Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

ok what if your husband said "wow I love when you make that special food" would you not make it when he was working late that day or had a bad day or was super hungry.... in turn what if you said " wow I love it when I get in my car and the tank is full, the inside and outside is clean, and my favorite scent tree is hanging up" would he not make sure that is done for you? if you do for him what he loves he will do for you what you love?? I think that is what Jackie meant....


add to your list for Mohammed:

1) clean inside and outside of car
2) make sure moody's tank is filled (no comments from the peanut gallery there charles :P )

I put that example because that is on my list... pretty good huh :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:18:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

ok what if your husband said "wow I love when you make that special food" would you not make it when he was working late that day or had a bad day or was super hungry.... in turn what if you said " wow I love it when I get in my car and the tank is full, the inside and outside is clean, and my favorite scent tree is hanging up" would he not make sure that is done for you? if you do for him what he loves he will do for you what you love?? I think that is what Jackie meant....

If Jackie meant that, then why did she include in many posts that NOT doing these things for your man might effect the outcome of a marriage come the 2-year or 10-year time point? No one is debating doing nice things for your SO.

that's true... however what if before it was discussed what was expected from both persons and one person has not been keeping up with there expected part...and then close to the time that the time was expiring then the person realized they have not been keeping up with there part. Therefore they might just start doing what they discussed plus more to make up .... hehehe :yes: what do you think?

Everyone or almost everyone who has posted in this thread is either married or has been perviously.

Posted Image


Why is that a duh? Apparently she thought that a lot of the posters were still just engaged.

everyone or almost everyone.......that just about covers......everyone! :lol:

everyone or almost everyone, that has or almost has posted here, may or maynot, have or have not, been married or not married, engaged or not engaged has or have not posted here...

how is that charles??? :wacko:

:lol: :thumbs:
you work in a law office?

no but that might be the only place I have never worked.. :lol:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:17:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

Everyone or almost everyone who has posted in this thread is either married or has been perviously.

Posted Image


Why is that a duh? Apparently she thought that a lot of the posters were still just engaged.

everyone or almost everyone.......that just about covers......everyone! :lol:

everyone or almost everyone, that has or almost has posted here, may or maynot, have or have not, been married or not married, engaged or not engaged has or have not posted here...

how is that charles??? :wacko:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:11:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips
ok what if your husband said "wow I love when you make that special food" would you not make it when he was working late that day or had a bad day or was super hungry.... in turn what if you said " wow I love it when I get in my car and the tank is full, the inside and outside is clean, and my favorite scent tree is hanging up" would he not make sure that is done for you? if you do for him what he loves he will do for you what you love?? I think that is what Jackie meant....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:07:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips
Now my question is what if the man decides that he is not going to work... would that not be a ""deal breaker?""

I think it is what ever works...
If he works earns all the money then she takes care of the home
If he and she works and earns the money and they hire someone that comes in and takes care of the home
If she works and earns all the money then he takes care of the home
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-27 15:01:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

Yes and no. Many of the guys stick around for a few more years because they can put more money away, especially if the woman is paying most of the bills. Even if it is 50/50, he can save more if he stays a few extra years (not to mention possibly have meals cooked for him and a clean home). I think the jig is often up once they have a nice chunk of change & the GC.

If I end up being dumped after he acquires a nice chuck of change and the GC, I am moving to Morocco to live with his mother. :whistle:

:lol: :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-27 14:08:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

Since there are a few of us who have upcoming marriages, insha Allah, in the next month or two I thought I'd start a thread with some tips for the muslim marriage and being a good muslim wife. :) I got these from some very kind woman on an Islam board for women that I belong to.


"‘Abd al-Malik said: “When ‘Awf ibn Muhallim al-Shaybani, one of the most highly respected leaders of the Arab nobility during the jahiliyyah, married his daughter Umm Iyas to al-Harith ibn ‘Amr al-Kindi, she was made ready to be taken to the groom, then her mother Umamah came in to her, to advise her, and said:

‘O my daughter, if it were deemed unnecessary to give you this advice because of good manners and noble descent, then it would have been unnecessary for you, because you possess these qualities, but it will serve as a reminder to those who are forgetful, and will help those who are wise.

