of a prenuptial agreement, and especially in the context that you wish to use it for. IMO, if you are that unsure about this young woman's motives for wanting to be with you, then maybe you should take more time with the relationship before deciding to marry. If you used an international dating service to connect with her, chances are she's thought about a life here in the states, married to an American, and all that that entails. I think what matters most is compatibility - what kind of family life that you both had growing up, both of your levels of education, etc. I'd talk with her about her future career plans (if she were to stay in live in the Philippines) as well as talk about your future plans. If you both have a good sense of where the other is coming from and where the other is heading (with or without a future that includes the other), then you'll feel more at ease about wanting to enter a marry built on mutual love and trust.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-16 19:56:00
PhilippinesDating Scam Stories
So When I was introduced to one lady by a filipina friend of 22 years..her Niece I was happy to chat with her and after a couple months I started sending $25 -$50 a month to help on the Internet cafe bills.

This was against my friends advice; I thought a heck it is only $25.

When I went to meet her after 6 months of correspondence it was pleasant but not what it should be.

Things I learned
She she was supposed to be poor and unemployed but had more at least 17k-18k in peso on her each day.
She had a job alright she chatting with other men with web cam and not just showing her face.

Although we had a nice visit and she was friendly to me I knew she wasn't the one. Honesty is a big issue for me personally and I felt used besides that.

I did meet her cousin who was older but thought she was off limits because I was there to visit girl #1. After breaking off with girl #1 I told my friend I wasn't sure about chatting with anyone else although I did meet Josephine but it wouldn't be right if I started communicating with her. My friend said NO NO it is ok you were honest and just because girl #1 did not work it is ok to chat with Josephine.

I can not wait until the day she is here with me and we can be together forever. She is the one I miss each day I wake and the only woman I have ever known to totally captivate me 100%.

So yes I felt scammed but heck if I hadn't been I would not have met Josephine.

Oh well thats my scammed story sorry I got mushy at the end.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-04-28 17:03:00
PhilippinesK1 approved

Just got off the phone with the embassy and Ivy was approved yesturday!!! Say should have the visa in 7 to 10 days from air 21!

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-30 21:06:00
PhilippinesDoes anyone know any online dating sites where you can meet Americans looking for a wife in the Philippines.

Move along's just another troll attempting to stir up trouble where there is none. Please notice how the troll is the only one who is making an issue of skin color. The troll doesn't care to know that, in this forum, Filipinas are engaged to, or are married to, Americans of different races, ethnicities, and skin colors.

Also, please notice the passive-aggressive manner in which the troll attempts to stereotype Filipinas as scammers by advising them not to advertise that the only reason they want to hook up with an American is for immigration purposes. In the troll's prejudiced troll-world, Filipinas only "seem to" be searching for the "archetype American." It's no surprise that the troll has never even met a Filipina who is guilty of his imaginary crime.

I have a tip too. My tip is for the troll: Filipina-bashing won't find many supporters here on VJ.


I absolutely agree.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-02 22:08:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

I got a chuckle from the way you got sidetracked with your numerous Jefferson quotes about majority rule. Of course, you conveniently "forgot" to address the point that was made. By your silence on the subject, should I assume that you believe that our founding fathers were wrong in their belief that the courts have a role in our American system of checks and balances? Are you advocating that SCOTUS should not be the final arbiter of constitutional questions? Are you saying that unconstitutional laws should remain in place because they are popular? I eagerly await your "common sense" reply!

I work for a living and will post when I am able to do so.

I get a chuckle out of your higher than everyone else attitude in your posts. The intellect or was it education that is better than 99% of everyone else.

The point made was clear to anyone with reading comprhension following the chain of posts. go back and reread maybe you will understand the point.

Please keep waiting


Edited by evli1966, 06 August 2010 - 08:44 PM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-06 20:43:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Why not go after those employers that hire illegal aliens ? They hire illegal aliens cause they can pay them less most of the time.

Supporters do not want that to happen becasue they believe it is inhumane to deny them work while they live here illegally.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-03 16:54:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

"Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by
individuals." --Thomas Jefferson to Col. Vanneter, 1781.

"Many of the opposition [to the new Federal Constitution] wish to
take from Congress the power of internal taxation. Calculation
has convinced me that this would be very mischievous." --Thomas
Jefferson to William Carmichael, 1788.

