PhilippinesVisa delivery
Can u track visa delivery with 2go?
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-09 00:21:00
Philippinescheapest ticket is a travel agency in manila. they have great prices for one way and first time travelers. huge promo as well if you or your loved ones are flying in Feb instead of january. i found a ticket for my husband for $579 including tax (not airport taxes like the terminal fee etc) from Manila to LAX, direct flight with philippine airlines. hope this helps :) good luck :thumbs: :thumbs:

The one way first time immigrant airfare that the other does not apply to K-1 visa holders as they are non immigrant. They did inform me that some airlines do offer a K-1 discounted fair but didn't elaborate on which ones.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-08 19:08:00
PhilippinesDS-160 for K1?
If you read further/look at the powerpoint presentation, it does clarify the K-1 doesn't use the 160. They should mention that a bit earlier though.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-09 22:25:00
Philippineshelp needed fast!!!!
You cannot have the female gyn exam completed during the menstrual cycle. You can do the rest of the exam and come back later for the GYN. At leazt that is what I was told.

Her cycle is like clock work. Well up until this one of course. She expected it to start by the 7th and end by the 11th. I bought airfare based on that info. The cramping started but thats it. She just arrived an hour ago in Manila and is on the way to St.Lukes. I told her to explain the situation and maybe she can get the GYN exam completed first before the bleeding atarts.
Cross your fingers.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-10 21:17:00
Philippineshelp needed fast!!!!
My girl just arrived in Manila to start her medical. Her period was supposed to have been over by now but she is a few days late. This isnt good for the timing of interview.

Can she go in st. Lukes with her bag that she brought with her?. Her lives in Pasig City and she is trying to get her exam asap before her period starts. Then we would have to have the interview without exam results.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-10 20:20:00
PhilippinesCFO certificate

I got my passport two weeks after the interview. And she can go to CFO even without her passport, but she will have to go back to have it stamped. Why not just let her do it a day or two before she leaves for the US? So she does not have to go back and forth :)

that is the plan. She will take the CFO this week in between medical and interview and she can fly to Manila a day early to get the stamp.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-09 22:32:00
PhilippinesCFO certificate
Do you get your passport back after the interview? My girl lives in Bohol. Does she have to go back to Manila after passport delivery to get the stamp then???
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-09 00:13:00
Skip that and go to pingo. com. That is all I use now.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-16 04:59:00
Philippineshow much?
Yeh but all the free medical care that they recieve after they are here illegally will get them caught up to date and healthy in no time!!!!
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-16 04:57:00
Philippineshey guys!!
I find it hard to believe that TCO actually believes what he wrote.
A woman with a child isnt for me. I've done that before without issue but I have my own children and I'm not willing to split my time that I have with them. To each their own.

Age is a personal choice but someone a bit older than 18 would increase your chances of success even though I didnt really follow my own philosophy.
Don't marry dirt poor? I think you just ruled out 90% of the Filipinas. You may want be a bit more open minded.
An educated woman is great but just to make you money is pretty arrogant. If that is your situation, at least she will have the education,financial ability and strong will to leave your #### when she is tired of your #######.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-17 04:27:00
PhilippinesNumber of 2GO
What number do you use to track? The embassy doesnt give any numbers to track and I have tried everything that I have on 2go.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-20 00:54:00
PhilippinesScheduling the Interview - Manila
My file was sent to scheduling on the 9th per the immigration department. We can schedule online in 2 days. Tried couldnt. Called on day 3 to schedule and they couldnt. Said the case wasnt in the system. I explained that it was sent 3 days ago. They sent a letter to the Embassy and I was told to call back 7 days later for embassy results. I called the immigrant visa dep. back and was told she didnt understand, that our file was sent 4 days ago but she will resend it again. Continued to try to schedule but still case number invalid.
I called the scheduling department again 2 days later. No answer from embassy and she will send another email and expedite are case.
I am sooo over this. My girl is going to stay in Manila for a week to do medical and visa at the same time so it is irritating.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2010-12-18 04:48:00
PhilippinesScheduling the Interview - Manila
So you did get an email to schedule. Hmmm. I ll be looki.g for one also then. My dates are the same as yours. Keep us posted!!!!
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2010-12-09 23:02:00
PhilippinesScheduling the Interview - Manila
I guess my question is the duration of time from when your file was sent from NVC to embassy till the time you recieved the letter?
I am just trying to s hedule on line once or twice a day also.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2010-12-09 05:55:00
PhilippinesScheduling the Interview - Manila
There is not a UID number box to fill in under the K visa appointment scheduling..
Go to applying for a immigrant visa then K visa appointment scheduling.