‘O my daughter, if a woman were able to do without a husband by virtue of her father’s wealth and her need for her father, then you of all people would be most able to do without a husband, but women were created for men just as men were created for them.

‘O my daughter, you are about to leave the home in which you grew up, where you first learned to walk, to go to a place you do not know, to a companion with whom you are unfamiliar. By marrying you he has become a master over you, so be like a servant to him, and he will become like a servant to you.

‘Take from me ten qualities, which will be a provision and a reminder for you.

‘The first and second of them are: be content in his company, and listen to and obey him, for contentment brings peace of mind, and listening to and obeying one’s husband pleases Allah.

‘The third and fourth of them are: make sure that you smell good and look good; he should not see anything ugly in you, and he should not smell anything but a pleasant smell from you. Kohl is the best kind of beautification to be found, and water is better than the rarest perfume.

‘The fifth and the sixth of them are: prepare his food on time, and keep quiet when he is asleep, for raging hunger is like a burning flame, and disturbing his sleep will make him angry.

‘The seventh and eighth of them are: take care of his servants (or employees) and children, and take care of his wealth, for taking care of his wealth shows that you appreciate him, and taking care of his children and servants shows good management.

‘The ninth and tenth of them are: never disclose any of his secrets, and never disobey any of his orders, for if you disclose any of his secrets you will never feel safe from his possible betrayal, and if you disobey him, his heart will be filled with hatred towards you.

‘Be careful, O my daughter, of showing joy in front of him when he is upset, and do not show sorrow in front of him when he is happy, because the former shows a lack of judgment, whilst the latter will make him unhappy.

‘Show him as much honor and respect as you can, and agree with him as much as you can, so that he will enjoy your companionship and conversation.

‘Know, O my daughter, that you will not achieve what you would like to until you put his pleasure before your own, and his wishes before yours, in whatever you like and dislike. And may Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) choose what is best for you and protect you.’”

She was taken to her husband, and the marriage was a great success; she gave birth to kings who ruled after him.

Jamaharah khutab al-'arab, 1/145"

"Ten ways to achieve lasting love:
Since marital love is prone to sickness and even death, it is imperative for couples to constantly work to revitalize and preserve it.

Husbands and wives must do the following:
1. They have to get in the habit of saying things that are positive, like offering compliments and like making little prayers for each other.

A husband could say to his wife: “If I were sent back to the days of my youth, I would not choose for a wife anyone besides you.” Of course, the wife can easily say something similar to her husband.

Affectionate words have an effect, especially on women. They have, indeed, often been the weapons used by unscrupulous men to gain access to what is not theirs.

Sweet words arouse a woman’s heart. A husband should take care to say them to his wife before someone else does.

2. Husbands and wives have to get into the habit of doing those little things that mean so much. If a man comes home to find his wife asleep, he can cover her and tuck her into bed.

A husband can give his wife a call from work just to say hello and to let her know that he is thinking about her.

If a wife finds that her husband has fallen asleep, she can give him a little kiss on the forehead, even if she thinks that he will not be aware of it. Indeed, on some level his senses are working even though he is asleep and he may very well be aware of it.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the value of these little things, “…even the morsel of food that you place in your wife’s mouth…” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

It may very well be that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was alluding to the expenditure of a man for his wife’s needs. Nonetheless, the Prophet (peace be upon him) chose to express it in the way he did for a reason. Most importantly, this is the way the Prophet peace be upon him) conducted himself with his family.

This type of behavior is governed by the tastes of the people involved. It may take some getting used to, but it really does not take a lot of effort.

A person who is not accustomed to such things may feel embarrassed just hearing about them and may prefer to leave matters the way they are rather than try to change his behavior and do things that he might see as ridiculous.

Still, we must be willing introduce new habits into our lives if we do not want our problems to go on forever.