"The rich alone use imported articles, and on these alone the
whole taxes of the General Government are levied... Our revenues
liberated by the discharge of the public debt, and its surplus
applied to canals, roads, schools, etc., the farmer will see
his government supported, his children educated, and the face of
his country made a paradise by the contributions of the rich
alone, without his being called on to spend a cent from his
earnings." --Thomas Jefferson to Thaddeus Kosciusko, 1811.

= Progressive

That is the point he makes many quotes and many statments which did not follow his actions or believes. So asserting he could not feasibly make a statement in which he would not apply to the USA is pointless with out proof.

There are well over 2700 quotes of this person alone not counting the misquotes people buy into as true and documented as someone else did earlier in this thread.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-01 18:15:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070
I also provide you this from Thomas Jefferson:Many quotes and actions of Thomas Jefferson was for a Democratic America in which Majority rule would prevail:

"The will of the people... is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." --Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waring, 1801. ME 10:236

"The measures of the fair majority... ought always to be respected." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1792. ME 8:397

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-01 12:17:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

:lol: Refuting what claim? That Jefferson would make such a statement but only apply such reason to France? Bill surely would have gotten laughed out of history class. :rofl:

Show proof not conjecture to support your opinion which is all you have stated.

The proof presented was a letter to Madison in 1785 and the reference is speaking in regards to France.

You do not deny this but assert your opinion that he couldn't make that staement and apply that reason only to France.

I assert this political speech happens all the time; not denouncing either claim but your opposing argument is conjecture and weak.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-01 12:00:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

:rofl: You must have been the class clown.

Are you refuting his claim and source or attacking him personally because you are wrong?
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-08-01 02:39:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070
The clueless will cry the loudest when they learn they been duped and fighting on the wrong side.

And the clueless believe they are the most educated and articulate among us.

I fear the day for them but I await it none the lless when the learn their error and realize the dream they thought conservative were taking from them was in deed given to the illegals they protect by the leaders they cling to hiding amidst distorted laws.

I have nothing to lie about I have stated I earned my way living as I thought a liberal minded person accepting of all until I saw the facts which the real liberals deny so they can feel good about themselves now.

I am uneducated as some point out due to my grammar and spelling skills yet I would wager it will be me and others with my mind set that will stand up in the end to help an immigrant survive with true assistance not adlib words and conjecture.

As some claim I use unscrupulous means to secure my future by buying real estate that others sought to buy in risky loans yet it will be me and others like me that will stand up and assist a person and their family survive in the future whether they are immigrants or citizens.

Yet it is me and others like me with the same mindset that want to secure the borders and rid ourselves of the illegal population draining the economy and believe it is laws like SB1070 that will force the federal on all sides of the poitical spectrum to take action and secure the borders and remove the illegals which do not belong here.

from now on i will sit and watch supporting and speaking up when it matters but it is up to you edumacated folks to learn what happens in real life and what it means to truly give of yourself or what it means when it is taken from you. I truly hope it is the first not the latter.

Me and Jo know what we must do as a citizen and as a new legal immigrant from another country.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-30 19:52:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Where in the constitution does it protect us from having to carry papers. I see where it protects us from anyone searching our 'papers' without warrant or probably cause.

If I have a weapon of certain type in certain states -- I must have a permit -- no problem with that. It says I have the right to bear arms; it doesn't prevent the federal or state government from requiring a permit to carry that weapon. Some municipalities have no gun at all laws -- direct violation of the Constitution -- Obama tries not to fight those laws though.

Stand up for the whole thing and just don't lay down for the Articles and protection you like.

The government in the Constitution has the right to set laws and rules in regard to the 'naturalization' process--no where in the Constitution is governing 'immigration' guaranteed to the Federal Government. Thru history it has been considered an inherent right of the government to do so. One part of the design about the Constitution was its design to take 'inherent' rights of government away from a tryant or king giving the people their rights and detail what rights the people give back to their United States Government.

Best thing that could happen is for the federal government to recognize states rights to control immigration (since its not guaranteed to the government--FACT--in the Constitution) and if California wants to allow illegal immigrants in then let them if Arizona doesnt than let them make their own laws. Also, cut all federal funding for schools, colleges, and employers in states that allow illegal immigrants. My son can't get a Pell Grant and paid for his school but his friend received 100% federal Pell grant and is in fact here illegally... that is just sickening.

