United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

oh your taking your wedding dress on the flight too, I was planning on doing that but don't know how to go about it :/ Like you I don't want it to leave my sight!!!
ceac website STILL saying 'ready' for me today sad.png haven't started packing coz it feels like it's never gonna happen!
I am michigan bound, bought a little house out there should be closing on that tomorrow so he will be moving into there over the weekend.
I think by friday we are all going to be a little crazy with worry if no one has heard anything! everytime my phone rings and i learn it isn't the delivery people i'm trying to get them off the line! Although with mine still stating 'ready' I have given up hoping for them to call now, till it says issued I guess the embassy still haven't sorted them yet sad.png


I searched eBay high and low for a wedding dress travel box the biggest I could find, but still within hand-luggage limits for US Airways. So it'll fit nicely in the overhead compartment. My dress JUST fit in, with barely any room to spare lol. The lovely ladies at the shop I bought the dress from packed it for me, as there was no way I'd have been able to do it myself without fear of ruining it somehow. Shoes and underskirt etc. will go in my suitcase, wrapped up of course. 


I really, really hope you get your visa issued and delivered soon. What is that saying about a 'watched pot...' try to keep yourself busy :) and always think positive! Get some packing done!





Yeah I got married in the US two years ago and got my dress sent to my mother in law's house a few weeks before by DHL but brought it home in a dress bag thingy.

We're gonna live in Suffolk, Virginia - Bobby moved into our apartment (which I picked during a visit in march) a couple of weeks ago. Cannot wait to get there!

Oh so you've paid the courier already then? I didn't know you could do that so I'm waiting for a call from them to pay and confirm delivery. They will prob ring you to confirm though I would think.
How much did you pay??


Ohh I bet you can't, I'm really itching to get out there as we're planning on moving out of Bob's apartment at the start of October and I want to start looking for places with him! He is already looking but I want us to be able to view it together and decide together...


I didn't pay for the courier, I arranged delivery to a depot online (which is free) when I paid the MRV fee. This is why I'm a little worried. I wish it was the same as it used to be, it sounded a lot more straightforward to just pay for home delivery at the embassy! I gave the receipt I printed out (which showed fee payment and courier depot location) to the lady at the first window and asked her if it was OK, and she said it was fine and confirmed my phone number. Then the interviewer confirmed it. In all the excitement of getting approved I forgot to ask him exactly what would happen, but I'm guessing - and hoping - it'll be a phone call from the courier like everyone else. I suppose we just have to be patient :( 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 10:32:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Yeah he said 10 days but 'probably' end of next (this) week. I'm not too worried either atm but come next week I'll start to be haha. 27th/28th...we have plenty of time!

I've packed one suitcase so far but keep getting things out debating whether its worth the precious space haha. Such a weird thing packing your life into suitcases.

Aw, I married a Bob too! Where abouts you gonna live?


Aww haha I know! It is weird, everything into 2 suitcases... I had my wedding dress packed into a travel box the other day, that's going to come on the flight with me and isn't going to leave my sight! I'm actually living with my parents still, so a lot of my things can stay here. They will be coming out for the big "wedding day" in May next year so they might bring some stuff with them. 


We're going to live in Longmont, CO! Well, possibly moving from Longmont later this year, but not too far away due to work and such. How about you? 


Ugghh... I keep getting really weepy and emotional lately! I can't believe it's all actually happening now. Who would've guessed this part of the wait would be the most frustrating though lol. Still no phone call! I'm hoping they are actually going to call.... my number was confirmed twice at the interview, once by the first lady and again by the interviewer.. so I'm assuming that's because they're going to give my number to the courier? Then the courier will call to confirm delivery? I arranged to have it delivered to the Warrington depot. (Uh oh... my post descended into a slight worry lol)

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 06:14:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Welcome to the final waiting party!
Guy who interviewed me said I'd prob have my visa by the end if this week! Grr. Guess as soon as they give it to the couriers it's outta their hands though.

You got a flight booked catie?


Ah the guy told me 10 working days but I'd heard people usually get them back before then. I've a flight booked for the 27th... eep! I thought that would be plenty of time. I just hope they have actually given it to the courier by now. I'm not going to let myself worry for now though... only if I haven't heard anything by say the middle of next week! For now I'm just keeping busy with packing and whatnot. Oh and stocking up on Nandos sauces for Bob haha. 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 04:58:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Hi guys,


I had my interview last Thursday too and my CEAC status says "issued" since the 13th... Hopefully some good news for us all by the end of the week! <3

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 03:09:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Ok, it's decided, I'm going to open an English tea shop when I finally move to Colorado! wink.png


Will you sell crumpets too? Please please please please!! Lol 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 15:34:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Fruit cake. I LOVE it! I asked my fiance why I couldn't find any anywhere and he said no one really likes it over there, what's that about?? Also Cadbury chocolate (Bourneville especially). My parents promised to send me a miniature hamper of food every Christmas haha. 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 14:25:00
United KingdomAt last ! Visa Approved !