Bigjohn, Where are you" registering" at?
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2010-12-09 00:12:00
PhilippinesEmbassy number/ when visa was printed
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-21 01:52:00
PhilippinesEmbassy number/ when visa was printed
What number do you call to check on the date that your visa was printed?
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-21 00:32:00
PhilippinesRed Horse in the states?
Depending on the state that you live in, you may be able to order online.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-15 23:40:00
PhilippinesDid anyone use this to send money to philippines?
Zoom is the cheapest and most convenient in PH. Plus you can print out all of your transfers from one site.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-23 23:14:00
PhilippinesAm I missing anything before wife departs philippines?
I know the 750 peso departure tax isn't included on her ticket and needs to be paid before departure but how about the travel tax? How do I determine which rate she pays for (full fare, standard reduced) and the passage(1st or 2nd class)?

This fee is paid pre departure. Can the fees be paid in USD or pesos only?
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-27 11:04:00
PhilippinesDelta flight issue
Delta did refund 100% of the purchase price plus the change ticket fee but it required alot of effort on my part. Delta said that I checked the box agreeing to this but I dont remember it.
She just landed in Honolulu leaving in another hour or so for Houston. I'll see her in 13 more hours.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-29 23:11:00
PhilippinesDelta flight issue
The saga continues.The Continental flight I booked has a plane change in Tokyo after her POE in Guam. Thats right, only one U.S. entry on the K1. Strangely, this isn't listed as a destination on the Itenerary so I thought that she would not have to leave the International terminal there. When she asked in Manila they were not sure so she called me to change the ticket via Honolulu.
Now this is where my experience with Continental reservations differs than what I experienced with Delta who were somewhat rude and flat out stated they couldn't waive any fees.
A Continental rep. named Mrs. Soto took my call. I explained that I had a major issue with a ticket and she pulled up the confirmation. As I told her the situation, you could hear her concern for me and quickly said " lets get her on the Honolulu flight". Bingo!!! No mention of fees or that I made the error but let's just do it!!
Ticketing was a bit trickier since she leaves on the 29th, arrives in Guam on the 30th, leaves Guam on the 30th but arrives in Honolulu on the 29th, leaves on the 29th then arrives in Houston on the 30th jumping across the time zones.

In about five minutes she said she has it and that I need to pay the difference in tax ($10.48) and she would waive the fee!! Yippee!!

On top of all this, she never mentioned the fare difference which I know was over $200.00 more when I purchased the other flight and Sheena will arrive 11 hours earlier to boot!!!! Yeh!!!!
So tonight at work I will write Continental a Email giving them the thumbs up and one to Delta telling them to suck it!!!!
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-29 08:37:00
PhilippinesDelta flight issue
I hope no one ever goes thru what we did today. My post above could have been alot longer and detailed. Don't think for a minute that the Delta supervisor just refunded me 100% of my ticket cost without a fight. Of course she said that she cannot waive the $100 refund fee or waive the ticket rescheduling fee blah, blah, blah. I heard that for 10 minutes before she did agree. I think that when I asked her if the last time that she purchased an item online if she had to go to the company headquarters with ID and credit card. She was quiet after that one.Lol.
Read the fine print very clearly and know what you are agreeing too. I could have easily been out $900.00 for a ticket and Sheena stuck in the Philippines while I scrape together money for another ticket. I spent about 30 hours over several days to get that flight schedule at a decent price. Knowing that I had to go searching again was a dreadful task that I wasn't looking forward to.