Sorry steve I agree here; to many people pick and choose which what articles to believe in and toss the rest aside. The only win here was for the ILLEGALs in this country to remain illegal and drain our coffers and tax doallrs that every recent study shows happening. also remember that niether you, me or most lkely anyone else here could afford to house and care for any of those illegal families.

I am saying it now watch the flodd of immigrants in AZ from the border and for that any other states I will bet the number of illegals rise to 24+ million in the next 1 to 2 years. all because you were afriad to show ID.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-29 17:27:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Thank you for proving my point! :idea: :lol:

yes I showed the link to prove to you that until recently it was based on race. and that only because of the rise in population (most likely illegals) in areas brought a change.

it just showed you were ignorant of such laws and I was ignorant of the change; although the change does allow racial profiling. OMG you best start your protesting now.

but of course your reading comprehension is a C- vs a fail in US History.

but rest assured in the fact you probably get a B to an A in grammar and spelling.

The best part of this is the fact that the 18+ states that will pass legislation will make the wording more difficult for the feds to fight and in the end the US Citizens will be protected by the laws and the US Constituiton not the Illegal Immigrants flooding our country.

I am sure your gardner and pool boy are greatful for your support even though they make less than minimum wage.

Edited by evli1966, 29 July 2010 - 05:22 PM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-29 17:21:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

I wonder if he supports his liberal non racist Blank Panthers supported by the liberal non racist NAACP.

I agree Jason and Rose never mentioned race the only person here mentioning it is NON.

Not trying o bash you non but calling the race card wore out 2 months ago or more; besides the Liberal Administration isn't even challenging the AZ SB1070 law on grounds that the law is racist because it is not.

Steve uses phrases like "Personal impressions are merely anecdotal and prove nothing." because he refuses to use the common sense that GOD has provided every man.

He literally refutes anything anyone posts and only acknowledges anything he posts as facts. But when those same facts are turned on him he disaapears.

In one post in OT he ported numbers which intermingeled Illegal Aliens with legal immigrants by calling them all immigrants. This post showed the type of blue collar jobs they worked and alot of those jobs had moderate earning potential; let alone the fact that any legal US immigrant or citizen could work. The fatc that they didn't differentiate between illegal and legal immigrants showed that Illegals were taking those types of jobs.

Steve tends trys to hide behind a false sense of protection for the illegals under the constitution but there is no protection there for them; I truly do not know his agenda.

I highly doubt his ability to support another family or willingness to pay out of his pocket 60% of his income to allow the masses to be provided for.

Steve with all due respect stop lieing to yourself.


You say SB1070 is sponsered by white supremis groups? I have seen nor read any factual evidence to this.

But are you a supporter of the NAACP who supports the Black Panther Organization whose memebers belong to NAACP? Now there is a racsim at it's highest degree which challenges SB1070.

Or are you going to show facts that those organizations are not racist?

Actually Illegal Alien is just that any undocumented immigrant which is an illegal status. Undocumented immigrant = Illegal Immigrant = Illegal Alien

Illegal Alien is the preferred term of those who oppose any amnesty program because to many open border activists or pro amnesty(no matter what political spectrum they are from) try to twist words by calling them immigrants.

Leegal Alien can be Canadian, Pakastani, Indian, Scottish, Irish, British, Mexican, Ecudoran, Brazilian......the list goes on.

It is the proamnesty/open border activist who are insisting the term means only Mexican; no one has ever stated it only means mexican.;)

I agree.

Tahoma post a link to your reference.

Steve showing proper ID domestically for flights, hotels bank transactions etc. is not to prove your immigration status. It is to prove identity. Now if your flying internationally the US passport with proper Visas are required and you are required to have these documents on you.

Also trust me if you are anywhere near an ICE bust and your not carrying the required documents you are being detained and you could have been swept up in what ever happen innocently or just caught the eye of an ICE agent.

So stop lying to yourself and carry your proper ID and documents.

Please no officer is going to risk being sued because he does not like your skin color. geez.

Yes they can detain you for not allowing them to search your vehicle and you wont eve be arrested unless the dogs find something. This already happens to any US citizen.

If your so worried about police having power over you and your rights well your fighting the wrong battle. The police are being given the ability to enforce a law that Feds are failing to enforce by choice. the Battle you need to fight is to get Obama and his liberal/progressive buds out of office and shrink the government; bigger government more power less individual rights is what they stand for.