3. The husband and wife must set aside time to talk to each other. They should talk about the past; reminisce about the good times. Talking about them keeps them fresh in our minds as if they had happened only yesterday. They should talk about the future and share their hopes and their plans. They should also talk about the present, both the good and bad of it, and discuss different ways to solve their problems.

4. Keeping close physical contact is good for the relationship. This is not just for times of intimacy, but at all times, like when sitting in the lounge or walking down the street. This is regardless of the fact that there are still men in our society who are ashamed to have people see them walking in public with their wives at their sides.

5. Emotional support should be guaranteed whenever it is required. When the wife is pregnant or on her monthly period, she may need her husband to lend her a little moral support. He should take her mental state into consideration. Medical experts attest to the fact that when women go through pregnancy, menstruation, or postpartum bleeding, they suffer from psychological stress that can aversely affect their behavior. It is at times like these that a woman needs her husband’s support. She needs him to let her know how much she means to him and how much he needs her in his life.

Likewise, the husband might fall ill or come under a lot of difficulties. The wife must take these things into consideration. If people want their relationship to last, they must let each other feel that support.

6. There have to be some material expressions of love. Gifts should be given, sometimes without there being any occasion for it, since a pleasant surprise is always welcome. A good gift is one that expresses feelings of affection. It does not have to be expensive, but it has to be appropriate for the other’s tastes and personality; something that will be cherished.

7. The husband and wife have to learn how to be more tolerant of each other and overlook one another’s shortcomings. It should become a habit to forget about the little mistakes of daily life and not even bring them up. Silence in these trivialities is a sign of noble character.

A woman said to `?’ishah: “When my husband comes home, he becomes like a cat. When he goes out, he becomes like a lion. He does not ask about what might have happened.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

Ibn Hajar explains her words as follows:
They might mean that he is very generous and tolerant. He does not make a big fuss about what goes missing of his wealth. If he brings something for the house, he does not enquire about it later on. He does not make an issue of the shortcomings that he might see at home but instead is clement and tolerant.

It is wrong to go overboard in considering the faults of others but when it comes to ourselves, keep a running account of all our good qualities.

There is a tradition that goes: “One of you sees the dust in his brother’s eyes and forgets about the dirt in his own.”

8. A husband and wife must come to an understanding when it comes to matters of mutual concern, like the raising of children, work, travel, expenses, and problems that might pose a threat to the marital relationship.

9. Husbands and wives need to do things to liven up their relationship. Each one of them can read a book or listen to a cassette that might give them some ideas on how they can revitalize their marital life and bring more meaning to it. They can vary their habits when it comes to relaxing together, dining, taking refreshments, decorating their home, and in relating to each other both openly and intimately. These are the things that keep up the excitement and interest in a relationship.

10. The relationship must be protected from negative influences that can harm it. One of the worst of these is the habit of comparing one’s spouse to others. Many men tend to compare their wives to those of other men. Some even compare them with the faces they see in magazines and on television. Women also compare their husbands with other women’s husbands in things like wealth, looks, and how many times he takes her out. All of this makes people feel bad and insufficient and it can ruin the marital relationship.

If we must compare ourselves to others, we should do so with those who have less going for them than ourselves. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Look towards those who are beneath you and do not look towards those who are above you. This is better so that you do not belittle Allah’s blessings.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

We must accustom ourselves to living in the real world and to finding contentment in what Allah has decreed for us. We should not look longingly at what others have been given. Whatever little that we have will be a lot if we utilize it well.

It is quite possible that many who speak about their marital bliss and go on boasting about their husbands and wives are untruthful in what they say. They just like to brag.

The grass often does seem greener on the other side, but only because we are not looking at it up close."

Thanks for this.... I am going to print and make little reminders for myself... it never hurts to refresh my thoughts and words....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-23 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY

My newest ebay purchase enjoying the snow..........