Congrats!! :thumbs:

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-13 11:51:00
United KingdomCEAC/ NVC notification


catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 01:43:00
United Kingdomwhich forms do i send

Hi, I am offshore at the moment and will get a day off for my medical, whilst ashore I want to post off my forms to the embassy.


Can anyone tell me which forms I need to send, how many copies of each and the correct postal address for them. My case is on its way from NVC to embassy now but I may not get to see the instructions before I get off for my medical.

I am guessing cover letter, DS2001, DS230 parts 1 and 2? DS156, DS156K, DS157 but I am guessing. This is for K-1 visa.


Anyone have the link so I can check I have the correct version of the forms, I downloaded them a couple of months ago, maybe a bit longer.





Here is a link to the London Embassy page that lists all the forms you need to send to the embassy: http://london.usemba...processing.html


Follow this one for the links to download the forms (on the right hand side):


NOTE you only have to fill out and send in PART 1 of the DS-230 form.


Good luck! good.gif

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 01:23:00
United KingdomSorry for asking an old question...

Which documents do I need to send to the embassy? I know this is probably asked all the time, and in fact I thought I already knew from reading so many reports, but the instructions here ( are VERY unclear, and that was the link I was provided with packet 3!


It almost makes it sound like you send off your originals (obviously I know that is wrong) and one of the links explaining what documents to take is actually broken. Pretty shoddy for a government website that is supposed to be the final word on how to prepare!


From what I can understand, I need to complete these forms:


Form DS-230-Part 1

Form DS-156

Form DS-157



And send them as one package to the embassy.


And then what forms do I need for the interview?


Form DS-230-Part 2?

I know the affdavit of support one.

And DS-156K, right?


Anything I missed? Am I wrong about anything?




You send DS156, DS156K,  DS157 DS230 part 1 and DS2001 to the embassy. Don't forget the  duplicates! I sent duplicates of all except the readiness one. Oh and your cover letter  smile.png


You'll take your other docs - police and birth certificates, etc. and the I-134 with evidence - to the interview


Good luck good.gif

Edited by catie-b, 11 August 2013 - 01:01 PM.

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-11 13:00:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Just to update that my passport arrived at 12pm today (friday), my interview was tuesday, ceac changed to approved wednesday, thursday DX phoned me and it was delivered next day. So for transitional applicants don't panic! It may take a couple days extra but they are working on getting our passports back to us promptly! :)

That is great news! :)

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 09:29:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Hi catie smile.png firstly good luck for thursday!! and second, if you read this recent review of intervew it explains about someone will call to let us pay and arrange the visa delivery
xxx much love!


Thank you! I haven't read any of the reviews for a while. Thanks to both of you for clearing that little bit of confusion up for me. I have a habit of over-thinking and over-complicating things lol. 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 10:10:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Now the visa fee and courier scheduling are done together on an online system before the interview. Some people were caught in transition, meaning they paid over the phone line, got an email receipt, and we're expecting to arrange the courier at the embassy. But as of Monday 8/29, there is no courier scheduling at the embassy. The people that interviewed this week were told they would get a call to work it out because they got caught in the switch over.

Did you pay the visa fee over the phone and get an emailed receipt? If so you are one of the transition people.


Ahhh okay. I paid the visa fee and arranged to pick up my passport from the courier hub online, so I'm not one of the folks in transition. So I'm guessing I just need to take a print-out of the online confirmation for fee payment/delivery location. 


Thanks, Nich-Nick :thumbs:

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 10:06:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?


This new system  is starting to really confuse me now lol, just when I thought I had it figured out. My interview is this coming Thursday. Which phone call are you guys referring to? Do they call to tell you when the visa is being delivered?  

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 09:23:00
United KingdomDont have my Passport yet !


Me too! But I still don't trust the courier service, lol. Not resting til that visa is in my hand.


Ha, this is true. I still feel like a weight has been lifted though lol. We shall see on Monday though! dancin5hr.gif

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 08:18:00
United KingdomDont have my Passport yet !