So, tell me again, what's wrong with the Arizona law?'s unconstitutional for one.

No it isn't and I do not believe it willbe deemed unconstitutional but some parts of the bill may be rejected.

In 2008, a measure was passed that requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally.

Note the bolded. In Arizona, simply having no ID is enough to get you thrown in jail. See the difference?

I do see the difference and legal residence will now start carring their appropriate documents as required by federal law; this will help prove they are here legally and help show those here illegally. Do you see the difference now?

With respect please stay on topic picking on grammatical errors, spelling errors, and taking shots from other topics only cheapen your credability as a poster.


Tahoma your anger and hatered is getting the better of you. I have quoted all my links here and no wear did I state the NAACP was racist but I did hint at their support of a another party in which one of its leaders was spewing hate and racism. The organization should be denounced by NAACP and seriously looked at in regards to how they support that organization.

But to help you relief some stress you are feeling please feel free to spell check and grammar check all my posts listed


What is "credability" anyway? Does it have something to do with FICO credit scores? Maybe you mean "credibility." Using your rationale, posters who can't spell, are too lazy to spellcheck, make grade-school grammatical mistakes, can't put together a coherent sentence, and can't put sentences together to form an idea have lots of credibility. Go ahead and make fun of my grammar if makes you feel superior in your enlightened state of liberal Elitism.

I see that, in your world, forgetfulness adds credibility too. You called the NAACP racist in this very thread, then you forgot that you did so, and now you are chastising me for going off-topic when I respond to what you brought up in the first place. Unbelievable! Un again see above I hated to point it out becasue it would burst your bubble and embarrass you for your ingornace in understanding what was said. No one will scold you and if they do I will ask them to stop.

Now you can't seem to make up your mind. You went from calling the NAACP a "racist organization" to saying they have "racial tendencies." Is there a difference? Are you backing off of your claim that they are a racist organization, or are you simply attempting to find another way to say the same thing? I noticed that you have shown no proof, nor have you supplied any link that supports your nutty claims. I never made such a claim as what can be read again a poor attempt in your blind rage to spew and twist facts as most Liberal Elitist do for that matter Right Wing nuttso do as as well.
By the way, what are "racial tendencies?" What does it mean to "port rights and benefits?" Racial tendecies of such organizations would be supporting the rights and bebenfits over another race no matter what organization it will have racial tendencies against other races; albeit with good intentions. I apologies for the typo I was a little tired from working and as usual didnt use spell check or grammar check. (you seem to have all kinds of time please do it for me) any how these organizations support rights and benefits of a specific ethnic group. You need posted links to their charters and maybe some common sense of your own?

You also have a basic misconception about laws simply being a popularity contest. If a law is popular, it must be righteous? Apparently you disagree with our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson said it best when he advocated for a system of checks and balances that would protect citizens from a "tyranny of the majority." If it weren't for the United States Supreme Court, Blacks in the south would have suffered under Jim Crow laws longer than they did.

Tahoma I hate to really do this but please find a link that specifically states the quote or reference to the idea "Tyranny of the Majority" by Thomas Jefferson.

BUT allow me to give you some quotes that he did state and feel free to follow the link to discover more for yourself and possibly what your stating above. just so you know we were never taught that in History we wre taught the founding fathers knew a Democracy couldn't last so a Republic was formed.

"The first principle of republicanism is that the lex majoris partis is the fundamental law of every society of individuals of equal rights; to consider the will of the society enounced by the majority of a single vote as sacred as if unanimous is the first of all lessons in importance, yet the last which is thoroughly learnt. This law once disregarded, no other remains but that of force, which ends necessarily in military despotism." --Thomas Jefferson to Alexander von Humboldt, 1817. ME 15:127 "The will of the people... is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." --Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waring, 1801. ME 10:236

"The measures of the fair majority... ought always to be respected." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1792. ME 8:397

"I subscribe to the principle, that the will of the majority honestly expressed should give law." --Thomas Jefferson: The Anas, 1793. ME 1:332

"All... being equally free, no one has a right to say what shall be law for the others. Our way is to put these questions to the vote, and to consider that as law for which the majority votes." --Thomas Jefferson: Address to the Cherokee Nation, 1809. ME 16:456

"[We acknowledge] the principle that the majority must give the law." --Thomas Jefferson to William Carmichael, 1788. ME 7:28

"This... [is] a country where the will of the majority is the law, and ought to be the law." --Thomas Jefferson: Answers to de Meusnier Questions, 1786. ME 17:85

"Civil government being the sole object of forming societies, its administration must be conducted by common consent." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.VIII, 1782. ME 2:120

"The fundamental principle of [a common government of associated States] is that the will of the majority is to prevail." --Thomas Jefferson to William Eustis, 1809.