Ok..... 41 more hours to go!!!
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-29 05:17:00
PhilippinesDelta flight issue
I purchased the ticket online from I called and the first agent said that it didn't make sense and put me on hold. She came back and said that I could not fax it. I must show the credit card with my ID in person at a Delta counter. No copies nothing. 150 miles one way to Kansas City. WTH??

I then talked to a supervisor in Seattle. Nothing she can do. Apparently this was a stipulation of purchasing online but I don't remember seeing it. No where on my itenerary did it state this.

She said she could refund my ticket minus the $100.00 fee. I told them how helpful they are to me with a fee to make money from.
She puts me on hold comes back and stated she refunded me 100% of the purchase price plus the change ticket fee. Takes up to seven days to process.WTH? I dont want to delay her arrival.
Long story short, a temporaru refund showed on my account and I got another ticket on Continental for $30 less leaving at 2315 hrs on the 29th. It is 35 hours total as compared to 21 hours but she doesn't care and she will arrive the 30th at 9PM.

Maybe it was the short notice on the purchase(27th) but a copy of my ID, credit card will not work. This only confirms that someone else posseses your Credit card and ID not that it is you.
I called Continental. No card needed just her passport. They verify with bank of America with Verisign.

It has been very frustrating the last 12 hours.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-29 02:53:00
PhilippinesDelta flight issue
I have to show the credit card with my ID in person. That is the only way they can confirm that the card isnt being used by someone other than me. Sounds crazy.

No refunds. I guess I am lucky that it only cost about $40 to reschedule. The airline industry is like the IRS. Their way or the highway and you cant do ####### about it.

I havent heard from Sheena in 7 hours. I am pretty sure that she is very upset and crying in her pillow and I completely understand. I feel the same. My hands finally have quit shaking enough to type.
I am gonna try to call them and see what happens.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-28 23:00:00
PhilippinesDelta flight issue
What a terrible day. Sheena had a 815am flight on Delta coming to the states finally. She says goodbye to her family, gives her cel phone to her dad and stands in line to check in at Manila. She has been up since 3am and at the airport by 6am.
At the ticket counter she hands her passport and flight info to the agent. The agents wants to see the credit card that the ticket was purchased on before she can check in.
I call Delta and of course there is nothing they can do its their policy in certain cities to prevent fraud. Of course they charged my credit card and got their money.

The ticket I purchased had a $75.00 rescheduling fee plus the ticket difference. Same flight on the 2nd was $40.00 less so it cost only $40.00.
Get this, I still have to go to the closest Delta ticket counter to confirm my credit card and ID before she can fly. Closest Delta counter is Kansas City 2 hours away.

I am so mad, depressed and frustrated. I haven't heard from Sheena since she left the airport. I know she is very upset just as I am. I havent felt this helpless in a long time.

Waiting another few days isnt a big deal considering how long this whole process has taken. I just cannot believe the hassle of this. Her cousin flew Delta 3 months ago and no one asked to see the credit card.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-28 22:32:00
PhilippinesAsiana Airlines

The suck part is the connections. If you do not live near a major hub for international flight then your choices are limited.

Remember to make sure that she have enough time at her POE to make her connecting flights - one delay can throw everything out of sync.
Also luggage: find out if her luggage will be tag all the way to her final destination (so she do not have to collect & recheck) - I think that the final/final two legs of Continental flight will be operated by United (check on that to verify).

The last 2 legs are with American. I don't think that there will be a baggage fee. Continental's policy says flights from the Pan Pacific to the U.S. has no baggage fees for the first bag. I am booking the flight directly with Continental from their website.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-26 18:37:00
PhilippinesAsiana Airlines
Unless airfare changes in the next 24 hours(likely) it looks like she will fly Continentalfrom MNL, POE Guam, Honolulu, Denver to Kansas City for $850. I know it is alot of flights but coming to the midwest is tough. Even nonstop into SFO still gets you 2 more legs to KC. Arrival time in KC is great (11:30am) and all the layovers are a couple of hours or less.
China Air was a great price into LAX or SFO($645) but connecting into KC cost more with a long layover.