Posted Image

Jackie (F)

that's is super cool..... great start to my day.... thanks jackie (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-01 10:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinding Work in the US
Rachid found a job quickly... well after me showing him the applications he had to fill out, he did the rest. He was hired by a man from saudi arabia, he was super nice with Rachid :D and it was only 5 min walking from our appartment... I think you have to keep looking and you will find good people that just want a good worker....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-27 15:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

I'm planning to fatten up my husband when he gets here, insha'allah, and he knows it. Moroccan men tend to be way too thin, imo.

I agree with you. I intend to bulk mine up too (he knows it) but by going to the gym, not with McDonalds.. I want him firm, not flabby like me!

I don't try to fatten mine up with McDonalds...HE tries to fatten himself up at McDonalds! He gets a dbl chzbrgr and a mcChicken ..fries and a big azzed soda at least once a week ... and he still doesn't gain...he loses... .. I eat a salad and gain.. so unfair!

I like you kitty cat pic... he's cute (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-07 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting
[quote name='sarah and hicham' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:42 PM' post='598393']
[quote name='sarachid' post='598387' date='Dec 1 2006, 11:41 AM']
[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='598326' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:20 PM']
[quote name='sarachid' post='598045' date='Dec 1 2006, 09:26 AM']
[quote name='amal' post='596509' date='Nov 30 2006, 04:47 PM']
[quote name='wife_of_mahmoud' post='596474' date='Nov 30 2006, 04:33 PM']
[quote name='sonicliz' post='595937' date='Nov 30 2006, 02:37 PM']
Hey I didn't realize you live in SA too. Small world! Are you an Ali Baba's customer too? Or do you have somewhere better to go to that you've discovered?

Ali Baba all the way ! :thumbs: We are there at least once or twice a week. The owners are very nice... by the way they are Palestinian... from Gaza.



[quote name='amal' post='596451' date='Nov 30 2006, 06:14 PM']
... my hubbster though.. bread with everything..he'll starve if there is no bread..he won't eat a thing without it... I still haven't gotten used to it.

Ha !! We also MUST have bread at every meal, but for the opposite reason. Without it, my husband never feels full... he'll just keep eating. :P He's already like a swarm of locusts around food, so it's best to have bread available.



I wish I had that problem with mine.. He doesn't eat enough. Since he got here, he has lost around 20 lbs. He doesn't eat if I'm not at hom ewith him unless I call him from work and make him promise to eat. If he says he promises, then he has to..the man can't break a promise..

oo oo ooo 1 thing I forgot is...we were taught at a very young age some degree of etiquette. No talking with ur mouth full, do not shove food into ur mouth, SLOW DOWN FOR GODS SAKE, YOU'RE NOT IN A FIRE, don't gulp...sip... My husband was not taught a single one of these things. NOT ONE!!! He says they all eat like that there and I do distinctly remember being shocked at their table/floor manners (or the lack there of) now, there was no burping or passing gas (i was thankful for that).
Here, I constantly am telling my son to slow down and all the other things I stated above. Noor always says, let him eat.. hehe so I tell Noor he needs to slow down as well (and the other things too) We are always laughing about that. He tells me I'm too slow and I tell him he is too fast :lol:

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

Ummmm why on earth are you fattening him up? Are you going to eat him? I would be pissed if I knew someone was basically making me gain weight without me knowing. Yikes!

he told me to before he came here.... he knows ... ok if I eat what he eats I will gain weight too.. but I don't want that and he will not eat without me so I eat slower and less than him.... that was all my point... no drama here :thumbs:

[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='598373' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:34 PM']
[quote name='charlesandnessa' post='598357' date='Dec 1 2006, 11:27 AM']
[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='598326' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:20 PM']

Ummmm why on earth are you fattening him up? Are you going to eat him? I would be pissed if I knew someone was basically making me gain weight without me knowing. Yikes!
well it is winter, and maybe she wants to stay warmer :P

Shouldn't he know how he wants to be and if he wants to gain weight he can do that but adding mayo to fatten him up? That's just weird. I would think he could choose if he wanted to gain weight or not.

see my other post... I am not doing anything he is not aware of ... he asked me to help him gain some weight.... please don't try to turn my silly little post into something bad.... :no:

I am not tryin gto make it something bad. I am just saying that seems very weird to me. The reason why is because that is a very unhealthy way to gain weight using mayo cheese and cookies. That's all. :star:

As I appreciate your concern for my husband’s well being, and knowing your intentions are pure and true. You can’t possibly believe that I would deceive my husband or would I do anything to put him in any harm.
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-01 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting
[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='598326' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:20 PM']
[quote name='sarachid' post='598045' date='Dec 1 2006, 09:26 AM']
[quote name='amal' post='596509' date='Nov 30 2006, 04:47 PM']
[quote name='wife_of_mahmoud' post='596474' date='Nov 30 2006, 04:33 PM']
[quote name='sonicliz' post='595937' date='Nov 30 2006, 02:37 PM']
Hey I didn't realize you live in SA too. Small world! Are you an Ali Baba's customer too? Or do you have somewhere better to go to that you've discovered?

Ali Baba all the way ! :thumbs: We are there at least once or twice a week. The owners are very nice... by the way they are Palestinian... from Gaza.



[quote name='amal' post='596451' date='Nov 30 2006, 06:14 PM']
... my hubbster though.. bread with everything..he'll starve if there is no bread..he won't eat a thing without it... I still haven't gotten used to it.

Ha !! We also MUST have bread at every meal, but for the opposite reason. Without it, my husband never feels full... he'll just keep eating. :P He's already like a swarm of locusts around food, so it's best to have bread available.



I wish I had that problem with mine.. He doesn't eat enough. Since he got here, he has lost around 20 lbs. He doesn't eat if I'm not at hom ewith him unless I call him from work and make him promise to eat. If he says he promises, then he has to..the man can't break a promise..

oo oo ooo 1 thing I forgot is...we were taught at a very young age some degree of etiquette. No talking with ur mouth full, do not shove food into ur mouth, SLOW DOWN FOR GODS SAKE, YOU'RE NOT IN A FIRE, don't gulp...sip... My husband was not taught a single one of these things. NOT ONE!!! He says they all eat like that there and I do distinctly remember being shocked at their table/floor manners (or the lack there of) now, there was no burping or passing gas (i was thankful for that).
Here, I constantly am telling my son to slow down and all the other things I stated above. Noor always says, let him eat.. hehe so I tell Noor he needs to slow down as well (and the other things too) We are always laughing about that. He tells me I'm too slow and I tell him he is too fast :lol:

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

Ummmm why on earth are you fattening him up? Are you going to eat him? I would be pissed if I knew someone was basically making me gain weight without me knowing. Yikes!

he told me to before he came here.... he knows ... ok if I eat what he eats I will gain weight too.. but I don't want that and he will not eat without me so I eat slower and less than him.... that was all my point... no drama here :thumbs:

[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='598373' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:34 PM']
[quote name='charlesandnessa' post='598357' date='Dec 1 2006, 11:27 AM']
[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='598326' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:20 PM']

Ummmm why on earth are you fattening him up? Are you going to eat him? I would be pissed if I knew someone was basically making me gain weight without me knowing. Yikes!
well it is winter, and maybe she wants to stay warmer :P

Shouldn't he know how he wants to be and if he wants to gain weight he can do that but adding mayo to fatten him up? That's just weird. I would think he could choose if he wanted to gain weight or not.

see my other post... I am not doing anything he is not aware of ... he asked me to help him gain some weight.... please don't try to turn my silly little post into something bad.... :no:

[quote name='peezey' post='598117' date='Dec 1 2006, 11:57 AM']
[quote name='sarachid' post='598045' date='Dec 1 2006, 12:26 PM']

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

wait, are you saying to do this on purpose and he doesn't know? I'm very confused why you would do this? Why not make him pasta a couple more nights a week?

he knows c'mon it was meant to be funny...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-01 14:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

probably has seen quite a gain in his cholesterol levels too :lol:

yeah but I had to put some weight on him before the first snow fall.... :lol: he has started working out in the gym :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-01 12:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

Hey I didn't realize you live in SA too. Small world! Are you an Ali Baba's customer too? Or do you have somewhere better to go to that you've discovered?