"The voice of the majority decides. For the lex majoris partis is the law of all councils, elections, etc., where not otherwise expressly provided." --Thomas Jefferson: Parliamentary Manual, 1800. ME 2:420

"It is the multitude which possess force, and wisdom must yield to that." --Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816. ME 14:492

http://www.cronaca.c...ves/003038.html go ahead and read some more.

Are you dismissing the Brennan Center study regarding ID that I provided a link for? You must have a link to conflicting information. If so, please provide the link which supports your statement "And to use hyperbole statements (sic) or news that US ADULT CITIZENS (sic) do not have picture ID is also unrealistic." You don't have one? I thought not. Nope do not have one but I have common sense which I believe you do but would ignore to when an argument.

Please provide a link to back up your assertion that "only people of shady character or with shady agendas would not have such ID." You don't have one? I thought not. Just more unsupported blather. you call it blather I call it common sense
If you are hired you are required to have a photo ID per the I-9 - The employer is to verify before hiring wokring as an unverfied employee puts you at risk so why do it?
Operating a vehicle requires a driver License - driving without a licesne is a misdemeanor offense or worse especially if it was suspended
traveling outside the USA requires a Passport - why wouldnt you unless your agenda is to hide from the law

Do not worry the guys roaming in your yard when your not home have no ID but they have a great reason to be on your back porch looking in the windows. ( I know hyperbole)

This is a few reasons some one would have ID other wise why not what is their agenda?

Oh yeah...and while you are at it...would you please provide your link that shows the United States Supreme Court ruling that allows profiling based only on race. this one originally United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, then this one 24 years later limiting the first but not nullifying it(if that is the correct word) United States v. Montero-Camargo, in foot note 21 it states:

21 In Brignoni-Ponce, the Supreme Court also noted that "[t]he Govern-
ment also points out that trained officers can recognize the characteristic
appearance of persons who live in Mexico, relying on such factors as the
mode of dress and haircut."
422 U.S. at 885. Those factors, however, havebeen largely ignored by lower courts, in favor of a broader reading of
Mexican or Hispanic appearance. In reaching our holding, we do not reject
the use of factors such as dress or haircut when they are relevant. Nor do
we preclude the use of racial or ethnic appearance as one factor relevant
to reasonable suspicion or probable cause when a particular suspect has
been identified as having a specific racial or ethnic appearance, be it Cau-
casian, African-American, Hispanic or other. We note, however, that a
stop based solely on the fact that the racial or ethnic appearance of an indi-
vidual matches the racial or ethnic description of a specific suspect would
not be justified. See United States v. Bautista, 684 F.2d 1286, 1289 (9th
Cir. 1982).

Have a great evening.

Edited by evli1966, 27 July 2010 - 08:46 PM.

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-27 20:43:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Hey...aren't you the guy who called the NAACP racist? I'll bet you feel pretty foolish now that the truth has come out. I hope you finally learned your lesson on the difference between news and infotainment.

Actually they have racial tendencies whether their charter syas they are against it; any organization that wants to port rights and benefits above any other race has those tendencies whether they believe it is all in equalitly. It is like a religeon where terroists are supported but the other side of the face of that religeon states oh it is only the exptremist yet none will denounce these extremist.

But Way to try and skirt the issue because you have no arguement and seem to be in the minority of both legal residents and CITIZENS who support such legislation not only in AZ but through out the country. PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC IF YOU ARE ABLE TO DO SO.

As for "legal residence," don't you mean "legal residents?" Yes Residents thank you for clarifying; again way to skirt an issue pathetic attempts to to move off topic are not appreciated.

Oops, you conveniently forgot about those pesky American citizens who either don't have ID or who are not carrying it with them. Do you see the difference now?