I did get a $920 all taxes incl. departure tax from MNL nonstop into SFO with PAL then arrive in KC via Chicago at 830am. I work the night shift and a few hours sleep would be nice.
Either way we are both excited.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-26 07:03:00
PhilippinesAsiana Airlines
China Air has a great price on Manila to LAX. They also have a flight offered every other day that arrives at 11:45am instead of the usual 7:00pm. My baby will fly with them next week. Looking at booking now.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-25 03:14:00
PhilippinesFiancee change of address
Wait until the petition is approved. No need to change it sooner. Trust me, the mail is so slow in PH and if your Johnny on the spot you will have already contacted the Embassy call center about 20 times asking if your paper file has arrived and when can you schedule. :thumbs:
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-26 18:46:00
PhilippinesFiancee change of address
I didn't change my girl's address until after her file was at the Embassy. I gave the info to the girl at the scheduling center. Once you go through the online scheduling you can update her info then.
I didn't want anything delaying the I-129f at the USCIS since it is the longest to complete. They don't provide a form from the USCIS at that point maybe for a reason.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-25 03:23:00
Philippinesproblems getting my confirmation letter
They told me up to 48 hours for the email with a new password. However I did get the reset password email a couple hours later. Call again.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2010-12-28 04:57:00
Philippinesproblems getting my confirmation letter
I got mine but I had to work for it. Go to the main page and click.
"Applying for an Immigrant Visa Appointment" at the bottom left.
click the "download my appointment letter"
Should take you to the verification page. If you get this far the rest is easy.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2010-12-28 03:06:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
Sheena recieved her visa today and also completed the CFO.I'm looking looking at airfare now and she should fly in the next week!!!

She texted me that she threw up after visa was delivered. Apparently when she is extremely angry of happy this happens. LOL.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-25 03:28:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
It shouldnt be a problem from the airlines website but from some travel sites (orbitz, booking buddy) you wont be able to.You just have to try and see.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-18 21:56:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
The $820 price I found was with China airlines. If you fly into LAX they have a arrival at about 1130am so you have plenty of time to get east bound flights and there isnt a long layover in Tapei. Cost $645 w taxes.
From there she goes into Denver then Kansas City for $174 or directly to KC for another $65.00.
All of these prices I found. I havent booked because her visa was just approved on the 18th. I prefer to go to the Airlines website directly. Remember travel websites dont all have access to every airlines booking so you could be missing out on a better flight with lower cost. I flew China airlines in May and found them to be wonderful. Good food, courtious attendants, personal TV with free on demand movie library. I have no complaints.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-18 10:02:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
Update!!!! Sheena had her Visa approved finally!!! She said the interview lasted about 3 minutes and he stamped approved on one of the forms before he ever asked any questions. The only thing that he asked to see was a few pics. He never looked at the 3 inch thick stack of texts and my Divorce decree was a copy of a certified copy but wasnt questioned.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-18 09:52:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
The 18th is the big day. Sheena completed her medical on Friday the 15th.They gave her medical results sealed to take with her to the Interview. CFO completed today at SMEF-COW quickly and without issue.
She will stay in Manila waiting for the Visa and then the CFO stamp. If I can fly her here as early as the 28th, I will.
Airfare isn't too bad right at $820 tax included from Manila into Kansas City. Three stops in between. I will update tomorrow.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-17 04:13:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
The 18th is the big day. Sheena completed her medical on Friday the 15th.They gave her medical results sealed to take with her to the Interview. CFO completed today at SMEF-COW quickly and without issue.
She will stay in Manila waiting for the Visa and then the CFO stamp. If I can fly her here as early as the 28th, I will.
Airfare isn't too bad right at $820 tax included from Manila into Kansas City. Three stops in between. I will update tomorrow.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-17 04:05:00
PhilippinesImportant Announcement for Manila k1 beneficiaries
If the xray at St.Lukes is clear, there isn't any reason to bring it. They told my girl that her xrays were clear.
sheenaspapiMalePhilippines2011-01-16 02:16:00