Ali Baba all the way ! :thumbs: We are there at least once or twice a week. The owners are very nice... by the way they are Palestinian... from Gaza.



... my hubbster though.. bread with everything..he'll starve if there is no bread..he won't eat a thing without it... I still haven't gotten used to it.

Ha !! We also MUST have bread at every meal, but for the opposite reason. Without it, my husband never feels full... he'll just keep eating. :P He's already like a swarm of locusts around food, so it's best to have bread available.



I wish I had that problem with mine.. He doesn't eat enough. Since he got here, he has lost around 20 lbs. He doesn't eat if I'm not at hom ewith him unless I call him from work and make him promise to eat. If he says he promises, then he has to..the man can't break a promise..

oo oo ooo 1 thing I forgot is...we were taught at a very young age some degree of etiquette. No talking with ur mouth full, do not shove food into ur mouth, SLOW DOWN FOR GODS SAKE, YOU'RE NOT IN A FIRE, don't gulp...sip... My husband was not taught a single one of these things. NOT ONE!!! He says they all eat like that there and I do distinctly remember being shocked at their table/floor manners (or the lack there of) now, there was no burping or passing gas (i was thankful for that).
Here, I constantly am telling my son to slow down and all the other things I stated above. Noor always says, let him eat.. hehe so I tell Noor he needs to slow down as well (and the other things too) We are always laughing about that. He tells me I'm too slow and I tell him he is too fast :lol:

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-01 12:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting
we have brown recluses :(
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-30 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

we haven't gotten rid of the dog..but certain rules have definitely been met. It isn't as much of a mess as it looks... cross my heart :blush:
I could have american bread in the house but if I get it, half the loaf goes bad since now my son prefers pita bread. It isn't worth the money for me to buy my bread unless I know we are going to be having toast a lot or something. The pasta thing is the same...its not worth it to make it for just 1 (yep thats right, my son doesn't like pasta either) I have 2 very picky eaters in my house.
about the tabouli..Noor says the same can't be made from a box. I trust him on that but honestly didn't find any difference in taste between his style and the box. maybe I just don't know my tabouli :lol:
All I can say is thank God for cheese piza, chicken strips, and hamburgers. They are almost the only american foods we eat.
all the other stuff could have been lumped into a few categories ... I just lengthened them to give you all a laugh :lol: :whistle: there were definitely a LOT of things we both had to adjust to that neither of us even thought of asking before he got here........ It has been a total blast though...I love him more every day :luv:

I understand about the computer thing... the computer at home is now in french :lol: and I don't want to learn french :angry: :D ... so I do my computer work at work...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-30 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

Hicham's family is the same way about sandals. For him I think it's so that his feet don't get dirty. I think he cringes if I run out to get something from the car with bare feet.

One thing that he does and that his family did in Morocco is close the bathroom door when they are done. I am not used to doing that so now if I get up in the middile of the night or anytime really I walk towards the bathroom and see the door closed so I immediately think there is someone in there. There never is though, luckily.

One thing I have wondered about is men working when they get here. It seems that some jump right in and others aren't rushed to work. I have seen some women take second jobs and I am wondering if that is because the man isn't working or if he is but she just has 2 jobs...? Do you think that some men won't take certain jobs because they think they are better than working at wal mart or wherever?

good question ... I have had a 2nd job for about a year and half... I did it to pay off my bills... Rachid was blessed to find a job 5 min walking and really what he loves to do and was in school for in Morocco which was cooking.... I'm not going to complain about he free pasta and bread he brings home for me at night hehehe :thumbs:

Hicham's family is the same way about sandals. For him I think it's so that his feet don't get dirty. I think he cringes if I run out to get something from the car with bare feet.

One thing that he does and that his family did in Morocco is close the bathroom door when they are done. I am not used to doing that so now if I get up in the middile of the night or anytime really I walk towards the bathroom and see the door closed so I immediately think there is someone in there. There never is though, luckily.