Ohh wow! I just got a phone call and they are going to deliver it to my house on Monday! It's going to cost £8.80 (or .90, I forgot lol). I asked if it was possible to pick it up from the depot and she said no, they only deliver to peoples addresses still... 


YAY!! Good luck to you guys, hopefully you'll be getting the call today!!!

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 08:10:00
United KingdomDont have my Passport yet !

Oh god I hope it's not too much longer :( I'm about ready to go back down to London and pick it up myself! (Hmm.... is that even actually possible?? Lol) This is so frustrating!

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 08:05:00
United KingdomDont have my Passport yet !

8th August here. Still waiting! :(

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 06:25:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+


Good luck for the interview! 8 days! dancin5hr.gif


Thanks! Good luck for your medical, and I hope you get your interview super shortly after! smile.png

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 14:56:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+

PHEWWWW...... Ok that's that paid for! 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 14:43:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+


Hey i got the same message saying my email was already taken because i had set myself up with an account on the wrong type of immigration/non-immigrant. so i simply logged into the account i already had existing and changed my email adress in the settings part so that way i was able to sign up again with the email i wanted


EDIT: Heres my previous post detailing it a bit better when it was all still fresh in my mind


 I selected Non - and then it asked me for a DS 160 and in the drop down list had no mention of K visas, so I tried to register for the immigrant which DID have k visas but it said my email address was already registered to the non so i couldnt use it again (sigh). So i had to relog in to non and change my email address (to a random old email account) and only then would it let me reregister for immigrant. Then it asked me for my appointment date so i just closed the page



Ah okay. So I guess it doesn't matter to them if you register with different emails? I might register with another and see if I can pay the fee. I'll stick with the other email for the courier service as I printed out the email they sent to take to the interview (I'm assuming you take the print-out to the interview so they know where to deliver your passport to..?) Please tell me I'm not the only one completely baffled by all this lol. 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 14:28:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+

I emailed them just now via the embassy website (through the new site, I was able to register and select my DX courier hub, but was offered no further options so I could pay the MRV fee). It says they'll get back in within 5 working days. Bleh.

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 09:14:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+



1) Go here:

2) Next go to the immigrant visa applicants tab

3) Click UK english

4) At this point, and until the glitch is fixed, the only tab that properly works as it should currently is the "Apply for a K Visa".  Click this tab.

5) Put in your details for an account login along with your email address you wish to register under

6) Next step will guide you to add applicant(s), and do so for each applicant you wish to pay MRV for at that time, i.e k1, k2, etc.

7) Select the courier drop-off or home delivery if you so choose, then click continue

8) Next, will take you to the payment page, Visa or MC DEBIT only.

9) After this, it will take to payment successful and print this page.  Click continue again.

10) Next step will ask for facility, choose London, and click continue/next

11) Finally, will take you to page which will have the PIN number with applicant details.  Print this page as well.


Hopefully this helps!



Quick question... when I click on "Apply for K Visa" and enter my details, it's saying my email is already taken.. this is because I already made an account to choose my courier hub, but when I did that it gave me no option to pay the MRV fee at all, which is why I'm following these steps to try and pay it. Should I just make another account with a different email address? Ugh this is terribly confusing :/ 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 02:38:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+

Only if you want it delivered to a person other than you, like maybe your Mum at her address. That's what care of usually means.


Ah, ok thanks :)

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-28 08:46:00
United KingdomLondon K applicants to pay MRV fees through new system if interview 26th July+

Ok... I feel like this is a really daft question, but I'm stumped. I just registered and am selecting the courier hub, but who do I put under "Care of"? Do I need to put anyone? 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-28 07:38:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I just wanted to ask about something else which is niggling me a little bit. (We are both stressing a bit atm due to some of my fiance's family circumstances and it's making me worry about most things atm even if I don't need to).


People have said before about people going into AP because of connections to MENA countries. Now, I had a vacation in Egypt (Sharm-El-Sheikh) at the end of 2011 for about 9 days and there and the USA are the only places I've ever been abroad. In my passport, it has an Egyptian tourist visa in there because the dude at the airport told me and my ex if we ever wanted to tour to Cairo or anything, if we left Sharm without a tourist visa, we'd be in trouble. We just paid them £30 and that was that.


I'm not Muslim, I was not born in any MENA countries. I was born in the UK, so were my parents, grandparents, etc. Could this cause any problems?