And to use hyperbole staements or news that US ADULT CITIZENS do not have picture ID is also unrealistic. Is it possible yes but only people of shadey character or with shadey agendas would not have such ID. Picture ID is required for almost every transaction made in the USA not counting cash transactions for purchases or paying someone under the table(oh wait could be an ILLEGAL ALIEN), excluding payments to company with an account number which more than likely you had ID to set that account up. If a citizen or legal resident doesn't have ID on them and they are stopped by police during a lawful stop they can be detained and will be depending on the reaon for hte stop. Do you truly not know and understand the existing laws at least at the normal citizens level.

Of course, I completely understand if you don't want to discuss racial profiling either. It's such a messy little subject for the conservanut echo chamber to deal with. They simply can't find (pardon the pun) the right talking point to make the issue go away. Actually there is no talking point the challenges are not for racial profiling the Supreme court as already ruled in previous laws that because due to the large amount of latino Illegals entering the country that some profiling will used.
Good try but your behind the times.

With respect please stay on topic picking on grammatical errors, spelling errors, and taking shots from other topics only cheapen your credability as a poster.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-27 07:10:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070
So, tell me again, what’s wrong with the Arizona law?'s unconstitutional for one.

No it isn't and I do not believe it willbe deemed unconstitutional but some parts of the bill may be rejected.

In 2008, a measure was passed that requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally.

Note the bolded. In Arizona, simply having no ID is enough to get you thrown in jail. See the difference?

I do see the difference and legal residence will now start carring their appropriate documents as required by federal law; this will help prove they are here legally and help show those here illegally. Do you see the difference now?

evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-26 23:55:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

But the problem is people will be profiled cops that just don't like mexicans will pull over any mexican for an "immigration check" detaining them, while detained they will lose jobs im sure. If the detainment check and time frame is anything like the uscis 6 to 8 month background check time frame, it will be a problem

Eventually that will spill over into all Americans, (not if you just look mexican) they will detain anyone and hold them just because they don't like them. If a cop stops you and asks to search the car and you ask for a warrant in order for them to search they could easily just detain you regardless, just to teach you a lesson

it will mean the police have more power and over all citizens will lose rights , but they will have many lawsuits once it happens. Just wait until the states detain legal citizens , lets see if they can handle the lawsuits

Please no officer is going to risk being sued because he does not like your skin color. geez.

Yes they can detain you for not allowing them to search your vehicle and you wont eve be arrested unless the dogs find something. This already happens to any US citizen.

If your so worried about police having power over you and your rights well your fighting the wrong battle. The police are being given the ability to enforce a law that Feds are failing to enforce by choice. the Battle you need to fight is to get Obama and his liberal/progressive buds out of office and shrink the government; bigger government more power less individual rights is what they stand for.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-20 14:03:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Where does this come from? My late mother and her husband were (by their own choice) members of the homeless masses. They both had State Issued ID. You need it to get food stamps, free cell phones and all of the other hand-out they qualified for simply because they didn't want (yes there were several attempts to give them a hand-up and they refused) to be productive members of society but they had no problem spending OUR tax money.

I agree.

Tahoma post a link to your reference.

Steve showing proper ID domestically for flights, hotels bank transactions etc. is not to prove your immigration status. It is to prove identity. Now if your flying internationally the US passport with proper Visas are required and you are required to have these documents on you.

Also trust me if you are anywhere near an ICE bust and your not carrying the required documents you are being detained and you could have been swept up in what ever happen innocently or just caught the eye of an ICE agent.

So stop lying to yourself and carry your proper ID and documents.
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-20 13:58:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

####### is 'EWI'?

ETA: When people say "illegal aliens", they are not talking about Canadians. ;)

Actually Illegal Alien is just that any undocumented immigrant which is an illegal status. Undocumented immigrant = Illegal Immigrant = Illegal Alien

Illegal Alien is the preferred term of those who oppose any amnesty program because to many open border activists or pro amnesty(no matter what political spectrum they are from) try to twist words by calling them immigrants.

Leegal Alien can be Canadian, Pakastani, Indian, Scottish, Irish, British, Mexican, Ecudoran, Brazilian......the list goes on.

It is the proamnesty/open border activist who are insisting the term means only Mexican; no one has ever stated it only means mexican.;)
evli1966MalePhilippines2010-07-19 18:33:00