One thing I have wondered about is men working when they get here. It seems that some jump right in and others aren't rushed to work. I have seen some women take second jobs and I am wondering if that is because the man isn't working or if he is but she just has 2 jobs...? Do you think that some men won't take certain jobs because they think they are better than working at wal mart or wherever?

ohh about the bathroom door... Rachid leaves it open for some reason but I always go behind him and shut it .. I hate it left open :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 19:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

ok how about when I went to Morocco and never gave out any money to anyone begging.... Rachid could not fully understand why I was so strick on that.... well when he came here and saw how our beggers are (in my area anyways) now he understands

You'll have to explain this since I don't live where you live. How are they?

Don't forget the satan-inspired inventions: ceiling fans, a/c, and opening windows.

ok my 2nd job is between a bar and 7-11.... it is not the best part in town... if you go to give money to the beggers and they see you have more than a dollar in your pocket they will hit you over the head and take your entire wallet.... I guess I should tell you I live in the meth capital of the world :lol: it's just not safe but in morocco I give I understand more about there...

Kansas City is the meth capital? :huh:

no Independence :lol:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 17:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

ok how about when I went to Morocco and never gave out any money to anyone begging.... Rachid could not fully understand why I was so strick on that.... well when he came here and saw how our beggers are (in my area anyways) now he understands

You'll have to explain this since I don't live where you live. How are they?

Don't forget the satan-inspired inventions: ceiling fans, a/c, and opening windows.

ok my 2nd job is between a bar and 7-11.... it is not the best part in town... if you go to give money to the beggers and they see you have more than a dollar in your pocket they will hit you over the head and take your entire wallet.... I guess I should tell you I live in the meth capital of the world :lol: it's just not safe but in morocco I give I understand more about there...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 17:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting
ok how about when I went to Morocco and never gave out any money to anyone begging.... Rachid could not fully understand why I was so strick on that.... well when he came here and saw how our beggers are (in my area anyways) now he understands
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 16:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

My husband has to wear those rubber sandals in the kitchen because there is no carpeting.

I will think of some more.

Did he actually have carpet in the kitchen before?

No, in the home in Morocco, there is a constant sandal shuffle. Off on the rugs, on in tile in between, even if it is only a few meters :lol: I guess I should have figured it would be the same here and the kitchen happens to be our barest floor.

yeah I think his family thought I was crazy walking around ALL over bare foot... I'm just to country
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 16:29:00
Middle East and North Africarahma's islam related internet finds



If you watch the VH1 special that's available on youtube and google video, it touches on this a little.

cool thanks :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-17 16:53:00
Middle East and North Africarahma's islam related internet finds

Yusuf Islam's new pop album, An Other Cup, can be heard here.

Check his song Beloved

His wisdom flowed from heaven's book
just like threaded pearls,
just like threaded pearls

He left his self to flee to God
and God sent him back to us

He was born to be the beloved-
a will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved,
he was born to guide

He prayed all his nights alone
and stars and angels sighed
and in the day he lead the way
with blazing words so bright

He was born to be the beloved-
a will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved,
he was born to be kind

He taught the people to worship
bowing to one God,
bowing to one God

His mercy stretched from East to West
to every man, woman and child

He was born to be the beloved-
a will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved,

He opened up the doors of love
for every heart parched with thirst
He was a mercy to the words
and unto the human [birds]

He was born to be the beloved-
a will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved,
he was born to guide

SubhanAllah, a pop song about the Prophet (saws). Who woulda thunk it?

I love this music but I loved him before too.... but I thought he said he was not going to do music again?
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-17 16:31:00
Middle East and North Africarahma's islam related internet finds
Rama I don't want to take over your thread but I found this....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-13 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about Morocco

So does anyone know about the guys from Tanger?

No, what?

sounds like a knock knock joke is coming... :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-07 16:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about Morocco
If you are from any city in the world and you hang out with the bad from that city then you will hear and see bad.