Hi, I had the same thought as you as I visited Sharm and Cairo back in 2005, but my visa was issued with no AP so don't worry! :)

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 06:39:00
United KingdomLondon Medical Examination

Hey, I was looking for a little information on my upcoming medical exam. I was wondering if anyone could help or advise.


I noticed that part of the exam is taking height and weight and BMI and blood pressure etc. I am fairly tall. 6 foot 2 inches but am a little heavier than I should be, and my BMI is a little higher than it should be as a result. I have never had any problems that I know of with my blood pressure in the past but I was just wondering if carrying extra weight/BMI can be a reason for failing the exam?


Thanks for any insight/info.




I very much doubt that would be an issue :) They probably won't even mention anything

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 12:14:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Sorry - it's just that's the first time I've ever heard anything remotely complimentary about Tescos own brand 'food." And it amused/bemused me. That's all. :-)
But hey, if you like it..........good.gif

I had a lot of their soups and breads and actually their curries were pretty damn good too. Ah well I'm not a very picky eater!

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 11:51:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?


I really miss a lot of Tesco own brand stuff




What? A lot of their food was nicer (in my opinion) than branded stuff, and far better than supermarket brands over here... 


I really miss a lot of Tesco own brand stuff




What? A lot of their food was nicer (in my opinion) than branded stuff, and far better than supermarket brands over here... 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 11:38:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Hey Greggs cupcakes weren't toooooo bad... their sausage rolls were disgusting though - they never had any sausage in them :/

I really miss a lot of Tesco own brand stuff - their bread was delicious.. I actually don't mind the bread here as long as I don't read the ingredients first.

Thankfully there's a place in Longmont called Mike O'shays that does THE BEST fish and chips I've ever had... although no one here seems to know what mushy peas are?!

Honestly there is far too much stuff to list that I miss from home.... I'll definitely have to try ordering a few things from Amazon or somewhere good.gif It definitely makes sense to save it for a once-in-a-while treat though. Thanks, lost_at_sea. One thing that really bugs me though is that America still uses partially hydrogenated oils and other stuff which the UK doesn't any more. I did hear they were planning to phase them out though. 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-12 17:04:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?
My new favourite thread. It's been almost 6 months and I miss home terribly, the little things I took for granted. I'm having a hard time finding anywhere that sells British stuff here in Colorado, although recently I learned about "Willy's Emporium" in Colorado Springs and have yet to persuade hubs to drive me down there (about 2.5 hours away and still waiting for EAD or I'd drive there myself!).
I miss Corrie and British TV in general, and really want to try out Hola! But living out in the country with my hubs and his parents for now while we save for a down payment, so SUPER SLOW internet and a 4gb download limit shared by everyone sad.png I definitely miss my unlimited 15 quid a month mobile! And laptop keyboards with a pound symbol, ha.

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-11 18:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE sent today how long for approval?

There are no guarantees but as long as you sent in everything they requested, it shouldn't be very much longer. Good luck :)

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 10:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 London !!!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys for reply but I am still waiting for my Packet 3helpsmilie.gif


It can take 2+ weeks before they mail out packet 3. It's not something you really need to worry about though... As mentioned above you can be preparing for the interview right now, by gathering your police and birth certificates, DS- forms, etc. This is all packet 3 tells you to do. 


Here's your document checklist: http://london.usemba..._documents.html

And the forms you need to fill in: http://london.usemba...processing.html

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-25 08:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical and interview for London

Echoing what the above two have said, you won't be scheduled an interview until the embassy receives results of your medical. It's all on the London Embassy website under: Immigrant Visas > Medical Examination

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary NBC filer

Fingers crossed for everyone! The wait is so hard, but will be SO worth it :) 

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-09 14:39:00
PhilippinesOn her way!!

:) That's awesome, I get so excited for everyone at this stage in the process!! Congrats you guys!  

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-06 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsComing Home!

Congratulations! dancin5hr.gif  You filed your petition the day before my fiance posted ours, fingers crossed our NOA2 won't be far away now heart.gif

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-09 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWow! I can't beleive it.

Exciting! Congratulations to you both  dancin5hr.gif

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-10 03:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!!!!


catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-10 05:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTwo RFEs??

I just got NOA2 yesterday, been waiting over 9 months so I had to refresh my memory on what I need to do next.  Here is a great checklist to follow: http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide


The forum is great to get real life experiences, especially related to the embassy in your fiancee's country. 


Thank you!  Wow that is a long wait. I'm glad you finally got your approval though and best wishes for the two of you :)

catie-bFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-14 18:54:00