Rachid said that there are good people there they just have a different accent.
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-07 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCulture VS Islam

Better or worse how? In the U.S., Christmas is also a secular holiday, so it would be possible to celebrate it in that context.

The spaghetti straps and hijab thing doesn't make sense to me, but I'm not Muslim, and I could see someone interpreting the requirement differently or in the context of American culture. (E.g., if the requirement is construed as 'be more modest than the culture around you.')

That Christmas is a secular holiday makes not a lick of sense to me. If I was Christian, I would be highly insulted by that. Taking my savior and making his Holy Day like any other party holiday is a blasphemy, imo. But, then, I've never been Christian.

Just as a gentle reminder, it is Allah who judges and accepts or not as He wishes, not us. :)

Muslims are required to judge sin, as well. It is not true that Muslims cannot judge; the Quran tells us to do so when it says that believers enjoin the good and reject the evil and that we are protectors of one another. There would be no point in having Islamic law, abiding by Allah's commands, or forming an ummah based on doing justice if there was no judgement that Muslims could make upon each other. Islam is not simply a faith between you and God, but a faith that binds you to a covenent with your faith community. Only God can judge who will enter heaven, but we are intended to provide guidance to each other, and that requires making judgments about right and wrong.

that was a great point... :thumbs: and well said

In short, the notion that we are not to judge is an example of a western cultural trait that is mistaken for a tenet of Islam.

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-08 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMohamed got THE Call
Congratulations (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-07 16:59:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about AOS interview


i just get the appointement for my AOS interview ,and i really need to know everything about the interview.
i will have the interview in Houston.
plz tell me about the questions of the interview.

thank you

Hicham _Morocco

congrats on your interview... we are waiting for our interview... How long since you filled that you got your interview date??? don't forget to update your timeline... (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-11 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday... Finally!

I usually don't forward these, but this is legit:

Today, Bristol-Myers Squibb, the pharmaceutical monolith that charges
nearly $1,000 for a 30 day supply of one of its HIV/AIDS medications,
is donating $1 to the National AIDS Fund for each person who simply
visits their website and "virtually lights a candle." The tally is
near 930,579 now.

Please, please take a minute to "light a candle":

998,264 :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-08 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday... Finally!
Posted Image
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-08 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday... Finally!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i140.photobuc...hid/193278.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-08 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY!
I hate when stuff doesn't work

Posted Image
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-11 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY!
"Believe in yourself"
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i140.photobuc...ShowLetter.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

thought this was cute
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-11 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
it is awefully quite in mena today??? :unsure:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-13 16:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
me next 64055
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-13 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY, fried eh?
Posted Image

I have the night off...yeahhh but what to do???

Happy friday guys...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-15 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt is time
Posted Image

congratulations.... just in time for new years... your honey to kiss at midnight yeahhh

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-15 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims and pork

Why do we question something that Allah has commanded? :huh:

Because it's a person telling us God has commanded it. Most of the suffering in the world is visited upon us by men of God saying "it is God's will".

what exactly is your point here??
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-15 12:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims and pork

It was said earlier in a post that if you don't question authority then you're just following along blindly. In this case since it is the command of Allah then HE is the authority that you are questioning, which I think is a dangerous thing to question Allah. I do understand the reason for the question as to someone wondering why Muslims don't eat pork, however what I do find a bit uncomfortable for me is the thread carried on with theories of why we don't eat pork. We can wonder all day as to the reason why Allah has commanded something but the bottom line is that it is a command, that is the point I was trying to make. Please do forgive me if my question was taken the wrong way. However in saying that, I would like to post a reminder and say that insha'Allah we will never go beyond the limits of Islam.

Abû Hurayrah relates that he heard Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say: “Whatever I prohibit you from doing, refrain from it, and whatever I command you to do, do of it what you are able. Those who came before you only perished on account of their excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their Prophets.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

“Whoever obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 80]

“Whatever the Messenger gives you take it, and whatever he forbids you abstain from it.” [Sûrah al-Hashr: 7]

Allah says: “O you who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the Qur'ân is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 101]

great post :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-15 10:47:00